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WWE Raw Report
CALDWELL'S WWE RAW RESULTS 6/28: Ongoing "virtual time" coverage of live Raw guest-hosted by Rob Zombie

Jun 28, 2010 - 10:08:05 PM

WWE Raw Results
June 28, 2010
Live from Philadelphia, Pa.
Aired on USA Network
Report by James Caldwell, Torch assistant editor

Tonight's WWE Raw opened with a recap of last Monday's Raw when the NXT 7 circled Vince McMahon in the ring and proceeded to beat him down. After the fast-paced intro video for the show and a slow fade-out, they went to Raw announcers Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler. Cole said the group simply wants to be known as Nexus. Lawler said their spokesperson, Wade Barrett, has been called to WWE's corporate HQ to discuss what happened. Cole said the new GM is not at the meeting, but will be communicating via email. Cole said they will report more on the "appropriate consequences" later tonight if they find out more.

In-ring: Cue up Sheamus's music to bring out the WWE champion. Sheamus took the mic once in the ring and said he's watched the footage of Nexus taking out McMahon last week. He said he's disgusted by what happened. As WWE champion, he's going to make a statement on behalf of the company. Sheamus's statement: "The champ is here!" That drew good heat from the crowd mocking John Cena's catchphrase. Sheamus said the "Nexus lads" got involved in his match last week, but he would have beaten Cena last week in the title match. Sheamus said the one good thing to come out of last week was that Cena is no longer the #1 contender to the WWE Title because he used his re-match clause. He said now he no longer has to look at those "tacky orange t-shirts" and listen to Cena's catchphrases. Sheamus mocked Cena's mockery of him before grunting, "I hate you, Cena, I hate you!" Sheamus said Cena can get to the back of the line because he's never getting a shot again.

Cue up John Cena's music for the interruption after Sheamus, the heel, spun a tale on the events last week. Cena hit the ring and surveyed the crowd before Sheamus told him he's not getting another shot at the title or him again. Cena cut off Sheamus and slowly walked toward him. He said he came out here to ask for help. Sheamus smirked. Cena said everyone saw how Sheamus won and kept the title, but he's here for Nexus. He said they almost ended his career and they're going after Sheamus next since he's the WWE champ. After Cena went through the joke book, he said he knows Sheamus can fight and if he wants to keep his WWE Title and career, then help him. Cena said it's one night only - a fight side-by-side against the entire group. Suddenly, the MacBook made a noise as Cena said they're going to have a brawl right now.

Michael Cole stood up and actually had a podium next to the announce table to read an email from the anonymous Raw GM. Cole said he will wait until next week to take action against Nexus. He will allow Wade Barrett to present his case to WWE officials. As far as tonight is concerned, Cole read that if any member of Nexus makes contact with a WWE wrestler, he will be terminated. However, if any WWE wrestler initiates contact with Nexus, he will be suspended.

Cena mockingly thanked the GM and said his plan is totally ruined. Cena said they have learned something here tonight about Sheamus. And now that they can't start off Raw with a good ol' fashioned brawl, they should start off Raw with a WWE Title match! No wait. Cue up the MacBook.

Cole read another note from the anonymous Raw GM. Cole said Sheamus will be in action tonight against Mark Henry. That drew boos since it wasn't Cena for the WWE Title. "Baloney, fudge, and mustard," Cena said after blaming the Internet for screwing him over. Cena told Cole to tell the GM to send him a personal email to his's "candypants564 at gmail" Cue up another buzz from the MacBook. Cole read a note on the Money in the Bank PPV. He said the match will feature MITB ladder matches from Raw and Smackdown. Cole said the eight participants in the Raw MITB ladder match will be revealed later tonight. As for right now, Cole read that the new Raw GM would like to demonstrate. Sheamus said he's tired of wasting his time, so he's out of here. And another email. This guy types fast.

[Q2] Sheamus kept walking and suddenly a cage hanging above the ring started to lower from the ceiling. And another email buzz. Cole said the GM has decided that since last week's WWE Title match ended inconclusively, Sheamus will defend the WWE Title against Cena at the MITB PPV inside a steel cage. Cena did a big Hogan pose in the ring as Sheamus glared at him from the stage. Lawler recapped the Cena vs. Sheamus announcement as Cena posed in the ring, then on the cage. Sheamus and Cena had a stare down from a distance before they cut to break. PYB (3) talk time: 13:45. That was a lot to fit into an opening segment, which included a lot of random items being thrown together. There were the over-done Cena jokes I thought WWE eliminated from the toolbox, a WWE Title match announcement, emails buzzing, and a seemingly inconsistent anonymous GM. It was a mess at times.

