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WWE Raw Report
CALDWELL'S WWE RAW RESULTS 12/27: Complete "virtual time" coverage of live Raw - Miz vs. Lawler, Orton vs. Sheamus, final Raw of 2010

Dec 27, 2010 - 10:15:45 PM

WWE Raw Results
December 27, 2010 - Episode #917
Live from Albany, N.Y.
Aired on USA Network
Report by James Caldwell, PWTorch assistant editor

The final Raw of 2010 opened with Michael Cole's voice as they panned the arena. Cole introduced Jerry Lawler as his broadcast partner tonight. After a pause, John Cena's music hit to bring out Cena to start the show with a loud reaction and Cole throwing out the "liberated" word after Cena's program with Nexus ended at the TLC PPV. Cole plugged Orton vs. Sheamus and Lawler vs. Miz tonight as Cena paced around in the ring.

Cena said the excitement from last week has carried over to tonight. He paused for boos from the crowd before the louder kids chanted, "Cena, Cena." He said he wants to do the exact same thing as what happens every week on this about what happened last week. Cena said he's a bit upset about what happened last week. It started great, he said, with the post-TLC party and the Roast of Vickie Guerrero. Then, this happened...Cena rolled footage of C.M. Punk attacking him with a chair after his victory over Dolph Ziggler. Lawler said he doesn't get it.

Back live to Cena, he said the party has been officially pooped on. The crowd did not react. Then, the males chanted, "C-M-Punk." He said he did bring this upon himself. Cena said in his relentless pursuit of Nexus, he admits he accidentally spilled Punk's Diet Soda. "I know...seriously, it was an accident. I did send the guy back 75 cents or a dollar. I apologize," he said, with sarcasm dripping. Cena then rolled footage from Smackdown where Punk blasted Cena with a chair shot as Cena teased an Attitude Adjustment on Vickie. Lawler wanted to know why.

Back to Cena, who said it took a lot of energy to lift Vickie that high. He said he cannot replace Punk's Diet Soda, but he will allow for the Airing of Grievances by Punk. Cena called for him and Punk's music hit to bring out Punk dressed to wrestle. Punk, on-stage, said everybody just loves Cena. He said he is so impressed that Cena pulls the wool over everyone's eyes each week on Raw. Punk called Cena dishonest, heartless, and thoughtless. He said this is not about a spilled Diet Soda; it goes way beyond that. Punk paused for a "You Suck" chant before telling Cena that he was fired from WWE and gave a tear-inducing speech. "You said you were going to go away," he said. Punk noted Cena came back each week, which he claimed shows Cena's word is absolutely worthless. Punk then noted Cena beat Barrett, but it wasn't good enough, as he decided to drop 15 chairs on Wade Barrett.

Cena cut off Punk and said it was...23 steel chairs. Cena said Nexus gave him about 5,000 beat downs and tried to end his WWE career. Punk mock cried for Cena before saying Cena ended the career of his good friend...Dave Batista. Interesting. Punk described how Cena ended Batista's career before wondering aloud why Vickie hasn't quit WWE yet. He said Cena inflicted physical and emotional damage on Vickie.

Cena cut off Punk and said Batista tried to break his neck, Batista showed up the next night and quit on his own terms, and he didn't just single out Vickie Guerrero, but he talks about everyone. Cena said Cole has an anonymous fetish with Justin Beiber and he has "The Miz" manscaped just below his belly button. Cole mock responded that he didn't go that far. Punk said he isn't laughing because this isn't funny. Punk said the first two attacks were warning shots because someone is standing up his phony ways with the Hustle, Loyalty, and Respect facade. Punk said he knows Cena and it's going to stop.

The crowd interrupted with a chant, then Cena told Punk they don't have to sit through court sessions, but they can settle the issue right here in the ring. Cena asked Punk if he's going to stand up there and talk or if he's going to dance in the ring. Punk said he could do that, but this is the C.M. Punk Show tonight, not the John Cena Show. Punk said it's happening on his terms. He said sometime tonight, he will call Cena out. Punk said he has a real eye-opener for Cena happens later tonight. He said it will be a night he will never forget. Punk mockingly said it's Raw and it's about fun! He wished Cena and all of his fans a very...very...Happy New Year. Punk did a mock salute toward Cena, who wasn't amused. Lawler said he still doesn't get it. PYB (3) talk time: 12:45.

