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WWE Raw Report
CALDWELL'S WWE RAW RESULTS 1/17: Complete "virtual time" coverage of live Raw - Cena vs. Punk, Royal Rumble hype continues

Jan 17, 2011 - 10:08:43 PM

WWE Raw Results
January 17, 2011 - Episode #920
Live from Little Rock, Ark.
Aired on USA Network
Report by James Caldwell, PWTorch assistant editor

This week's episode of WWE Raw opened with a portion of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s "I have a dream" speech on the Martin Luther King holiday.

Arena: With just crowd audio in the background, Michael Cole introduced a "special night" of Raw action before John Cena's music hit to start the show. Cena emerged on the stage to a loud reaction for his first in-person TV appearance in three weeks. Cole advertised Cena in his first in-ring action since being attacked by the new Nexus under C.M. Punk.

After a video recap of Punk's group taking out Nexus, Cena cut the music and said that was last year. He said he has some New Year's Resolutions to share: take out Punk, win the Royal Rumble, and win the WWE Title at WrestleMania. Cena told Punk to come get some.

Instead, The Miz's music interrupted and Miz came out on stage dressed in a suit and flanked by Alex Riley. Miz asked Cena if he "really" thinks he's going to win the WWE Title at Mania. Miz said Cena is played out and he is the most must-see WWE champion in company history. Miz claimed Raw has been more entertaining and exciting with him as champion in years. He said the odds state Cena won't be winning the Rumble, anyways. Miz announced that for the first time-ever, the Rumble match will have 40 participants. "So, good luck, Cena."

Miz recapped the winner of the Rumble facing the WWE champion or World Hvt. champion at WrestleMania. Loud "Cena, Cena" chant. Miz warned the eventual winner that if he comes after him, he will be like Randy Orton in their WWE Title match at the Rumble and loooooose. Cena replied, "Youuuu willll looooose." Miz went to Rocky IV for his follow-up material before saying Miz should have already lost the title to Jerry Lawler or Randy Orton. Cena went through more joke material on Miz, Riley, and Cole, including another poopy joke. "Guys, it's PG, I'm doing the best I can," Cena said to the camera.

Miz retorted that Cena is so corny and he is so tired of the label "Miz is afraid to fight." He said it's lame and generic, like Cena. Miz said there is no doubt that he can fight with the best brawlers in WWE history. Miz said there is no doubt that he can out-wrestle the so-called greatest technicians in WWE history. Miz set up his "I'm awesome" catch phrase to big boos before stopping and saying he'll finish his phrase when he beats Randy Orton.

Cena then said Cena vs. Orton feels like WrestleMania and is a championship-worthy match at WrestleMania. Cena told Miz he will not make it past the Rumble and won't make it past Rumble. Cena asked Miz if the "corny guy" is getting under his skin. He told Miz he must-see Miz do something about it. Cena dropped the mic and Miz looked over to Riley as the crowd chanted Cena's name.

Suddenly, C.M. Punk's music interrupted. Punk slowly emerged on-stage with Otunga, Harris, and McGillicutty flanking him. Punk's Nexus remained on the stage before Punk's music hit. Punk had a noticeable scratch below his right eye from getting into it with a fan at last night's house show. Punk smirked at Cena and re-stated the "odds being against Cena" aspect of stacking the deck against Cena. Punk announced he and every other member of Nexus are in the Rumble. He said the sole purpose of each Nexus member in the Rumble is to ensure he wins. Punk said he cannot wait to see Cena take on those odds.

Otunga, Husky, and McGillicutty proceeded to walk toward the ring while Punk remained on the stage. Miz and Riley were out of the ring at this point. Cena took on the three Nexus members before Santino and Kozlov hit the ring to even the odds. The faces eventually cleared Nexus and Punk sold some concern from the stage. Cena encouraged Nexus to come get some as Punk huddled on the stage. Punk told Cena to take on these odds.

[Q2] Punk started to lead the group to the ring before the Raw GM buzzed and the arena lights flashed. Michael Cole read from the podium that the GM wonders what Cena's odds are of beating Punk if Nexus is barred from ringside. Cole read that if any members of Nexus interfere in Cena vs. Punk tonight, the offender(s) will be out of the Rumble. The Raw theme music hit to conclude the segment as Cole plugged Cena vs. Punk. He also plugged a WWE Tag Title match tonight. Lawler then plugged Raw vs. Smackdown with Orton vs. Ziggler in a battle of #1 contenders. PYB (3) talk time: 13:40.

