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WWE Raw Report
CALDWELL'S WWE RAW RESULTS 11/21: Ongoing "virtual-time" coverage of live Raw - Survivor Series fall-out

Nov 21, 2011 - 10:05:50 PM

WWE Raw Supershow Results
November 21, 2011 - Episode #964
Live in Hershey, Pa.
Aired on USA Network
Report by James Caldwell, PWTorch assistant editor

This week's live WWE Raw the night after Survivor Series opened with the usual Raw intro and full pyro inside the Giant Center. Michael Cole introduced the show and said there was controversy at Survivor Series last night. Cole was joined by Jerry Lawler and Booker T for commentary, like at the PPV. Apparently Lawler's voice is hoarse tonight.

Out first, new WWE champion C.M. Punk. Big reaction for the new champ as Cole talked about the whole world talking about Punk tonight. Once Punk's music stopped, the crowd chanted his name as he soaked in the moment standing in the ring. Punk said he wants to tell a story. Back in 1st Grade, the kids were asked what profession they wanted to be. When teach got to Punk, he said he wanted to be a professional wrestler. He didn't want to be a sports entertainer, but a pro wrestler. And, as a pro wrestler, he started at the very bottom and worked his way to the top of WWE. Punk said it was a huge deal to him to walk into MSG and win the WWE Title. Punk said the most satisfying moment of all was because he did it on his own terms. He vowed to end the game of hot potato with the WWE Title belt and declared the title will stay on the shoulder of the best in the world. Mixed "C-M-Punk / Best in the World" chant followed.

Punk said he is the new face of WWE and held up the title belt for the hard camera. Punk then sat down to get comfortable. He said he's going to make the title interesting again and bring some danger back to Raw. One thing he wants to find out is where the WWE ice cream bars are. One other thing he would like to change fairly soon is "Interim Raw GM John Laurinaitis." Pause for boos. He would like to change that to "Former Raw GM." Suddenly, Laurinaitis interrupted Punk's speech.

Laurinaitis, on-stage, said he gets it that Punk is the rebel, but he doesn't see why they have to have a rough relationship. He claimed they want the same thing: what's best for the fans. He congratulated Punk on winning the title and said he'll take the high road because he doesn't get Punk's beef with him. Punk said he couldn't hear what he just said because the crowd was too loud chanting, "You suck." Punk then referenced Mr. McMahon, calling him a greedy, soulless bastard, but he'll tell you that to your face. He called Laurinaitis a middle manager, backstabber-type. Punk said the audience isn't a "Universe," but fans. He said it's a buzz word to keep his bosses happy. Punk went through a series of adjectives to describe Laurinaitis, which popped the crowd.

Laurinaitis shot back that he's upper management. And, he has him all wrong. Just because he doesn't wear tattoos and pierce his body doesn't mean he doesn't have a wild side. He can be just as creative and dynamic as Punk. Del Rio has a title re-match and he's not going to wait until the next PPV to have that match, but next week on Raw. Punk laughed as the crowd booed.

Punk asked why not have it right now, which drew cheers. Laurinaitis said he has other plans for Punk. Tonight, Punk will face U.S. champion Dolph Ziggler in a Champion vs. Champion match. The crowd booed. Punk paused and said that's not creative, but stupid. He said he's not afraid of Ziggler; it just shows Laurinaitis doesn't listen to the audience. Punk said they don't want to see that match...pause for "We Want Ryder" chant. Punk said they want to see Dolph Ziggler vs. Zack Ryder. Big reaction. Laurinaitis said it just so happens that Ryder is busy tonight against Del Rio. Boos. Also, Ryder can't beat Ziggler...and neither can Punk.

Punk smirked, then left the ring and started walking toward Laurinaitis. He said he will beat Ziggler tonight and beat Del Rio next week. Punk reached the top of the stage. And, someday, someone is going to beat some sense into Laurinaitis, Punk said in his face.

