TNA Impact TURNER'S TNA IMPACT WRESTLING RESULTS 5/24: Open Fight Night, Gut Check, Roode defends Hvt. Title, Return of an icon
May 25, 2012 - 12:26:30 AM
TNA Impact Wrestling Report
May 24, 2012
Taped in Orlando, Fla.
Report by Scott Turner, PWTorch contributor
[Q1] The show started with Hulk Hogan addressing the winners of last week’s Open Fight Night qualifying matches. He passed around a program for tonight’s episode of Impact, and completely broke the fourth wall, talking about creative teams and what he was supposed to do according to a script.
Hogan said that Roode was on the verge of being the longest reigning Impact Wrestling champion. He asked them all to make a case for why he should pick them to face Roode. Angle said he deserved the shot because he had won the most titles. A.J. Styles and Bully Ray took exception to that sentiment. Ray said he deserved the shot because he was the most legit guy in the running.
Styles made the case for being deserving of the shot because he didn’t want to see Roode surpass him as the longest reigning Impact Wrestling champion. Ray called out Jeff Hardy for not saying anything and letting the others go at it verbally. Hardy said the fans should decide, which Angle took major exception to. In the end, Hogan eliminated Ray from the running, citing his inability to win the big one, and being a singles wrestler for only a year. “Eric was right about you,” Ray said as he stormed out of the room.
Turner Reax: That made for enticing television, but the segment would have worked just as effectively if it skipped over all the insider lingo. Treading this line between a product that is presented as a competitive sports and the competitors acknowledging it’s staged seems like it would be a bit counterproductive in the long run. The line of the segment goes to Hardy, who referenced Angle’s kid loving him.
Gail Kim came out to the ring with Madison Rayne and said she was the most dominant Knockout in the company’s history, and went as far as saying she was the most important woman in the company. She said she had a problem with the Knockouts Tag Team Titles being represented by a man and a woman who resembled a man. Being that it was Open Fight Night, she challenged them to a match, which prompted the team of Eric Young and ODB to come out to the ring.
1 -- TNA Knockouts tag champions ODB & ERIC YOUNG vs. TNA Knockouts champion GAIL KIM & MADSION RAYNE -- non-title match
Kim and Young started the match with Young putting Kim in a headlock. He put her in a bear hug, which caused ODB to get jealous and demand to be tagged in. ODB hit a fallaway slam as the show cut to commercial.
[Commercial Break]
[Q2] The show came back with Kim hitting a flying clothesline on ODB. Kim tagged in Rayne, who got in some offense for a two count. Rayne tagged Kim back in, and they tried to use some double-team offense, but Rayne walked away, which caused Kim to get angry with her.
Young got into the ring, took of his pants, and started hitting armdrags on both Rayne and Kim. ODB once got upset at Young, and asked him if he took his pants off because he was planning on knocking the girls up. Young tagged ODB into the match, and she tried to hit another fallaway slam, but had her legs pulled from under her and held onto by Rayne, allowing Kim to pick up the victory.
WINNERS: Kim & Rayne via pinfall at 6:35.
Turner Reax: The match was fine for what it was, and I assume this will probably lead into Kim feuding with ODB. I mean, she doesn’t really have anyone else to work with who has been on television recently.
Bobby Roode was shown walking through the building as the went to a commercial break.
[Commercial Break]
Hogan was shown talking on the phone backstage. He referenced cutting Ray from the running to face Roode, and said it did not go over well. He alluded to person on the phone being on his or her way to the Impact Zone, and said it had been way too long.
[Q3] RVD came out and said he had unfinished business that he had let slip by him. He called out Gunner, who obliged, and came out to the ring.
RVD and Gunner exchanged blows on the outside with Gunner getting the better of the exchange, slamming RVD’s head on the ring apron. He threw a chair into ring, and before he could use it RVD caught him with a spinning heel kick and the Rolling Thunder. Gunner came back with an elbow off an Irish whip for a two count. RVD caught Gunner with yet another spinning heel kick, and followed it up with a very long Five-Star Frog Splash for the win.
WINNER: Rob Van Dam via pinfall at 2:50.
Turner Reax: Short match that fell short of a squash match on the merit that Gunner got some offense in. It was weird to see him lose so fast, but I’m not as high on him as some people seem to be, so I wasn’t affected much by the decision.
The announcers hyped the drama between the Open Fight Night qualifiers and reminded viewers that were would a be a TNA World Heavyweight Title match tonight.
