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WWE Raw Report
CALDWELL'S WWE RAW RESULTS 2/7: Complete "virtual time" coverage of live Raw - McMahon opens post-Super Bowl edition, Chamber PPV hype, Cena vs. Punk

Feb 7, 2011 - 10:06:24 PM

WWE Raw Results
February 7, 2011 - Episode #923
Live from Milwaukee, Wis.
Aired on USA Network
Report by James Caldwell, PWTorch assistant editor

The Raw after the Super Bowl opened with the standard Raw intro video, then full pyro inside the arena. Michael Cole introduced the show as the WrestleMania 27 banner hanging high in the arena was shown. Cole reluctantly introduced #1 contender Jerry Lawler as his broadcast partner.

Once the Raw theme stopped, Justin Roberts introduced WWE chairman Mr. McMahon. Cole said it's been nearly a year since they've seen McMahon. A year? McMahon walked out on-stage and stood there waiting for his music to stop. McMahon waited out a crowd reaction before plugging the Super Bowl. He played babyface congratulating Packers fans in Milwaukee. McMahon said there's a bigger event, though. "We're talking about WrestleMania," he said. McMahon said each WrestleMania separates itself and this year's will be the same.

McMahon said next week, they will introduce a man who personifies the "special attraction," the man who will set a record for hosting an event in front of 70,000+. McMahon said there is only one man capable of pulling off this endeavor. He said the audience will meet him next week. McMahon thanked the crowd, which booed the "that's it?" announcement. That's too strong of hype for Bob Barker. But, Jerry Lawler dropped multiple adjectives starting with the letter "b" to describe the announcement next week. Cole also referenced Raw in Anaheim, Calif. next week, which would be close to where Barker lives.

Suddenly, Randy Orton's music hit and Orton walked out on-stage. Orton shot a look toward McMahon, then continued his methodical walk toward the ring. Orton said his path of destruction for C.M. Punk has just begun. Suddenly, Punk's music interrupted and Punk slowly walked out on-stage. Punk's music stopped and the boos came down. Punk sat down and told "Randal" this isn't over by a long shot. He said he has an answer why he cost Orton the WWE Title at the Royal Rumble.

They went back to Unforgiven 2008 when Punk was World Hvt. champion and interrupted by Orton. Is this what Punk was referring to two months ago when he said he doesn't forget and he holds grudges? The clip showed Orton calling Punk a fluke, then Legacy jumped Punk from behind and Orton punted Punk out of the World Title. Back live, Punk slowly turned around and glared into the ring where Orton smirked back at him. Punk said Orton really is a cold-hearted, callous individual. He said Orton doesn't care about him forfeiting the title on that night. Punk said he hasn't forgotten that night, in fact, he remembers it like it was yesterday. Punk has been waiting and waiting. He said his actions are defensible, but Orton's are not. Punk vowed to make sure Orton never becomes WWE champion again. He rubbed his neck and said he's going to eliminate Orton...right now. Orton backed up in the ring and told Punk to come bring it.

New Nexus members Otunga, McGillicutty, and Mason Ryan walked out behind Punk and they slowly marched to the ring. Cole said Punk has waited over two years for payback. Orton fought off the Nexus members before Mason clotheslined him. Nexus picked Orton apart, then Orton fought them off and took a blow at Punk. Nexus eventually grabbed him and Punk flexed his jaw. Punk was dripping blood from the nose. Orton fought off Nexus a second time and landed a kick to the gut on Punk. Nexus eventually got him down a third time and Punk delivered the Go 2 Sleep. Punk then leaned down toward Orton as blood dripped from his nose. Punk slowly raised his fist in the air with Nexus standing behind him as more blood poured from Punk's nose. They cut to break. PYB (3) talk time: 8:25.

Reax: Very rare to see blood on WWE programming now, which made this segment all the more impactful getting over the intensity of the Punk vs. Orton feud.


[Commercial Break. Before returning to Raw, they went straight to the trailer for Triple H in "The Chaperone."]

Moments Ago: Punk and Nexus took down Randy Orton. The announcers focused on Punk carrying out a grudge from more than two years ago.