Still to come: Sheamus vs. Orton. Cole noted Lawler pinned Miz last week and Miz has asked for a match against Lawler to end 2010 on a high-note looking for revenge.


[Commercial Break]

In-ring: Back from break, Ted DiBiase was in the ring with Maryse, who was not dressed to compete. Santino's music hit to bring out one-half of the tag champs, accompanied by Tamina.

1 -- WWE tag champion SANTINO (w/Tamina) vs. TED DIBIASE (w/Maryse)

DiBiase quickly decked Santino with a right hand blow and settled into a rear chinlock. Santino teased a comeback, then avoided a dropkick and quickly rolled up DiBiase for a pin. That was it for DiBiase. Santino then grabbed a Christmas present and handed it to Tamina, who opened up to find the hidden Cobra in the box. DiBiase and Maryse then jumped Santino and Maryse from behind, but Santino and Tamina quickly recovered, hit stereo fist drops, and finished with stereo Cobra smashes on DiBiase and Maryse to essentially score two wins.

WINNER: Santino at 0:59. What...are...they...doing...with...DiBiase? It's well past time they do something with the DiBiase/Maryse partnership to advance DiBiase's career. He's stuck in neutral going backwards downhill. (n/a)

Locker Room: Miz was stroking his WWE Title belt before Alex Riley walked in. Miz asked Riley if he understands the magnitude of his match against John Morrison. Riley said he's going to win one, two, three. Miz said he needs to do more than that so Morrison will never want to face him for the WWE Title. Miz said he's going to pick Lawler apart piece by piece tonight. Morrison then walked in and offered a proposal. If he beats Riley tonight, he gets to pick the time and stipulation for their title match. Riley told "twinkle toes" that if he wins, what happens? Morrison said he should probably be fired if he loses to Riley. He got serious and said if he loses, he will no longer be #1 contender. Miz agreed. Morrison said this will be awesome. Morrison walked off and Miz repeated the question to Riley if he understands the magnitude of this situation.

[Commercial Break]

In-ring: John Morrison came to the ring on the other side of the break for the high-stakes match against Alex Riley. Meanwhile, Cole read that USA Network was the #1 cable show on all of cable for the fifth straight year. Alex Riley and Miz then came to the ring and Cole read that the Raw GM has agreed to the stipulations for the match.


2 -- JOHN MORRISON vs. ALEX RILEY (w/WWE champion The Miz)

Miz shouted encouragement toward Riley as he took control of the match early on. Riley executed a side slam and made a cover for a nearfall. Miz paced ringside angry with Riley's inability to put away Morrison. Morrison then built some momentum and went for a springboard kick, but Miz yanked Morrison down. The ref saw it, but didn't call for a DQ, instead he gave Miz the boot. Riley then tried to roll up Morrison, but Morrison kicked out. Morrison then came back with a springboard kick strike and measured Riley for a running knee strike to the face. Morrison made the cover and it was good for the win. Miz didn't even make it to the back, as he was on the stage looking on with peril as Morrison celebrated the win.

Post-match: Morrison shook hands with Lawler and told Lawler that the WWE Title match will be next week and it will be Falls Count Anywhere. Cole complained that Miz is not an animal, but an athlete. Cole said Miz should demand a protest.

WINNER: Morrison at 4:43. Interesting they're going with the WWE Title match on next week's Raw rather than at the Rumble. So, next week, it's Miz vs. Morrison for the WWE Title in a Falls Count Anywhere match. (*)

[Commercial Break]

Tomorrow night: The NXT Season 4 Rookies are coming into their own for better (Derrick Bateman) or worse (everyone else). The competition continues Tuesday night on WWE's website.

Replay: Cole said he's nauseous about what just happened with Morrison defeating Riley to set up the WWE Title match next week.

Backstage: Miz screamed and shouted at Riley that he screwed up. Riley tried to talk back to Miz, who cut him off and said Riley needs to do his job tonight when he faces Lawler.

Backstage: Elsewhere, C.M. Punk addressed a "cameraman," telling him he needs him to capture this big moment when he calls out Cena.

