WWE Raw Report CALDWELL'S WWE RAW RESULTS 11/24: Complete "virtual-time" coverage of live Raw - S. Series fall-out, Authority's farewell, D-Bryan as GM for the Night, computer virus ends Raw, more
Nov 24, 2014 - 10:05:48 PM
WWE Raw TV Results
November 24, 2014 - Episode #1,121
Live in Indianapolis, Ind.
Report by James Caldwell (@JCTorch), PWTorch assistant editor
- The Card: Survivor Series PPV fall-out, The Authority's farewell address opening Raw, the Board of Directors (not John Cena) choosing a GM for the night, Big Show explains why he KO Punched John Cena in the PPV main event, The Miz & Damien Sandow vs. Rhodes Bros. for the Tag Titles, comedian Larry the Cable Guy guest-starring, and more to be announced.
Live Raw on USA Network
Raw opened with a video package on Sting. Very artistic black & white theme with images flashing across the screen and no voices. The sound of a crow led to Michael Cole celebrating the start of a new era in WWE. Then, Triple H's music played to bring out Hunter and Stephanie McMahon for their farewell address.
Out came Hunter and Stephanie with frowns instead of their customary heel smiles. The duo stayed on the stage as Cole noted both only have desk jobs at WWE HQ and can no longer affect the fate of WWE wrestlers because Team Cena beat Team Authority at Survivor Series thanks to Sting.
Hunter and Steph eventually entered the ring and waited out various catcalls, chants, and boos. In the ring, Steph noted they expected this kind of reaction. More boos. Because none of them know the meaning of the word "respect." None of them understand the courage it takes to come out here and be a leader. "To stand in the face of all of this adversity and accept responsibility for your actions," Steph said.
Steph pouted that Team Authority would have won last night except for one man - one man who had never set foot in a WWE ring. And that man is of course ... Sting. She held her nose as she said her name. And because of Sting, The Authority is out of power. And, also, because of Vince McMahon, the only person who can re-instate The Authority is ... John Cena.
Steph said they stand here not as losers, but as leaders. And winners. Because they still have their corporate responsibilities. And they have each other. Hunter whispered something in Steph's era. She teared up. She said she hopes they enjoy Thanksgiving with their families ... she cracked up. "You love this, doncha?" Hunter asked the crowd. "Yes!" chants from the crowd. Steph asked what kind of people they are. Hunter said they're bullies. The crowd laughed.
Hunter told the crowd to be careful what they wish for ... because he knows that no one can handle that power. Hunter said they live in a universe governed by the laws of finance, commerce, supply & demand. And in order to ensure that those things get taken care of, it takes a leader who does what's best for business. So, who's going to make those decisions now? John Cena? Dolph Ziggler? Oh, maybe it's Sting.
Hunter addressed Sting. He said he's not sure why Sting decided to come here and stick his painted face in their business. Maybe he wanted to stand in the ring with him for 30 seconds to make his career relevant. Boos and oohs. Hunter said whatever the reason was, it will be his last appearance ever in a WWE ring. Hunter gave this place two, three weeks at best to stand on its own without them. Hunter said they have a greater responsibility than anyone could fathom. "Boring" chants from the crowd. Hunter said the things they did for all of the people - while seemingly cruel and sadistic - are what it takes to make WWE thrive.
Red-faced Hunter shouted that without The Authority, there is no Cena, Ziggler, Ryback, or the fans. Boos. Hunter calmed down and sarcastically asked the crowd what they're going to do on a Monday night when Raw doesn't exist. He wished them good luck wallowing in their own personal failures. Hunter said they are going to leave now. Cheers. Steph sold with tears, then Hunter said they will beg for them to come back.
Suddenly, Daniel Bryan's music played. Out came an injured Daniel Bryan returning to TV for the first time in months to add to the party. Hunter and Steph sold about to lose their minds as Bryan entered the ring doing the "Yes!' right in their faces. Bryan smiled as Hunter seethed and tried to keep himself calm. Hunter hit the ring apron, so Bryan did "Yes!" chants right in Hunter's face. Hunter eventually backed off the ring apron and left with Stephanie.
