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WWE Raw Report
CALDWELL'S WWE RAW RESULTS 10/17: Complete "virtual-time" coverage of Raw Supershow from Mexico City - final PPV hype

Oct 17, 2011 - 10:08:19 PM

WWE Raw Supershow Results
October 17, 2011 - Episode #959
Taped 10/15 in Mexico City, Mexico
Aired on USA Network
Report by James Caldwell, PWTorch assistant editor

This week's taped WWE Raw Supershow started with full pyro and Michael Cole introducing the first-ever TV episode in Mexico City. In the ring, Justin Roberts introduced John Laurinaitis, who paused on-stage to acknowledge boos from the crowd. Cole recapped the events from last week, which led to a video package on Triple H vowing not to quit before Vince McMahon returned to TV to relieve Hunter of his duties running Raw, which wasn't Hunter's job to begin with.

Back in the ring, Laurinaitis introduced himself to boos and tried to crack some jokes that Rey Mysterio will not be here tonight. He said while the Board of Directors is searching for a permanent Raw GM, he will run Raw with honor and respect. Laurinaitis said he'll make some mistakes, but he asks for understanding. One of those mistakes was last week on Raw when he fired Jim Ross. The crowd chanted at Laurinaitis, who kept talking and said he's bringing back Jim Ross.

Out came Ross, causing Cole to nearly explode in frustration. Cole claimed people from Oklahoma don't even have passports. Ross did a victory lap ringside, shook hands with the Spanish announce team, approached Lawler for a headset, and was interrupted by Laurinaitis. He asked Ross to come into the ring for a public apology. Laurinaitis randomly hugged Ross for an extended show of affection. Ross kindly nodded his head before Laurinaitis said he shouldn't have fired him. He said he's sorry. But, he did not bring Ross to TV to commentate. He said when Ross did the Walk of Shame and left the building last week, something happened during the break.

They cut to footage of Michael Cole cutting a promo on Ross during the break after Ross was "fired." Back to the show, Laurinaitis put his arm around Ross and said he thinks they should settle the differences between Ross and Cole tonight. And he'll do that in the main event tonight: Cole teaming with Alberto Del Rio to face the tag team of Ross and John Cena. Cole went from confident to concerned. Ross leaned over the top rope and told Cole to come bring it, prompting Cole to stand on the announce table and yell back at Ross. Cole even flexed his muscles while Ross suggested he would punch his face in.

In-ring: Suddenly, Randy Orton's music hit to a huge reaction. Unless that was sweetened, Orton is super-over in Mexico. Orton slowly made his way to the ring as Justin Roberts announced a six-man tag match. Orton posed in the ring before they cut to break.

[Commercial Break. A look at John Cena's "The Reunion" due out Friday to minimal hype, like the PPV on Sunday.]

[Q2] Announcers: Cole and Lawler announced Randy Orton vs. Cody Rhodes in a singles match. No mention of Rhodes's Intercontinental Title.

In-ring: John Morrison's music hit to a similarly loud reaction. Not quite Orton's level, but still decent. Sheamus's music then hit to a more deep-voiced cheer. Sheamus joined the other two faces in the ring before Christian's music hit to bring out the first heel for the tag match. After Cody Rhodes came out, Mark Henry's music hit to bring out the World Hvt. champion.

1 -- RANDY ORTON & SHEAMUS & JOHN MORRISON vs. World Hvt. champion MARK HENRY & IC champion CODY RHODES & CHRISTIAN -- six-man tag match

Orton and Christian resumed their rivalry to begin the match. Orton scored with early offense, which the crowd was hot for. Sheamus and Rhodes then tagged in and Sheamus destroyed him with boots to the mid-section. Rhodes had enough and tagged in Henry, who slowly entered the ring to confront Sheamus. Meanwhile, Orton took advantage of Rhodes's weakened state by running to the other side of the ring to land blows and strikes. Orton blasted Rhodes up the rampway, then Rhodes tried to run to the backstage area as they cut to break.

[Commercial Break]

Back live, Morrison scored a bit of offense before Mark Henry blasted him with a right hand. Cole noted Orton and Rhodes fought out of the arena prior to the break. Lawler said it was more like Rhodes running out of the arena to avoid Orton after Rhodes bagged him on Raw last week. In the ring, Morrison began taking a pounding when the heels used a two-on-one advantage to take control. Henry then applied a bear hug that Lawler said should be called a Henry Hug. We'll see if that catches on.

