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WWE Raw Report
CALDWELL'S WWE RAW RESULTS 3/28: Complete "virtual time" coverage of live Raw - The Rock physically involved, Taker-Hunter face-to-face, final WM27 hype

Mar 28, 2011 - 10:20:50 PM

WWE Raw Results
March 28, 2011 - Episode #930
Live from Chicago, Ill.
Aired on USA Network
Report by James Caldwell, PWTorch assistant editor

In the WWE Raw cut-in segment during NCIS on USA Network, Michael Cole and Josh Mathews were on the call. No Jerry Lawler yet. Cole noted Rock, Cena, and Miz will be in the same ring at the same time for the first-time ever.

This week's Raw leading to WrestleMania 27 opened with C.M. Punk sitting Indian-style in the ring with a spotlight on him. The ring was bathed in blue lighting. Punk paused for some "C-M-Punk" chants in his hometown and said he will miss this when he goes to Atlanta. Punk said they won't receive him as well as his people in Chicago. Punk said the men in Nexus were also his people, but he watched Randy Orton take them out one by one. Punk said he fancies himself a realist while Orton lives in a fantasy world.

Punk said his problem is Randy Orton, not the Nexus members who got punted in the head. Lots of pausing as the crowd got on the same page for a "Randy" chant. Punk said if he wants to find someone to fetch his coffee, he can find any mindless sheep to do that. He then re-visited last week's Raw when he ambushed Orton outside of his "Superstar Bus." Cue up a video from last week's Raw recapping the angle involving Orton's "wife."

Back live, Punk laughed at his handiwork attacking Orton and scaring Orton's "wife." He said he knows Orton cares about his wife, but he takes great satisfaction in his wife seeing Orton for who he is: a weakling with him standing over him. Punk said he will get revenge on Orton punting him in the head two years ago at WrestleMania. He said he is just getting started, but he will close this "sick and twisted chapter" at WrestleMania.

Punk dropped the mic to leave, but Randy Orton's music interrupted. Orton walked out on-stage with his knee bandaged. Orton slowly limped down the entrance ramp with his eyes locked on Punk, who mockingly invited him into the ring. Orton pulled himself into the ring and Punk attacked him with right hands. Orton then landed an uppercut before setting up Punk and delivering the spike DDT off the second rope. Jerry Lawler's was voice was heard noting the Viper struck.

Orton then pounded the mat to ready for an RKO, but changed his mind. He slowly backed away to the corner and wanted The Punt on Punk, but Orton's knee gave out and he sold the leg work from last week. Punk slipped out of the ring as Orton recovered in the ring. The vocal males chanted, "C-M-Punk," then Punk re-entered the ring to laugh at Orton. Punk toyed with Orton, then landed a kick strike to the back of the knee. Punk smiled down at Orton, who tried pulling himself up by the ropes. Punk then struck with the G2S center ring. Cole said he told everyone Punk had the upper hand. Cue up Punk's music to a loud pro-Punk reaction before he left the ring. PYB (3) talk time: 10:15.

Reax: Good way to start the show getting a hot crowd involved in the opening segment, but perhaps a bit too much physical giveaway on the Raw leading to WrestleMania.

Backstage: Christian knocked on Edge's locker room door and Edge emerged. Edge recapped Smackdown GM Teddy Long's decree that he can't touch Alberto Del Rio on Smackdown, but they're on Raw tonight. Mathews excitedly said Edge and Christian team up on Raw for the first time in six years next.

[Commercial Break]


In-ring: Back from break, Edge's theme music hit to bring out World Hvt. champion Edge for a tag match. Mathews and Cole debated whether it's Del Rio's destiny or whether Edge will retain the World Title at WrestleMania. The graphic indicated Christian will be in Edge's corner and Brodus Clay will be in Del Rio's corner. So, there's Christian's WM27 role. Christian then came out to team with Edge. Cole called them one of the "all-time great teams in entertainment history." Heavy stress on "entertainment." Del Rio then arrived in his vehicle of choice this week while Brodus waited for him ringside.


Edge is putting his 15-match TV & PPV winning streak on the line here. Edge and Clay started things off against each other. Edge and Christian exchanged tags back and forth trying to wear down the big man. E&C then dumped Clay over the top rope and executed more double-team offense on the floor. Mathews fed to a break with the faces in control.

