TNA Impact MCMAHON'S TNA IMPACT REPORT 8/19: ECIII vs. P.J. Black for the TNA Hvt. Title, Gail Kim steel cage match, Drew Galloway, Open Mic Challenge, more; Overall Reax
Aug 19, 2015 - 10:11:19 PM
TNA Impact Wrestling “Turning Point” TV Results
August 19, 2015
Taped in Orlando, Fla.
Report by Mike McMahon (@MikeMcMahonPW), PWTorch contributor
Impact Wrestling opened with the weekly recap of last week’s show, setting up tonight’s “Turning Point” edition of the show. The narrator spoke over the graphics for what will be on Impact tonight, including P.J. Black challenging Ethan Carter III for the TNA World Hvt. Title.
In-arena: Jeff Jarrett’s music hit and he made his way to the ring with Karen Jarrett. On commentary, Josh Mathews said that Bully Ray “is still nowhere to be found.”
Jarrett grabbed a mic and says before we talk about tonight, we need to talk about last week. Jarrett plugged Global Force Wrestling's Grand Slam Tour as well as the show from last week. That prompted a “Global Force” chant from the live crowd, which Karen played up and encouraged.
Jarrett said tonight he’d make history. For the first time in history, a GFW athlete would be challenging the TNA World Hvt. Champion.
[Reax: Short interruption here, but for the first time ever? GFW is barely two months old.]
Ethan Carter III then interrupted Jarrett and asked him - while mocking his old “J-E-DOUBLE-F, J-A-DOUBLE-R-E-DOUBLE-T” saying in mid-'90s WWE 0 who he thought he was. ECIII said this isn’t GFW, it’s TNA.
Karen called ECIII a spoiled brat, and said that she’ll tell him who Jeff Jarrett was. She said he founded GFW, founded TNA, and even today, he still has ownership. Karen asked if ECIII is upset because Dixie Carter chose Jeff over ECIII to run the show?
Karen said that it’s no secret that ECIII and Bully Ray never saw eye to eye. She brought up Drew Galloway, “who is a real contender,” and said if he competed last week, he might have won. So she questioned if ECIII was responsible for those attacks?
ECIII responded with, “I’m glad we have CSI: Impact Wrestling tonight,” before telling Karen and Jeff he was packing his bags and leaving.
Jarrett said he was going to go talk to “Aunt D” and encourage her to call the Board of Directors. Jarrett said he’d give ECIII two options: (1) Defend his title in the main event, or (2) Get stripped of the title. Jarrett’s music hit and ECIII was left fuming in the ring.
In-studio: Mathews and The Pope reacted to the opening promo. Mathews said that the deal wasn’t fair to ECIII. They then ran down the line-up for the show, including highlights of Galloway being taken out backstage last week.
Backstage: The roving cameraman caught up with Galloway to ask about the attack last week. Galloway said he doesn’t know what’s going on, but he has a good idea who attacked him, and that’s Eli Drake. Galloway said he gets his revenge tonight with no rules and no DQ.
In-arena: Christy Hemme introduced Bram, followed by Mr. Anderson. Mathews said he’d explain the rules for the “Open Mic Challenge” after the commercial break.
[Commercial Break at 9:11]
1 -- BRAM vs. MR. ANDERSON -- Open Mic Challenge match
Back from the break, Anderson was tackling Bram and the brawl was on. Anderson was in full control early in the match. Anderson’s mic was hanging from the middle of the ring, by the way. Mathews said the rules include that whoever grabs the microphone first can use it as a weapon.
[Q2] On the outside, Anderson grabs a table and sets it up on the outside. Anderson drives Bram through the table with a Lambeau Leap from the ring apron. Both men are down.
Anderson grabs a ladder and is headed into the ring to go for the microphone. Anderson has his hand on the mic, but Bram shoves the ladder down. Bram is now climbing the ladder and Anderson grabs his ankle. Bram grabs a side headlock and fires away with several quick punches.
Bram delivers a DDT to Anderson. On the outside, Bram grabs several chairs from under the ring and he tosses them into the ring. Three, four, five. On the other side of the ring, he pulls up the apron again. Six, seven, eight, nine, ten chairs. Bram climbs into the ring and starts to pile up the chairs. He grabs Anderson, but Anderson counters and whips Bram into the ladder, which is perched in the corner of the turnbuckle.