In-ring: Mason Ryan was in the ring for his first TV singles match. Cole said he received an email from the Raw GM during the break setting up the following match. They went to a video from "During Commercial," where Cole announced that every member of Nexus will face an Elimination Chamber participant culminating with Punk vs. John Cena tonight. R-Truth's music hit to bring out Truth to face Ryan. Truth pulled a Christina Aguilera giving a shout-out to Green Bay rather than Milwaukee. This prompted a rant from Michael Cole.


Cole continued his rant as Truth and Ryan started the match. Truth sold a knee injury and Ryan targeted the left knee. Ryan executed a suplex dropping Truth knee-first across the bottom rope repeatedly. Cole and Lawler began arguing with each other as Ryan continued to work over Truth, who suddenly flipped onto the top rope, only to be yanked down to the mat. Ryan then applied a modified Texas Cloverleaf and Truth was forced to submit.

After the match, Ryan maintained the hold and the ref shouted some additional instructions to the ring announcer to apparently reverse the decision. Ryan then retrieved a chair, but the ref tried to reprimand him. Ryan shoved him away, then re-entered the ring and re-applied his submission hold while standing to keep bending Truth's knee. Ryan eventually dropped the hold and left the ring before the official announcement was made reversing the decision for Truth.

WINNER: Truth via reverse decision at 2:27. The knee work and post-match angle looked like a storyline write-off for Truth to get him out of the Elimination Chamber match. The match itself was an afterthought and Ryan still needs some sharpening in the ring. He was a little over-the-top with his facials and looks like the stereotypical big, lumbering big man at times. (3/4*)

Still to come tonight: Cena vs. Punk. Also, Cole has it on good authority The Miz wants to celebrate Jerry Lawler becoming new #1 contender.

[Commercial Break]


Backstage: Punk was wiping the blood off his nose with a towel. Mike and Otunga looked concerned, then Mason Ryan walked in to get a tongue-lashing from Punk for not winning the match. "I only have one thing to say!" he said. "Well done." Punk said he doesn't care about winning or losing tonight because he wants people injured in the Chamber match. He doesn't want them so hurt that they're replaced, but just weakened. Ryan was staring off into space while Otunga looked concerned. Ryan said it's two down, three to go. Otunga was concerned about having the task of taking out Sheamus tonight. Punk said he has a plan, no sweat. "Just have a little faith," he told Otunga.

In-ring: Eve's music hit to bring out the Divas champion along with Tamina and Gail Kim for a six-Divas tag match. Melina's music hit to bring out Melina for the red-carpet treatment as the first heel Diva out. Former Divas champ Natalya was on commentary for the match. The Bellas then came out to join Melina.


The match started with Gail Kim isolated by the heels. Natalya talked about not being pinned at the Royal Rumble PPV, so she's getting her re-match for the Divas Title next week on Raw. They built to a hot tag to Eve, who executed a trademark standing moonsault. The action then broke down and Gail Kim started brawling with the Bellas. Back in the ring, Eve dropped Melina with a neckbreaker and scored the pin for the win.

WINNERS: Team Eve at 2:16. Standard Divas action continuing the issue between the Bellas and Gail, while also giving Eve the credibility-boosting visual of scoring a pin before the title match next week. (*)

Mystery vignette: The camera zoomed in on the empty cabin with the flashing lights for part 2 of the video. The camera went inside the cabin and the door swung open. The mystery man with the long coat and boots walked in, then disappeared. 2/21/11 flashed on the screen and Johnny Cash kicked on. It's definitely The Undertaker now.

[Commercial Break]

Announcers: Cole and Lawler narrated a photo of Aaron Rodgers celebrating with the World Title belt after winning the Super Bowl last night. Cole said only one event supersedes the Super Bowl, though, WrestleMania. WWE's inferiority complex on full-display tonight. Cole and Lawler were then shown on-camera and Cole mocked Lawler for wearing his wrestling gear to commentate. They fed to a video package on the Elimination Chamber match often-times derailing the Road to WrestleMania. Jim Ross's voice was heard hyping what's at-stake in the Chamber. They went through the rules of the Chamber and showed plenty of classic Chamber match clips from past matches.

