WWE NXT Report JAMES'S WWE NXT REPORT 1/25 - Week 47: Titus vs. Showtime, Slater ends The Streak, overall show Reax
Jan 25, 2012 - 11:20:51 PM
WWE NXT Report
January 25, 2012
Taped 1/24 in Tucson, Ariz.
Report by Justin James, PWTorch contributor
Opening Thoughts: Sadly for me, a provocative article title on PWTorch spoiled what may be the biggest WWE shocking moment of the last six months, and it's happening right here on NXT! In the last few weeks, there has been a major overhaul of the roster and storylines: Derrick Bateman is now a face, Titus O'Neil turned heel, and every feud and story has been completely blown off. Can Johnny Curtis find a place on NXT without Maxine and Bateman (perhaps he'll be creeping on Kaitlyn next)?
And, will this season ever end, or was last week resetting everything for another 20 weeks? Seriously, for all of the folks complaining about WWE and TNA not giving storylines time to "breathe" or "organically develop," I challenge you to put up with two months of NXT, where feuds "breathe" for three months straight on a regular basis, and things happen so slowly that the announcers talk about events from six months ago like they happened last week.
Derrick Bateman
Titus O'Neil
Darren Young
NXT Regulars
Matt Striker
William Regal
Josh Mathews
Yoshi Tatsu
Tyson Kidd
Trent Barreta
Justin Gabriel
Percy Watson
The Usos
Curt Hawkins & Tyler Reks
[Q1] Josh Mathews and William Regal are in the booth tonight. Titus O'Neil heads to the ring in a suit, and the announcers recap his heel turn. He immediately says that he understands the crowd's frustration and that an apology is in order. He tells the audience that on the count of three, he wants them to apologize to him. The crowd starts a mild "you suck" chant and he eggs it on. He then runs through the typical "face feels unappreciated by the fans" promo.
Percy Watson comes out to find out what's going on with him. Titus says that his relationship with Percy is personal, but his new attitude is business. Titus actually compares himself to Ike Turner. He knocks the challenges, Redemption Points, and Watson's involvement. Titus urges Percy to join the dark side with him. Percy says that you have to stay on the straight and narrow to be a winner, and compares O'Neil to Darren Young. O'Neil takes exception to this and blows up. He gives Watson an ultimatum and Watons says he won't go along with O'Neil before walking away. O'Neil stops him and says that Watson forgot that he beat Darren Young and shoves Watson down. Matt Striker comes down the ramp and books Watson against O'Neil for the main event.
Reax: This is the next logical step in the Titus heel turn. Percy Watson is a very natural babyface and the "turning against the best friend" story is tired, but still effective.
Backstage, Striker is stopped by Curt Hawkins and Tyler Reks. Hawkins wants to know why they aren't in the main event. Striker says he doesn't have time for this, but Reks says the crowd wants to see them. Striker tells them to worry about the Usos and he will worry about NXT.
[ c - Royal Rumble ad ]
Hawkins and Jimmy start off. Jimmy elbows him down and tags in Jey, leading to a quick double-team for a one count. Reks blind tags in, but Jey outwits him. Jey keeps Hawkins out of the ring, letting Reks hit a big boot before tagging in Hawkins.
[Q2] Reks and Hawkins run their isolation routine on Jey for a few minutes. Jey crotches Reks on the ropes and Regal says, "He's ruptured his custard." Double tag out and Jimmy cleans house on Hawkins. Stinkface, but Reks breaks up the pin. Reks and Jimmy brawl ringside, letting Hawkins set up some funky move. The ref is distracted by Jey, so Reks tosses the cane to Hawkins, but Jimmy lands a surprise superkick for the win.
WINNERS: The Usos in 7:00. Good match as expected, but the formula is starting to wear a little thin for a regular viewer like me. I've seen these two face off two many times lately.
Backstage, Derrick Bateman is dancing down the hallway. Kaitlyn points out that he probably shouldn't be so happy to be back with Maxine considering how she hurt him so badly lately. He says as long as he's on NXT he wants to be with a "hot chick" and nudges Kaitlyn. Should she be offended that he implied that she wasn't attractive? She asks if he's seen Johnny Curtis and he says that Curtis isn't dumb enough to show up. She says she saw him putting his stained-up bear skin rug in his van earlier today. Bateman doesn't seem to care, and walks off.
[ c - WWEShop.com ]
Slater surprises Barreta with a fast punch to the face, but Barreta comes out of the corner with a chop and ends up clearly Slater from the ring. Slater suckers Barreta to the outside and starts up some offense. Slater rolls Barreta into the ring for a two count. Barreta can't get traction against Slater. Barreta finally turns things around, dodging a corner splash and landing a dropkick. Barreta with a big leaping elbow in the corner and the Gobstopper Knee for two.