Segment Reax: Cena's scripted promo was a mess. It's pointless to acknowledge to the audience seemingly every week that it's a PG show and take the audience out of the moment saying, "Yeah, that joke sucked, but this is all I can do." WWE planted seeds for a Cena vs. Miz match down the road, potentially at Mania, but also reinforced the idea they shouldn't be reinforcing that Miz in a WWE Title match at WrestleMania isn't "WrestleMania worthy." Ziggler booked against Orton tonight is another positive sign WWE is high on him as a top heel on Smackdown.

[Commercial Break]

This Friday: It's Dolph Ziggler's show. How will World Hvt. champion Edge respond to Ziggler's attack at the end of last week's show?

In-ring: Back from break, Justin Roberts announced a WWE Tag Title match to start the in-ring action tonight. Already in the ring were the Usos to challenge for the belts. Also already in the ring were Santino and Kozlov for actual formal ring intros for a title match on TV.

1 -- WWE tag champions SANTINO & KOZLOV (w/Tamina) vs. THE USOS (JIMMY & JEY USO) -- WWE Tag Title match

Cole noted the Usos earned the tag title shot by winning a non-title bout against Santino and Kozlov a few weeks ago. A basic tag match ensued setting up Santino dropping Jey with the Cobra for the pin and the win. Post-match: Tamina celebrated with the tag champs while the Usos backed away selling frustration with the loss.

WINNERS: Santino & Kozlov at 2:32 to retain the WWE Tag Titles. Expectedly short match. Back to square one with the tag division. (*)

Locker room: Otunga, Harris, and McGillicutty were complaining amongst themselves. C.M. Punk, playing Wade Barrett interrupting another Nexus discussion, walked in and smiled at all of them to quiet them down. Punk waited and waited before simply saying, "Faith." One word. Punk smiled and backed away. The other Nexus members stood silent.

Backstage: John Morrison was shown walking down the hallway for a match up next. He paused at Daniel Bryan, who Cole said he's facing tonight. The Bellas, sporting Bryan t-shirts, entered the camera shot and grabbed each of Bryan's arms. They gave him a kiss before escorting Bryan down the hallway. Morrison shot them all a look, then continued down the hallway.

[Commercial Break]


In-ring: John Morrison's music played back from break to bring out Morrison. Cole fed to a full-length video package showcasing Morrison's offense, unique skills, and flashiness. Back live, Lawler said he's like a human highlight reel and fun to watch. Daniel Bryan then came out with the all-smiles Bella Twins. Morrison just kept grinning with an absurd laugh at Bryan's deal with the Bellas.

2 -- U.S. champion DANIEL BRYAN (w/Bella Twins) vs. JOHN MORRISON -- non-title match

Bryan and Morrison locked up as Cole plugged the "biggest Royal Rumble match in history" with 40 men in the match this year. Bryan scored with a dropkick that sent Morrison to the floor, then Bryan and Morrison had a stand-off on the floor. They quickly rolled back into the ring simultaneously and had a stare-down to sell the idea of two eventually matched babyfaces having a competitive bout. Cole robotically fed to a break.

[Commercial Break]

Back from break at 4:30, Morrison had Bryan in a side headlock as they cut to a shot of the Bellas encouraging Bryan from ringside. Morrison knocked down Bryan, then wanted Starship Pain, but took too long, and Bryan rolled out of the way. Bryan followed with a kick to the head for a nearfall. The crowd was clearly behind Morrison in this match. Bryan and Morrison suddenly ran the ropes ducking clotheslines before running into each other with a double cross-body block. After a six count, they came to their feet and traded bombs. Morrison then countered a suplex into a head scissors that Bryan countered into a pin for a nearfall. More counters and reversals. Bryan teased the LeBell Lock, but Morrison came to his feet and catapulted Bryan into the top turnbuckle. Bryan set up too early to accept the springboard flying chuck and Morrison connected with a glancing blow. Morrison then hit a running knee smash and scored the pin for the win.

WINNER: Morrison at 7:22. Good match, but it could have meant more if given more time and a chance to anticipate the match. The emphasis, though, was on Morrison, the character, and they used the match to get to the larger point of the Sheamus vs. Morrison feud in the post-match... (*3/4)

Post-match: Morrison and Bryan shook hands, then Sheamus's music interrupted. Sheamus came out on-stage in his King of the Ring gear and stressed the "Royal" aspect of the upcoming PPV. He vowed to claim the Rumble and vanquish Morrison in the process. Sheamus proclaimed, "Long live the King." Morrison shot him a determined look from inside the ring as Sheamus flashed his big smile.

Still to come tonight: Cena vs. Punk. Up next: Dolph Ziggler vs. Randy Orton in a battle of #1 contenders. Lawler said he's picking Orton after teaming with him on last week's Raw.

