WWE NXT Report CALDWELL'S WWE NXT RESULTS 8/17: Ongoing "virtual time" coverage of NXT Season 2, Week 11
Aug 17, 2010 - 10:06:39 PM
WWE NXT TV Results
August 17, 2010 - Season 2, Week 11
Taped in Bakersfield, Calif.
Aired on Syfy
By James Caldwell, PWTorch assistant editor
Of note: Cody Rhodes guest-stars on Syfy's "Warehouse 13" show next Tuesday leading into NXT. ... Tonight's eleventh week of WWE NXT Season Two started with a video package recapping Lucky Cannon's elimination from NXT on last week's episode.
Arena: Live from Bakersfield, Michael Cole and Josh Mathews introduced the show before sending it to ring announcer Jamie Keyes to introduce the remaining NXT Rookies. Husky Harris was out first and they cut to a shot of the Pros assembled on-stage. Kaval was out second and Lay-Cool stood up to acknowledge his arrival. Cole did a mock low-voice to imitate Kaval. Joe Hennig, then Alex Riley, then Percy Watson rounded out the field. Matt Striker took his place in the ring next to the remaining five Rookies to set up tonight's events. Striker recapped that only three will remain after tonight's show. He said with the pressure being in, everyone gets 60 seconds to talk about anything except for why they should not be eliminated.
Percy Watson stepped up first, sporting a brand new "Oh Yeah" t-shirt. Watson's topic was 3-D. Watson said he lives a 3-D lifestyle: desire, determination, and dedication. He explained why he has all those traits to win. They cut to a shot of MVP smiling while Cody Rhodes shook his head. Alex Riley was up next and the fans booed. Good sign he's getting over. Riley's topic was himself. Riley said perhaps he approached this contest all wrong by picking on poor little Kaval. Cole made like a fart noise to laugh along with Riley. Cole cut a promo on Lucky Cannon before addressing Matt Striker. He said he doesn't regret calling him a nerd. Riley was cut off by the buzzer before he got to the final punch line.
Joe Hennig was up next. Hennig's topic was the competition behind him. He ran down everyone, asking Watson if he's smiling or scared. He mocked Kaval, doing a voice imitation. He addressed Husky Harris, telling him he's winning this thing. Hennig called Alex Riley the "David Otunga" of Season Two - "He talks a lot, but he can't wrestle a lick." Hennig said he's the winner of Season Two and a future WWE Hvt. champion. That was a stand-out promo.
Kaval was next to talk about NXT. He said behind every great man is a great woman, but he has two of them. Kaval then started a rap about being the next Trending Topic on Twitter. He lost his beat for a second rapping on each Rookie. He looked at Husky, who flexed his bicep, and Kaval said the only thing he's breaking are buffet tables. Husky shot him a great change-of-emotion glare. Kaval then closed by saying he's "the only reason for some total non-stop action." Oh wow. A veiled TNA reference on WWE TV. Husky Harris was next to talk about cowboy boots. He told the camera to zoom in on his Barry Windham boots. Harris said he turns into a monster in these boots. He got serious, saying the devil wears cowboy boots and so does he. He paused to let that Criminal Minds-esque promo sink in. Cole said that wasn't what he expected.
Striker took the mic back and said they're going to have their first elimination right now. Striker said most of the WWE wrestlers are on a tour of Asia, but they have sent in their absentee ballots. So, now the first elimination. They did the WWE Draft style rapid-fire picture slide before stopping on...Percy Watson. He's gone. They cut to a shot of MVP puzzled over this decision. Watson took the mic and said he can't be angry or bitter because he's worked hard to get to where he is. Watson gave a shout-out to MVP and said he's going to continue to have fun if you have the time. He closed with his catchphrase and Cole disingenuously said, "Very classy." Striker reminded the remaining Rookies there's one more elimination to come tonight.
