WWE Raw Report WWE RAW RESULTS 7/19: Keller's complete coverage of live Money in the Bank fallout
Jul 19, 2010 - 10:10:29 PM
JULY 19, 2010
-Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler introduced the show and then ring entrances promptly began for the show-opening no. 1 contender match.
1 -- RANDY ORTON vs. EDGE vs. CHRIS JERICHO -- No. 1 Contender Match
Orton got the first sustained advantage on Edge after Jericho was dumped to ringside at 3:00. Orton pounded the mat for an RKO on Edge, but Jericho came up behind him with a surprise Code Breaker. Edge broke up the count. Edge beat up Jericho at ringside as Orton recovered in the ring. They cut to a break. [c] Back from the break Jericho attacked Edge and threw him into the announce table. Jericho went after Orton and scored a near fall with his legs on the bottom rope for illegal extra leverage. He then settled into a chinlock because, you know, if you want to win a three-way match for a World Title shot, you put one opponent in a headlock while the other opponent recovers at ringside. Orton came back with two clotheslines and a snap powerslam for a two count at 11:00. Cole talked about Orton's "icy eyes" and called him the "silent assassin." WWE's so consistent with pushing these key words and phrases and drilling them into the minds of viewers.
At 12:00 Jericho applied the Walls of Jericho on Orton. Cole reiterated what was at stake in the match. Orton "slithered like a viper" toward the bottom rope, but Jericho dragged him back to the middle. Edge intervened and gave Jericho a DDT. Jericho came back and put Edge in the Walls of Jericho. Edge flipped out and rolled up Jericho for a near fall. Edge clotheslined Jericho over the top rope to the floor. Orton came up behind Edge with an RKO attempt, but Edge countered and dropped Orton for a two count. The crowd popped for the near falls and big moves. All three moved into a series of mid-ring moves and near falls. A minute later, with Edge at ringside, Jericho countered an Orton RKO and Orton avoided a Lionsault. Orton then gave Jericho an RKO and then gave Edge an RKO and he pinned Orton to win the Summerslam WWE Title shot. Cole said fans just witnessed a great match. He said Orton is headed to the main event at Summerslam.
WINNER: Orton in 15:00.
STAR RATING: ***1/4 -- Very good match. A nice break from the Raw format to open with this consequential big-name match. They obviously want to use the outcome of this match as a launch point and focal point of the rest of the show. [c]
-Edge stood mid-ring and demanded Jericho return to the ring. Lawler said Edge had been ranting and raving during the break. Edge said this has been going on between them for too long - 11 years. He asked how many championships have they cost each other, how many injuries have they inflicted, how many years off of each other's career have then taken? He said it has to end tonight.
Jericho walked out and entered the ring. He said for the first time in 11 years they agree on something. He said it's going to end tonight for Edge. Jericho said he had a conversation with Wade Barrett last week. He said he admitted he is the reason Nexus achieved the success he has achieved. He said if he snaps his fingers, Nexus would do what he he told them to. He said he could call them out now and they'd end his career tonight. "Do you understand what I'm saying to you right now," Jericho asked. Edge hilariously responded: "No, I don't understand what you're saying to me right now." He said he doesn't think Nexus agrees with him. He said if he made an offer they couldn't refuse it. He said they would take exception with someone taking credit for their success. Nexus walked out to their music, led by Barrett.
Barrett said each of them have had Hall of Fame careers. They surrounded Edge. Barrett said Jericho is right, Nexus wouldn't just take years off of his career, they'd end it. Jericho looked on and smiled. Nexus jumped Edge. He tried to defend himself, but was quickly overwhelmed. Jericho cheered them on. Jericho leaned in and taunted Edge. Skip Sheffield speared Edge. Cole called him "Sheffield." Since when does Vince McMahon allow his announcers to refer to a wrestler by his last name only? Jericho then found himself standing mid-ring surrounded by Nexus. Barrett said Edge was also right because they'd like to shut up the guy who is claiming credit for their success. Jericho went after Barrett. Nexus gang attacked Jericho. They held Jericho for Barrett to nail with a side elbow blow to the face. Then they picked him up and held him for a David Otunga slam. Cole said it doesn't matter what you stand for or who you are, Nexus is determined to destroy anyone and everything. [c]
-A replay aired of what Nexus did to Edge and Jericho.