[Commercial Break]
As the show came back from commercial break, Devon was already in the ring. He reminded everyone that he is to defend the TNA Television Title every week on Impact. Devon said he respected Garett Bischoff for eliminating him in last week’s battle royal. He said he wanted Bischoff to come face him tonight to see if he would be as lucky.
3 -- TNA Television champion DEVON vs. GARETT BISCHOFF -- TNA Television Title match
Devon got Bischoff in a few holds before following up with a spinning dive as the crowd chanted “Devon.” The crowd then began to chant, “We want tables,” as Devon and Bischoff stared at each other. Before they could get back into it, Robbie E. and Robbie T. came out to beat on Devon, which caused the referee to call for the disqualification.
WINNER: Devon via disqualification at 1:50.
Turner Reax: I applaud TNA for sticking to their guns about the Television Title being defended on a weekly basis. That being said, the four wrestlers that were featured in this segment are probably at the bottom of the totem pole of wrestlers I care about.
Robbie E. and Robbie T. tried to beat on Devon, but Bischoff came to his rescue. They fought off the heels and then shared an embrace in the ring.
An ad aired for Hogan’s second elimination for tonight’s World Title match.
[Q4] Hogan was backstage with all of the wrestlers who qualified for a chance to compete in tonight’s title match. He beat around the bush a bit, which prompted an outburst from Angle. In the end, Hogan eliminated Hardy from the running, citing Hardy’s victories being too close, and that Roode’s reign needed to be stopped.
A video package aired highlighting the drama between Joseph Park, Abyss, and Bully Ray.
Ray came out to the ring and vented about being the first one eliminated from the running for competing in a World Title match. He said he was in a bad mood, and that he was going to take it out on every single member in the audience. Roode found Park in the audience and called him out and told him to get in the ring.
Park reluctantly made his way to ringside as the crowd chanted, “Yes!” He got on the mic and said that he was a little intimidated by Ray, and asked him for some space. Park said that every clue he gathered led back to Ray.
[Q5] Park said that over the years of being an attorney he had acquired the ability to look in a man’s eyes and tell whether or not he’s guilty. Park told Ray he was entitled to a fair and speedy trial in front of his peers. He called on the Impact Zone audience to pass judgment on Ray, but Ray hit him with a low blow and proceeded to beat on him with a chain. He got in Park’s face and said, “Not guilty.”
Turner Reax: Is Abyss still missing? I thought he made an appearance a few week ago? Hmm, strange...
Independent stand-out Joey Ryan was introduced as the next participant of Gut Check as the show went to a commercial break.
[Commercial Break]
Ryan was in the ring with Al Snow and Jeremy Borash, who introduced his opponent, Austin Aries.
4 -- TNA X Division champion AUSTIN ARIES vs. JOEY RYAN -- Gut Check non-title match
Ryan quickly caught Aries with an armdrag, and then proceeded to sleazily gloat in the corner. Aries came back with some offense, and did some gloating of his own. Ryan went to the outside, but was caught with a cross-body from Aries over the top rope to the outside.
Inside the ring, Aries yanked on Ryan’s chest hair, but was caught with a dropkick for a two count. Ryan tried to go for the pumphandle slam, but Aries countered with an elbow. Eventually, Ryan hit a pumphandle suplex for a two count. Aries came back with a running dropkick in the corner, and followed up with the brainbuster for the win.
WINNER: TNA X division champion Austin Aries via pinfall at 4:08.
Turner Reax: Being from Southern California, I have had the privilege of seeing Ryan wrestle countless times. I was really excited to see him on Impact, but I wish the audience’s first impression of Ryan reflected the work ethic and charisma he puts forth every month at PWG shows. That being said, it was a fine television match, and Ryan looked totally competent in the Impact Wrestling setting. I hope Ryan gets the nod.
[Commercial Break]
[Q6] Borash introduced Roode as part of tonight’s main event. He then introduced Styles and Angle as possible challengers. Hogan came out and said that there was no wrong choice for Roode’s opponent. He then picked Styles to face Roode for the title on the basis that he knew Roode the best.
5 -- TNA World Heavy champion BOBBY ROODE vs. A.J. STYLES -- TNA World Heavyweight Title match
Roode and Styles exchanged some offense that boiled over into a series of Irish whips with Styles getting the better of Roode with a dropkick. Roode rolled to the outside as the show cut to commercials.
[Commercial Break]
[Q7] Back from the break, Roode threw Styles into the ringpost, causing him to fall outside. Roode followed Styles outside and threw him into the ringpost again before throwing him back into the ring for a one count. He beat on Styles while the announcers questioned whether Styles’s mind was preoccupied with the drama surrounding him, Kazarian, Daniels, and Dixie Carter.
