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WWE Raw Report
CALDWELL'S WWE RAW RESULTS 8/8: Complete "virtual-time" coverage of live Raw - final Summerslam hype, contract signing, Cena and Punk in action

Aug 8, 2011 - 10:12:54 PM

WWE Raw Results
August 8, 2011 - Episode #949
Live in San Jose, Calif.
Aired on USA Network
Report by James Caldwell, PWTorch assistant editor

This week's live WWE Raw started with a live shot inside the HP Pavillion as Michael Cole offered a heavily-rehearsed "Welcome to Monday Night Raw" opening line. Triple H's music then hit to bring out the new COO. On-camera, Cole, Jerry Lawler, and Jim Ross were shown ringside. Cole offered some histrionics, Lawler talked about Hunter, and Ross set the historical tone for Summerslam on Sunday.

In the ring, Hunter looked around the arena with a wide-eyed look before adding some histrionics to Cole's comments. Hunter said it's a business-changer at Summerslam between John Cena (mixed reaction) and C.M. Punk (vocal males cheered). Hunter said change is a big theme around here lately in WWE. He said they went from no champion and Vince McMahon in charge to two champions and him in charge. Hunter said Sunday at Summerslam, there will be one undisputed champion. He said that's the tricky part, though, because it's WWE and just about anything can happen. Hunter said he's empowering one man to be the answer. One man who won't be pushed around or intimidated. Someone who's authority is absolute. He said that man is larger-than-life, casts a shadow not only over Cena and Punk, but also the entire WWE. Hunter said that me (as he smugly looked into the camera). Hunter said at this point in time, he's the only guy he can absolutely trust around here. That being said, he will stand in this ring and officiate that contest. He said when the dust clears at Summerslam, they will walk away with one undisputed WWE champion. (Seems like the path to get to Hunter screwing Punk to set up Hunter vs. Punk and distract pro-Punk faithful from the title returning to Cena.)

Hunter set the stage for the rest of the show: contract signing and Punk and Cena in individual competition tonight. Hunter said Cena's match is first and it's right now. Cue up Cena's music to bring out one of the WWE champions. Cena surveyed the arena, observed a mixed reaction, and jogged to the ring as Justin Roberts introduced him. Lawler said the champ is here while Cole recapped Hunter appointing himself special referee for the title match.

In the ring, Cena expressed concern over the referee stipulation. Cena and Hunter talked away from any mics to make it seem spontaneous. Cena looked down at the ring mat trying to passively-aggressively confront Hunter. It looked like a baseball manager arguing with an umpire while staring at the dirt and knowing he doesn't have an argument, but wanting to defend his player/team. Hunter audibly told Cena no one is bigger than him. Other bits and pieces of the conversation were picked up while Cena's music continued to play. Ross sent it to break ahead of Cena's match.

[Commercial Break]

In-ring: Back live, Cena had moved down the line to arguing with the assigned referee about having to wrestle right now. Jack Swagger then came out to face Cena as Cole fed to Moments Ago audio from the Cena-Hunter conversation. Cena could be heard saying it's an ego thing. Hunter told him it's about the WWE Title. Hunter added not to tell him how to officiate. Cena said he's said enough. Cole then recapped Cena's comments before the bell sounded.

1 -- WWE champion JOHN CENA vs. JACK SWAGGER -- non-title match

The announcers created a sense of urgency to this match early on, ignoring the social media b.s. that typically highlights the opening match (and most of the matches) on Raw. Cena grabbed a headlock early on and tried to wear down Swagger before running him over with a shoulder tackle. Cena followed with a big corner splash, then a dropkick for a one count. Cena followed right up with an armbar, showing aggression not typical for his matches. Cole, meanwhile, questioned Hunter inserting himself into the referee spot when he has little experience and it's "one of the biggest matches in WWE history." Ross said Hunter's the COO and he can't let anything go wrong and he trusts himself only. Cole then threw a question to Ross for "historical perspective" on whether there's ever been a bigger match in WWE history.

[Q2] Meanwhile, Swagger was in control trying to wear down Cena. Cena then suplexed Swagger to escape a hold. Swagger came back with a running shoulder block, though, and scored a two count. Ross noted Swagger hasn't targeted the ankle for the anklelock as Swagger went to a hammerlock. Swagger followed with a spear to the knee/ankle region, then both men countered submission attempts. Cena built momentum with his trademark comeback offense, then smiled as he set up and delivered the Five Knuckle Shuffle. Cena followed with an Attitude Adjustment after smiling to the hard camera and it was good for the win. Cole noted Cena is building momentum for Summerslam.