Bryan then left the ring, jogged half-way down, and did "Yes!" right in front of Hunter. All the way up the entrance ramp. Hunter kept walking, so Bryan did "Yes!" in front of Stephanie. She dejectedly walked off. Bryan sold not understanding why they were so upset. Hunter and Steph eventually left to the back as Bryan celebrated in the ring. JBL complained about Raw never being the same as Raw cut to break.
[Q2] [Commercial Break at 8:14]
Daniel Bryan Books Raw
Back from break, Daniel Bryan was still in the ring leading "Yes!" chants. Bryan said it feels good to be in this ring tonight. Bryan added that it felt good to kick The Authority out of the ring. But, what about Team Authority? Bryan said he's been in charge of running Raw tonight. He said Triple H thinks Raw will be done in 2-3 weeks, but with his small amount of power tonight, he would like to make things right.
Bryan asked Team Authority to come out. Out came Seth Rollins, followed by Kane, Mark Henry, U.S. champion Rusev, IC champion Luke Harper, and managers Lana, Mercury, and Noble. Bryan said he's not a spiteful man like The Authority, so he won't be stripping anyone of titles or creating unfair matches. So, Seth Rollins, you're up first. He said he's going to put Rollins in a handicap match against John Cena and the man who ended The Authority, Dolph Ziggler. So, it will be --- Rollins tried to interrupt, but his mic didn't work.
Rollins shouted back to Bryan that in the big picture, he is still the future of this company. And there is nothing he can do about that. But, he's curious - what's the match? Maybe Hornswoggle & El Torito? JBL & Michael Cole? Bryan said he's not teaming Rollins up with anyone, as the audience will get to choose via WWE App vote. He said he's going to give the people some really good choices - Henry & Harper, Henry & Kane ... or, his under-sized henchmen, Mercury & Noble. "And voting starts right now!" Bryan shouted. Rollins said they're not even real security. Noble took offense. Bryan told them to leave.
And this brought Bryan to his old buddy Corporate Kane. He said if he were in charge, he would make sure Kane is no longer Director of Operations. Wait, he is in charge. But, he doesn't want to fire Kane in this economy. So, Kane's new title should be Director of Food & Beverage. And he will now be Concessions Kane. Bryan requested a tray and a hair net. And out came a stagehand with a tray of hot dogs, popcorn, and peanuts. No hairnet, though. Kane held the tray away from his body as if he were carrying a bag of dirty diapers. Bryan told him to go sell, sell, sell.
And now for the U.S. champion, Rusev. Bryan said he feels like that Rusev being U.S. champion should be a little more patriotic. He said this all changes tonight. Option 1 - Rusev competes in a company-wide battle royal for the U.S. Title where he will be in the ring with every other WWE star. Or, Option 2 - he comes down to the ring with a big U.S.A. flag in the background and he recites to everyone the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America. Rusev freaked out on-stage. "U-S-A" chants from the crowd. Lana shouted this down from the stage, then Rusev stomped off and Lana followed.
And now for his bearded brethren Luke Harper. He told Harper he's going to be fighting for himself and he thinks Harper needs a good opponent for the IC champion. Perhaps the lunatic fringe, Dean Ambrose. Harper's eyes bugged out on-stage. Harper took his cue to leave.
And now for Mark Henry, who tried to leave with Harper. But, Bryan called him back. Bryan said a big guy asked him for a favor - he wants to avenge his loss at WrestleMania two years ago. And that man is The Ryback. So, of course, his answer was "Yes!" Bryan said he's making that match happen because he's running Raw. "Because that's what I do!" Bryan shouted. He added that that match is happening now.
[Q3] Henry walked toward the ring wanting a piece of Bryan, but Ryback charged down to the ring and posted Mark Henry. Ryback smashed Henry over and over into the guardrail, then refs stormed down to ringside to pull Ryback off Henry.