[Commercial Break - "Tough Enough" plug focusing on Steve Austin and "Miss USA" Rima Fakih as one of the contestants.]

Back from break, Del Rio had Christian in a nerve hold trying to wear him down on the mat. Del Rio and Clay tagged in and out working over Christian. Meanwhile, Mathews was practicing for his call of WrestleMania as Cole & Lawler filled time arguing with each other leading to their WrestleMania match. Christian then caught Del Rio with a Tornado DDT and crawled across the desert to make the hot tag to Edge. Clay also tagged in.

Edge dropped Clay with a sit-out slam, then got that crazy look in his eyes wanting the Spear. The crowd popped, but Del Rio yanked Edge down from the floor. Christian and Del Rio battled on the floor, then Edge and Del Rio reset in the ring. Edge ducked a clothesline and nailed the Spear on Clay for the pin and the win.

Post-match: Edge's music played, so he didn't see Del Rio trying to snap Christian's arm with the cross arm-breaker ringside. Edge then ran to the outside to run off Del Rio, who disappeared to the back. Edge started to walk back to Christian, but Del Rio attacked him from behind. Del Rio then slapped on the cross arm-breaker and Edge tapped out furiously. Cole noted if Edge taps out on Sunday, Del Rio will be new World champion.

WINNERS: Christian & Edge at 8:16. Fine tag match giving Smackdown's top title match a spotlight leading to Mania and putting Edge in jeopardy of losing the title. (*1/2)


Announcers: Mathews and Lawler were shown on-camera saying it doesn't look good for Edge at WrestleMania. Cole, from his Cole Mine, then plugged the six-person tag match at WrestleMania involving Snooki. ... They cut to a pre-taped video presented as a live shot of a bar "in New Jersey" where Trish and Snooki were shown chatting it up. Mathews plugged an "exclusive interview" with Snooki leading to WrestleMania.

[Commercial Break]

Sin Cara hype video: Sin Cara was shown standing in a ring while Aztec-like imagery flashed outside of the ring. The video showed off his trademark high-flying offense as dramatic music played in the background. No debut date announced yet.

Ringside: National Guard members were shown ringside as Lawler thanked them for their service.

Backstage: WWE champion The Miz was shown with Alex Riley standing in front of an upside-down WWE logo. Miz snapped a photo to post on Twitter, apparently. Cole said Miz thinks he's the biggest star of all the stars here tonight.

Ringside: As Lawler and Mathews chatted it up, the Raw GM buzzed. Michael Cole stood up inside his Cole Mine and said he just received an email from the Raw GM...on his iPad. Cole read that the GM needs to know if Lawler is truly ready for WrestleMania. Therefore, Lawler will go one-on-one with Jack Swagger tonight. Lawler said he likes the sounds of that. Cole and Lawler had a stare down from a distance before Mathews plugged Taker and Hunter's face-to-face still to come tonight.

Video package: An Old Western style video on The Undertaker aired. Then, enter the old gunslinger Triple H. The video recapped the origins of this chapter of their feud from 2/21/11 until now. The video transitioned into a rapid-fire career recap for each man. Lots of former and current WWE wrestlers were shown taking beatings from both Hunter and Taker. Who is the Last Outlaw? The video department has earned their keep promoting this feud. Back live, Cole plugged the Final Face-off tonight.

[Commercial Break - another "Tough Enough" plug showing more footage of the upcoming season hosted by Steve Austin.]


WrestleMania Week: The announcers plugged the entire WrestleMania Week calendar starting Wednesday.

In-ring: The entire Corre group was in the ring back from break. Three men were holding titles. Justin Gabriel will be in singles action here. Big Show's music hit, followed by the Kane pyro blast to bring out Show and Kane. Cole recapped their back-and-forth brawls on Smackdown, then Santino's music hit. Santino, Kozlov, and Tamina emerged. And the match is official - it's an eight-man tag with Corre vs. Santino & Kozlov & Show & Kane at WrestleMania.

