WWE NXT Report JAMES'S WWE NXT REPORT 9/20: Alt. perspective review of NXT is Showtime Week 29, overall show Reax
Sep 21, 2011 - 11:35:14 AM
WWE NXT alt. perspective report
September 20, 2011
Taped in Dayton, Ohio
Report by Justin James, PWTorch contributor
If past trends continue, this week's show will have Tyson Kidd fighting someone random, possibly more of Yoshi Tatsu, and a continuation of the Hornswoggle kidnapping mystery. Hopefully, the appearance of the Usos will be explained, and there will be more of Percy Watson. Titus looks like he should win "NXT: Redemption" if it ever ends, but Derrick Bateman is starting to recapture the charm and in-ring skills from last season that led many to pick him as the winner of NXT: 4.
Rookies (and Pros):
Titus O'Neal (Hornswoggle)
Darren Young (Chavo Guerrero, released)
Derrick Bateman (Daniel Bryan, on strike) Conor O'Brian (Vladimir Kozlov, released) Lucky Cannon, released (Tyson Kidd) Byron Saxton (Yoshi Tatsu) Jacob Novak, release (JTG)
[Q1] Jack Korpela introduces the show, and William Regal is dressed in a suit so I guess he isn't wrestling. Speaking of a suit, Percy Watson comes out in a slick suit to the ring. Hey, he's got MVP's furniture! He introduces the show and brings some his old personality back to breathe a little life into the crowd, and brings in Titus O'Neil, also in a suit. Percy calls him "my partner," which bodes well for the tag division. Thank goodness, Percy has his old spunk back. Titus says that he looks forwards to working together with Percy in the future, and when he wins NXT, he's going to team with Percy to grab the tag titles. "Brooklyn! Brooklyn!" hits and JTG and Darren Young come down to the ring. Good gracious, Titus just quoted Booker T. JTG talks up their victory over Regal and Striker last week. Titus reminds them about the Uso's knocking JTG and Young around. Percy kind-of challenges them to a match, and the heels accept. After some more jawing, JTG and Young attack Watson and O'Neal who quickly knock them out of the ring.
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A.J. comes out for a match. Tony Chimel looks nervous. Here comes Maxine with her teeny bopper music that doesn't fit her at all.
1 -- A.J. vs. MAXINE
Quick back and forth. A,J. jumps when she punches, like Little Max in the original "Mike Tyson's Punchout." Maxine with the rear chinlock, which lasts for like seems like forever. She's got to learn to not do that. Maxine with a strange sideways Boston Crab, stepping on the head. Regal calls it a "stairpuller" or something like that. A.J. tries to fight back, but Maxine stays in control. Maxine torquing A.J. arms, then punching the chest from behind, Sheamus-style. Maxine moves to the Orton chinlock. A.J. dodges and charge and Maxine eats ringpost. A.J. with a high knee then a basement dropkick to the seated Maxine. A.J. with a spinning heel kick off the ropes for two. A.J. blocks Maxine's finisher and counterattacks with a Shining Wizard for the win.
[Q2] Post match, Maxine sells her jaw.
WINNER: A.J. In 5:00. A.J.'s offense is fun to watch, as she has a lot of Japanese style to it. Maxine needs to get her pacing better, but the execution of "big-man offense" by a Diva is intriguing. Decent match.
[ c - "Inside Out" add ]
Raw Rebound, Hugh Jackman gets a little more shine. Wow, he's scrawny for a guy who played Wolverine.
Backstage, Maxine finds Hornswoggle, and takes the card he was making for her. She tells him that Titus kept A.J. company. I guess he wasn't kidnapped. She finds Bateman talking to Tyson Kidd and gets mad with him for not being at ringside for her. She plays the angry girlfriend. She tells him to get the big picture, then takes his attention away from her chest and says "that's not the big picture!" She says that they need to focus on breaking up A.J. and Hornswoggle, then attaches herself to Bateman via the mouth. Maxine does some great backstage work.
[ c - WWEShop.com ]
Pre-match, William Regal says that Tyson Kidd is the best advisor for a match against Yoshi Tatsu due to their recent battles. Tatsu wins control in a lock-up against the larger Bateman, takes him to the ground, and controls him by the arm. Bateman turns it around, but Yoshi gets control again. He goes up top with a massive overhead chop. Bateman bails out to take a breather, but Tatsu runs out and hits him with chops. Bateman picks him up and rams him crotch first into the ringpost. Bateman rolls him in the ring for two. Bateman stomps on Tatsu who tries to fire up, but Bateman takes him down again. Bateman with a front suplex for two. Regal begs Korpella to help him when he stutters.
Bateman with an abdominal stretch, and transitions it into a backbreaker. Tatsu responds with an abdominal stretch but Bateman hip tosses him. Tatsu knocks Bateman out of the ring, then chops him a bit when he gets back in. Tatsu with a Chono Boot, then the spinning heel kick for two. Tatsu to the top with a crossbody for two.
[Q3] Tatsu springboards off the turnbuckle for a crossbody, but Bateman rolls through for a nearfall. Tatsu knocks Bateman in the head with a kick, but Kidd breaks up the pin for the DQ. Huge boos from the audience, it's surprising to see that much heat on NXT, and it's clear that the audience is angry about the match not ending clean.
WINNER: Yoshi Tatsu via DQ in 8:00. Good match. Bateman is finally showing the wrestling skill that he had in NXT:4 that was above average, and Yoshi Tatsu was the right opponent for him.
Backstage, A.J. is walking around, and is that Trent Baretta with short hair? Titus finds A.J. and says that she needs to fix things with Hornswoggle, and says that Maxine was yanking her chain, and gives her a hug. Hornswoggle sees it and gets angry with her.
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Young and Watson start off with chain wrestling. Watson with some very well executed moves here, and tags in Titus. Titus impressively picks Darren up then dumps him, looks like something you'd see Mark Henry do. Percy tags in and works over Darren a bit. Young eventually gets a second wind and puts Titus into his own corner and tags in JTG. JTG gets knocked down then walks into a shoulder breaker. Titus beats on Young after he gets the tag. He tosses Young outside and they go to break.
[ c - Raw hype summarizing Monday night's "conspiracy" plot line ]
Titus is well in control on JTG, then tags in Percy. Percy with some really fast, well done offense. Young cheapshots Percy behind the ref's back, giving JTG the upper hand. Heel offense in the corner on Percy. Percy plays a great "babyface in trouble" with his facial expressions. JTG mugs for the audience, which lets Percy recover enough to gt his feet up and block a charge, but Percy can't get to the corner before JTG knocks Titus off the apron. More heel corner offense.
[Q4] Percy with a jackknife for two. Young regains control and puts Percy into the corner. Regal actually brought up "points" which is funny. Percy finally escapes and tags in Titus, who goes to work with his hot tag routine from last week. He is insanely fast in these situations. JTG comes in to break up a pin, and dumps Percy out, but Titus focuses on JTG and gets chop blocked by Young. Young puts in in the fireman carry and absolutely botches his finisher, doing a single leg gutbuster instead of the jumping double leg he usually does. It's good for the win. Post-match, the Usos charge out and beat up Young and JTG, culminating with a double Superfly Splash.
WINNER: JTG and Darren Young in 13:00. Good match, even though the heels had a lot of time on offense which didn't work out so well last week.
Final Reax: Boring and plodding, but nothing seriously wrong. The show needs Matt Striker and Maryse to make it feel like something other than "Superstars" with a plotline, but if you want longer matches, NXT is where it's at. Lots of ring and mic time for Percy Watson, which is just fine with me.
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