[Commercial Break at 8:31]
Back from break, Henry was stumbling around the ring after the pre-match attack from Ryback. Henry, the heel, valiantly requested the match to start, so the ref reluctantly called for the bell. Ryback picked Henry apart, then nailed the Meathook Clothesline. It was good for the pin and the win. Afterward, Henry kind of rolled out of the ring to sell the effects of another bad night at the office as Ryback celebrated on the way out.
WINNER: Ryback at 0:54.
Backstage: Cameras caught up to Triple H escorting Stephanie McMahon down the hallway to their get-away vehicle. There to meet them was Mr. McMahon. Stephanie whimpered that she's sorry they let him down. McMahon said he's not an angry man, but he's disappointed in them. He said he set up insurmountable odds because that's what they have to face in the corporate world. And they failed. And, he hates the word "sorry." He told them they have to find a way to fix this. McMahon said the only thing he's sorry about is having to spend Thanksgiving with the two of them. Steph continued to whimper, then Vince shooed her into the limo. Hunter continued to frown, then he slowly walked to the other side of the limo and got inside. The limo drove off... and did not explode. Cut to break.
[Commercial Break at 8:39]
In-ring: Dean Ambrose's music played to bring out Ambrose dressed for competition. As Ambrose entered the ring, the announcers talked about Ambrose vs. Bray Wyatt at Survivor Series last night. The re-match will be TLC in three weeks at the TLC PPV. Luke Harper was out next to defend the Intercontinental Title against Ambrose. As Harper completed his entrance, WWE plugged Bray Wyatt appearing on Stone Cold's podcast this week.
2 -- IC champion LUKE HARPER vs. DEAN AMBROSE -- Intercontinental Title match
Take a moment to breathe in Brodie Lee vs. Jon Moxley for WWE gold on Raw. "Let's Go Ambrose" chant once the bell sounded. Back-and-forth, then Ambrose knocked Harper to the floor and splashed him on the outside heading to break.
[Commercial Break at 8:49]
Back from break, Harper was working on a headlock while the audience was pre-occupied with something happening in the crowd. A chant broke out as the wrestlers tried to get the focus back on them. Harper continued to control the match, including whipping Ambrose back-first into the guardrail on the outside. Suddenly, Dean exploded on Harper with a clothesline on the floor.
Back in the ring, Dean jabbed Harper with lefts and rights before knocking him down repeatedly. Corner attack, then a small package for a two count. Ambrose followed with an attack as Harper was hung up in the ropes, then he nailed a leg drop from the second rope for another nearfall. Repeated chops and punches followed. But, Harper responded with a Black Hole Slam for a two count.
"Let's Go Ambrose" chant from the crowd. Champ and Challenger battled on the top turnbuckle, then Ambrose headbutted Harper down to the mat. Ambrose followed with a top-rope elbow drop as Harper stood up, but only got a two count.
[Q5 -- second hour] Ambrose nailed a big clothesline, but Harper kicked out again. Harper then rolled to the floor, grabbed his title belt, walked past Sign Guy on the front row, and tried to leave, but Ambrose went after him with a suicide dive through the ropes. Back in the ring, Harper blocked Dirty Deeds by shoving Ambrose into the referee. The ref called for the bell, ending the match.
WINNER: Ambrose via DQ at 14:33; Harper retained the IC Title. It never really felt like the title was in jeopardy; the only question was how they would get out of a finish.
Post-match, Ambrose sold frustration for a few moments before KO'ing Harper and retrieving a steel chair. Dirty Deeds into the chair. The crowd chanted for a table, so Ambrose obliged by going under the ring. Except, he grabbed a ladder first, then he grabbed a table. Ambrose slid the weapons into the ring, but Bray Wyatt came through the crowd to sneak up on Ambrose with an attack on the floor.
