WWE NXT Report JAMES'S WWE NXT REPORT 5/27 - Week 163: Follow-up to Takeover special, Samoa Joe confronts Kevin Owens, champs in action, more; Overall Reax
May 27, 2015 - 9:38:32 PM
WWE NXT Results
May 27, 2015
Taped at Full Sail University
Report by Justin James, PWTorch contributor
It's time to see the fall-out from "NXT Takeover: Unstoppable." Kevin Owens stood tall again over John Cena on Monday night, Samoa Joe changed the landscape of NXT in an instant, and Finn Balor is the #1 contender to the NXT Championship. I re-watched Balor-Breeze, Lynch-Banks, and Zayn-Owens, and Lynch-Banks really stood out strong as the match of the night. (Although, Zayn-Owens-Joe was the angle of the night.) The psychology, intense action, and emotional involvement in Lynch-Banks was just through the roof.
[Q1] Pre-credits video recapping "Unstoppable."
Sami Zayn's music plays, but it is Kevin Owens who comes out.
Rich Brennan, Corey Graves, and Byron Saxton are in the booth. It looks like this is the permanent crew going forward.
Kevin Owens says that he was going to come out and issue an NXT Open Title Challenge, but he is not an insecure person and he doesn't feel the need to prove himself by defending his title against anyone out of the back. He feels that #1 contenders need to earn their chance. He calls out some fans for clapping. The crowd bursts out in "John Cena Sucks" to the tune. Owens says that it's weird that he's never heard them say that Sami Zayn sucks, because he does, too. Great line to re-focus him as a real heel, not a cool heel.
Owens says that someone recently called him a bad person, but he's actually a good man. Because when he came out tonight, it was the last time we'll ever have to hear Zayn's music. And why are people so baffled that he did what he said he would do at Takeover? Zayn asked for the match. He only did that to keep the title and continue to provide for his family, which is what a good man is. Another example: when Samoa Joe came out, he chose to allow the crowd to enjoy the moment. he didn't back down because he's scared. He backed down because he wanted to let the crowd go home happy. If Samoa Joe is ever in the same ring as him, he will drop Joe in an instant. At Elimination Chamber he will beat John Cena, too.
William Regal's music hits, and Owens rolls his eyes. Regal shakes his head on the way to the ring. Owens is walking a thin line, but Owens reminds us that Regal touched him first. Regal: "And that's the only reason you still work here." Regal reminds us that Owens has injured Riley, Neville, Itami... Owens cops to the others, but denies Itami. Regal doubtfully agrees. And Zayn. Owens says Zayn's injury is Zayn's fault for asking for it and Regal's for booking it.
Solomon Crowe interrupts. He looks mad. He refuses to hear this any more. He says that Owens is scared and that's why he won't fight anyone who hasn't earned a #1 contender match. He says that Owens isn't a good guy, he's a piece of crap for what he did to Zayn. Owens totally no-sells it. Owens says that Crowe earned himself an opportunity. Regal books Crowe vs. Owens for the main event. Owens recounts the people who have been stretchered out of his matches. He counts Zayn three times. "You can add him to the list, too."
[ J.J.'s Reax: One of the longest talking segments in NXT history, and super effective. Crowe looks good but we know that "winning" here means "not getting stretchered out." As far as I can tell, the only people who have not been in an Owens match and ended up getting injured are Finn Balor and... drumroll... C.J. Parker. ]
[Q2] Replay of the Itami injury angle of Itami from Unstoppable.
Video from Hideo Itami from a doctor's office. He doesn't know who attacked him, but he's lost his shot at the NXT Title. He's had surgery, but there will be no stopping him when he comes back.
[ J.J.'s Reax: NXT is really good at keeping injured wrestlers fresh in the minds of the audience with regular appearances and post-injury videos. ]
Renee Young with an interview with Zack Ryder at Unstoppable last week. He was in the crowd, so what was his reaction? He says it was great. Mojo Rawley jumps out and hypes NXT and goes nuts. He's wearing Zubaz. Perfect. Mojo Rawley, the second coming of Ultimate Warrior.
