WWE Raw Report CALDWELL'S WWE RAW RESULTS 11/4 (Hour 3): Authority confronts Show, Show re-hired, Show gets title shot, Kane debuts new look, impromptu main event, Shield takes out Show, new Authority established all in final segment
Nov 4, 2013 - 10:11:07 PM
WWE Raw TV Results
November 4, 2013 - Episode #1,066
Live in Greenville, S.C.
Aired on USA Network
Report by James Caldwell (@JCTorch), PWTorch assistant editor
Third Hour Raw Results
Announcers: More from Cole and Co. discussing the Triple H-Big Show business. WWE repeated the video from earlier in the show with Show's attorney listing all of Show's legal claims for "suing" The Authority.
Backstage: Big Show, in a suit, was shown walking down the hallway greeting Zack Ryder and the Prime Time Players. Show told them it's all good.
Authority Office: Vickie Guerrero barged into Triple H's office and told him that Big Show is here. Hunter angrily asked how this happened, then tried to leave, but Stephanie McMahon entered. Hunter blamed Vickie for letting Show in the building, but Steph said she did. Why? Stephanie said The Board said they cannot afford to take this risk with Show's lawsuit. Steph said they can't let personal things get dragged into the spotlight, noting this is bigger than them.
Hunter continued to pout about doing what he wants and not caring about The Board. Then, Steph jabbed Hunter that he's never had a problem accepting McMahon Family money. Hunter shot her look, then Steph reminded Hunter that this is bigger than them. She told Hunter that it's just going to be her, Hunter, and Big Show. Hunter backed down and told Vickie to go fetch Big Show. Hunter grimaced, folded his arms, and grumbled toward Stephanie.
[Commercial Break at 10:12]
[Q10] In-ring: Dolph Ziggler's music played to bring out Ziggler for singles action. Cole revisited from "incredible news" that Stephanie has been asked by the Board of Directors to bring Big Show to Raw and resolve personal issues with Triple H without the involvement of attorneys. IC champion Curtis Axel, looking off without Paul Heyman by his side, was introduced next to face Ziggler.
7 -- IC champion CURTIS AXEL vs. DOLPH ZIGGLER -- non-title match
Cole noted the other "Heyman Guy," Ryback was successful earlier tonight, so it's up to Axel to keep it going. Axel worked a side headlock early on, trying to wear down Ziggler. Ziggler got bored of the headlock, so he made a comeback, but Axel cut him off with a clothesline to the back of the head. Axel wanted his neckbreaker finisher, but Ziggler came back with a modified Zig-Zag. It was enough for a three count for the win.
WINNER: Ziggler at 4:54.
Earlier Tonight: Daniel Bryan and C.M. Punk cleared the Wyatts from the ring.
Backstage: Two hours later, Renee Young caught up to Daniel Bryan pacing backstage. Bryan said normally it wouldn't be a wise move to run into the mouth of madness, but he saw a chance to get payback and he took it. Bryan noted it appears someone else has an issue with the Wyatt Family.
In-ring: The Usos were introduced on-stage to perform the intro war dance before entering the ring for tag action.
[Commercial Break at 10:25]
Authority Office: Triple H told Stephanie McMahon that all he needs to do is write Show a big check. A knock on the door produced Vickie Guerrero, who reluctantly told The Authority that Show will meet with them, but not their office. Stephanie told Vickie to tell Show to be a man and come to the office. Vickie said he wants to meet in the ring, not in the office. Hunter groaned, then concluded: "He must want witnesses."
[ JC's Reax: Huh? Hunter's conclusion made no sense since the same audience watching the backstage segment will see events in the ring. This was one of those deals where wrestlers "talk secret strategy" in front of a camera, with WWE acting as if no one sees the segment except for the camera person, boom operator, and guy holding the spotlight. Obviously, the idea was to market the Show-Hunter confrontation as more impactful occurring in the ring as opposed to backstage, but Hunter's conclusion dumped a bucket of water on the logic. ]
[Q11] In-ring: 3MB was in the ring for tag action against The Usos.
The announcers used this as their comedown segment to crack jokes and make fun of each other as The Usos worked on 3MB. Uso finished off Slater with a top-rope splash to make short work of the band.
WINNERS: Usos at 2:43.