Wyatt delivered Sister Abigail into the padded floor, then chucked Dean over the announce table. Bray cleared the announcers from their position, then Wyatt stacked chairs on top of Ambrose. Bray stood on top of the announce table declaring victory in this battle as Dean tried to wiggle out from underneath a pile of chairs at the announce position. Good start to Chapter 2 of the Dean-Bray feud.
[Commercial Break at 9:05]
Vignette: Big E. is bring forth A New Day.
In-ring: Lilian Garcia introduced the stars of WWE Studios's Christmas movie, a returning Santino Marella and guest star Larry the Cable Guy. Out came Santino flanked by Larry dressed in a mask, no shirt, and camo cargo shorts. JBL said he looks like Vader. Santino formally introduced Larry, who said he's ready to 'rassle. Santino said they're not here to wrestle. Moving on. Santino and Larry went back-and-forth talking wrestling, including Jerry Lawler's elbows. Larry name-dropped "Stone Cold" Steve Austin to get his first reaction, noting he would be Stone Cold Creamery if he were a wrestler.
Suddenly, the Rhodes Bros.'s music interrupted. Out came Goldust and Stardust to dance around Larry, intimidating him off the stage. The former tag champs hit the ring for their Tag Title re-match.
[Q6] [Commercial Break at 9:15]
Back from break, The Miz came out with the WWE Tag Title belts, while Damien Sandow came out holding replica title belts. Once everyone was in the ring, Lilian Garcia formally introduced the Tag Title match. Boos for Miz and cheers for Sandow before the bell sounded.
Miz quickly went for the spot teasing a tag to Sandow, drawing light cheers. Cody cut off the tag, though, and attacked Miz. Sandow entered the ring, took a blow to the lower extremities from Goldust, and Goldust chucked Sandow out of the ring. The challengers worked over Miz as the crowd picked up a "We Want Sandow" chant. Cody cleared Miz to the floor as the back-up QB sold on the floor with Miz heading to break.
[Commercial Break at 9:23]
Back from break, Cody and Miz continued to battle in the ring. Miz made his way across the ring to tag in Sandow, who nailed Miz's Reality Check on Cody. Sandow fired up the crowd, but Goldust provided a distraction that allowed Cody to neck-snap Sandow. Meanwhile, the ringside medic checked on Miz, who was selling an injury on the outside. Miz continued to sell the injury, leaving Sandow without a partner.
[Q7] Cody and Goldust worked over Sandow with frequent tags, but Sandow came back with the figure-four leglock on Cody. On commentary, Cole said he applied it better than Miz. Cody teased tapping out, but Goldust entered the ring and kicked Sandow in the head. Suddenly, Miz reached into the ring and tagged Sandow's foot. Miz surprised Cody with the Skullcrushing Finale, then pinned him for the win. Cole complained about Sandow doing all the work while Miz was "injured" on the outside, then taking all the glory.
WINNERS: Miz & Sandow at 10:10 to retain the Tag Titles. The crowd wasn't really into Sandow once he had to sell for an extended period of time, like a popular back-up QB finally getting in the game and throwing a few incompletions. The bit is still a work in progress if the long-term plan is turning Sandow face.
Still to come: Cena & Ziggler vs. Seth Rollins & two partners voted on the App. Jamie Noble & Joey Mercury are officially going by J&J Security. Sounds like a sketchy LLC.
[Commercial Break at 9:33]
Somewhere: Kane was at a make-shift concessions area, where neatly-arranged nachos, popcorn, and beverages were waiting for him. A peppy female manager then entered the shot to give Kane his marching orders. No spills, no crumbs, no burning things. Kane seethed as the manager continued to over-act as she berated him.
In-ring: U.S. champion Rusev and Lana, representing Russia, were in the ring. Lana said America is not fair. "What kind of country imposes its will on other people?" Lana asked. Lana was too distraught, so Rusev spoke about not being brainwashed by these dumb people. Rusev said it's time to go. So, Daniel Bryan appeared on the video screen to warn them about doing the Pledge of Allegiance or putting the U.S. Title on the line against everyone on the roster. And, to ensure this happens, he has brought in someone to supervise Rusev.
