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WWE Raw Report
CALDWELL'S WWE RAW RESULTS 5/31: Ongoing "virtual time" coverage of Memorial Day Raw guest-hosted by Ashton Kutcher

May 31, 2010 - 10:10:32 PM

WWE Raw Results
May 31, 2010
Live from Austin, Tex.
Aired on USA Network
Report by James Caldwell, Torch assistant editor

WWE Raw opened cold with Edge and Evan Bourne already in the ring with Edge beating down Evan Bourne. Raw announcers Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler said Edge was out before Raw to address the crowd, but Bourne interrupted to say he wasn't going to stand by and let Edge steal the spotlight. Bourne then made a comeback and KO'ed Edge in the corner. Bourne went for Air Bourne, but Edge rolled out of the way in time. Edge then got those crazy eyes and crouched in the corner before smashing Bourne with a spear. Cole said Bourne challenged Edge to a match tonight wanting his spot at the Fatal Four-Way PPV.

Edge then took the mic and said what happened to Bourne here is exactly what's going to happen to his opponents at the PPV. Edge held his neck to sell Bourne's offense before catching his breath and saying people like Evan Bourne disrespect him no matter how often he proves his dominance. Edge said it all changes at Fatal Four-Way. He said John Cena is the "superhero" and quite possibly the strongest man in the industry. Then, there's Sheamus. He talked up Sheamus, then arrived at Randy Orton. Edge did his promo questioning the audience on why they follow Orton after they hopped in the snakepit like sheep. He said the audience shouldn't be surprised when Orton bites them. Edge said he will prove everyone wrong for all of the disrespect over the years when he becomes ten-time WWE champion.

Cue up Randy Orton's music to interrupt. Edge called him the silent assassin, the viper. He asked Orton if he's going to coil up and try to drop him. Edge said that's not going to happen because they both know Orton isn't 100 percent. He took credit for Orton's injury at Over the Limit, then told Orton he's not winning at Fatal Four-Way and he will hurt him. Edge said he's not kidding. Edge got too close to the snake and Orton dropped him center-ring with an emphatic RKO. Cue up Orton's theme music and Orton went to the corner for his old-school Orton pose to a crowd pop.

Cole and Lawler then plugged the Raw main event tonight of WWE champ Cena & Orton vs. Edge & Sheamus. They also plugged Ashton Kutcher guest-hosting the show. He's up next. Before going to break, they went to one more shot of Edge selling the RKO while Orton was staring back at him on the entranceramp. JC: Interesting start to the show trying to insert Bourne into the title picture. Also, Orton didn't seem to be hurting on showing any effects from the shoulder injury. We'll see how this plays out.

[Commercial Break]

Backstage: They had a different camera presentation with Ashton Kutcher shown backstage questioning Zack Ryder trying to talk smack to him on Twitter. It wasn't quite the TNA Reaction style, but certainly had the same effect. Divas champ Eve then came in to ask Kutcher what he's going to do about it. They went to a shot of the arena to show the segment airing live on the video screen. Interesting camera presentation here. The Miz then walked in and picked up conversation with Kutcher.

Kutcher said he talked to Raw GM Bret Hart about setting up a match with Miz tonight. Kutcher said they have a one-night contract for Daniel Bryan to face Miz. Miz said he's not scared and he'll beat him to a bloody pulp. Kutcher put over Daniel Bryan making him tap out tonight. Miz made a Nikon camera joke, then Kutcher started to suggest he would shove a camera so far up his...Eve interrupted to say they're PG. Kutcher told Miz to get lost and get ready for his match. Very interesting camera presentation there.


In-ring: Justin Roberts introduced new U.S. champion R-Truth to come out for a segment. Truth got the cheap pop referencing Austin, Texas before asking what's up. Cue up Chris Jericho's music to bring out Jericho. Apparently they're having a match. Cole filled in the blanks it's non-title and a victory by Jericho could put him in the running for a title shot down the road.

