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WWE Raw Report
CALDWELL'S WWE RAW RESULTS 1/24: Complete "virtual time" coverage of live Raw - Miz vs. Edge, Punk vs. Barrett, final Royal Rumble hype

Jan 24, 2011 - 10:08:36 PM

WWE Raw Results
January 24, 2011 - Episode #921
Live from Detroit, Mich.
Aired on USA Network
Report by James Caldwell, PWTorch assistant editor

Full pyro is back! Raw opened with the traditional fireworks display and pyro to start the show. Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler introduced the final Raw leading to the Royal Rumble and Miz vs. Edge tonight in a battle of top champions in WWE. They also plugged Divas champion Natalya vs. Melina for the Divas Title.

In-ring: Out to start the show was World Hvt. champion Edge already dressed to compete. The announcers set up the pre-match story that Edge could be injured tonight due to the attack by The Core on Friday's Smackdown.

Once in the ring, Edge took the mic and said he does not feel like waiting tonight. Edge removed his t-shirt to show taped ribs. Edge said he doesn't like waiting at the DMV or the guy in front of him at the supermarket to pay by check or for TSA. Or...for Michael Cole to suddenly stop being a tool. "Glad you're back," Cole said under his breath. Edge told Miz to hurry on out to the ring so they can start this match.

Suddenly, Edge's old friend, the Raw GM, interrupted. Cole smiled toward Edge and announced he just received an email from the anonymous Raw GM. Cole noted Edge has really missed this. Cole read that the GM has already scheduled an "attraction" for later tonight. The GM has not forgotten Edge's disrespect months ago. He read that whichever of these three men throws Edge over the top rope will earn the #40 slot in the Rumble.

1 -- EDGE vs. JACK SWAGGER vs. DREW MCINTYRE vs. TYSON KIDD -- Over-the-top rope match

Jack Swagger stormed the ring, followed by Drew McIntyre, then Tyson Kidd. Edge fought them all off, then tossed Kidd over the top rope. McIntyre then blasted Edge with a boot to the head. Mac proceeded to drape Edge over the top rope, but Swagger jumped Mac from behind. Edge then tossed Swagger over the top rope. It was Mac and Edge left in the ring. Mac tried the Future Shock, but Edge dumped him over the top rope. So, none of the three gets the #40 slot.

WINNER: Edge at 1:07.

Post-match: Edge took the mic, caught his breath, and sarcastically thanked the Raw GM for getting his juices flowing. He said he'll go back to the back to prepare for Miz, but he has something in mind for the GM. Edge slowly started eyeing the laptop. "Who here wants to see a smashed laptop computer?" Edge asked. The crowd roared. Cole stepped in front of the podium looking to protect the laptop as Lawler encouraged Edge to smash Cole and the laptop.

Suddenly, Wade Barrett's music hit. Well, no, that's the New Nexus music. C.M. Punk led Otunga, Husky, Mason Ryan, and Hennig out on stage. Ryan looks even more like Batista in wrestling trunks and a t-shirt. Punk led them slowly down the entrance ramp to ringside as Edge remained standing ringside. Cole noted the "new member" from last week and said this new group might be more formidable than the previous group.

Punk talked about only the strong surviving. He noted the Rumble expanded to 40 wrestlers this year. Pause for kids screaming. Punk said his surroundings have changed and he has adapted. He said the New Nexus has expanded with the inclusion of this man...he pointed to Mason Ryan. Punk then introduced him as his handpicked enforcer from Cardiff, Wales. He will be going by Mason Ryan. Ryan, with an English accent, said he only has one thing to say. "Faith," he said.

Punk transitioned into talking about John Cena. Before that, he ran down the "poor man's" Nexus on Smackdown, which he mockingly called "The Poor." Punk said they will unite for one common goal at the Rumble to make sure he wins the 2011 Royal Rumble match. Punk said when he wins the Rumble, he will not only advance to the main event of WrestleMania, but New Nexus will become the most powerful group WWE has ever seen.

Suddenly, The Corre's music hit and there is officially Faction Warfare. Wade Barrett, Heath Slater, Justin Gabriel, and Ezekiel Jackson came to the ring. It was a four-on-five match-up with Corre short a small forward. Barrett took umbrage to Punk's "poor man Nexus" reference. He said The Corre is not a brainwashing dictatorship, but four equals. Jackson took the mic and stumbled through a promo saying they will unite in making sure they eliminate C-M-Punk. Mason stepped to the front of the line to stand in Jackson's face. Ryan had a good inch on him.

