WWE Raw Report CALDWELL'S WWE RAW RESULTS 10/11: Complete "virtual time" coverage of live Raw - John Cena & Nexus Week 2
Oct 11, 2010 - 10:12:33 PM
WWE Raw Results
October 11, 2010 - Episode #906
Live from Seattle, Wash.
Aired on USA Network
Report by James Caldwell, PWTorch assistant editor
Tonight's WWE Raw #906 episode started with good news from New York where the start of the highly-anticipated Vikings vs. Jets game in New York was delayed by lightning. As for Raw, the show started live with John Cena coming to the ring for the opening promo. Cena was still dressed in his purple & gold colors with a black Nexus armband on his arm. He tried to "rally the fanbase" promising to "never give up" despite being associated with Nexus now.
Cena said he wants to set the record straight. He said he took a risk by going against Nexus with the chance to eliminate them completely. Cena said he could argue all day about how he lost, but the fact is he lost. They zoomed in on the Nexus armband on his arm. He said he has to take orders from Wade Barrett, which means he's gone gone, not "with the option to head to Smackdown." Cena said he's been through it all and back again on Raw and the fans have stuck by. He said this isn't about titles or money, but about what he loves. Cena said if he didn't have this (WWE), he doesn't know what he would be doing. Vince McMahon apparently influenced this promo.
Cena said he has to do some things he doesn't really want to do because he knows what type of guy Wade Barrett is. Suddenly, The Miz's music interrupted. Out came Miz, with MITB briefcase in hand, flanked by Alex Riley. Miz mocked Cena baby not wanting to lose the support of the WWE fans. He said he's taken it upon himself to captain Team Raw vs. Big Show's Team Smackdown at Bragging Rights. Miz said he's a better captain than Cena by evaluating what people can actually bring to the team, not based on personal preference. Therefore, he requested Cena join his team. Cena sarcastically said he really, really thinks this is a good idea. He said his problem is Miz as the captain. Cena said maybe he should captain Team Raw. Miz: "No, no, no, no, no, I'm captain."
On cue, Nexus's music hit to interrupt and out came Wade Barrett, alone, marching down the ring entrance ramp. Barrett said he doesn't care about Raw and he certainly doesn't care about Smackdown. He just cares about the WWE Title. Ah, refreshing. Barrett told Cena his orders are to be in his corner when he faces Randy Orton for the title. He told Cena he doesn't want anything else distracting him. Cena tried to explain he can do both, but Barrett cut him off and asked if he's going to disobey his orders.
Alex Riley stepped to Cena and told him he better listen to Barrett. Riley said Miz could decide to cash in his MITB briefcase and become champion. Miz, frustrated, thanked Riley for ruining the element of surprise. He said Riley could be right, though, and lead Raw to victory before becoming WWE champion.
And the GM buzzed, the lights flickered, and Michael Cole began talking. Big boos for Michael Cole's voice. Cole read an email that Cena might have to obey Barrett, but everyone obeys the GM. The GM has booked a series of matches to determine who joins Team Raw. The person doesn't want jealously or betrayal to sneak in like last year. There will be a match tonight to determine the captain of Team Raw: The Miz vs. John Cena.
Back to Miz, who said he'll beat Cena tonight, then perhaps cash in his MITB briefcase at Bragging Rights to become champion. He told Barrett there's nothing he can do about it. Barrett then shoved down Miz until Miz and Riley double-teamed him. Cena stood in the background watching, then Barrett signaled for Cena's help. Cena pounded on Miz, then dropped Riley with an Attitude Adjustment center ring. Riley rolled away, Miz bailed, and Cena posed in the ring getting his babyface shine. Barrett then got right in Cena's face and screamed at him for not helping him during the two-on-one beating. It looked like an NFL coach chewing out a player after fumbling a punt. They cut to break. PYB (3) talk time: 12:38.
[Commercial Break]
In-ring: Ted DiBiase and Maryse were randomly in the ring back from break. DiBiase was staring straight ahead with disgust as Maryse was whispering in his ear. They replayed events from last week when Goldust was revealed as "it" desiring the Million Dollar Title. Justin Roberts announced this match will determine the first member of Team Raw at Bragging Rights. Out as DiBiase's opponent was R-Truth, accompanied by Eve. They cut to a shot of a lone Truth fan in an entire section of fans on his feet dancing along. No audio from Cole ripping the song yet. No audio from the announcers at all while Truth did the entire routine from start to finish.
