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WWE Raw Report
CALDWELL'S WWE RAW RESULTS 11/22: Complete "virtual time" coverage of live Raw following Survivor Series - big title match, new member of announce team

Nov 22, 2010 - 10:10:31 PM

WWE Raw Results
November 22, 2010 - Episode #912
Live in Orlando, Fla.
Aired on USA Network
Report by James Caldwell, PWTorch assistant editor

Tonight's WWE Raw #912 episode started cold in the arena with Michael Cole somberly introducing the show and using adjectives like "gutwrenching" and "emotional" to describe the PPV ending last night with John Cena handing the WWE Title to Randy Orton and being fired from WWE.

In-ring: Nexus's music hit to bring out Wade Barrett alone on the stage without the WWE Title he sought at Survivor Series. Jerry Lawler noted Cena "did the right thing" at Survivor Series last night. Barrett was then joined on the stage by the other Nexus members and they slowly marched to the ring. The crowd was hot with anti-Barrett sentiments as he tried to introduce his promo. "Last night..." louder boos. Barrett asked for decorum, then told the crowd he fired Cena when they tried a "Cena, Cena" chant.

Barrett then went into promo mode saying Cena sacrificed his entire career to "do what's right." He said it also meant he didn't have a fighting chance to capture the WWE Title because Cena was biased having already decided what he was going to do. "And that's not fair," Barrett claimed. Barrett then brought up Cena putting his hands on him, which led him right into the RKO. He said it was unjust, unfair, and unprofessional. Barrett asked for a re-match with Randy Orton. This time - with a neutral referee so he can prove that he can indeed beat Randy Orton.

On cue, the Raw GM buzzed and interrupted. Cole stepped to the podium to read the email. The GM tossed around big words agreeing with some of Barrett's conclusions. And he understands Orton wants to prove his individual success. The GM then booked the re-match for...tonight. The crowd exploded, obviously thinking they would announce it for the next PPV. Barrett smiled and thanked the Raw GM. He then said he will allow John Cena to appear tonight. The crowd roared. He said he enjoyed firing Cena last night, but as a gentleman, he felt he owed it to Cena to allow him to say his final words to WWE. And he will enjoy listening to Cena's final words...almost as much as becoming the new WWE champion. Boos. He thanked the crowd, then Nexus's music hit. PYB (3): 7:00.

Announcers: Lawler acted shocked and wanted to double-check with Cole that he read the title match announcement correctly. They were shown on-camera recapping the title match tonight as a graphic flashed on the screen. Lawler stressed a "neutral referee" is in place for the title match. Cole repeated that Cena will be on Raw tonight.

[Commercial Break. "The Rock is back." Wasn't he trying to get away from "The Rock" label? I guess only for Disney movies.]

KOTR plug: Coming back from break, they aired a video package on the history of the King of the Ring tournament, including clips of Austin, Hunter, and Bret Hart becoming stars. They plugged the three-hour KOTR tournament next Monday on Raw featuring Raw and Smackdown wrestlers.

Announcers: Lawler was dusting off his crown as they came back from break to plug the King of the Ring. Lawler said six Hall of Famers have won King of the Ring. Cole then took off his headset and had an announcement to make from the broadcast table. Cole introduced the newest member of the Raw broadcast team...C.M. Punk. Punk came out on stage and walked to the announce table as Cole said he's bringing Punk back in exchange for Lawler bringing out Jim Ross last week. Punk sat next to Lawler and said he's on the Raw broadcast team for the foreseeable future.


In-ring: Justin Roberts announced a qualifying match for the KOTR tournament next week. Out first was Sheamus. Cole noted Sheamus lost to John Morrison last night at Survivor Series. R-Truth's old music then hit to bring out Truth and dancin' Eve to the ring. Cole said he actually loves this song. Punk wanted to know if Cole is impressed with Eve's dancing. Punk said he can't stand her dancing. Lawler was impressed. They cut to a shot of Sheamus just shaking his head.

