WWE Raw Report CALDWELL'S WWE RAW RESULTS 4/21: Complete "virtual-time" coverage of live Raw - Return of the Champ leads to injury angle, IC Title #1 contender tourney continues
Apr 21, 2014 - 10:10:26 PM
WWE Raw TV Results
April 21, 2014 - Episode #1,090
Live in Baltimore, Md.
Aired on USA Network
Report by James Caldwell (@JCTorch), PWTorch assistant editor
WWE Network Pre-Game Show
- On the Raw pre-show was Josh Mathews with Booker T, Dolph Ziggler, and Alex Riley. They hyped new WWE World Hvt. champion Daniel Bryan returning to Raw and Booker noted Bryan is vulnerable coming off his honeymoon. No mention of Bryan's father dying in the opening discussion.
- After a review of Evolution re-forming last week on Raw, the panel discussed Evolution vs. The Shield heading into Extreme Rules. Next up was a discussion of Hugh Jackman guest-starring on Raw next week, then John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt was discussed. They reviewed Cena's Photoshop exhibit on the Wyatts last Monday, prompting Riley to ask for Cena to take someone seriously. Mathews called it mind games, while Booker said it shows he's confident.
- Next was a discussion of "Big Red Monster" Kane returning to Raw tonight to greet Daniel Bryan. Then, a review of the IC Title #1 contender tournament setting up Cesaro vs. Rob Van Dam and Sheamus vs. Bad News Barrett in the semi-finals tonight. Backstage, Renee Young brought in Sheamus to discuss the tournament and wanting to become IC champion.
Live Raw on USA Network
Raw opened with a video package on the end of last Monday's Raw when The Shield faced 11 mid-card heels as a set up for Triple H to bring back Evolution with Randy Orton and Batista.
Live in the arena, Michael Cole introduced the show before Daniel Bryan's music played to a huge reaction. Out came Bryan looking toward the ceiling to acknowledge his deceased dad before Yes!ing down to the ringside area. brie Bella was already in the ring waiting for her new husband. Bryan entered the ring displaying both the WWE World Title and WWE Title before joining Brie for a "Yes!" celebration with the crowd. Bryan sold the moment with tears as the announcers ignored why Bryan was crying.
Stephanie McMahon's music interrupted to bring out Stephanie with a big, fake heel smile for the new married couple. Steph flashed the fake smile to Bryan on the way to the corner of the ring to grab a mic. The crowd booed over Steph as she congratulated Bryan and Brie on their new marriage. Steph disingenuously called their wedding an organic, crunchy, rustic wedding. And, because WWE is family, they wanted to offer him a wedding present. Which will be Bryan defending the WWE World Title against Kane. The crowd wasn't too excited.
Steph told Bryan to make sure he gets his wife out of the way. Kane's music played and Steph pretended to tell Kane that now is not the right time. Bryan and Brie didn't take the bait, bailing from the ring as Steph told Kane to stay where he is. Suddenly, Kane showed up ringside sporting his mask. Steph told Kane to let Bryan go, but Bryan fought back with right hands. Kane uppercut Bryan, then Kane stalked Bryan, who smashed Kane from behind. Bryan sent Kane into the ring steps with a drop toehold, but Kane caught Bryan in mid-air and drove him into the barricade. Steph told Kane that that's enough. Kane then dropped Bryan onto the padded floor with a Tombstone Piledriver.
Steph told Kane that's enough. Kane decided it wasn't enough, though. He removed the ring steps, then placed Bryan on the other ring steps. Kane delivered a second Tombstone, this one on the base ring steps. Steph tried to act sincere calling for EMTs as Kane stood over Bryan. "Daniel Bryan" chant from the crowd as the ringside medic checked on Bryan. Paramedics then showed up and fit Bryan for a neckbrace. The announcers then debated Steph's role in this.