[Q2] Suddenly, the Raw GM buzzed. Cole stepped to the podium and tried to fill in a storyline gap that he's established an open invitation to Smackdown wrestlers. With Teddy Long out of commission, he now has power to announce the following match. Cole read that it will be Punk vs. Barrett tonight and the loser will have his entire team out of the Rumble. Cole added there is a special referee for this bout. The crowd knew who it was...John Cena. The crowd roared. Barrett smirked at Punk, then the trash-talking and finger-pointing began. PYB talk time: 10:05.

[Commercial Break]

In-ring: Back from break, John Morrison was out first for an unannounced tag match. Cole said he sees Morrison as a dark horse to win the Rumble. Lawler said he shouldn't even be a dark horse, but one of the favorites. Mark Henry was out next as Morrison's partner. The announcers talked him up as a potential favorite as well. For the heels, King Sheamus was out first. Sheamus went from being one of the most relevant stars on Raw to being nearly irrelevant after winning the King of the Ring. Ricardo Rodriguez was then shown ringside to introduce Alberto Del Rio as Sheamus's tag partner. Cole said he believes Del Rio can "fulfill his destiny" winning the Rumble.


Cole made light of Jerry Lawler's Royal Rumble history and excitedly said WrestleMania Season begins at the Rumble. It should have begun weeks ago. Sheamus and Del Rio isolated Morrison early on. Morrison then flipped the tables and the heels retreated on the outside as they cut to break.

[Commercial Break]


Back from break, the heels were working over Morrison as Cole talked up Del Rio's recent mean streak. Suddenly, they cut to a shot of Michael Tarver watching the match on a backstage monitor. Cole and Lawler said he was lurking around all day before the show. Ol' Tarver was at the scene of Teddy Long's attack on Smackdown. Maybe something, maybe nothing. Back in the ring, Morrison tried to fight back against Sheamus, who cut him off and continued to wear down Morrison. In the big "turning point" spot of the match, Sheamus missed with a Brogue Kick and Morrison slingshot him across the top rope.

Morrison tagged in Henry, who quickly went to work on Del Rio. Henry fired up the crowd, then made a cover, but Sheamus broke it up. Henry slowly stood up to ask Sheamus if he really just did that. Henry then pounded on Sheamus, clotheslined Del Rio, and turned around to take the Brogue Kick square in the face. Morrison dropped Sheamus to the outside, though, then nailed a corkscrew splash ringside. Morrison instantly sold his left knee. Back in the ring, Del Rio suddenly dropped Henry to the mat with the cross armbreaker and Henry furiously tapped out to sell the submission move. Del Rio celebrated and was proclaimed the winner to a strong heel reaction. They went to a replay of Morrison selling his knee injury before the finish.

WINNERS: Del Rio & Sheamus via submission at 10:05. Good tag match designed to each of the four men's chances of winning the Rumble match on Sunday. The slow first eight minutes paid off in the end after they built to a nice two-minute finish that the crowd was hot for. (**)

Tonight on Raw: Barrett vs. Punk with Cena in the middle. The loser's entire team is out of the Rumble.

Backstage: They cut to a split-screen shot of Melina and Natalya walking down the hallway ready for their Divas Title match up next.

[Commercial Break]

In-ring: Back from break, Melina's music hit and she stomped out to the ring with a purpose to sell the importance of a title on the line. Natalya then confidently came out to the ring to play up her recent winning streak in dominating fashion.

3 -- Divas champion NATALYA vs. MELINA -- Divas Title match

The match quickly moved to the outside where Melina gained control. In the ring, Melina applied a unique submission trying to stretch Natalya. Melina then tried to a kick to the mid-section, but Natalya grabbed Melina's foot and fluidly transitioned into the Sharpshooter. Natalya even leaned back on the Sharpshooter to where her shoulders were nearly on the mat, and Melina tapped out.

