WWE NXT Report JAMES'S WWE NXT REPORT 3/11 - Week 143: Riley returns to the ring, Owens taunts A-Ri, Itami vs. Breeze main event; Overall Reax
Mar 11, 2015 - 11:50:47 PM
WWE NXT Results
March 11, 2015
Taped at Full Sail University
Report by Justin James, PWTorch contributor
Enzo Amore and Colin Cassady come out. They say the Lucha Dragons are more like Geico lizards and request 15 percent or more off their insurance. Cassady fires up and says the Lucha Dragons need to get out of their way. The crowd is happy to boo the Lucha Dragons during the promo.
The announcers are Jason Albert, Corey Graves, and Tom Philips with JoJo in the ring.
Kalisto and Amore start it off with a lock-up. The crowd is hot for Amore and Cassady. A schoolboy gets one for Amore. Amore is doing better against Kalisto than opponents in the past. Sin Cara tags in and gets double-teamed by Amore and Cassady. Kalisto tags in and lands speedy offense against Amore. Amore takes an extended beat down from Sin Cara and Kalisto.
Amore gets sent outside to the ramp, so Cassady checks on him, but the Lucha Dragons try to hit a double dive to the outside, but Cassady shoves Cassady out of the way to absorb the dives. Amore gets thrown back in the ring. One-arm powerbomb from Sin Cara, then Kalisto to the top, but Cassady interferes and drags Amore to their corner so Amore can tag him in. East River Crossing, then Cassady press-slams Amore onto Kalisto for the win.
WINNERS: Amore & Cassady in 5:55. So odd to see the Lucha Dragons pitched as heels and Cassady and Amore cheating to win, but the match was fun.
Video package advertising NXT at the Arnold Sports Festival, featuring Alexa Bliss facing Sasha Banks and Alex Riley going against Kevin Owens.
Video package on Alex Riley. Wow, I barely remember him as a wrestler.
Video package on Kevin Owens's rise to the top. Lots of crowd shots of angry, sad, and confused crowd members over the last few months. Where's Angry Miz Girl?
[Q2] Carmella is out. She's facing Alexa Bliss, who now has a purple outfit and new music.
Bliss gets Carmella into a headlock, then Carmella tries to lift out, but Bliss transitions to a takedown. Carmella puts Bliss up top, but Bliss turns it into an armdrag into a cover. Bliss gets tripped into a turnbuckle and Carmella stomps her in the corner, then lays on top of her across the ropes. Carmella wraps her legs around Bliss's waist, but Bliss powers Carmella's shoulders to the mat to force her to break the hold.
Carmella continues to wear Bliss down. A "Let's go Bliss" chant comes out as Bliss catches a kick and turns it around. Leg sweep puts Carmella on the mat and a moonsault into a cover gets two. That was a weird moonsault. Bliss heads up top for the "Sparkle Splash," a twisting cross-body, for the win.
WINNER: Alexa Bliss in 5:20. There's something different about Bliss's presentation that I like better than her previous presentation. Carmella is heelish enough that the crowd cheered Bliss. The match itself wasn't great, as they had lots of counters and reversals to keep the match interesting, but execution was weak in a number of areas.
Cameraman interviews Alex Riley in the dressing room. He says he felt like he was locked in a cage for two years starving, watching everyone eat while he's hungry. He was dedicated, but kept getting told there was no room for him. He's angry and passionate. He thanks Kevin Owens for giving him a way out. Kevin Owens talks about having a wife and kids, Riley's family is "out there" and now he's going to fight for his life.
[ J.J.'s Reax: This was the second week in a row that Riley delivered an amazing babyface promo. Very believable and relatable. ]
Selfie video from Tyler Breeze. He chides Hideo Itami. "It didn't have to get ugly. Well, considering you're in it, I guess it did have to get ugly." Breeze tells us he is not just a pretty face.
C.J. Parker is out to become Alex Riley's doormat. His sign says "C.J. Parker is taking over the Takeovers." He requests a microphone so he can talk about the world and how it isn't fair. Riley's music cuts him off to a big pop. Riley looks like he is in great shape, more muscular and a bit more cut up than the I remember him. The announcers point this out, too.
The crowd is completely behind Riley. Lock-up and a headlock take down puts him on the mat. Riley makes it to his feet and a shoulder block puts him down, but he gets a dropkick to get some space. Riley can't sustain the momentum. Big blows to the head drop Riley twice.
[Q3] The crowd boos as Parker grinds away. Parker calls for the Third Eye, which busted Owens open back at Takeover, but a back body drop sends Parker flying. Clotheslines give Riley momentum. Neckbreaker, then Riley to the top for a jumping blockbuster for the win.
WINNER: Alex Riley in 3:26. Okay match. Interesting to see Riley come off the top rope as a finisher.
Post-match, Kevin Owens hits the ramp with a mic. He says that it is good that Riley looks as good as he does because he's the dumbest man in NXT. If the tattoo doesn't prove it, giving up a cushy job in the booth to challenge Owens does. He'll end Riley's in-ring career and then crush Finn Balor. Riley shows extreme emotion nearly bursting into tears with anger and frustration.
[ J.J.'s Reax: This is building really nicely, with Owens really feeling like a heel and Riley being built up quickly into a babyface the fans can back. ]
Breeze ducks out of the ring and tells Itami that this match won't be like last time. He returns to the ring, then sneaks out again as Itami edges closer. Breeze returns again, Itami slowly corners him, and wants to lock up, but Breeze powers him clear across the ring to drive shoulders to the middle. Breeze avoids Itami's kicks, gets taken down, and rolls out of the ring. Itami bowls him over with a clothesline. Running knee to Breeze's middle, then a tornado DDT into the ropes. Itami to the top, but Breeze stumbles into the ropes to knock Itami down. Breeze kicks Itami in the corner. "No, he's gorgeous" vs. "No, he's not" dueling chants from the crowd. Headlock from Breeze sends to break.
[ Break ]
Breeze puts Itami up top, but Itami keeps him from from going up top, then lands a flying clothesline from the top. itami is getting a great reaction. Nice back-and-forth in the ropes and Breeze gets the upper hand. Itami blocks a punch and levels Breeze with a clothesline and covers for two. More back-and-forth. Counters and reversals. Big boot from Itami, but Supermodel Kick from Breeze in response gets a nearfall. Breeze drags itami to the ringpost to try to drive it into Itami's crotch, but Itami yanks his legs back to drive Breeze's face into the post.
[Q4] Itami drapes Breeze over the ropes, kicks him, then lands a sick knee drop to the back of the head from the top turnbuckle. The crowd is fired up now as Itami kicks the fur off Breeze. Itami wants the hesitation dropkick, but Breeze dodges and Itami eats turnbuckle. Breeze with a Beauty Shot from nowhere for the win.
WINNER: Tyler Breeze in 8:56. Another really good match here. It's great to see Itami finally getting over with the crowd, and he has improved so much in the last few months. But he needs to get more wins and even-steven booking with Breeze won't help him long-term.
Final Reax: Another good episode with Alex Riley as the standout talent. The problem with the booking of Riley against Owens is that it is lose-lose. There's no way that Riley should do better than "happy to live through the match." He was never a top talent and has been in the booth for two years. If he gets much offense in Owens will look bad. But why bother building him up, taking him out of the booth, etc. only for him to have a two-match comeback? Unless his contract is up and he knows he isn't renewing, this seems like a poor use of what's become a quick build to a strong character for Riley.
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