In-ring: John Morrison's music hit as Cole said what's at-stake in the two Chamber matches is simple: two men advance to main-event WrestleMania. Cole plugged the six contenders in the Chamber match (Truth still included in the graphic) as Morrison completed his ring intro. Cole sent Raw to a break.


[Commercial Break]


Back from break, Mike was in the ring as Morrison was shooting him an icy stare measuring his opponent. The bell sounded and Mike took Morrison down to the mat with stomps and kicks. Mike then whipped Morrison hard across the ring into an opposite corner. Mike proceeded to pull Morrison into the corner ringpost. He tried to dropkick Morrison's left arm inside the ring steps, but Morrison moved just in time. Back in the ring, Morrison fired off inspired right hands and a clothesline that drew the audience into the action. Morrison delivered a leg whip before nailing a springboard flying chuck. Morrison went for Starship Pain and connected for the pin.

WINNER: Morrison at 2:30. Nice comeback victory for Morrison getting over his intensity and finishing offense. WWE obviously doesn't trust the New Nexus members in long matches, though. (*)

Post-match: Morrison was shown celebrating on the stage before Punk blindsided him with a substance from a black spraycan, which evoked memories of NWO-style beat downs and painting "N-W-O" across a victim's back. Morrison began coughing profusely as Punk stood on the stage soaking in boos from the crowd. Refs and a trainer checked on Morrison, who continued to cough going to break.

[Commercial Break. Smackdown plug: World Hvt. Title on the line between champion Edge and challenger Dolph Ziggler with Vickie Guerrero as special referee. The deck is stacked against Edge.

In-ring: The Miz's music hit to bring out Miz, dressed to wrestle, with Alex Riley behind him in a suit. Cole flipped out on Lawler, who tried to ignore him. They went to "Moments Ago" when Punk sprayed Morrison in the face before kicking him in the face.

In the ring, Miz said he watched the Raw Rumble unfold backstage and only had one thought on his mind, "Jerry, Jerry, Jerry." Miz said he was pulling for Lawler. He asked him to please step in the ring because he has something to say to him. Lawler removed his headsets and entered the ring while Miz ordered Riley out of the ring. Miz formally introduced Lawler, who wasn't buying Miz's act. Miz asked Lawler why he thinks he was pulling for him. Lawler said it's probably because he doesn't wrestle that much anymore and he figures he was an easy win. Miz said that's not it at all because he could beat anyone in the Raw Rumble.

[Q5 -- second hour] Miz said it's because they're like mirror images of each other because Lawler, in his prime, was one of the best talkers. He referenced Lawler striking Andy Kaufman on Letterman and making fun of Bret Hart's mother. Miz said he almost patterned his career after Lawler, but now he is a modern-day Jerry Lawler. He said now he's WWE champion, which is something Lawler never will be. Lawler responded by saying he would hate to look in the mirror with a haircut like that. Secondly, he said he's had a big mouth his entire career, but the difference is he backs up his big mouth. Lawler said Miz claims to be a modern-day Jerry Lawler, which proves Miz doesn't know Jerry Lawler as much as he thinks he does. Lawler said he didn't pattern his career after anyone because he's an original.

Miz said Lawler is right. He is an original - an original cheap shot artist. He said that's why he likes Lawler. Miz went to a clip from Raw last week when Lawler blasted Ted DiBiase with a right hand to the jaw. Back live, the crowd chanted, "Jerry, Jerry," which befuddled Miz. Miz accused Lawler of delivering a sucker punch. Lawler said that's because Miz is a sucker and he thinks the WWE fans around the world and here in...Milwaukee...think Miz sucks. "You suck, you suck" chant from the crowd.

Lawler got serious and said he has never been WWE champion, nor has he ever competed at WrestleMania. Lawler said no one knows what it would mean to him to become champ and compete at WrestleMania. He said it's been a life-long dream for him and he is not going to let this opportunity pass him by. "That's why I'm going to be the WWE champion," Lawler said. He said when he wins at Elimination Chamber, he's going to say, "I'm going to WrestleMania!"