WINNER: Natalya via submission at 2:47. Good match. It could have meant more if given more time, but they put together a nice match for only three minutes. (*)

Post-match: Lay-Cool interrupted the celebration for Natalya. They're apparently taking advantage of the Raw GM's new "open invitation" to the Smackdown wrestlers since they were kicked out of Raw several weeks ago. Layla and McCool did the usual shtick about Natalya's "size," then announced an unspecified match vs. Natalya for the Divas Title at the Rumble. Natalya just pointed to her Divas Title to suggest she holds the power, not them.

Still to come tonight: World Hvt. champion Edge vs. WWE champion The Miz.


[Commercial Break]

Video replay: Cole fed to a video package on the end of Raw last week when Mason "faith" Ryan helped Punk take out John Cena. Does it point to Cena not being partial during the Punk vs. Barrett match? Also, if the loser's team is out of the Rumble, then Cena should try to eliminate the biggest threat to him winning the Rumble match.

Backstage: David Otunga was back to his TV role of questioning leadership, noting to Harris and McGillicutty that if Punk loses, they're all out of the Rumble. Punk and Ryan then stepped in and tried to assuage their fears. Punk noted he "beat" John Cena when he sacrificed himself to a Ryan clothesline last week. Punk said they will all sacrifice their spots at the Rumble so that their lives will improve when Punk goes on to WrestleMania. Punk noted Husky Harris seemed a bit distracted. Harris asked a logical question about what happens if Punk is #1 and he's eliminated before any of the Nexus members enter the match. Punk assuaged his fears. Hennig brought up the other point that Cena won't "let" him win tonight against Barrett after what he's done to him. Punk said the better man will win tonight. After all, Barrett is the one who has made Cena's life a living hell. Punk told everyone to "have faith." He asked them to take a knee. Punk surveyed his troops, then raised a fist. They matched fists and the camera surveyed their faces.

Backstage: Cena jumped Josh Mathews, who was trying to interview him. Mathews asked Cena about his mindset tonight. Cena said he is known for "doing the right thing." He said that if Punk wins, he has "faith" that he will eliminate each and every member of Nexus. As for Corre, he wanted to know why there's an extra "r." He said he found out the extra "r" stands for --- Miz interrupted with "Really?" Cena said it's actually rectum, which is appropriate now. Miz and Alex Riley did a Jim Carrey laugh to mock Cena's joke. Miz told Cena he better not win the Rumble because he doesn't want any piece of him. Cena told Miz to go ahead and try giving him the worst beating of his life. Miz smirked and said, "Not yet, Cena." Cena sternly laid out a scenario for Miz: you lose to Randy Orton at the Rumble, you lose your re-match, and you miss WrestleMania. Cena told them to see a shower because they smell like raw sewage. Miz asked Mathews if he thinks he will lose at the Rumble. Before Mathews could answer, Miz stole the mic and polled the crowd on the same question. They liked Orton's chances. Miz then asked Riley if he had the footage ready. Riley gave the command to the truck and they rolled footage form Raw showing Miz and Riley taking apart Randy Orton with Miz showing a more aggressive mean streak. JC: Better presentation of Cena with a more serious verbal tone...and only one poop-related joke. He wasn't selling Nexus's beat down last week, though.

In-ring: The Miz's music hit mid-promo by Michael Cole promoting Miz. Cole stood up to continue talking up Miz before Justin Roberts introduced Miz for the first half of a double main event tonight. Miz held up his WWE Title belt for the crowd to get a good look at.

[Q5 -- second hour] At the top of the hour, Edge's music hit for the second time on the night. Lawler then took the opportunity to talk up Edge to counter Cole's endorsement of Miz. Once everyone was in the ring, Edge and Miz simultaneously held up their respective title belts in each other's faces. Before the bell could sound, Dolph Ziggler's music hit. Ziggler and Vickie Guerrero walked to ringside to join commentary for a closer look at Edge in the ring.

4 -- World Hvt. champion EDGE vs. WWE champion THE MIZ (w/Alex Riley) -- non-title match

Everyone was so concerned about Teddy Long's condition that no one brought it up. It's like the Paul Bearer murder angle where WWE struggles to maintain a consistent tone when they run an angle beyond the scope of a wrestling show. After burying the lead, Cole finally mentioned they will have an update on Long later in the show. In the ring, Edge and Miz started off with a feeling-out process as Ziggler and Vickie shared sweet words with each other. They sounded like NPR radio hosts ripe for an SNL parody. For the first move of the match, Edge knocked Miz to the outside and they cut to break three minutes in.