Punk's music played and Laurinaitis went back to his phone to send a text. At the announce table, Cole plugged Ryder's big night at Survivor Series when the crowd chanted for him all night. They went to footage from after Survivor Series when the crowd chanted for Ryder during Rock's show-closing promo. They showed Rock endorsing Ryder before going back to the arena.

Back live, Zack Ryder's music played to bring him out to a big reaction. Booker said he's like Tim Tebow - he just has that something. Ryder filmed the crowd as he completed his ring intro. They cut to break.

[Q2] [Commercial Break]

In-ring: Back live, Ryder was awaiting Del Rio as his music continued to play. Ricardo Rodriguez then introduced Alberto Del Rio, who was not in a good mood after claiming he was robbed by Punk at Survivor Series last night. Before Ricardo could finish Del Rio's intro, Ryder stole the mic and did his catchphrase. Del Rio angrily stormed the ring to begin the match.


Del Rio quickly pounded on Ryder once the bell sounded. Cole said Del Rio is going to take out his frustrations on Ryder. Del Rio quickly targeted the left shoulder as the crowd tried to rally behind Ryder. Cole plugged Twitter before Ryder made a comeback with a Broski Boot. Ryder wanted the Rough Ryder, but Del Rio blocked and shoved Ryder into the corner. Del Rio followed with a step-up enziguiri before slapping on the cross arm-breaker. Ryder tapped out immediately, which gave Del Rio the submission win. Cole said Del Rio is ready for his title match next week. Booker said Ryder isn't ready yet to take the next step.

WINNER: Del Rio via submission at 2:26. Exactly what you would expect: Del Rio dominates early, Ryder makes a comeback to retain some credibility, and Del Rio gets the decisive win ahead of next week's title match.

Survivor Series Last Night: A stillshot of The Rock dropping John Cena with Rock Bottom after their tag victory at Survivor Series. Cole said Cena will respond to Rock's actions tonight.

Backstage: Sheamus was shown walking down the hallway. He's up next.

[Commercial Break]

In-ring: Sheamus, representing Smackdown, came out for the next match of the show. Cole said Sheamus is smiling now, but he has a terrible temper, referring to Sheamus DQ'ing himself in the Survivor Series elimination match last night. Jack Swagger, who Sheamus blasted around to get himself DQ'ed, was out next as Sheamus's opponent.


2 -- SHEAMUS vs. JACK SWAGGER (w/Vickie Guerrero)

Sheamus cleared Swagger to the outside early on, so Swagger walked around on the floor to stall for time. Back in the ring, Sheamus delivered more offense before Swagger took control in the corner. Swagger followed with a corner Vader Bomb before applying submission holds. The crowd rallied behind Sheamus, who made a comeback with a bodyslam for a two count. Sheamus then uncharacteristically climbed up top and jumped over Swagger, who was ready for a top-rope move. They countered each other before Swagger slapped on the Anklelock. Sheamus escaped, then followed with the Brogue Kick for a pin and the win. Booker said Sheamus was the better man tonight.

WINNER: Sheamus at 4:31. Nice, clean win for Sheamus to reinforce his singles dominance. And, another reminder that Swagger is a few pegs below Sheamus, but has enough physical credibility to make it look like a meaningful win for Sheamus.

Still to come tonight: WWE champ C.M. Punk vs. U.S. champion Dolph Ziggler.

Backstage: They showed Kevin Nash walking down the hallway. He has something to say next.

[Commercial Break]

In-ring: Back live after a replay of Nash taking out Triple H a few weeks ago, the NWO theme music played to bring out Nash on-stage. Nash said he sat backstage at MSG and watched Survivor Series. He said MSG has been pretty...sweet to Kevin Nash. Nash referenced the Curtain Call with Scott Hall, Shawn Michaels, and Triple H. He said their friendship was real, for life, and bigger than the business. Now, he comes back to WWE and thinks he has a friend in Hunter, but, instead, he has a boss. Last night should have been Nash & Hunter vs. Rock & Cena in the main event. Nash said it didn't happen because Triple H - the fearless, powerful, cerebral assassin - is gone. He emphatically said Hunter's neck is broken. Because of him. Nash said Survivor Series might be gone, but one thing that's clear is the real survivor of that group is standing right here. Cue up the NWO theme music and Nash disappeared to the back. (Hasn't Nash already delivered this promo?)

