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WWE Raw Report
CALDWELL'S WWE RAW RESULTS 8/9: Ongoing "virtual time" coverage of live Raw on USA Network - Cena & Hart vs. Jericho & Edge

Aug 9, 2010 - 10:10:38 PM

WWE Raw Results
August 9, 2010
Live from Sacramento, Calif.
Aired on USA Network
Report by James Caldwell, PWTorch assistant editor

Tonight's WWE Raw started with Michael Cole introducing the show from California's capital city. Cole and Jerry Lawler then plugged the "historic" main event tonight of John Cena & Bret Hart vs. Edge & Chris Jericho with Nexus as lumberjacks in the match.

In-ring: Out to start the show was Bret Hart sporting a leather jacket and Batman t-shirt. Interesting. Cole said it's only the second time they've seen Hart since Nexus took him out in a limo at the beginning of the Nexus invasion. Lawler said they're all speculating on Hart's reaction to Team Cena crumbling the last few weeks.

Once in the ring, Hart said he's been training like a lunatic back in Calgary while his team has been falling apart. He mentioned Edge and Chris Jericho quitting Team WWE and said he felt disappointed after he vouched to Cena for them to be part of the team. "Well, I guess I was wrong," Hart said. Hart said it's not too late, so he called out Jericho and Edge to come face him so they can put the machine back together. The camera swung around to show Hart facing the Videotron, then Jericho's music hit to bring out Jericho in a suit.

Jericho entered the ring and said he can't speak for Edge, so Hart can go ahead and dazzle him with his words. Hart told Jericho to shut up. He said he doesn't have time for that crap. Hart told him it's his chance to be a man, to step up to the plate, and change things. Hart seemed nervous trying to get his lines out. He told Jericho that if he doesn't join Team WWE, he's hurting himself. He reminded Jericho that Nexus wants nothing to do with him and the other wrestlers want nothing to do with him. Hart said if Nexus walks out of Summerslam as the victors, Jericho is only hurting himself. He said he would be an outcast with nowhere to go. Hart told Jericho to do the honorable thing.

Jericho looked up after staring down at the mat and pretended to survey the audience for an answer. Hart asked Jericho if he's going to quit the team and disappoint his fans across the world or make it right. Jericho solemnly said that made him think, but said his answer is still no. "I had you figured out years ago, Hart," Jericho said, entering promo mode. He said Hart isn't concerned about Nexus, but avoiding the worst beating of his career from him and Edge tonight. Jericho said Hart's a frightened, desperate man. Jericho said Hart knows he can't beat Nexus at Summerslam without him and Edge. Jericho said it's clear that once again, "Bret Hart is screwed." Jericho said his concern tonight is dismantling the "mighty Bret Hart" tonight.

Cue up Edge's theme music for an interruption. Edge walked out in street clothes and asked Jericho what's the matter with him. "This is Bret 'the Hitman' Hart," he said. Edge said they grew up idolizing him and he's the reason they got into this business. Edge said he shoveled driveways so he could go down to Maple Leaf Gardens and watch Hart. Edge said he doesn't know about Jericho, but Hart can count him in. Jericho had a great look selling a reaction of "Oh, I can't believe this," listening to Edge. Jericho then walked out of the ring and Edge appeared to attempt a kick, but Hart caught him and dropped him on the mat. Hart attempted a Sharpshooter, but Jericho thumbed Hart in the eye. Jericho and Edge then left the ring together. Meanwhile, Natalya stormed past them and checked on Hart while pleading with him to do something about something else.

Backstage: Nexus was beating up Tyson Kidd and D.H. Smith. They had the "Andre" shot to make Nexus look huge. Wade Barrett then looked into the camera and addressed Hart that he can rule out Hart Dynasty being replacements. Back in the arena, Hart and Natalya took off from the ring running to the back as they cut to break. PYB (3) talk time: 10:10. At times, a clunky opening segment setting the stage for Summerslam. Jericho was great on the mic going through a range of emotions, while Edge's trick on Hart didn't have the impact it could have had with the camera missing a shot. It's the trade-off doing live TV.