Out came Sgt. Slaughter to a strong reaction. Slaughter entered the ring and called for a big American flag to drop from the ceiling. "U-S-A" chant from the crowd as Rusev and Lana complained. Slaughter led them in the Pledge of Allegiance, but Rusev refused. Lana thought about it and muttered the opening line. "I pledge allegiance," Lana stammered. "To the flag," Slaughter told her twice. "To ..." Lana said. "the flag." Rusev told Lana not to say the next part "of the United States of America."
[Q8] Rusev helped Lana out of the ring, then approached Slaughter to potentially inflict punishment, but Slaughter removed his hat and out came Jack Swagger, flanked by Zeb Colter. And, back to Rusev vs. Swagger three ladder rungs ago. In the ring, Rusev beat down Swagger, but Swagger responded with a bodyslam into the Patriot Lock. Rusev slipped out of the ring, though, and recovered on the floor with Lana. Swagger's music played as he checked on Slaughter. "We The People!" from Swagger, Colter, and Slaughter. So, no battle royal?
Ringside: Cole, Lawler, and JBL recapped events on the show.
[Commercial Break at 9:47]
Somewhere: Kane struggled to work the cash register. Some kids received their popcorn and sodas, then Santino and Larry the Cable Guy approached Kane for a hot dog with heavy mustard. Kane squirted mustard all over Santino, then handed the hot dog to Larry, noting that he's a big fan. Santino broke the fourth wall acknowledging the camera, then Kane went back to grimacing.
In-ring: Justin Gabriel was in the ring for singles action. Cole said it's time for the re-debut of Fandango. Rosa Mendes did her salsa dance in the ring, then Fandango ran into the ring to dance with Rosa.
4 -- FANDANGO (w/Rosa Mendes) vs. JUSTIN GABRIEL
Fandango aggressively back-elbowed Gabriel as literally five people in the crowd tried to get the "Fandango'ing" tune going. Not a pleasant sound. Fandango continued to dominate, then he ended "C-M Punk" chants with a top-rope leg drop for the pin and the win. Cue up the Latin music as Lawler noted he's not focused on Fandango, but Rosa.
WINNER: Fandango at 1:48. Night 2 wasn't much better than Night 1 at Survivor Series. What emotion are they going for here?
Last Night: Big Show turned his back on John Cena by KO Punching the captain of Team Cena against Team Authority. Show was shown shaking hands with Triple H, which Cole noted kind of back-fired since The Authority lost.
Backstage: Big Show did over-the-top mean faces before intimidating low-level production assistants with his fist. Show scowled like a big meanie and kept walking down the hallway. He explains himself next.
[Commercial Break at 9:57]
[Q9 -- third hour] Back from break, WWE showed members of the city's football team ringside.
Tomorrow on Main Event: Dean Ambrose vs. Kane in a singles match.
Big Show Mulligan
In-ring: Big Show was introduced to the ring now doing a big, fake smile. Show, dressed in a suit, marched down to the ring and requested a mic. Show smiled toward the crowd and said he wants to make sure they're all cool. "No!" the crowd shouted. Show said he saw some things online and saw reactions backstage, so now people think he's a "bad guy."
Show said he's not a bad guy, just a human being who made a mistake. Boos. Show said everyone makes mistakes, guys. The crowd wasn't very sympathetic. Show said he despised The Authority, who took his job, took his house, and forced him to do horrible things to people he respects. People like Daniel Bryan. Major kissing up to the GM of the night trying to get out of his punishment.
Show said he has a medical condition that makes him freakishly powerful. But, on the inside, he has feelings, fears, and a family. Show teared up and said last night at Survivor Series, he panicked and made a snap decision. He surveyed the scene - Dolph Ziggler was KO'ed, John Cena could barely get to his feet, and three fresh men were opposite him - and in that moment, he thought his team would lose. Show said he knows it was wrong now, so he would like everyone to forgive him. Boos.
