TNA Impact CALDWELL'S TNA IMPACT REPORT 1/20: Complete review of Impact on Spike - RVD & Anderson vs. Beer Money, The Angle and Jarrett Show, X Title match
Jan 21, 2011 - 12:05:53 AM
TNA Impact Results on Spike TV
January 20, 2011
Taped 1/11 in Orlando, Fla.
Report by James Caldwell, PWTorch assistant editor
[Q1] This week's TNA Impact opened with a video recap of Kurt Angle and Jeff Jarrett's feud that now includes Karen Jarrett (formerly Angle). Tonight, it's "Dirty Laundry."
Parking garage: a vehicle pulled up to the building and Kurt Angle walked out. Angle walked onto the Impact Zone "set" to arrive for work. Angle approached Jimmy Hart and Tilly to have his music played now. Everyone gets TV time in TNA.
Kurt Angle walked out to the Impact Zone and entered the ring to cut off "lies and mistruths" about him that are about to be spewed by Karen Angle and Jeff Jarrett. Angle said this whole thing started when he brought Karen to TNA. He said Karen was an asset "inside the ring" and..."outside the ring." No reaction for the innuendo. Angle said he believed Karen when she told him he was hanging out with Jarrett for business reasons. He said Jeff has made this personal, but the one thing they cannot take away from him is his character. Angle sold breaking down into tears. "I - I was a great husband and I was an incredible father," he said. The camera zoomed in tight on Angle, who said he's only guilty of not spending enough time with his family. Pause to sell the emotion and set up an "Angle, Angle" chant.
Angle called out Karen, saying they can do this the easy way or the hard way. Angle said the easy way is they make amends...for the kids. Or, the hard way is Karen provokes him and he will pull out every skeleton in Karen's closet. They cut to a random crowd shot of the fans applauding. Hooray for humiliation and dirt!
Jeff Jarrett's music played and Jarrett's hired security hit the ring. Angle fought them off one-by-one before he stood alone in the ring. Angle demanded Jeff bring it stronger. Suddenly, Immortal's theme music hit and Eric Bischoff and Ric Flair walked out on-stage. Flair did a "shame, shame" hand signal. Some security guard types then walked past Flair and Bischoff to the ring. They forced Angle out of the ring and tried to escort him out of the ring. Angle took his time slowly leaving the Impact Zone as Immortal's music continued to play in the background. The camera followed Angle backstage and out the back door of the Impact Zone. Mike Tenay said the Jarretts are just minutes away from arriving.
[Commercial Break]
Moments Ago: Angle cleared Team Jarrett from the ring before the "authorities" escorted Angle out of the Impact Zone.
Backstage: The Jarretts arrived in the Impact Zone. Jarrett said it's just such a shame Angle won't be here when they expose who he really is.
[Q2] Impact Zone: They cut to the ring where Sarita was ready for a four-way Knockouts match. Velvet Sky then came out as the next participant in the match. "Hardcore Country" brought Mickie James to the ring, which led to a video package from the Genesis PPV when Mickie lost the Knockouts Title match to Madison Rayne. Rayne then did her Miss America entrance saluting the crowd.
1 -- Knockouts champion MADISON RAYNE vs. SARITA vs. VELVET SKY vs. MICKIE JAMES -- non-title four-way match
Mickie and Velvet argued over who should start the match since they each wanted a piece of the heels. So, they decided to start the match against each other. About a minute into the match, Tenay plugged the Impact TV taping in Fayetteville, N.C. on February 24. Four-way action broke out at 2:30 with everyone battling in the ring. Mickie went up top for a finishing move on Madison, but Tara showed up out of the ref's view to pop Mickie in the face. Madison then tried a KO Punch on Mickie, but she ducked and Sarita sorta took the blow. Clunky spot. Mickie then rolled up Madison for the pin.
WINNER: Mickie at 4:17. Basic story. Mickie with the pin on the champion to advance her quest for another KO Title shot. (*)
Backstage: Beer Money's James Storm and Robert Roode were working on their biceps to pump up for tonight's match against RVD and Mr. Anderson. Roode said they're going to finish the job tonight.
Reaction shot: Cameras found Kurt Angle trying to sneak back into the Impact Zone. Tenay said he's not ready to leave anytime soon.
[Commercial Break]
Backstage: Samoa Joe was talking to someone not seen by the camera about him doing good work. Joe walked off and they showed a random man observing his handiwork with a handheld camera.