[Commercial Break]

In-ring: Hart Dynasty came out for a six-person tag match. Suddenly, the Usos and Tamina attacked HD during their ring entrance. After taking them out, they walked away from the ring as HD continued to sell on the floor. Tamina wasn't done and returned to ringside to throw Natalya into the ring. Tamina then went up top and hit the Superfly Splash. The Usos and Tamina bailed from the ring as Smith and Kidd slid into the ring to check on Natalya. Suddenly, they cut to a wide shot of the arena. That seemed abrupt.

Backstage: Josh Mathews brought in R-Truth to get his thoughts on what should happen to the Nexus. Truth said Nexus is acting like a bunch of untamed animals and they shouldn't be fired, but allowed to stay at the WWE Zoo. He said he wants to take care of them because he's the Zookeeper... and that's the truth.

[Commercial Break]

Recap: They went back to the Viewer's Choice Raw for the dance-off between Santino and Kozlov. Why must they revisit the horrible VC concept?

In-ring: Kozlov was dancing in the ring back from break. He's up against Santino and if Santino wins, then Kozlov will be forced into service as Santino's tag partner.



Santino teased a German Suplex early on from a rear waist lock, but Kozlov shrugged him off. Santino tried a submission hold, but Kozlov threw him off. Kozlov smiled at the attempt before landing multiple head butts into a belly-to-belly throw for a two count. Kozlov then slapped on a rear bear hug, but Santino countered into a throw. Kozlov, upset by this, grabbed Santino and threw him to the mat for the decisive pin and the win.

Kozlov laughed at the sight of the sad Santino figure before playfully rolling him around the mat. Kozlov left the ring and William Regal greeted him on the way out with a handshake. Regal then hit the ring to deliver a beat down on Santino. Kozlov spotted this injustice and ran to the ring to clear away Regal to make the save. Kozlov then picked up Santino and dragged him out of the ring with a big smile on his face.

WINNER: Kozlov at 1:24. And the storyline continues. (n/a)

Backstage: Mathews brought in Great Khali to get his thoughts on what actions should be taken against the Nexus. Ranjin Singh translated that Khali is a big stupid giant and he's tired of protecting his brother. He said if the Nexus came back here, Khali would run away scared. Ranjin walked off, leaving Khali slightly confused and calling after his "brother." Interesting development. Perhaps.

[Commercial Break]

Announcers: Cole plugged NXT tomorrow night with the first Pros Poll and voting beginning at 10:00 p.m. EST on WWE's website. ... After a shot of the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia, Cole plugged an announcement still to come on the eight wrestlers in the MITB match at the PPV.

In-ring: Justin Roberts did the hard sell for Rob Zombie before bringing out tonight's guest host. Zombie said he is here for one reason: for sick and twisted things that happen in this ring. Zombie plugged the MITB ladder match and said he here is tonight to announce the eight participants in the match. Zombie read the names off the Titantron: (1) Randy Orton. (2) The Miz. (3) R-Truth. (4) Chris Jericho. (5) Evan Bourne. (6) Ted DiBiase. (7) John Morrison. (8) Edge. Zombie was enthusiastic for everyone before stopping at Edge's name.

Edge then appeared on the video screen and said he hasn't talked to Zombie since dumping his song as his entrance music. Zombie said he wants to set the record straight between him and the old man. Zombie said he took his song back and said he took his song back because he was tired of him ruining his song. Zombie said he's out of here. Edge mockingly said he must have scared him away. Edge reminded everyone he won the first-ever MITB ladder match, then cashed it in on John Cena.

WM21 video package: They went back to 2005 at WrestleMania 21 with Jim Ross (off TV) on the call. Plenty of Shelton Benjamin (released) clips in there before focusing on Edge winning the match and the briefcase. 10 Months Later: John Cena went through the entire Elimination Chamber at the New Year's Revolution PPV until McMahon appeared to tell Cena the night is not over. Hey, look, there's Lita (released) with Edge. They showed Edge cashing in the MITB briefcase and capturing the WWE Title from Cena. Joey Styles (dotcom) was on the call with Coachman (ESPN) for the NYR clip. They stopped short of showing the live sex show (PG) the following night.

On-screen: They cut back to Edge on the screen to explain what he meant last week when he told Randy Orton the fun is only just beginning. He said he owns MITB and he will crush Randy Orton with a ladder in the match. He vowed to do the same to everyone else in the match. Edge said everyone else will be staring up at him at the end of the match.