Still to come: Cena responds to Rock.

[Commercial Break]

[Q4] In-ring: IC champion Cody Rhodes was in the ring back from break. Rhodes wanted to talk about shame and predators like Randy Orton. Rhodes said he's been unleashed and unmasked - like a rapid dog without its muzzle. Rhodes claimed to be unbeatable as his face twitched. Rhodes, speaking in the third person, said he is unrepentant before cackling maniacally. Suddenly, Santino's music played and Rhodes's face twitched.

3 -- IC champion CODY RHODES vs. SANTINO -- non-title match

Booker and Cole referred to Booker's recent issues with Rhodes on Smackdown, continuing to foreshadow Booker's in-ring return. In the ring, Rhodes stomped away on Santino. Suddenly, Santino blocked a corner move and wanted the Cobra, but Rhodes easily avoided and hit Cross Rhodes. Pin and the win in one minute flat. As they replayed the finish, Booker continued to call out Rhodes.

Back live, Rhodes stepped off the ring apron in front of the announce table and approached Booker. Rhodes said he can hear him. He told Booker to come get some. Booker said he has no personal beef with him. Suddenly, Rhodes threw a cup of water in Booker's face. Now it's personal. Booker stepped up to glare at Rhodes, who simply walked off to the back. They cut to a replay of Rhodes embarrassing Booker as Cole complained about getting wet. Booker, indignant and trying to keep his cool, wiped himself down as Cole demanded a towel for himself.

WINNER: Rhodes at 1:00. Nice, slow build to Booker's return for a feud with Rhodes.

Backstage: Josh Mathews brought in Ziggler and Vickie for an interview. #HEEL on Ziggler's jacket. Ziggler claimed he won two matches last night. Mathews said that's true, but Ziggler was the first man eliminated in the Survivor Series match. Vickie interjected that he was on the winning team. Ziggler said Cena didn't do it, Rock didn't do it, and Punk sure didn't do it. Ziggler claimed to be the new face of WWE. (Nice recovery promo for Ziggler.)

Of Note: No mention of Jonah Hill, tonight's guest star, on the show thus far.

[Commercial Break]

Announcers: Back live, Cole added insult to injury to Booker, saying his "biased reporting" on Cody Rhodes finally caught up with him.

In-ring: A revised version of Dolph Ziggler's theme music played to bring out Ziggler, flanked by Vickie. New WWE champion C.M. Punk came out next for the "top of the second hour main event." As Punk completed his ring entrance, they showed stillshots of Punk celebrating with the fans at MSG after capturing the title last night. Cole heeled on Punk and President Obama, saying they're both failures as Agents of Change. Did Linda or Vince feed that line to Cole?

[Q5 -- second hour]

4 -- WWE champion C.M. PUNK vs. U.S. champion DOLPH ZIGGLER (w/Vickie Guerrero) -- non-title Champion vs. Champion match

Loud "C-M-Punk" chant as the bell sounded. Cole continued to add insult to Booker's injury that Cody Rhodes is trending on Twitter after throwing water in Booker's face. Booker said he's not going to let Rhodes insult him like that. Meanwhile, Punk and Ziggler went through a feeling-out process to start the match. They had an interesting exchange teasing each other with leap frogs that looked like a combination of a blown spot or a planned spot that was meant to look spontaneous. Ziggler then bailed to the outside for a breather.

Back in the ring, Ziggler took control and began wearing down Punk with strikes to the upper body. Cole reset the show, noting Cena will be heard from later tonight, but still no mention of Jonah Hill. Punk then made a comeback and Vickie hopped on the ring apron to provide a distraction. It was good enough for Ziggler to avoid a corner attack and Punk went flying over the top rope to the outside. Ziggler randomly did a handstand as Punk sold on the outside and they cut to break.