[Q3] Impact Zone: Rob Terry made his way to the ring with Ric Flair for the next match on the show. Ric Flair took the mic and asked the crowd if there's anyone who wouldn't want to go home with Terry. They cut to a shot of the regular women on the front row of the Impact Zone. Flair then addressed Matt Morgan. He said Morgan used to be someone, but now the man is Rob Terry. Flair told Morgan to come bring it. Cue up Morgan's theme music to a noticeable babyface reaction.
2 -- MATT MORGAN vs. ROB TERRY (w/Ric Flair)
The bell sounded and Terry was still getting pre-match instructions from Flair. Terry then turned around and took the Carbon Footprint from Morgan. Pin and the win for Morgan to make short work of Terry.
Post-match: Flair tried to attack Morgan with chops, but Morgan no-sold. Flair tried bouncing off the ropes for a chop, but Morgan no-sold and Flair begged off. Suddenly, Abyss wedged himself through the ropes to enter the ring for an attack on Morgan. Abyss landed several punches as the crowd chanted for Morgan. Morgan avoided a clothesline, then dropped Abyss with a discus clothesline. Terry then took a sidewalk slam. Taz said Morgan is amped up. Morgan still wanted Flair, so Abyss attacked him from behind. Terry then slowly got up to help Abyss double-team Morgan, who ran through the men with a double clothesline.
Morgan still wanted a piece of Flair, but Terry took out Morgan's left knee. "Morgan, Morgan" chant as the two big men worked over Morgan as Flair stomped the ring steps. Abyss landed a big splash, then Flair put a boot in Morgan's crotch for the exclamation mark on the post-match attack.
WINNER: Morgan at 0:11. The post-match went on pretty long with Terry and Abyss continually recovering from Morgan's offensive attack, but the angle at least got babyface sympathy on Morgan. TNA has to be careful not killing Morgan's momentum after booking him in three straight PPV main events. Being paired up with Terry following a big #1 contender program is a risky proposition. (n/a)
Announcers: Tenay and Taz talked about TNA's international reach with the European Tour and recent trip to Japan. Tenay said New Japan Pro Wrestling claimed 47,000 fans at the Tokyo Dome for the annual Dome Show on January 4.
Video package: TNA wrestlers competing at the Tokyo Dome. They showed clips of RVD, Beer Money, and Jeff Hardy wrestling. Also, clips of the pre-Dome Show press conference. Tenay plugged TNA's website for more footage of the Tokyo tour.
Still to come: 38 minutes into the show, they plugged Jeff Hardy in action tonight. He's facing Tommy Dreamer, who hasn't been on TV in weeks.
Backstage: A.J. Styles talked up Kazarian, who is defending the X Division Title tonight. Suddenly, Crimson jumped Styles from behind and told him he has two weeks. "They're coming and nobody in Immortal's safe. Got it?!"
[Commercial Break]
Outside: Kurt Angle was walking around in-between sound studios trying to find an open door to get back inside the Impact Zone.
Impact Zone: Tenay introduced an unhyped X Division Title re-match from the Genesis PPV up next. Out first was the challenger, Jay Lethal, who dropped the title to Kazarian at Genesis. New champ Kazarian then made his way to the ring to defend the title. Kazarian took his time entering the ring as Lethal kept trying to get at him. Suddenly, Kazarian did a cartwheel into the ring and sold as if Lethal were supposed to slingshot him into the ring. They couldn't edit that to avoid an inauspicious start to the match? Cue the opening bell.
3 -- X Division champion KAZARIAN vs. JAY LETHAL -- X Division Title match
The announcers were so focused on the X Division Title match that they were produced to spend the first two minutes talking about the Angle-Jarrett deal. Taz said that's coming up next, though. Lethal scored with a handspring back-elbow smash on Kazarian, who tried to scamper to the ring apron, but Lethal yanked him back into the ring. Lethal hit the Lethal Combination, then played to the crowd and stalled for time while having Kazarian down and out. Lethal continued to showboat as if he stopped to take a nap at the one yardline, then finally hit a top-rope elbow drop for a two count. Kazarian then slid to the outside to recover and Lethal complained to the ref about the nearfall. Lethal and Kazarian re-entered the ring and Kazarian suddenly rolled up Lethal and hooked the ropes for additional leverage to score a three count. Rookie referee Jackson James missed the call, again, which the announcers noted.