1 -- TED DIBIASE (w/Maryse) vs. R-TRUTH (w/Eve) -- Team Raw qualifying match
DiBiase landed an early knock-down clothesline before Truth caught him with a boot in the corner. Truth then landed a dropkick and a powerslam for a two count. Cole talked up an artificial rivalry vs. Smackdown, referencing for the first time in about 50 weeks Smackdown defeating Raw at last year's PPV. Suddenly, Goldust's music hit as DiBiase was looking for Dream Street. On stage were Goldust and Maryse. No wait, Goldust and Marlena. Wait, Goldust and Aksana. Goldust stroked the title belt, distracting DiBiase, then Truth scored a close nearfall followed by the Lie Detector for the pin and the win. Cue up Truth's music for some more awkward dancing as Goldust and Aksana continued to pose on the stage.
WINNER: R-Truth at 3:21. Your average storyline-driven Raw match to continue the DiBiase vs. Goldust feud that will likely lead to a battle for possession of the belt. (*)
Still to come: Cena vs. Miz to determine the Raw Team Captain.
Smackdown plug: The Undertaker "returns" this Friday on Syfy after Paul Bearer turned on Taker to join Kane at Hell in a Cell.
[Commercial Break]
Seattle footage: The Fish Market with the fish toss.
In-ring: Justin Roberts announced the second qualifying match tonight and out came John Morrison as participant #1. Morrison dropped off some shades to a fan ringside before Tyson Kidd stomped out alone as Morrison's opponent. Interesting match-up. Cole said he was told it would be a triple threat match earlier in the day, but D.H. Smith is "nowhere to be found."
2 -- JOHN MORRISON vs. TYSON KIDD -- Team Raw qualifying match
Here's an opportunity for a dose of athleticism on Raw. Kidd blocked an early high-flying attempt by Morrison before settling into a reverse chinlock center ring. Morrison flipped out of the hold before dropping Kidd with a dropkick. Morrison then landed a series of clubbing right hands in the corner. Morrison followed with a leaping leg lariat for a two count. He tried to follow up with a springboard move, but Kidd blocked with a Russian Legsweep off the second rope for a two count. Kidd then teased the Sharpshooter, but Morrison flung him away to the outside. Back in the ring, Kidd and Morrison exchanged great nearfalls in succession before Morrison busted out a sweet-looking back flip-over neckbreaker of sorts. Morrison with the cover for the win. They replayed the finisher a few times to get over the move.
WINNER: Morrison at 3:21. Very good three-minute TV match. It was a taste of what kind of match they could have if given 10-15 minutes. It was good positioning by WWE trying to get over Morrison's "new intensity" via juxtaposition matched up against mellow, unremarkable Kidd. (**)
Backstage: They showed Otunga, Gabriel, and Slater standing together staring down...Husky Harris and Joe Hennig. David Otunga wanted to know what's up with them. Harris said they're not in Nexus yet. He just wanted answers. Wade Barrett then stepped in and told Otunga that if he wants answers, come to him. He told Hennig and Harris to take a hike before questioning Otunga on whether he's jealous. Barrett told Otunga to take care of Randy Orton tonight. Otunga said that's cool...but Justin Gabriel has that 450 Splash. Slater agreed in the background. Barrett then booked Orton vs. Gabriel tonight. Otunga talked up Gabriel and said they would definitely, definitely be in his corner tonight backing him up. A little personality for Otunga establishing a subtle sub-faction behind Barrett's back.
[Commercial Break]
In-ring: Time to determine Raw Team Member #3 at Bragging Rights. Out first was Santino Marella. Kozlov came out on stage, but he sent Santino off to the ring by himself. Already in the ring was Edge's tool #1 Zack Ryder.
3 -- SANTINO MARELLA vs. ZACK RYDER -- Team Raw qualifying match
The crowd chanted Santino's name early on as Ryder knocked down Santino before landing a running boot to the face in the corner. Ryder tried a pinfall, but Santino kicked out three times. Ryder, frustrated, pounded on Santino's back before airballing with the Rough Ryder. Santino then made his babyface comeback and set up the Cobra. The crowd popped as Santino struck Ryder in the mouth with the Cobra for the pin and the win.
Post-match: Santino started doing his victory celebration until Tamina ran into the ring. Tamina then tackled Santino with a Thesz Press and hugged him for continue the celebration. She did the Cobra and met Santino's Cobra leading to awkward silence. They hugged and she raised his arms, then the crowd cheered.