Show said he gets it - the crowd comes to the show wanting to cheer and boo, but this is serious. Boos. "I am a good person!" Show shouted. Show said if he could do it over again, knowing how things were going to turn out, he wouldn't have done what he did. You believe that, right? "No!" the crowd shouted. Show then turned this on the crowd, saying he's been putting his body on the line for 20 years for their entertainment, so he thinks they should give him a mulligan.
Show paused for the crowd to give him the mulligan, but they chanted, "You Sold Out." Show turned mad, saying it's so nice that they pass judgment on him when they have nothing - nothing! - on the line. Show growled about this being his life. He said he hears the whispers - "Big Show is a traitor." He declared that he is not a traitor, he is the Big Show, and he deserves respect.
You want to boo? Show said he hears "those cowards" in the locker room whispering about him being a traitor. He challenged the locker room to come say it to his face. After a pause, Erick Rowan's Japanese theme music played. Show laughed to himself as Rowan walked down to the ring. Show said this guy is the upside-down Sheamus. He gets it if John Cena showed up, but Rowan has nothing to say to him. Show mocked him, noting he's so big and brave showing up without his little stuffed kitty-kat.
This brought Rowan into the ring. Show told him in a normal voice that this ring is made for men. A light "Erick Rowan" chant started, so Show backed up to let the chant build a little. Show then re-approached Rowan, telling him he has no place being out here. Rowan removed the sheep mask to address Show. "I don't like bullies," Rowan said, then punched him in the gut. Rowan big-booted Show, clearing Show from the ring. Show ranted and raved at ringside, then cleared the ring steps. Show had enough and decided to bail to the back as Rowan's theme played.
Still to come: Cena & Ziggler vs. Seth Rollins & fan-voted teammates.
Locker Room: Seth Rollins was on his phone. Joey Mercury and Jamie Noble walked in, prompting Rollins to stand up, tower over them via juxtaposition, and note they don't exactly measure up to his other potential partners. Dolph Ziggler walked in and said he has so much confidence in Noble & Mercury that he told his 1.4 million Twitter followers to vote for them. J&J got excited, then turned around to find Rollins selling massive frustration.
Next Monday: "Stone Cold" Steve Austin hosts Vince McMahon on Austin's podcast following Raw on WWE Network.
[Q10] [Commercial Break at 10:14]
Last Night: Brie Bella gave A.J. Lee the Kiss of Death, allowing Nikki Bella to capture the Divas Title in 33 seconds.
In-ring: Nikki and Brie were in the ring. WWE flashed a tweet from Kris Jenner of the Kardashians congratulating Nikki on her title win. Not exactly a good character endorsement, but Nikki is a heel, so there's that. A.J. Lee was introduced to the ring as Brie's opponent.
Before the match, A.J. had something to say on the mic. A.J. mocked Nikki for not being a real champion, then told Brie "let'sbohonest" by noting Brie is an even bigger skank than her sister. So, how do they balance babyface GM Daniel Bryan and Brie Bella on the same show tonight?
5 -- A.J. LEE vs. BRIE BELLA (w/Divas champion Nikki Bella)
The announcers tried to sort out why Brie Bella came to her sister's aid last night and seems to have repaired their relationship. Brie and Nikki worked together to subdue A.J. on the outside early on, then Brie worked on A.J. back in the ring. A.J. came back with a Thesz Press, but Nikki yanked A.J.'s arm across the top rope behind the ref's back. Brie then pinned A.J. for the win.
WINNER: Brie at 3:24. By the way, Nikki has broken the "rule" about "Total Divas" cast members not being Divas champion.
Post-match, A.J. took the mic and stormed back into the ring. A.J. said it takes two Bella Twins to be the champion around here. But, two of them do not even come close to being half the woman she is. A.J. said they can cheat or kiss their way to the title, but it's about time to break it to them that talent is not sexually transmitted. Nikki and Brie mean-mugged on the stage as A.J. caught her breath in the ring.