Miz sternly responded, "That's where you're wrong, Jerry." He said the only thing the world is going to hear after the Chamber is that he's The Miz...and he's..."Awful," Lawler interrupted. The crowd chanted "awful, awful," then Miz tried a clothesline, but Lawler ducked and dropped Miz with a right hand. Riley then hit the ring, but Lawler dumped him over the top rope. Lawler landed right hands to Miz's forehead before stomping away at him. DiBiase suddenly hit the ring and tackled Lawler. Daniel Bryan then stormed the ring and took out DiBiase before dumping him over the top rope. PYB (3) talk time: 8:25.

Lawler and Bryan were left standing in the ring, then the Raw GM buzzed. Cole screamed into the computer, "And I quote!" He read it's Miz & DiBiase vs. Bryan &! Riley joined Cole on commentary and the bell sounded for the tag match.


Bryan and DiBiase started things off against each other. Riley slipped trying to cut a promo on the U.S. champion, calling him Bryan Daniels. Cole corrected him as Lawler tagged in for Bryan. Miz and DiBiase then used a two-on-one advantage to knock Lawler to the floor. Cole celebrated Lawler being in trouble as they cut to break.

[Commercial Break. A local Smackdown TV taping spot aired for the March 8 taping in Houston. Advertised is Edge & Big Show & Rey Mysterio vs. Del Rio & Corre. Plus, The Undertaker returns. Apparently they'll be returning the "Taker returns" ads in the local markets leading to WrestleMania.]

Back from break, Bryan ran over Miz with a clothesline. Miz then pulled the referee away from the corner, allowing DiBiase to crotch Bryan as he was standing on the top rope. Riley had jokes on Bryan and Lawler as they cut to a shot of Maryse taking pictures of herself. Cole ranted on Lawler, saying it's all about ego for him.

[Q6] Lawler eventually took a hot tag and back-dropped DiBiase. Lawler scored with a DDT on DiBiase, then the action broke down. Bryan took out Miz ringside with a suicide dive. Back in the ring, Lawler dropped the strap and measured DiBiase for a trademark fist drop as Cole said it's all about showboating for Lawler. Lawler with the cover for the win. In the ring, Lawler and Bryan stood tall while Riley vowed not to let Miz lose the WWE Title at the Chamber PPV. They cut to a shot of Miz selling that he was upset ringside.

WINNERS: Lawler & Bryan at 9:05. Fine tag match. It was presented like a mid-card match, though, rather than a chance to elevate some stars, which is the problem when DiBiase has been treated like a second-rate wrestler for months and Bryan has been run down by the commentators for months. (*1/2)

Still to come: Cena vs. Punk.

[Commercial Break]

Announcers: Lawler was back on commentary and Cole mocked him for "living out his dream" in the ring again tonight. They tried to get back to business talking about McMahon's announcement on next week's Raw where he'll announce the host of WrestleMania.

In-ring: Sheamus came out to the ring for the next Chamber vs. Nexus match, but Josh Mathews interrupted. Mathews said he was sent out here to share a word that Mark Henry doesn't think Sheamus deserves to be in the Chamber match. "Mark Henry said wha?" Sheamus asked. Sheamus said Henry hasn't been close to a World Title in 13 years. Sheamus made some fat jokes about Henry, then said Henry should shut his mouth or he'll shut it for him. Sheamus marched to the ring, then David Otunga came out to face Sheamus. Before Otunga hit the ring, Mark Henry's music hit and Henry stormed the ring. The logic here is Punk probably had Mathews incite Sheamus to set up Henry to destroy Sheamus.

Henry whipped Sheamus into the corner, but Sheamus knocked him down with a double sledgehammer. Otunga tried to come off the top, but Sheamus shoved him down. Henry then ducked a Brogue Kick and gave Sheamus the World's Strongest Slam. Henry wasn't done. He gave Sheamus a second Strongest Slam and glared down at Sheamus. "You talk that trash to somebody else," Henry said before leaving the ring. Henry's music hit and Otunga walked into the ring to stand over Sheamus. They cut to a shot of Nexus watching in their locker room.