2 -- SANTINO (w/Tamina, Kozlov, Big Show, and Kane) vs. WWE tag champion JUSTIN GABRIEL (w/The Corre)

Interesting match-up. Gabriel scored an early nearfall, then Santino fired back with right hand strikes. Santino delivered the sailor's salute fist drop, then taunted the Corre with the Cobra. Action outside the ring dominated the proceedings before Santino dropped Gabriel with the super-over Cobra strike for the pin.

Afterward, Show did Santino's customary post-match trumpet salute. Kane stared him down, questioning Show. Show sheepishly kept doing the trumpet, then Kane paused and decided to do the trumpet with a big smirk on his face. Yes, that happened. Everyone had a good laugh, then Kane back-flipped out of the ring.

WINNER: Santino at 1:52. Quick match to save some for WrestleMania, although Corre wasn't made to look impressive here. And Kane's character has officially jumped the shark, although it seems like that's been said about eight times before. (n/a)

Backstage: Triple H was shown walking down the hallway with an intense look on his face. His confrontation with Taker is next.

[Commercial Break. Hall of Fame plug with an ad for the one-hour ceremony airing Monday after WrestleMania. The focus was on Shawn Michaels, naturally.]

WM27 plug: Keri Hilson will perform America the Beautiful to kick off WrestleMania on Sunday.

In-ring: From the upbeat sounds of Keri Hilson to the ominous gong of The Undertaker. Taker's special effects entrance played before "Ain't No Grave" took over. Taker slowly made his way out on-stage to a loud roar before he started to make his way to the ring. Taker entered the ring and Cole spoke, hyping The Streak and respect shown to Taker.

Triple H's theme music then interrupted and Taker slowly turned his head to look at the entrance stage where Hunter emerged with his eyes squinted toward Taker. During Taker's entrance, the camera focused on "19-0" signs. During Hunter's entrance, the camera focused on "18-1" signs. Hunter quickly made his way to the ring. Suddenly, Taker's gong interrupted Hunter as he was about to do the water-spit bit. The lights turned out and the crowd roared. The gong hit again, then Hunter walked into the ring where Taker was standing. Mind games.

[Q5 -- second hour] Taker and Hunter came face-to-face in the ring. Suddenly, Shawn Michaels's music hit. The crowd went nuts as Michaels walked out on-stage and danced up and down the entrance stage. Michaels then made his way to the ring as Hunter and Taker no-sold his arrival during their segment. Michaels danced around the ring and posed for the crowd while Hunter and Taker continued to stare him and each other down.

Once Michaels stopped dancing in the ring, his music stopped and a loud "H-B-K" chant was heard. Michaels took a mic and said he's really sorry for interrupting, but there was no way he was missing this. Michaels said, "This Sunday, WrestleMania 27, the biggest match of your careers." Michaels said one side has The Undertaker. The Phenom. The Deadman. The Last Outlaw. He said it pains him to say it, but the greatest streak of all-time. On the other side, it's "The Game" Triple H. Cerebral Assassin. King of Kings. 13-time World champion. And my best friend. Taker and Hunter kept their eyes locked on each other.

Michaels said that neither one of them will ever be the same again after this Sunday. He just has one question. He wanted to know what in the world...makes Hunter think he can do what he couldn't. The crowd oohed that challenge. Loud "H-B-K" chant. Hunter then took the mic and said the truth is Michaels got soft. He said somewhere along the way, Michaels decided it was more important to be Mr. WrestleMania than to win. Hunter said he's not Shawn Michaels - not even close. "I have to win," he sternly told HBK. Hunter turned to Taker: "And I will win."

Hunter pointed over Taker's shoulders to the back. He said he walked into the WWE locker room 16 years ago and saw The Undertaker standing head and shoulders above everyone else. He said he watched Taker wrestle with broken bones, torn ligaments, and crush one entire side of his face before wrestling the next night. Hunter said he learned real quick that that's what this business is about. He said Taker did it because that's who he is. Hunter said Taker represents everything WWE was and should be. He said he learned to respect Taker more and more every single day. Hunter said there's only one guy he respects more - or as much as Taker - and that's Michaels.