Suddenly, Kane returned to ringside and dumped over the stretcher, sending Bryan to the floor. Kane started clearing the ringside area as Cole begged for someone to step this guy. Kane scattered everyone as Steph shouted at Kane to stop. But, Kane ignored her and dragged Bryan toward the announce table. Kane then climbed on top of the announce table and delivered a third Tombstone as Cole freaked out on commentary. Bryan sold unconsciousness as Steph shouted at Kane: "You bastard."
Kane moved away from the announce table, then the medics returned to ringside to check on Bryan. "You're a bastard" chant toward Kane on the way out as Steph watched the medics work on Bryan. Raw faded to commercial while Bryan continued to be helped by medics.
[ JC's Reax: Weird start to the segment with no acknowledgment of why Bryan was crying. Then, WWE went heavy on the injury angle to try to get sympathy on Bryan, re-establish Kane as a soulless monster, and create a reason for people to care about Bryan's first title defense being against Kane, who wouldn't have been a Top 15 desired opponent before this week. Overall, it looks like Bryan will be missing next week's Raw to be with his family following his dad's death and then return for Extreme Rules in two weeks. ]
[Q2] [Commercial Break at 8:15]
Back live, Bryan was still being worked on by medics. Brie Bella was back to ringside checking on Bryan as Stephanie stood in the ring holding Bryan's title belts. WWE replayed Kane's attack as Stephanie pretended to admonish Kane for attacking Bryan. Back live, Bryan was slowly wheeled away from ringside as Brie followed close by. Steph continued to stand in the ring with Bryan's title belts, then she asked the crowd for a "very warm round of applause," which the crowd booed, not buying Steph's nice-person act.
WWE then replayed all three Tombstone Piledrivers on Bryan. JBL called it hideous. Cole said they will try to relay medical updates as the show rolls on. Cole, JBL, and Jerry Lawler talked in hushed tones about the situation before Cole transitioned to a look at the #1 contender IC Title tournament.
In-ring: "Bad News" Wade Barrett was introduced to the ring for the first semi-final match. On the way to the ring, Barrett said he has some bad news. Not as bad as Daniel Bryan's news, though. Barrett said the Luck of the Irish is running out because today is the day that Sheamus goes down to him. Sheamus was then introduced to a strong reaction after Barrett build up the crowd's interest in seeing Sheamus respond to Bad News.
1 -- "BAD NEWS" WADE BARRETT vs. SHEAMUS -- Semi-final IC Title #1 contender tournament match
Sheamus knocked Bad News off the ring apron early on, then crashed down onto Barrett with a big splash. Back on the ring apron, Sheamus teased Ten Forearms to the Chest, but Barrett posted Sheamus and big-booted him off the ring apron to the floor. Barrett was in control heading to break.
[Commercial Break at 8:25]
Back from break, Sheamus made a big comeback on Barrett with successive strikes. He whiffed on a corner knee attack, but Barrett sold as if he took the knee to the face. Sheamus decided to follow up as if he connected, then nailed Ten Forearms into a battering ram for a nearfall. WWE cut to a shot of Big E. watching the match on a backstage monitor.
[Q3] Barrett came back with a Wasteland teaser, but Sheamus escaped. Barrett responded with Winds of Change for a close two count as the audience invested in the nearfall. Barrett then dropped the elbow pad to warm up for the Bullhammer, but Sheamus ducked. Sheamus then grappled Barrett for White Noise center-ring. Two count only.
Reset at 10:00 with the two men trading bombs center-ring. Sheamus then collided with Barrett near the ropes and they both fell over the top rope to the outside. Sheamus returned to the ring and tried to follow up with a running move, but Barrett met him with a Bullhammer from the outside. Barrett ran back into the ring and covered Sheamus for the pin and the win.
WINNER: Barrett at 10:33 to advance to the Finals. Very good TV match. When you put something tangible on the line in the ring, it raises everything - in-ring action, crowd interest, and announcing. (***)
Still to come: Evolution has reformed.