WINNER: Cena at 5:23. Basic pre-PPV work trying to give Cena an "impressive victory" over a halfway credible opponent, allow the announcers to talk about the PPV, and give pro-Cena TV viewers their weekly dose of Cena physicality. It was refreshing to hear Ross in a more meaningful announcing role and a reduction of Heel Cole's presence taking over the show. (*1/4)

Announcers: As Cena celebrated the victory, Cole introduced a poll question on who the viewers think will be Undisputed WWE champion between Cena and Punk at Summerslam.

Still to come: Rey Mysterio vs. The Miz. That seems like the set-up for more of an angle than a match considering Rey's knee problem and that match seeming like it would be better-suited for Summerslam. But, WWE is in the business of giving away PPV-caliber matches on free TV, so we'll see.

[Commercial Break. New Miz at 7-Eleven commercial.]

Summerslam Recall: Summerslam 1991 at MSG. Mr. Perfect Curt Hennig was focused on, then Bret Hart. The term "World Wrestling Federation" made its way onto the broadcast. They showed various clips of the match culminating with Hart winning via Sharpshooter.

Backstage: They cut from Hart to Scott Stanford standing backstage. Stanford tried to introduce the man who will face C.M. Punk tonight, but Ricardo Rodriguez interrupted and introduced Alberto Del Rio. Del Rio reminded everyone of his failed attempt to cash in the MITB briefcase against Punk at MITB and said he will make Punk see what would have happened in Chicago. They're officially making Punk a babyface in that sort of generic WWE way.

Announcers: The trio were shown at the announce table to plug a John Morrison vs. R-Truth match tonight. They went to footage from four months ago in the U.K. when Truth turned heel on Morrison.

Backstage: R-Truth declared he's a good R-Truth, then Josh Mathews walked in to ask Truth why he would take advantage of his good friend. Truth repeated "why" over and over. He asked random questions trying to see answers, then concluded there are questions with no answers. He then turned it into a question and answer session with himself about spiders before telling a story about spiders that drew "What?" chants in the crowd. Truth concluded that he's going to squish a spider tonight, and that spider's name is John Morrison. Cole had a chuckle back live.

Up next: Rey Mysterio vs. The Miz.

[Q3] [Commercial Break]

Summerslam plug: Cee Lo Green performs live at Summerslam Sunday night.

In-ring: Rey Mysterio's music hit to bring out Mysterio for the next match on the show. Jim Ross quickly plugged that Mysterio wants his WWE Title re-match one week from tonight in San Diego. Suddenly, The Miz jumped Rey on the stage and beat him down. Miz then threw Rey face-first into the WWE logo podium three times before referees pulled him away. Refs checked on Rey, then Miz kicked Rey in the head again. More refs spilled out on-stage to pull Miz away. Miz then slowly made his way to the ring as Cole said he's going to find out what this is about. They cut to a shot of refs checking on Rey on-stage before returning to the ring to show Miz entering the ring.

In the ring, Miz looked around the arena before looking back to the stage as Rey was helped to his feet. Cole tried to find the words to ask Miz about the "unbelievable show of audacity out there." Miz said it was, then asked who he's facing at Summerslam. "Yeah, neither do I." He said the emphasis should not be on Cena-Punk, but on him. He said he's all over the place in the media and on the Internet, so if he has to do that to Rey to get some attention in WWE, then that's what he has to do. Miz demanded a referee come to the ring and declare him the winner via forfeit. Miz continued to sell intensity before a referee came to the ring. The ref then whispered in Justin Roberts's ear some instructions. Roberts announced that instead of declaring a forfeit, new COO Triple H has demanded Miz compete in a new match. Pause. Kofi Kingston's music then hit. Cole, back at the announce table, called this ridiculous.


Lawler and Ross said Miz is attention-starved and he can get the right attention with a win over an impressive Kingston. Cole plugged Miz at the Teen Choice Awards last night rubbing elbows with big-name stars. He plugged all of Miz's other appearances as Miz worked on Kingston and got over his aggression. Kingston then clotheslined Miz to the floor before flying over the top rope with a dive. Kingston jumped back into the ring to celebrate before they cut to break.