[Commercial Break]

Back from break, Ziggler was wearing down Punk in the ring. Punk then made a comeback with a lariat, knee strike, and swinging neckbreaker for a two count. Punk teased the GTS, but Ziggler countered with a sleeperhold. Ziggler put Punk on the mat, but Punk reached his feet to switch into GTS position, but Ziggler rolled through into a pin attempt. Ziggler tried to use the ropes for leverage, but the ref stopped him. Punk tried to follow with a pin using the ropes, but Ziggler escaped.

The action reset at 13:00 with Punk delivering a corner knee strike into a bulldog for a two count. Punk followed with a scoop slam before going to the corner for a Macho Man elbow drop. Ziggler rolled to the opposite end of the ring, though, so Punk stepped down and slowly walked toward Ziggler, but walked right into a snap dropkick. Two count only. The fight then moved up top, where Punk headbutted Ziggler to the mat before delivering the Macho Man elbow. Punk made a cover, but Ziggler kicked out again.

[Q6] At 15:00, Punk called for the end. Punk measured Ziggler for the GTS, but Ziggler slipped out and delivered an overhead suplex for another nearfall. Ziggler snapped and nearly got himself DQ'ed trying to inflict rapid-fire blows to Punk. Ziggler calmed down, then wanted the Fameasser, but Punk countered by grabbing Ziggler in the air. He was apparently going to transition to the GTS, but had to drop Ziggler on the mat to avoid hurting each other. Punk followed right up with the finish of a GTS for the pin and the win.

Post-match: The camera zoomed in on Punk having a bloody lip. They replayed the high points of the match and the finish before returning to the ring to show Punk sitting down and celebrating the win. On the ramp, Ziggler was shown catching his breath and clutching the U.S. Title belt. Back to Punk celebrating in the ring leading to a plug for Cena addressing Rock tonight.

WINNER: Punk at 16:25. That was a very strong TV match minus the botch at the end. Greg Parks and I talked about the possibility of a Punk-Ziggler series on the post-Survivor Series PWTorch Livecast last night and they certainly delivered on the first night. (***)

[Commercial Break]

Vignette: A matchstick. A silhouette. A gorilla? Someone in a mask. A fist breaking through glass. The red mask dropped to the ground covered in ashes. Kane? Back live, Booker called that disturbing. Which reminds me - was Brodus Clay supposed to return this week?

Announcers: Cole, Booker, and Lawler plugged tomorrow's release of the "WWE '12" video game.

On-stage: Big Show came out to address his match with World Hvt. champion Mark Henry last night. Show said he proved he's stronger, tougher, and better than the World's Strongest Man. He said giants can fly, too. Show said Henry took the easy way out when he realized he was about to lose the World Title by kicking him in the groin. Show noted Henry may have left as World champ, but he was carted out after the match. Show said he understands Henry's leg may not be broken, so good for him. But, when Henry comes back, he has something waiting for him. Show clenched his fist and told Henry to bring the World Title with him. Cue up Show's music as Cole recapped what Show was talking about.

Backstage: Kelly Kelly and Alicia Fox were playing the new video game. Beth Phoenix and Natalya then interrupted to mock A. Fox and KK. The gamers were unaffected and went back to their video game after the interruption.

Still to come: Cena addresses Rock.

[Commercial Break]

[Q7] Announcers: Back live, Lawler was texting, Cole was playing with his iPad, and Booker was looking at his laptop. Cole mocked Jim Ross while monitoring the live stream of tweets on his iPad.

In-ring: Wade Barrett came to the ring for the next match of the show. They cut to an inset promo from Barrett describing his team's victory at Survivor Series. He said his next stop is the World Title. WWE tag champion Kofi Kingston came out as the opposition. Before the bell sounded, they showed a stillshot of Barrett pinning Randy Orton via Wasteland at the PPV and Twitter graphic that was "interrupted" by the Mystery YouTube video pointing to a return on 1/2/12.

