TNA Impact KELLER'S TNA IMPACT WRESTLING REPORT 12/8: Jarrett & Roode vs. Hardy & Styles, Mickie James vs. Madison Rayne, Storm confronts Angle
Dec 10, 2011 - 3:40:20 PM
By Wade Keller, PWTorch editor
DECEMBER 8, 2011
-A video package focused on Sting and Robert Roode last week, with Sting telling Roode that there will be a bad consequence for every bad choice he makes followed by highlights of Jeff Jarrett interfering in the main event against Jeff Hardy. Then clips aired of James Storm and Kurt Angle, with hype that Storm will confront Angle tonight.
-As Sting made his ring entrance, Mike Tenay announced a TV main event of Hardy & Styles vs. Roode & Jarrett. Taz said that's huge. Sting said they were going to get right to business and he called Bobby Roode to the ring. Roode walked out, keeping his title as Best Dressed, a title formerly held by Batista and closely contested now by Dolph Ziggler, but the tie gives Roode the edge. Sting said although Roode paid one of his debts last week when he put him in a match against Hardy and Styles, he has another debt to pay. Sting called TNA President Dixie Carter to the ring.
Dixie swaggered to the ring in her high heel boots. Sting said when Roode puts his hands on Dixie Carter, it's the same thing as putting his hands on him. He said using her as a human shield wasn't acceptable. Roode smiled. Sting said Dixie is on the bottom of a pile and fists are still flying 100 miles an hour. Sting told Roode he needs to get right with Dixie and apologize before all of the people. Roode laughed. “You're serious, you want me to apologize?” asked Roode. “Okay, I'll apologize because that's the kind of man I am, Sting.” He asked Sting to step aside so he could have some space. The crowd chanted “On your knees.” Roode said he is sorry for not being completely honest with her, but things are different now and he's not scared to say anything because he's the champ. Dixie shook her head in disgust. He said Dixie now needs him. He said business is better than ever now that he's defeated James Storm. “Advertisers, sponsors, commercials, everybody wants to jump on the Bobby Roode Express, including you,” he said. Roode said he doesn't think he'd even sell her a ticket because “you're not woman enough to last the whole ride.” Sting had enough and stepped in.
Roode accused Sting of taking away his First Amendment Rights. He asked Sting to let him finish. He accused Dixie of being a fake and “daddy's little rich girl.” He said: “You never earned a penny in your life. You had everything handed over to you on a silver platter. You couldn't run a lemonaid stand much less a wrestling company, Dixie.” She called him pathetic. Roode asked her who she thinks she is. He said he's Bobby Roode, the World Heavyweight Champion, the “It Factor of Professional Wrestling and the Leader of the Selfish Generation.” He said whether she likes it or not, he is the face of this wrestling company. He said it appears to him he has just spit in the face of authority. He began to walk away, but then turned to Dixie and literally spat in her face. Sting went after Roode, but Roode retreated to the stage. Dixie melted down as Tenay called Roode sick. [c]
-Tenay said he's reluctant to even replay “this sickening display” by Roode from the previous segment. Then they went to a replay. Styles shoved Roode against a wall backstage. Roode told him to watch his suit. Styles told Roode that Dixie gave him everything – that suit, that tie, that title. Styles said he is going to tear him apart tonight and leave him with just enough to defend his title at Final Resolution. Sting barged into the scene, but security and Hardy held him back. Styles told Sting he'd take care of him.
Joe opened up with a barrage of punches. Abyss came back with a boot to the face at 1:00. They cut to a very early break. [c] Joe gave Abyss a reverse atomic drop. After over 30 years watching pro wrestling, I still have no idea what the impact point of that is supposed to be and how it's supposed to hurt. Joe continues on offense, but leaped right into Abyss's arms for a chokeslam attempt. Joe escaped, but Abyss came back with another try. Joe broke the grip and enzuigiri'd Abyss. Then Joe hit a running high knee in the corner to Abyss's chin. At 7:00 Scott Steiner came to ringside to distract the ref was Bully Ray clotheslined Joe with a chain. Abyss then gave Joe a Black Hole Slam for the win.
