WWE NXT Report CALDWELL'S WWE NXT RESULTS 12/21: Complete "virtual time" coverage of NXT Season 4, Week 3 - Six-person tag match, Wheelbarrow Challenge
Dec 21, 2010 - 11:02:45 PM
WWE NXT TV Results
December 21, 2010 - Season 4, Week 3
Taped in San Antonio, Tex.
Aired on WWE's website
By James Caldwell, PWTorch assistant editor
The cast of Season Four of WWE NXT:
-- Rookie: Johnny Curtis. Pro: R-Truth.
-- Rookie: Byron Saxton Pro: Chris Masters.
-- Rookie: Brodus Clay. Pro: Ted DiBiase.
-- Rookie: Jacob Novak. Pro: Dolph Ziggler.
-- Rookie: Derrick Bateman. Pro: Daniel Bryan.
-- Rookie: Conor O'Brian. Pro: Alberto Del Rio.
Immunity Standings coming into this week:
Johnny Curtis: 2 points
Jacob Novak: 1 point
Byron Saxton: 1 point
Derrick Bateman: 0 points
Brodus Clay: 0 points
Conor O'Brian: 0 points
NXT Week 3 started nine minutes past the top of the hour moments after Smackdown concluded with C.M. Punk cracking a chair over John Cena's back for the second straight night. Are we looking at a WrestleMania match? After a recap of last week's obstacle course, the show opened with Todd Grisham and Josh Mathews sending it to Matt Striker on the stage.
Johnny Curtis, Jacob Novak, Brodus Clay, Conor O'Brian, Byron Saxton, and Derrick Bateman were introduced on the stage while the Pros looked on. Striker reminded the Rookies that one of them will win NXT and earn a championship match. He noted the current standings, with Johnny Curtis holding the lead after two weeks. Tonight's contest is a Wheelbarrow Race worth two immunity points. Striker said they need to put something in the wheelbarrow. Cue up the Soaring Eagle theme music to bring out Jack Swagger's mascot. Grisham noted this is absurd. Eagle took its position in the wheelbarrow and flapped its wings comically.
Curtis was the first one up. He broke the starting line too early and was called back. Curtis wheeled the Eagle around the ring and finished at a clean 13.0. Nice pace. Eagle flapped its wings in approval. Novak, still wearing his jacket, approached Eagle to wheel him around the ring. 12.8 was his time. Grisham is selling anger on commentary, of note. Brodus Clay was next. Eagle held on tight as Brodus wheeled him around and finished at 13.8. Eagle went flying as Brodus shoved the wheelbarrow across the finish line, sending Eagle flapping to the ground.
O'Brian took his time, but it was still good for a new high score of 12.7. Alberto Del Rio applauded in approval. Saxton was next and Chris Masters added an alternative commentary track. Saxton was sporting a coal miner's glove here. He grunted like that annoying guy in the gym working the bench press and finished at 12.5 to set a new pace. JTG was randomly at the Pros section, of note. Bateman finished it off and scored a 12.5. Striker declared Bateman the winner, but the announcers noted it was a tie. Again, it looked like the clock ran a little longer than Bateman's actual time.
So, time for a wheelbarrow-off between Saxton and Bateman. Saxton made good time, but stumbled at the end and Eagle went tumbling. They went to a replay and showed Eagle "breaking the plane" of the finish line for Saxton's time of 13.1 to count. Bateman had to beat 13.1 here. He marched Eagle around and easily won at 12.0. Two immunity points for Bateman. That was pretty hilarious.
Still to come: Johnny Curtis vs. Jacob Novak. Also, six-person tag match with DiBiase & Maryse & Brodus vs. Masters & Saxton & mystery person.
1 -- JOHNNY CURTIS (1-0) vs. JACOB NOVAK (0-1)
The announcers noted JTG was replacing R-Truth tonight, as Truth "could not be here." They cut to a shot of Vickie Guerrero watching backstage as Ziggler's Pro, Novak, gave him instructions. Novak took control and worked on Curtis's back as the announcers said they are two weeks away from the first elimination. Poor Curtis couldn't build any momentum and they cut to a shot of the Pros on stage where Maryse was furiously scribbling on her clipboard. Ziggler then interjected himself into the match behind the ref's back and helped Novak score a boot of sorts for the pin.
WINNER: Novak (1-1) in 7:00. Ziggler is everywhere.
NXT Profile: Derrick Bateman. Derrick said he is man-tastic. They showed old photos of Derrick before the wild curly hair. He said he had a chance to "sports entertain" on an episode of Heat back in the day. Heat logo back on the air and a brief shot of Derrick ten years ago. The whole video feature was like an SNL skit.
San Antonio: They went to an exterior shot of San Antonio's skyline as Mathews sang "Deep in the Heart of Texas."
NXT Profile: Conor O'Brian. Some dramatic music played as they showed close-up shots of O'Brian getting over his personality. O'Brian said he was picked on as a kid because he looked like a rat. He said the more it grew on him, he became "this person." He said being a rat is who he is. Why can't they have the Rat-ittude era?
Earlier Today: Bateman was reading the new WWE Championship Book while standing on his head receiving instructions from Daniel Bryan. Bateman read trivia about Andre the Giant while Bryan told him to keep pushing his nose to the mat. Bateman noted some Steve Blackman trivia, which brought Bryan out of his stretch position to tell Bateman that Blackman was never WWE champ. Bryan knocked down Bateman, who said he's just trying to get ready for the Hot Seat Rookie Challenge. They panned right to show a random man in an elf hat dryly say, "Sweet bridge." Bateman just nodded along like Andy Samberg.