1 -- R-TRUTH (w/Eve) vs. SHEAMUS -- KOTR qualifying match

The bell sounded and Punk gave an early prediction for Sheamus winning the whole tournament. Sheamus dominated early on and smashed Truth into the mat to wear him down. Punk dismissed the idea of Cena being allowed back on Raw to come have some farewell words after being fired. Truth suddenly made a come back and sort of did a non-PG pelvic thrust toward Sheamus. Truth then ducked a clothesline and cleared Sheamus to the outside where Sheamus angrily pounded the announce table. Truth and Eve had a chuckle as they cut to break.

[Commercial Break]

Back from break, Sheamus was trying to wipe Truth's smile off his face driving him into the mat. Cole noted there will be four KOTR qualifying matches on Raw tonight. Truth broke free from Sheamus, but ran into a knee to the gut. Truth then made a comeback and scored with a hip toss for a two count. Truth then went up top and landed a big missile dropkick on Sheamus, who collapsed to the mat. Truth rolled over Sheamus and made a cover, but Sheamus escaped in time.

Sheamus suddenly came back with a big Brogue Kick that cut off Truth's momentum. Sheamus regrouped, caught his breath, and wanted the High Cross to finish off Truth. The crowd reacted to Sheamus setting up the move, which was a good sign. Sheamus showed off his strength lifting Truth up in the air, then executed the finisher by dropping Truth in the corner. Sheamus with the pin for the win.

WINNER: Sheamus at 11:05 to qualify for KOTR. Nice match. Good two-segment contest getting over Sheamus's aggression on his march back toward respectability. (**1/4)


Announcers: Cole, Lawler, and Punk hyped the new John Cena DVD out this past Tuesday. Punk gloated that it's ironic the only way to see Cena now is on the DVD. Cole fed to an "exclusive clip" from the DVD going back to WrestleMania 26.

DVD clip: Cena was shown walking through the WrestleMania 26 stage and setting prior to the PPV. It was almost Reaction style showing him walk around backstage interacting with talent and preparing for his match. Batista's name was back on the air. They showed Cena walking all the way through the backstage area before running toward his WM26 ring entrance.

Tonight: John Cena's farewell. The graphic included a picture of John Cena staring off in deep thought.

[Commercial Break]

Building entrance: Lay-Cool were shown walking into the building dressed for a night at the club. They approached a security guard who said this entrance is for Raw stars only. McCool said they know they're not technically on Raw anymore since they lost the Unified Divas Title. He said they're not on the list. Layla vowed to cause so much problem. The camera panned left to show Natalya holding the Divas Title. She said she's never seen them. Lay-Cool accused her of lying. McCool vowed to call their attorney. The door was shut and Lay-Cool was shut out of the building, which drew a pop live in the building.

Backstage: Santino and Kozlov were shown on camera. Santino said he could almost taste the WWE Tag Titles. "It was delicious," he said. Kozlov said they can wait until tomorrow. Santino said tomorrow isn't always guaranteed. He wanted to know if there's anything that could make him feel better. Suddenly, someone started strumming a musical instrument off camera. The camera panned left again to reveal Tamina playing a song for an excited Santino. Tamina then planted a kiss on Santino and left. Santino popped.

Locker room: And off to WWE champion Randy Orton lacing up his boots. Josh Mathews asked Orton for his thoughts on Cena last night. Orton said Cena called it right down the middle and they might not see eye-to-eye, but he "respects the hell out of that guy." Orton vowed to make sure Barrett does not leave Raw tonight with the WWE Title. Are we looking at a "title held up" deal leading to a ladder match at TLC?

Up next: Ezekiel Jackson vs. The Miz in a KOTR qualifying match. Interesting match-up.

[Commercial Break. A plug aired for the TLC PPV in four weeks. They're advertising it as the "one night of the year where everything is legal." Isn't that Extreme Rules and Elimination Chamber?]


In-ring: Back from break, they had a unique wide shot of the arena showing Justin Roberts on the big scoreboard hanging above the ring introducing Jackson. A TLC graphic aired a little early as Jackson came out. Once Jackson was in the ring, the TLC graphic replayed. Miz's music hit to bring out Miz, but Alex Riley came out instead. Riley, fresh off a DUI five days ago, said the greatest Superstar in WWE suffered an anxiety attack ten minutes ago. So, he is replacing him.