[Commercial Break]


Backstage: A medic was checking on Tyson Kidd. Hart and Natalya talked things over, then Hart grabbed a chair and said he's going to take things into his hands. John Cena interrupted and told Hart he's playing into Nexus's hands. Cena said they're trying to pick them off one by one. Cena said he has to talk to Great Khali, so stay here and take care of family.

In-ring: The Miz came out with briefcase in-hand for the opening match of the show. Evan Bourne was out as the opposition for Miz as Cole plugged the briefcase deal for Miz. Bourne had a big ol' shiner underneath his right eye.

1 -- U.S. champion THE MIZ vs. EVAN BOURNE -- non-title match

Miz was aggressive early on, looking much different than working with Randy Orton on last week's show when he looked timid and intimidated by the main event opportunity. Miz continued to take it to Bourne, who fiught back with kick strikes until Miz side-stepped a knee strike and flung him to the mat. Bourne rolled to the corner to recover, then Miz measured him for the running clothesline corner spot. Miz continued to sell aggressiveness after the move, with the camera focusing on his facials to sell the moment. Miz attempted a suplex, but Miz landed a knee strike to the head. It's worth noting there's been no discussion of Miz as U.S. champion or confirming it's a non-title match.

Bourne pulled off a spectacular snap huracanrana for a two count, then Miz came back with an aggressive clothesline for a two count. Miz then stalked Bourne and measured him with the Skullcrushing Finale, which he connected with. Miz with the pin for the win. Cole said he believes Miz will soon be WWE champion. They replayed highspots from the match, then Miz took the mic. Miz said he doesn't care of it's Orton or Sheamus that wins the "title" this Sunday; he's ready to cash in his contract. Miz did his "awesome" catchphrase to heel heat, then Cole continued to talk up Miz.

WINNER: Miz at 4:03. Much, much better performance from Miz this week after looking intimidated on the big stage last week on Raw. Miz got over his aggressiveness, mean streak, and used his facial expressions effectively. Bourne had his moments to look somewhat decent coming out of the match, but it's clear he's slipped down a peg or two since that big push with Cena two months ago. (*1/2)

Backstage: A "roving" backstage camera caught up to Cena talking to Khali, who was sans Ranjin Singh to translate. Cena was apparently pleading with him to stay with the team. Or buy a 7-Eleven Cup.

Smackdown clip: They ran an ominous video package on the Kane-Rey Mysterio build-up to Summerslam, with Kane claiming Rey took out Undertaker, then Rey claiming Kane took out Taker.

[Commercial Break. A 30-second spot for Lucha Libre USA on MTV2 aired. They focused on highspots, masks, more highspots, mini wrestlers, a tournament, and more highspots.]


2 -- Divas champion ALICIA FOX vs. MELINA -- non-title match

In-ring: Melina came out to the ring with her full paparazzi ring entrance. Divas champion Alicia Fox then came out and we have a . The match moved to the floor early on and Alicia smashed Melina with a hard clothesline, with Melina's head bumping off the floor. Back in the ring, Alicia hit a spinning backbreaker across his knee for a two count. Alicia then followed with a backbreaker submission. Melina then countered with a sweet Canadian Destroyer-style counter and scored a pin for the win. Melina celebrated, winning her first match back in WWE. "I'm back," she mouthed to the crowd.

WINNER: Melina at 3:43. Fine return match for Melina. It's good to have a strong babyface back on the women's roster. (*1/4)

Backstage: Josh Mathews brought in Great Khali, who mumbled something. Singh wasn't there to translate, so Mathews asked him to repeat it. Khali then slowly said he wants Wade Barrett one-on-one tonight.

[Commercial Break]

During the break: Michael Cole read a note from the mystery Raw GM that Alicia Fox will defend the Divas Title against Melina at Summerslam. And for later tonight, it's a Summertime Spectacular with Bellas vs. Eve & Gail vs. Jillian & Maryse. Also, tonight is Sheamus calling out Randy Orton.