1 -- U.S. champion R-TRUTH vs. CHRIS JERICHO -- non-title match

Jericho grabbed a headlock early on as Cole formally introduced the show from on-campus at UT and recapped the opening segment. Truth then slingshot Jericho through the ropes to the floor in front of the announce table. Truth followed with a slingshot plancha and Cole sent to a commercial.

[Commercial Break]

Back from break, Jericho was in control working over Truth as the announcers suggested the wrestlers in the locker room aren't taking Truth seriously as U.S. champion until he proves it. Jericho slapped Truth, so Truth came back with a flying fist smash. Truth showed his "quirky style" on offense with some awkward blows Jericho tried blocking. Truth then hit a boot to the face for a two count. Jericho blocked a corner attack, then hit a running bulldog out of the corner. Jericho airballed the Lionsault and both men recovered on the mat. Truth tried a scissors kick, but Jericho ducked and teased the Walls of Jericho. Truth flung him away, though, and kinda executed a facebuster suplex for a two count. Jericho then hit a clothesline after a referee distraction and scored a two count.

Jericho caught his breath and stomped on Truth before mocking him with "What's up?" shouts. Truth did his flashy acrobatics before Jericho attempted the Walls of Jericho. He couldn't lock it in and Truth countered with a small package pin for the three count and the win. Post-match: Truth smiled and soaked in the fan reaction to the victory. Meanwhile, Jericho stared at the mat in disgust selling confusion and shock over how he lost. Another loss for Jericho seems to be leading somewhere with Jericho perhaps snapping. Lawler said he's worried about Jericho.

WINNER: Truth at 9:46. Decent story to the match, but some sloppy spots. Truth has to clean up some of his offense, but he will apparently have plenty of opportunities with WWE strongly behind him. The post-match with Jericho was an intriguing post-script that will keep viewers wanting to see where it's leading. (*1/2)

Still to come: Cena & Orton vs. Sheamus & Edge. ... NXT plug: The finale is tomorrow night. They're advertising it as the "Live!" season finale.


[Commercial Break]

PPV theme music plug: Toby Mac is providing the official theme music for the Fatal Four-Way PPV. That's a nice get for WWE. And another Christian rock band providing a WWE PPV theme song.

Raw recap: They went back to last week when Batista "quit" after Bret Hart booked him in a "match" against Randy Orton for a PPV qualifier. Batista was shown quitting, then they went backstage.

Backstage: Zack Ryder and Alicia Fox were talking to someone off-camera. The camera panned right to show Bret Hart. Ryder said he's watching Hart because he believes he's in cahoots with Kutcher. Natalya then entered the scene and hugged Hart. Tyson Kidd and D.H. Smith wanted to know what's up with who attacked them last week. Hart said he knows they're the Usos and he signed them to Raw. Hart said he didn't know they would attack HD, but they need to learn how to handle adversity. He asked them what they're going to do about the Usos. Natalya then led a strategy session.

In-ring: Divas champion Eve and Santino Marella came to the ring for a mixed tag match. Match up next.

[Commercial Break]

In-ring: Maryse came to the ring back from break. William Regal of all people was added as her partner, with Kozlov accompanying Regal to the ring. Before the match, Santino took the mic to cut a promo on Kozlov. He asked Kozlov why he continues to team with Regal when he could be with the "irremovable object." Plus, Eve has agreed to... make love to Kozlov. Kozlov perked up. Eve denied that. Santino corrected himself that Eve would love if Kozlov would be his tag partner. This was dying with the crowd. Santino then got a pop referencing the Cobra.

2 -- Divas champion EVE & SANTINO MARELLA vs. MARYSE & WILLIAM REGAL (w/Kozlov)

Eve and Maryse started things off, then Regal and Santino tagged in. Regal dominated Santino, including hitting an exploder suplex before slapping on the Regal Stretch. Maryse broke it up, then the ref lost track of things as the Divas began brawling. Suddenly, Kozlov hit the ring and dropped Regal with a chokeslam that got a pop. Maryse and Kozlov suddenly ran off together. Back in the ring, Santino pinned Regal to score the win.

