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WWE Raw Report
CALDWELL'S WWE RAW RESULTS 5/24: Ongoing "virtual time" coverage of Raw following Over the Limit PPV

May 24, 2010 - 10:06:24 PM

WWE Raw Results
May 24, 2010
Live from Toledo, Ohio
Aired on USA Network
Report by James Caldwell, Torch assistant editor

WWE Raw opened with a video package on the Over the Limit PPV last night focusing on the main event WWE Title match with John Cena retaining over Batista. Cena, do you want to quit? Grunt. Batista, do you want to quit? Grunt. They presented it like an action movie with the big spots, dramatic pauses for them refusing to quit, the failed car wreck scene, and Batista finally quitting when hoisted on Cena's shoulders on top of the car. But, wait, Sheamus was in the post-movie credits interrupting Cena's curtain call.

Arena: After fireworks shot off to introduce the show, Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler welcomed the audience to the broadcast. Justin Roberts then introduced Batista. No sign of Batista initially. He then hobbled out sporting taped ribs, a cast, and street clothes while sporting some old-school Randy Savage shades. Two refs helped Batista down the entrance ramp and the camera focused on Batista having a near-comical purple shiner around his entire right eye. Batista palmed one of the ref's heads like a basketball as he walked up the ring steps into the ring. That was great. Cole noted Batista needed 10-15 minutes just to be extracted from the area below the stage last night. Already in the ring was a wheelchair for Batista to sit in. Batista then told the refs to scram before demanding his spotlight.

In-ring: Batista said yes, he did say two words he thought would never say. Batista said he said "I quit" because his life was being threatened. The crowd booed this statement. Batista added that because of John Cena's "malicious actions," he is contemplating filing suit against Cena and WWE. And every fan in the WWE Universe for supporting what happened to him. Great heel line. Batista said that's not how championship matches are supposed to go down: duct tape and being thrown off cars. Batista said he could stoop to "John Lena" er... John Cena's level, but he believes in honor.

Batista waited out a "You Suck" chant and said he's out of action for weeks, months, even maybe years, which drew a pop. Batista told the audience to cheer now because he'll be back and one way or another, Cena will give him a re-match. Justin Roberts suddenly interrupted to announce the new General Manager of Raw. ...

WWE Hall of Famer Bret Hart.

Michael Cole's worst nightmare just came true. Hart then came out to the ring to a big pop as Batista told him to go away and get out of here. Hart took the mic and said there's a new sheriff in town. Hart said on June 20, there's going to be a new WWE PPV concept called Fatal Four-Way. No pop. Hart said if Cena is still champion at the time, he's going to take on three different competitors with all of them decided tonight. Hart addressed Batista, telling him he can qualify for the Fatal Four-Way right now. Batista looked around stunned. "Did you not hear me? I'm sitting here in a wheelchair hurt!" Batista said. Hart said Batista's opponent is hurt, too. His opponent is...Randy Orton. Batista shouted he's hurt and he can't compete. Hart reminded Batista he wanted a match with Cena, so take it or forfeit. Batista said if Hart does that, he'll quit and leave the entire industry. Hart said on account of a forfeit, Randy Orton qualifies for Fatal Four-Way. Hart's music hit and he left the ring.

Batista tried to get out of his wheelchair, but he feigned re-injuring himself. Batista then tried to wheel his way around the ring as Hart left Batista in the ring. Hart wouldn't turn around. Batista then yanked off his shades and said he's not kidding. Batista, in a wheelchair, said the audience is nothing without him and the whole company will go bankrupt within a week. He said the audience will get so bored that they'll never watch again. "I quiiiiiit!" Batista shouted before dropping the mic. Batista then pulled himself up and hobbled to the ropes to get an escort out of the ring. The crowd did the good-bye song as Batista hobbled out selling his injuries while telling the audience to kiss his backside. Batista quit, yet WWE referee resources were expended to give Batista an escort out of the ring? Roberts told the audience, "Let's hear it for Batista!" The crowd booed. Cole and Lawler sold confusion before Cole quietly said, "Dave Batista has quit WWE." Fade to commercial. PYB (3) talk time: 9:25. Very good opening segment thanks to Batista. He's so great playing the delusional heel. Considering Cole's recent heel rants on Hart, it seems inevitable they'll have a follow-up angle with Hart now Raw GM.