2 -- ALEX RILEY vs. EZEKIEL JACKSON -- KOTR qualifying match

Cole said he wishes he knew in advance so he could send Miz flowers and a "get well" card. Zeke dominated early on before Riley avoided a corner attack and landed a big splash. Riley then floored Jackson and rolled him over for a two count. Jackson then powered out of Riley's reverse chinlock and landed multiple shoulder tackles followed by a big corner clothesline. Jackson followed with the dominator and that was it for Riley.

WINNER: Jackson at 1:54 to qualify for KOTR. Riley had a lot more offense than I expected here. The obvious goal was getting over Jackson on that Sheamus level of being a threat to run the table with his power offense in the KOTR tournament next week.

Still to come tonight: WWE champion Randy Orton vs. Wade Barrett for the WWE Title.

Backstage: They showed John Cena in the building for the first time as he was talking to Eve and R-Truth. Punk said he shouldn't be here. Gail Kim, Santino, and Yoshi Tatsu greeted Cena with respect as the announcers talked over the backstage video before they cut to break.

[Commercial Break]

Smackdown plug: Was Edge able to overcome Kane at Survivor Series? Find out on Smackdown.

Announcers: Cole, Lawler, and Punk were shown on camera. Punk was flashing the format sheet to the camera, then abruptly placed the papers down when someone probably yelled in his headset. They briefly talked about Cena, then sent it to Justin Roberts in the ring to introduce Cena.

In-ring: Cena's music hit and Cena came out all-smiles storming the ring like the old days. Cena tossed his cap into the crowd before finishing his ring entrance. Cena took the mic, placed it on the mat, then saluted the crowd again. Cena's music stopped and he circled around the ring. His eyes looked a bit worn. Cena said that's how you go out. "If I'm leaving, I'm leaving just like this." Cena recapped for everyone who might have been locked in "sports entertainment solitary confinement" that Randy Orton is still WWE champion and he's fired. Cena said he didn't think it would happen. Forget about it, he said. Cena said before he got this job, he was living out of his car cleaning toilets.

Cena said the fans have gotten to know him over the years. He said the crowd only sees what they see on TV. (Subtle plug for the DVD.) Cena said the crowd has no idea how much he respects WWE. Not just this company today, but every single person who's allowed him to be here today. Steve Austin name drop. Triple H. Shawn Michaels. The Undertaker. Cena said when he got a chance in WWE, championships were one thing, but his goal was to look them in the eye and say, "Kid, you're all right."

[Q5 -- second hour] Cena said he's out here with a smile on his face because it's actually been pretty wonderful living out a fantasy in the ring. He said he's not going to let what Nexus has done to him the last two months ruin the greatest nine years of his life. Cena said live moves really fast in WWE. He said WWE was a big part of his life when he first started, then WWE became his life. He said it was by his choice to give every single thing to the fans. Cena said his family has been patient with him and let him be himself. His brother, Matt, just had a baby. And he missed it. Cena started tearing up. He said his mom's birthday is in a couple days. He said he's leaving here and he's going home to Westbury. Cena said his mom is getting the best birthday present she's had in ten years because he's going home.

Cena paused as he sold fighting back tears. He said he looks like an idiot up here. Forget it, he said. "If I'm going to look like an idiot, I'm going to be an idiot," he said. Cena said if he's walking out of here, he wants to hear half of the crowd chant, "Let's go Cena" and the other half - the guys over the age of 18 - chant "Cena Sucks." Cena directed the ladies and kids with the "Let's go Cena" chant. Punk joined in with the "Cena Sucks" from the deep-throated fans. They cut to some great crowd shots of a girlfriend and boyfriend dueling with each other. This went on for a while with the males staying strong. The kids and women matched them. "That is beautiful. Thank you very much," he said with a smile.