Backstage: Edge and Chris Jericho were shown backstage talking about what to do about Nexus and Bret Hart. Jericho said Hart might be right. Edge name-dropped Rock, Undertaker, Mr. McMahon, and the Alliance. He said they survived all of them by themselves. Jericho shifted his thinking to say they need to take out Hart and Cena tonight.

Backstage: John Morrison and R-Truth were shown backstage talking and trying to work out their issues. Mark Henry then walked in and told them to get it together before Summerslam. He smiled and walked off.

Backstage: Nexus was shown watching all of this unfold on a monitor. They all walked off, leaving Barrett there to stare into the monitor with a determined look on his face.

[Commercial Break]

In-ring: Ted DiBiase and Maryse walked out to the ring for the next match on the show. All eyes on Maryse, not on DiBiase, reinforcing who's the star here. Mark Henry then walked out to the ring to face DiBiase, but Nexus ambushed Henry in two packs. They ran Henry into the ring steps, then took off running. So, Henry is out as a possible replacement on Team Cena. WWE replayed the assault after Nexus took off from ringside. Medics were then shown checking on Henry ringside.

Backstage: Sheamus was shown walking down the hallway with the WWE Title belt in hand. Lawler voiced-over that Sheamus will call out his Summerslam challenger, Randy Orton, next.

Legendary video: They aired a clip previewing John Cena's "Legendary" movie coming out September 10.

[Commercial Break]

In-ring: WWE champion Sheamus came out to the ring near the top of the hour. Cole said the medics are still working on Henry and they showed Henry being taken away from ringside by refs and medics. Sheamus waited for things to settle down, then he began a promo talking about his path of destruction since coming to WWE. He said for the people who think Orton is going to take his title away from him at Summerslam, watch this video.

[Q5 -- second hour] They rolled a video package on Sheamus taking folks out since he joined WWE. They cut back to the arena to show Sheamus watching the video with a smile, then filled the screen with the video again. Sheamus smiled after they showed him taking out Triple H and vowing to do the same to Orton at Summerslam. Back in the ring, Sheamus said he's ended careers in the ring and right now, he wants to call out Randy Orton. Sheamus wasn't done, but Orton's music interrupted to bring him out.

Orton circled around the ring as Sheamus smiled at him. Orotn said he has something to say to him. He said he knows Sheamus is capable of hurting people, but he thinks Sheamus is full of it. Orton said Sheamus had an opportunity to prove he should be taken seriously last week, but he blew his opportunity. Sheamus interrupted by saying everyone takes him seriously. Orton paused for an "R-K-O" chant, then mocked Sheamus for his videos and speeches. He said Sheamus has never beaten him...and he never will. "You're wrong!" he shouted. Sheamus name-dropped Hunter and Cena as guys he's beaten. "I'm not Triple H and I'm certainly not John Cena," Orton said, emphasizing the latter part. Sheamus reminded him he's not the WWE champion either.

Sheamus said once he beats Orton at Summerslam, Orton will go back to the back of the line. He vowed to make sure Orton never gets another title shot after Summerslam while he's champ. Orton vowed to beat him at Summerslam - notice he didn't say "win the title." Orton told Sheamus to do something about it with his threats. They paused and stared off nose-to-nose.

Suddenly, the MacBook interrupted and Cole went to the podium to read an email from the GM. Cole read that Sheamus's title matches have been marred by interference, so if anyone interferes in the title match, that person will be suspended indefinitely. Cole said the GM agrees with Sheamus that if Orton loses at Summerslam, he goes back to the end of the line. The GM also agrees with Orton. The GM told Sheamus to prove he's not scared by doing something about it right now.

