Ring of Honor CALDWELL'S ROH TV REPORT 10/18: Tyler Black's final ROH match vs. Davey Richards - re-match from their Match of the Year contender
Oct 19, 2010 - 2:42:43 PM
Ring of Honor TV Report
October 18, 2010
Taped in Philadelphia, Pa.
Report by James Caldwell, PWTorch assistant editor
-- The show opened with Jim Cornette center-ring to introduce the show old-school style. Cornette said a situation arose prior to cameras rolling tonight. Davey Richards and Tyler Black had words. They cut to video from "Moments Ago," where Richards said he just wants one more shot at Black to prove he's the better man. Black then stormed the set and told Richards to say it to his face. Kevin Kelly and various referees intervened to try to separate them.
Back in the ring, Cornette invited Black and Richards to have a verbal discussion. Out first was Davey Richards, followed by Tyler Black to boos and in street clothes. Richards was the first to talk. He told Black to go on to "greener pastures" where fans aren't so critical booing Black out of the building. He told Black to be a man for once and give him one more match. Black said he doesn't get Richards since he's had the major promotions coming after him and he chose "competition" over "cash."
Black said "these marks" are going to call Richards the best man in the world three years from now if Richards is still walking, but he'll be the richest man in the world. Black smirked, then Richards asked Black to name his price. He said he'll pay him whatever he wants to have a match tonight. Richards challenged Black's manhood, prompting Black to shove him back. Black screamed that he already has his money deal, so he'll wrestle Richards for free tonight. Cornette said it's time to settle it. He gave them the rest of the show to settle their issue. And off Black went to get dressed to compete.
-- Per Cornette's request to kill some time, ROH went to an early commercial followed by the full-length Black vs. Richards video package from the May 30 ROH TV that hyped their ROH World Title match at the "Death Before Dishonor VIII" Internet PPV where they had the Match of the Year Contender.
-- After a second break, they came back with a video package on the Kings of Wrestling vs. Briscoes feud as things have escalated. Backstage, Kyle Durden brought in the Briscoes to discuss their next challenge against the KOW. Mark said it's personal now. Jay said they're going to take apart KOW, take them out, and then re-gain the tag titles. A graphic indicated Briscoes vs. KOW "last chance" next week on ROH TV.
-- Davey Richards came to the ring first for the TV main event before they cut to another break. Back on the show, Black came out to the ring and instantly charged Richards to kick things off with a hot start.
The match quickly moved to the outside where chops were exchanged at a fast pace. Black dominated early on as the announcers Hogewood and Prazak debated Black "taking the money" and going to WWE rather than taking ROH's competitive offer. Back in the ring, Richards took control of the action with a cross-arm submission, but Black flipped over into a cross-arm submission of his own. Richards escaped, then hit a kick to the chest for a two count. Very even back-and-forth in the first eight minutes to tell a story of two evenly matched top wrestlers competing for victory.
Black took control of the match set up Richards working back into the match. They traded right hand bombs, with Richards getting the best of the exchange to knock Black to the outside. Richards then nailed a suicide dive and nearly flipped over into the front row to take Black to the ground. Back in the ring, Richards came off the top with a missile dropkick. Black then took a boot to the head and they started trading forearm smashes. Richards won the exchange with a high kick to the head and Black kicked out of a pin attempt.
At 13:30, Richards teased the DR Driver, but Black blocked. Black then knocked Richards to the floor and landed more offense. Back in the ring, Black nailed a springboard clothesline, followed by a lift-up gutbuster out of the fireman's carry position. Black made a cover, but Richards kicked out in time. The crowd rallied behind Richards, who sold on the mat as Black positioned him for a top-rope move. Black teased the Phoenix Splash, but Richards came to his feet and crotched Black. Back on their feet, Richards hit the Alarm Clock kick, Black came back with a strike, then Richards dropped Black on his head with an inside-out running clothesline to put both men on the mat.
At 20:00, they came to their feet on the ring apron and exchanged tired strikes. Richards then nailed five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten kick strikes to the chest. He set up for a suplex and proceeded to DDT Black face-first onto the edge of the ring apron. Black got up and teased walking away from the match, but opted to run back into the ring just before a 20 count. Richards followed with a suplex for a two count, then hit a German Suplex with a bridge for a two count. Black tried to follow with a Shooting Star Press, but Black moved and hit the Buckle Bomb. Black followed with a standing sidekick and made a cover for another two count.
They came to their feet again at 23:30 and countered each other's trademark offense. Black then hit God's Last Gift, but Richards kicked out in time. Black then hung up Richards in the corner and slapped the crap out of time multiple times before landing a double foot stomp to the head. Black followed up with a coast-to-coast dropkick and tried a cover, but Richards kicked out in time. Great sequence. Again, Black went up top for the Phoenix Splash, but Richards got his knees up to block.
At 26:30, they set up another sequence of moves exchanged, then Richards hit the DR Driver for a close two count. Richards followed right up with a Buckle Bomb of his own before hitting God's Last Gift for another nearfall. Richards then slapped on the Texas Cloverleaf without wasting any time and Black tapped out, giving Richards the final word in their ROH feud.
WINNER: Richards via submission at 27:15. Easily one of the best TV matches of the year with a great finishing sequence playing up the story of their feud with neither man able to get the upper hand no matter what each one tried. The crowd really got into the action at the end after being subdued early on. Nice, multi-layered story told from two pros in the ring. The only drawback was the match never seemed to be in jeopardy of ending early, which took away a sense of anticipation of an early pin attempt perhaps ending the match at any time. (****1/4)
Post-match: After a replay of the high points of the match, they cut back to Richards and Black recovering in the ring. Hogewood said they wish Black well in his future endeavors. Richards then took the mic and told Black to tell the WWE wrestlers if they want some real wrestling competition, come down to ROH. Richards then left the ring and saluted the crowd from the top of the stage to conclude the show.
PWTorch editor Wade Keller has covered pro wrestling full time since 1987 starting with the Pro Wrestling Torch print newsletter. PWTorch.com launched in 1999 and the PWTorch Apps launched in 2008.
He has conducted "Torch Talk" insider interviews with Hulk Hogan, The Rock, Steve Austin, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Eric Bischoff, Jesse Ventura, Lou Thesz, Jerry Lawler, Mick Foley, Jim Ross, Paul Heyman, Bruno Sammartino, Goldberg, more.
He has interviewed big-name players in person incluiding Vince McMahon (at WWE Headquarters), Dana White (in Las Vegas), Eric Bischoff (at the first Nitro at Mall of America), Brock Lesnar (after his first UFC win).
He hosted the weekly Pro Wrestling Focus radio show on KFAN in the early 1990s and hosted the Ultimate Insiders DVD series distributed in retail stories internationally in the mid-2000s including interviews filmed in Los Angeles with Vince Russo & Ed Ferrara and Matt & Jeff Hardy. He currently hosts the most listened to pro wrestling audio show in the world, (the PWTorch Livecast, top ranked in iTunes)
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