[Commercial Break]

Back live, Miz was in control of the action working a headlock on the mat. They cut to a clip of what happened during the commercial break when Miz aggressively clotheslined Kingston on the floor. Ross covered some bases on Rey Mysterio: WWE Title re-match is official for next week's Raw from San Diego and Mysterio may or may not be physically ready for Summerslam if he's called upon for action. In the ring, Miz scored a close nearfall on Kingston before Cole plugged Twitter and other social media items.

[Q4] Miz continued to wear down Kingston as Cole talked more about Miz being in-demand. Kingston and Miz then countered each other before Kingston executed a sick springboard turnaround high cross-body from the top rope that scored a close two count. Miz came back with a spike DDT from his knees for a two count. The battle moved up top, where Miz set up for a superplex, but Kingston countered with a sunset flip powerbomb for a nearfall.

Kingston was up first and started to warm up for Trouble in Paradise, but Miz ducked. Miz then slingshot Kofi across the top rope before hitting the Skullcrushing Finale for the pin and the win. Post-match: Miz continued to sell intensity as Cole said Miz should be a part of Summerslam in some form or fashion. They went to a replay of Kofi's high cross-body splash before showing Miz picking up the win. Back live, Miz celebrated on the stage as Kofi recovered in the ring.

WINNER: Miz at 10:43. It's like a switch flipped for Miz, whose intensity was excellent in the pre-match, in-ring, and post-match. The match itself was a bit slow at times before a strong conclusion. Miz was enhanced, Kofi remained at the same level despite taking a loss, and they set the stage for Miz to be involved at Summerslam in some form. (**)

Backstage: C.M. Punk was shown walking in the hallway with the legitimate WWE Title belt around his waist. Mathews stopped Punk and asked about Hunter naming himself special referee for Summerslam. Punk said he's not shocked, as he has a bigger ego than his father-in-law. He said that what's good for business is Hunter keeping his nose out of the match. Punk said Cena vs. Punk one-on-one should sell itself, but Hunter needs that spotlight. He repeated that what's good for business is him beating Cena is becoming WWE champion. Punk added that what's good for business is kicking Del Rio's teeth down his throat. He said Del Rio called him a coward, but he's going to really show Del Rio what would have happened if they had a match at MITB. Ross declared business is about to pick up as they cut to break.

[Commercial Break. Miz at 7-Eleven installment #2. Plus, Edge on Syfy's Haven.]

In-ring: Justin Roberts introduced Ricardo Rodriguez, who introduced Alberto Del Rio. In the middle of his Spanish introduction, Ricardo incorporated a reference to the San Jose Sharks losing. Del Rio eventually emerged on-stage with his MITB briefcase on-display. After a pause for a light "C-M-Punk" chant, Cult of Personality played to bring out C.M. Punk to a louder reaction from the vocal males. Punk hit the ring and jawed with Del Rio on opposite sides of the ring.

[Q5 -- second hour]

3 -- WWE champion C.M. PUNK vs. ALBERTO DEL RIO -- non-title match

Brief "C-M-Punk" chant as Cole asked Lawler if he's surprised by the chants. Lawler said he thinks anyone would be favored by the fans against Del Rio. A more sustained Punk chant came up from the vocal males as Punk traded offense with Del Rio. Del Rio then yanked Punk shoulder-first into the ringpost before targeting the shoulder in anticipation of the cross arm-breaker. The vocal males tried another Punk chant that didn't build much steam. Del Rio suddenly missed with a flying splash and flew clear through the ropes to the floor.

Punk recovered in the ring, then Del Rio re-entered and took a swinging neckbreaker from Punk. Punk followed with a knee smash and flying bulldog. He then went to the apron for a springboard clothesline and called for the G2S. Punk measured Del Rio for the G2S, but Del Rio slipped out and rammed Punk shoulder-first into the ringpost. Del Rio followed with a backstabber for a two count. He then tried the cross arm-breaker, but Punk kicked Del Rio in the head and hoisted him up for the G2S. Punk connected on a wobbly Del Rio and it was good for the win.

WINNER: Punk at 4:40. Fine for the basic build-up similar to Cena's match. Punk feels like just another wrestler on the roster, though, and WWE can't re-capture that same buzz with Punk appearing to be an outlaw. Now it's a matter of solidifying Punk as a main event-level star and doing what they can with that. Punk had to win this match clean, so it's interesting they booked Del Rio as his opponent when it seemed like they were re-building Del Rio. (*1/2)

[Commercial Break]

Video replay: On the way back from break, they replayed Beth Phoenix winning the #1 contender's Divas Battle Royal last week before turning on her Summerslam opponent, Divas champion Kelly Kelly.