Backstage: Elsewhere again, Daniel Bryan was with the Bella Twins, who complained about being alone under the mistletoe on Christmas. Tyson Kidd and Bodyguard barged in. Kidd said he doesn't get what the Bellas see in him. Kidd vowed to become U.S. champion in 2011. He called Jackson Andrews the most intimidating bodyguard in WWE history. Kidd told Bryan to watch his match with Mark Henry.

Locker room: Another cut-away to Randy Orton staring into deep thought. Josh Mathews walked in to talk to Orton about his "impressive" 2010. Mathews started to recap his ups-and-downs, but Orton cut him off with his eyes. Orton said he has nothing against Morrison, but he wants Miz to win so he can get the title back from Miz. Orton said he has Sheamus tonight - Mathews cut him off and said it's King Sheamus. Orton said if that's the case, then Sheamus's "reign" will come to an abrupt end tonight.

[Commercial Break]


In-ring: Mark Henry came to the ring for the next match as Cole was joined by Mathews since Lawler was off preparing to face Miz tonight. Tyson Kidd was out with Andrews to face Henry. Mathews took a dig at the Harts, saying Kidd realized in 2010 that it's not a good idea to be a Hart.

3 -- TYSON KIDD (w/Jason Andrews) vs. MARK HENRY

Henry dominated early on and measured Kidd for a seated butt splash, but Kidd rolled out of the way and began stomping away on Henry. Kidd settled into a front facelock and grunted toward the crowd. Henry then came to his feet and caught Kidd off the top rope for the World's Strongest Slam. Henry made the cover and that was it.

Post-match: Andrews did the Kevin Nash entrance into the ring to stare down Henry, who met him face-to-face. Henry then backed away and Andrews landed a developmental kick to the gut. He missed with a clothesline when Henry ducked and Henry dropped Andrews with the World's Strongest Slam.

WINNER: Henry at 2:07. Henry resurgence? Another bad night for heels, in this case Kidd & Andrews? How can Andrews recover from that in his first big WWE TV spot being completely owned by Henry? And why invest TV time in a backstage segment with Bryan and Kidd if Kidd is going to lose clean? Plenty of questions to be answered after that one. (*)

Smackdown on Friday: Edge & Rey Mysterio vs. Alberto Del Rio & Kane.

[Commercial Break]

In-ring: The Miz came to the ring for the top-of-the-second-hour main event. Cole cut a promo on Riley for screwing up in the earlier match before Mathews noted Cole changing his tune after talking up Riley earlier. Miz stood in the ring and said he knows each and every fan is intimidated by him. Orton and Morrison are as well. Lawler needs to change his Depends diapers. Miz said he doesn't get intimidated; he intimidates. Miz said he is the best brawler, the best fighter, and no one compares to him in WWE. He repeated it two more times. Miz said all the great ones, the Verne Gagnes, the Theszs, the Harley Races do not hold a candle to his talent and ability. Miz became agitated and screamed at the crowd to shut up while he's talking. Miz said he is a scientific master of the art of wrestling. He is a technical wizard of wrestling. He kept feeding the "What?!" chants before telling them he wants absolute silence while he's talking. Miz said he wants everyone to call a friend, email someone, or Tweet someone that he is going to destroy Jerry Lawler. Because he's The Miz...pause for boos...and he's...Awesome.

[Q5 -- second hour] At the top of the hour, Miz stared into the crowd before Lawler's music hit to bring out The King for his third TV match in the last two months. Lawler marched to the ring with crown in hand as Miz prepared to face Lawler. Mathews noted the huge blizzard in the Northeast and said Lawler lost his luggage, but he has vowed to compete despite the adversity.

4 -- WWE champion THE MIZ (w/Alex Riley) vs. JERRY LAWLER -- non-title match

Miz started things off with a take down, which prompted him to gloat to the crowd about his technical prowess. The announcers bickered while Miz took control of the match while taunting Lawler. Miz slapped on a headlock as Lawler looked to the crowd for some energy, but Miz yanked Lawler down to the mat to cut off Lawler. Miz followed with a boot to the chest before rubbing his boot across Lawler's forehead. Miz continued to taunt Lawler, who tried to fight back, but Miz kicked Lawler in the face again. Miz drew the ref's ire by raking Lawler's eyes, then he stood over Lawler taunting the crowd again. Cole said it's becoming a bit uncomfortable. Miz staggered Lawler with a left hand before taunting him some more half-speed knee and kick strikes.