Roode charged at Styles, but was met with a back body drop to the outside. Styles followed Roode to the outside and ran at him, but Roode caught him with a sick-looking hip toss into the ring steps. The screen split to show Hogan being informed that his guest had arrived.
[Commercial Break]
The show came back with Roode hitting a suplex and a knee drop for a two count. Roode locked Styles in a chinlock, but Styles was able to come back with a springboard forearm for another two count. Roode tried to go for a superplex, but Styles knocked him off and hit a missile dropkick. Roode and Styles went through another series of exchanges, this time Roode came out on top with a spear that sent Styles back-flipping.
[Q8] Styles came back with some kicks and tried to hit the Styles Clash, but Roode countered with the spinebuster and the fishermen suplex for a close two count. Roode attempted another fishermen suplex, but was caught with a Pele Kick from Styles. Styles went for a springboard 450 that saw Roode putting his knees up. The Champ followed up with another fishermen suplex for the pin.
WINNER: Bobby Roode via pinfall at 21:27 to retain the TNA World Heavyweight Title.
Turner Reax: The match was a little slow at first, but that could have been the fault of a pair of commercial breaks. Towards the end, it turned out to be one heck of a match, and the best part about it was the fact that Roode beat one of TNA’s mainstay “stars,” A.J. Styles, clean. A heel that wins clean, wow, it’s been a long time since wrestling fans have had one of those.
Afterward, Roode got on the mic and said he had made history as the longest-reigning World Heavyweight champion in the history of Impact Wrestling. He called for a celebration as champagne was brought to him in the ring. He said he needed someone to come out and celebrated with him, and called for Hogan to come out and celebrate with him
[Commercial Break]
Hogan had yet to make his way out to the ring as Roode got impatient, and called for his confetti to rain down as he rolled around in it in the ring. Roode’s celebration was cut short as Hogan came out and limped to the ring. As Hogan got into the ring, Roode poured him a glass of champagne and cheers'ed him the whole bottle of champagne.
Hogan thanked Roode for all the hard work he had put in, but that the hard work had just begun. He said there was someone else who wanted to celebrate his title reign with him. The lights went out, and when they came back on Sting was in the ring. Roode looked terrified as Sting proceeded to beat on him until Roode took a powder. Hogan said that next week, Impact would be kicked off with a lumberjack match between Sting and Roode. Roode grieved and mourned over the news, while Sting played to the crowd as the show came to a close.
Turner Reax: That was a cool moment, and while I’m glad they’re holding off on the return of James Storm, I would have liked to see them hold out on bringing Sting back. It doesn’t feel like it was all that long ago that Sting and Roode were feuding with one another, and Sting making a big deal about going away for a bit to train to be able to come back and beat Roode takes a bit away from his return. Furthermore, I’m a little disappointed in TNA for already burning through Sting and Roode. Roode has a fluky victory over Sting, and it would have been nice to see him win clean in a standard one-on-one match on a pay-per-view, or a more hyped affair.
Tonight’s edition of Impact continued the trend of strong television shows as of late. It wasn’t amazing or anything, but it was definitely better than Raw this past Monday. I was getting worried about all the short matches on a highlighted show like Open Fight Night, but the lengthy main event more than made up for it. Between Roode, Ray, Aries, and a handful of wrestlers on the roster TNA recently seems to be clicking in the right ways more than ever. Thanks again for reading and see you next week.
PWTorch editor Wade Keller has covered pro wrestling full time since 1987 starting with the Pro Wrestling Torch print newsletter. launched in 1999 and the PWTorch Apps launched in 2008.
He has conducted "Torch Talk" insider interviews with Hulk Hogan, The Rock, Steve Austin, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Eric Bischoff, Jesse Ventura, Lou Thesz, Jerry Lawler, Mick Foley, Jim Ross, Paul Heyman, Bruno Sammartino, Goldberg, more.
He has interviewed big-name players in person incluiding Vince McMahon (at WWE Headquarters), Dana White (in Las Vegas), Eric Bischoff (at the first Nitro at Mall of America), Brock Lesnar (after his first UFC win).
He hosted the weekly Pro Wrestling Focus radio show on KFAN in the early 1990s and hosted the Ultimate Insiders DVD series distributed in retail stories internationally in the mid-2000s including interviews filmed in Los Angeles with Vince Russo & Ed Ferrara and Matt & Jeff Hardy. He currently hosts the most listened to pro wrestling audio show in the world, (the PWTorch Livecast, top ranked in iTunes)
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