Hunter said five or six years ago, they made a pact that if either of them could not perform at their standard, the other guy would tell him it's time. Hunter said he came back after a year off for one thing. He said he came back and stood in the ring for one reason only - to stand here out of respect to look Taker dead in the eyes and tell him, "It's time." Hunter said that might not be a popular decision, but he can see that. Taker continued to stand unflinchingly as Hunter said Taker will always be a legend, an icon, and the Dead Man, and he will always respect Taker more than any other. But, in six days, Taker will no longer be undefeated at WrestleMania. The crowd booed that one. Hunter said whether he likes it or not, he will be The One. As in 18-1. Hunter told Taker that at WM27, "You and your Streak, with all due respect and well deservedly, will rest in peace."

Taker cocked his head to the side and his mouth moved a little. Taker then grabbed the mic and cocked his head again. Taker clutched the mic and said if he ever got the time where he felt someone would put him down, he would want that person to be Hunter. That's the respect he has for him. Taker said, "But, it ain't that time." He said he knows Hunter is going to kill himself trying, but in the end, The Streak will still be alive..."and so will I." Taker said if Hunter doesn't want to take his word for it, ask him (Michaels).

Taker said Michaels walks around every day of his life as the man who gave him the two greatest WrestleMania matches of his career. "And he came that close," Taker said. Taker said he still didn't get it done. Michaels lowered his head during this. Taker said he looks in HBK's eyes now and he doesn't see the same confidence. He doesn't see the same arrogance. What he sees is a man that he humbled. Michaels's face quivered a bit. Taker said he sees a man soon going into the Hall of Fame full of regrets. "What I see is a man whose career I ended," Taker said. Taker then shoved the mic into Michaels's chest.

Taker and Hunter resumed their position squaring off, then Michaels teased a superkick, but Taker grabbed his foot. Taker teased a chokeslam, but Hunter pushed them away from each other. Hunter and Taker resumed their face-to-face before Hunter asked Michaels to tell Taker why he's going to beat him at WrestleMania. Michaels remained in the corner not moving. Taker then looked to Michaels, who could only stare straight ahead. Hunter looked at him wanting to know what was wrong. Michaels lowered his head, then slipped out of the ring.

Michaels began to leave, but Hunter screamed down at him, "Look at me!" Taker stood in the background as Michaels mouthed, "I'm sorry." He shook his head and left as Hunter watched on with concern. Hunter's face quivered, then he turned to look at Taker. Hunter sold concern as Taker eyed him with confident eyes. Taker then smiled and nodded his hat toward Hunter. Cue up Taker's music and he left the ring while Hunter paced the ring selling concern. PYB (3) talk time: 16:40.

Reax: That's called selling WrestleMania. Awesome exchange putting all the cards on the table ahead of a big-money match.

[Q6] Still to come: The announcers remained silent to sell the moment as a graphic flashed on the screen plugging Cena, Miz, and Rock in the same ring tonight still to come.

[Commercial Break. A Spike commercial aired plugging TUF debut Wednesday featuring Brock Lesnar.]

In-ring: Jack Swagger and Michael Cole were dancing around the ring before Jerry Lawler came to the ring to some different, not intimidating music.

3 -- JERRY LAWLER vs. JACK SWAGGER (w/Michael Cole)

Lawler took a swipe at Cole, who avoided it, then Swagger took it to Lawler. Swagger threw Lawler over the ringside barrier before celebrating a bit prematurely. Lawler retrieved a chair while he was ringside and cracked it over Swagger's back to earn a DQ. Lawler landed another chair shot, then taunted Cole with it. Mathews told Lawler he can't do it. Instead, Lawler smashed the Cole Mine with the chair before trying to climb over the box to get at Cole. Cole's "security" held off Lawler, then Cole threw a beverage over the wall toward Lawler. Cole stood up and told him he's a loser. Loud "Jerry, Jerry" chant as Lawler slowly wiped the beverage off his face. "Wait 'til Sunday," Cole said. "I'm going to embarrass you!"