Bayley is out for the first match of the night, against Emma. If they ever turn her heel I am sure that people will cry.
Emma has new music, and comes out with Dana Brooke who has a new outfit. Less Beth Phoenix, more Kelly Kelly.
1 - BAYLEY vs. EMMA (w/Dana Brooke)
They bump chests and jaw until Emma pushes Bayley down. Bayley charges, but Emma tosses her into the corner a few times. Bayley reverses a wristlock to take Emma down. Headlock on the mat with fists to the head. Quick cover gets two for Emma. More two counts for Emma. Emma snapmares Emma by the hair. Emma mocks Bayley, who Bayley fires up with her usual flurry of offense. Emma grabs Bayley's foot to take her off the ropes, then leg whips into the the Emma-lock, and Bayley taps.
WINNER: Emma in 4:20. It's a shame to see Bayley take a loss to anyone, but she is well into that Daniel Bryan category where wins and losses really don't matter much to their support and they aren't going to be used for anything any time soon.
Post-match, Brooke holds Bayley up and Emma knocks her out. Charlotte's music hits. Charlotte knocks out Brooke on the ramp, then unloads on Emma in the ring. Brooke applies a Full Nelson from behind, and Emma slaps the lips off Charlotte. Brooke hits her fireman's carry sit-out slam finisher to seal it. I smell a Teddy Long Special for next week.
Renee Young with an interview with Baron Corbin after his match with Rhyno at Unstoppable. His height is really obvious here. He points out that Corbin called him out, and he is the only unstoppable force. Rhyno comes in and says it was fun and intense, and wants to do it again. The sooner, the better. Corbin just shakes his head.
Video package on Becky Lynch's journey. Added to the previous video is video from Unstoppable.
[Q3] Two jobbers are facing Wesley Blake and Buddy Murphy, with Alexa Bliss. Her ring gear now matches theirs. Let's see if Bliss can pull off the heel turn. Changing her appearance to be much less "cute" is a huge help.
2 - NXT tag team champions WESLEY BLAKE & BUDDY MURPHY (w/Alexa Bliss) vs. ELIAS SAMPSON & MIKE ROLLINS - Non-title Match
Rollins gets some early offense in against Blake. Murphy interferes letting Blake recover. Murphy tags in and grounds Rollins. "We want Enzo" from the crowd as Blake wears Rollins down. Double tag and Sampson goes nuts on Murphy. The champs weather the storm and hit their team finisher for the win.
WINNERS: Wesley Blake & Buddy Murphy in 3:30. Clean win, yet the champs came off looking heelish anyways. Sampson made his case in a few nice seconds to get more involvement.
Post-match, the champs add some kicks to Rollins and Sampson, then Bliss hits the Sparkle Splash to Rollins.
[ J.J.'s Reax: Bliss hitting a finisher on a male jobber just laid to rest all doubts that she could play a heel. Great way to turn her around. I'm sold. ]
Recap of Balor becoming the #1 contender to the NXT Championship.
Backstage interview with Devin Taylor and Blake, Murphy, and Bliss. Bliss mocks Taylor. Blake and Murphy are winners, Bliss is a winner, and winners gravitate to each other. Let's look at Carmella. Staten Island is a garbage dump, and she's been around garbage her whole life. Is it any wonder that she is around garbage like Amore and Cassady?
In the ring is Tye Dillenger, without his very successful "Perfect 10" gimmick that he debuted on tour a few weeks ago. He's facing Finn Balor, who has more merch table options on display than John Cena, it seems like.
Dillenger gets the upper hand for a moment. Balor rolls through a sunset flip and lands the dropkick. Dillenger bouncers out of a corner and puts Balor in a corner. Dillenger is manhandling Balor.
[Q4] Balor gets boots up in the corner. Slingblade, dropkick into the corner, and Coup de Grace ends it.