Morrison finally had a chance to tag in Sheamus, but Christian ran to the other side and yanked Sheamus off the ring apron. Sheamus and Christian then brawled over the guardrail to the arena area. So, it was Henry vs. Morrison. Morrison tried offense, but Henry threw Morrison into the air for a mid-air World's Strongest Slam. Henry made the cover for the win.

WINNERS: Team Henry at 11:20. Although more attention was spent on outside-the-ring happenings, a good six-man tag match to promote a handful of items for the PPV. It was nice to see a hot crowd invested in the action, as well.

[Q3] Still to come tonight: C.M. Punk vs. The Miz. Also, Del Rio & Cole vs. Cena & Ross. Cole called his duo "Team Perfect" going to break.

[Commercial Break]

Video Package: Brodus Clay is dominant, mean, and unforgiving. Clay said he doesn't want to respect his opponent; just destroy him. Clay was shown talking in a darkened sit-down interview setting in-between action shots of Clay destroying folks on Superstars lately. Clay said if you get in the ring with Clay, you'll never be the same again. Great video.

Earlier Today: A visit inside Mexico City to survey the cultural offerings.

Backstage: Laurinaitis was on the phone, but was interrupted by the Bella Twins. Laurinaitis, head of talent relations, didn't know which one was which. They wanted to make sure they weren't forgotten on Raw. Laurinaitis said he hasn't forgotten, so they kissed him on the cheeks and walked off. He then went back to the phone, but was interrupted by Ricardo Rodriguez. Ricardo tried to whisper an introduction for Alberto Del Rio, who walked into the shot to a loud mixed reaction. Del Rio said he's not in favor of this tag match situation. Laurinaitis reasoned that the winner of tonight's tag match gets to pick the stipulation for Vengeance. Laurinaitis patted him on the shoulder, but Del Rio wasn't convinced.

In-ring: Eve came out with Kelly Kelly for singles action. Cole and Lawler announced Divas champ Beth Phoenix vs. Eve for the PPV on Sunday. Natalya then came out with Beth for a bit of a PPV preview.

2 -- EVE (w/Kelly Kelly) vs. NATALYA (w/Divas champion BETH PHOENIX)

Natalya completely dominated early on and taunted Eve on behalf of Phoenix before the PPV. Eve shook off the taunts and landed a moonsault for the win. Afterward, Beth tried to attack Eve, but Eve bailed from the ring.

WINNER: Eve at 2:10. Short match, basic story setting up the PPV.

Up Next: Punk vs. The Miz. Will Punk get his revenge before Vengeance?

[Commercial Break]

[Q4] Announcers: Ross and Cole plugged the Vengeance PPV and noted the PPV theme song was provided by a band actually called Crystal Method. Cole noted Hunter & Punk vs. Miz & Truth was made official during the week.

In-ring: C.M. Punk came out to the ring to another strong reaction. Punk posed in the ring before R-Truth's music hit. Miz came out cutting a promo in Spanish before the duo rapped to "You Suck" on the way to the ring. In the ring, Punk sold that no one understood what they were saying. In the ring, Miz taunted Punk on the mic. Miz told Punk he's sweating because he remembers the beat down of a lifetime at Hell in a Cell. Miz asked Punk what hurts more: no more title shots for Punk for a long time or do what Punk could not do - remove Hunter from running Raw. Punk mock applauded Miz before Truth said Punk talks too much. Punk smirked at Truth as the crowd chanted at Truth. Truth told Punk he won't be smiling when Miz beats him up tonight. Truth said they're going to get vengeance on Sunday. "Vengeance is gonna get got," Truth declared.

Punk stood his ground with arms folded, then Triple H's music hit to another big reaction. Hunter stomped out dressed in a suit. He removed his jacket on the way to the ring as Cole said he's still COO. Well, that makes events on last week's Raw even more convoluted since Miz & Truth were re-hired despite Hunter still being COO. They cut to break before any physicality could break out. I give up on this storyline.

[Commercial Break. Smackdown plug: What will happen on the final Smackdown before Vengeance?]