Anderson grabs the ladder and is going for the microphone, but he inexplicably stops one rung short and can’t reach it. In comes Bram and he powerbombs Anderson off the ladder on to the pile of ten chairs.
Bram scales the ladder and he grabs the microphone. He can now use it. Anderson cuts him off, though, and steals the mic, assaulting Bram. He said in the mic he couldn’t understand a word Bram said, but then went into his entrance routine, saying his name was “Mr. Anderson!” One more mic shot and Anderson scores the pin.
WINNER: Mr. Anderson in 10:02.
[Reax: This was an entertaining match, but the concept was dumb. If it was No DQ - Anderson and Bram were allowed to use chairs and tables - why on earth was a little microphone so important to get in order to use as a weapon? Also, I thought the stipulation was that whoever grabbed the mic first could use it as a weapon? So why was Anderson allowed to steal it and use it? Just a dumb concept. The only way that concept works is if weapons aren’t allowed, and the microphone is legal to only the man who captures it.]
Backstage: Bobby Roode is shown chasing down Jeff Jarrett. Roode yells at Jarrett for not putting him in the King of the Mountain match last week. Roode demands to know what he’s doing tonight. Jarrett said he had other things to do at the moment.
[Commercial Break at 9:26]
[Q3] Backstage: ECIII was caught by the cameraman, who asked what he thought of Jarrett. ECIII told “Aunt D” to do the right thing, and not strip him of the TNA Hvt. Title.
In-arena: James Storm entered the arena with Abyss and Manik. Mathews recapped the match between Storm and Mahabali Shera two weeks ago.
Storm said that Abyss and Manik gave him their total devotion. Storm said his measures are extreme, but the awards are just as extreme. Storm called out Shera and challenged him to talk to him face-to-face. Storm promised nothing would happen to Shera if he got into the ring and talked to him.
Storm said he wanted to bring him out there to tell him that the reason he was so hard on him was because he wanted to test his loyalty. Storm said he let Shera into his home when he first came to America. Storm said that Shera came here to earn a living, “but dying isn’t much of a living.” Storm said he wants Shera to raise his finger back in the air and pledge to the Revolution.
Shera came out, looked around the crowd, grabbed the mic, and said he did everything for The Revolution. He said Storm did nothing for him. Shera again said his name isn’t Khoya. He told Storm that he treated him like trash. Shera said he’s like the people in the crowd - he likes to smile and have fun, and he said these people like to have fun. Shera said he loves to dance, and that the crowd loved to dance.
Storm looked angry as Shera asked for his music to play and he danced around the ringside area. Shera got back in the ring and he tried to get Manik to dance with him, and he began to. Storm slapped Manik and told him to stop. Storm yelled to shut the music off, then said Shera is like the crowd, he’s a joke.
Shera threw a right hand, but Abyss cut him off. Storm demanded Abyss chokeslam Shera, and he obliged. Storm and Abyss forced Manik to hit a frog splash on Shera, who looked reluctant to do so. Storm finished Shera off with a superkick.
[Reax: That was a painful segment. It dragged on and just never connected one bit. Storm was very good, as he usually is, but Shera is just going to be some dancing idiot? Why? It felt very, very forced. Like when WWE forced Lance Storm to dance around late in his WWE career for no apparent reason. Shera just said he likes to have fun and dance like the people and started dancing. Okay.]
Up Next: Gail Kim vs. Marti Bell and Jade in a six sides of steel match.
[Commercial Break at 9:41]
Backstage: Jeremy Borash interviewed P.J. Black, who said he knew ECIII was going to try to get out of the match tonight. He dared ECIII to “do the right thing” tonight. Eric Young interruped and said Black is a dead man for taking what belonged to him. Young said he’s taking what he wants, when he wants to.
[Q4] In-arena: Marti Bell and Jade were shown making their way to the ring for their handicap match against Gail Kim.
2 -- GAIL KIM vs. THE DOLLHOUSE (Marti Bell & Jade) -- Six Sides of Steel handicap match
Kim scored a dropkick to open the match before the Dollhouse started to gain control.