Never happened.

Suddenly, Alberto Del Rio's music interrupted. Del Rio pulled up to ringside in a brand-new luxury car as Ricardo Rodriguez introduced him. Cole said Del Rio is in action next against the man he eliminated to win the Rumble. The announcers didn't acknowledge it would be Santino.


[Commercial Break]

WrestleMania 27 plug: To fulfill a dream, 12 wrestlers must survive the Elimination Chamber PPV. Two weeks away.

In-ring: Back live, Alberto Del Rio was in the ring celebrating his greatness. Del Rio paused before introducing himself. He said what the audience may not know is Santino Marella actually thinks he almost eliminated him in the Rumble match. Del Rio said he didn't get it that it was his destiny to win the Rumble, then become World Hvt. champion at WrestleMania. Cue up Santino's music for the interruption. Santino charged the ring and they repeated the spot from the Rumble finish, except this time, Santino reversed a whip and threw Del Rio over the top rope. Santino celebrated, thinking he won the Rumble.

5 -- ALBERTO DEL RIO vs. WWE tag champion SANTINO

Del Rio re-entered the ring and the match officially started. Santino threw Del Rio over the top rope again, then tried to follow up on the outside, but Del Rio smashed Santino into the ringpost. In the ring, Del Rio landed a back drop for a nearfall. Del Rio then went to work on Santino's left shoulder to set up for the cross arm-breaker. Del Rio went for a step-up enziguiri, but Santino ducked. Santino then ducked Del Rio's clothesline and landed a hip toss. Santino started to feel The Cobra, but Del Rio ducked and dropped Santino with a fallaway armbreaker. Del Rio then measured Santino for a kick to the back and rolling cross arm-breaker. Santino immediately tapped, giving Del Rio the win.

WINNER: Del Rio via submission at 2:58. Del Rio didn't look like a WrestleMania headliner going even-steven with Santino. At least he was booked to win clean after turning the crowd's pro-Santino emotions into heel heat after he dashed Santino's hopes, but too much offense for Santino when WWE is trying to build up a future PPV headliner people are supposed to pay money to see. (*)

Earlier tonight: The announcers went through clips from earlier in the show recapping Raw Chamber match participants being taken out by Nexus members and Punk. Lawler suggested Truth was taken out permanently. Cole said there's one man left for Punk to get his hands on. They cut backstage to show John Cena walking down the hallway looking intent ahead of his match against Punk in the main event.

[Commercial Break]

Smackdown plug: Cole hyped Edge vs. Ziggler for the World Title with Vickie Guerrero as special referee this Friday on Smackdown.

In-ring: On cue, Vickie excused herself onto the show and brought Ziggler out with her to the ring. Vickie announced that in two weeks ago, Ziggler will not be entering the Smackdown Elimination Chamber match as a challenger, but as new World Hvt. champion. "Excuse me!" Vickie shouted. Vickie announced that Ziggler will beat Edge this Friday on Smackdown.

John Cena's music interrupted and Cole flashed back to Lawler joining the "Roast of Vickie Guerrero" the last time Cena and Vickie were in the ring together. Cena hit the ring and Cole played it straight promoting Cena as the reason why everyone watches Raw to experience Cena. Ziggler wanted to know what the deal is with Cena interrupting. Cena repeated Ziggler's question and said he's putting a stop to this. He said this is more offensive than Aguilera butchering the National Anthem.

[Q8] Cena said he has a very important announcement. It contains an apology from R-Truth. Cena said that after the Packers won the Super Bowl last night, he thinks Truth may have celebrated a little too long. He thinks he's still in Green Bay. Cena said they're actually in Milwaukee, Wis., which fired up the crowd. Cole said Cena is starting to bore him. No more playing it straight. Cena said he's also out here because the last time the three of them were in a ring together, it was pretty awesome. Vickie wasn't amused. Cena tried to approach Vickie sexually, but Vickie cut him off. "Excuse me!" she shouted and the crowd pulled an Austin, Tex. repeatedly booing over Vickie's voice.

