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WWE Raw Report
CALDWELL'S WWE RAW RESULTS 7/11: Complete "virtual-time" coverage of Raw leading to MITB PPV - Cena in his hometown, Punk's final Raw

Jul 11, 2011 - 10:15:15 PM

WWE Raw Results
July 11, 2011 - Episode #945
Live in Boston, Mass.
Aired on USA Network
Report by James Caldwell, PWTorch assistant editor

This week's live WWE Raw started with the usual WWE TV intro cut off by C.M. Punk's music live in the arena. After a pause, Punk walked out on-stage holding a megaphone. Punk shouted some things to ringside fans on the way to the ring. Cole and Lawler reset events from the past two weeks on Raw before Punk entered the ring. Punk took a mic and said something into a headset before returning to center-ring.

Punk sat down Indian-style and spoke into the mic before smiling. Punk said he believes some recapping is in order since he didn't watch last week's show because he wasn't on the show. Punk recapped why he got into trouble for what he said two weeks ago - he has the balls to say what no one else has the balls to say. Punk said it includes things like people in and out of the company are filled with shameless asskissers. He said that he's been reinstated, his title match with Cena is back on, and (speaking into the megaphone) he brought back-up just in case they cut his mic off. The vocal males chanted, "C-M-Punk," as Punk toyed with the megaphone.

Punk, pacing the ring now, said Vince McMahon desperately wants to sign him to a long-term WWE contract and McMahon is bending over backward to sign him when all he ever wanted was this (pointed to the mic). Punk said it's a standard mic in other people's hands, but it's a pipe bomb in his hand. Punk said he did what WWE and their empty suits can't do - make WWE socially relevant. Punk said WWE has always gotten mentioned in the real world because (1) Punk is speaking his mind or (2) because someone died. The crowd was silent with that item out there. Pause. Punk said ESPN wants to talk to him and Kimmel wants his story. He said he has one foot out the door and now McMahon wants to give him what he wants. Punk said if McMahon didn't treat him so poorly for five years, he wouldn't have all this pent-up anger.

Punk reset by sitting down in the ring again. Punk said he knows McMahon and how he does business. He said McMahon wants him to sit down and have a little contract talk, but he wants to do something that's never been done before: the first live contract negotiation in the ring. Punk said maybe he'll sign, maybe he won't. He said maybe McMahon will have to join his C.M. Punk Kiss My Ass club.

Suddenly, John Cena's music hit to a rushing wave of positive and negative noise. Cena strutted out on-stage and walked straight to ringside as Punk reminded Cena through the megaphone he was talking. Cena entered the ring and sternly asked for his music to be cut. Cena paced around the ring as Punk sarcastically welcomed Cena to the show. Punk thanked Cena for reinstating him to a job he never really wanted in the first place. He said that not only is he going to beat Cena for the WWE Title - and he's going to change the belt because it's been far too ugly for far too ugly - but he will leave and Cena will get fired. Punk wasn't buying the stipulation and reminded Cena of when he was fired last year and it lasted "about seven days." Cena, still pacing around the ring, asked Punk if he's done.

Cena said he's out here to set Punk straight. He said all he's heard for three weeks is Punk vowing to win the title at MITB. He said Punk is treating him like he's some sort of push-over. Cena told "jack" that he's no push-over. Punk smirked and smiled. Cena cut him off and they started talking about Punk's claim being the "best wrestler in the world." Cena said he's the best because he has the WWE Title and he earned it. Cena said Punk thinks he's the best wrestler. Cena then ran down the list of wrestlers who thought they could hang with him: Triple H, John Layfield, Edge, Batista, Orton, Angle, HBK, and even Eddie Guerrero. Cena told Punk he's coming to Chicago at MITB to whip his ass. This all just falls apart because if Punk wanted to make this worked shoot seem "really real," Punk would have shot on Cena that it's all scripted and McMahon decides the outcome, which has enabled Cena to win matches and titles. Of course, that would have undermined the entire purpose of a wrestling show to make viewers believe the winner & loser is decided in the ring.

[Q2] Suddenly, the Raw GM buzzed in. Cole read from the podium that Cena will be in action tonight "in a very special match" and it's next. Also, McMahon is en route to the building for Punk's negotiations. PYB (3) talk time: 14:05.