5 -- WADE BARRETT vs. WWE tag champion KOFI KINGSTON

Barrett was the aggressor early on, but Kofi came back with rapid-fire offense. Barrett had enough and delivered a knock-down clothesline. The crowd tried to rally with a "Kofi, Kofi" chant before Randy Orton's music hit. Barrett, who had Kofi in position for Wasteland, dropped the move as Orton walked toward the ring. Barrett backed away as they cut to break with Orton standing by the ring staring a hole in Barrett.

[Commercial Break]

Back from break, Barrett was working over Kofi as Orton was seated quietly in a folding chair ringside. Barrett continued to dominate Kofi as Orton watched intently. In-between moves, Barrett shot a look toward Orton to make sure he got a good look at his dominance. Meanwhile, WWE flashed a list of items trending on Twitter right now and they actually included "Masked Kane," revealing the mystery vignette earlier. The match moved to the top turnbuckle, where Kofi knocked Barrett to the mat before landing a high cross-body. Kofi started to build some momentum and delivered the Boom Drop.

At 11:00, Kofi warmed up for Trouble in Paradise, but Barrett avoided, only to take a pendulum kick. Kofi tried a top-rope move, but Barrett kicked the ropes to crotch Kofi. Barrett followed up with Wasteland - while staring down Orton - and it was good for the pin and the win.

[Q8] Post-match: They replayed Barrett the finish before Barrett took a mic in the ring and re-announced himself as the winner in Orton's face as Orton was trying to leave on the outside. Orton then slowly turned toward Barrett before frightening him with a quick jabstep move. Orton flashed a half-smile before his music played and he walked away. Barrett quietly nodded, trying to maintain his composure.

WINNER: Barrett at 11:45. Solid match, albeit mainly one-sided in Barrett's favor. I like this Orton-Barrett feud, which is keeping both men right around the World Title picture on Smackdown. (**)

Last Night: Rock delivered a Rock Bottom to John Cena. Backstage: Cena was shown walking down the hallway. He speaks out in the main event segment next.

[Commercial Break]

Survivor Series replay: Clips and stillshots of Big Show vs. Henry were shown. For Smackdown on Friday, what's next for Henry, Show, and the World Title? This was the exact same hype for the Smackdown after Vengeance last month.

Back live: John Cena's music played to loud cheers and boos. Cena delivered his on-stage message before hitting the ring eight minutes before the top of the hour. Cole plugged the new edition of WWE Magazine featuring an interview with Cena. Back in the ring, Cena's music stopped and he shook his head before pausing for the boos. Cena, smiling, waited out the boos. He said it's been a very interesting 24 hours. Here tonight, he can see & hear the excitement and energy. Cena said the world finally knows who Zack Ryder is. C.M. Punk is the new WWE champion. "Hats off to you, sir," he said. Cena said the bigger question was whether Rock and Cena could co-exist as a tag team. He said the answer is "yes" because they defeated Miz & R-Truth last night.

Cena said he heard a deafening reaction for Rock last night. For him, it was business as usual. Cue up the loud cheers and boos in Hershey. Cena said it's honesty that makes those moments truly unique. But, when emotions run high, sometimes people get carried away. Cena said they already won, he's congratulating Rock, and then Rock stops everything and asks him back into the ring. Cena said he probably wasn't asking him to share a bowl of Fruity Pebbles. Pause for the chant. Cena said when a man calls you out, you face him face-to-face. Cena said the end result was a Rock Bottom to end his night. Cue up a "Boots to Asses" chant. Cena entered promo mode that Rock proved he never lost it and WrestleMania will match up the two biggest...

Miz and Truth's music interrupted before Cena could finish his line. Miz and Truth slowly walked to the ring as Cena sold annoyance. Miz said it was the biggest egos because Cena's ego won't even allow him to admit how badly Rock showed him up last night. Miz said Cena is painting a happy picture about how they great they were as a tag team, but Cena failed to mention that he had 17,000 people chanting, "Don't tag Cena." Cue up the vocal males with the chant. Miz said no one wanted to see Cena last night.

