RADICAN'S TAKE RADICAN'S CHIKARA "King of Trios 2015: Night 1" Report 9/4 - complete report on first round matches including Bullet Club-Battle Hive, Team AAA-Gentleman's Club main event
Sep 12, 2015 - 4:55:55 PM
By Sean Radican, Torch columnist
SEPT. 4, 2015
King of Trios Teams
(1) Bullet Club (A.J. Styles & the Young Bucks)
(2) Team AAA (Drago & Fenix & Aerostar)
(3) Fight Club Pro (Dan Maloney & Trent Seven & Tyler Bate)
(4) Trios from Attack Wrestling in the U.K.
(9) United Nations (Francisco & Mr. Azerbaijan & Boar of Moldova)
(10) Gentleman's Club (Chuck Taylor & Gulak & Swamp Monster)
(11) BDK (Jakob Hammermeir & Soldier Ant & Nokken)
(12) Battle Hive (Amasis & Fire Ant & Worker Ant)
(13) Nightmare Warriors (Frightmare & Silver Ant & Hallowicked)
(14) The Arcane Horde (Oleg the Usurper & The Batiri)
(15) Crown & Court (Kimber Lee & Los Ice Creams)
(16) Battleborn (Kevin Kondron & Missile Assault & Lucas Calhoun)
Team Attack opened the show with a promo. Mark Andrews put over that he and Dunne to represent Attack Wrestling. Morgan Webster said he represented Style to conclude the promo.
The venue appears to be packed with fans. I like that the hard camera is no longer just facing the entrance ramp with no fans visible. It’s nice to see fans reacting behind the action in the ring.
Gavin Loudspeaker introduced Sean Waltman to the commentary booth. Waltman got a big pop from the crowd.
The United Nations came out for the first match to a poor reception from the fans. They have cool Harry Potter graphics for the entrances. Team Attack from the UK then came out to a big response.
(1) The United Nations (Juan Francisco de Coronado & Mr. Azerbaijan & The Proletariat Boar of Moldova w/Prakash Sabar) vs. Team Attack (Mark Andrews & Pete Dunne & Morgan Webster) in a 2015 King of Trios First Round match. Bryce Remsburg and Waltman were in the commentary booth. Dunne worked over Coronado’s fingers during the early going. Andrews took down The Boar a short time later and hit a standing SSP for a 2 count. Webster and Azerbaijan went at it next. Webster got a slingshot pinning combination for a near fall. He then hit a crazy inverted senton on Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan fired back, but Dunne was in the ring when he turned around. He put Dunne’s straps back up and then flexed in his face only to take a forearm smash. Coronado got launched out of a surfboard into a powerslam from Dunne, but the ref wouldn’t count the pin because he wasn’t legal. Sabra tripped Dunne from the floor and United Nations went to work on Dunne. Dunne took a beating for a long period of time. Azerbaijan went to the second turnbuckle amazingly, but Dunne rolled out of the way of a senton attempt and tagged in Webster, who ran wild. The action broke down and Andrews hit a sick Tornado DDT on Azerbaijan. Andrews then wiped him out with a slingshot splash to the outside and the fans fired up. Webster and Andrews set up for a tandem dive, but The Boar wiped them out with a double clothesline.
Coronado ended up setting Dunne to the outside as the action continued at a rapid pace. Webster wiped out Dunne by accident with a dive when Azerbaijan got out of the way. Andrews hit an enzuguri on Coronado and went up top, but The Boar pulled Coronado out of the way of a SSP. Sabra then ran into the ring and nailed Andrews with a bronco buster. Waltman said Sabar had no respect. The Boar nailed Andrews with a spear and Azerbaijan hit Andrews with a big DDT. Azerbaijan had the cover, but he let Coronado make the pin instead for the win.
The fans booed The United Nations after the match. The fans chanted for Waltman to go after Sabar. Waltman teased leaving the commentary booth, but Sabar and The United Nations.
Winners: Mr. Azerbaijan & The Proletariat Boar of Moldova & Juan Francisco de Coronado to advance to the 2015 KOT Quarter Final Round
The BDK cut a promo backstage on Fight Club Pro. Jakob Hammermeier cut a promo backstage and said Fight Club Pro had come a long way to get sent packing in the first round. He said BDK was there to win multiple KOT tournaments. Nokken touched him and Jakob got upset to end the promo.
(2) BDK (Jakob Hammermeier & Nokken & Soldier Ant w/Pinkie Sanchez) vs. Fight Club Pro Fight Club Pro (Dan Moloney & Trent Seven & Tyler Bate) in a 2015 King of Trios First Round match. Moloney is replacing M.K. McKinnan in the match. The BDK were roundly booed while making their entrance. Sabato, the referee in the match, used to be BDK’s ref. Jakob told him that it was nice to see him during the early stages of the match. The Fight Club Pro wrestlers have a mustache gimmick going. Seven and Jakob kicked things off. The announcers mentioned that Bate’s favorite wrestler is Cesaro. Moloney got cut off and took a beating from the BDK. Jakob hit the rude awakening neck breaker on Moloney, which was funny. The fans chanted back and forth for both teams as Nokken worked over Moloney in the ring. Moloney ducked a charge in the corner from Soldier Ant and tagged in Bate, who ran wild. He got Jakob on his shoulders and hit a giant swing on Solider Ant at the same time. He let it go when Nokken ran in. He go the big man on his shoulder and spun him around as the fans popped. Both men that stumbled around the ring. Seven got on his knees and Bate got on top of him for a choke slam on Nokken, but Nokken countered it into a choke slam that sent Bate through Seven. Bate went to the second turnbuckle as the pace quickened and wiped out the BDK with a dive to the floor. Seven hit a piledriver on Jakob and Moloney followed up with a piledriver for the win!