Back from break, Phoenix came to the ring for a Divas match as the announcers hyped the title match at Summerslam. Eve was out as her opponent. The match followed the basic three-minute Divas TV match formula of Phoenix on offense, Eve with a teased comeback, and Phoenix with her Glam Slam finisher for the win.

[Q6] Post-match: Phoenix took the mic and talked trash at Eve directed toward Kelly. On the outside, Phoenix wrapped up her promo, but turned her back to the entrance ramp. That allowed Kelly to smash her from behind out of nowhere. Kelly then stood tall in the ring and held up the Divas Title for Phoenix to get a look at.

WINNER: Phoenix at 2:58. Fine, basic PPV build-up for WWE's purposes showing Kelly is a fighting champion and isn't afraid to "stand up to bullies."

Still to come: John Morrison vs. R-Truth. Cole screamed that Truth is going to squish that spider, Morrison.

[Commercial Break]

Teen Choice video: They showed footage of various celebrities at the Teen Choice Awards last night. Plus, comments from The Miz on the red carpet and various celebrities doing Cena's You Can't See Me, including Justin Bieber. They cut to footage of Cena and Miz on-stage doing an awards presentation. Plenty of Taylor Swift footage in this video package. The video concluded with Cena self-deprecating about his jean shorts.

In-ring: U.S. champion Dolph Ziggler came out to the ring along with Vickie Guerrero. No promo, then Alex Riley came out as Ziggler's opponent. Riley, looking much taller than Ziggler in his wrestling gear, took the mic and told off Vickie. "That's nice. That's real classy," Cole said. Vickie screamed in Riley's face and Ziggler told him he's a dead man.

5 -- U.S. champion DOLPH ZIGGLER (w/Vickie Guerrero) vs. ALEX RILEY -- non-title match

Ziggler got in trouble early on, so Vickie tried to nip at Riley's heels from the outside. Ziggler found himself in more trouble, so Vickie walked right into the ring and faced off with Riley, who just smirked at her. Vickie then slapped Riley across the face, causing a DQ. Ziggler was upset with Vickie and screamed at her. Ziggler then pushed Riley, who shoved Ziggler, who bumped into Vickie. Riley left the ring as the DQ winner, then Vickie and Ziggler resumed their argument in the ring. Vickie was going nuts screaming. Vickie then waved him good-bye and left the ring. They continued the argument on the outside.

WINNER: Riley via DQ at 1:25. They seemed to be saving the real match for Summerslam, which they should be, and anything that gets them closer to splitting off Ziggler and Vickie is a thumbs up. Ziggler is coming across like a chump right now, though.

Still to come: Contract Signing between Cena and Punk presided over by Triple H.

[Commercial Break. Miz at 7-Eleven #3.]

Announcers: Ross, Cole, and Lawler plugged 7-Eleven, then Ross fed to a video package on Money in the Bank. They did it NFL Films-style focusing on C.M. Punk as the "rebellious challenger embraced by his hometown" overcoming the "virtuous defender of an ideal that has endured" John Cena to become WWE champion. They presented Cena as the ethical champion standing up to McMahon, who wanted to screw over Punk. The video transitioned to the "chain reaction" leading to Hunter "firing" McMahon and Hunter taking over, then Cena defeating tournament winner Rey Mysterio, and the "prodigal champion," Punk, returning. Back to the announcers, who recapped the Summerslam PPV line-up: Cena-Punk, Sheamus-Henry, Kelly-Phoenix, Christian-Orton. Cole added that Christian will be on Raw for a special interview later on. No additional matches announced thus far on Raw, as it looks like WWE will focus on the top matches to sell the PPV and announce a few undercard matches online during the week or just add a slew of bonus matches on the PPV.

In-ring: R-Truth came out first to face John Morrison in one of the featured matches of the show. Not much heat and the silent ring intro accentuates it. They cut to break.

[Commercial Break]

In-ring: Back live, the crowd was more alive arguing with Truth. John Morrison then walked out trying to look serious for his grudge match against Truth. Morrison tried to jump Truth before the bell, but the ref kept them separated before the bell sounded.


They started with a brawling-style match, which Ross noted. Morrison executed a flip-over move of sorts that caused Morrison to land awkwardly on Truth. Truth then rolled to the floor for a breather before Morrison came flying over the top rope with a corkscrew plancha. Morrison rolled Truth back into the ring, but Truth rolled out again. Morrison then threw Truth into the guardrail and talked trash to Truth for trying to end his career. The brawl continued ringside as the referee could be heard applying a ten count. Truth then dropped Morrison by the back of his neck across the guardrail. They cut to a replay as Truth rolled back into the ring. Morrison sold a re-injury to his neck as he rolled back into the ring at nine.