Suddenly, at 7:00, John Morrison's music hit. Morrison walked out on stage and stared into the ring before walking to the ring. Miz then turned back to Lawler and missed with a clothesline. Lawler staggered across the ring, avoided a running kick, and came to his feet. Lawler with a left hand jab, then another one. And another. And two more. Lawler followed with a series of dropkicks as the crowd came to life. Lawler tried a scoop slam, but Miz rammed him to the corner. Miz missed with a corner clothesline, then Riley tried to run interference, but it gave Morrison an opening to deck Miz on the floor. The ref applied a ten count and sped up near the end, giving Lawler a count-out victory.

Post-match: Miz checked his jaw and looked off in space selling disbelief. Morrison celebrated with Lawler before telling Miz he's only as good as his last match. Morrison warned Miz about the title match next week on Raw. Cole said this is disgusting and a horrible ending to 2010 for the WWE champion. Miz's nostrils flared as he sold disgust with Morrison.

WINNER: Lawler via countout at 9:36. Fine set up for next week's Miz vs. Morrison title match. You just have to get past the logic hole that it looks silly for a heel not to take a win after taunting an opponent for an acceptable length of time, but they tried to cover that base earlier in the show when Miz laid out his strategy to take Lawler apart piece by piece. (*1/2)

Backstage: Sheamus was clutching his King of the Ring crown. Punk then walked in and shared a moment with Sheamus. He said Sheamus won the KOTR tournament, yet John Cena has insulted him over and over. Punk told Sheamus to keep an eye on his special surprise for Cena because he'll have something to say about all of the people Cena has subjected to his insults. Punk also gave Sheamus well-wishes for his match against Orton tonight.

[Commercial Break]


Moments Ago: Lawler beat Miz via count-out. Lawler was back on commentary with Cole defending Morrison's interference after Riley tried to interfere several times. Lawler asked Cole if he can just be happy for him and Cole rolled his eyes. The announcers were then joined by special guest Divas champion Natalya. She congratulated Lawler on a job well done as Melina's music was playing in the background. Already in the ring were Melina and Alicia Fox to face Gail Kim and Eve. Cole then reminded Natalya of Melina's slap last week on Raw.


Eve started things off against Fox, so we'll see if Gail actually enters the match this week. The heels dominated early on, then Gail accepted a tag from Eve and scored with high-flying offense on Melina. Gail tried a cover on Melina, but Fox broke it up. The action broke down, then Melina dropped Gail with her swinging leg drop finisher for the pin and the win. Post-match: Natalya entered the ring to stare down Melina who tried to back off with a "let me explain" gesture. Melina shook hands, then tried a surprise slap, but Natalya saw it coming and dropped Melina with a strike to the face. Melina slipped out of the ring and did an evil glare back toward Natalya as the camera went back and forth on Natalya and Melina to set up their eventual Divas Title match.

WINNERS: Melina & Fox at 2:25. Expected result with Gail taking the loss. Overall, fine continuing the build-up to Natalya vs. Melina in a one-on-one women's division feud. (*)

Backstage: Punk talked to WWE's ringside trainers, telling them to get ready for what he does to John Cena. He absolved himself of responsibility for what happens to Cena tonight. Cena said the responsibility will be on the hands of the trainers and WWE fans. The trainers sold skepticism over these instructions.

Still to come: Orton vs. Sheamus tonight.

[Commercial Break]

5 -- U.S. champion DANIEL BRYAN (w/Bella Twins) vs. ZACK RYDER -- non-title match

Suddenly, they came back from break with a Bryan vs. Ryder match already in progress. Lawler said the Bellas are with Bryan because he's a winner, while DiBiase and Maryse are having issues because DiBiase isn't winning. This was essentially a repeat of the MSG house show match last night with Ryder scoring about a minute of offense before Bryan slapped on the LeBell Lock for a quick submission victory.