Heading to break, WWE ran a "Legends House" spot for WWE Network, which included a few words they could construe as positive about the show that were pulled out from TV reviews.
[Commercial Break at 8:36]
Vignette: Challenge is Change. An egg can never learn to fly. Unless you Bo-Lieve. In Bo Dallas.
Announcers: Cole, Lawler, and JBL hyped Hugh Jackman returning to Raw next Monday. WWE cut to a clip from September 2011 when Jackman KO Punched Dolph Ziggler to assist Zack Ryder in victory. Cole said Ziggler is ready to bury the hatchet with Jackman next Monday on Raw. The announcers noted that Damien Sandow jumped into a Twitter discussion between the two.
Back to Cole and Company. Cole said they have a "controversial" App vote that could affect things for weeks and weeks. It was John Cena facing either Luke Harper, Harper & Rowan, or all three Wyatts in a handicap match. Cole explained that if you're a Cena Fan, you're torn because the only way Cena gets his hands on Bray Wyatt is if he faces three-on-one odds.
Suddenly, the Wyatts's video interruption played. Bray Wyatt appeared on-stage talking about free will. Bray said they have become a nation full of mindless sheep led by wolves and owned by pigs. But, he was thinking that tonight would be a wonderful night for change. See, tonight, the audience makes a choice. The choice of less pain for your hero? Or, the night that John Cena finally learns the truth? And the truth is they (the Wyatts) stand against you (Cena).
[Q4] Bray moved on to hyping his steel cage match against John Cena at Extreme Rules. Bray said two monsters will enter and one thing will remain the same - the fans do not love John anymore. Bray asked his brothers in the audience to feel what he feels. He said the more he stands up to Cena, the more his brothers and sisters back him. "Listen as it happens, John," he said. Bray asked them to sing with him: "He's got the whole world in his hands." Bray chuckled to himself, then told the crowd to feel with him. Bray knelt down on the stage as Harper and Rowan stood ominously behind him, then the video feed cut out.
[Commercial Break at 8:47]
Back from break, Los Matadores's music was playing. Los Matadores were posing in the ring with El Torito, then 3MB's music played to bring out Heath Slater, Jinder Mahal, Drew McIntyre, and Hornswoggle in his darker look. WWE replayed the Torito vs. Swoggle happenings last Tuesday on Main Event before the bell sounded.
Torito called out Swoggle, who answered the challenge. They had a mid-ring exchange consisting of slaps, punches, and then a huracanrana from Torito. Torito nailed a corner moonsault, but Mahal broke up the pin. McIntyre then tagged in and cornered Torito. Mac played around that he didn't take Torito seriously, so Torito ducked Mac and gored Slater in his 3MBs. Mac took a similar crotchal-based attack, then Torito triple-teamed Mac with help from Los Matadores. It was good for the pin and the win.
WINNERS: Los Matadores & El Torito at 2:48. Somewhere, Vince McMahon just wet himself from uproarious laughter.
Last Monday: Triple H reformed Evolution. Backstage: A black limo pulled up to the arena. The door flew open, then Batista emerged dressed in a suit without the jacket. Hunter was out second in a full suit, then Randy Orton in his early-2000s dress clothes suitable for the Men's Department at JCPenney. Lawler said the trio has arrived.
[Commercial Break at 8:57]
Extreme Rules plug: Evolution vs. The Shield.
Evolution-Shield Exchange
In-ring: One minute before the top of the hour, Evolution's theme played to bring out Hunter first, then Orton and Batista. It's been so long since Evolution was on the show, that Lawler encouraged the audience to go read about the group or watch some old clips.
[Q5 -- second hour] Once the trio hit the ring, Hunter surveyed the crowd. Hunter, apparently suffering from a sore/haorse throat, laughed to himself and said it's funny when you take your kids across your knee and spank them like they did to The Shield last week. Hunter gave way to Randy Orton, who set up a video package on Evolution from 10 years ago, which included the missing fourth man, Ric Flair.