[Commercial Break]
Raw plug: They went back to Raw last night to show Nexus removing Darren Young from the group. "Is the Nexus leaner or meaner or is this the beginning of their end?" the voice-over man asked. The voice-over man also plugged for next week's Raw, "are Sheamus's days as WWE champion numbered?"
In-ring: Joe Hennig (Michael McGillicutty) came out with Kofi Kingston as the announcers suggested Hennig needs to show something tonight. Mathews said the "E" in WWE stands for entertainment. There's also a "W" in there for wrestling. Zack Ryder came out to face Hennig.
1 -- JOE HENNIG (w/Kofi Kingston on the ring apron) vs. ZACK RYDER
Ryder tried to talk trash to Hennig to start the match, so Hennig answered with a clothesline. Ryder heeled it up by ducking his head underneath the corner turnbuckle to call for a "time-out." Cole said that immediately after this match, they'll re-visit Summerslam to focus on Rey Mysterio and Kane. Hennig landed another clothesline that knocked Ryder to the outside. Hennig tried a baseball slide, but Ryder yanked him to the outside and landed right hand blows. "Are you serious, bro?!" Ryder shouted. Back in the ring, Ryder dropped a knee for a two count. Ryder slowed things down working on Hennig as the announcers talked about their surprise that Percy was eliminated after he was in the middle of the pack last week.
Kingston shouted instructions at Hennig to watch Ryder's attack, giving Hennig an opening to make a comeback with a series of knock-down clotheslines and elbows. Hennig followed with a big corner splash, followed by right hand blows. The ref pulled Hennig off Ryder before he was DQ'ed, then Hennig followed up with a back body drop. Ryder then caught Hennig with a slingshot across the top rope and Ryder capitalized with the Rough Ryder to score the pin for the win. Kofi sold disdain on the loss before entering the ring to check on Hennig. Ryder celebrated on the way out as the announcers speculated on Hennig's future on NXT.
WINNER: Ryder in 5:00. Fine match. Ryder needed a win, even if it was against a Rookie, and they told a decent story on Hennig trying to impress if he's on the cut line for the second elimination. (*1/4)
Announcers: Cole and Mathews talked on-camera about Kane and Rey Mysterio's title match at Summerslam and the back-and-forth accusations on who took out Undertaker. Cole described the lifting-of-the-casket, revealing Taker inside. They cut to a still shot of Taker in the casket, which popped the live crowd. They recapped Kane overcoming Taker, who they said wasn't the same. Cole said this Friday on Smackdown, Kane will explain his actions of why he did what he did to his brother, Taker.
Backstage: Lay-Cool was with Kaval trying to fire him up like cheerleaders. They did a big cheer, then Kaval walked off. McCool wanted some "real talk" on what's really going on with Kaval and Layla. "Is there something there?" she asked. Layla claimed there was nothing there when they kissed two weeks. She said he is cute, though. They closed their eyes and Layla thought about Kaval's deep voice. She then stormed off, leaving McCool standing there with her eyes closed. Husky Harris then walked in, "Do you believe in love at first sight or should I walk by again?" he asked, with a smirk. McCool glared at him, then walked off. Husky took it in stride and said she'll see it his way after he takes care of "her boy," Kaval, tonight. Not a bad backstage segment. Husky continues to show he has that "it" factor, even if it's a weird "it" factor. There's just something there that takes, well, ten or eleven weeks to "get."
[Commercial Break]
In-ring: Cue up "Dashing" Cody Rhodes's music to bring out Husky Harris, seconded by Rhodes. Cole was caught singing along with Rhodes's "smoke and mirrors" theme song. Lay-Cool's music hit to bring out Kaval. Michael Cole said Kaval reminds him of Brett Favre because he's got everyone kissing his rear end on the Internet. Mathews said that's a stretch. Cole said he's on NXT only because of the Internet. The Internet gave birth to him?