Announcers: The MacBook buzzed again. Cole went to the podium and asked for everyone's attention. That drew boos. Cole said tonight's main event will feature all eight participants in the MITB ladder match: Edge & Miz & DiBiase & Jericho vs. Bourne & Morrison & R-Truth & Orton in an eight-man tag match.

Backstage: They showed Mark Henry walking down the hallway. He has WWE champ Sheamus next.


[Commercial Break]

In-ring: Already in the ring was WWE champ Sheamus preparing for Henry. Out came Mark Henry with his NXT Rookie, Lucky Cannon. Lucky remained on the stage as Henry made his way to the ring by himself.

2 -- WWE champion SHEAMUS vs. MARK HENRY -- non-title match

Sheamus landed clubbing offense early on before Henry blocked a clothesline attempt. Henry then hit a big splash, but Sheamus put his foot on the bottom rope for a break. Sheamus tried to retreat on the outside, but Henry followed and press-slammed him back into the ring. Henry was too slow following up, allowing Sheamus to hit a bicycle kick to the face for the pin and the win.

WINNER: Sheamus at 2:31. A little too Even-Steven when the champ needed to look strong here. This is where enhancement talent are missing from pro wrestling in 2010. (n/a)

Backstage: Nexus, minus Wade Barrett, was backstage with Josh Mathews. They were assembled in an orderly fashion as Mathews asked them about the anonymous Raw GM's decree earlier today. Skip Sheffield suddenly walked over to a stagehand and roughed him up a bit. Sheffield then walked back over to the group as Mathews stared down at the ground fearing his life could be over. They laughed in his face.

Announcers: Lawler gave a quick plug for the "mega-tag match" main event still to come.

[Commercial Break]

In-ring: Jerry Lawler's music was playing as he stood in the ring. Lawler hyped a "new DVD being released tomorrow" featuring one of the all-time great Hall of Famers. Cue up a DVD preview for Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat's DVD coming out tomorrow. WWE played off the Karate Kid movie hype to plug the DVD with clips on Steamboat's WWE career.

[Q5 -- second hour]

Ricky Steamboat walked out to the ring and slapped hands on the way to the ring as Cole talked about the DVD that he had a chance to preview before the release. Lawler and Steamboat shook hands before Lawler asked some legends to come out to the ring to honor Steamboat. Out came WWE agents and writers Arn Anderson, Dean Malenko, Mike Rotunda, and Michael P.S. Hayes. Anderson looks like he can still go. Malenko said it's an honor to share this moment him with him. He said he can't wait to watch the DVD with some of Steamboat's greatest matches. Rotunda, a/k/a I.R.S. said he never had the privilege of facing Steamboat, but when the money starts rolling in from the DVD, be sure to pay your taxes. Hayes talked about them not getting much camera time the last three or four years, so he's going to do this...Hayes did the Freedbirds dance and slapped hands with Steamboat.

Anderson then took the mic and did a classic Double A promo. Anderson said he must have wrestled Steamboat a hundred times, but he never beat him. He thanked Steamboat for creating magic with him in the ring. Anderson said people will talk about the Top Five. He listed the names Triple H, The Undertaker, and Shawn Michaels. Anderson had to swallow hard leaving Ric Flair (TNA) off the list there. Anderson said he'll always have Steamboat on the top of his list.

Steamboat started to cut a promo, then some new music hit. Out walked the Nexus on stage, then slowly to the ring. The WWE Legends in the ring took off their jackets and rolled up their sleeves as the Nexus feigned entering the ring. Heath Slater entered, then was rolled out of the ring. Michael Tarver tried to enter, but he was kicked out. Nexus then dragged Anderson out of the ring and pounded on him ringside. Tarver eventually attacked Rotunda from behind and they dragged him out of the ring to deliver a beat down ringside. Steamboat, Lawler, and Hayes were left in the ring. Nexus slowly made their way onto the ring apron to surround them. After a few moments, all six hit the ring and started pounding on the legends. They knocked Lawler out of the ring and pounded on him ringside. Hayes ate the ring apron while Steamboat was left alone in the ring. Skip Sheffield looked like an absolute beast during this whole bit.