Backstage: Renee Young brought in Los Matadores to review some match highlights and figure out which one is Fernando and which one is Diego. El Torito entered the shot and was identified as "horny." Un Matador clarified that he will "horn-you in the knee." El Torito did some hip-shaking to reinforce his desire for Renee's knee.
In-ring: The Bella Twins and Eva Marie were introduced for six-Divas tag action. Leading to break, WWE ran a commercial for "Total Divas" showing how much the Bellas and Eva do not like each other.
[Commercial Break at 10:36]
Raw Rewind: Last week on Raw, Kane removed his mask and handed it off to Stephanie McMahon.
Back on Raw, A.J. Lee was skipping around with the Divas Title belt. Six-Divas tag action then started for the default TV main event. The heels worked on Bella throughout the match, then Tamina tried to finish her off with a top-rope splash, but missed. Eva then tagged herself in, rolled up Tamina, and it was good for the win.
WINNERS: Team EvaBellas at 3:13.
Backstage: Triple H and Stephanie were shown walking down the hallway to the ring for the "main event segment." Hunter was pouting and Stephanie was trying to reason about what they have to do as Raw cut to break.
[Q12] [Commercial Break at 10:46]
This Friday on Smackdown: Daniel Bryan vs. Luke Harper, following up on Harper facing C.M. Punk tonight on Raw.
Big Show-Triple H Lawsuit Angle
Raw returned to the arena 11 minutes before the top of the hour with Triple H's music playing to bring out Hunter and Stephanie McMahon hand-in-hand. Steph smiled to the crowd, while Hunter frowned before having a final conversation with his wife. The Authority entered the ring, then Hunter began the segment. Hunter told Big Show that if he wants to waste everyone's time (frown from Steph) and make this all about him (frown from Steph), then hurry up and get this over with. No Show. Stephanie played nice cop welcoming Show out to the ring.
Big Show's music played to bring out "Big & Tall" Big Show, who was all-smiles as USA Network execs salivated over putting an episode of "Suits" on a Monday night. Show was asked what he wants. Show said he wants a broom so Stephanie can fly back to Connecticut. Hunter said he can stand out here and trade sophomoric barbs all day long, but he knows it's about money. Hunter asked how big of a check Show wants to sell his dignity one more time.
Show said it's not about money. He said it's about him doing what he was meant to do. It's about performing for WWE. Show said as much as Hunter makes it hard to work here, he just wants his job back. Hunter smirked and sarcastically said Show just wants his job back. Hunter started to tell Show to take his job and stick it, but Steph interrupted and calmed him down. Steph spoke next that if Show wants his job back, then he's re-hired. "Yes!" Show shouted, leading the crowd in "Yes!" chants as Hunter sold inner conflict with his back to Show in the corner.
Show said there's one more thing. Show said in order for the world's largest lawsuit to go away, the World's Largest Athlete deserves the World's Largest Bonus. Hunter angrily came out of the corner before Steph calmed him down. Show said he's not worried about the money, though. He said he would like something he hasn't had in 18 years - the Face of the WWE. (The bridge to a Orton vs. Show match.) Stephanie freaked out about this one, saying Show needs to look in the mirror, which brought over Triple H to calm down his wife.
The Shield's music suddenly played. As Shield came out through the crowd, Show asked if this is some kind of trick as Hunter smirked and Steph sold concern quickly going to break.
[Commercial Break at 10:56]
Raw returned just before the top of the hour with Hunter leaning against the ropes apologizing for the interruption from The Shield. Now, what do you want? Big Show told Hunter that he's going to give him a WWE Title match against Randy Orton at Survivor Series. Hunter got in his face and told him he got his job back, so he better leave before he leaves him in a puddle of his own blood.
[Over-Run] Big Show took the message and left the ring. Show cheerfully told them that his attorney will be in touch with WWE to complete his lawsuit and own all of them. "So, have a good night!" Big Show said on the way up the ramp. After a pause, Hunter told Show to wait. Hunter grumbled: "You've got your match at Survivor Series." Show hunched up his shoulders and said he didn't quite hear Hunter. So, Hunter repeated it with more life.