WINNER: Kazarian at 4:33 to retain the X Title. Hard to get sympathy on a babyface character when he's showboating, stalling, and doing everything but trying to win a match. Not enough time for the match to stand out or be anything more than filler leading to the Angle-Jarrett business. (*)
Backstage: Mr. Anderson and RVD were talking in the babyface locker room trailer. Suddenly, Tommy Dreamer was there. Anderson said all of them will take care of Jeff Hardy one way or another. Anderson walked off.
Backstage: Jeff and Karen Jarrett were shown walking down the ominous hallway. Their "expose" is up next.
Outside: Kurt Angle waited for a side door to open, then he snuck back inside the Impact Zone. Tenay wondered aloud who opened the door for him. Perhaps a lost tourist?
[Commercial Break]
Impact Zone: Three minutes before the top of the hour, Jeff Jarrett's music hit to bring out Jeff and Karen Angle. Karen planted a kiss on Jeff's cheek before they confidently walked to the ring. Tenay and Taz tried to get over the attempt at "realism" with Jarrett raising Angle's own kids. Once in the ring, Jeff took the mic and talked up Karen as someone beautiful on the inside and the outside. The crowd chanted, "Sloppy seconds," which Jeff talked through. Well, he tried. Jeff paused to tell the crowd they will love this. Jarrett said they are also looking at a victim...a victim of Kurt Angle. Jeff turned the floor over to his wife, Karen Jarrett.
[Q5 -- second hour] Karen took the mic and paused trying to get the Vickie Guerrero heat. Karen said she heard a few of the comments from her "pathetic ex-husband" and she wants to acknowledge them. She said her husband is part-owner of TNA, so "guess what that makes me?" Karen went back to 1997 after Kurt won his Olympic Gold Medal and was a lost, little puppy with nowhere to go.
Suddenly, Kurt snuck in the back door and suplexed Jeff. Karen took off her shoe to strike Kurt, but she couldn't pull the trigger. Kurt and Karen stood inches apart from each other, neither one moving. Karen slapped Kurt, whose jaw started shaking. Kurt stalked Karen in the ring, but didn't see Jeff coming from behind with a low blow.
Jeff pounded away on Kurt as the crowd chanted, "Angle, Angle." Karen mocked Kurt's sad state of affairs as Jeff screamed at Kurt to get up. Jeff landed a kick to the mid-section and Kurt fell to the mat again. Jeff then retrieved his suit jacket and left the ring with Karen. Kurt continued to sell on the mat while Karen and Jeff left up the ramp. They turned toward Taz and told him he better not look at them wrong again.
[Commercial Break]
Moments Ago: Kurt Angle snuck up on Jeff Jarrett for a suplex, but it didn't end well for Angle, who took a low blow and beating from Jeff.
Backstage: Angle was shown smashing objects yet again. Angle, enraged, picked up a steel chair and slammed it down. Tenay said Kurt Angle isn't done yet.
Impact Zone: Borash introduced Tommy Dreamer for the next match on the show. Tenay said Immortal will not give Jeff Hardy a singles match against RVD, so Dreamer is stepping up to face Hardy tonight. Cue up Jeff Hardy's music to bring out Hardy to face Dreamer.
Taz called the match-up a "clash of styles from a physical standpoint." Dreamer landed a clothesline sending Hardy to the floor, then landed another clothesline from the ring apron. Taz wondered aloud if Dreamer was wearing knickers. Tenay called his ring attire a potential "fashion risk." The announcers then plugged Mr. Anderson vs. Jeff Hardy for the TNA Title on the February 3 Impact. Back in the ring, Hardy took control and played to the crowd. He then executed an innovative slingshot out of the corner into a low dropkick in one motion.
Hardy slapped on a headlock, which Dreamer fought out of while selling a knee injury. Dreamer chopped his legs executing short-arm clotheslines before avoiding Whisper in the Wind. Dreamer wanted a move from the second rope, but Hardy blocked with a boot to the gut. Dreamer came back with the Dreamer Driver and Hardy put his foot on the bottom rope to avoid a three count.
[Q6] Hardy rolled underneath the ropes and kicked the bottom rope into Dreamer's crotch. Hardy then nailed the Twist of Hate back in the ring and it was good for a three count. Hardy gloated about his win and the announcers plugged Hardy's TNA Title return match in two weeks on Impact.