Nexus eventually made their way back into the ring to surround Steamboat as he pulled himself to his feet. Steamboat looked at all six of them as Sheffield egged him on. Steamboat delivered a chop, then Nexus pounded him down to the mat. Otunga still can't throw a kick, of note. The crowd was heated for this, so that has to count. Anderson was kicked away as he tried to make a desperation save. Nexus then lifted up Steamboat and fed him to Otunga for a dominator. Sheffield wanted a piece of Ricky next. Slater and Young then fed him right to Sheffield, who landed his big knockdown clothesline. The crowd chanted, "You suck," as Nexus posed in the ring. Nexus then positioned Ricky in the corner as Gabriel climbed up top. Gabriel slowly measured Steamboat before nailing the 450 Splash on Steamboat. Nexus stood over Steamboat and surveyed their work before the hard cam slowly panned all six of them glaring into the audience. Skip said they're done, then Skip led the group out of the ring. Of note, Michael Cole was silent throughout this after the Nexus group's music hit. Another solid advancement with the Nexus group after the set-up by the mystery Raw GM at the top of the show.


[Commercial Break]

Announcers: Cole was by himself recapping what happened in the previous segment. He said no one is safe when "Nexus or the Network" is around. Cole recapped Wade Barrett being at WWE HQ tonight while they showed highlights of Nexus picking off the Legends assembled with Steamboat.

In-ring: They cut back live to the arena where Steamboat was on a stretcher while fitted with a neckbrace. The other Legends were shown collecting themselves ringside with the aid of referees. Cole reminded viewers of the stipulation at the top of the show that Nexus could not attack WWE stars. He said the Legends are fair game, though, so Nexus won't face any consequences for their actions. Cole also said the WWE locker room did not come out because of the GM's stipulation that if any of the Superstars laid a hand on Nexus, they would be suspended. Cole fed to a clip of Steamboat's attack before they faded to another commercial. Nice sell of the angle by not continuing to other content and "staying in the moment." It did come across very sad that the Raw brand stars wouldn't risk suspension to help the Legends. If the audience really thought about it too long, it would make everyone on the roster seem like heels.

[Commercial Break]

In-ring: Cue up Alicia Fox's theme music to bring out Divas champ Alicia Fox and Maryse. Maryse sold not being too enthralled with the pairing with Alicia. Of note, Josh Mathews was replacing Lawler on color commentary. Cole quizzed him on whether he saw an attack coming during the backstage interview. Eve and Gail Kim then came out as the opposition in the Divas match.

3 -- Divas champion ALICIA FOX & MARYSE vs. EVE & GAIL KIM

From the "haven't we seen this before?" department, the tag match started with Alicia on the offensive working over Eve. Maryse then reluctantly took a tag and gave Alicia a hand motion before going to work on Eve. Alicia re-entered, but lost control and Eve tagged in Gail. Gail landed a series of clotheslines before hitting a huracanrana on Alicia for a two count. Alicia then rolled to the outside and brawled with Eve. Maryse re-entered behind the ref's back to cause a distraction, which allowed Alicia to sneak attack Gail and hit an axe kick for the pin and the win. Afterwards, Alicia held up her Divas Title belt in Maryse's face as Maryse tried to blow her off.

WINNER: Alicia & Maryse at 3:14. Basic tag match to build tension between Alicia and Maryse over the Divas Title. Fine developments. (*)

Still to come: Eight-man mega-tag match with the MITB participants. ... Best of WWE 2010 magazine plug: They plugged a new special edition of WWE Magazine with plenty of old-school WWE footage. Included - the WWF ice cream bars.


[Commercial Break]

Raw recap: They showed a video package from last week when the Nexus group beat down Mr. McMahon.

Announcers: Cole recapped the storyline that the new Raw GM will announce his decision on what actions, if any, will be taken against Nexus on next week's show. Cole and Mathews recapped events on this week's show with Nexus taking out the WWE Legends, specifically Ricky Steamboat. They continued to refer to him as "Dragon," which evokes thoughts on Bryan Danielson. Cole had an open-ended sentence that the new GM will be handing down something to Nexus. It could be punishment or a reward.

In-ring: Edge, then Chris Jericho came out for the eight-man MITB preview tag match. Edge was given heavy focus, while Jericho was quickly introduced. U.S. champ The Miz came out next as Mathews talked about him never being in a MITB match before. Ted DiBiase then walked out next with Maryse. Maryse gave him a kiss on the cheek, then DiBiase walked to the ring on his own. A bright red MITB briefcase was shown hanging above the ring. First out for the babyface team was R-Truth. John Morrison was out next to grant a ringside fan his sunglasses. Morrison and Truth stood ringside, then Evan Bourne came out third. Morrison proceeded to drag a ladder out from under the ring and set it up ringside. Cue up Randy Orton's theme music to a very strong pop as the final participant. I imagine we'll see the St. Louis Connection (Orton & Bourne) as a tag team on house shows pretty soon. They cut to a break as Orton slowly made his way to ringside to stand next to the babyfaces.