-Barrett interviewed "Mr. Barrett" backstage. He said everyone from the top wrestlers to the time keeper quake in their boots when they see Nexus. He asked Matthews if any one of them can favorably compete with the World's Strongest Man. That's an odd question. Barrett asked Matthews if he's quaking in his boots. He said Mark Henry is, too, because they all strong individually as well as collectively. He said the next chapter doesn't end well for Henry. Matthews quickly thanked Barrett for his time and ran off. Sheamus walked up to Barrett. Somehow, even with Matthew's mic, we could still them just as clearly. It's like Larry King Live's prop mic on CNN. Sheamus said he had a proposal that he thinks he'll want to hear. Barrett asked him to step into his office. Sheamus said he'd rather wait out in the hall. Barrett went into the Nexus locker room.
-Lawler and Cole were shown on camera reacting to the segment. Cole interviewed John Cena who got a big pop when he appeared on the big screen. Cole asked him for a reaction to what the Nexus did to Jericho and Edge. Cena said he could whine and complain, but he brought it on himself. He said he was offered a handshake by Barrett to end it all. He said he didn't accept his offer out of foolish pride and because he thought he could stop him. Cena said Nexus decimated Edge and Jericho "because they could." He said he can see the writing on the wall. Lawler asked what he's saying. Cena said tonight he would like to meet Barrett and the rest of the Nexus in the ring. He said he had something to say to them. Cena said they've made his life miserable and cost him everything. He said he's saying if you can't beat 'em... and then he trailed off. [c]
2 -- MARYSE (w/Ted DiBIase) vs. EVE TORRES
DiBiase joined Lawler and Cole at ringside. He said at age 27 he's a self-made millionaire. He then said, "Oh, not really, it was all given to me, but who cares? I have my own driver." Cole said Maryse is an upgrade from Virgil. DiBiase said Maryse is not a gold digger. Cole said he keeps telling Lawler that. He said that's a filthy rumor starting by people like John Morrison. Eve kicked Maryse and went for a pin. Maryse put her right leg on the bottom rope, but the ref didn't see it and counted to three.
WINNER: Eve in 2:00.
-Afterward DiBiase complained to the referee in the ring, asking him if he needs glasses. Morrison entered the ring and tackled DiBiase. He kicked him in the jaw and then landed (barely) a fast Starship Pain. On a replay where Morrison clearly overshot DiBiase by 90 percent, Lawler said he executed it "perfectly."
-They showed Sheamus backstage. Lawler wondered what kind of proposition he had for Barrett. [c]
-Sheamus entered the ring to his music. He said he wanted the record to show that he beat Cena in a tables match, a Fatal-Fourway, and now a steel cage. He said when he beat Cena for the first time everyone said it was a fluke. When he beat him a second time, people said he was lucky. But now that it's three times, it's dominance. He said Cena is in his past. He said he's in the back of the line and he won't get a title shot against him anytime soon. He said he should have done what he did earlier tonight when he went to Barrett and looked him in the eye and demanded a truce. He said a year ago no one had heard of Sheamus or the Nexus, but like it or not, they are now the two most powerful entities in the entire WWE. He said they don't have to like each other to stay out of each other's business. He said Barrett agreed, so as of tonight the truce is in effect. He said that's bad for Orton because Nexus interfering on his behalf is his only way of beat him. He said he plans to become the longest reigning champion of all time. The Miz's music interrupted him.
Lawler wondered if Miz was going to cash in his Money in the Bank briefcase. Cole said he had a full year to cash it in. Cole and Lawler briefly talked about Kane taking advantage of a beaten down Rey Mysterio last night to cash in his briefcase and win the title. I wonder for how many people watching that was breaking news. Miz said he, not Sheamus, controls the fate of the WWE Championship because he possesses the MITB. He said he cash that in anytime for a WWE Title match. He said every time Sheamus is in the ring he'll be watching him. He said while Sheamus is getting his hand raised after beating Orton, if Orton gives him an RKO, he'll be right there to cash it in. He said perhaps he'll be doing a backstage interview and he'll hit him from behind with the briefcase and drag him to the ring and pin him for the championship. He said he's going to wait for the moment that his entire career has been leading to - to main event WrestleMania. He said maybe he decides to cash it in tonight. He told Sheamus that he is his new celebrity stalker and every move he makes he'll be watching him. As Miz began to say, "Because I'm the Miz and I'm... Sheamus interjected, "You're nothing because I'm Sheamus and I'm the WWE Champion." Sheamus bailed out to ringside. The anonymous G.M. chime sounded.
Cole walked up to the podium and announced that should Miz cash in the MITB briefcase tonight, he ought to sit at ringside and watch Sheamus wrestle right now against Evan Bourne. Miz smiled and took a position at ringside as Sheamus protested the impromptu match.