[Commercial Break]

In-ring: Back live, Cena was in the middle of a discussion with no one in particular on the type of match he'd be forced to have. "What is it, a lingerie pillow fight?" Cena asked. Justin Roberts then said the following match will be a handicap match. Punk's music hit and Cena wiped his mouth in frustration. Instead of Punk, the Immortal Scrubs a/k/a tag champs Nexus emerged. Cole, with the credibility of a robot missing all of his key parts, tried to excitedly proclaim, "He's taking on the tag champions!" McGillicutty and Otunga entered the ring as the announcers tried to sell the tag champs as a threat.

1 -- WWE champion JOHN CENA vs. WWE tag champions NEW NEXUS (MICHAEL MCGILLICUTTY & DAVID OTUNGA) -- non-title handicap match

The commentary was interesting to hear what lines McMahon was feeding Cole. Cena easily cleared Mike to the outside and Nexus regrouped. They cut to break 1:40 in. Cole's commentary essentially amounted to (1) McMahon is a benevolent negotiator and (2) he wants to negotiate a deal with Punk so the title will stay in WWE no matter who wins at MITB. Of course, if it doesn't matter who wins and if Cena will just get himself re-hired if he gets fired, why should anyone buy a PPV to see the match? They have to resolve that issue on this show.

[Commercial Break]

Back live, Mike was working on Cena. The other part of commentary was Lawler questioning why McMahon wouldn't put his full faith in Cena, who has represented the company well. Cole said it's McMahon trying to insure the health of the company and WWE Title, with its 50-year-lineage. Cole said it would be like taking away the U.S. flag from the U.S. Lawler said out of the 40 wrestlers who have held the WWE Title, Cena has represented the company better than everyone else. Cole said the point is McMahon wouldn't leave the fate of the company in the hands of Bruno, Triple H, Austin, or Rock. Cole said he believes McMahon will give Punk anything he wants to keep him in WWE, just to keep the title in WWE.

Cena made his standard comeback at 7:45 and set up Mike for the Attitude Adjustment, but Otunga interrupted the move. Mike then scored a nearfall, drawing frustration from Otunga. Meanwhile, Cole equated the "crisis" of Punk potentially taking the title out of WWE to WCW threatening WWE in the '90s. Cena then came off the top with a guillotine leg drop on Mike before putting him in the STF. Otunga broke it up just before Mike tapped, giving Nexus fresh life. Cena quickly ended that by dropping Mike with the AA, tossing Otunga over the top rope, and pinning Mike for the win.

[Q3] Post-match: Cena posed in the ring as the announcers said Cena appears to be ready for Sunday. They went to a replay of Cena "persevering" through the stacked odds. Lawler then plugged Punk-McMahon contract negotiations live tonight.

WINNER: Cena at 9:58.

Smackdown plug: Final hype for Orton-Christian at the MITB PPV. Orton is "starting to get angry."

[Commercial Break]

Exterior: A shot of Boston as Cole noted they're at the home of WrestleMania 14. Cole then plugged the season premiere of "Haven" on Syfy this Friday following Smackdown featuring Edge in a guest-starring role.

Announcers: Cole and Lawler were shown on-camera. Cole appeared to be hyped on Red Bull shifting all over the place in his chair describing a big match-up of the immovable object vs. irresistible force. It sounded like an interesting set-up for Cena's situation vs. Punk's situation, but, instead led to a video package on Mark Henry vs. Big Show. The video completely focused on Henry's path of destruction. Cole broke down the Tale of the Tape for the big heavyweight fight.

Backstage: Vickie Guerrero was with her real estate agent a/k/a Dolph Ziggler in a suit that still made him look generic despite the bleach-blonde hair. Ziggler and Vickie role-played McMahon and Punk's negotiations since they want the WWE Title gone so the U.S. Title will be the top title in WWE. Vickie pretended to do McMahon's voice to no reaction. Drew McIntyre then stepped in and did his own imitation of McMahon. Ziggler shut them all up and cut a promo on McMahon's little mannerisms, like insulting Triple H's nose. The last three weeks of TV have made it seem like McMahon is trying to make it seem like he's "self-aware" of criticism for whatever therapeutic purpose it's supposed to serve.

Suddenly, McMahon walked into the shot from behind and put his arm around Vickie. McMahon assessed he was standing in front of two of his "fastest rising stars!" McMahon said they both deserve a big spotlight tonight against a really big, big opponent. Say, for instance, Big Show. Mac and Dolph tried to muster enthusiasm. McMahon then asked for a mint. None of them had a mint, so McMahon said that's too bad because he really wouldn't want to have...BAD (in Dolph's face) BREATH (in Mac's face).