3 -- C.M. PUNK (w/Triple H) vs. THE MIZ (w/R-Truth)

Cole tried to explain that Hunter was even more upset last week on Raw when Laurinaitis re-instated Miz and Truth. So, the Raw GM is more powerful than the COO? Lawler noted the people he's talked to are excited about Hunter getting back in the ring again. But, if Hunter's still COO, wouldn't he have to run that by the Board of Directors like he did for Night of Champions? WWE has apparently given up on this making any sense. As for the match, Punk and Miz found themselves on the outside, which drew Hunter around ringside to the heel corner when Truth became involved. Back in the ring, Miz and Punk traded control leading to the top of the hour as Lawler talked about Hunter getting back into wrestling mode on Sunday, which seemed to be the entire point of "firing" Hunter last week.

[Q5 -- second hour] Hunter tried to get involved in the match when the heels cheated to take advantage, but referee Scott Armstrong reprimanded Hunter. Regarding Miz acting mean, Lawler referenced Taylor Swift's "Mean" song, which prompted a quip from Cole that T-Swift's in Lawler's age bracket. Loud "C-M-Punk" chant as the crowd tried to rally behind Punk. Miz then tried a top-rope move, but Punk intercepted with a roundhouse kick. Hunter had enough of R-Truth trying to interfere, so he chased him up the ramp.

Suddenly, John Laurinaitis emerged on-stage and asked for the match to be stopped. He also had a piece of paper in-hand and told Hunter they have an immigration problem. Several men stood next to Laurinaitis as he told Hunter they have to deal with this right now. Hunter reluctantly walked up the ramp, but not before punching R-Truth, who was comically trying to wave Hunter good-bye. Hunter walked off to the back and they cut to break.

WINNER: No Contest at 8:46. This show was going just fine until they re-visited and replayed everything that went wrong on last week's show in this segment. Is this whole conspiracy angle still in-play with someone still trying to sabotage Hunter, this week via immigration issues?

[Commercial Break]

During Commercial: Hunter was shown being escorted out of the building as Laurinaitis noted he just caught the immigration error. Customs officials escorted Hunter out of the building. They cut back to Laurinaitis, who got back on the phone as David Otunga walked up next to him.

Back in the arena, the match was suddenly still going on in the ring despite Laurinaitis stopping it.

3b -- C.M. PUNK vs. THE MIZ (w/R-Truth)

After some back-and-forth action, Punk hit a top-rope Macho Man elbow drop before calling for the end. Punk knocked Truth off the apron first, then went for the Go 2 Sleep, but Miz slipped out. Punk scored a roll-up pin moments later to secure another one-on-two-style win. Post-match: Miz and Truth attacked Punk and inflicted a beating since Hunter wasn't there to make the save. Referees then stormed the ring to get Miz and Truth away from Punk. Miz and Truth acted like they were willing to co-operate by raising their arms and quietly leaving the ring. Suddenly, Truth ran back into the ring and gave Punk his finisher. Miz then tried to act like a peacemaker, which the refs bought. Miz then hit the Skullcrushing Finale on Punk.

WINNER: Punk at 1:55.

[Q6] [Commercial Break]

WWE TV Network plug coming back from break.

Mexico City: Mariachis played a few tunes coming back from break. Cole then introduced the Raw announce team ringside. Back to Cole and Lawler, who talked up the Network. They revealed the poll results for the first-ever show on the Network focusing on past WrestleManias. "WrestleMania Rewind" received 39.32 percent to win. Cole then got up from the announce position to stretch and prepare for his tag match still to come.

In-ring: Jack Swagger's music hit to bring out Swagger and Dolph Ziggler. They were joined by Vickie Guerrero in a traditional dress complete with a rose over her ear. In the ring, Vickie excused herself and noted she is a goddess in Mexico. She said that because of her business acumen, Laurinaitis has allowed her two business clients, Ziggler and Swagger, to challenge Air Boom for the Tag Titles at Vengeance. Ziggler tried to speak next, but paused for boos. Ziggler said it's an honor for them to see him in the ring tonight. As U.S. champion, Ziggler did a U.S. vs. Mexico promo to boos. He then noted the crowd gets the next best thing to being able to cross the border to the U.S.: the All-American American and The Heel in action. Swagger spoke next. He warmed up to sing the U.S. National Anthem, which drew boos, mainly because he can't sing. Swagger said they made him lose his place, so he's going to start over. Suddenly, Zack Ryder interrupted complete with handheld flipcam. Ryder hit the ring and posed for the crowd before preparing to face Swagger.