WINNER: Abyss in 8:00.
-Storyline-wise this plays into Ray and Steiner trying to re-recruit Abyss into Immortal. Abyss let Steiner and Ray raised his arms in victory, but then he blindsided Steiner with a Black Hole Slam. Ray begged off in the corner, then jumped to ringside and fled the scene. Tenay said it's back to the drawing board for Ray and Steiner.
-Karen Jarrett told Madison Rayne and Gail Kim obviously last week ODB did not do the job they thought she could do. She said now it's time for Rayne to tear apart Mickie James. Karen told Rayne not to suck up to her and that she's relying on her. Karen broke the news to Kim that she doesn't have the night off as she told her earlier, she has to wrestle Traci Brooks. Kim didn't like that, saying that Traci is going to take all of her frustrations out on her that Karen caused. Karen noticed the camera eavesdroppiing on them and slammed the door. [c...]
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-Backstage Sting told Gunner “it's over with.” Gunner said it's over when he says it's over. Gunner told Sting that Garett has asked for matches twice, so he wanted just one rematch against Garett. “No Flair, no Bischoff, me and Garett one-on-one,” he said. Sting shook his hand and said he could give him that. Sting made sure it was clear no Flair, no Bischoff. Gunner said he has his word.
-Devon and The Pope walked to the ring. Devon called out Matt Morgan & Crimson to talk about their World Tag Team Title match on Sunday. Crimson and Morgan walked right out, with the tag titles over their shoulders. Taz said Morgan and Crimson will be very difficult to dethrone. Devon said prior to winning the tag titles, they were tearing each other apart, but then a couple of days later they joined together and beat the living hell out of Mexican America. He thanked them for that, and said the fans thank them, too. He said being part of one of the greatest tag teams in the history of pro wrestling, he happens to know about tag team wrestling. The Pope tried to interject something, but Devon said not yet. He listed tag teams he and Brother Ray beat – The Steiner Brothers, Beer Money, The Machine Guns, and The Hardy Boys. Devon said they have what it takes to become a top tag team. He said they've got the total package, but they must understand that he and Pope are now a tag team and they will be facing them at Final Resolution. He told them to bring their A-game. He said there are no excuses at the end of all of this because when everything is said and done, “that little lady” will be announcing them as the new tag champs. He said, “Oh my brother, testify. May the best team win.” They showed Devon's kids applauding at ringside. He shook hands with Crimson and Morgan.
Pope stood by and just listened, then told them to cut the music because he had something to say. He said he doesn't agree with everything “Captain Him” said, they can agree on one thing. He said those two have proven to be two of the biggest, dumbest honkeys they've run across in a long time.
(WK Reax: Who says honky anymore? Seriously, is this the 1970s? I think the last time I heard that on TV until now was “The Jeffersons” and even on that late'70s/early-'80s show it was said to make the old lead black character sound out of touch and dated.)
Pope asked for time to elaborate. He said this is about the almighty dollar, not the tag titles. He said the gold on their shoulders leads to more money. He said as long as they have the belts, Pope and “Captain Him” are going for it. Devon didn't like Pope's tone. Pope said he'll do whatever it takes no matter how low he has to go to take those titles away from them. “Testify to that,” he said. “Because Pope has spoken.” Then his music played. Tenay said Pope can't help himself. Taz said he agrees with Pope. Pope shoulder bumped Morgan, then Morgan punched Pope and tackled him. Devon and Crimson got into a fight, too. Pope gave Morgan a low-blow from behind. Does anyone in wresting take more low-blow shots than Morgan? Pope called for Devon's boys to enter the ring. Terrence and Terrell leaped the ringside railing and started beating on Morgan. Morgan eventually popped up. Devon's kids and Pope then quickly bailed out. Pope said he is very proud of them as they retreated up the ramp. Tenay wondered how Devon would react to their involvement.