[Commercial Break]

Recap: Cole fed to a video recapping Batista "quitting" WWE in the opening segment. ... On-camera: Cole and Lawler broke down what just happened. Lawler said Batista is being escorted out of the building right now. Cole recapped Bret Hart being named the new Raw GM and Randy Orton qualifying for the Four-Way PPV. Up next is another qualifier.

In-ring: Justin Roberts is getting all kinds of TV time tonight, with him introducing Mark Henry for the first legit qualifying match. Sheamus was out as Henry's opponent.

1 -- MARK HENRY vs. SHEAMUS -- Fatal Four-Way PPV qualifying match

Cole again referenced Sheamus taking out Triple H at Extreme Rules to keep Hunter's name on the air and in the minds of viewers. Sheamus tried to over-power Henry early on, but Henry out-muscled Sheamus and cleared him to the floor. Cole then cut his heel promo on Bret Hart wanting to know how Mr. McMahon allowed this to happen with Hart the new Raw GM. Lawler said they hope to get an explanation eventually. Back in the ring, Sheamus cut down Henry at the knees to begin working him over on the mat. Henry made a comeback from his feet before running over Sheamus with a brick-wall block. Henry then wanted a big splash and he connected. Sheamus kicked out of a pin attempt, though. He tried a running splash in the corner, but Sheamus moved. Sheamus then tried a top rope move, but Henry caught him in mid-air. He attempted a press slam, but Henry sold shoulder pain and dropped Sheamus on his feet. Sheamus then followed with an emphatic pump kick to the face that took out Henry. Nice sequence. Sheamus with the pin for the win.

WINNER: Sheamus at 4:05. Nice four-minute TV match with something on the line and a sense of urgency to the match. So, it's Cena vs. Orton vs. Sheamus vs. ??? at the next PPV. (*1/4)

Announcers: Cole and Lawler randomly announced that Bret Hart has vacated the U.S. Title. And tonight it will be former champ The Miz vs. R-Truth for the title. It was presented as such a sidebar announcement that it basically told the audience the title doesn't matter.

[Commercial Break]


Tonight: Jon Lovitz is the guest host. He's hosting a "Superstar Search" talent contest. Another "hidden talent" guest-hosting gimmick.

Backstage: Lovitz was on the phone randomly talking to someone. He was apparently leaving a voice-mail for Vince McMahon to sell him a portion of the company. Maryse then walked in and greeted Lovitz, who acted like he thought she was the masseuse. Maryse wanted to enter the contest. They went back and forth with a "failure to communicate" type conversation that rubbed Maryse the wrong way. She acted put-off, then roared in Lovitz's face when he tried to speak French, causing Lovitz to run off screen.

Backstage: Bret Hart and Edge talked about the Fatal Four-Way deal. Edge said since Edge qualified over Batista, he should face an equally beat-up John Cena tonight to qualify for the match. Chris Jericho then walked in and said he deserves a shot. He reminded Edge he beat him at WrestleMania. Jericho demanded that "Hart" give him the final spot. Hart calmed them down and said Jericho vs. Edge vs. Cena tonight. If either one wins, he qualifies. If neither one wins, they don't get a spot and he'll find someone else for the spot. Edge said he's a better champ and a better Canadian than either one of them. Edge walked off, then Jericho put his hand on Hart's shoulder. He told him not to make an enemy out of him otherwise he'll make him realize taking this job was the worst decision of his life. Hart smirked and said he looks forward to that.