Bourne knocked Sheamus to ringside early with a kick. Sheamus threw a fit at the announce table as Cole threw to a break. [c] Miz caressed the briefcase with his fingers like Dr. Evil petting his hairless cat. Sheamus took control of Bourne after the break. Lawler said if this keeps up, Miz should choose to cash in briefcase another time. Bourne made a comeback at 10:00 with a near fall and then a spin kick to drop Sheamus.
Bourne climbed to the top rope and set up his Air Bourne finisher. Sheamus slid to the floor. As Lawler said how smart that was, Bourne dove onto Sheamus on the floor. Miz stretched to get a better look. Sheamus kicked Bourne in the gut as he reentered the ring, then gave him his signature thrust kick for the winl
WINNER: Sheamus in 12:00.
STAR RATING: **1/2 -- Good match.
-Afterward Miz attacked Sheamus with the briefcase. He looked down at Sheamus and thought about cashing it in. He put Sheamus in a full nelson and set up his Skull Crushing Finale onto the briefcase. He KO'd him on the briefcase. Miz told the ref he was cashing it in. Miz took off his shirt and waited for the bell to ring. The guideline is that Sheamus had to be conscious to start the match, but Sheamus didn't move when the ref checked on him. R-Truth's music then played. Miz called off his match and grabbed his briefcase and swung it at Truth. Truth attacked Miz. Miz fired back with a kick and a stomp, then grabbed his briefcase and retreated. Cole said the bell never rang and it was never an official match, so Miz still has the title shot to cash in at a later time. The camera showed Sheamus struggling to get back to his feet.
-Lawler plugged Barrett vs. Henry was coming later. [c]
-Matthews interviewed Miz backstage regarding what just happened. Matthews has turned orange, by the way. Miz was in a rage as he said there will be other opportunities because he has an entire year. "Whether it's later tonight of July 17, 2011, I will take my rightful place as WWE Champion because I'm The Miz and I'm awesome."
-They went to Lawler and Cole at ringside who talked about the happens so far on an eventful Raw. Cole threw to a SummerSlam Recall clip from 1988 in Madison Square Garden featuring Undertaker vs. Steve Austin.
-They showed Sheamus walking backstage with an ice pack on his head. He yelled at several Divas giggling backstage, asking, "Do you think this is funny?!" Orton walked up to Sheamus and said it's really too bad what just happened with him. He said he is a target carrying that WWE Title. He said whoever is champion come SummerSlam will be wearing a giant bullseye. He said he won't hit that bullseye with an arrow or a spear or even a bullet. He said he's going to hit it with an R-K-O! The crowd said it along with him and then cheered.
-They showed Cena elsewhere backstage awaiting a meeting with Nexus. Lawler wondered if he really plans to join them. [c]
Cole said next month they'll present the 900th episode of Raw in Boston. In two years in June 2012 the 1,000th episode of Raw should be quite the celebration. Lawler said Santino said he has two weapons, his two arms and his brain. Cole said Florence Henderson wanted nothing to do with him last week. Kozlov slammed Ryder. Santino begged for a tag. Santino tagged in and did a running salute splash for the win. Santino celebrated like it was Barry Horowitz all over again. Kozlov smiled, but then told Santino to maybe calm down a bit.
WINNERS: Santino & Kozlov in 2:00.
-They showed the Nexus backstage. Cole said per the G.M. no Nexus members can be at ringside for his match against Henry next. [c]
-WWE Fact: John Cena designed a new coffee cup for a convenience store chain with all proceeds going to benefit Make-a-Wish.
Barrett ducked through the ropes Larry Zbyszko-style after the bell rang to start the match. Lawler said he wasn't starting the match with an act of bravado. Henry headbutted him as soon as he entered the ring. Barrett rolled to the floor to recover. Cole said Barrett is a bare-knuckle fighter by trade. They locked up mid-ring. Barrett kneed and headbutted Henry. Henry just got upset after a second headbutt because you know how thick Henry's skull is. Henry fought back and beat Barrett in the corner. Then he hit a running clothesline and scored a two count. Lawler said he'd love to see Henry beat Barrett. Henry powerslammed Barrett for a two count. He dragged him to the corner slowly to set up his corner splash. The Nexus walked out to the stage which distracted Henry, giving Barrett an opening to pop up and give Henry a kick to the jaw. He then lifted Henry but couldn't hold him. It didn't help that Henry threw him off by holding onto the top rope when he tried to lift him out of the corner, which threw Barrett off balance. He tumbled forward and sideways a bit out of control and slammed Henry to the mat for the three count. That could have ended with someone getting hurt. Cole said Barrett proved he's just as good individually as he is with his group. Well, not really, since he appeared to be about to lose if not for the rest of Nexus distracting Henry.