4 -- JACK SWAGGER (w/Dolph Ziggler and Vickie Guerrero) vs. ZACK RYDER

Swagger landed an emphatic bodyslam to begin the match. Ryder came back with high knees out of the corner, then Ryder suddenly made a cover for a very quick three count. Post-match: Ziggler and Swagger tried to corner Ryder, but Mason Ryan's music hit. He even looks goofy walking to the ring. Ryan scared away the heel trio as Cole noted Ziggler is supposed to be in action against Ryan next. Ryan then grabbed a mic and told Ziggler to get back in the ring since they have a match next.

WINNER: Ryder at 0:32.

[Commercial Break. Another commercial plug for "The Reunion" with Cena.]


5 -- U.S. champion DOLPH ZIGGLER (w/Jack Swagger and Vickie Guerrero) vs. MASON RYAN (w/Zack Ryder) -- non-title match

Back on Raw, the match was already in progress with Ziggler trying to avoid Ryan. Ziggler scored brief offense, but Ryan landed a big shoulder block that sent Ziggler rolling to the floor for a breather. Back in the ring, Ryan tossed Ziggler into the turnbuckles, then knocked him to the floor. Ziggler reluctantly returned to the ring, where he landed a desperation dropkick, but Ryan absorbed and landed a bodyslam. Ziggler went back to the outside and Ryan gave chase. Vickie got in the middle and slapped Ryan, who then turned his anger toward Ziggler back in the ring. Ryan destroyed Ziggler and was DQ'ed for not breaking a corner attack.

Post-match: Ryan teased a press slam on Ziggler, but Swagger broke it up. Ryan then clotheslined Swagger over the top rope before grabbing Ziggler with a spinning powerslam. Ryan did some sort of victory/TD celebration while Vickie sold concern ringside. Ryan then left the ring as Ryder talked him up in the background.

WINNER: Ziggler via DQ at 2:36.

Backstage: Jim Ross was shown getting ready for the main event. John Cena then walked in and Ross said he's not looking to screw this thing up before Sunday. Cena gave Ross a pep talk that he's the greatest voice WWE has ever had and all he needs to do is support him from the sidelines, like at an OU game. Ross stood up and noted he would like to get his hands on Michael Cole, though. Ross talked in a quiet, stern tone about destroying Cole, which Cena agreed to make happen.

Arena: Back in the arena, Cole stood up at the announce table and said he's heading to the back before he puts Ross out of his misery. Cole said he might even pin John Cena tonight. Cole said his wife is Mexican, so they should cheer for him. The crowd ignored and booed as Cole left for the back.

[Commercial Break. A new BA STAR spot aired with WWE wrestlers and celebrities.]

Announcers: Josh Mathews joined Lawler for commentary the rest of the way. They started by breaking down the Vengeance PPV line-up, focusing on Henry-Show, Hunter & Punk vs. Miz & Truth, Orton-Rhodes, and Del Rio-Cena for the WWE Title, with no promo from Cena ahead of time talking about the title match.

In-ring: Roberts was shown on-camera to introduce Ricardo Rodriguez, who introduced WWE champion Alberto Del Rio. Del Rio honked his horn on the way to the ringside area as Ricardo gave the long-form ring intro. Huge heat on Del Rio in his home country. Del Rio stood on the rampway soaking in the crowd reaction before they cut to break.

[Q8] [Commercial Break]

Smackdown plug: Final build-up to Henry-Show on Friday's show. Plus, Del Rio vs. Big Show in a singles match from Mexico City.

Arena: Back on Raw, Del Rio was in the ring waiting for his partner, Michael Cole. No music for Cole, who twirled rope on the way to the ring. Cole stomped on the ring steps as he entered the ring talking smack. Cole shook hands with Del Rio, then Jim Ross's music played to bring out Ross in a Sooners #7 jersey. Cole mock applauded Ross as he made his way to the ring eyeballing Cole. After a pause, John Cena's music played to huge screams. Cena came out on-stage and stormed the ring as the heels cleared out. Cena fired up the crowd before shaking hands with Ross in the ring. Loud boos were heard once Cena's music stopped playing.