The heels left, then Scott Stanford brought in McMahon to ask about Punk's negotiations since the entire world wants to know about it. McMahon told Stanford to tell the entire world they can go to hell. McMahon nodded toward Stanford, who nervously nodded back.

Backstage: Kelly Kelly was shown walking backstage with the Divas Title. Kelly's in action next, Lawler declared.

[Commercial Break]


2 -- Divas champion KELLY KELLY vs. MELINA -- non-title match

Back from break, Melina was already in the ring for the next match and the Bella Twins were on commentary to discuss Kelly vs. Brie for the Divas Title at the PPV. Kelly dominated this nearly start to finish before finishing off Melina less than two minutes in. Afterward, the Bellas entered the ring to run down Kelly. Kelly had enough and jumped the Bellas, who got the upper hand before Eve ran down. The Bellas KO'ed Eve, then left the ring standing tall.

WINNER: Kelly at 1:42. Basic booking to set up Kelly getting revenge on the Bellas at the PPV.

Still to come: Live Contract Negotiations between Punk and McMahon. ... Backstage: The Miz was shown walking down the hallway. Some crashing noise was heard as Cole excitedly said Miz is out next.

DVD plug: Rey Mysterio and his mask. The DVD plug posed the question, "Who is the Superstar behind the mask?"

[Commercial Break]

Smackdown plug: Orton cannot take any more of Christian. Will Christian regret pushing Orton too far? Find out this Friday on Smackdown.

In-ring: The Miz came out just before the top of the hour. Cole offered a plug for how to view the MITB PPV for free on WWE's website before Cole noted WWE crashed Twitter during the opening segment. The focus shifted to center-ring, where Miz easily climbed up a ladder to sit just below the MITB briefcase for a promo. Miz said he knows what it takes to capture the briefcase. He said some of his opponents have been close, but only he knows what it takes to win and become a champion. Miz vowed to win and become champion again.

[Q5 -- second hour] Miz pointed to the briefcase and said this is where the future happens. "And I am still the future," he said. Miz said everyone in MITB will learn why he's The Miz and he's...Jack Swagger's music interrupted. Swagger slowly strolled out on-stage as Cole reset the show at the top of the hour. Swagger took exception to Miz declaring himself the future. Swagger reminded Miz he won MITB at last year's WrestleMania and he's going to do it again. "Really?" Miz said.

Evan Bourne then interrupted and walked out on-stage. He said he's tired of hearing those two talk about what they've done when he wants to talk about what he's doing on Sunday. Bourne vowed to "steal the show, hit Air Bourne, and win MITB." Next, Kofi Kingston interrupted. Kofi smiled before surveying the scene in the ring. Kofi said he appreciates everyone's confidence, but this is all just talk. He said this is MITB, people. Kofi said everyone puts his body on the line all for a shot at the most prestigious title in WWE history. Kofi continued that Edge got injured in matches like this, then R-Truth's music interrupted.

Truth strutted out on-stage to discuss the conspiracy theories against him. Truth said everyone is talking about Punk vs. Cena, but he beat John Cena two weeks ago on Raw. He said he threw the champ through a table and all of the Little Jimmys saw it. And, now, he's supposed to climb a ladder and grab a briefcase? Truth asked how he's going to climb a ladder when he has...acrophobia. Cole said he thought that meant spiders. Truth said he has a fear of heights. Cole cackled at his error. Truth then said he's afraid of spiders, too. Cole cackled at Truth confusing phobias. Truth said if he sees spiders on Sunday, he's going to lose it.

Suddenly, Alex Riley's music hit. Riley, no-selling Miz's attack from last week, charged the ring and ran off Miz, who bailed from the ring. Del Rio's music then hit and Del Rio emerged below the stage not dressed to wrestle. Del Rio stood on his car and said this is a disgrace. Del Rio said he shouldn't even be in MITB because he won the #1 contender match last week. 67 minutes to address this piece of business. Del Rio said now it's Punk vs. Cena again at the PPV - why? Del Rio declared Cena is afraid of him. He said he'll win the MITB match to prove all over again why it's his destiny to become WWE champion. Del Rio vowed to send a message to each one of them. His music played again for the "wrap it up music" and Del Rio finished his promo before throwing down the mic.