[Commercial Break. Smackdown plug: Teddy Long was taken out on Smackdown. Who is the culprit? They advertised the reveal this week on Smackdown.]

Back from break, Miz and Edge traded control as Lawler went through more insults aimed at Vickie. Ziggler seems too nice to be a top heel. Cole called it confidence from Ziggler. Lawler continued to run through his jokes as they cut away from the ring to a shot of the announcers. Edge set up for the Spear at 7:00, but Miz ducked to the outside. Edge sold his ribs, but whipped Miz hard into the guardrail.

Back in the ring, Miz cut off Edge up top. He wanted a superplex, but Edge head butted him down to the mat. Edge then came off the top with a cross-body block for a nearfall. Edge then clutched his ribs and Ziggler noted that might have taken more out of Edge than Miz and criticized him for a poor decision. Ziggler said he wants to beat the champion at 100 percent. Edge then missed with a corner splash and Miz dropped Edge across the top rope to continue focusing on the ribs. Miz slowly looked around the arena, which signaled another break was coming. It's a rare three-segment match, but they were only 9:40 in when they headed to the next break.

[Commercial Break]


Back from break at 12:50, Miz was pounding away on Edge as Ziggler talked about his match strategy against Edge at the Rumble. Ziggler continued to get over the idea that he will fairly approach Edge in their sporting event contest at the pay-per-view event on Sunday. Cole randomly referenced Lou Thesz, Bruno Sammartino, and Shawn Michaels, then explained he was endorsing Miz in that category. Ziggler and Vickie agreed with Lawler that they don't see it with Miz. Ziggler said it's time for a change with him as champ and Edge out of the way.

Miz measured Edge for a corner clothesline, but Edge moved and rolled up Miz for a close two count. Riley then tried to grab Edge's foot from the outside, which drew Edge to the outside. Edge stared down Riley, then returned to the ring, where Miz tried a small package roll-up for a nearfall. Edge then bumped Riley off the ring apron, kicked Miz in the gut, and landed a DDT center ring. The crowd started chanting, "Spear, Spear," as Edge backed up to a neutral corner. He wanted the Spear, but "fair play" Ziggler grabbed Edge from behind for a DQ.

Post-match: Ziggler dropped Edge with the Zig-Zag. Suddenly, Randy Orton stormed the ring and absolutely nailed Miz, making it look like a shoot. Orton then fought off Riley and Ziggler. Orton went nuts on Ziggler with a snap powerslam, then chased down Miz on the outside. Miz ran back into the ring where Riley found himself in harm's way to take an RKO. Ziggler then took an RKO with the crowd red-hot for Orton. Miz tried to sneak in the back door with a briefcase shot to Orton's knee, but Orton no-sold and Miz scampered away. Miz clutched his title belt and headed up the ramp to catch his breath. Orton's music hit and he stared down Miz looking for a piece of the champion, but he'll have to settle for getting him in the ring at the Rumble.

WINNER: Edge via DQ at 16:40. A lot to review from this sequence. The commentary was a bit of a distraction at times and shifted the focus away from the match. It seemed like the audience only saw three minutes of action in the near-17-minute. Before the post-match, Orton almost seemed like a lost player in WWE land until his big spot on the show dropping heels with signature moves. The crowd being red-hot for Orton helped sell Orton vs. Miz more than anything WWE has really done thus far. (**)

Still to come: Barrett vs. Punk with Cena as special referee.

[Commercial Break]

Backstage: Mathews was with Wade Barrett. The crowd had no idea how to react to Barrett. He said when he first started Nexus, he talked about a bigger picture, but as he drew closer to the WWE Title and eliminating Cena, he lost sight of the group's goal. He said he eventually lost Nexus. Barrett's Corremates walked in to stand next to Barrett to show unity. Mathews then asked Barrett about Long's situation. Barrett continued the apparent babyface promo saying he wishes Long a speedy recovery. Barrett said their goal tonight is to make sure Punk and his Nexus followers don't make it to the Rumble. He addressed Cena, saying he hopes they can learn to respect each other. "Becausee I respect him," he said.