[Q4] [Commercial Break]

Stand up for WWE: The promotional campaign is back. Cole and Lawler recapped WWE winning the 2010 "Mashable Award."

Backstage: The Bellas were walking down the hallway talking up John Morrison's body. They talked about wanting to be Bryan's "first." They acted like it was a secret conversation and shook on a bet to see which one could get to Bryan first. Of course, everyone at home, in the arena, and Bryan had the ability to watch the "secret conversation," which means Bryan's character will look like a dolt going along with the Bellas's advances from this point forward.

In-ring: Vickie Guerrero, to no music, walked out to the ring to typical Vickie heat. She introduced Dolph Ziggler, who came to the ring and shared a kiss with Vickie. Cole and Lawler exchanged some jokes before Randy Orton's music hit to a strong reaction. Orton slowly made his way to the ring staring down his opponent while Justin Roberts formally introduced Orton. Orton posed in the ring before they cut to break ahead of the battle of #1 contenders to the top titles in WWE.

[Commercial Break]

Smackdown plug: Wade Barrett and his new henchmen took down Big Show last week on Smackdown. What's next for Barrett's group?

3 -- DOLPH ZIGGLER (w/Vickie Guerrero) vs. RANDY ORTON

Back from break, the bell sounded to begin the top-of-the-second hour main event. Cole claimed it's the first they've met in a singles match. Orton landed early punches, followed by a knock-down clothesline. Cole talked up Orton's quest for the WWE Title at the Rumble while Orton continued to dominate. Orton slapped on a reverse chinlock that he sold convincingly before Ziggler hit a jawbreaker to escape the hold. Ziggler followed with a dropkick to the left knee and began working on Orton's leg.

[Q5 -- second hour] As Cole reset the show at the top of the hour, Ziggler wrapped Orton's left leg around the ringpost. Orton teased a comeback that popped the crowd, then Ziggler cut him off with a dropkick to the chest that floored Orton. Ziggler missed with a wild clothesline and missed with a desperation corner splash that gave Orton an opening to make his signature comeback starting with a snap powerslam. Orton wanted the trademark DDT off the second rope, but Ziggler slipped out and took out Orton at the left knee.

Ziggler hit the Fameasser for a close two count. He followed with his finishing sleeperhold as Orton sold he was fading. Orton reached the ropes for a break, though, and the ref forcibly removed Ziggler from the hold. Ziggler then tried the Zig-Zag (which the crowd didn't quite recognize), but Orton grabbed the top rope to avoid Ziggler's finisher. Orton then sprung with the RKO out of nowhere (the crowd didn't quite recognize the sudden RKO counter). Orton scored the pin for the win.

WINNER: Orton at 8:26. Good showing by Ziggler in defeat. The match was designed to eventually get over Orton as the triumphant face, then transfer that heat to Miz in the post-match. (**)

Post-match: Immediately after the bell sounded, Miz and Riley jumped Orton in the ring. They cleared Orton to the outside as the front row fans chanted, "Jerry, Jerry." Miz cleared the announce table, then Lawler stood up to confront Miz. Lawler decked Riley, but Miz dumped Lawler over the top rope to the front row. Orton tried to attack Miz, but Miz flung him into the base of the announce table. Miz taunted Orton, who was selling the injured leg. Miz then slowly lifted up Orton and rammed him into the ringpost. Riley held Orton as Miz stomped on Orton's mid-section. "Naw, Randy, you're not done yet," Miz said. Miz and Riley then rammed Orton head-first through the gimmicked ringside barrier. There was some additional production audio in the background that didn't seem to be meant for air. Miz then took the mic from the timekeeper and leaned down toward Orton. "I'm the Miz...and I'm awesome," Miz quietly said at a close range. Miz stood up and sneered down at Orton. Miz visibly shook to sell the intensity of the post-match angle. Cole plugged Cena vs. Punk tonight before they cut to break.

[Commercial Break]


Replay: They returned from break to show Orton countering the Zig-Zag into an RKO for the pinfall over Ziggler in the previous match. Cole narrated clips of Miz and Riley taking apart Orton in the post-match. If they want to get this over, Orton should sell the beat down for at least a week, then re-appear at the Rumble in two weeks.

Backstage: C.M. Punk was sitting down with the other Nexus members. He repeated the word "faith" a few times. Punk said, "One must have humility to truly possess faith." He said a person must be willing to sacrifice his all. Punk went deep Biblical talking about sanctification. He continued to measure his philosophical words before talking about loyalty. There was more production noise in the background. Punk eventually led the other Nexus members in bowing their heads.