Cena told the crowd it's their passion that keeps them coming back. He said every time he heard that chant, he knew they were into what he was doing. Cena mentioned Wade Barrett and said he wants to help "the kid out" before he leaves. He told Barrett to take some advice from an ex-employee who wears purple and may have peed in his coffee to stop taking shortcuts. Cena said the fans will give you everything if you give everything in return. He said success in the business is consistent performance day in and day out. Cena said WWE will probably fine him, but he's already fired. "Karma's a bitch," he said, with "bitch" bleeped out. Cena said Billy Kidman is probably going to strangle him for going long, but he has one final thank you.

"To the WWE Universe," he said. He thanked the crowd for letting him share his life with them, watching every night of the week - "whenever the hell we're on" - and allowing idiots like him to live the dream. Cena said he's going home. PYB (3) talk time: 11:05.

Cena dropped the mic and left the ring to "Cena, Cena" chants. The camera followed Cena up the ramp to the top of the stage. Cena turned back to face the crowd while staring at his dog tags. Cena did a salute to the crowd, turned around, and disappeared to the back. They cut to a shot of a woman crying in the crowd. Some raw sound in the arena, like the sound right after the end of a big fight, as the announcers remained silent and the crowd buzzed.

Backstage: They showed Cena walking past Raw wrestlers and Divas applauding him. Cena stopped when Randy Orton approached him. Cena and Orton shook hands, then Cena embraced him. Cena walked down the garage tunnel, then Wade Barrett appeared. Barrett did the "You Can't See Me" hand wave as Cena disappeared. Barrett turned to the camera and smirked before they faded to commercial.

Reax: That was strong TV, especially the dueling chants bit that was pretty unique. They certainly made Cena's send-off seem as real as possible, which sets up the question of how WWE follows up to bring Cena back. Overall, this was refreshingly different from WWE. Just different.

[Commercial Break]


Announcers: Back live, Cole called it "one of the most surreal scenes in the history of WWE." Cole said Cena just said good-bye to WWE. Punk said he'll say it. "John Cena has left the building."

In-ring: Ted DiBiase was already in the ring, along with Maryse, for a KOTR qualifying match. Daniel Bryan's music hit to bring out Bryan. Suddenly, Brie Bella chased Bryan down ringside and grabbed his arm. Punk said he doesn't understand why they're making a big deal out of Brie. "She's a four at best," he said. Punk told Cole to stop focusing on Maryse's wardrobe and focus on the competition in the ring.

3 -- U.S. champion DANIEL BRYAN (w/Brie Bella) vs. TED DIBIASE (w/Maryse) -- non-title KOTR qualifying match

DiBiase dominated early on, with them apparently short on time and cutting right to DiBiase in control. DiBiase then missed with a corner splash and Bryan smashed him with a flying kick to the chest. Bryan tried another attack, but DiBiase busted out a spinebuster for the second straight night. DiBiase then tried a leverage pin on Bryan, but Bryan kicked out and immediately went to the LeBell Lock. DiBiase could not escape and was forced to tap out, giving Bryan the win.

Post-match: Brie slid into the ring to congratulate Bryan. Suddenly, Nikki Bella ran into the ring and grabbed Bryan's other arm to pet him. Bryan wanted nothing to do with a potential cat fight. So, he removed himself from the situation and pushed them close together to embrace. Bryan was smooth there.

WINNER: Bryan via submission at 1:52 to qualify for KOTR. They didn't have much time to stand out following their strong PPV match the night before. It made DiBiase look weak, but the audience is used to that by now. As for the Bellas bit, who knows. (*1/4)

[Commercial Break]

In-ring: Hart Dynasty's music hit to bring out Natalya, who was glowing with possession of the Divas Title after winning the belt last night at Survivor Series. Cole recapped Beth Phoenix returning to WWE to help Natalya fend off Lay-Cool last night. You couldn't wipe the smile off Natalya's face, then Alicia Fox came out to face Natalya.

4 -- Unified Divas champion NATALYA vs. ALICIA FOX -- non-title match

Interesting beginning with an exchange of catapults into the ropes. Natalya executed a delayed vertical suplex, then slapped on a bear hug. Alicia slipped out, but Natalya grabbed her by the foot and slapped on the Sharpshooter. Alicia was forced to tap out.

WINNER: Natalya at 2:13. Impressive win for Natalya, who is quickly being established as a dominant force. Good to see a potential revitalization of actual women's wrestling in WWE.