-They showed Madison and then Mickie heading toward the entrance ramp. [c...]
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-Backstage they showed James Storm arriving with a beer in hand. He smiled and shook hands with backstage workers, showing what a likeable guy he is.
“The Little Lady” (as Devon condescendingly caller her earlier) Christy Hemme handled ring introductions. Rayne attacked Mickie from behind during her ring entrance. Tenay said Rayne's mission is to be sure Mickie's not 100 percent on Sunday when she faces Kim. Tenay asked fans to vote on Twitter who they think will win on Sunday. Rayne dominated for three minutes, but couldn't get the pin. Mickie then hit a jumping DDT out of nowhere for the win. Afterward Kim walked onto the stage and held her title belt in the air as Tenay and Taz hyped their Knockouts Title match on Sunday.
WINNER: Mickie in 4:00.
-They showed Garett backstage heading toward the entrance tunnel. [c]
-Ray told Steiner backstage that what they're doing isn't working, so they need a new gameplan. He said they gave him girls and they helped him win, and he still won't see things their way. Steiner said he'd go talk to Bischoff. As Steiner walked away, they added a little comedy as each tried to get in the last word.
-A video package aired recapping the Garett and Gunner feud, which has been given the prestigious position of being the match at the start of the second hour, one of the peak ratings periods typically on the show.
Bischoff and Flair accompanied Gunner to the ring. Tenay called out Gunner for breaking his word to Sting. Tenay said Garett has impressed them with is intensity and enthusiasm so far. Garett is still wearing pants instead of wrestling tights for some reason. Bischoff told Gunner they're counting on him, then they walked to the back. Gunner pummelled Garett at the start, but then Gunner came back with a bulldog and a faceplant and a flying clothesline. Gunner fired right back with an elbow to his chest and then knocked him to the floor where he threw him into the ringpost. Gunner continued to work over Garett inside the ring. Gunner got cocky and Garett surprised him with a leverage pin.
WINNER: Garett in 4:00.
-Gunner attacked Garett afterward, throwing him to the floor and then into the ringside steps. As Gunner was about to piledrive Garett at ringside, Bischoff ran out and begged Gunner to stop. He said it was enough. Gunner said Garett disrespected him. Bischoff then tore up the ringside mat and revealed he was okay with the piledriver, he just wanted it to hurt more. Gunner then piledrove Garett on the concrete floor. Gunner bent over and lectured Garett about disrespecting him. Bischoff smiled and bowed at Gunner from the stage. Tenay reacted with outrage and disgust. [c]
-Garett was wheeled into an ambulance on a stretcher. Bischoff taunted his son as Flair asked how it feels to be a pro wrestler. He patted him on his chest and said how proud he was of him. Bischoff promised to call Mom and tell him he's just fine. Flair patted on the ambulance door and told the paramedics to send a nurse back to the hotel. “Ha ha ha! He wanted to be a wrestler!” said Bischoff, applauding as the ambulance drove away.
-They went to Tenay and Taz at ringside who said as fathers themselves, they can't understand how Bischoff could act that way. Taz said it's sickening.
-James Storm made his full ring entrance. Storm said a man called him out and and told him to be there this week. He said he never backs down from a challenge. Tenay said Storm is still not medically cleared to wrestle. Storm told Angle if he has something to say to him, say it to his face. Angle walked to the ring. Angle said a few weeks ago when he attacked Storm from behind, he hit him so hard from behind he thought he gave himself a concussion. He said he thought he'd be out a lot longer than three weeks, at least six months, so he screwed up. He said he is one tough son of a bitch. He said he won't screw up again. He said when he enters the ring against Angle, he enters his world. He said he is the best wrestler in the world, so the way he screwed him for the World Title won't happen again. He said he will be well prepared. He said he thinks of him morning, noon, and night. Storm said, “Whoa, wait. I don't need you to think about me before you go to bed at night. That kind of creeps me out.”