WINNERS: Eve & Santino at 2:25. That was an interesting match finish, especially Maryse running off with Kozlov after Kozlov seemed to turn babyface. Wait and see on how this sorts itself out. (n/a)


Backstage: Bret Hart was shown walking down the hallway. He has an announcement concerning next week's show, which is a three-hour broadcast.

[Commercial Break]

NXT plug: Find out who wins NXT tomorrow night.

Memorial Day video: The annual Memorial Day tribute aired, dedicating the show to the U.S. armed forces. Arena: They cut to a shot of a servicemen in the building and a fan holding up a U.S. flag.

In-ring: Bret Hart came out seven minutes before the top of the hour. It's worth noting the more professional look from Hart with slick, pulled back hair into a ponytail, blue jeans, and his trademark black jacket. Cole and Lawler noted the strong ovation for Hart as Lawler said he never imagined the day Hart would be back in WWE, much less GM. Hart opened his speech saying hello to Austin. Hart said he's been GM for about a week and he's been having so much fun. He said he got together with Smackdown GM Teddy Long to put together something real special next week. All of the stars from Raw and Smackdown will be on the show and it will be so special that they decided to make it three hours. Hart said they were talking and decided to let the fans participate. He said if the wrestlers have ideas, bring them up. He said his promise is that next week's Raw will be a night to remember.

Suddenly, Ted DiBiase's music hit to interrupt. Out came DiBiase along with Virgil. Apparently he wasn't killed by the finger pinch deal by Jon Lovitz last week. Ugh. DiBiase entered the ring and said Hart should give him the show for the entire night. He said he's willing and able to pay him and Long whatever it takes. "Is that right?" Hart asked. DiBiase told Hart not to look so smug like he can't be bought. DiBiase said his old man said everyone has a price, and that includes Hart. DiBiase said he can buy Long off easy, but he wants to buy off Hart because he's "above things and too good." DiBiase said he knows why Hart came back to WWE - because he needs money. DiBiase told Hart not to let pride get in the way because all Hart needs to do is name his price.

Suddenly, Ashton Kutcher appeared on the video screen to slow down the train. He told Hart he has an idea. "What if instead next week we do the first-ever Raw Viewer's Choice," he said. Kutcher said the viewers get to pick the matches, the stipulations, etc. Basically it's Taboo Tuesday on free TV. Hart said he likes that idea, so next week will be Viewer's Choice Night.

[Q5 -- second hour]

Suddenly, No Chance In Hell hit. Yep, it's about that time. Vince McMahon strutted out at the top of the hour. DiBiase and Virgil left the ring as McMahon entered the ring to a strong reaction. McMahon tried to do a fan polling before telling Bret he's just messing with him. McMahon said Hart looks ten years older than the last time he saw him at WrestleMania. McMahon said he's never looked better. He reminded Hart of the bashing he gave him at WrestleMania. Hart said he hit him with a chair 18 times. McMahon no-sold and said that would have taken out a normal man. The audience interjected, "You tapped out," which caused McMahon to pause. McMahon said he didn't really tap. He said Hart must have gotten all that aggression out of his system because he jumped on the opportunity to become Raw GM.

McMahon brought up the question on why he would let Hart become GM. He said perhaps there's some sort of nefarious plot to set Hart up for vengeance. McMahon said perhaps it's keep your friends close and your enemies closer, or maybe he just thinks the fans like Hart and he's okay with it. McMahon gave the okay to the Viewer's Choice gimmick and said Hart will have to make some tough decisions later on. He said Hart has to treat the people and fans like children. That drew boos. McMahon sarcastically said he means that as a complement. He said when you're mentoring children, you have to make the right decisions for them because they're not capable. McMahon asked Hart what he's going to do if the fans boo him out of the building. He said he came out here to simply wish Hart luck. "Do you believe that?" McMahon asked. Hart whispered, "No."