Back in the ring, Hunter had a good laugh watching the video highlights. Batista then asked the crowd if it's becoming clear. He said The Shield has absolutely no idea what they've gotten themselves into. Suddenly, The Shield's music played to a crowd pop. Shield came through the crowd and hit the ring, so Evolution bailed to the outside.
Dean Ambrose spoke first that they like getting beaten up. "Well done," he told them. Ambrose had a question for Mr. Cerebral Assassin: "Do we look humbled to you?" he asked. Ambrose said there's a reason why he hired them to protect Hunter and the little cream puff next to him, Randy Orton. Ambrose said they are mean, ruthless, and now angry.
Seth Rollins spoke next with a message for Batista. Rollins said they started this, then said Evolution doesn't want to fight in their little suits. He said Evolution was built for dominance, but they're not dominant. "In two weeks at Extreme Rules, you're going to come face-to-face with the Hounds of Justice and it will be all-out war," Rollins said.
Rollins said he thinks Orton is going to be looking out for Orton and Batista will be looking out for Batista. Then, there's Triple H, who will do what's best for The Boss. Rollins told them to look at the most dominant force in the history of this company. And they will rip Evolution to pieces, putting an abrupt end to this little reunion. Rollins said they put a nail in their own coffin making this match.
Roman Reigns took the mic next. Reigns vowed to drop this mic in a few seconds and beat their asses. Two options: be men and try to fight. Or, be cream puffs and cower away. Reigns dropped the mic, Shield left the ring, and Shield made their way up the ramp, but mid-card heels popped out on-stage to stand next to Evolution.
Triple H growled that there's always Option 3. Hunter said you either adapt or perish. Hunter tossed down the mic, then Evolution's music played as Hunter, Orton, and Batista stood at the front of the line with mid-card heels standing behind them.
[ JC's Reax: Not sure anyone benefited much from this. Some of Shield's material sounded overly-rehearsed, the group backed down from a group of mid-card heels who haven't done anything as of late, and Evolution feels more like a three-week reunion re-living the past than creating a formidable heel group. ]
Earlier Tonight: Kane gave Daniel Bryan three Tombstone Piledrivers at the start of the show. From the announce position, Cole relayed an update that Bryan has been taken to a local medical facility and is undergoing various tests.
Still to come: John Cena against a combination of Wyatt Family members tonight.
Vignette: Inside the Exotic Express. Adam Rose is coming soon.
[Q6] [Commercial Break at 9:15]
Announcers: Cole and Co. hyped this week's WWE Network programming, focusing on the "Best of the Hall of Fame" four-episode special airing Tuesday through Friday. Cole then threw out a new slogan for the Network: "It's just like Netflix, but better."
Ringside: Ryback and Curtis Axel were shown ringside. The Usos were then introduced to the ring and WWE cut to footage from "Total Divas" last night when the Jimmy Uso/Naomi wedding aired. The video clip included their duo's real names. Back in the ring, Rhodes Bros. were introduced for a face vs. face match-up against the tag champs.
3 -- WWE tag champs THE USOS vs. RHODES BROS. (CODY RHODES & GOLDUST) -- non-title match
The match started off with a friendly exchange, but Uso paused to do the "Us-Oh" chant with the crowd. This prompted Goldust to shove Uso hard across the chest, setting up a mid-ring exchange. Cody then tagged in and worked on Uso until he lost control via double-team attack. Ryback then shared a story about his dad serving beer to Axel's dad, Curt Hennig, and Razor Ramon (Scott Hall) back in the AWA days.
Goldust re-entered, but couldn't score a three count. So, he brought in Cody, who went for Cross Rhodes, but the Usos double-teamed Cody for a pin and the win. Post-match: Goldust tried to help up Cody, but Cody angrily shoved his brother away and stomped away to the back. Goldust tried to follow after him, but Cody kept walking to the back.