[Commercial Break at 9:52]
Back from the break, Gail had Marti Bell locked in a submission attempt with an armbar, but Jade broke it up. The Dollhouse went back in control. Marti and Jade continued to assault Kim as Mathews pointed out that Taryn Terrell was not in attendance, but she probably coached Marti and Jade all week on what to do.
With the ladies on the top rope, Gail started to fight back and threw both Marti and Jade to the canvas before hitting a cross-body on both from the top rope. Gail then went back and forth hitting right hands on Marti and Jade.
[Q5 -- second hour] At the top of the hour, Gail whipped Marti and Jade into the same corner and also hit a bulldog and leg scissor at the same time to get both women down. But, Marti and Jade made a comeback going for a double suplex. But, Kim countered with a double suplex. Gail started to climb the cage, but asked the fans what should be done with the Dollhouse?
Gail decided that she’s not done, then jumped back down into the ring, whipping Marti and Jade into the cage several times. Marti and Jade threw Gail off the turnbuckle as she went to climb. From the top, Marti went for a cross-body on Gail, but Gail ducked and she took out Jade. Gail then covered Marti for the pin.
WINNER: Gail Kim.
[Reax: Good match, but this match should have made the viewer want to see Kim vs. Terrell more. It was a good win for Gail, but just felt like a one-off that didn’t help build their feud at all.]
Backstage: Jarrett and Dixie Carter were trying to figure out what to do with tonight’s main event. Jarrett said they’re trying to make history. If ECIII refuses to defend the title, Jarrett told Dixie that she only has one choice, and that’s to strip ECIII of the title. In walked ECIII, who asked if Dixie really wanted him to defend the TNA World Hvt. TItle against “one of their guys.” Dixie said ECIII has a choice, defend the title tonight or be stripped.
[Commercial Break at 10:05]
Backstage: ECIII and Tyrus were figuring out what to do when Matt Hardy walked in and said he’s far from done. Hardy said he’d keep coming and would always be in his vision as long as he has the TNA Title. ECIII said he has decisions to make, none of them involve Hardy, so he told Tyrus to take care of it. Hardy said he’ll fight Tyrus, and then he’s coming after ECIII for the TNA Title.
3 -- ELI DRAKE vs. DREW GALLOWAY -- No Disqualification match
Drake attacks Galloway before he even gets into the ring. Drake lays in stiff right hands. On the outside, Galloway starts to get control back and hits a snap suplex on Drake. Galloway goes under the ring and grabs a chair, but misses a head shot.
Galloway sets Drake up on the steps and slaps a big chop to his chest. Galloway climbs up on the guardrail, but misses a splash and hits the steps. Drake is now in control and hits a chair to Galloway’s ribs.
[Q6] Mathews wonders what happened to Galloway’s ribs with that chairshot. Back in the ring, Drake shoves his boot into Galloway’s throat in the corner. Galloway escaped a rear chinlock, but Drake comes right back with more right hands.
Drake throws Galloway to the outside and hits a sloppy clothesline from the ring apron. Mathews said it was a flying fist of sorts. It looked weird. Drake then rolls Galloway back into the ring and goes back to some right hands. He whips Galloway into the corner, but Galloway suddenly finds a second wind and hits a clothesline before barraging Drake with right hands in the corner.
Galloway grabs a chair on the outside and brings it into the ring, but Drake kicks the rope as Galloway is climbing in. Galloway drops the chair and Drake hits a DDT on the chair, but Galloway kicks out at two. Drake sets up the chair in the corner of the ring, wedging it between the second and third turnbuckle. Drake tries to Irish whip Galloway into the chair, but Galloway reverses it.
Galloway charges up in the corner and then jumps to the outside to grab a table. Drake cuts him off outside and throws the table in the ring, though. Drake also grabs his crutch, but misses Galloway. Galloway hits an overhead belly-to-belly suplex. The table is setu p in the corner and Galloway tries to whip Drake into it but he stops short. Drake then hits a low blow and breaks the crutch over Galloway’s back.
Drake goes to the outside and slides a second table into the ring. He drapes Galloway across it and climbs to the top rope, but Galloway cuts him off with a kick. Galloway starts to hit knife-edge chops and Drake is teetering. From the top rope, Galloway hits a modified superplex through the table. Galloway covers and gets the win. That seems to be the end of their feud. Mathews said that Galloway can now move on from Eli Drake.