The Raw GM then buzzed in. Cole sighed and stepped to the podium. Cole noted they have six of the MITB participants in the ring, so they should have a match. Miz, Swagger, and R-Truth were booked against Bourne, Kofi, and Riley. The match starts...right now. Cue up the Raw theme music leading to commercial.

[Commercial Break]

Video package: Big Show on the set of a "Burn Notice" episode ahead of Thursday's episode on USA Network.



Back live, the match was already in progress. It was such an important match that WWE and USA ran a video package on Burn Notice instead of the opening moments of the match. Cole offered this week's "pop culture reference of the week" that Miz is so popular that S.F. Giants closer Brian Wilson wears a Miz t-shirt underneath his jersey. Cole couldn't let the phobia stuff go and mixed up the fear of heights and spiders again. After some back-and-forth, the heels took control and they cut to another break five minutes in.

[Commercial Break]

Back live, Miz and Kofi were battling in the ring. More like the heels had Kofi isolated and were trading tags working him over as the faces begged for a tag from the ring apron. Kofi eventually broke free with a double DDT on Truth and Swagger before hot-tagging Riley. Riley speared Swagger, then fired himself up, but the crowd wasn't buying it. Riley was then blind-sided by Truth, but Riley fought off the heels and eventually dropped Swagger with a spear for the pin and the win.

Post-match: Miz dropped Riley with Skullcrushing Finale, setting off a series of sneak attacks by everyone. Bourne wanted Air Bourne on Truth, but Del Rio came out of nowhere to smash Bourne. Del Rio then used a ladder to clear the ring of everyone in the MITB ladder match. Del Rio's music played and he stood tall in the ring as his music played.

WINNERS: Riley & Bourne & Kofi at 10:45. As Miz has cooled off, so has Riley's face reaction. WWE is still pushing him hard and trying to protect him, but it will take time for the audience to truly take hold of Riley. The end result was positioning Del Rio as the favorite to win MITB and, to the larger goal, trying to make him look like a legit heel threat looking ahead to next week post-MITB.

Video package: Full recap of the Cena-Punk issues, now with McMahon's involvement. ... Still to come tonight: Punk-McMahon contract talks.

In-ring: Dolph Ziggler's music hit back live in the arena. Out came Ziggler, flanked by Drew McIntyre, who stomped out to the ring ahead of Ziggler. Roberts announced Ziggler and McIntyre, who simply leaned on the top rope selling anger as they cut to break.

[Q7] [Commercial Break]

4 -- U.S. champion DOLPH ZIGGLER (w/Vickie Guerrero) & DREW MCINTYRE vs. BIG SHOW -- handicap match

Back live, Ziggler's music was still playing. Big Show then came out to a standard reaction to face the mid-card heels. They went to a replay from two weeks ago when Henry crushed Show with a cage door to send Show flying to the floor. Lawler then plugged Show vs. Henry at the PPV while incorporating some more phobia talk. The bell sounded and Show started knocking around the opposition. Ziggler decided to bail to ringside before Show chucked McIntyre over the top rope. On the floor, Show smashed McIntyre into a guardrail.

Suddenly, the bell sounded as Show beat McIntyre up the entrance ramp to the stage. The announcers completely no-sold the bell and the match result as Show chucked Mac into the WWE logo on the stage. Show followed with a chokeslam attempt as Mark Henry came running toward Show, causing all three men to go flying off the stage through a prop table below. That didn't appear to go as planned. Or, it was supposed to look awkward. After a replay of the spot, they showed Show and Henry flat on their backs next to each other selling the effects. Referees came over to check on Henry and Show as no one seemed to be concerned about the condition of poor McIntyre. They cut to break with Lawler blandly saying both men are hurt.

WINNER: No Contest at 1:54. The bigger question was whether this was a write-off for McIntyre, who was completely taken apart here. Show and Henry KO'ing each other probably wasn't the right tone for their match on the PPV lead-in show. Someone needed to be standing tall leading to the PPV.

[Commercial Break]

Back live: The previous situation was so intense that they returned with a shot of Fenway Park and the announcers plugging sponsor products. Don't forget about Long John Silver's latest deals. Eventually, they cut to a clip from during the break of Mark Henry limping away from the stage. On-camera, Lawler said he doesn't think Henry had any idea what he was thinking there. Cole plugged Henry vs. Show this Sunday.