In-ring: Striker was with the Rookies for a Hot Seat Trivia Challenge worth one immunity point. Striker introduced some rules. First category: Undertaker's opponents at WrestleMania. Curtis named Snuka. Novak dropped Big Show and A-Train at WM19. Random. Clay said Jake Roberts, which drew a bit of a reaction. O'Brian named Shawn Michaels, which drew a large reaction in HBK's hometown. Saxton with Bossman. Bateman with Mark Henry.
Next category: King of the Ring winners. Curtis said King Mabel. Novak with Steve Austin for a big reaction. Clay with Owen Hart, which drew applause. O'Brian with Triple H to a strong reaction. Saxton with Harley Race. Bateman with Mr...well, Billy Gunn. Striker asked for another King of the Ring winner. Curtis with Regal. Novak with Sheamus. Boos. Clay dropped Big Daddy Cool Diesel. That generated no reaction and an incorrect. Clay is gone.
Time for cities that have hosted WrestleMania. O'Brian said Pee-wee Herman. What? He was eliminated. Saxton said Anaheim, Calif. Bateman said Houston, the "great state of Texas." Nice. Curtis said Boston. Novak said Seattle. Saxton with Orlando, Fla. Bateman dropped New York with a wink for the hard camera. Only two eliminations, so Striker went for more cities. Curtis drew a blank and was eliminated.
Striker asked for ht ename of a 2010 WWE PPV. Novak said TLC. Saxton said Summerslam with his big heel grin. Bateman with Survivor Series and furled eyebrows. Novak with Bragging Rights. Saxton said Hell in a Cell. Bateman back with WrestleMania. Back to Novak with Royal Rumble. Saxton with Survivor Series. Bateman already said it, so Saxton is gone.
Down to Novak and Bateman. WWE champions is the category. Novak said Hulk Hogan to a mild reaction and boos. Bateman with Steve Austin for a local pop. Novak with "S.A.'s own" Shawn Michaels. Bateman with "Miami's own" The Rock. Novak with The Miz. The buzzer sounded randomly. Bateman said Sid to no reaction. Novak tried John Cena, but did not get it in before the buzzer. That leaves Derrick Bateman, who picked up a clean sweep in contests tonight. Bateman was awesome. This was an interesting exercise in crowd reactions from the PG "John Cena era" fans to names from the past. (1a) Austin and Michaels (local interest), (3) Triple H, (4) The Rock.
Up next: Mixed six-person tag main event.
Backstage: Ricardo Rodriguez shared some snacks with Alberto Del Rio as O'Brian walked in. Ricardo had to whisper in Del Rio's ear which Rookie he destroyed last week. O'Brian said he's learned so far that he has NXT's best Pro. He vowed to become the greatest Superstar in history. Del Rio took offense because that's his spot. He said O'Brian already knows that. O'Brian did a rat face and wanted a piece of Del Rio's cheese. Del Rio told O'Brian to win NXT and he'll give him all of the cheese he wants. O'Brian sniffled and walked off. On commentary, Grisham failed to enhance the segment with a "cut the cheese" joke.
In-ring: Team DiBiase came to the ring first for the six-person tag match. Masters and Saxton came out for the default babyface opposition. Hart Dynasty music hit to bring out Divas champ Natalya, which seemed to gross out Maryse.
Maryse and Natalya started things off by having a mid-ring conversation. Maryse told Natalya to get lost, so she piefaced her. Maryse tried to run away, but Natalya chased her down and Maryse screamed and shrieked. Maryse had enough and tagged out to Clay. Big Clay dominated Saxton, who rolled to the outside selling that he was lifeless.
Back from break, DiBiase was working over Saxton with repeated knee drops to the forehead. DiBiase taught Saxton a lesson with mid-ring punishment before Masters tagged in. Team DiBiase cornered Masters, though, and Clay landed a flying butt bump in the corner. Saxton found his way back into the ring for the Rookies to work against each other. DiBiase tagged in and Bateman opted against tagging in Masters, so DiBiase nailed a dropkick and went back to work teaching Saxton more lessons.
Saxton eventually tagged out to Masters and the Pros went at it. DiBiase teased Dream Street, but Masters countered with a spinebuster. He teased the Masterlock, but Clay ran interference and DiBiase landed a dropkick. DiBiase screamed at the fans, then Masters found himself on the wrong side of town taking a slap from Maryse. DiBiase went back to work focusing on Masters before a double knock-down clothesline took both men to the mat.
Maryse tagged in, Saxton entered, and Saxton took a slap from Maryse. Natalya then tackled Maryse and they took a catfight out of the ring to the floor. The Pros tried to separate the Divas ringside. In the ring, Clay and Saxton went at it. Well, they kind of stalled for time before Clay went to the corner and missed with a big Vader Bomb. Saxton then covered Clay, who was selling the effects of missing the Vader Bomb, and scored a pin for the win. Saxton gets a win. Masters, Saxton, and Natalya celebrated ringside as Saxton sold shock that he won. On the other side, Maryse sold disgust with another loss as they signed off with Team Saxton continuing to celebrate.
WINNERS: Team Saxton (1-1) in 12:00. Highly random six-person tag match with some intriguing sequences trying to get over personalities. Maryse continues to be one of the more entertaining characters in the entire company, DiBiase got over his aggressiveness in a memorable way, Masters was Masters, and Saxton has something to brag about next week. This was entertaining, overall.
Updated Immunity Standings:
Derrick Bateman: 3 points
Johnny Curtis: 2 points
Jacob Novak: 1 point
Byron Saxton: 1 point
Brodus Clay: 0 points
Conor O'Brian: 0 points
We welcome your 0-10 score and comments on this show for an "NXT TV Reax" feature in the Torch Feedback section of PWTorch.com. To contribute your thoughts on NXT, email to pwtorch@gmail.com using our Feedback form.
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