Smackdown plug: Undertaker returns. No one is safe. It's not much of a "return" when he was on Raw last week, but the point was he returns to "Smackdown world" within WWE.

[Commercial Break]

In-ring: Maryse and Alicia Fox were in the ring hugging and posing for the camera in preparation for the next match. After a plug for the three-way Cena vs. Edge vs. Jericho match later tonight, Divas champion Eve and Gail Kim came out to the ring. Eve proudly held up her Divas Title for the audience before the match began.

2 -- Divas champion EVE & GAIL KIM vs. MARYSE & ALICIA FOX

Eve acted like she wanted another piece of Maryse after the PPV last night, but Maryse blew her off and fixed her hair while standing on the apron. Tremendous charisma. Gail and Alicia started things off, then Maryse cut off Gail and went to work on Eve's partner. Eve then took a hot tag and cleaned house on Maryse. Eve hit Tara's standing moonsault, but Fox broke up a pin. In the confusion, Alicia blasted Eve with a kick to the face behind the ref's back. Maryse then hit the French Kiss DDT on Eve for the pin and the win. The heels then celebrated the victory on the way out.

WINNERS: Maryse & Gail at 2:11. And the Eve vs. Maryse feud must continue. It's fine, as they have a nice program going. (*)


Raw recap: They went back to last week when Bret Hart won the U.S. Title with the help of a ton of interference. Cole and Lawler recapped Hart giving up the title tonight and up next is Miz vs. Truth to determine the new U.S. champ. They went a split-screen shot of both men walking down the hallway in preparation for the match.

[Commercial Break]

NXT plug: The contest is down to the Final Four. Who is next to be eliminated tomorrow night?

In-ring: More TV time for Justin Roberts introducing the U.S. Title match up next. Out first was R-Truth rapping on the way to the ring. Truth got in his full ring intro before asking Toledo what's up. Cue up The Miz's theme music to bring out Miz with mic in hand. Miz said Truth is always asking what's up and his answer is he's taking back what never should have been taken from him in the first place. He said he's walking out U.S. champion because he's The Miz and he's awesome.

3 -- THE MIZ vs. R-TRUTH -- U.S. Title match

Cole reset the deal that Bret Hart is the new Raw GM and this match is for the vacated title after Hart won the belt last week. Lawler checked Cole on his anti-Hart comments recently and Cole tried to backtrack that he didn't quite mean what he said about wanting Hart to go away. Truth knocked Miz to the floor early on and Miz regrouped as they cut to break.

[Commercial Break. Another NXT plug.]

Back from break, Miz was standing over Truth on the outside. Miz rammed Truth into the ring apron focusing on Truth's left shoulder before they recapped what happened during the break when Truth nearly broke his neck attempting a dive to the outside. Cole put over the heritage of the U.S. Title while Miz worked over Truth back in the ring. Cole: "I tell you, Miz looks a bit naked (awkward pause) without championship gold." It was as awkward as Cole excitedly saying he's dreamed of picturing C.M. Punk bald for a long time. Miz continued to work over Truth as they reached the top of the hour.

[Q5 -- second hour] Miz hung Truth upside down in the corner and the ref reprimanded him, causing Miz to be distracted. Truth then suddenly did a sit-up into an overhead suplex toss. That was impressive. Truth then made a full comeback with a pancake followed by a missile dropkick from the second rope for a two count. Truth followed with a modified STO and scored a two count. Truth looked to the crowd, then went up top as Miz recovered to his feet. Truth hit a cross- body, but Miz rolled through into a pin attempt for a close two count. The crowd gasped as Truth nearly lost.

Miz then wanted the Reality Check, but Truth countered into a backslide for another close two. The crowd rallied with an "R-Truth" chant as Truth tried a small package, but scored a two count only. Truth then wanted a scissors kick, but Miz ducked. Truth then ducked a clothesline and smashed Miz off the ropes with the Lie Detector. Pin and the win. Truth is your new U.S. champion. They recapped the highlights as Truth got his shine celebrating with the title, although he was more casual than Kofi Kingston celebrating the IC Title victory last night.