In-ring: U.S. champion Daniel Bryan and the Bella Twins were in the ring back in the arena. Bryan sold being oblivious to the Bellas's bet revealed last week. Ted DiBiase, joined by Maryse and Alicia Fox, came to the ring for the six-person tag. DiBiase and Maryse shot each other mean looks on the way to the ring.


Bryan and DiBiase started things off with some basic offense. Maryse had enough of DiBiase's inability to defeat Bryan...after 20 seconds, so she tagged herself in, much to DiBiase's chagrin. That also meant one of the Bellas had to enter the ring. While Maryse and Brie battled, Nikki tried to work on DiBiase on the ring apron. Brie took exception to Nikki's tactics, then Maryse rolled her up from behind. Post-match: More drama with the Bellas arguing amongst themselves and Bryan trying to calm them down. On the other side, Maryse high-fived Michael Cole, then tried to show off in front of an upset DiBiase.

WINNERS: Maryse & Fox & DiBiase at 0:59. Oh, the humanity. (n/a)


[Commercial Break]

Announcers: Cole and Lawler broke down the Royal Rumble PPV card headlined by WWE champion The Miz vs. Randy Orton and World Hvt. champion Edge vs. Dolph Ziggler. Also, the 40-man Royal Rumble match. Cole stressed the winner will receive a title mach at WrestleMania 27.

Backstage: The Bellas were still arguing. Suddenly, they walked by Michael Tarver leaning against the wall on his phone. Tarver walked off. The Bellas continued to argue, then approached Daniel Bryan's locker room. They tried to put on their nice faces, then barged in to find Bryan making out on the couch with...Bryan pulled out to reveal...Gail Kim. The Bellas wanted to know what was going on. Bryan said he's been seeing Gail on the downlow for the last six months. The Bellas said they thought Bryan was a... "a vegan?" Bryan retorted before explaining he's still a vegan. Gail explained the only reason why he was hanging out with the Bellas was because he felt sorry for them. Gail went for the ultimate low blow saying that since there are no guest stars around anymore, the Bellas really have nothing to do. The Bellas asked when was the last time the "afterthought" was on TV. "Afterthought?" Gail shot back. Gail then slapped one of the Bellas and a brawl broke out. Referees stormed Bryan's locker room, apparently upon hearing a commotion. Bryan then checked on Gail to conclude the bit. That was quite the random reveal. Not sure what to make of this yet.

In-ring: Nexus's music hit to bring out the five-man group. Cole suddenly announced the WWE Tag Titles are on the line next. That was random.

[Commercial Break]

Announcers: Ah, the big Champions & Contenders tag match is being saved for Friday's Smackdown. Cole announced Miz & Ziggler vs. Rated RKO (Orton & Edge) on Smackdown as a graphic flashed on the screen. ... Back in the arena, Cole corrected himself that the following match will not be for the Tag Titles. Santino and Kozlov then came out with Tamina for the next match.

6 -- WWE tag champion SANTINO (w/Tamina) vs. NEW NEXUS (HUSKY HARRIS w/ Michael McGillicutty, Mason Ryan, and David Otunga) -- non-title match

Lawler absolutely cut a promo on Cole, calling him a liar about the Tag Title false announcement and having his head so far up Miz's back side that he's lost sight of the show. They seem to be building to that inevitable Cole vs. Lawler match. Santino was sporting some new blue basketball shoes, which seemed somewhat silly.

[Q8] Harris took apart Santino with power offense, building to Santino making a comeback without a hot tag. He teased the Cobra, but Mike threw off Santino, allowing Harris to drop Santino with a clothesline. He followed with an inverted facebuster for the pin and the win.

WINNER: Harris at 3:50. Random match that was clearly presented as filler. Cole's Tag Title announcement threw off the entire exchange for the TV audience. (3/4*)

Post-match: Otunga asked the crowd to give it up for the New Nexus. He then introduced C.M. Punk, who slowly walked out to the ring. ... They cut backstage to show Cena walking down the hallway. A random man sitting on a traveling case (he was presented as a background extra) tossed Cena a referee t-shirt. Cena then paused, took off his dog tag, and tossed it to the random man. A Tarver associate?