In-ring: Maryse's music hit to bring out Maryse sans Ted DiBiase. Cole, alone, was joined by Melina on his left and Eve on his right for commentary. Divas champion Natalya then came out to face Maryse in non-title action.

4 -- Divas champion NATALYA vs. MARYSE -- non-title match

Maryse controlled the action early on as they cut to a shot of Melina studying Natalya from the announce position since she is the #1 contender to the Divas Title. Natalya made short work of Maryse, forcing her to submit to the Sharpshooter in under two minutes. Natalya then posed in the ring as Melina shot her a dirty look and Eve smiled.

WINNER: Natalya via submission at 1:40. More emphasis on Natalya as a dominant champion and set-up for more post-match activity...

Post-match: Maryse, upset with her loss, picked a fight with Eve ringside. Ted DiBiase eventually showed up to have a "discussion" with Maryse. They screamed at each other before DiBiase took the mic and vowed to win the Royal Rumble. Maryse, angry with her boyfriend, called him a loser. DiBiase threw out an over-the-top-rope challenge to anyone on the Raw roster and they abruptly cut to break.

[Commercial Break]

In-ring: Back from break, Cole said DiBiase is still going on with his challenge. Cole, continuing to flip back and forth between favoring heels and faces, laughed as Mark Henry's music hit to answer DiBiase's challenge. DiBiase had an "oh, anyone but him" facial expression to sell for Henry.


After a brief back-and-forth, Henry dumped DiBiase over the top rope to win the challenge in less than 30 seconds. DiBiase acted stunned ringside.

WINNER: Henry at 0:26. More of the same with DiBiase and set-up for more post-match activity...

Post-match: William Regal led a parade of C-Level Raw brand wrestlers into the ring to start having a not-so-impromptu battle royal. They did the traditional elimination tease spots. Sheamus suddenly hit the ring to take out Mark Henry at his knees. Cole acted like these were actual eliminations in a match that wasn't actually taking place. Lawler suddenly re-joined the broadcast. Henry eventually cleared Sheamus out of the ring. His music played to temporarily signal the end of the bit.

Suddenly, Alberto Del Rio's music hit to bring out Del Rio with a cameo from Smackdown for the third consecutive week. Del Rio repeated his proclamation that it's his destiny to win the Royal Rumble and "be a champion in WrestleMania." Del Rio said he will be the greatest of the greats. And the wink. His music re-played from where it was when it stopped, almost sounding like a slow remix. Henry left the ring as Del Rio smiled for the crowd as the segment concluded.

[Q7] [Commercial Break]

Derrick Bateman infomercial: NXT Rookie Derrick Bateman, in a doctor's coat, was shown in a pre-taped infomercial selling a product: "World's Strongest Man." Bateman said it's a strong, powerful concoction. Bateman took a sniff as Henry did a voice-over warning users of the cologne's effects. That was random.

Announcers: Back live, Cole sighed and took a deep breath before offering a quick plug for NXT. Cole then criticized Lawler for sticking his nose in someone else's business again. Lawler said he wanted to stick his fist in Cole's face. Cole taunted him that he can't do that or he'll be fired.

Video: They rolled the yearly Rumble By The Numbers video package recapping big moments from past Rumble history. One major takeaway from the video: how much Jim Ross's voice is missed enhancing "epic" moments.

Announcers: Cole and Lawler broke down the Rumble PPV card, which currently has three matches of Miz vs. Orton, Edge vs. Ziggler, and the Rumble match. Back on-camera, Cole said he received "huge news" from the Raw GM via his cell phone on the main event for next week: WWE champion The Miz vs. World Hvt. champion Edge. At least they're hyping it a week in-advance, but it feels like a wasted opportunity to save that match-up for a bigger day e.g. WrestleMania. The below-average TV ratings to start 2011 likely has something to do with booking that match next week before the Rumble.

Backstage: Cena was shown talking to production assistants ahead of the TV main event against C.M. Punk.

[Commercial Break]


This Friday on Smackdown: How will World Hvt. champion Edge respond to Dolph Ziggler?

In-ring: C.M. Punk walked out on stage with the New Nexus members behind him. They stood on-stage and Punk slowly walked down the line staring into their eyes to assess their devotion to him. Lawler repeated his anti-gang speech from last week's Raw for the kids watching on TV. Once in the ring, Punk psyched himself up and waited for Cena's theme music to eventually hit. Cena came out on-stage and Nexus was no longer standing guard. Cena did his pre-match routine while Punk readied himself in a neutral corner. Punk has added some heavy tattoo work to his chest.