WINNER: Swagger via DQ at 1:16. More strong build-up for one of the key matches at Mania where Lawler will finally be able to get his hands on Cole. (n/a)

[Commercial Break]

In-ring: Back from break, Vickie Guerrero walked out on-stage sans music. She then put on some sunglasses and John Morrison's music played for her to imitate Morrison's ring entrance after scoring a pinfall on Morrison last week on Raw. Vickie entered the ring and demanded the mic. Big heat on the "Excuse me!" intro. She warned Snooki that what she did to Morrison last week will happen at WrestleMania. Vickie cackled maniacally. Cole called it, "Pure entertainment."

[Q7] Dolph Ziggler's music hit and Mathews plugged the NYC press conference this Wednesday. Cole gloated that he will be hosting. U.S. champion Sheamus then came out to join Ziggler for an apparent tag match. Cole said the "curse of the King of the Ring" is now over. Daniel Bryan then came out first for the babyface tandem. He pointed at Sheamus that he's his at WrestleMania. Pause for John Morrison's music to hit again. Morrison walked straight to the ring not in the mood for fun & games.

4 -- U.S. champion SHEAMUS & DOLPH ZIGGLER (w/Vickie Guerrero) vs. DANIEL BRYAN & JOHN MORRISON

Sheamus cut off Morrison's early momentum and they cut to break 40 seconds into the match.

[Commercial Break]

Back from break, Morrison was wildly selling as Bryan desperately called for a tag. Sheamus resumed an attack focusing on Morrison's back and the crowd tried a slow clap to warm up Morrison. The announcers plugged the six-person tag at WrestleMania before Morrison finally made the hot tag to Bryan. As soon as Bryan hot-tagged, WWE decided it was a good time to start plugging the WWE Live Event tour sponsored by Kmart. Bryan had Ziggler locked in the LeBell Lock, but Sheamus broke it up. The action broke down into a four-man brawl. Bodies flew everywhere, then Bryan teased the LeBell Lock on Sheamus, who avoided it. Sheamus then wanted the "Pale Justice" Outsider's Edge-like maneuver and he connected. Sheamus with the pin on Bryan for the win.

WINNERS: Sheamus & Ziggler at 6:15. Decent dose of athleticism, but not too much given away ahead of Mania. (*1/4)

Earlier Tonight: Mathews wondered if Orton showed his hand too early to Punk, who was able to capitalize on Orton's leg injury to deliver the G2S six days before Mania.

Backstage: Orton was shown leaning against a wall covered in ice. Scott Stanford approached Orton to find out if he'll make it to Mania. Orton breathed deeply and said he has serious anger management issues. He said he's ruined the careers of men he barely knew simply because he could. Orton said he has never, ever despised a human being more than C.M. Punk. He said the question shouldn't be whether he makes it to Mania, but, "Will C.M. Punk make it out?" Very nice babyface recovery promo vowing revenge at Mania.

Still to come: Cena, Rock, Miz in the same segment.

[Commercial Break. More action clips ahead of the "Tough Enough" premiere next week.]

[Q8] Announcers: Cole spoke over an exterior shot of Chicago before plugging the All-Stars video game due out tomorrow. Mathews then fed to the final Hall of Fame plug. Howard Finkel's voice could be heard saying, "And from Chicago, Ill." leading to clips of the Road Warriors. Plenty of old-school footage from WWF, WCW, NWA, AWA, and Japan. Gordon Solie's voice was heard over a few clips. They plugged Paul Ellering as the mastermind behind the group. Jerry Lawler had a sit-down soundbyte saying people will see this as the best tag team of all-time 50 years from now. Ellering is part of the package deal induction.

From the bar: Mathews welcomed in Trish Stratus and Snooki via satellite. Some guy tried to interrupt the interview. Snooki said she is so ready for WrestleMania. The guy interrupted again, so Snooki slapped him across the face. Trish said she's teaching her some moves. Snooki was acting or actually drunk during the clip. Mathews began to plug the six-person tag match at WrestleMania, but acted like he was cut off by something happening back at "The Shore." Lay-Cool arrived on the scene and a pier-six brawl broke out in the bar before they were separated.

Up next: Rock, Miz, Cena live and in-person.

[Commercial Break]

Next Monday: Cole plugged "WWE Night" with Hall of Fame, Raw, and Tough Enough. Cole noted HBK, LOD, and Sunny are the top Hall of Fame inductees.