Still to come: Cena & Ziggler vs. Rollins & his App-voted partners, as set up by Daniel Bryan.
[Commercial Break at 10:25]
Back from break, Adam Rose's music was playing in the arena. The Bunny danced around ringside, then approached Larry the Cable Guy and Santino, who were both at the commentary position. Bunny danced with Santino and Larry, drawing over Rose, who threw Bunny into the ring.
Rose spent the first 30 minutes trying to keep The Bunny in line. Eventually, Rose tagged in the rabbit, who squared off against Kidd. Bunny ducked a clothesline, then strutted like Ric Flair. Bunny knocked down Kidd, double-stomped Kidd in the corner, and did his air hump dance move. Kidd had enough and delivered a big kick to the face. Kidd continued to smash The Bunny as Natalya politely asked for a tag. Kidd obliged, bringing in Natalya, who checked on The Bunny.
Kidd didn't appreciate Natalya playing nice with their opponent, so he tagged himself back in. Bunny used the exchange to reach his corner to tag in Rose to battle Kidd. Bunny then blindly pulled down Rose's foot, thinking he was pulling down Kidd's foot. Kidd pinned Rose for the win. The Bunny celebrated, thinking his team won, but he heard Kidd's music and realized they lost. Post-match, Bunny tried to explain himself to Rose, who sat in the ring selling disbelief.
WINNERS: Kidd & Natalya at 3:08.
Backstage: Renee Young caught up to Ryback for a few thoughts. Ryback said he's really hungry and it's almost Thanksgiving. Ryback asked Renee if she knows where a good concession stand is, laughed to himself, and walked off.
[Commercial Break at 10:35]
Vignette: Big E., Kofi Kingston, and Xavier Woods - "together" can create greatness and overcome all obstacles that stand in their way. The time is now, the moment is here, to create a new day. It's next Monday on Raw.
Concession Stand: Ryback approached Kane to place his order - two cans of tuna fish, a protein shake, and a big bag of beef jerky. Kane said he's fresh out of everything, so how about a hot dog? Kane threw the wiener at Ryback, who shoved the table into Kane and sprayed him with ketchup. Ryback then grabbed a bag of peanuts. "Hey, Kane, you forgot your nuts, stupid!" he shouted. Lots of sexual innuendos and food tonight.
Backstage: John Cena and Dolph Ziggler joined Renee Young for an interview. Cena said once he woke up from Big Show's actions, he realized Dolph Ziggler, alone, beat The Authority. Ziggler said he vowed to win with every last breath in his body. But, they still needed a miracle, and that man was Sting. Cena laughed and said it was because of Ziggler and Sting. Cena excitedly said the power lies with them, Daniel Bryan, and the fans. He said the show is about to be stolen.
Still to come: Cena & Ziggler vs. Rollins and his partners.
[Commercial Break at 10:43]
[Q12] Announcers: Cole, Lawler, and JBL were shown on-camera to hype Smackdown. Cole plugged Miz TV with special guest Big Show this Friday.
In-ring: Dolph Ziggler was introduced first for the main event. Cole and Lawler hyped Ziggler's big performance in the Survivor Series main event, then John Cena's music played to bring out Ziggler's tag partner. Cena hyped the crowd, then Daniel Bryan's music played to bring out tonight's GM.
Bryan led the crowd in "Yes!" chants before entering the ring to handshake Ziggler and Cena. Bryan took the mic to say first he would like to introduce one of Cena/Ziggler's opponents, Seth Rollins. Rollins walked out alone holding the MITB briefcase. After Rollins stopped half-way down the ramp, Bryan unveiled the result of the App vote ... 93 percent for J&J Security. Rollins sold concern after seeing the landslide result. For the record, Harper & Henry got 4 percent and Kane & Henry got 3 percent.