6 -- JOHN CENA vs. C.M. PUNK

The bell sounded and they slowly walked toward center ring to stand nose-to-nose. Punk told Cena to bring in, then Punk fired the first strike and the fight was on. Cena whipped Punk hard into the corner turnbuckle, then saluted the crowd. A few more moves by Cena, with the crowd not popping for Cena's offense since they hadn't built up a comeback for Cena and there was no way the finish was coming. Punk and Cena came to a standstill trying to figure out the next spot, so Cena audibly said, "Kick me." Cena shot Punk off the ropes, then Punk kicked him in the shoulder to send Cena to the outside. They cut to break with Punk temporarily on the offensive.

[Commercial Break]

Back from break, Cole recapped that Nexus was banned from ringside and if they interfered in the match, they would be removed from the Rumble. Punk was in control of the action as Cole and Lawler debated the merits of Punk's leadership. Lawler suddenly blurted out, "It's a cult," which was the heaviest verbiage WWE has used thus far to describe New Nexus under Punk. Moments later, Lawler said it's "cult-like."

Cena started to make his trademark comeback, but Punk cut him off. Punk then wanted the Go 2 Sleep, but Cena grabbed Punk's knee in mid-air and transitioned into the STF. Cole called Cena a "submission specialist" before Punk reached the bottom rope for a rope break. After a pause, they came to their feet and hit a double knock-down clothesline to put both men back on the mat. Back on their feet, Punk landed a knee to the side of the head before executing a springboard flying clothesline for a nearfall.

[Q9 -- over-run] At the top of the hour, Punk sold frustration with Cena and started landing right hand blows. Cena suddenly teased the Attitude Adjustment, but Punk countered with an STO into the Anaconda Vice. The camera zoomed in tight on Cena's face as he sold the effects of the submission hold. Cena tried to power his way to the bottom rope, then sold fading out. "Give up!" Punk screamed. Cena eventually reached the bottom rope to break the hold. Cena tried to recover on the ring apron, but Punk kicked him in the head and Cena fell to the floor. Punk wanted a plancha, but Cena caught him in mid-air and rammed Punk into the ring apron.

Back in the ring, Cena teased a top-rope move, but Punk cut off Cena and landed an enziguiri kick. Punk then teased a superplex, but Cena blocked and headbutted Punk to the mat. Cena measured Punk for a leaping guillotine leg drop and connected for a close two count. Cole exclaimed Punk was setting a great example for the rest of the Nexus members. Suddenly, Mason Ryan from FCW showed up on the ring apron. The Batista-lookalike scared Cena, then entered the ring and smiled at Punk. Punk extended his arms and Mason creamed Punk with a kick to the head, resulting in Cena being DQ'ed since Ryan interfered against Punk. Technically, that's how it would go. The crowd didn't know how to react, but Cole said Punk was offering himself as a sacrifice.

Post-match: The other Nexus members stormed the ring to inquire what was going on. The announcers were silent for the entire post-match angle, so Mason Ryan wasn't given a TV name. Mason and Punk came nose-to-nose as Mason sold intensity like Batista. Mason then dropped to one knee and Punk "knighted him" with a Nexus armband. Mason lifted up Punk's arm and the other Nexus members fell in line while looking at each other with curious looks. Punk stood in the front of the line as the other four members stood in the background. They cut to a shot of Cena selling ringside. Someone said, "Stay on me, stay on me," and the camera spun back to a final shot of Punk standing tall in the ring leading Nexus in a fist salute. The show faded out eight minutes past the top of the hour.

WINNER: Punk via DQ at 15:44. They delivered more of a match than I expected, but the non-finish was expected. Ryan is an impressive figure, not just with the obvious Batista-like muscularity he brings to the table, but in the way he handled himself with his presence and not over-selling his intensity. He looks national TV-ready. (**1/2)

FINAL THOUGHTS: This show was all over the place. There was so much going on, and too much felt like filler. The lack of a kayfabe "medical update" on Randy Orton in the second-half of the show hurt the angle with Miz. Follow-through on everything Miz does is key to his growth and WWE missed an opportunity there. Also, the Rumble match hype is possibly the worst in recent history. The C-Level Raw brand mid-carders having a random brawl reinforced one reason why WWE should not have gone to 40 wrestlers; it lowers the prestige of actually being in the Rumble if wrestlers who can't even advance past Superstars-level on a weekly basis are suddenly one step away from headlining WrestleMania.

We welcome your 0-10 score and comments on this show for a "Raw Reax" feature in the Torch Feedback section of To contribute your thoughts on Raw, email to using our Feedback form.

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