WINNER: Drew Galloway via pinfall.
[Reax: Good match. Galloway seems primed to be on to something bigger. They began a slow build to what should lead to an eventual title opportunity, with the announcers playing up that Galloway could easily be TNA World Champion right now, if not for Drake.]
Backstage: Taryn Terrell is looking scared backstage, and she runs into Velvet Sky, who says Taryn is done.
[Commercial Break at 10:24]
Backstage: Velvet is still chasing Taryn Terrell around backstage. She backs her into Gail Kim, who handcuffs Taryn to a steel pipe and Gail Kim says it’s “a hand for a hand.” Velvet then kicks the camera out, saying he didn’t need to see any of this.
[Q6] In-arena: Eric Young heads to the ring and grabs a mic. Young said Jarrett doesn’t know what he’s doing, and he said he should be in the main event tonight. Young said the World Title goes through Eric Young.
Young kept saying he was going to take because he could, but Chris Melendez’s music interrupted Young’s rambling promo. Melendez said that Young doesn’t realize that he won’t quit. Melendez said he didn’t accept defeat in Baghdad, and he wouldn’t here, either. He also demands a re-match with Young, who asked if something happened to his head. Young said he has nothing to prove. Young said he’s taken all he wants from Melendez, and demands he leave the ring, but Melendez holds firm.
Melendez said he wants his re-match. Young said Melendez has nothing he wants (again), but caught himself. Young said there is one thing he wants for his trophy room: Melendez’s leg. Melendez said he wasn’t scared and he accepted the challenge. Young then attacked Melendez. Young went for the piledriver, but Melendez fought back and ran him off up the ramp.
[Reax: Eric Young is going to wrestle Chris Melendez for his prosthetic leg. Wait, what? Just another weird wrinkle in what feels like a really weird show this week.]
[Commercial Break at 10:34]
After some quick offense, Matt Hardy hits two Twists of Fate and scores the pinfall victory in just over two minutes.
WINNER: Matt Hardy in 2:02.
[Reax: It’s really hard to take Tyrus seriously as a monster heel when he gets beat in short order.]
Post-match, ECIII came from backstage and attacked Hardy with the TNA Title belt. ECIII grabbed the mic and told Jeff Jarrett to “send his very best,” so he could sacrifice them on his altar of perfect. That brought out Black for his intro for the main event.
[Commercial Break]
5 -- TNA World Hvt. champion ETHAN CARTER III vs. King of the Mountain champion P.J. BLACK -- TNA World Hvt. Title match
[Q7] Tyrus was not at ringside for this match after just losing in the last segment. ECIII attacked to begin the match, but Black came back and some offense through the ropes, sending ECIII to the floor. ECIII then caught Black with a dropkick as he was coming off the ropes.
ECIII hit a sitting powerbomb and went for a cover, but Black kicked out. ECIII and Black traded right hands chops on the chest. Black with a flurry of offense and he climbed to the top rope to land a springboard 450 splash off the top rope.
Black then climbed to the top turnbuckle, but ECIII cut him off. ECIII hit the One-Percenter for the three count and the win. ECIII then celebrated the victory after the match.
WINNER: Ethan Carter III retains the TNA World Hvt. Title.
Backstage: Jarrett said ECIII finally came out and defended his title. Jarrett said ECIII was a “helluva wrestler.” Jarrett said they needed to keep the momentum going. He told Dixie that back when they were a team, a lot got accomplished. Jarrett asked Dixie if he could run Impact on a weekly basis. Dixie asked if Jarrett could really do it? Dixie said this was a big deal and she needed to talk to some people about it, but she felt good about it. Dixie asked for a week, and Jarrett said okay. Dixie said it was a great night as the show went off the air.
[Final Thoughts: The main event was by far the best match of the night. Black’s high spots woke up the crowd, but the crowd never seemed to buy into the idea of Black winning the title, and didn’t really respond to the near falls during the match. Overall, this show felt flat compared to the past few weeks. The title match was good, but not as good as Hardy-ECIII and the rest of the show suffered from some really bad segments, in particular The Revolution segment and the silly rules in the opening match.]
PWTorch editor Wade Keller has covered pro wrestling full time since 1987 starting with the Pro Wrestling Torch print newsletter. launched in 1999 and the PWTorch Apps launched in 2008.
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