McMahon wished him good luck. He closed that it's a wonderful story this man (Hart) vanished from Raw 13 years ago and now has come back as Raw GM. McMahon paused and said he hopes this story has a happy ending. McMahon had a smug smile on his face as his music hit. McMahon asked for applause for himself before dancing around the ring with Hart standing still. McMahon then left the ring as Hart remained in the ring. Hart sold not being too happy with how this unfolded. PYB (3) talk time: 12:32. That was a loaded promo exchange. Hart was booked to cower at the end, while McMahon seemed to relish being in the spotlight again. As for the Viewer's Choice bit, it's like Taboo Tuesday on free TV with yet another Supershow of Raw and Smackdown.

Backstage: Zack Ryder was having a conversation with Randy Orton. Orton said he's not the one who put out the hit on him. Ryder and Alicia Fox then went on their way trying to find the person who put the hit out on him. Suddenly, Edge slammed a door into Orton's shoulder. Orton dropped to the ground and sold a shoulder injury. We talked about this happening on the Livecast before Raw. A stagehand ran up and asked for some help as Orton writhed in pain as they cut to commercial.

[Commercial Break]

Announcers: They went to an exterior shot of The Drum (Frank Erwin Center) with the arena lit up burnt orange like the clock tower following big UT victories. Cole and Lawler put over the city, then talked about the backstage attack by Edge on Orton. Lawler speculated Orton won't be able to go tonight in the tag main event.

In-ring: The Miz's music hit to bring out Miz, then Daniel Bryan came out to the annoying NXT theme music. They rolled footage from NXT last week when Cole and Bryan had yet another scrap. Lawler told Cole that if he's going to try slapping a wrestler, he needs to have a better escape plan. Cole went quiet, then cut a promo on Bryan when they showed footage of Bryan dropping Miz with a forearm on the way out.



Bryan blasted Miz with clenched fists early on, then he missed with a corner attack. Miz landed left hand forearm blows as Cole did his customary promo on Bryan. The ref demanded a corner break as they cut to a shot of Cole continuing to cut his promo. Miz went up top and landed a double axe-handle smash. Cole then cut a promo on vegans. Miz slapped Bryan across the face, then Bryan trapped Miz on the mat with a Crossface. Bryan wrenched back as the crowd popped. Miz tried to counter out of it, but Bryan countered into a crucifix pin. He scored the three count for the win, which led to a look of shock by Cole ringside.

Post-match: Miz attacked Bryan from behind and chucked him to the floor. Cole tried to act like it was the biggest upset ever, which drew laughs from Lawler. Miz then tried to force Bryan to apologize to Cole, but Bryan shook off Miz and chucked him across the announce table into Cole's lap. Bryan jumped back into the ring and smiled for an appreciative crowd while having an eager look on his face to get a bigger piece of Miz. Miz recovered to his feet and huffed and puffed while Bryan left the ringside area. Lawler comically told Cole to get up. Lawler recapped Bryan making a big impression on a one-day contract. They continued to focus on Bryan and Miz on opposite sides of the ringside area before cutting to break.

WINNER: Miz at 2:02. A good development in the storyline despite the inherent flaws of creating a storyline focused on a non-wrestler who has to switch back and forth between a heel announcer and trusted play-by-play announcer on the same show. They left it open-ended on the future of the program, with Bryan being "signed to a one-day contract" on Raw. We'll see where this is going. I question WWE giving away the first match between Miz and Bryan on free TV without hype, but this program still has legs to it. (*)

[Commercial Break]

Announcers: Cole tried to act put off by what happened before the break. Lawler asked if he's all right and Cole played a whiny heel claiming he was assaulted again.

In-ring: The Usos were in the ring in street clothes. Jules and Jimmy went back and forth finishing each other's sentences saying they have everyone tripping on who they are. They already have good heat, as they stopped for a "You Suck" chant. They said they put Hart Dynasty on notice. Jimmy Uso said their bloodlines run just as deep as the Harts. He said they're not stereotypical Samoans, though, because they have fashion and college scholarships. Jimmy said they had to make a name for themselves last week. Tamina took the mic and said they respect where the Hart Dynasty came from, but they're upset because their family doesn't get the same respect. She referenced being the daughter of "Superfly" Jimmy Snuka. She said Jimmy was put in a corner at the first WrestleMania when he had something to offer. That's not happening anymore, she said. Tamina said they were born and created for one purpose. "Dominate," they all said together.