WINNER: Santino at 1:45. And now Team Raw consists of Morrison, Truth, and Santino. That graphic showing the line-up isn't exactly intimidating. (3/4*)
Backstage: Randy Orton was shown walking down the hallway with the WWE Title belt over his shoulder. He has Gabriel next.
[Commercial Break]
In-ring: Nexus's music hit to bring out Justin Gabriel, with Otunga and Slater following up behind him. Cole noted Otunga is asking a lot of questions lately now with Cena part of the group. After a Cena Pause, Orton's music hit to bring out the champion to a decent reaction. Orton took his time entering the ring, then stared down at Gabriel, who stared back to create some tension before the opening bell.
4 -- WWE champion RANDY ORTON vs. JUSTIN GABRIEL (w/Otunga and Slater) -- non-title match
Gabriel tried an early leg kick, which Orton no-sold before knocking him to the floor. Orton rolled Gabriel back in the ring, then glared at Slater and Otunga. Orton kicked Otunga in the gut before teasing a punch, but the ref stepped in-between and gave Nexus the boot. Orton smiled as Otunga sold that he was upset about the plan being foiled. Or was he pretending to be upset with a master plan in mind? Gabriel's alone and Orton's in control going to break.
[Commercial Break]
Back from break, Orton was toying with Gabriel, who tried to fight back with leg strikes before Orton decked him with a dropkick for a two count. Orton followed with a huge Irish Whip in the corner for another two count. Gabriel then used his quickness to avoid Orton's offense and stun him with kick strikes. Gabriel followed with a slingshot sentaun from the ring apron after teasing the 450 Splash, which resulted in a two count. Orton then came back with an uppercut, only to take a jawbreaker and double-foot kick to the face from Gabriel. Gabriel made a cover, but Orton kicked out as they hit the top of the hour.
[Q5 -- second hour] Orton fought out of a reverse chinlock, which showed too much light, before taking a knee to the gut. Gabriel with another nearfall, then another chinlock as Cole reset the show. Orton then escaped the chinlock with a side suplex. He ducked a desperation spin kick and hit the trademark backbreaker for a two count. Orton proceeded to make his comeback, including a snap powerslam off the ropes. The crowd came to life as Orton teased the RKO, but not before hitting a nice belly-to-belly suplex popping his hips for a two count.
Gabriel then cut off Orton with a kick to the head and went up top. The crowd came to life shrieking in horror as Gabriel went for the 450 Splash. He went for the 450, but seemed to overshoot the move, and he caught Orton flush in the shoulder on the way down as Orton was trying to roll out of the way. Both men sold the move as the crowd wondered what was next. They slowly came to their feet after a few moments, then Orton shot Gabriel a look and dropped him with the RKO. Orton with the pin for the win.
Post-match: Orton stopped selling a shoulder injury following the 450 Splash to his upper body and celebrated in the corner with his Orton pose. They replayed the finish and cut back to Orton looking over his shoulder at the Videotron to admire his work. Orton posed some more as Cole plugged Orton vs. Barrett at Bragging Rights. One tight zoom on Orton with a determined look in his eyes concluded the segment.
WINNER: Orton at 11:02. Good TV match. Orton gave Gabriel enough offense for Gabriel to get a rub working with Orton. They were also able to work a nice back-and-forth match without it coming across unrealistic considering Orton had thousands of matches more experience over Gabriel. (**1/2)
Backstage: Sheamus was shown walking down the hallway for the next qualifying match. He gets U.S. champion Daniel Bryan in a re-match from last week's Raw.
[Commercial Break]
"Knucklehead" trailer: They promoted the "limited engagement" for Big Show's movie coming out in two weeks before airing the full-length movie trailer.
In-ring: U.S. champion Daniel Bryan came out to a strong reaction in his hometown area for the next qualifying match for Team Raw. Cole was typically perturbed with Bryan appearing on his monitor. Sheamus then came out before they replayed footage from last Monday's Raw when Sheamus brutalized Bryan. Lawler said he's surprised Bryan wants another piece of Sheamus.