Sheamus pretended to square off against Orton as the hard camera began to shake. He then backed off with a smile before teasing a right hand punch. Orton didn't flinch, then he attacked Sheamus from behind. Orton got in a few blows before Sheamus nailed him with a big double axehandle smash to the head. Sheamus backed off to the corner and got fired up. He attempted a bicycle kick, but Orton ducked and nailed a fallaway backbreaker smash. Orton then stared down at Sheamus, who was selling on the mat. Orton slowly began to back up, then the crowd recognized what he was going for. Orton teased the Big Punt, but stopped mid-kick. Sheamus snapped to attention and had the look of death on his face as Orton suggested he could have ended things right there.

Orton rolled to the outside, then grabbed the title and held it up. Cole and Lawler said Orton sent a message that he can win the title whenever he wants. Cole said Orton is focused and ready for Summerslam. Orton smiled, tossed the belt back to Sheamus, then walked off as Sheamus continued to sell in the ring. PYB (3) talk time: 10:45. Strong segment, with a bit too much touching right before a PPV title match, but with the babyface challenger looking very strong to give the audience the impression their Summerslam PPV order will include a top babyface winning the WWE Title. They're still setting this up for Orton to win via DQ, but Sheamus retaining the title.

Still to come: Cena & Hart vs. Edge & Jericho. They showed a rapid-fire video on Nexus as the announcers plugged them being the lumberjacks for the match to come.

Raw 900: They're celebrating the upcoming 900th episode of Raw by selling a DVD from Seasons 1 and 2 of Raw. They included clips of 1-2-3 Kid with the memorable upset on Scott Hall as Razor, Shawn Michaels and Hennig brawling in the parking lot, and...Doink.

[Commercial Break]


In-ring: Back from break, Sheamus was still pacing ringside. The NXT theme music was playing for some reason. Ugh. I can only mentally prepare for that theme on Tuesday nights. Anyways, the remaining NXT Rookies were in the ring for a six-man tag. Cole plugged an elimination going down tomorrow night.


Watson started things off and took a beating from the heels. Sheamus was shown sitting down ringside still PO'ed about being shown up by Orton. Watson made a comeback and tagged in Kaval, who came in with a strong reaction. Kaval landed kick strikes on Riley before applying a neck vice in the ropes. Kaval then hit a springboard martial arts kick for a two count. The action then broke down with Lucky trying to make an impression with a plancha on the outside. Back in the ring, Harris blind-tagged into the match and cut off Kaval before landing a flying plancha. Harris grazed Kaval, but made the cover for the win.

Post-match: Sheamus tore apart the NXT Rookies to get his heat back. He smashed Hennig and Cannon on the outside, then entered the ring to clear away the other Rookies. Poor Kaval was left alone in the ring. Sheamus picked up the scraps by landing a running Outsider's Edge, the High Cross, on Kaval. Sheamus then grabbed the mic as Watson helped Kaval out of the ring. He said it's a message to the GM, the fans, and especially Randy Orton. Sheamus guaranteed he will still be WWE champ this time next week. He threw the mic down, then stormed out of the ring.

WINNERS: Riley & Harris & Hennig at 3:06. Solid use of the NXT Rookies for Sheamus to get his heat back ahead of Summerslam. Proper use of scrubs if they're going to be featured on Raw. (*)

Backstage: Morrison, with the beard, and R-Truth were shown walking backstage looking a bit unhappy to be paired together for a tag match up next.

[Commercial Break]

Still to come: Barrett vs. Khali tonight. ... In-ring: R-Truth came out alone for the tag match up next. Truth did his full ring intro, then John Morrison came out second to back up Truth. Cole said he wonders if the remaining members of Team WWE can pull it together in time for Summerslam. They randomly cut to a shot of crowd members wearing Twix "pause" signs. Unique in-show promotion. In the ring were William Regal and Zack Ryder as the opposition for Truth and Morrison.


Ryder and Regal worked over Truth early on. Ryder then showboated and ate the turnbuckle for his trouble. Morrison took a hot tag from Truth, then followed with a high leg whip and a flip-over facebuster. Unique move. The action broke down as Morrison nailed Ryder with the Flying Chuck. Morrison then followed up with Starship Pain, and they went to a different camera angle in case he airballed it. Morrison with the cover for the win. Morrison and Truth hugged it out as Cole said this was big for Team WWE's unity.