Suddenly, the Hart music hit and the Usos dropped their mics. And the fight was on with a Pier Six breaking out in the ring. Kidd landed a double-foot dropkick on Jimmy before they attempted the Hart Attack, but Tamina tripped up Smith. Tamina then dropped Natalya with a clothesline on the floor. They executed a sweet double-team lift-up Samoan Drop on Kidd before all three went up top. They hit their simultaneous top-rope splashes before exiting the ring. Lawler said the Usos are Rikishi's twin sons. Their names have been officially given as Jay & Jimmy Uso and Tamina. Great energy from the Usos bringing some swagger to Raw. Their promo was a bit drawn-out, but they handled it pretty well.

Recap: Cole was now back in regular announcer role recapping what happened backstage when Randy Orton was taken out by Edge. The graphic now has a question mark in Orton's place. Cole said Cena will be in a handicap match or will have to find a new partner tonight.


[Commercial Break]

In-ring: The Ryder Quest continues. Zack Ryder and Alicia Fox came to the ring with a purpose. Ryder said Ashton Kutcher wants to put a hit out on him, but Alicia has a great idea. He said he's out in the ring demanding Kutcher tell him who put a hit out on him. Kutcher appeared on the screen again to tell Ryder he'll tell him. Jerry Lawler suddenly entered the ring with chair in hand. Lawler unfolded the chair and sat down. Kutcher said it's not him, though. Awkward. Lawler left the ring, then Great Khali's music hit. Uh-oh. Khali came out dressed in normal wrestling gear. "At least he's not dressed in a tuxedo this week," Cole said. Ryder bailed from the ring as Khali stood in the ring to do a big Khali pose. Kutcher said it's actually not Khali either. Ryder then entered the ring as Khali left. Goldust's music hit this time. Lawler called him a movie...freak. Kutcher was back. No, it's not him.

Ryder said he can't take it anymore. He said he's sorry he called him out on Twitter. "Just tell me who it is, bro!" Kutcher asked if he really, really wants to know. He said Ryder is never going to see it coming, just like his movie, "Killers." Fox took the mic and said she's tired of this little joke. She dropped the mic and Ryder went to pick it up, but Fox gave her a scissors kick to no pop. Kutcher was shown on the screen again to applaud Alicia Fox. He said that's why you don't mess him or his Twitter followers. He mocked Ryder's catchphrase as Fox left the ring mocking Ryder. That might have been the worst payoff to an angle ever. At least Ryder, a young talent, was all over the show getting TV time and attention by Kutcher, but the angle totally bombed.

Backstage: Edge was getting his gear right for the main event tag match. In walked Sheamus. He congratulated "fella" on what he did to Orton. Sheamus suggested he doesn't trust Edge, then Edge interrupted and said he already weakened Orton, so now they can weaken Cena if they're smart. Sheamus rubbed his beard and said he agrees. He said if Edge takes advantage of him, though, it will be the last mistake he ever makes.

[Commercial Break]

This Week in WWE history: They focused on Junkyard Dog for an "in remembrance" type video package promoting Classics On-Demand. They focused on JYD's WWE gimmick and being "unmatched" as an entertainer.

Announcers: Cole plugged the cast of A-Team guest-hosting the show next week. No mention of Rampage Jackson fresh off main-eventing UFC 114. It's highly unlikely that will be part of the presentation. Cole added that match stipulations and details on the Viewer's Choice format will be on WWE's website.