Still to come tonight: WWE champion Randy Orton vs. Wade Barrett.

Backstage: John Morrison and Melina had a TV reunion. Melina wished Morrison luck in his KOTR qualifying match tonight. She gave him a little pat on the back side before Morrison walked off putting on his fur coat.

[Commercial Break]


In-ring: John Morrison came to the ring for the final KOTR qualifying match from the Raw side. He gets Tyson Kidd, who came out to new ring entrance music. Cole said Kidd turned on D.H. Smith "a couple of weeks ago," apparently forgetting it happened last week despite a video package right before the match showing that.

5 -- TYSON KIDD vs. JOHN MORRISON -- KOTR qualifying match

Punk said he doesn't understand what's going on with the Divas chasing around the male wrestlers tonight. Kidd aggressively attacked Morrison early on as Punk referenced his feud with Morrison on ECW. Kidd settled into a reverse chinlock before re-entering his heel persona screaming and shouting, "Ask him!" Morrison suddenly ducked a kick strike and blasted Kidd with a thrust kick to the chest. Morrison followed with a leg whip as Punk questioned Cole describing Morrison "molding his body."

Kidd came back with a cradle swinging neckbreaker for a two count. Punk put over the importance of the KOTR tournament while Kidd resumed control of the match. Morrison then executed a double springboard Flying Chuck before going to the corner and executing Starship Pain for the pin and the win, which drew big applause from the "Let's go Cena" crowd. After a replay of Morrison "molding his body" throughout the match, they showed Morrison clapping for the crowd to conclude the match segment.

WINNER: Morrison at 3:17 to qualify for KOTR. Morrison joins Bryan, Jackson, and Sheamus as the four Raw wrestlers in the KOTR tournament. Morrison is quickly moving up the babyface ladder in the absence of Cena for however long Cena is away from TV. On the other side, Kidd was able to show flashes of his trademark heel mannerisms that could really catch on. (*1/2)

Backstage: Orton and Barrett were shown on a split screen walking to the ring for the WWE Title match up next. They exposed it was a pre-tape when the video stopped a moment before they cut to break.

[Commercial Break]

KOTR recap: They showed a graphic with Jackson, Bryan, Morrison, and Sheamus qualifying for the tournament next week. On Smackdown, the men involved in qualifying matches will be Kofi Kingston, Alberto Del Rio, Big Show, Drew McIntyre, Rey Mysterio, Jack Swagger, Cody Rhodes, and MVP. It's everyone from the Survivor Series match except Reks and Masters.

In-ring: WWE champion Randy Orton came out to the ring first for the WWE Title match. Nexus suddenly jumped Orton ringside and laid him out. Wade Barrett directed traffic before referees ran down and separated Nexus from Orton. Orton sold a knee injury as Nexus retreated to the stage. Ref Chioda checked on Orton, who continued to sell the knee. Husky Harris suddenly jumped Orton again and kicked the knee. Orton sold that he couldn't put any weight on his knee. They cut to break.

[Commercial Break]

Announcers: Back live, the announcers were shown on camera talking somberly about Nexus attacking Randy Orton before he could get to the ring. Lawler said he doesn't understand the logic. Punk called Barrett a coward and Cole said Barrett didn't heed Cena's advice from the farewell speech.

In-ring: Wade Barrett's music hit and he came out alone. Cole received a word from the GM on his Blackberry that Nexus has been banned from ringside. Punk wondered if that even matters because the damage has already been done. Barrett argued with ref Chioda, who told Barrett he has to give Orton time to come to the ring. Chioda pointed his finger at Barrett and told him he's the referee. Orton's music hit, but no sign of Orton. Orton eventually made his way out on stage gingerly walking to the ring. Punk said he's not a fan of Orton, but he could be even more dangerous now after being attacked by Nexus. Orton paused as he approached the ring, then slid the WWE Title belt into the ring and slid into the ring. Roberts handled the formal ring intros as Barrett smirked toward Orton.