WINNER: Hardy at 4:21. Okay match. There's only so much movement that can be created in a Tommy Dreamer match. At the end of the day, the match served its purpose warming up Hardy for his title re-match in two weeks. (*)
Backstage: Angle was walking the halls with a baseball bat in-hand intimidating folks. Why was he still allowed to be in the Impact Zone if he was "kicked out by the police" at the top of the show? Anyways, time for a break.
[Commercial Break]
Backstage: The Pope was on the phone as the roving cameraman tried to eavesdrop. Pope hung up when he spotted someone in a side office. The camera swung around to show a TNA staffer asking Pope if he already signed in. Yes, TNA has talent sign in when they arrive at the building. Pope said he needs the computer to do some overseas transactions. The camera zoomed in on Pope's iPhone to reveal he was on the phone with "TNA Brian." Suddenly, the TNA staffer's phone rang with the "Hardcore Country" ringtone. He walked off for better reception, then Pope pulled a Jeremiah Masoli taking the TNA staffer's MacBook and walking off.
Backstage: Elsewhere, Ric Flair was on the phone and A.J. Styles barged in saying they need to do something about "they." Flair told him he's delusional. Styles then handed Flair his coat and a bottle of booze was shown sitting on the chair. Apparently there was an inside joke here as Flair started rambling about something. Kurt Angle suddenly barged in and jumped Styles. Flair begged off and said he just works here. Angle started to choke Flair and demanded Jeff Jarrett in the Impact Zone. He vowed to get Flair if Jeff doesn't show up for a fight.
Impact Zone: Borash announced the main event 24 minutes into the second hour. TNA tag champions Beer Money came out for the non-title match against RVD and Mr. Anderson. Cue up RVD's theme music. Mr. Anderson then came out and did his mic work on the stage before they cut to break ahead of the main event.
[Commercial Break]
5 -- TNA tag champions BEER MONEY (JAMES STORM & ROBERT ROODE) vs. TNA World Hvt. champion MR. ANDERSON & ROB VAN DAM -- non-title match
The bell sounded 31 minutes into the second hour to begin the main event. The match wasn't joined in progress, but it seemed to be already in progress with RVD and Roode exchanging offense at a rate typically reserved for the middle of a match. Anderson then tagged in and Beer Money cut off his offense to begin working over the champ. RVD eventually hot-tagged into the match at 6:00 and caught Storm with a leaping thrust kick. RVD wanted Rolling Thunder, but Roode grabbed his foot from the outside. Storm then tried to end it on RVD with a backstabber, but RVD kicked out in time. Beer Money wanted the DWI, but Anderson broke it up and four-way action broke out.
On the outside, Roode and Anderson battled. In the ring, RVD and Storm went through a finishing sequence that included RVD hitting a Five-Star Frogsplash on Storm. For no reason, ref Jackson James bailed from the ring to argue with Jeff Hardy, who emerged on the floor. RVD casually walked around in the ring after seeing that a pinfall would not be happening following the Five-Star. Suddenly, a rough-looking individual wearing a flannel shirt and jeans entered the ring. The announcers said it was Matt Hardy. Hardy dropped RVD with the Twist of Hate, then hid on the outside. The ref re-entered the ring and Storm pinned RVD for the win. Post-match: The Hardys and Beer Money backed up the entrance ramp gloating about the win as RVD sold disbelief in the ring.
WINNERS: Beer Money at 8:07. Rushed tag match that served two purposes of advancing RVD's frustrating quest to get his hands on Jeff Hardy and continue building toward some sort of breaking point in ref Jackson James's incompetency/Immortal collusion angle. It's like the DiBiase Losing Streak angle where the audience doesn't care, but they just want to get to the breaking point already. (*1/2)
Backstage: They suddenly cut backstage where Brian Kendrick was trying to tell Brother Ray he needs anger management. Ray cut him off and said it's Bully Ray, not Brother Ray. Kendrick tried to explain yoga to Ray. Kendrick showed off Yoga For Bullies and Ray asked for another demonstration with Kendrick's eyes closed. Kendrick took the bait and Ray shoved Kendrick into a locker. Ray said he can feel it working already.
[Commercial Break]
Backstage: Ric Flair was screaming at Jeff Jarrett that he is not part of this deal with Kurt Angle. Eric Bischoff tried to interrupt, but Flair kept ranting and raving. Bischoff said he has it taken care of. Flair told Jeff he's crazy. Bischoff told Jeff just to go to the ring. "Trust me. Yes, I'm serious," Bischoff told Jeff. Flair told Jeff to listen up, get your gear on, and go meet your maker.