Slater tries a Sunet Flip over the ropes, but Barreta catches him and bridges for a nearfall, neat sequence. Barreta gets up to the top rope but Slater jumps up to lands a powerslam in a snap for a close two count. Barreta tries an inside cradle for two. Slater shrugs off the Dudebuster DDT and lands his finisher for the win. (I haven't seen his finisher in over six months.)
WINNER: Heath Slater in 7:00. Well that was definitely the biggest surprise WWE's had in a while - a Heath Slater win?
[ c - Raw hype focused on John Laurinaitis's job evaluation next week ]
They replay last week's wedding mess involving Maxine, Curtis, and Bateman.
[Q3] Striker calls Johnny Curtis to the ring. Striker gives Curtis a chance to talk. Curtis says he liked getting beat up by Maxine because she has dirty fingernails. Maxine and Bateman interrupt. She says that he'll stoop to any level. He says that she's a dirty little girl like him. She admits that they have some similarities and says that she needs to keep him away or he needs to leave NXT. Bateman reminds her that they are trying to leave NXT. Striker says that no one is leaving since "we need all the warm bodies we can get on this show." Maxine tells him to shut up.
Maxine points out that Bateman has been a contestant and Curtis just showed up out of nowhere. Striker says they need to co-exist. Bateman reminds Curtis of his wins over Curtis, but Curtis says that he wants it to be like it used to be, one big family. Curtis offers a handshake, but incites Bateman. Maxine pushes Bateman away, then knees Curtis in the groin. She asks Curtis if they have an understanding, then Bateman. Bateman is happy, agrees, and they kiss and leave the ring. Mathews questions what the "understanding" is, and wonders if it is simply that they are all stuck there with Matt Striker running the show.
[ c - WrestleMania AXXESS ad ]
Next is the Royal Rumble "by the numbers" video.
Backstage, Alex Riley tells Percy Watson that he can't believe that Watson will be fighting Titus O'Neil, then recalls distant history by saying that he can relate.
[ c - Smackdown hype, Randy Orton confronts Wade Barrett ]
Watson starts off fast with quick offense capped by a running step-up enziguri. Watson continues the offense in the corner but O'Neil gets in a punch as the ref tries to break them apart. O'Neil dumps Watson from the ring and beats on him outside. O'Neil rolls Watson into the ring and covers for a one count. Regal makes an interesting statement, saying that he wrestled for money, and that people paid more money to see him get beat up, so he made more money.
[Q4] O'Neil continues his assault and covers for two. Watson gets separation, but O'Neil dodges a splash in the corner and stomps away on Watson, which gets two. Watson can't get a break and O'Neil continues to dominate him. Watson gets a boot run, shoulder tackle, dropkick, corner splash, and another shoulder tackle to take O'Neil down. Watson with the Showtime Splash for two. O'Neil elbows out of a fireman's carry and picks Watson up for the Clash of the Titus mid-ring. It's good for a three count.
Post-match, O'Neil continues to beat up Watson. Alex Riley makes the save to a huge pop from the crowd.
WINNER: Titus O'Neil in 8:00. Effective match to get over Titus as a heel, but his offense isn't thrilling in large quantities. He needs some more sizzle with his steak.
Final Reax: Somehow, the Bateman-Curtis-Maxine story is still going. The O'Neil heel turn is a new direction, and I smell a tag team match with Darren Young against Watson and Riley next week. The disappearance of JTG and Tamina is unexplained. I'd like to see more Yoshi Tatsu and Tyson Kidd, of course, but it is also good to see Alex Riley in a setting that will let him get some mic time.
PWTorch editor Wade Keller has covered pro wrestling full time since 1987 starting with the Pro Wrestling Torch print newsletter. PWTorch.com launched in 1999 and the PWTorch Apps launched in 2008.
He has conducted "Torch Talk" insider interviews with Hulk Hogan, The Rock, Steve Austin, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Eric Bischoff, Jesse Ventura, Lou Thesz, Jerry Lawler, Mick Foley, Jim Ross, Paul Heyman, Bruno Sammartino, Goldberg, more.
He has interviewed big-name players in person incluiding Vince McMahon (at WWE Headquarters), Dana White (in Las Vegas), Eric Bischoff (at the first Nitro at Mall of America), Brock Lesnar (after his first UFC win).
He hosted the weekly Pro Wrestling Focus radio show on KFAN in the early 1990s and hosted the Ultimate Insiders DVD series distributed in retail stories internationally in the mid-2000s including interviews filmed in Los Angeles with Vince Russo & Ed Ferrara and Matt & Jeff Hardy. He currently hosts the most listened to pro wrestling audio show in the world, (the PWTorch Livecast, top ranked in iTunes)
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