6 -- WWE champion RANDY ORTON vs. WADE BARRETT -- WWE Title match

Chioda double-checked with Orton, who demanded he call for the bell, and the match was on. Barrett circled around Orton before attacking the knee. Barrett was aggressive wrenching Orton's knee around the corner ropes and into the ring apron. Barrett continued to work over Orton's knee as they plugged the three-hour Raw next week. Orton suddenly ducked a clothesline and hit the fallaway backbreaker to buy some time. Punk referenced Roddy Piper's promo last week about Barrett spitting on the WWE Title if Barrett wins and he agrees.

Barrett suddenly hit the Wasteland finisher and had the pin, but Cena stormed the ring through the crowd and yanked the referee out of the ring. The crowd was going nuts, then Nexus chased Cena through the crowd and into the arena where they disappeared. Back in the ring, Orton dropped Barrett with the RKO, Chioda came to life, and a three count was rendered for Orton to retain.

WINNER: Orton at 3:50 to retain the WWE Title. That was a heated match and Cena's interruption hinted at follow-up next week. It led to...

Suddenly, The Miz's music hit. Miz stormed the ring with the MITB briefcase in hand and Riley was with him. Punk said this looks really familiar to him. Miz cashed in, Chioda raised the WWE Title belt, and the bell sounded.

[Q9 -- over-run]

7 -- WWE champion RANDY ORTON vs. THE MIZ (w/Alex Riley) -- WWE Title match

Orton backed away to the corner forcing Miz to go after him. Miz finally scored with an attack on the knee and went to work on Orton's knee, just like Barrett. Miz teased the Skullcrushing Finale, but Orton blocked and caught Miz on the ring apron. He teased the spike DDT, but Miz blocked, only to come back with a powerslam. Orton then began slithering to tease the RKO. He grappled Miz around the neck, but Miz slipped out immediately into the Skullcrushing Finale. Miz made the cover and scored the three count. He's the new WWE champion.

WINNER: Miz at 2:42 to become WWE champion for the first time. Well, I was wrong on thinking Miz wouldn't cash in MITB in 2010. A bit of a crazy ending to the show to say the least. Miz follows the likes of heels Edge, C.M. Punk, and Jack Swagger to get their first major WWE Title via cashing in MITB. Overall, the two matches got a lot of heat on Orton and made him an important player again. It was needed after he was an afterthought during his brief title run. (n/a)

Post-match: They immediately cut to crowd shots of one girl looking pissed (pictured). A boy was stunned. More girls in the crowd were disappointed. Miz accepted the title belt and soaked in his moment after a long journey to becoming champion. The crowd remained stunned after the emotional rollercoaster. They showed Orton clutching his knee in pain ringside before starting to enter IED mode. The announcers recapped the wild night as they cut to a final shot of Miz triumphantly raising the WWE Title belt in the air on the stage.

FINAL THOUGHTS: Hot show. One of the most intriguing of the year with a ton of developments and a receptive crowd throughout the show. It will be interesting to see where they go from here after Miz's sudden cash-in, which seemed somewhat surreal and not as impactful as it could have been because the audience wasn't ready to anticipate it. Overall, a show that will require a lot to digest before next week's three-hour Raw.

We welcome your 0-10 score and comments on this show for a "Raw Reax" feature in the Torch Feedback section of To contribute your thoughts on Raw, email to using our Feedback form.

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PWTorch editor Wade Keller has covered pro wrestling full time since 1987 starting with the Pro Wrestling Torch print newsletter. launched in 1999 and the PWTorch Apps launched in 2008.

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He has interviewed big-name players in person incluiding Vince McMahon (at WWE Headquarters), Dana White (in Las Vegas), Eric Bischoff (at the first Nitro at Mall of America), Brock Lesnar (after his first UFC win).

He hosted the weekly Pro Wrestling Focus radio show on KFAN in the early 1990s and hosted the Ultimate Insiders DVD series distributed in retail stories internationally in the mid-2000s including interviews filmed in Los Angeles with Vince Russo & Ed Ferrara and Matt & Jeff Hardy. He currently hosts the most listened to pro wrestling audio show in the world, (the PWTorch Livecast, top ranked in iTunes)


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