2 -- KAVAL (w/Lay-Cool) vs. HUSKY HARRIS (w/Cody Rhodes)
Kaval tried an early submission hold, but Husky made it to the ropes for a break. Husky then knocked down Kaval with a clothesline for a two count. Harris played to the crowd to draw some heel heat before Kaval came back with a rolling heel kick. Cole actually popped for the kick strike. Kaval, with a bloody lip, landed more kick strikes into a springboard enziguiri kick for a two count. Kaval then rolled to the apron and went for a springboard kick, but Husky moved and followed with an aggressive belly-to-belly suplex. Husky then made a cover for a two count. Husky lost his place a bit and tried a power move, but Kaval countered with another kick strike before going up top. Kaval nailed the Warrior's Way double foot stomp and he scored the pin for the win. The crowd responded favorably, as did Lay-Cool with screams and shouts and shrieks. Lay-Cool then got Kaval out of the ring to celebrate as Cody checked on Husky.
WINNER: Kaval in 4:00. Another impressive in-ring showing from Kaval, whose offense is over. Husky also looked solid with his power/brawling offense, but there always seems to be one point in the match where Husky loses himself for a few seconds. He's on his way, though. (*1/2)
Elimination recap: The announcers reminded viewers that Percy Watson has been cut tonight. One more elimination to go with NXT down to four Rookies.
[Commercial Break]
In-ring: Alex Riley was in the ring ready for his match-up on the show tonight. Cole said Riley made a name for himself last night on Raw. They cut to video from Raw to show Daniel Bryan one-on-one with Michael Tarver when Riley and The Miz interfered in Bryan's match. They showed Bryan's initial attack before Miz, Riley, and Tarver executed a three-on-one beating on Bryan. Back live, Riley talked himself up before Kofi Kingston came out to face Riley. The announcers gave a plug for Night of Champions before the bell sounded.
3 -- ALEX RILEY vs. KOFI KINGSTON (w/Michael McGillicutty)
Aggressive start to the match, with Riley taking control. He made a mistake going to the second rope for a double axehandle, which Kofi blocked with a kick. Kofi made a comeback with high-flying offense before warming up the crowd to hit the Boom Drop. Kofi called for the end and started doing his hand clap to set up the Trouble in Paradise, which Riley walked into. Kofi with the cover for the win. Cole then asked whether Riley's loss will hurt...or help him tonight facing elimination. How could a loss help? Mathews, playing up the animosity scripted into the show, called him on the comment. Cole replied, "Well, he was impressive." What's the purpose of having a match on this show? WWE's presentation is completely absurd at times.
WINNER: Kingston in 3:00. Short match. Dumb comment from Cole. Your typical NXT match. (*)
[Commercial Break]
Summerslam video: They rolled the "Summerslam Week" video for the third time. ... Announcers: Cole and Mathews fed to the Raw Rebound after Mathews said, "We found out on Raw that Nexus is anything but destroyed."
Raw Rebound: Michael Cole's voice was heard reading the anonymous Raw GM's set-up for the night with Nexus vs. WWE in one-on-one matches. The way the Rebound was presented, it sounded like Cole came up with that on his own, rather than reading the "GM's email." Subtle hint? The video was produced to make it seem like Nexus won all of their matches in dominating fashion, including showing Heath Slater celebrating victory and Edge walking away from the ring selling disdain, despite Edge getting the final word on Slater via spear after losing cheap via count-out. Obviously, WWE needs to re-write a history a bit to get heat on Nexus after a majority of their wins were flukes on Raw. The Rebound closed with video of John Cena defeating Darren Young, meaning Young was the odd man out of the group.
In-ring: Matt Striker brought Michael Cole and Josh Mathews into the ring to discuss who should be eliminated tonight. Cole talked about "impact," and he quotes. Cole said Riley should win after making the most "impact." He then cut a promo on Kaval, intentionally making a fool of himself in heelish fashion. Cole finished with a mock facial expression of Kaval. Mathews was next after the "Michael Cole show" was over. Mathews oddly agreed with Cole that Kaval should be eliminated and Riley should win NXT. They high-fived before the show abruptly cut to break. Again, reinforcement that match outcomes don't matter with Kaval winning and Riley losing on tonight's show.