Earlier tonight: They flashed back to the MITB-themed six-man tag match earlier in the show to focus on Del Rio dominating folks in the post-match. Cole then fed to a video package on the MITB match to show highlights of past big winners. Jim Ross's voice added credibility to this video package.

[Q8] Back live, Cole and Lawler broke down the PPV line-up, stopping to focus on Cena-Punk in the main event.

Backstage: McMahon and Punk were shown on a split-screen walking down the hallway. The contract talks are next.

[Commercial Break]

Smackdown plug: Orton is sick and tired of Christian. He cannot take it anymore. He's about to entire IED mode. What state will the already-unstable Viper be in? WWE slipped in a plug for Orton vs. Kane for Smackdown.

In-ring: McMahon's music hit to bring out McMahon on-stage holding a notebook. He paused, though, and returned to the back. He then came back out, assessed the pop, and disappeared again. McMahon came out for a third time and strutted around some more. McMahon told Roberts to stop with his intro. McMahon then disappeared to the back again looking for another pop. McMahon strutted out to the ring as Cole talked up McMahon some more. McMahon walked by Cole and Lawler, blew off Cole, and walked around the ring some more. McMahon paused to talk to John Cena, Sr. on the front row and shake hands. No mention of it being Cena, Sr.

McMahon eventually made his way into the ring and stood next to a contract table. McMahon begged for a reaction and said he's not joining Punk's KMA Club tonight. McMahon said he can't imagine himself on his hands & knees staring at the big moon. He said another aspect that's bothersome to him is this being some sort of "public negotiation." McMahon said contracts should not be negotiated in public, but, nonetheless, that's what "C-M Poink" wants. McMahon noted he botched Punk's name before debating what C-M stands for.

Cue up Punk's music as McMahon shouted that he has a plane to catch. Punk walked out on-stage mocking McMahon's strut while holding his own notebook. Punk eventually entered the ring and held out his notebook. McMahon offered his hand, though, and Punk stared him down. The two men then approached the contract table as McMahon adjusted his chair to the proper height. McMahon noted the requirements established by Punk's attorney and told Punk to hurry up and sign the document.

Punk started his promo, while circling the ring, about McMahon having zero faith in Cena come this Sunday. McMahon said his faith - or lack of faith - in Cena has nothing to do with this. McMahon said he wants Punk to sign the contract for the right reasons: to make Punk a rich man and because he can't let Punk somehow walk out of Chicago with his title. "I could not live with myself," McMahon said. McMahon called Punk "Phil" and said they have everything in-place in the contract. Punk said his lawyers looked over the contract and it wasn't up to snuff. He said he has his own contract and all McMahon needs to do is sign it.

Punk mockingly polled the audience on whether they want to hear the new perks in his contract. "Don't push me," McMahon said under his breath. Punk asked if someone stooged off the contract terms because that's requirement #1: Punk being able to push McMahon. Punk said he can kick McMahon "in the nuts" all he wants under the new contract. He said he wants his own jet because first-class travel doesn't count. Punk said he wants his face everywhere: Titantron, spoons, forks, knives, turnbuckles. He also said he wants McMahon to bring back the WWE Ice Cream bars, which got a big pop. Punk tried to fight back a smile as the crowd chanted, "Ice Cream bars." Punk told McMahon he just made him a million bucks in ice cream sales.

[Q9 -- over-run] Punk said he wants WWE Studios to begin production on his own movie. He can call it The Chaperone 2, and it will be funny, entertaining...and successful. Punk then told McMahon to change the WrestleMania main event, removing "Dwaaaayne" from the match. Punk said the last thing this contract states is McMahon apologize to him. He said he wants McMahon to also apologize to the audience for being one of the biggest hypocrites of all-time.

Punk said, as far as the anti-bullying goes, McMahon is one of the biggest bullies he's ever met in his life. The vocal males with a "C-M-Punk" chant as Punk leaned in next to McMahon. Punk said he's had very talented friends work for WWE and be unceremoniously fired. "They deserved it!" McMahon shot back. Punk shot back that McMahon doesn't know what a Superstar looks like in 2011. Punk asked McMahon if he wants to punish guys for actually liking pro wrestling - guys like Colt Cabana and Luke Gallows. Punk said he is C.M. Punk and he is the voice of the voiceless and McMahon will apologize.