WINNER: Truth at 10:05 to capture the U.S. Title. WWE obviously sees a lot in Truth as a featured babyface on Raw. The title victory explains why they had Truth go over DiBiase at the PPV last night. This was a strong TV match with some good nearfalls at the end and another sense of urgency to a match on Raw. (**1/2)

Recap: Cole and Lawler recapped Bret Hart being named the new Raw GM. They focused on Batista quitting WWE in the opening segment before recapping the Fatal Four-Way situation tonight. Up later, it's Cena vs. Jericho vs. Edge.

Backstage: Josh Mathews brought in WWE champion John Cena for an interview. Cena walked in looking excited, but with one eye messed up. Cena said the match last night ended one man's career, but not his. He started his preacher promo about finally feeling good having closure with Batista. Cena said he started celebrating last night after his match, then he was kicked in the face by Sheamus. Cena made a Muppets joke, then got serious and said Sheamus went after him because Sheamus wants the "most coveted prize in sports entertainment." Cena put over the title, saying wrestlers risk their entire career to get the belt, then when you get the title, champions realize the hardest part is keeping the title. Cena said his promise is the person who takes this belt from him will earn it, oh yeah. Cena put everyone on notice that any challenger or threat better bring his A-Game because he's done playing nice. He closed, "The Cenation is here."

[Commercial Break]

In-ring: More TV time for Justin Roberts to introduce Jon Lovitz after plugging his comedy club in the Los Angeles area. The Bella Twins fulfilled their role on Raw escorting Lovitz to the ring for his comedy bit on the show. Lovitz needed help getting in the ring, so the Bellas shoved him by the seat of his pants into the ring.


Lovitz and the Bellas sat down at a table in the ring to introduce the talent contest. Lovitz said he has more power than the announcers, referees, and Mr. McMahon himself. Lovitz started a promo on McMahon, but cut himself off and focused on his buzzer on the table. Out came Great Khali and Singh in matching tuxedos. Khali did a horribly awkward dance as Singh tried to sing. This show was on pace for being a really good episode, then the guest host variety bit had to interrupt. Lovitz said that wasn't the worst thing he's ever seen in showbiz because he saw Rosie O'Donnell naked. That was joke's ten years old. Jillian Hall came out to sing next, but Lovitz hit the buzzer before Jillian could even start to sing. Lovitz to the audience: "I take it you don't like her?"

Lovitz then got up from the table and said he made a mistake with this because he should be looking to the audience. He polled the audience after putting over Lawler's charisma. He found a plant in the front row, who hopped into the ring. His name is Joe. His talent is he can pull his eye out of his face. "You can what?" Lovitz asked. Joe then took off his glasses and they did a drumroll before Joe started fooling around with his eye. He started digging into his pocket before taking out some eye drops and yanking out an eyeball.

With the interruption, it was Ted DiBiase dressed in a suit with Virgil following behind him. DiBiase was in a suit with the Million Dollar Belt over his shoulder. Joe remained in the ring with Lovitz and the Bellas as DiBiase stepped up to Lovitz. DiBiase said he wants the eyeball. "How much? How much for your eyeball?" he asked. Joe said he can't sell the eyeball. Virgil then pulled out a wad of cash. DiBiase vowed to beat up Joe, then Santino's music hit. Santino stomped out looking determined to beat someone up. Santino said he's mastered a trick of his own. He told "Mr. Dibikaske" that he'll pull the trick on "Virgil" (with the same syllable emphasis like the word "virgin" for comedy effect). Santino then dropped Virgil with his trick cobra before DiBiase dropped Santino with Dream Street. Lovitz backed down and declared DiBiase the winner. Cue up DiBiase's music as Lovitz plugged his comedy club at Universal Studios. Lovitz posed with the Bellas to close the segment. PYB (3) talk time: 10:20. More misses than hits in that segment, although Lovitz had some moments. It just screwed with the tone of the show after a very strong show before this segment.