Show, now walking back toward the ring, said he didn't hear it right after Hunter's wife busted his eardrum a few weeks ago. Hunter very quietly repeated that Show has his match at Survivor Series. Show polled the crowd on whether they heard that, then walked back into the ring to stand in Hunter's face and tell him one more time in a "clear, coherent voice." Hunter raised the mic, closed his eyes in a wincing manner, and told Show: "You have your job back, you have a WWE Championship match at Survivor Series at Randy Orton."
Show told Hunter that that wasn't so hard, then asked for a handshake. Hunter ignored him, then noted that since Show works for him again, it's only fair that Show steps in the ring and competes like everyone else had to do tonight. Hunter said he thinks it should be a handicap match. But, not just The Shield. It will also be the man who will beat Show at Survivor Series - Randy Orton.
Orton's music played to bring out the WWE champion as Show smiled before removing his suit jacket. Show began rolling up his sleeves to fight as Hunter gave Orton some instructions. And, the bell sounded.
Show took on all four men early on, but then took a "wicked spear" from Reigns. As Stephanie shouted instructions from ringside, the heels ripped apart Show's dress shirt before Orton demanded that Show be picked up. Shield set up for a triple powerbomb, but Show broke free before chokeslamming Reigns. But, Rollins and Reigns tackled him, only to take a double suplex.
Show stood up, ripped off his dress shirt, and stalked Orton, but Kane's music played. Out came Kane dressed as Glenn Jacobs in a suit and tie. Show locked eyes with Kane, then Orton distracted Show to allow Rollins to take him down. Orton then delivered an RKO to Show as the crowd sat confused. Kane then chucked chairs into the ring for Orton and Shield to use on Show, causing a DQ.
WINNER: Show via DQ at 3:03.
Post-match: Orton and Shield continued to assault Show, drawing boos from the crowd. Shield then dragged Show out of the ring as Kane cleared the announce table. Reigns blasted Show with ring steps, then Orton called for an end to Show. Shield set up for a triple powerbomb through the announce table, and Reigns delivered it as Stephanie and Kane looked on approvingly. "Welcome back," Stephanie declared as the crowd sat stunned.
Orton then held the WWE Title belt over Show's fallen body as the crowd picked up a "You Suck" chant. Kane stood approvingly in the background, looking like John Laurinaitis, as Orton stood tall and ref scurried out to check on Big Show. Cole said Show might have been better off banned for life. Raw signed off at 11:11 with Orton standing tall, Shield admiring their work, Hunter & Steph & Kane looking on approvingly, and Show KO'ed on the table scraps.
FINAL THOUGHTS: WWE packed about 15 chapters into that final segment. It was busy enough getting from "Show is banned for life" to "Show is re-hired" to Show suddenly has desire for the WWE Title. Therefore, it seemed like Raw would end with the Survivor Series match made, setting the stage for The Authority and Orton to plot revenge for a week, which would have then led to the show-closing second-half of the angle on next week's Raw. Since next week is a taped show in Europe, it could have given next week's show something tangible to work with.
But, packing what felt like 15 chapters into the final segment this week seemed to lose some of the audience, making the overall angle less effective than had it been spaced out over two (or even three weeks). There was just too much to digest in one segment, especially trying to process Kane debuting a suit & tie look after 16 years of playing virtually the same character. That needed its own three-hour Raw.
We welcome your 0-10 score and comments on this show for a "Raw Reax" feature in the Torch Feedback section of PWTorch.com. To contribute your thoughts on Raw, email to pwtorch@gmail.com .
PWTorch editor Wade Keller has covered pro wrestling full time since 1987 starting with the Pro Wrestling Torch print newsletter. PWTorch.com launched in 1999 and the PWTorch Apps launched in 2008.
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He has interviewed big-name players in person incluiding Vince McMahon (at WWE Headquarters), Dana White (in Las Vegas), Eric Bischoff (at the first Nitro at Mall of America), Brock Lesnar (after his first UFC win).
He hosted the weekly Pro Wrestling Focus radio show on KFAN in the early 1990s and hosted the Ultimate Insiders DVD series distributed in retail stories internationally in the mid-2000s including interviews filmed in Los Angeles with Vince Russo & Ed Ferrara and Matt & Jeff Hardy. He currently hosts the most listened to pro wrestling audio show in the world, (the PWTorch Livecast, top ranked in iTunes)
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