WINNER: Bryan via submission at 1:06 of what aired. (n/a)

Post-match: the Raw GM buzzed and Cole stepped to the podium. The GM is vowing to make 2011 the greatest year of all-time. Suddenly, Miz jumped Lawler at the announce table and tackled him to the ground. Miz stomped on Lawler before ramming him head-first into the guardrail. Ringside fans shouted at Miz that he sucks before Miz rammed Lawler into the announce desk. Lawler then ate the ring steps before Miz slowly lifted up Lawler and dropped him on the ground with the Skullcrushing Finale. Miz lifted up Lawler's head before dropping his head to the ground to sell that Lawler was lifeless. Referees eventually came to ringside to check on Lawler while Miz glared at the ringside fans and slowly backed away. They faded to commercial.


[Commercial Break]

Moments Ago: Cole was reading the Raw GM's latest email before Miz "assaulted" Lawler. Cole said even he cannot condone what Miz did to Lawler. And Mathews was back at commentary while Cole tried to find the right words to explain what Miz did. Mathews wasn't buying Cole's "sympathy" for Lawler.

In-ring: Sheamus came to the ring dressed in his crown and robe for the TV main event against Randy Orton. Punk-Cena is apparently getting the final TV segment slot. After a pause, Randy Orton's music hit to bring out Orton to face Sheamus. Orton completed a full-length ring entrance that was longer than Bryan-Ryder before the bell sounded to begin the match.


Orton and Sheamus traded offense early on as the announcers noted how evenly matched Orton and Sheamus are due to their similar styles, equal success in 2010, and numerous matches against each other during the year. Sheamus put together successive offense before Orton exploded out of the corner with a clothesline. Orton teased entering IED mode, but Sheamus cut off Orton as he attempted a spike DDT. Orton dumped Sheamus to the floor anyways and the fight picked up on the floor. Sheamus rammed Orton's back-of-the-head into the ringpost before coming off the apron with an impressive flying shoulder tackle for a nearfall. Orton writhed in pain on the mat as they cut to break with Sheamus in control.


[Commercial Break]

Back from break, Cole noted Orton has dealt with a nagging back and neck injury over the past two months and said Sheamus is capitalizing on that by working on Orton's upper body. Sheamus executed a running powerslam, but it was only good for a two count. Sheamus looked to the ceiling selling exasperation he couldn't put Orton away. Sheamus drew ref Chioda's ire not letting Orton out of the corner as he measured Orton for a right hand strike. Orton teased a comeback with right hands, but Sheamus nailed him in the mid-section and followed with multiple forearm strikes for a two count.

At 10:00, the crowd tried to rally behind Orton, who teased another comeback. Orton avoided a corner attack, then took Sheamus up top and executed a superplex. Orton clutched his head to sell the effects on himself and made a cover, but Sheamus kicked out in time. Sheamus and Orton started trading bombs on their feet before Orton finally built some momentum with clotheslines and a powerslam. Orton ducked a clothesline, then executed an Angle Slam for a two count. Orton teased the RKO, but Sheamus came back with an Irish Curse backbreaker, which was only good for a two count.

They went to a teased finish where each man missed with a finisher attempt before Sheamus landed a double sledgehammer. Sheamus, in control, taunted the crowd and wanted the High Cross, but Orton wiggled out and hit a fallaway snap backbreaker. Orton then entered the IED Zone, but Sheamus rolled to the apron. Sheamus wanted another flying shoulder block from the ring apron, but Orton countered in mid-air with the RKO. Orton rolled over Sheamus and scored the pin for the win. Nice.

WINNER: Orton at 14:26. Textbook 15-minute singles match getting over both competitors and ultimately getting over Orton's RKO counter at the end of the match. Just a very good showcase TV match to close out 2010. Looking at the finish of this match, it looks like WWE is thinking ahead to a Miz vs. Orton re-match at the Royal Rumble PPV if Morrison doesn't take the belt next week on Raw. (***)

Backstage: Cena was shown walking down the hallway selling concern with Punk's "surprise."

DVD plug: Bobby Heenan. They randomly introduced a video package on Heenan with classic one-liners to plug his DVD out tomorrow. Sad they couldn't find a way to organically intergrate the DVD plug into the show.

[Commercial Break]

Smackdown plug: New Year's Eve edition with Edge & Rey vs. Del Rio & Kane.

Announcers: Cole narrated an exterior shot of Albany bragging that WWE goes on rain, sleet, snow, or record blizzard. Mathews said they'll be far away from snow in Phoenix next week with Miz vs. Morrison for the WWE Title in Falls Count Anywhere.