Suddenly, Ryback and Axel entered the ring to attack the Usos. Ryback delivered Shell Shock, then Ryback and Axel bailed from the ring, apparently positioned for a Tag Title shot.
WINNERS: Usos at 3:20. Cue up the Rhodes Bros. break-up angle. Will it lead to a Steel Cage Last Man Standing match, Unlocked match, and I Quit match stretched out over three agonizing months?
Announcers: Cole transitioned to a video feature on the animated Slam City. Included was Mark Henry dressed in a duck suit. WWE played a clip from the animated show, including the goofy-sounding music.
Still to come: Cesaro vs. Rob Van Dam in the #1 contender IC Title tournament.
[Q7] [Commercial Break at 9:30]
In-ring: Fandango and Layla were doing something in the ring set to music. Emma's music then played to bring out Emma, along with Santino. WWE tried to find fans in the crowd dancing along to Emma's music as she took her time coming to the ring.
4 -- EMMA (w/Santino) vs. LAYLA (w/Fandango)
Santino and Emma entered the ring at the same time, then clumsily ran into each other as part of the act. After the bell sounded, Santino and Emma shook hands on the ring apron, then Fandango played the role of the school bully knocking Santino off the ring apron. Layla took advantage of the shenanigans to control Emma early on.
More shenanigans on the outside, then Emma pulled out a sock from her wrestling boot, popping Santino. Emma struck Layla for the pin and the win. Afterward, Santino pulled out his Cobra sock puppet and engaged Emma in a sock wrestling match.
WINNER: Emma at 2:20. Somewhere, Vince McMahon just wet himself from uproarious laughter. Wait, that already happened. This feels like one of those three-hour Raw where WWE ran out of ideas.
[Commercial Break at 9:38]
Backstage: Renee Young brought in John Cena to shrieks and screams from the pro-Cena fans in the crowd. Cena said his fate lies in the hands of the WWE Universe. Cena quickly entered Preacher Promo Mode about Bray Wyatt saying the fans have a voice tonight. And, if the fans want him to face the entire Wyatt Family tonight, then that's what he'll have to do. Pause for a "Let's Go Cena / Cena Sucks" chant during the promo.
Cena paused and said he's heard the same song everywhere they go. "He's got the whole world in his hands," Cena said. Because if the WWE Universe votes him down a path of certain punishment against all three Wyatt Family members, then he's ready. But, in two weeks, the odds will be even inside the steel cage. Cena said Bray may have the whole world in his hands, but when you come at Cena, you never count him out.
[Q8] Back in the arena, a loud siren played, like from the 1990s Raw theme. Something left over from the Headbangers's theme music played next, then Cesaro emerged with Paul Heyman. There was no rhythm for Cesaro to make his way to the ring to. The theme quickly and mercifully ended for Heyman to speak on behalf of Cesaro ... and Brock Lesnar, who Heyman noted ended The Undertaker's Streak at WrestleMania. Suddenly, Raw cut to break with Heyman just getting started on his promo.
[Commercial Break at 9:47]
Back from break, Paul Heyman was still talking. Heyman heelishly looked into the camera as if to to make a point that you don't cut him off mid-promo. Heyman paused to make sure they were back on the air, then repeated himself that his client, Brock Lesnar, conquered The Undertaker's Undefeated Streak at WrestleMania. Heyman said it a few more times, with added emphasis to draw more boos.
Heyman then calmed down and tried saying it again until Rob Van Dam's music interrupted. Sure beats a cold intro for RVD, which he's received since returning to TV. The crowd, thankful to see RVD, cheered on Cesaro's opponent in the IC Title #1 contender tournament before the bell sounded.