WINNER: Finn Balor in 2:30. I hate to say this, but these short Balor matches are starting to get "Cena-predictable." More exciting of course, but they follow the same formula every time.
"Earlier today" ... Greg Hamilton interviews Jason Jordan about his future. Jordan says he's got a gameplan, and he's found a "perfect partner." A new guy, "Chad Gable," comes out and says that he's the right one. Jordan isn't impressed by his customized towel. Gable talks up his accomplishments as an amateur wrestler. Jordan says he has someone in mind, but he'll call Gable if that doesn't work out. Gable seems a bit hurt and leaves. Jordan acts annoyed.
[ J.J.'s Reax: Someone's been paying attention to the in-ring ability Jordan's displayed and is hoping to do more with him. ]
Time to find out if Solomon Crowe is going to take an injury angle.
4 - NXT champion KEVIN OWENS vs. SOLOMON CROWE - Non-title match
Owens starts by ducking out of the ring as always. Crowe makes the mistake of coming out of the ring, and pays badly for it. "Get the stretcher" chant from the crowd. Crowe fires up with rights. Double headbutt. Big shot from Crowe puts Owens on a knee. Crowe heads up top and Owens knocks him straight to the ringside.
[ Break ]
Owens is battering Crowe out of the break. Crowe turns fifty shades of purple in a side chinlock. Owens is advertised as doing an in-ring interview on Smackdown tomorrow night, by the way. Crowe gets in some offense but Owens bulls through and continues his attack. Crowe gets thrown through the ropes to the outside.
The ref gets to 8, but Crowe rolls in, takes some boots, and gets thrown outside again. Crowe looks like he has no idea where he is. Big kick lets Crowe get into the ring, then start to gain momentum. Kick to the knee cuts him off. Big right knocks Owens silly. Crowe with a high knee in the corner, but he runs into a back elbow. Running senton, then a pop-up powerbomb ends it.
WINNER: Kevin Owens in 6:32. Crowe looked good in this match simply for not needing medical assistance to leave the ring. It helps Crowe to "show heart" while not taking an ugly loss.
Post-match, Owens throws Crowe from the ring, then sets up a pop-up powerbomb to the apron... until Samoa Joe's music hits. Owens puts Crowe down and heads to the ring for a fight. Owens holds up his title mid-ring, then leaves as soon as Joe enters. He points at Crowe and says "that's a warning to you... you should have stayed in oblivion buddy." "You can't see me" to Joe from the stage.
Final Reax: Outstanding follow-up to Takeover: Unstoppable. I have a feeling that Balor-Owens will happen quickly so we can get to Samoa Joe-Owens, which is where the real action is. Balor has already lost once to Owens and there is no real issue between them, while Samoa Joe feels super-hot right now. ... The women's division is now big enough to support two real feuds. ... Blake and Murphy continue to fine-tune their act, and Alexa Bliss impressed with her ability to turn off the "cute" and turn on the heel. ... I'd like to see Dillenger's "Perfect 10" get a shot, but it may be more "cool heel" than NXT prefers.
PWTorch editor Wade Keller has covered pro wrestling full time since 1987 starting with the Pro Wrestling Torch print newsletter. PWTorch.com launched in 1999 and the PWTorch Apps launched in 2008.
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He has interviewed big-name players in person incluiding Vince McMahon (at WWE Headquarters), Dana White (in Las Vegas), Eric Bischoff (at the first Nitro at Mall of America), Brock Lesnar (after his first UFC win).
He hosted the weekly Pro Wrestling Focus radio show on KFAN in the early 1990s and hosted the Ultimate Insiders DVD series distributed in retail stories internationally in the mid-2000s including interviews filmed in Los Angeles with Vince Russo & Ed Ferrara and Matt & Jeff Hardy. He currently hosts the most listened to pro wrestling audio show in the world, (the PWTorch Livecast, top ranked in iTunes)
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