In-ring: Edge, then Sheamus came out for the main event. Cole said they understand Randy Orton is out of the match tonight. It doesn't do much good to have a babyface authority figure if there are no consequences to Edge taking out a babyface, Randy Orton, before a scheduled match. Anyways, they paused before John Cena's music hit to a trademark strong reaction. The camera focused on a sea of orange Cena merchandise in the building before Cena took the mic on stage. Cena said due to Edge's actions, Orton has re-injured his shoulder and he will be unable to compete tonight. Cena mockingly said it was a smart plan. He said the problem is every single person in the locker room hates Edge. Cena hyped his tag partner defying the laws of gravity and his partner still being upset about what happened earlier on the show. Cena then gave a big hype job to Evan Bourne, who came out on stage and stormed the ring with Cena. This is one way to try to make a new star.


Cena started things off as Bourne smiled from the apron. Edge started for the heel team and they locked up center ring. Edge controlled things from the start before Cena came back with a flying bulldog. Bourne then tagged in and landed a double foot smash from the second rope. Bourne worked over Edge's left shoulder before Edge smashed him in the back with a forearm smash. Bourne suddenly came flying off the ropes with a snap head scissors into rapid-fire leg attacks. Edge rolled to the outside to recover as they cut to break.

[Commercial Break]

Back from break, Edge was working over Bourne as Cena was looking for a tag. Edge knocked Bourne to the floor and did a number on him before tagged in Sheamus back in the ring. Sheamus stomped on Bourne before elevating him for a big suplex. Bourne fought out with a knee to the shoulder, though, and he kicked Sheamus with body shots before teasing a hot tag to Cena. The crowd bought the hot tag as Bourne wiggled his fingers close to Cena before Sheamus yanked him away and nailed a Polish hammer for a two count. The heels went back to isolating Bourne as the crowd chanted, "Cena." Edge mockingly did his rock 'n roll hand signal, which has a much different meaning in Austin referencing Hook 'Em Horns, to draw heat. Bourne teased another hot tag before running into a big boot by Edge for another two count.

[Q9 -- over-run]

The match continued to the top of the hour with Edge settling into a chinlock on Bourne. Bourne broke free, then smashed Edge with an enziguiri. Cena played to the hot crowd giving them a big look to cheer on Bourne inching toward the corner. Bourne finally hopped across the ring and tagged in Cena, who exploded on Sheamus and did his routine. Cena did the You Can't See Me before delivering the Five Knuckle Shuffle. Cena then teased the Attitude Adjustment, but Sheamus blocked and hit a powerslam. Sheamus teased the pump kick, but Cena ducked and Bourne blasted Sheamus with an enziguiri from the apron. Cena then dropped Sheamus with the Attitude Adjustment center ring. Edge tried a spear out of nowhere, but Cena side-stepped him and Edge spilled to the floor. The crowd was going nuts at this point with Cena tagging in Bourne, who went up top and nailed the Air Bourne splash on Sheamus. Bourne made the pin for the win to a big pop.

Post-match: Cena celebrated with Bourne for a minute or two as the announcers talked up Cena's pick to replace Orton tonight. They replayed the finish with several replays of Bourne's finisher before cutting back to Cena and Bourne celebrating in the ring. Cena gave Bourne the floor to get his shine before the show wrapped up with Cena and Bourne standing tall in the ring.

WINNERS: Cena & Bourne at 11:16. They tried to make a star in one night here. It was fitting, as the show started with an angle trying to involve Evan Bourne in a big program, then finishing with Bourne looking like a big star getting in his finisher and standing next to Cena. The crowd was hot for the main event to create some energy for the formula finish that worked well for this show with two weeks remaining to build to the PPV. (**1/2)

FINAL THOUGHTS: It was like this show was in a weird dual universe with Bret Hart and Vince McMahon picking up their feud from the 1990s while the rest of the show was focused on building stars for the 2010s. The latter was needed and WWE made it a really big night for Evan Bourne. As always in wrestling, follow-up is key, but they made a conscious effort to make some stars or elevate stars tonight.

We welcome your 0-10 score and comments on this show for a "Raw Reax" feature in the Torch Feedback section of To contribute your thoughts on Raw, email to using our Feedback form.

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PWTorch editor Wade Keller has covered pro wrestling full time since 1987 starting with the Pro Wrestling Torch print newsletter. launched in 1999 and the PWTorch Apps launched in 2008.

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