5 -- ROB VAN DAM vs. CESARO (w/Paul Heyman) -- Semi-final IC Title #1 contender tournament match
RVD went for a spin kick early on, but WWE cut to a ringside shot of Heyman instead of showing the impact. Cesaro responded with a bodyslam for a two count. RVD came back with a thrust kick, but Cesaro responded with a suplex for a two count. Cesaro took firm control heading to break.
[Commercial Break at 9:54]
Back from break, Cesaro continued to control the action. Cesaro delivered a gutwrench suplex for a two count as JBL brought up Heyman's history with RVD. Lawler then brought up Cesaro on a path to being a fan favorite in WWE until he decided to align himself with a despicable man in Paul Heyman. Cesaro sat down on a mathold wearing down RVD leading to the top of the hour.
[Q9 -- third hour] RVD fought back with clotheslines into a kick. Rolling Thunder, then he tried a top-rope Five-Star Frogsplash, but Cesaro popped to his feet and delivered a big European Uppercut. RVD answered with a split-legged moonsault for a two count. Van Dam missed with a corner attack, though, got his leg hung up, and Cesaro uppercut him again for a two count. Heyman told Cesaro not to let RVD breathe, but Cesaro couldn't follow up.
Moments later, Cesaro went for a butterfly suplex that nearly ended RVD's night via neck injury when Cesaro lost his grip in mid-air. RVD kicked out just before three, though. Suddenly, the Real American theme music played to bring out Jack Swagger and Zeb Colter on-stage. The distraction allowed RVD to kick Cesaro out of the ring to the floor. Swagger then came down to the ring and had a stare down with Cesaro. RVD then tried to attack Cesaro from behind, but Cesaro caught him with a mid-air uppercut.
Heyman and Colter started arguing ringside, then Swagger posted Cesaro behind the ref's back. The ref then began a ten count as Cesaro recovered on the floor and RVD recovered in the ring. The ref reached 10 and Cesaro was counted out as RVD laid on the mat in the ring.
Post-match: RVD left the ring as the heels resumed their issues in the ring. Cesaro dumped Swagger out of the ring, then cornered Zeb as the crowd tried to process all of these heels having issues. Cesaro then put Zeb in position for the Big Swing, but Swagger hit Cesaro from behind to block. So, Cesaro put Swagger in the Big Swing a la the WrestleMania pre-show. Cesaro's new loud siren then played before loud clashing music played.
WINNER: RVD via count-out at 13:13; RVD vs. Barrett in the tournament finals next week. That was all kinds of strange based on a new, unproductive storytelling element that it's okay to cheer heels (or kinda heels) when they do cool things, like the Big Swing.
Earlier Tonight: Kane took out Daniel Bryan with the Tombstone Piledriver. Fortunately, WWE hasn't conditioned the audience to see Kane's version of the Tombstone as a cool move, otherwise the crowd would have cheered Kane instead of feeling sympathy for Bryan taking a vicious beating.
Announcers: Cole said Daniel Bryan's condition has been upgraded to just a stinger. Cole said Bryan is so tough.
[Commercial Break at 10:10]
Backstage: Renee Young brought in Rob Van Dam to discuss his entry into the Finals of the tournament. Paul Heyman and Cesaro interrupted. Cesaro told RVD that he should be thanking Jack Swagger and Zeb Colter for that win. Heyman said he can't believe RVD is accepting such a tainted win. RVD told Cesaro that he may be new to the business, but he should keep his wallet, home, and future as far away from Heyman as possible. Heyman sold being taken aback, then RVD reminded Heyman who he is to close the promo.
[Q10] In-ring: Full ring entrance for Aksana, then Paige's music played to bring out the Divas champion. Cole hyped Paige's first title defense against Tamina in two weeks at Extreme Rules.
6 -- Divas champion PAIGE vs. AKSANA -- non-title match
As the match started, the announcers hyped Paige perhaps being in over her head against Tamina in two weeks. Paige took control early on, but Aksana responded with body blows. Paige worked from underneath and went for A.J. Lee's Black Widow, but Aksana overpowered Paige. Paige came back with her inverted Sharpshooter finisher for the submission win.