5 -- U.S. champion DANIEL BRYAN vs. SHEAMUS -- non-title match -- Team Raw qualifying match
Just as the bell sounded, Bryan came flying at Sheamus with a knee strike to the face. The ref had to break it up, then Bryan knocked Sheamus to the outside. The crowd was loud with a "Daniel Bryan" chant as the action moved to the floor. Bryan sent Sheamus into the ringpost with a dropkick before rolling him back into the ring. Cole continued to rant on Bryan while selling that he's completely delusional as the lead announcer. Cole said Team WWE lost to Nexus at Summerslam, apparently forgetting Super Cena's comeback on Barrett and Gabriel to win the match.
[Q6] Sheamus cut off Bryan's offense back in the ring as Cole reminded viewers Sheamus took out Triple H months ago. Bryan landed multiple kick strikes to the chest, then fired off a final kick strike to the head. Bryan with a cover, but Sheamus kicked out. The crowd chanted Bryan's name again as Bryan went up top and landed a double-foot missile dropkick for a close two count. Sheamus then suddenly came back with the Irish Hammer to the face that floored Bryan. Sheamus proceeded to drop multiple knee strikes to the head as the ref reprimanded him. Sheamus backed away, then stalked Bryan, who sold that he was KO'ed. Sheamus smiled, then approached Bryan to pick him up. Sheamus got a little cocky, though, and Bryan nearly scored a pin with a sunset flip. Sheamus, upset, came back with the Brogue Kick to the face for the pin and the win. Sheamus got up selling that he couldn't believe Bryan's resiliency.
WINNER: Sheamus at 5:17. The outcome was predictable with Sheamus having the "experience" edge and Team Raw needing some heels, but a strong match-up following up on last week's odd booking. Bryan eventually needs to make that comeback and Bryan vs. Sheamus as an actual feud has tremendous potential. (**1/4)
Backstage: John Cena was relaxing in his locker room with merchandise surrounding him. R-Truth then walked in wanting to know what's up with Cena. Truth said Cena has a reputation for being a stand-up guy, so he can't understand Cena joining Nexus. He said it's not sitting well with the rest of the locker room. Truth asked Cena if he would take out one of them if Barrett asked. Cena non-verbally sold he has no choice. Truth said that's just what he thought. He said he gets it, though, since Cena would have to leave WWE. Truth suggested there's another way out of this situation. "Just quit," he said. Truth walked away, leaving Cena to contemplate matters. Nice work from Truth in that segment.
[Commercial Break]
Announcers: Raw and Lawler were shown on-camera, with Cole talking up Miz and trying to get Lawler on the bandwagon. Cole fed to a video package on Tribute to the Troops, starting with clips of Hulk Hogan, Steve Austin, and The Rock appearing for the troops. Lita and Trish were shown in a still photo. Shawn Michaels had a cameo in the video. They included clips of various U.S. leaders from past videos thanking WWE for their work. The video concluded with John Cena's Troops promo from a recent edition.
In-ring: Justin Roberts announced the next qualifying match, with Evan Bourne coming to the ring first. Lawler asked Cole if he has a problem with Bourne being added to the mix, which Cole said he does not. Roberts said his opponent has just been acquired to the Raw brand. Pause Pause. Cue up C.M. Punk's music to officially complete the trade for Edge.
6 -- EVAN BOURNE vs. C.M. PUNK -- Team Raw qualifying match
Cole excitedly talked up the Raw GM for completing the trade bringing over Punk to Raw. The match moved to the floor early on with Punk taking control of the match. Back in the ring, Bourne cut off Punk and dropped him with a kick in the corner. Bourne then went up top and teased the Air Bourne splash, but Punk came to his feet and crotched Bourne. Punk then hit the G2S for the pin and the win.
Post-match: Punk wasn't satisfied with just a victory. Punk blasted Bourne to the outside before ramming him head-first into the ringside barricade. Punk then rammed Bourne shoulder-first into the ringpost, dropping Bourne on the floor. Punk followed by slapping on the Anaconda Vice trying to rip Bourne's shoulder off. Multiple referees stormed out to finally separate Punk as Lawler suggested Punk could get himself kicked off Raw if he's not careful. The camera zoomed in on Punk with an Andre shot as he swaggered away in control of the situation.
WINNER: Punk at 2:17. Effective match and angle to re-establish Punk on Raw, but there needs to be consequences after Punk's actions for it to mean anything. I doubt that's even on WWE's radar. Punk "having an issue with Smackdown" for Bragging Rights is a highly artificial storyline as a microcosm of the entire artificial build-up for Bragging Rights, but at least it's something. (*)
[Commercial Break]
Moments Ago: Punk won a qualifying match for Team Raw, but destroyed Bourne after the match. Lawler said this was sick and uncalled for. Cole said he's sending a message to the Raw locker room. During the commercial, Bourne had to be helped out. Cole said Bourne's partner, Mark Henry, isn't on Raw, but Henry will be concerned with Bourne's health.