WINNERS: Morrison & Truth at 2:13. As expected here. Fine match with an eye on Summerslam. (n/a)

Announcers: Cole and Lawler said it's been a tough night for Team WWE, but there have been some glimmers of hope. This led to a rundown of the Summerslam line-up, with Team WWE only having five members against Nexus's seven members. He said they're not even sure if they're going to have this match-up. Not exactly the best sales pitch for Summerslam if viewers don't stick around to see how the end of the show plays out. Cole and Lawler then broke down the rest of the PPV line-up.

Backstage: The Bella Twins were shown walking down the hallway holding various items for a trip to the beach. Summerfest Spectacular is up next.


[Commercial Break]

Legendary promo: The hype is escalating for "Legendary" starring John Cena.

In-ring: Divas were assembled in the ring wearing one-piece bathing suits. Ya know, because it's McMahon's primary voting night on Tuesday. Santino and Kozlov were also in the ring as "special referees" for this. There was a giant slide positioned ringside. Eve and Gail Kim slid down the slide, then the Bellas followed suit. It's worth nothing Kozlov's Sambo gear could pass for a lifeguard jacket from Baywatch in this context.

5 -- BELLA TWINS vs. GAIL KIM & EVE vs. MARYSE & JILLIAN HALL -- Santino and Kozlov special referees

The action broke down early on in this as various beach-appropriate props became involved, including an inner tube. The Bellas eventually scored the pin for the win. Post-match: Tamina of the Usos group randomly entered the ring. She was out of place not dressed for the beach. Tamina walked up to Santino and gave him a once-over. Santino and Kozlov then walked out of the ring and Tamina sold that she was enthralled with Santino.

WINNERS: Bellas at 2:42. Odd. In a lot of ways. (n/a)

Summerslam Flashback: Summerslam 1991 at MSG. The Mountie vs. Big Boss Man, complete with pre-match promos. And Jimmy Hart ringside. This led to Mountie spending a long night in the slammer. Or so it appeared.

Backstage: Great Khali was shown walking down the hallway for his match against Barrett. Suddenly, Nexus jumped Khali after taking him out at the knee. Nexus left Khali out on the floor clutching his knee as a ref called for help.

[Commercial Break]


In-ring: Nexus came out to the ring as one unit while they replayed Nexus taking out Great Khali before the break. Lawler said he thinks Nexus is one of the most destructive forces ever in WWE. In the ring, Barrett waited out boos while his other six partners stood next to him. Barrett said he's been informed the match against Khali has been canceled. As for this Sunday, he said a new chapter in the history of WWE will be written by Nexus. Barrett said the balance of power will be shifted to Nexus at Summerslam. Skip Sheffield claimed ownership over Raw. He said Bret Hart will join Ricky Steamboat and Mr. McMahon as their victims. Skip said Hart will never be seen ever again, like McMahon and "the Dragon." He vowed to break Team Cena mentally and physically to the point where they never recover.

David Otunga was next to speak. Otunga said if anyone in the locker room is even considering joining Team WWE, he wants them to think about what they did to Hart Dynasty, Mark Henry, Great Khali, and whether they want to be next. He did the "Nexus or Against Us" line as Tarver shook the ropes toward the audience.

They cut backstage where Bret Hart and John Cena were walking together. They were stopped by The Miz, who recapped the scene here. He said he knows they need help and it was only a matter of time before they came looking for him. Miz said he wants to hear them ask him to be part of the team to save Raw. Hart cleared his throat and asked him, "Are you in or out?" Miz wanted to hear it from Cena. "That's fair. Are you in or out?" Cena asked. Miz soaked in the moment of Cena asking him for help. Cena acknowledged times have changed in one year. Miz thought it over, then said he'll let them know Sunday. Cena smirked and sarcastically said, "Thanks," as Miz walked off. "Who is that guy?" Hart asked. Cena said it's a shame they might need him, but they need to take care of Edge and Jericho next. They cut back to a shot of Nexus in the ring to serve as lumberjacks for this on the other side of the break.