[Q8] Truth went to work on Morrison's neck in the ring. Ross suggested the referee needed to show some discretion about Morrison's neck condition. The two wrestlers traded control before Truth scored with Paydirt for the pin and the win. The crowd sort of mumbled at the decision. No music for Truth, so the near-silence could be heard as WWE replayed high points from the match. The announcers tried to cover for Morrison taking the loss by saying it was a gutsy performance with the neck situation.

WINNER: Truth at 4:04. Is this Melina Punishment? Perhaps the best explanation for Morrison taking a clean loss - despite the attempt at a neck injury "out" - and WWE wiping out any of his comeback momentum after returning from injury. Or, they just don't see value in Morrison right now.

Backstage: Triple H and John Laurinaitis were shown going over the WWE Title contract. The contract signing is next.

[Commercial Break]

Next week: Rey Mysterio will officially cash in his re-match clause against John Cena or C.M. Punk, as confirmed by a graphic.

Announcers: Cole, Lawler, and Ross discussed next week's Raw title situation, then went to a poll on who the audience thinks will win the title match at Summerslam. 54 percent for Cena and 46 percent for Punk. Lawler said it's the same results as the poll last week on who the audience thinks should be WWE champion.

Via satellite: Cole brought in World Hvt. champion Christian. Cole asked what's up. Christian said what's up is Raw disrespecting the World Hvt. champion. Christian said both he and Randy Orton will be in action on Friday's Smackdown. He said he has an announcement to make, as well, and it would behoove Triple H to appear on Smackdown to hear what he has to say.

In-ring: They transitioned to Triple H and Laurinaitis standing in the ring next to contract tables and chairs. Hunter looked very uncomfortable in this role and Laurinaitis just zaps the energy out of the camera shot. C.M. Punk came out first, then John Cena. Both men put their title belts on the table before sitting down. Punk put his feet up on the table and interrupted Hunter.

Punk said everyone knows this is already official, so he wants to know why they're out here. He asked if they're just supposed to be entertaining. After all, these things always end up in some sort of physicality. Punk said they could just flip the table over and fight right now. Punk said they could also discuss big movie stars. He said he's not talking about Triple H, the star of Chaperone. Hunter asked Punk how his movie's doing. Punk said it went straight-to-DVD, just like Hunter's movie. The vocal males, looking for something to react to, oohed at the insult. Punk then fed to Rock's 11-minute promo from several weeks ago. The portion of the clip was Rock mocking Cena's get-up and routine and whole Cena act. The line about men not respecting Cena was greeted with boos from the vocal males in the crowd.

Back live, Cena just smirked as his face was beet-red like his t-shirt. Punk was spun around in his chair with his back to Cena. Punk said there's a lot wrong with that, but he gets the gist of it. Punk said that what's right is Cena is a phony. He said Rock doesn't realize he's just as big of a phony as Cena is. Punk said maybe "Dwayne" is going to be upset now, so maybe he should sign the contract. Cena told Punk to hold on because they're about entertaining right now. He said Punk has these people going crazy. He said a guy like "The Rock" Dwayne Johnson has done everything already.

[Q9 -- over-run] Cena said with all of the success he's had, there's no reason for a guy like Rock to be mad about anything. He said Rock looks at him, though, and just flips out because he wears red or his jorts are 20 years out of style. Punk cut him off and said he didn't show the clip so Cena could go off on Rock. Cena said the issues are different for Punk, though. He said maybe Punk thinks he's manufactured - a modern-day Hulk Hogan who took the hand away from his hear to put it in front of his face. Cena said he knows he'll never win over the millions; he'll never "improve his workrate" or "let his heel persona shine through" to win them over. Cena said he was originally offended by Punk calling him the Yankees, but now he appreciates it because they're hated and loved.

Cena said there are so many people that hate him. Just like The Rock said, when his music plays, people ooze hate when his music plays. He said he's not concerned with him, but the people who wear his colors proud. The pro-Cena fans were finally given something to cheer about. Cena said he will never give up on them, thick or thin, loved or indifferent, because that's who he cares about. He said there is nothing phony about that. Cena said Punk throws a lot of stones. He said Punk made all of this demands, but now Punk is trying to come back as an underground voice of the voiceless. He said if Punk is looking for phony, he just needs to look in the mirror.