Noble and Mercury, still in their work clothes, jogged down to ringside selling excitement over getting a chance to wrestle tonight. Rollins trued to get everyone organized, then gave Noble instructions to take his tie off. JBL noted Noble is a former Cruiserweight champion. Cole said it was a decade ago and time has passed.
Cena started things off against Noble, who got a light "Jamie Noble" chant. Cena ducked his head to give Noble the first shot with a headlock. Noble excitedly worked the headlock, then Noble and Mercury got outsmarted by Cena. JBL said they're just a little rusty. Rollins told Noble to get it together as Raw cut its final break.
[Commercial Break at 10:54]
Back from break, Rollins had control of Cena in the heel corner. Cena made it to his corner to tag in Ziggler, who took a beating from Rollins. Noble and Joey played scrappy pitbulls smashing Ziggler into the barricade on the outside before rolling Ziggler back into the ring for Rollins to get in more work.
[Q13 -- over-run] Noble entered and worked a headlock in his dress shirt, dress pants, and dress shoes. It would be nice if the announcers stressed Noble & Mercury at even more of a disadvantage because they were not in wrestling gear to protect the idea of wrestlers needing to wear proper attire to compete in the ring. But, Cena, in his cargo shorts and running shoes, tagged into the match, so there's that. The action broke down with all five men in the ring, then Ziggler and Cena reversed Noble and Mercury into each other. Cena and Ziggler made a double cover as Rollins sold frustration on the outside.
Post-match, Cena and Ziggler called Rollins into the ring to keep the fight going, but Rollins backed up the entrance ramp... only to find Daniel Bryan, who sent Rollins into the ring. Superkick from Ziggler and AA from Cena. Bryan then entered the ring to celebrate with Ziggler and Cena.
WINNERS: Cena & Ziggler at 10:05. Basic, feel-good deal for Cena & Ziggler to celebrate with a clean win on Raw after Survivor Series.
Suddenly, the mystery Raw GM computer noise played in the arena. Hornswoggle? At ringside was the podium, which the announcers completely ignored the presence of, apparently. Michael Cole said he's just received an email from the anonymous Raw GM. Which is Hornswoggle. JBL threw his pen in the air to sell being over this whole situation.
Cole approached the laptop at the podium to read an email interrupting this "joyous celebration." Cole said that next Monday is Cyber Monday and order & disciple will return to Raw. The GM noise played again, then again, then again like a bad computer virus taking over the screen. Cole said he can't stop this as Cena smirked at Cole and requested he stop this. Raw simply faded out with the GM noise playing and no mention of Hornswoggle being the mystery GM...
So, nothing tonight about John Cena finally getting a fair title shot? This was the week for Cena to bring up being #1 contender, but the WWE Title has apparently disappeared, so it wasn't even mentioned. Sure, they don't want to bring up the champ, Brock Lesnar, if he's not going to be on the show, but they could at least plant the seed for Cena getting the title shot.
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PWTorch editor Wade Keller has covered pro wrestling full time since 1987 starting with the Pro Wrestling Torch print newsletter. PWTorch.com launched in 1999 and the PWTorch Apps launched in 2008.
He has conducted "Torch Talk" insider interviews with Hulk Hogan, The Rock, Steve Austin, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Eric Bischoff, Jesse Ventura, Lou Thesz, Jerry Lawler, Mick Foley, Jim Ross, Paul Heyman, Bruno Sammartino, Goldberg, more.
He has interviewed big-name players in person incluiding Vince McMahon (at WWE Headquarters), Dana White (in Las Vegas), Eric Bischoff (at the first Nitro at Mall of America), Brock Lesnar (after his first UFC win).
He hosted the weekly Pro Wrestling Focus radio show on KFAN in the early 1990s and hosted the Ultimate Insiders DVD series distributed in retail stories internationally in the mid-2000s including interviews filmed in Los Angeles with Vince Russo & Ed Ferrara and Matt & Jeff Hardy. He currently hosts the most listened to pro wrestling audio show in the world, (the PWTorch Livecast, top ranked in iTunes)
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