[Commercial Break. Spot for "The Expendables" out on Friday.]

Next week's guest host: Justin Long was advertised as the guest host from Los Angeles after Summerslam. WWE's website has Long, Charlie Day, and Jason Sudeikis from "Going the Distance."

In-ring: Edge came out first for the TV main event as Nexus was shown neatly lined up ringside as the lumberjacks. Jericho was out next as Lawler slipped in a "downfall" reference regarding Jericho helping begin the downward spiral for Team Cena. After a pause, Hart's music hit and Bret Hart walked out alone still dressed in his "street clothes" of the jacket, t-shirt, and jean shorts.

[Q9 -- over-run] The show hit the top of the hour and John Cena's music hit to a typically strong reaction. Cole reset the scene with Hart and Cena teaming together for the first time. Lawler said if you're not hyped for this, you have ice water in your veins. Isn't that cliche usually a complement for an athlete super poised in a tense situation? Cena completed his ring entrance and told Hart he's got this.

6 -- BRET HART & JOHN CENA vs. EDGE & CHRIS JERICHO -- Nexus as lumberjacks

Cena was knocked to the outside early on, so Nexus beat him up a bit before rolling him back into the ring. They repeated this after Jericho rolled Cena to the outside. Jericho mocked the "Cena, Cena" chants before Cena bought some time throwing Jericho to the floor. Nexus gave Jericho some space and Jericho sold fear over what they might do, but they didn't touch him. Jericho confidently re-entered the ring, then Cena and Jericho exchanged holds. Cena found himself on the outside, but he got in a blow on Barrett. Cena then caused Jericho to bump Barrett before knocking Jericho to the floor. Jericho told Nexus to get them, but Nexus jumped Jericho on the outside. Edge then took a beating. Gabriel rolled into the ring where Hart decked him, then Nexus regrouped on the outside with a discussion.

Nexus slowly circled the ring as the match apparently came to a halt. Annoying non-finish here. Suddenly, Morrison and Truth hit the ring to back up Cena and Hart. Nexus then entered the ring as Edge was shown leaving. Jericho then joined Edge on the ramp. They sort of looked at each other and Jericho motioned for them to leave. Edge then motioned back the other way and they charged the ring to stand next to Team WWE.

They cut to a shot of the hard camera showing both sides squaring off against each other itching for a fight. They had the shaky hard cam for this and a hot crowd, then a big fight broke out in the ring. Barrett hightailed it out of the ring and Nexus followed him out of the ring. Skip was shown running stadium steps to the top of the lower level. Nexus joined them in the stands as Edge stood tall in the ring. Nexus was shown standing at the top of the lower level seats with Team WWE standing together in the ring. Cena's music hit and the announcers were silent as the camera cut back and forth between Team WWE and Team Nexus staring at each other. Cena was shown standing tall in the ring as Nexus shot him hand gestures. "It's on Sunday at Summerslam" was the message to conclude the show ten minutes past the top of the hour.

WINNER: No decision at no time. The annoying non-finish habit continued here, as expected with the final angle needing to be Team WWE strong and united going into Summerslam. A seventh slot remains to be filled. Perhaps they can have Miz, Henry, Bourne, Khali, and DiBiase in a PPV-opening battle royal. Overall, good final hype for Summerslam. Never underestimate the power of the shaky hard cam. WWE hopes renewed interest in Raw via the Nexus angle, the audience believing Nexus is a legit threat, and a strong front by Team WWE to conclude the final sales pitch will be enticing enough to order a PPV where a wrestling match likely won't settle anything, if we're being realistic here. It will be interesting to see if WWE translates increased viewership into increased PPV buyers on Sunday. (n/a)

We welcome your 0-10 score and comments on this show for a "Raw Reax" feature in the Torch Feedback section of To contribute your thoughts on Raw, email to using our Feedback form.

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