Hunter interjected that Cena has a good point. He said Punk, at the end of the day, is a guy who held out for money and a few perks. Then, he didn't even have the guts to stand up and negotiate. Hunter called him gutless. Punk took exception and said the person who fires people around here is John Laurinaitis. He asked him if he face-to-face fired Kozlov, fly himself to Florida to tell Harry Smith (yes, not D.H. Smith) that he's no longer needed here. Punk asked Laurinaitis if he fired Chris Masters face-to-face or just wished him well in his future endeavors. He told Hunter he has Laurinaitis do his dirty work. (When the releases were announced on Friday, in the back of my mind, I thought this would be incorporated into a "worked shoot" on Raw.)

Punk then got face-to-face with Cena. He told Cena it's easy for him to be holier-than-thou when he's been given opportunity after opportunity. Punk said Cena's perspective is skewed. He said Punk won his first title in WWE, the ECW Title, and Cena patted him on the back and said, "Good match. Congratulations, champ. I almost gave up on you." Punk said he's had a sour taste in his mouth ever since. He said Cena moved to Southern California to be a bodybuilder, then turned into a "sports entertainer" because he couldn't hack it. Punk then got that pop for the ice cream bar, acknowledging he wanted his piece of the pie. He said he wants the opportunities Cena has been handed and given.

After a pause for a Punk chant, Punk went back to seven years ago in Los Angeles when Cena won his first WWE Title at WrestleMania 21. Punk told Cena he's walking into LA with the title, but he's walking out with nothing. Punk said Cena will sure be a big star the next day in Marine 4 or have a big fight with "Dwayne" and have his legions of fans, but he won't have the WWE Title. He said Cena will not be WWE champion because the WWE champion will be him.

Punk then signed the contract and threw down the pen. The vocal males chanted for Punk, drawing a half-smile from Cena, who looked over the contract before grabbing the mic. Cena said it's a fine speech, but he doesn't seem to realize how much pressure is on him now. He said Punk won one match in Chicago at MITB. He asked Punk if he's though about what might happen if he loses at Summerslam. Cena said win, lose, or draw, he's heading to WrestleMania to face The Rock, but Punk needs this more than ever. He said he has people watching him, but if he doesn't back it up this Sunday, Punk will be nothing more than a loud-mouth, one-hit-wonder. The Cena fans popped. Cena told Punk that it's all gone if he doesn't win on Sunday. Punk looked down as Cena signed the contract. "Good luck," Cena said. "Good luck?" Punk shot back. He said he'd rather be a one-hit-wonder than a phony.

Cena said they've been talking for quite a while and they came out here to entertain these people and now this talking thing is wearing a bit thin. Cena stood up from his chair and Punk also got up. Cena threw the table away and cleared his chair, then they came face-to-face in the ring. Laurinaitis stepped in and pushed Punk away, then pushed Cena back. Punk tried a kick, but caught Laurinaitis instead. Hunter then pushed Punk away, but Cena pushed Punk out of the ring and knocked down Hunter. Hunter got up and shoved Cena, then they stood next to each other selling tension. From ringside, Punk asked if the fix is in and if this is how it's going to be on Sunday. Lawler interjected that after Summerslam, there will only be one WWE champion. They signed off with Punk and Cena teasing tension from a distance as Hunter stood in the background. PYB talk time: 21:00.

FINAL THOUGHTS: WWE tried to get Punk back to where he was going into Money in the Bank re-visiting the "worked shoot" and letting Punk "speak from the heart." They were pretty much forced to "re-heat the steak" since Punk came back too early because WWE needed a Summerslam main event, became just another wrestler, and they needed to sell Summerslam on the same type of verbal exchange that promoted Money in the Bank. Overall, the final sales pitch wavered a bit, especially going for those "oohs" from the vocal males instead of selling a PPV, but finally got around to giving the pro-Cena audience a reason to care and gave the pro-Punk audience some new reasons to care again if they were losing faith in the character and/or WWE "letting Punk be Punk." WWE drawing so much attention to the criticism of Cena is a dangerous situation, though, and a fine line to walk. In the macro, it's a scary thought if WWE is going to continue with the worked shoot routine as the foundation for their top feuds in the long-term. It simply cannot be sustained.

We welcome your 0-10 score and comments on this show for a "Raw Reax" feature in the Torch Feedback section of To contribute your thoughts on Raw, email to using our Feedback form.

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