[Commercial Break]

In-ring: Back from break, The Corre's "elicits zero reaction" theme music played. Out came Barrett flanked by Jackson, Slater, and Gabriel. After a pause, Cena's music hit for the first time on the show and he was greeted by a typically thunderous ovation. Cole noted Cena is in a "unique" situation tonight. Punk was crouched in a corner anticipating the bell before Cena paused and listened for a Cena, Cena chant. Cena then pointed down at each member of Nexus and did the "You're Outta Here" motion to send them out. Cena added some sort of sweeping motion to "shovel" them back to the locker room area. Corre was allowed to stay ringside. Punk just crouched down clutching his head to sell his head was about to explode. Cena prepared to call for the bell, but something else wasn't right. He then pointed to each member of The Corre and did the Leslie Nielsen in Naked Gun "You're Outta Here" elaborate baseball umpire motion to send Corre to the back. Barrett acted calm, not wanting to get on Cena's bad side.

7 -- WADE BARRETT (w/The Corre) vs. C.M. PUNK (w/New Nexus) -- John Cena special referee -- Loser's team out of the Rumble

Cena finally called for the bell and opened the match by punking both men, trying to draw a DQ from one or the other. Cena then dumped Punk over the top rope, which would have been good for a Rumble elimination. Cole noted that as well. Punk ran back in the ring with a clenched fist, but did not strike Cena. Punk had a pin on Barrett, but Cena suddenly left the ring and started signing autographs for fans on the front row. Cena "realized" there was something going on in the ring and returned to the ring to "apologize" to Barrett, who was now in control.

After a double knockdown, Cena suddenly called for the bell. He DQ'ed both wrestlers for "excessive use of profanity," claiming it's a PG show. (Instead of doing the PG excuse, an easier one would have been they failed to answer a ten count he made up in his head, which would have avoided the inevitable and unproductive PG reminder.) He then told Roberts that both Corre and Nexus are out of the Rumble. Roberts made the official announcement, the crowd popped, and viewers were given a brief and scary pause trying to think of how WWE would fill nine fewer slots than the current 26 slots (25 heading into Raw + Mason Ryan) for the 40-man Rumble.

WINNER: Double DQ at 2:01.

[Q9 -- over-run] Since this happened at the top of the hour, it was clear there was something else to follow as Cena celebrated, thinking he got one over Punk and Barrett. Cena tried to leave, but the Raw GM buzzed. Cole read from the podium that what they just witnessed was a blatant abuse of power. Cole continued the GM's email, which was apparently written at 1,000 WPM, that he cannot change the match, but he can over-rule the consequences. (Why selective in what to over-rule if there's absolute power? So inconsistent.) Cole announced that all members of Nexus and Corre have been reinstated in the Rumble. Also, if Cena does not enter the ring and apologize to both Punk and Barrett, he will be the one out of the Rumble match.

Cena gulped, then entered the ring and apologized to each man individually. With that out of the way to save his Rumble slot, Cena threw a punch and a fight was on. Nexus and Corre members stormed the ring and Cena backed away to the floor. "Cena, Cena," the crowd chanted. Suddenly, Big Show's music hit. Show charged the ring, followed by random mid-card babyfaces, including Bryan, who had apparently pulled himself away from Gail Kim. "Chaos and bedlam," Cole declared. Bodies started flying over the top rope as Cole plugged the Rumble this Sunday. "It's going to be out of control; it's going to be nuts!" Cole declared as they faded to black with the fight still going on in the ring. Going to be nuts? If that doesn't capture how much Jim Ross is missed just to cover the basics of a hard sell, I don't know what other evidence is needed.

FINAL THOUGHTS: This one will take some time to digest. It was weird, but not bad; inconsistent, but with a sense of urgency. WWE overloaded the audience's senses for two hours with some high-energy content, but it almost seemed to take away from the Rumble hype because too much was happening and flying all over the place. Not having a standard, credible, consistent lead announcer to process it for the audience was clearly missing on this show. The Rumble is the Rumble, but I wouldn't be surprised if next week's Raw does a huge rating, indicative of the audience investing time into watching Raw to find out what happened at the Rumble rather than investing $45 on the PPV to see it for themselves.

We welcome your 0-10 score and comments on this show for a "Raw Reax" feature in the Torch Feedback section of To contribute your thoughts on Raw, email to using our Feedback form.

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