Impact Zone: Brother Devon randomly walked to the ring with no music. Devon took the mic and addressed Bully Ray. He told Bully to finish what he started at Genesis. Ray walked out to the ring, then Brian Kendrick jumped him from behind. Taz wondered aloud if Kendrick was in his underwear. Kendrick removed his meditation coat revealing his regular white trunks, which was hilariously timed after Taz's comment. Ray and Devon busted out chains and Devon held the upper hand before security randomly stormed the ring. Not exactly an in-shape security force. To paraphrase Bart Scott, it looked like they couldn't stop a nosebleed. Ray used the distraction to jump Devon from behind with a chain. He then placed Devon's head inside a chair and smashed the chain onto the chair. Devon sold by shaking and convulsing on the mat. Ray triumphantly threw his hands in the air to conclude the segment.
Backstage: Kurt Angle was shown walking down a hallway seemingly in a trance ready to get a piece of Jeff Jarrett.
[Commercial Break]
Impact Zone: Back from break, Kurt Angle was in the ring ready to tackle someone. Jeff Jarrett's music hit and he walked out on-stage sporting his ring gear while flanked by Gunner & Murphy. Jarrett started to back away and Angle smiled inside the ring. G&M continued to feed Jarrett confidence. He then told them to go get Angle. They took off their t-shirts and stormed the ring to start bumping around for Angle. Angle took them apart one-by-one until they pulled a Rob Terry and Abyss on Matt Morgan recovering and taking advantage of the numbers game. Jarrett then pulled a Ric Flair sneaking in after Angle was down to land some easy shots.
Angle then showed signs of life after a miscommunication and he cleared the ring of everyone except for Jarrett. Angle slapped on a rear naked choke and Jeff started tapping. Karen, screeching, came to ringside trying to get some help. Kazarian suddenly stormed the ring to attack Angle. The rest of Immortal hit the ring and started taking Angle apart. Meanwhile, Karen checked on Jeff.
Suddenly, Abyss wobbled out on stage looking like a zombie. Or the Yetti. He just needed the toilet paper-like bandages. Abyss dropped down to both knees, then fell flat on his face, revealing that Janice was stuck in his back. As Flair flipped out in the ring, Crimson walked out on stage and ominously said "they're coming" on February 3. Crimson did some cartoony facial expression, then Angle started clearing the ring of a distracted Immortal members. Angle stood tall and Immortal retreated while freaked out about what happened to Abyss to close the show.
OVERALL THOUGHTS: Too much Angle-Jarrett-Karen taking away from the rest of the show. TNA needs to decide who their absolute, well-defined, "when you think of TNA, you immediately think (fill in the blank)," #1 top star is, but it's not Jarrett and it's not Angle in 2011. Since TNA's focus seems to change from month-to-month - one month it's on Anderson and Morgan and the next month they're both background players - the audience has no idea what to expect with a lack of consistency to the product. There are too many second-tier players and non-wrestlers on the field.
Some of the items on the show were fine and served a purpose, but this came across like one of those "second day of TV" episodes where the energy isn't there, talent is going through the motions, and the storyline logic holes are more evident than on the first Impact from a set of tapings. The lack of promotion and focus on wrestling matches continues to be part of their self-fulfilling prophecy that wrestling matches don't draw. TNA needs a creative shake-up or at least some new people with new ideas. This isn't working. And it hasn't been working.
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PWTorch editor Wade Keller has covered pro wrestling full time since 1987 starting with the Pro Wrestling Torch print newsletter. launched in 1999 and the PWTorch Apps launched in 2008.
He has conducted "Torch Talk" insider interviews with Hulk Hogan, The Rock, Steve Austin, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Eric Bischoff, Jesse Ventura, Lou Thesz, Jerry Lawler, Mick Foley, Jim Ross, Paul Heyman, Bruno Sammartino, Goldberg, more.
He has interviewed big-name players in person incluiding Vince McMahon (at WWE Headquarters), Dana White (in Las Vegas), Eric Bischoff (at the first Nitro at Mall of America), Brock Lesnar (after his first UFC win).
He hosted the weekly Pro Wrestling Focus radio show on KFAN in the early 1990s and hosted the Ultimate Insiders DVD series distributed in retail stories internationally in the mid-2000s including interviews filmed in Los Angeles with Vince Russo & Ed Ferrara and Matt & Jeff Hardy. He currently hosts the most listened to pro wrestling audio show in the world, (the PWTorch Livecast, top ranked in iTunes)
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