Storm said there's that voice, that tone, that intimidation factor that he has. He said Kurt wins his matches before the match even begins by telling them what's going to happen to them in the match. Storm said his dad died when he was 12 and he had two step-brothers who died from a drunk driver when he was 15. He said when he was 16, his step-dad died. When he was 19, his grandmother died. “And I just put my dog of six years to sleep last week,” he said. “Kurt, I've looked death in the face. You don't scare me and there's nothing on God's green earth that intimidates me.” He said he can tell him what he's going to do to him all he wants, but he's going to tell him what he's going to do to him. He said the last time he was on the receiving end of a Last Call, he lost his title. He said the next time he gives him a Last Call, he's going to step on his throat and crush it like a beer can.
To show him how intimidated of him he is, he's going to turn his back on him. “If you feel froggy, jump,” he said. He turned around. Angle gritted his teeth, but didn't take a shot. Storm eventually turned back around and said, “I'll see you this Sunday.” He then leaned in to Angle's ear and said, “Oh, it's real. It's damn real.” Taz said that was a big-time gamble by Storm, especially since he hasn't recovered from his concussion fully yet. Tenay said: “I can't wait to see this Sunday. Plain and simple, Storm, Angle, Final Resolution.”
(WK Reax: They're walking a fine line of not really advertising the match, but saying they'll both at least confront one another on Sunday.)
-Karen told Gail that she's being accused of giving her special treatment. She said she has to wrestle Traci to show that she is fair. Karen then told Traci, “There's one problem, Traci. I'm not fair.” Karen then told Traci that when the bell rings, she should lay down on her back “which I know you have no problem doing,” and 1-2-3. Traci hung her head and tried to leave. Karen said if there's any funny business, she'll have to deal with her wrath. Gail and Karen laughed uproariously together as Traci left. [c]
-Devon chewed out his sons for getting involved earlier in attacking Morgan at The Pope's request. He told them to never step foot in the ring again. When Pope walked into the ring, Devon threw him against the wall immediately, lifting him several feel into the air. As he was going to hit him, one of Devon's son grabbed his arm and told him not to do it. Devon asked if he has lost his mind. Devon said he's going to leave or he'll do something he'll regret. He told them to think long and hard about what they just did. He then walked away. His sons said he's lost it. Pope walked back in and asked how they're doing. Pope said their dad is always like that and don't worry about it. Pope said they did the right thing and helped him when he needed it. He said they'll be main eventing in no time at this rate.
-Backstage Hardy said he'll prove to Jarrett he belongs in TNA. Styles said they both have something to prove, and they'll do that tonight.
Tenay said Karen is using her power to try to intimidate Traci. Gail told Traci to lay down. Traci did, although she didn't look happy about it. Then she kicked out at two, tackled Kim, and mounted her and rammed her head against the mat repeatedly. Taz said Karen is going to be livid. Traci charged Kim in the corner. Tenay said this is months of frustration coming out. Karen finally ran to ringside after another minute of Traci beating on Kim and she ordered her to stop. Traci grabbed Karen and tried to punch her. The ref stepped between them. Rayne then ran in and hit Kim from behind, replicating the angle earlier in the Joe-Abyss match. Kim then scored the pin.
WINNER: Kim in 3:00.
(WK Reax: It happens so often in TNA where they do one type of finish and then repeat it later in the show. This was almost an exact replay of the finish of Joe vs. Abyss.)
-Backstage Jarrett said he tried to take Hardy out backstage and he didn't get the job done, but he will finish him in the tag match tonight. Roode said he's beat Styles before and he will again.