WINNER: Paige via submission at 4:42. Still building up that fan following after the 1-2-3 Kid introduction a few weeks ago. Going through Tamina at the PPV should help, but Tamina needs to do something heelish, like Tombstone Paige three times before Extreme Rules, for it to count.
Afterward, Cole narrated a false Did You Know that Smackdown was the most-watched show on basic cable TV last Friday. Actually, it was #2 behind "Toy Story 3" on Disney. Unless they're not counting Disney as basic cable TV.
This Friday: It's Cesaro vs. Jack Swagger in a Smackdown grudge match.
[Commercial Break at 10:24]
In-ring: Lana's music played to bring out Rusev's manager. Lana paced the stage for her music to play out, then she introduced Rusev. Rusev emerged on-stage with his 1,000-yard stare, then robotically marched to the ring as Sin Cara waited for him in the ring. Before Rusev completed his warm-ups, Cole announced a handicap match of R-Truth & Xavier Woods vs. Rusev for Extreme Rules.
7 -- RUSEV (w/Lana) vs. SIN CARA
Rusev delivered power offense early on, then checked his mouth for blood as the crowd sat quietly. Rusev delivered sort of leaping knee strikes to the chest as the crowd checked out with "JBL" chants. It's that point in the three-hour show. Rusev no-sold chops from Cara, who came back with a kick to the face, then Cara delivered a missile dropkick knocking Rusev off his feet.
Rusev overcame the adversity, though, landing more offense before signalling that he would crush Cara. Rusev delivered a swinging bodyslam before applying The Accolade Camel Clutch submission for the win.
WINNER: Rusev via submission at 3:01.
Still to come: John Cena against a combination of Wyatt(s).
[Commercial Break at 10:34]
Vignette: Bo Dallas. Be prepared to win. Let that golfball drop in the cup.
In-ring: John Cena's music played to loud cheers from the pro-Cena audience. WWE cut to a crowd shots of kids dressed like Cena in the crowd, then Cena bounced up and down on-stage prepared to face the Wyatt(s). Lots of shrieks once Cena hit the ring, then Cena discarded his ring gear and sold being concerned about this situation.
To Jerry Lawler to reveal the App vote result. The result was 53 percent for Cena facing all three Wyatts. Cena bent over and sold major concern facing all three Wyatts as Raw cut to break.
[Commercial Break at 10:40]
Next Monday: Hugh Jackman "crashes Monday Night Raw."
[Q12] In-ring: John Cena was shown waiting patiently in the ring, then Bray Wyatt appeared on the video screen and told Baltimore that they're here. Bray, Harper, and Rowan emerged on-stage and marched down to the ring before the lights came back on to reveal Bray sitting down in his rocking chair. Bray asked Cena if he can feel the crowd backing him. Bray worked the crowd into a frenzy, then all three Wyatts hit the ring to attack Cena before the bell sounded. Ref John Cone tried to get separation, then checked on Cena, who slowly made his way to his feet. The bell sounded to begin the match.
8 -- JOHN CENA vs. BRAY WYATT & LUKE HARPER & ERICK ROWAN -- three-on-one handicap match
The crowd quickly picked up a dueling chant for and against Cena as the Wyatts wore down Cena. Cena tried to fight back on Harper, but Harper responded with an emphatic back elbow smash that cut off Cena. Bray then tagged in and taunted Cena before tagging in Harper. Harper walked into an elbow to the gut, then Rowan broke up an STF submission. The Wyatts knocked Cena to the floor, where Cena ate the ring steps heading to commercial. "The Wyatts destroying Cena. Live on Raw," Cole dejectedly said, with a hint of frustration.