McMahon flashed a smirk as the vocal males applauded. McMahon leaned back in his chair and quietly told Punk to calm down. He told him to be a gentleman. Punk asked the crowd if they should be gentlemen. The crowd wasn't buying it. Punk told McMahon to go ahead and sign the contract to spare his company any further embarrassment. McMahon stammered, then told Punk he's eating a crap sandwich out here. The crowd started a "We want" something chant and McMahon shot back, "I don't give a damn what you want." Punk said that's the problem because McMahon doesn't care what the audience wants. He said he's in touch with the people and the people of Boston want to hear an apology. McMahon muttered a weak "I'm sorry, all right," apology. Punk started a "What?" chant, not satisfied with McMahon's apology. "I apologize you sonofabitch!" McMahon shouted. Punk then jumped on the top turnbuckle and declared Vince McMahon just apologized to him.

Next, Punk told McMahon to sign the contract before the stock plummets some more. McMahon looked it over, held the document, and grabbed a pen. A few vocal males with a "Colt Cabana" chant here. Suddenly, John Cena's music hit as Punk simply turned his head toward the entrance ramp while still sitting on the top turnbuckle. McMahon glared at Cena, who made his way around to the timekeeper to grab a mic.

Cena entered the ring and smirked while surveying the scene. Cena told Punk it was a fine speech. He said the people love him and they'll love him in Chicago, which is the night Punk walks out on each and every one of them. Cena labeled Punk a "terrorist" and asked McMahon if he's really going to sign that. Cena told both of them they're a bunch of spoiled brats. He did a mock voice as Punk and Cena pointed at each other. Cena told Punk he hates McMahon, too. He said he'd like to rip off McMahon's face and turn it into a floor mat. Cena said he'd like to wipe crap on that floor mat, then have his dog piss on the mat. Cena said the problem is if he doesn't show up to work, he screws the fans, who paid a lot of good money to see him. Cena told Punk he's the biggest hypocrite of them all. Cena said Punk acts like he's on the side of the fans, then is walking out on them. Cena said a man named The Rock did the same thing vowing to never leave again. Cena said he knows Punk isn't that guy, but Punk is making a ridiculous list of demands because all Punk wants to do is win the WWE Title and walk out. Cena said he admires Punk going to the beat of his own drum, but in the process of doing that, he's lost sight of everything.

Punk stopped him and said Cena has it twisted. Punk told Cena he's the underdog and he's lost sight of that. Punk told Cena that Eddie used to see Cena as the kid who couldn't hang, and now Cena is looking down at him as the kid who can't hang. Punk reminded Cena of WrestleMania 22 when he stood next to Cena's entrance and he told himself he would eventually make it to the ring and make Cena look down at him. Punk went through an underdog speech related to the Boston sports scene. He said he's glad Cena's dad and wife are on the front row watching this. Punk told Cena he hates what he is: the ten-time WWE champ. Punk told Cena he's what he hates: the underdog has become the New York Yankees. That was enough for Cena, who punched Punk in the head.

Punk bailed from the ring and grabbed his contract notebook. Punk shouted at McMahon that he's Steinbrenner and Cena is Jeter. Cena's music played, but Punk shut it off and sat down on the stage. Punk said he has something to say. He said he's glad Cena just punched him in the face. He said he finally figured out why he wants to leave. Punk said he's tired of this, he's tired of Cena, and he's just tired. Punk told the audience, McMahon, and John to say good-bye to the WWE Title, say good-bye to Cena, and say good-bye to C.M. Punk. Punk then ripped up the contract as McMahon lowered his head in frustration. Punk said he'll go be the Best in the World somewhere else. Punk mocked Cena's hand wave as Cena stared him down from the ring. Punk returned the glare and the show faded out 16 minutes past the top of the hour. PYB (3) talk time: 22:40.

There's a lot here that will be dissected six different ways before the PPV. WWE could have incorporated the underdog-turned-favorite aspect earlier in the program, as it seemed to come in late and was a lot to throw at the audience with the Yankees-Red Sox aspect. There was also the aspect of three different somewhat-face/somewhat-heel characters trying to assert themselves in a hot segment, but Punk did his job at the end re-focusing the PPV sales pitch by establishing two clear items that resolved two issues at the top of the show: he's not signing the contract and the WWE Title is in jeopardy. Ultimately, that's where the story needed to be and they got there at the end.

We welcome your 0-10 score and comments on this show for a "Raw Reax" feature in the Torch Feedback section of To contribute your thoughts on Raw, email to using our Feedback form.

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