In-ring: Natalya was in the ring to cut a promo on Lay-Cool. She said uncle Bret has taught her a lot in life, but the most important is to stand up for herself. Natalya said Lay-Cool is going to be throwing a temper-tantrum at Bragging Rights when she walks away new Divas champion. Lay-Cool's music interrupted and out they came with mock tears. McCool said they want Natalya to know they totally respect her because she has courage no other Diva has coming out on HD to show off her flaws. Layla said Natalya clearly inherited her dad's facial hair gene. Natalya laughed as Layla suggested Natalya has to shave herself before every show.
Cue up a Photoshop of Jim Neidhart side-by-side with The Beard on Natalya. Natalya played along before congratulating them on proving to be the most annoying Divas in WWE. After tonight's experience, Natalya said they proved their combined IQ is below their combined non-existent waist sizes. Layla said Natalya is a bit "jelly" (jealous). Layla said they are the best there is, best there was, and best there ever will be Divas in WWE. McCool said all the Divas respect them. The crowd booed Lay-Cool out of the ring as they asked for their music to wrap things up.
Suddenly, the left-over Raw brand babyface Divas appeared on stage and backed Lay-Cool toward the ring. McCool scrambled away, but Layla was left alone in the ring to take the Sharpshooter. McCool managed to pull Layla away before Layla could take too much punishment, then Lay-Cool bailed into the crowd to avoid Melina and Gail Kim giving chase. Natalya and the Raw Divas then celebrated in the ring to conclude the segment.
Backstage: The Miz and Riley were shown walking down the hallway. It's Miz vs. Cena up next.
[Commercial Break]
Announcers: Cole and Lawler plugged the Bragging Rights line-up in two weeks, specifically Orton vs. Barrett with Cena in Barrett's corner for the WWE Title.
In-ring: Justin Roberts announced the main event for the #6 slot on Team Raw. He added that he's just been informed Miz vs. Cena is now a No DQ match. Cole got Justin Bieber's name on the broadcast saying Miz worked a program with Bieber at the Nick Kid's Choice Awards in Australia over the weekend. After a pause, John Cena's music hit to bring out Cena with the kids screaming for him. Cole plugged Raw on USA Network right now before plugging Smackdown now on Syfy and Undertaker's return on Friday.
7 -- JOHN CENA vs. THE MIZ (w/Alex Riley) -- Winner is Team Raw captain -- No DQ match
Lawler essentially told Cole not to let his head explode trying to figure out who to root for. Cena gained the early advantage and Miz scrambled to the outside. Cena followed him on the outside, but Riley grabbed his feet and dropped him with a clothesline to take advantage of the No DQ rule. They cut to break with Cena selling on the outside and Miz acting cocky in the ring.
[Commercial Break]
Back from break, Cena made a comeback with a flying bulldog and scored a two count. As Cena scored the nearfall, Riley sold like there were alligators surrounding the ring disallowing him from entering the ring to help Miz despite the early use of the No DQ help. Miz then chucked Cena to the floor and Riley landed some shots. Miz took Cena to the Raw announce table and teased the Skullcrushing Finale into the table, but Cena did a "feat of strength" to escape. Miz then cut off Cena's comeback and shoved him off the table into the guardrail.
[Q9 -- over-run] They reached the top of the hour as Miz continued to stand on the table while Cena sold on the floor. Miz tried to follow up, but Cena flung him away. Riley tried to get involved again, but Cena decked him. Cena then tried to charge into Miz ringside, but Miz moved a piece of the guardrail cover, causing Cena to run into the exposed rail.
Back in the ring, Miz measured Cena for a charging corner attack, but Cena moved. Cena then started his full comeback and hit a sit-out slam setting up the Five Knuckle Shuffle while gasping for air. After dropping the Shuffle, Cena went for the Attitude Adjustment, but Miz slipped out. Miz then nailed a boot to the head and scored a nearfall. Miz followed with the Reality Check, but Cena kicked out. They cut to a shot of Riley holding Miz's MITB briefcase ringside, then Riley handed him the case. Miz measured Cena, but Cena ducked a case shot. Cena then slapped on the STF center ring. The crowd was hot as Miz crawled across the ring looking for a break. Riley entered the ring, but Cena took him out with a football tackle before slapping on the STF. Riley fought the hold wildly before Cena dropped the hold. Cena then focused on Miz and wanted the AA, but Miz slipped out. Husky and Hennig suddenly hit the ring. Cena ate a swinging neckbreaker, then Harris landed a flying sentaun. Miz capitalized by rolling over Cena and making the cover for the win to become captain of Raw. So, it's Miz, Punk, Morrison, Sheamus, Santino, Truth, and a silhouetted seventh member.