[Commercial Break]



The bell sounded back from break and the match was off with DiBiase and Morrison paired off against each other. Truth tagged in, landed a slap, and dumped DiBiase clean over the top rope to the floor. Bourne followed with a running kick strike off the ring apron that took DiBiase to the floor again. Back in the ring, Bourne went to work on DiBiase with more kick strikes. Miz made his way into the ring and battled with Bourne, who landed a double-foot smash to the jaw followed by a corner strike for a two count. Cole put over Bourne's potential creativity in the MTIB match at the PPV. Meanwhile, the crowd chanted for Orton, who remained on the ring apron.

The heels cut off Bourne and Jericho tagged in. Jericho cockily walked around the ring to draw heat before going to work on Bourne. Jericho then mocked Orton's ballerina pose with a smug look on his face before throwing Bourne back into the ring. Jericho paintbrushed Bourne, who teased a hot tag to Orton until Jericho pulled him back to the heel corner to tag in Miz. Cole noted Miz and Jericho were a tag team for "a cup of coffee." Mathews covered for Cole's commentary on the short-term booking by saying their egos were too large to co-exist.

Morrison eventually tagged in and battled his former tag partner, Miz. Morrison connected with a springboard Flying Chuck, then teased the Starship Pain, but DiBiase dragged Miz to the outside. Morrison changed course and took out DiBiase and Miz on the floor. Morrison tried to follow, but Edge attacked Morrison on the outside to cut off his momentum. The heels regained control and they cut to break.

[Commercial Break]

Back from break, the camera was tight on Jericho taking apart Morrison in the heel corner. They shot a clipped from during the break of Jericho driving a ladder into Morrison's mid-section while the ref was occupied. Back live, Jericho continued to work on Morrison and taunt the babyfaces before tagging out to Edge. DiBiase then entered and slowly worked on Morrison as the crowd chanted for Orton. Edge re-entered and teased the Spear, but Morrison moved and Edge missed in the corner. Morrison then teased a hot tag and dropped Edge with an enziguiri as Edge tried to cut him off. Both men were out cold on the mat as the crowd anticipated a hot tag for the babyfaces.

[Q9 -- over-run] Right at the top of the hour, Jericho made a tag for the heels and Bourne made a tag for the babyfaces. Bourne landed signature high-flying offense on Jericho before going up top. Jericho cut him off and teased a superplex, but Bourne knocked him to the mat. Bourne then airballed Air Bourne and Jericho immediately followed with the Codebreaker. Brilliant exchange. Jericho couldn't make a cover, so he went to his corner to tag in DiBiase. Meanwhile, Bourne made the St. Louis connection to Orton and the crowd exploded for Orton's first entry in the match. Orton immediately dropped DiBiase with the RKO and made a cover for the win. That was quick.

Post-match: Edge jumped Orton from behind to clear him out of the ring. Edge then tried to use a ladder, but Truth and Morrison dropkicked the ladder into Edge's face. Suddenly, heels and faces exchanged finishing moves on each other. Miz was left alone in the ring staring up at the briefcase hanging above the ring. Miz then set up a ladder and climbed the ladder. Orton had other ideas and re-entered the ring to knock Miz off the ladder.

The crowd chanted, "Randy, Randy" as he set up the ladder and climbed toward the briefcase. Cole posed the question of whether this will be the picture at the MITB PPV. They showed Orton retrieve the briefcase and hold up the MITB briefcase. Cue up Orton's theme music. After a few moments on Orton's "victory," Cole and Mathews made final notes on the show, then Raw closed with a shot of Orton standing on the ladder holding the briefcase.

WINNERS: Team Orton at 15:10. The match was a good forum to hit key points on the stars involved in the MITB ladder match at the PPV. The final segment could have used a non-physical appearance by the Nexus group to show they're still lurking in the background, but WWE wanted to focus solely on the MITB PPV to close the show. It was a bit of an anti-climatic ending after three weeks of Nexus-related angles to close Raw. Overall, it was fine to create some visuals to help sell the PPV. (**1/4)

We welcome your 0-10 score and comments on this show for a "Raw Reax" feature in the Torch Feedback section of To contribute your thoughts on Raw, email to using our Feedback form.

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