[Commercial Break]


Smackdown plug: The Undertaker is returning to Smackdown world.

Announcers: Lawler said he can't wait for Smackdown to see The Undertaker return. Cole then recapped the news on the show with Bret Hart the new Raw GM and the first two Fatal Four-Way qualifiers. The graphic showed Cena defending vs. Sheamus, Orton, and potentially Edge or Jericho.

In-ring: Cue up Bret Hart's music to bring out the Unified tag champions Hart Dynasty. Natalya led the champs to the ring as William Regal and Kozlov were already waiting in the ring.

4 -- Unified tag champions HART DYNASTY (TYSON KIDD & D.H. SMITH w/Natalya) vs. WILLIAM REGAL & KOZLOV -- non-title match

The bell sounded and Regal blasted Kidd in the head to jumpstart the match. Kozlov then tagged in to work over Kidd. Kidd came back with a kick to the head before Smith tagged in and ran into a headbutt from Kozlov. Regal then tagged in and airballed with his Knee Trembler. Kidd then tagged in and they hit a double-team Hart Attack. Kidd made the pin as Smith knocked Kozlov off the ring apron.

Post-match: Suddenly, a new team and female valet hit the ring. It's the Uso Brothers, Jimmy and Jules. All three members of Hart Dynasty were KO'ed in the ring, then the Usos and their manager went up top and paused before hitting a triple simultaneous flying splash. They stood tall in the ring over the tag champs to close the segment without being named by name.

WINNERS: Hart Dynasty at 1:20. The story was obviously the post-match with the Usos getting a call up to the big leagues from FCW. Very interesting with WWE's apparent renewed emphasis on tag team wrestling. (n/a)

[Commercial Break]

NXT plug: Who's next in line for an elimination? Third plug of the night.

Backstage: Josh Mathews brought in the four remaining NXT Rookies dressed in suits. Justin Gabriel said Heath Slater should be next to go. He said he can't picture him in a championship match on PPV. Wade Barrett agreed, saying he wants the "ginger hair one" to go. Slater shook them off, saying Gabriel is a one-trick pony and Barrett is just a flower in a jacket. He said the "C-Lister" David Otunga should go. Otunga and Slater got into it verbally, then Mathews sent it back to ringside.

Announcers: Cole talked up NXT, then Lawler told Cole not to act so casual about the biggest story from NXT last week. Cole said he's trying to forget about what happened. Cole leaned forward disgusted before Lawler introduced video of Daniel Bryan slapping down Cole on NXT. The video included the obligatory Vince McMahon reference putting him over. Back to the announcers, Cole said he's undergone physical and mental stress since last week. Cole said he's going to call out Daniel Bryan tomorrow night and demand a public apology or sue for Bryan everything he's worth.

Backstage: Edge and Chris Jericho had a face-to-face confrontation. Edge vowed to pin Jericho tonight just to stick it to him. ... Hallway backstage: They showed John Cena walking down the hallway in preparation for the three-way match.

USA Network cross-over spot: Big Show was shown sitting down with the lead actor from White Collar discussing fine wines at a makeshift restaurant table. Show was in his wrestling gear for comedy effect. Show then broke the table, spilling wine everywhere. "Happens to me a lot. Awkward," he said.


[Commercial Break]

Next week from the University of Texas in Austin: Ashton Kutcher guest-hosts. I was holding out for Vince Young or Colt McCoy, but no dice.

In-ring: WWE champion John Cena came out to a typical big pop for the main event three-way match. Edge was out second as Cena paced the ring gearing up for the match. Edge posed, then Chris Jericho's music hit to round out the field. Cole plugged Raw at UT next week again to encourage ticket sales. I'm still undecided on whether to make the football season drive to cover the show. With all assembled pieces in the ring, the bell sounded to begin the main event.