(WK Reax: Good by-the-numbers pre-match promo to set the stage and give some mic time to the heels in the main event.) [c]
-Christopher Daniels cut a promo backstage where he butchered RVD's name and said something about making his singlet a colostomy bag. He asked RVD to have a match where “wrestling matters” at Final Resolution.
-Tenay and Taz then ran down the entire Final Resolution line-up. They outright advertised Angle vs. Storm would wrestle.
-Ring intros took place for Hardy and Styles first. Then Jarrett and Roode. Tenay reminded viewers that if Jarrett wins on Sunday, Hardy must leave Impact Wrestling.
Jeremy Borash began formal ring intros. As soon as he got the Wrangler Jeans plug in, Styles and Hardy jumped-started the match. At 2:00 Styles sold a leg injury on an awkward landing on a springboard. Styles tagged in Hardy, then Jarrett tagged in Roode. They cut to a break before Roode and Hardy hooked up. [c]
Hardy was on the offensive against Roode after the break with a flurry of moves. Then Hardy tagged Styles back in at 7:00. Styles was still favoring his leg. Roode went right after the leg. Roode and Jarrett tagged in and out against Styles and continued to work over his leg. Jarrett strutted and then did what Taz called a Tebow pose. Styles rolled up Jarrett for a near fall in his first sign of life in a while, but Jarrett kicked out and tagged Roode back in. Roode stomped Styles between the legs as the ref was distracted. Styles came back with a Pele kick, but immediately clutched his leg in pain at 11:00. When Styles reached out to tag Hardy, Jarrett forearmed Hardy off the ring apron. Hardy charged back into the ring and attacked Jarrett. dragging him to ringside and brawling all the way to the backstage area. Karen chased after them and raked Hardy's back with her fingernails. The camera followed that brawl in the back. In the ring, Roode put Styles in a single-leg crab. Styles cried out in pain. Styles then surprised Roode with a roll up to score the pin.
WINNERS: Styles & Hardy in 13:00.
-Afteward Roode attacked Styles. He threw him to ringside and attacked his leg as the show ended.
FINAL THOUGHTS: All in all a solid final episode before the Final Resolution PPV. The main thing missing was a passionate promo from Styles regarding wanting to end Roode's title reign. Usually when the booker doesn't give the babyface challenger time to talk about the match and wanting the title, it means the heel is retaining. It's part of some strategy to not have the babyface promise something he won't deliver (see John Cena at WrestleMania this year for another prominent example). Also, there was ambiguity about whether Storm would really wrestle Angle, and by going half way with it, I'm not sure they'll get as many buys as they would have had that been one of the final hard sells on the show. It might have been worth saving that match for when they could go all the way with the hype. The Angle-Storm segment itself was great, with Storm continuing to really shine as one of the best performers on the mic in the industry today - maybe the very best in that his approach feels so authentic and novel right now.
PWTorch editor Wade Keller has covered pro wrestling full time since 1987 starting with the Pro Wrestling Torch print newsletter. launched in 1999 and the PWTorch Apps launched in 2008.
He has conducted "Torch Talk" insider interviews with Hulk Hogan, The Rock, Steve Austin, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Eric Bischoff, Jesse Ventura, Lou Thesz, Jerry Lawler, Mick Foley, Jim Ross, Paul Heyman, Bruno Sammartino, Goldberg, more.
He has interviewed big-name players in person incluiding Vince McMahon (at WWE Headquarters), Dana White (in Las Vegas), Eric Bischoff (at the first Nitro at Mall of America), Brock Lesnar (after his first UFC win).
He hosted the weekly Pro Wrestling Focus radio show on KFAN in the early 1990s and hosted the Ultimate Insiders DVD series distributed in retail stories internationally in the mid-2000s including interviews filmed in Los Angeles with Vince Russo & Ed Ferrara and Matt & Jeff Hardy. He currently hosts the most listened to pro wrestling audio show in the world, (the PWTorch Livecast, top ranked in iTunes)
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