Vickie demanded respect, then vowed to leave. Cena said if the fans keep being rowdy, they'll leave? Cena told the crowd just to make some noise and they'll leave. "I just want respect!" Vickie said before saying this (Ziggler) is the future World Hvt. champion. Cena then led a "Go Pack, Go" chant, telling Ziggler and Vickie to leave. "This is stupid!" Cole declared. Vickie and Dolph eventually left as Cole ranted about the Packers being lucky. They disappeared to the back.

Cena tried to get serious noting Nexus has taken out the other Chamber participants tonight. Cena did an Irish accent saying they got to Sheamus, too. He said the flaw in their plan is that he's still here. "I'm still here and I'm still healthy," he said. Cena said he knows he has a match with Punk and he knows "Nexucks" will try to get involved, but he will do it tonight. Cena fired himself up and vowed to beat Nexus's "Elimination Chamber" before vowing to beat Punk tonight and punch his ticket to WrestleMania at the PPV. It's next.

[Commercial Break. Before that, though, another look at "Chaperone."]

Mystery Vignette: They returned to the empty cabin as lightning flashed. The door swung open and the mystery man was shown entering the cabin. "Ain't no grave that can hold my body down," Cash sang as 2/21/11 flashed on the screen. A repeat of the first video earlier tonight.

In-ring: Back from break, John Cena was shown gearing up for C.M. Punk, who slowly walked out alone. Punk looked to the back and Cena met his gaze. Punk mockingly nodded to the back as if to play mind games that he had Nexus ready on-command.

6 -- JOHN CENA vs. C.M. PUNK

The bell sounded and Cena kept looking around to make sure he was alone with Punk to start the match. Punk was the aggressor from the get-go, as they cut out Cena's opening offense and went right to Punk in control with the match starting just before the top of the hour.

[Q9 -- over-run] Punk landed a boot to the gut to cut off Cena's first comeback attempt. Punk went back on the offensive before throwing Cena to the outside. Punk measured Cena and landed a running clothesline on the floor. Punk smiled, then rolled Cena back into the ring. Punk landed a trademark corner knee strike followed by a bulldog out of the corner. Punk smiled again, then did the Cena hand wave over Cena. Punk teased the G2S, but Cena blocked and made his big comeback with right hand blows to the kidneys. Cena nearly got himself DQ'ed with too many punches in the corner, then he paused as the referee reprimanded him. Cena shrugged his shoulders, then punched Punk in the groin to draw a DQ.

WINNER: Punk via DQ at 4:52.

Post-match: Cena readied himself for Nexus to storm the ring. Otunga and Mike tried to corner Cena, but Lawler slipped Cena a chair. Cena cracked a chair over Otunga and Mike's back to clear Nexus to the outside. Mason Ryan checked on Punk, who sold the effects of the groin shot. Cena stood tall in the ring with the chair while Punk coughed up a lung. Cena then clutched the chair like a baseball bat and glared down at Nexus as the show ended.

FINAL THOUGHTS: Okay show. The build toward the Chamber PPV was a thumbs up, but the show just didn't click from start to the finish. It probably didn't help that McMahon got the show off to a flat start with the announcement of an announcement next week. Also, the lack of quality wrestling meant too much dependence on hit-or-miss promos, non-wrestling segments that didn't always come off right on live TV, and non-stop Michael Cole ranting and raving.

We welcome your 0-10 score and comments on this show for a "Raw Reax" feature in the Torch Feedback section of To contribute your thoughts on Raw, email to using our Feedback form.

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PWTorch editor Wade Keller has covered pro wrestling full time since 1987 starting with the Pro Wrestling Torch print newsletter. launched in 1999 and the PWTorch Apps launched in 2008.

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He hosted the weekly Pro Wrestling Focus radio show on KFAN in the early 1990s and hosted the Ultimate Insiders DVD series distributed in retail stories internationally in the mid-2000s including interviews filmed in Los Angeles with Vince Russo & Ed Ferrara and Matt & Jeff Hardy. He currently hosts the most listened to pro wrestling audio show in the world, (the PWTorch Livecast, top ranked in iTunes)


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