[Commercial Break]
Ringside: Striker was with the four remaining Rookies - Kaval, Hennig, Riley, and Harris. As all four stood around awaiting the latest NXT Poll, Striker stretched things out by reminding everyone that the winner of Season Two will receive a PPV championship match. He also said the season finale will be in two weeks. No Rookie poll, as they went straight to the video game generator screen. After the pictures flashed across the screen, the generator stopped on...Husky Harris. Harris is gone. The crowd popped as Harris paced around ringside.
[Q5 -- over-run] Harris yanked the mic from Striker, but Cody Rhodes talked first. "How dare you!" he shouted at no one in particular. Rhodes went down the line of Pros, telling them they're not real Pros. He stopped at Ryder to tell him good luck in his future endeavors. Rhodes told Layla she's too busy making out with the Rookies to be a Pro. Rhodes joined Harris on the stage and Harris said it's time to talk, but Cody cut him off and said he's got this.
Rhodes walked down to ringside to Alex Riley that Miz is awesome, but he's awful. Rhodes told Hennig the reason why he doesn't go by Mr. Perfect is because he doesn't deserve it. Rhodes then walked over to Kaval and kicked him in the gut. Husky and Cody tried to attack Kaval until MVP and Kofi stormed down to ringside to make the save.
Kofi and Harris suddenly picked up a fight before MVP, in street clothes, came off the apron with a forearm to the back. MVP and Kofi then rammed Harris into the guardrail. The crowd started cheering as the cameras tried to keep up with the action. Suddenly, Kaval was up top and he landed the Warrior's Way double foot stomp on Harris on the floor. Kaval did his classic bent-over pose glaring down at Harris.
Lay-Cool joined the scene checking on Kaval before screaming down at Harris that he doesn't mess with their Rookie. MVP and Kofi stood in-between Kaval and Harris, who recovered a little too soon. Husky glared back at MVP standing a few feet away from him - a great piece of manufactured TV - then he marched away from ringside to the stage. Cody joined Harris on stage and Riley waved him good-bye while Hennig talked trash to Harris. Cody and Harris stood on-stage calling out to everyone in the building and ringside, drawing good heat. They closed with Cody & Harris vs. everyone in Bakersfield.
Again, they saved the good stuff for the over-run. That was some great TV, especially Cody Rhodes's mic work in a "realistic situation" using his instincts to cut a promo. MVP taking charge of the situation was a good spot for him to be in looking like a top star via juxtaposition standing next to everyone else involved. So, with two episodes remaining, they're down to Kaval, Riley, and Hennig. No announcement on whether there will be an elimination next week.
We welcome your 0-10 score and comments on this show for an "NXT TV Reax" feature in the Torch Feedback section of PWTorch.com. To contribute your thoughts on NXT, email to pwtorch@gmail.com using our Feedback form.
PWTorch editor Wade Keller has covered pro wrestling full time since 1987 starting with the Pro Wrestling Torch print newsletter. PWTorch.com launched in 1999 and the PWTorch Apps launched in 2008.
He has conducted "Torch Talk" insider interviews with Hulk Hogan, The Rock, Steve Austin, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Eric Bischoff, Jesse Ventura, Lou Thesz, Jerry Lawler, Mick Foley, Jim Ross, Paul Heyman, Bruno Sammartino, Goldberg, more.
He has interviewed big-name players in person incluiding Vince McMahon (at WWE Headquarters), Dana White (in Las Vegas), Eric Bischoff (at the first Nitro at Mall of America), Brock Lesnar (after his first UFC win).
He hosted the weekly Pro Wrestling Focus radio show on KFAN in the early 1990s and hosted the Ultimate Insiders DVD series distributed in retail stories internationally in the mid-2000s including interviews filmed in Los Angeles with Vince Russo & Ed Ferrara and Matt & Jeff Hardy. He currently hosts the most listened to pro wrestling audio show in the world, (the PWTorch Livecast, top ranked in iTunes)
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