5 -- WWE champion JOHN CENA vs. CHRIS JERICHO vs. EDGE -- Jericho or Edge wins PPV title match spot with a win

The bell sounded and Cena quickly cleared the ring. Cena stood his ground waiting for the heels to regroup. Cut to break with Cena in control.

[Commercial Break]

Back from break, Cena was on the defensive, then he charged out of the corner with a clothesline on Edge. Jericho cut off Cena, then Edge tried to sneak up behind Jericho with a small package, but Jericho kicked out. Cole reset what's at stake here before Cena cleared Edge to the outside. Cena then missed a flying shoulder tackle when Jericho ducked. Jericho attempted a stomp, but completely missed as the camera zoomed in tight. At least Cena didn't sell, which would have looked horrible. Jericho landed a stomp, then went to work on Cena's back to take advantage of Batista's work on the PPV last night. Jericho landed a DDT before missing with a corner attack and Cena started his trademark comeback routine. Cena dropped Jericho center ring and teased the Five Knuckle Shuffle with Edge on the outside. No sign of Edge as Cena hit the Shuffle. Cena then wanted the Attitude Adjustment as Edge entered the ring. They had an awkward exchange where Cena side-stepped Edge, who kinda speared Jericho in the corner.

Cena slapped on the STF on Edge, but Jericho slapped on the Walls of Jericho on Cena. Jericho then dropped the hold and slapped the Walls of Jericho on Edge. Cena then re-entered the picture and dropped Jericho with a neckbreaker before knocking Edge to the outside. Cena then countered a cross-body attempt by Jericho and rolled to his feet into AA position. Edge speared Cena, though, and all three men collapsed to the mat as they hit the top of the hour.

[Q9 -- over-run] The action reset with close nearfalls by Edge and Jericho on each other as Cole reset the news on the show. Cena came to his feet and teased the AA on Edge, but Edge shoved him off to Jericho, who hit the codebreaker. Edge then dropped Jericho with the spear center ring. Edge made the cover on Jericho and scored the pinfall. He's going to Fatal Four-Way. Cole started the immediate stacking of the deck saying Cena could lose the title at the PPV if the same thing happens as what happened here.

Post-match: Sheamus came out on stage and stood on top of the ramp with Edge at the base of the ramp and Cena in the ring. Randy Orton's music suddenly hit and Orton came out on stage. There were no signs of an injury to Orton, who had a stoic look on his face. No cast or bandage or anything drawing attention to an injury. They went to a straight-on camera shot showing Cena in the ring, Edge on the floor, Sheamus half-way up the ramp, and Orton on the stage staring each other down to close the show.

WINNER: Edge at 10:22 to earn a Fatal Four-Way slot. Strong TV main event with the action moving at a quick pace to keep the live audience engaged despite some sloppy spots. Cena vs. Sheamus vs. Orton vs. Edge is an interesting match-up with the deck already being stacked against Cena. (**1/4)

OVERALL THOUGHT: One of the strongest Raw episodes since WrestleMania season ended. It was newsworthy, eventful, intriguing, and had the traditional feel of a live Raw moving at a brisk pace with a sense of urgency to every segment. Well, except for the waste-of-time guest host attempt-at-comedy bit.

We welcome your 0-10 score and comments on this show for a "Raw Reax" feature in the Torch Feedback section of To contribute your thoughts on Raw, email to using our Feedback form.

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He hosted the weekly Pro Wrestling Focus radio show on KFAN in the early 1990s and hosted the Ultimate Insiders DVD series distributed in retail stories internationally in the mid-2000s including interviews filmed in Los Angeles with Vince Russo & Ed Ferrara and Matt & Jeff Hardy. He currently hosts the most listened to pro wrestling audio show in the world, (the PWTorch Livecast, top ranked in iTunes)


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