Backstage: The camera zoomed in on the back of The Rock's t-shirt. He paced around the gorilla position as the crowd mixed a smattering of boos with "Rocky, Rocky" chants. Rock's music then hit and Rock emerged on-stage. He quickly made his way to the ring and posed in the ring while breathing heavily. The intro wasn't as drawn out as expected, but apparently they're getting right down to business. Rock paced around the ring as his music continued to play with the ovation getting louder.

Once Rock's music stopped, the loud "Rocky, Rocky" chants could be heard. Rock surveyed the arena, then nervously walked around the ring. Rock took a deep breath, then another "Rocky, Rocky" chant started. "Finally, The Rock has come back to...Chi-cago," Rock said. He said he's back where it all started. He said Chicago is a very special place for him. Rock competed in his very first WrestleMania right here in this very building. He said he was nervous that night, but he did something that defined the rest of his career. That night, this arena, Rock decided to bring it.

[Q9 -- over-run] And on that night, it was the unofficial birth of Team Bring It. He said it's not just some slogan, but a way of life. Rock said you knock down doors, kick down walls, and turn your fears & insecurities sideways and stick 'em straight up their candyasses. Loud "Rocky, Rocky" chant. Rock closed his eyes and said you go after your dreams on TBI. Rock said he recently had a dream of his own. That dream was coming down to the middle of the ring where he would call out John Cena. Loud boos from the vocal males. This was followed by a loud "Cena sucks" chant.

Rock continued his dream - Cena's wannabee rap music hits, he saunters out here looking like a homeless Power Ranger, and Cena gets Rock's fist to his face and boot to his ass. Rock said he woke up and the dream was over because it's reality. He said The Great One is here. Rock said he is never alone because he's with the millions...AND MILLIONS of Rock's fans. Rock put it in terms Cena can understand, "The People's champ is here."

Cue up Cena's music for a big mixed reaction. And out came John Cena with a big smile on his face. Rock paced in the ring as Cena saluted the crowd, then stormed the ring. Cena and Rock in the same ring together. They paced around each other as Cena continued to smile from ear-to-ear. The pace of the pacing slowed before Rock stopped and stood opposite Cena, who smiled and posed for the crowd. Cena couldn't stop smiling, then his music stopped and the boos started.

Cena kept smiling, waiting for an opening to say something. "This is what I wanted," Cena said. "The Rock is finally back in a WWE ring!" Cena said Rock is really cookin' and this is where he belongs. Pause for a "Rocky, Rocky" chant that Cena encouraged. Cena asked Rock if hears the people chanting his name. Rock continued to pace. Cena said when he opened his mouth about Rock years ago, he was one of the millions not knowing why Rock left. He said he wanted Rock back for moments like this when there isn't an empty seat in the house. He told Rock to look around the building and listen. Another loud "Rocky, Rocky" chant.

Cena told Rock to feel the electricity and excitement that can be brought by only one man. Cena said Rock even mentioned his name, like a celebrity roast. Cena said he wanted to listen to what Rock would say "via satellite" after his return. Cena was interrupted by a "Cena sucks" chant, which he smirked at and said he would get to in a second. He wanted to know what Rock's problem is with him. Cena got to the heart of the problem. His colors. How he talks. The type of music he listens to. Hustle & Loyalty & Respect. So, apparently Rock has a problem with his moral code.

Also, his audience is kids. They cut to a shot of a kid in the crowd. "It is, Rock, and I'm damn proud of it," he said. Rock said if Cena has a legitimate gripe about him burning his tail to the bone to prop up this business, then they have something to talk about. Otherwise, "Who in the hell are you to judge me?" Cena asked. He said if that's what it takes to be on Team Bring It, then he can keep the application. Cena said he walks down the ramp every week just who he is. Cena said when it's all said and done, he's going to be judged, but it won't be by Rock.

Pause for Cena and Rock to stare each other down. Rock began to speak again. He said he isn't going to judge Cena and the only person who is going to judge them is the Good Lord himself. Rock said the Good Lord can't save Cena from him whooping his ass all over Chicago. Cena said he's said everything to Rock's face like a man, so if he wants to fight...Cena dropped his mic and squared off.