Truth wanted to ask Cena something. The "What?" chants interrupted. Truth said Cena is talking about what WrestleMania needs to be, but he'll enlighten him on what it's going to be. Cena was selling annoyance at this point. Truth said it's going to be Rock putting boots to Cena's fruity booty all over Miami. Truth said CeNation is about to turn into "See ya later nation." Cena told them to shut up and start worrying about him. Cena said he'll knock the make-up off Miz and sell the extensions off Truth's head to Mr. T.

[Q9 -- over-run] Cena said the world found out two things last night: Rock never lost it and everyone is focused on WM28. Also, no one cares about Miz and Truth. Cena said no one sees them as a legitimate threat. Cena then tried a divide & conquer routine saying that Miz doesn't like Truth and Truth doesn't like Miz. Cena told them not to boo him, but to boo each other. Cena then left the ring and his music played. Cole said Cena just turned the tables.

Back in the ring, Miz and Truth stared each other down. Miz tried to convince Truth that Cena is trying to play each other against each other. Truth took it as Miz trying to tell him he's stupid. Miz then told Truth that the crowd is here to see him. Truth dropped his mic and said he just crossed the line. Suddenly, Miz shoved Truth and Truth shot back with a right hand. Miz backed away to a corner and begged off. Miz tried to calm down Truth and tell him that Cena is playing them. Miz said they need to get Cena.

Miz and Truth ripped off their jackets and stomped away to the backstage area. Suddenly, Miz grabbed Truth and dropped him with a Skullcrushing Finale on the entrance ramp. Miz held Truth on the stage before slowly raising himself to his feet. Miz cocked a look toward Truth before slowly backing away. They went to a replay of the mid-ring shoving match, then Miz's surprise SCF on Truth. Cole said this proved that Miz is indeed a legitimate threat. This coming from Cole? Lawler followed right up with his one line of the night - an incredulous "what?!" toward Cole. Booker echoed Lawler. They signed off five minutes past the top of the hour with medics checking on Truth. So, where was Jonah Hill?

FINAL THOUGHTS: The booking at Survivor Series made sense after this show (reinforcing that the Cena/Rock main event was to show that Rock "still has it" before WM28), but it seems like WWE under-estimated how much damage they may have caused to Cena as a big-time player by going so far in one direction by having Rock completely dominate and Cena look like an also-ran. Cena did get some points back at the end of Raw by showing a serious side and delivering an effective, inspired promo that fired up his fanbase.

As for the Miz's turn on Truth, it's apparent WWE had to reset both characters after Survivor Series and with Rock removed from the mix, and it made sense to position Truth as the sympathetic figure since he has been receiving babyface reactions as of late. It still isn't clear what Cena will be doing for the next few weeks (or months), but Miz and Truth have something to work with. Overall, some progress after Survivor Series, but they still have major flaws hanging over the show: Laurinaitis as authority figure, Cole as lead announcer, and a devalued WWE Title (as evidenced by a lack of second hour WWE Title match plugs for next week's Raw).

We welcome your 0-10 score and comments on this show for a "Raw Reax" feature in the Torch Feedback section of To contribute your thoughts on Raw, email to using our Feedback form.

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PWTorch editor Wade Keller has covered pro wrestling full time since 1987 starting with the Pro Wrestling Torch print newsletter. launched in 1999 and the PWTorch Apps launched in 2008.

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He has interviewed big-name players in person incluiding Vince McMahon (at WWE Headquarters), Dana White (in Las Vegas), Eric Bischoff (at the first Nitro at Mall of America), Brock Lesnar (after his first UFC win).

He hosted the weekly Pro Wrestling Focus radio show on KFAN in the early 1990s and hosted the Ultimate Insiders DVD series distributed in retail stories internationally in the mid-2000s including interviews filmed in Los Angeles with Vince Russo & Ed Ferrara and Matt & Jeff Hardy. He currently hosts the most listened to pro wrestling audio show in the world, (the PWTorch Livecast, top ranked in iTunes)


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