[Commercial Break at 10:54]
Back from break, Cena airballed a flying dive toward Harper and fell to the outside. Cena made his way back into the ring, but the Wyatts cut him off once again. Bray then tagged in and landed strikes from a mounted position. Bray then put Cena's head against the post and punched his head into the post a few times. Cena sold a head injury as Bray posed for the crowd on the outside. Bray broke into song as the ref applied a ten count. Bray eventually slid back into the ring and tagged in Rowan.
[Q13 -- over-run] Rowan continued to wear down Cena as they hit the top of the hour. Cena avoided a corner charge to get some room, then Rowan tagged in Bray, who ran over Cena with a big corner splash. Bray held himself upside-down in the corner, then crab-walked toward Cena, who suddenly exploded on Bray with a big clothesline that popped the pro-Cena crowd.
Both men sold on the mat, then Cena hit his feet and ran over Bray with trademark comeback offense. Cena wanted the Five Knuckle Shuffle on Bray, and he connected. Cena nailed the AA on Bray, but Harper broke up the pin and chaos broke out in the ring. The ref threw out the match with all three Wyatts assaulting Cena in the ring.
WINNER: Cena via DQ/No Contest? at 14:01. Bray is really good in his role and has held his own in the feud with Cena where other heels have failed in the past. He's just in a strange season for WWE where WWE is playing things up more like an acknowledged performance/put-on to where things like trying to get major heat on heels like Kane on Bryan in the opening segment has become the exception to the rule.
Post-match, Harper delivered a big boot to Cena, then Harper and Rowan helped Bray to his feet. Bray called his next shot, which was Sister Abigail to Cena in the middle of the ring. Bray, angered, knelt down next to Cena, then cradled his head before taking the mic.
Bray said that in time, all things come to light. "He's got the whole world in his hands," Bray sang. Cena's eyes were closed as Bray finished singing, then he went to the next part of the song about "He's got you and me in his hands." Bray kind of stroked Cena's ear while singing, then chuckled and cradled Cena's head in his arm. Cena's face was right in Bray's bicep muscle as Bray continued singing to close out Raw five minutes past the top of the hour.
FINAL THOUGHTS: The show lost momentum mid-way through, then never really got it back before Raw closed with a maintenance continuation of Bray Wyatt's creepiness.
After Raw went off the air, WWE Network picked up with Bray Wyatt still in the ring with Cena. The Network stream glitched a few times before Harper and Rowan picked up Cena to inflict more punishment, but The Shield's music played.
Shield stormed the ring and a big brawl broke out. Shield cleared the Wyatts from the ring, then their music played as the Wyatts bailed from ringside. Shield posed for the crowd as Cena disappeared out of the ring.
We welcome your 0-10 score and comments on this show for a "Raw Reax" feature in the Torch Feedback section of PWTorch.com. To contribute your thoughts on Raw, email to pwtorch@gmail.com .
PWTorch editor Wade Keller has covered pro wrestling full time since 1987 starting with the Pro Wrestling Torch print newsletter. PWTorch.com launched in 1999 and the PWTorch Apps launched in 2008.
He has conducted "Torch Talk" insider interviews with Hulk Hogan, The Rock, Steve Austin, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Eric Bischoff, Jesse Ventura, Lou Thesz, Jerry Lawler, Mick Foley, Jim Ross, Paul Heyman, Bruno Sammartino, Goldberg, more.
He has interviewed big-name players in person incluiding Vince McMahon (at WWE Headquarters), Dana White (in Las Vegas), Eric Bischoff (at the first Nitro at Mall of America), Brock Lesnar (after his first UFC win).
He hosted the weekly Pro Wrestling Focus radio show on KFAN in the early 1990s and hosted the Ultimate Insiders DVD series distributed in retail stories internationally in the mid-2000s including interviews filmed in Los Angeles with Vince Russo & Ed Ferrara and Matt & Jeff Hardy. He currently hosts the most listened to pro wrestling audio show in the world, (the PWTorch Livecast, top ranked in iTunes)
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