6 -- WWE champion ALBERTO DEL RIO & MICHAEL COLE vs. JOHN CENA & JIM ROSS -- Winner chooses stipulation at Vengeance

Before the bell sounded, Cole said he wanted a piece of Ross. Cena checked with Cole if he really wanted that and tagged in Ross. The two announcers squared off, Cole taunted Ross, and Ross popped him in the mouth to cheers. Cole then scampered over to Del Rio, who tagged in, as did Cena for Ross. Loud dueling chants as Cena and Del Rio exchanged holds and offense. Lawler noted at New York Comic-Con over the weekend, everyone came up to him and said they want someone to shut up Cole. Meanwhile, Del Rio began an offensive attack. The crowd was red-hot chanting for Del Rio before Cena teased a comeback, but Del Rio cut him off leading to the top of the hour.

[Q9 -- over-run] Cena teased the STF to boos, but Del Rio flung him away. Del Rio then landed a spinning backbreaker for a two count. Mathews noted this has essentially become a one-on-one match with Cena and Del Rio doing most of the battle in the ring. Del Rio then went up top, but missed with a flying butt splash. The males booed as Cena began his full comeback. Cena set up for the Five Knuckle Shuffle, which drew a big mixed response. Del Rio then bailed to the corner and tagged in Cole, who stood stunned on the apron. Cena suplexed Cole into the ring and Cole begged off as he inched closer to Ross. Cole pleaded with Cena, who looked around the arena before shaking hands and dropping him with the Attitude Adjustment. Cena set up for the STF on Cole, but paused and pointed toward Ross. Cena fired up the crowd, then tagged in Ross, who positioned Cole for the anklelock. Cole tapped out furiously before clutching his ankle.

Post-match: Ross and Cena celebrated in the ring as Lawler used Ross's catchphrases to describe the punishment doled out to Cole. Suddenly, Del Rio yanked Cena out of the ring, but Cena gave Del Rio the AA on the floor. The vocal males in the crowd booed. Cena then took a mic and slowly started counting to ten. Cena clotheslined Del Rio to the floor, then ran the ring steps into Del Rio's face as Del Rio tried to get up. Cena then finished his count and reached ten as Del Rio remained KO'ed on the floor. Back in the ring, Cena said you don't have to be a genius to figure this out. He said he's chosen a Last Man Standing match for Vengeance. The crowd cheered, then Cena's music played. Del Rio was shown crawling across the floor as Cena smiled to the crowd. Cena posed in the ring as they signed off eight minutes past the top of the hour.

WINNERS: Cena & Ross at 11:37. The hot crowd made this an acceptable main event, even though WWE gave away too much Cena-Del Rio before the PPV, and Ross and Cole played their roles well. As for the purpose of the match, it came across like a last-ditch effort to get some PPV buys to avoid a disastrous domestic buy total. It seems like Cena won't be winning the title after getting a "visual victory" with Del Rio counted down for a ten count and no verbal proclamation to re-take the title. Then again, McMahon could change his mind on Sunday.

FINAL THOUGHTS: This was one of those Raws that lacked spontaneity and energy - despite a very good crowd throughout and a big-arena setting - because it clearly came across like a taped show and WWE blew their top storyline last week. Add in a bland, basic, attempt to sell a PPV with no juice, even more ridiculousness with a top storyline that (a) makes zero sense and (b) no one cares about anymore, and this wasn't a good rebound show. There was definitely a residual effect from last week's bizarreness. The problem is last week's show was supposed to be a definitive "break in the case" with Hunter removed from power and order restored to avoid an extended "walk-out." However, with Hunter still in the exact same authority figure position he was in during the chaos, nothing has technically changed, even though WWE is acting like it has. It wasn't as bad as last week, but WWE has to get away from this storyline as quickly as possible.

We welcome your 0-10 score and comments on this show for a "Raw Reax" feature in the Torch Feedback section of To contribute your thoughts on Raw, email to using our Feedback form.

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PWTorch editor Wade Keller has covered pro wrestling full time since 1987 starting with the Pro Wrestling Torch print newsletter. launched in 1999 and the PWTorch Apps launched in 2008.

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He has interviewed big-name players in person incluiding Vince McMahon (at WWE Headquarters), Dana White (in Las Vegas), Eric Bischoff (at the first Nitro at Mall of America), Brock Lesnar (after his first UFC win).

He hosted the weekly Pro Wrestling Focus radio show on KFAN in the early 1990s and hosted the Ultimate Insiders DVD series distributed in retail stories internationally in the mid-2000s including interviews filmed in Los Angeles with Vince Russo & Ed Ferrara and Matt & Jeff Hardy. He currently hosts the most listened to pro wrestling audio show in the world, (the PWTorch Livecast, top ranked in iTunes)


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