WINNER: Barrett in 3:00.
-Afterward the rest of Nexus walked to the ring as Barrett stomped on Henry. Barrett called Cena to the ring. [c]
-Michael Tarver said if Cena acknowledges that Nexus runs the show and if he continues with futile resistance, they will end what little remains of his career. He told him to come out right now and show remorse for assaulting Darren Young and attacking him last week. He said if he does that, maybe they will consider ending it. He said Cena should remember that "this is all on you." Cena walked out and the crowd seemed leery of what he was going to say
Cena thanked them for inviting him to the ring. He reviewed that Nexus caused him to lose his WWE Championship and then prevented him from winning it back. He said he doesn't know why. He said tonight Sheamus made a truce with them and it's something he should have done a long time ago. There were scattered boos. Cena said, "Sorry guys, I put myself on front street out here, looking at every one of you man to man, and I'm asking you for the same thing." Barrett looked at the other six. Barrett said, "Our answer is no." Cena hung his head in disappointment. Barrett said he's not interested in a truce. He said he's not even interested in offering him an olive branch. He said he's looking for something much bigger than peace. The crowd loudly chanted "Cena! Cena!" Barrett told Cena not to listen to them. Barrett said he wants Cena to join them. He said he wants him to become a part of the Nexus. He told him to think about it. He said he has could achieve ten times more with them than he has on his own. He said the Nexus is the present and the future of WWE. He said together they'd be unstoppable. He said it's not really much of a choice for him because "you're either Nexus or against us." He asked Cena if he wants to make history together.
Cena paused, eyed each of them, looked at the crowd, and shook his head and said, "Nope, I can't do it." The crowd popped. Barrett said, "Well, how very very unfortunate." He said that leaves him with an unfortunate choice - he can leave with is tail between his legs showing the world what a coward he is or second he can stand there and take the most vicious beating the Nexus has ever administered. Cena dropped the mic and walked to the back with his head hanging. Lawler said Nexus truly does own the show. Cena stood on the stage and turned around. He said he has one more thing to say, and it's something they've heard him say time and time again. He said whether he does it himself or has help, "I will take each and everyone one of you down." He said tonight's little peace offering was just a test. He said they said no and sealed their fate because he got himself some help. He said ever since they came there beating everyone up, he's been quietly forming a team, a team that will take down the Nexus at SummerSlam. Barrett shouted no. Cena said he wants Nexus to meet his team. He said at SummerSlam, the Nexus will become history at their hands.
Out walked Edge. Then Morrison. Then Truth. Then Khali. A close-up of Slater showed him reacting with fear. The Nexus's body language suggested they were getting more nervous with each new addition to step out. Then Jericho walked out. Lawler gasped, "What?!" Cole said Jericho joined the Cena Brigade, the all-star team. Cena said he had one more. Bret "The Hitman" Hart. Cole exclaimed, "You've got to be kidding me! Bret 'The Hitman' Hart, the Hall of Famer. Bret and Cena and the rest charged to the ring. The Nexus retreated through the crowd. The Cena Brigade grabbed the ring as their territory. Cole called it a dream team. Cole said it's finally level playing field for Cena. Lawler said the Nexus will regroup and come up with a new strategy, but for now Cena has formed an impressive team.
PWTorch editor Wade Keller has covered pro wrestling full time since 1987 starting with the Pro Wrestling Torch print newsletter. PWTorch.com launched in 1999 and the PWTorch Apps launched in 2008.
He has conducted "Torch Talk" insider interviews with Hulk Hogan, The Rock, Steve Austin, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Eric Bischoff, Jesse Ventura, Lou Thesz, Jerry Lawler, Mick Foley, Jim Ross, Paul Heyman, Bruno Sammartino, Goldberg, more.
He has interviewed big-name players in person incluiding Vince McMahon (at WWE Headquarters), Dana White (in Las Vegas), Eric Bischoff (at the first Nitro at Mall of America), Brock Lesnar (after his first UFC win).
He hosted the weekly Pro Wrestling Focus radio show on KFAN in the early 1990s and hosted the Ultimate Insiders DVD series distributed in retail stories internationally in the mid-2000s including interviews filmed in Los Angeles with Vince Russo & Ed Ferrara and Matt & Jeff Hardy. He currently hosts the most listened to pro wrestling audio show in the world, (the PWTorch Livecast, top ranked in iTunes)
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