[Q9 -- over-run] Right at the top of the hour, John Cena's music hit to bring out Cena to book-end the show. Wasn't the idea that Punk would be in the ring to call out Cena? Mathews noted the same weirdness. Cena said he's hi-jacking this segment from "C-M-Sucks." Cena said his surprise is he showed up early, so if Punk wants some, come get some. After a pause, Punk's music hit. No sign of Punk coming from the stage. Cena started looking around, then Punk's music stopped. Cena said that must be the big surprise. Cena looked into the camera and said he's changing the game, so he'll go find Punk.

Suddenly, the Nexus theme music hit and out came everyone except for Wade Barrett. Cole wanted to know what's going on here. Cena backed away in the ring as Cole said this is like a bad dream from 2010 being replayed. Otunga stepped into the ring, alone, and told Cena that this isn't what he thinks. He said Cena assaulted him with a steel chair two weeks ago, he watched Cena take out Barrett and each of them, and the thing is that it was exactly what Cena said he would do. Otunga over-sold with his facials and said Nexus is under new management per his decision. He repeated that Nexus is under new management. Otunga said he doesn't want to conflict with Cena, so they should put the past behind them. "C'mon, let's start the new year right," he said. Cena wasn't buying it. Otunga offered him a truce. Otunga extended his hand and Cena took the mic instead.

Cena said he knows why Nexus did what they did to him, but he doesn't believe a word from Otunga. He said he got to each and every one of them because he watched them and studied them. He called Otunga a slimy, manipulative, back-stabbing worm of a man. He said there will be no moving forward. Cena told Otunga to turn around and move backward or he throws hands and see what happens. Cena dropped the mic and Otunga backed away. He slipped out of the ring and stood on the ring apron before joining the other Nexus members ringside. Nexus then turned around and walked away.

Suddenly, Nexus turned around and jumped into the ring. Cena was given a five-on-one beating before Otunga started giving directions. Slater dropped Cena with a facebuster before McGillicutty landed a neckbreaker. Harris followed with a flying sentaun before Otunga told Gabriel to go up top. Gabriel landed the 450 splash as Cole noted they've seen the move so many times in 2010. Otunga told Cena he tried to make things cool, but Cena turned them down. Otunga dropped a wristband on Cena before Nexus stood tall. Nexus's theme music hit as Cole said reports of Nexus's demise are greatly exaggerated.

Suddenly, C.M. Punk's music hit as Nexus was about to leave. Punk walked past Nexus to the ring where Cena was trying to recover. Punk scooped up Cena and dropped him with the Go 2 Sleep. Punk stared down at Cena before leaving the ring to retrieve a chair. Punk teased blasting Cena with the chair, but he paused and lowered the chair to his side. Punk proceeded to unfold the chair, sit down at Cena's feet, and simply stare down at Cena's fallen body. Punk rubbed his chin before picking up the Nexus armband that Otunga left behind. Punk then slowly put the armband on his left bicep and resumed rubbing his chin. The vocal males chanted, "C-M-Punk" before he stood up and raised his arm toward Nexus, who returned his salute. Punk's music hit as the new version of Nexus stood tall in the ring and on the ring entrance with a single fist in the air. Punk smiled toward his new stablemates as the show went off the air. PYB (3) talk time: 12:05.

FINAL THOUGHTS: There's your big story to conclude 2010 with C.M. Punk the new leader of Nexus and Wade Barrett out of the mix for the time being. It wasn't presented as a "big reveal" that Punk was a "higher power" from the beginning, as it just seemed like Punk has assumed a new leadership role to re-energize Nexus and use six moths of equity built up in the Nexus brand to set up a Cena vs. Punk/Nexus feud leading to WrestleMania. It remains to be seen if anyone takes Nexus seriously again after the virtual write-off at TLC. Going forward to WrestleMania, the Raw brand undercard is on life support and it looks like the key focus over the next three months will be on Miz, Morrison, Sheamus, Orton, perhaps Lawler, Cena, Nexus, and Punk.

We welcome your 0-10 score and comments on this show for a "Raw Reax" feature in the Torch Feedback section of To contribute your thoughts on Raw, email to using our Feedback form.

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