Suddenly, The Miz's music hit and Miz walked out on-stage in a suit with the WWE Title belt over his shoulder. Cena and Rock maintained their pose in the ring, then slowly backed away from each other as Miz confidently strolled to the ring seconded by Alex Riley. Rock and Cena then paced around the ring as Miz entered the ring to stare off with Rock. "Really?" Miz asked over and over. "This is how it's going to be? Upstaged by the o-brothers? Over-hyped and over-rated?" Cena flipped off his t-shirt and Miz told him he's owned him for the past month. Miz declared Cena is going to lose at WrestleMania, but at least he'll go down swinging.

Miz said Cena will come for a fight...unlike you, Great One. Miz turned toward Rock and said he knows a secret about Rock. He said Rock is not going to do a thing tonight. Miz said he's done his research that Rock's movies have grossed over $1.2 billion. He said Rock isn't going to risk being beat up and embarrassed by him. Miz said it's not a risk..."it's a guaran-damn-tee" that even if Rock looks at him funny, he will beat him so bad that Rock will not be able to set foot in Hollywood or anywhere else again. Miz said he is WWE champion and he will still be champion after Mania. He said he doesn't think Rock will actually do anything...because he's The Miz...and he's awesome.

Rock continued to stare at Miz while Alex Riley stood in the middle. Rock told Miz he should know by it doesn't matter what he thinks. Rock and Miz came nose-to-nose, then Riley blasted Rock with a forearm. Miz and Riley double-teamed Rock, who then fought back on Miz with trademark right hand blows. Riley took a right over the top rope, then Rock teed off on Miz. Rock scored with a DDT, then got that look in his eyes standing over Miz.

Rock stared into the hard camera, then bounced the ropes and dropped the People's Elbow on Miz. Cole forced out a "vintage" reference. Rock then dumped Miz over the top rope to the outside. Suddenly, Cena snuck in the back door and hoisted up Rock for the Attitude Adjustment as the crowd shrieked and shouted. Cena let that image sink in, then he did his "You Can't See Me" hand-wave over Rock with a smirk. Cena stepped out of the ring and made his way to the entrance stage where he pointed to the WrestleMania logo and "Six Days Away" text on the Videotron. Meanwhile, Rock recovered in the ring and looked toward the stage. The show closed with Cole trying to force out a final hard sell while Cena smiled to the camera and Rock showed determination on his face. They signed off 19 minutes past the top of the hour. PYB (3) talk time: 20:10.

Reax: They gave away more physicality than I expected, but also planted some interesting seeds for (a) Rock to possibly cost Cena the WWE Title match to give Cena his "out" not winning the title and (b) a potential Cena heel turn? Very interesting and a 7/10 final hard sell for WrestleMania. Most of the heavy lifting was already done before this week's Raw to sell Mania, but the more-than-expected physicality was an interesting call.

We welcome your 0-10 score and comments on this show for a "Raw Reax" feature in the Torch Feedback section of To contribute your thoughts on Raw, email to using our Feedback form.

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PWTorch editor Wade Keller has covered pro wrestling full time since 1987 starting with the Pro Wrestling Torch print newsletter. launched in 1999 and the PWTorch Apps launched in 2008.

He has conducted "Torch Talk" insider interviews with Hulk Hogan, The Rock, Steve Austin, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Eric Bischoff, Jesse Ventura, Lou Thesz, Jerry Lawler, Mick Foley, Jim Ross, Paul Heyman, Bruno Sammartino, Goldberg, more.

He has interviewed big-name players in person incluiding Vince McMahon (at WWE Headquarters), Dana White (in Las Vegas), Eric Bischoff (at the first Nitro at Mall of America), Brock Lesnar (after his first UFC win).

He hosted the weekly Pro Wrestling Focus radio show on KFAN in the early 1990s and hosted the Ultimate Insiders DVD series distributed in retail stories internationally in the mid-2000s including interviews filmed in Los Angeles with Vince Russo & Ed Ferrara and Matt & Jeff Hardy. He currently hosts the most listened to pro wrestling audio show in the world, (the PWTorch Livecast, top ranked in iTunes)


Wade Keller, editor

James Caldwell, assistant editor

Bruce Mitchell (since 1990)
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