WINNER: Miz at 10:31 to become Raw Team Captain. Good match and strong showing from Miz, who continues to grow into his big boy heel shows with more opportunities like this to work with top stars in big matches on Raw. (**)
Post-match: Miz and Riley walked away from ringside pleased with the victory. Meanwhile, Husky and Hennig slipped into the ring and slowly stalked Cena, who was collecting himself in the ring. Cena then tackled Hennig and tried to fight them off two-on-one. Wade Barrett suddenly entered the ring and restrained Cena, who nearly cold-cocked Barrett in the face. The crowd popped as Cena slowed down and stared down Barrett, who shot him an icy look back.
Suddenly, the GM buzzed and the lights flickered. Cole stepped to the podium and read from the GM that if Harris and Hennig want to get involved in matches, they should be involved in an official capacity. The GM booked them in their first-ever Raw tag match vs. Cena and his partner, WWE champion Randy Orton. Cena nodded, liking the sound of that. Barrett had some thoughts, though. Barrett said he wants to add his own little spin on the match. If Cena loses, he will officially induct Harris and Hennig into Nexus. Next week, he's sure that Cena will "do the right thing." Cena wanted to know what that means. Barrett asked him if he has a problem with that. Cena covered the mic and stared down Barrett, who told him not to do that.
Barrett said he bets Cena would like to drop him right here, right now. The crowd popped. Barrett said, with sarcasm, that he bets Cena would like to do it for the fans, for Cenation! Barrett smiled as Cena huffed and puffed wanting a piece of Barrett. He said it has nothing to do with the GM saying he would be fired, but because Cena is scared. He called him a coward. Yellow-bellowed. Spineless. Cena came forehead to forehead with Barret and sold that his body was about to explode. Barrett said Cena is scared he'll embarrass him, just like at Hell in a Cell. Barrett said he thought Cena was a real man, but they were all wrong about that.
Barrett turned his back on Cena and laughed as Cena clenched his fist in the background. Barrett said it must be sad for Cena to let the fans down all over again. He called him "truly pathetic." Cena gritted his teeth and Hulked Up before leaning on the top rope to sell frustration. Barrett just slowly shook his head with his back still toward Cena. "What a total and utter disgrace," Barrett said as he turned toward Cena. Cena stared down at the ground, then slowly walked across the ring to leave as the fans booed. The "Cena fans" then rallied behind Cena with encouragement before Cena slipped out of the ring with his head hung.
Barrett told Cena to hold up. He ordered him to stop and Cena slowly turned around halfway down the ramp. Barrett said that until next week... "You can't see me." Barrett did the Cena hand wave with a big smile on his face as Cena sold dejection. He walked away as Barrett glared toward Cena. The fans booed as the show faded to black 12 minutes past the top of the hour with the JBL-Michaels storyline firmly in place.
FINAL THOUGHTS: Strong conclusion to the show. Barrett certainly learned from his NXT Rookie, Chris Jericho, on how to go through a wide range of emotions to get over a storyline. Barrett is a great talker and continues to hit the right tone with each line during his exchanges with Cena. It will be interesting to see how the audience received the show considering WWE suddenly went heavy on wrestling matches after spending so much time taking away the importance of wrestling matches on TV. The Cena "Nexus servant" storyline wasn't emphasized as much as last week's Raw until the end of the show, which worked out well to ensure WWE didn't overplay the storyline this week. As for Bragging Rights, they have one week to put Orton and Barrett together to get over the visual of seeing them in the ring. Raw vs. Smackdown is so artificial as a feud that it won't entice anyone to spend $45 on a PPV. They'll have to transfer the great tension between Cena and Barrett to Orton and Barrett.
We welcome your 0-10 score and comments on this show for a "Raw Reax" feature in the Torch Feedback section of PWTorch.com. To contribute your thoughts on Raw, email to pwtorch@gmail.com using our Feedback form.
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