Winners: Trent Seven & Tyler Bate & Dan Moloney to advance to the 2015 KOT Quarter Final round.
Star rating: (***) – This was a lot of fun. After a long heat segment on Moloney, Bate had an awesome hot tag segment leading into a hot finish.
Crown and Court and The Arcane Horde both got big pops coming out for the next match.
(3) Crown and Court (El Hijo Del Ice Cream & Ice Cream Jr. & Princess KimberLee w/Jervis Cottonbelly) vs. The Arcane Horde (Kodama & Obariyon & Kodama w/UltraMantis Black) in a 2015 King of Trios First Round match. The fans started a big chant for Black before the match started. Oleg cleared the ring with his sword and teased going after the ref. He then presented his sword to the ref. Hijo seemed very afraid of Oleg. Oleg had his face painted green to match his partners. KimberLee and Obariyon went at it to kick things off. They went to a fast exchange and Obariyon sent KimberLee to the floor where Jr. and Cottonbelly tried to fan her. Los Ice Creams tried to double team Kodama, but he fended them off. The Arcane Horde went for a triple dive, but Los Ice Creams got out of the way. Oleg ended up wiping them out as Jr. jumped into Hijo’s arms and screamed in terror. KimberLee ended up in the ring on her own and Arcane Horde worked her over. KimberLee rolled out of the ring and Hijo came in legally, but quickly got cut off. Jr. ran in when Hijo got cut off and Kodama cut him off quickly and began working him over. The crowd tried to rally behind Hijo as Kodama worked him over. KimberLee ran in to break up a double team attempt on the Batiri and the action broke down.
Crown and Court wiped out The Batiri with a series of triple team moves. They tried to do the same to Oleg, but he fought out of it and hit a double choke slam on Los Ice Creams. KimberLee broke up the double pin. Kodama nailed her with an outside in belly-to-belly suplex. KimberLee took a running kick from Kodama, but she kicked out at 2. KimberLee refused to stay down as The Batiri continued to double team her. They finally nailed her with a tandem GTS, but Los Ice Creams made the save. Los Ice Creams tossed KimberLee into a hurricanrana for a near fall. The Batiri then hit a trip into a knee strike on Hijo for the win.
Winners: Oleg The Usurper & Kodama & Obariyon to advance to the 2015 KOT Quarter Final Round
Star rating: (***) – This was a fun match. The crowd was really into KimberLee when she took on The Arcane Horde on her own. They built up some nice back and forth sequences down the stretch before The Arcane Horde won.
The BWO cut a promo backstage. Richards said CHIKARA fans had been asking for them for a long time. He said they were facing last year’s KOT Champions. Richards said they would beat them and go through every team including The Bullet Club. Nova said The Bullet Club are a little younger than them. Nova said he wanted to ruin the ants. Richards talked about the Stevie kick and said it’s a shoot and they don’t get up when he hits it. Nova said he’s not racist and will go into the Hall of Fame. He said it was a work. Well that was a promo.
Blaster McMassive & Max Smashmaster are the current Campeonatos de Parejas. The fans threw stuffed mice at the Devastation Corporation when they got into the ring. The BWO were out next to a big pop. Richards got on the mic and said he had three words for the crowd. He said, “We’re taking over” to a big applause.
(4) BWO (Stevie Richards & Blue Meanie & Nova) vs. Devastation Corporation (Blaster McMassive & Flex Rumblecrunch & Max Smashmaster w/Sidney Bakabella) in a 2015 King of Trios First Round match. Nova did Hogan poses on the ropes and turned around with McMassive standing right behind him. Nova went to the floor and sat down and clapped for McMassive, which was funny. He wanted no part of McMassive. Richards ended up sending McMassive to the floor with a big clothesline, but he got right back into the ring and hit a side slam. He then mocked Meanie’s dance. Richards fired back with a Rocker dropper, but Smashmaster ran in and wiped him out with a shoulder tackle. Meanie and Smashmaster argued about who should hit the ropes. Meanie suggested they both hit the ropes at the count of three. Meanie then pulled up short and asked for a test of strength. Meanie did the switch the hands trick and made Smashmaster do his dance. Smashmaster wouldn’t stop dancing and Meanie just watched him. Meanie then sent Smashmaster into the turnbuckles with a kick to the backside. Richards tagged in and hit a superkick that sent Smashmaster to the floor. McMassive cut him off right away and put the boots to him. Devastation Corporation tagged in and out as the fans chanted for both teams. Richards took a beating for a long period of time and couldn’t mount a comeback.
The fans tried to rally behind Richards. Rumblecrunch ended up hitting a shoulder tackle on Smashmaster after walking the ropes when Richards got out of the way. Nova got the hot tag and ran wild. He even took down McMassive with a kick to the shin. The action broke down and BWO whipped Devastation Corporation into each other in the middle of the ring. The BWO continued to run wild and Rumblecrunch took the Stevie kick, but Bakabella put his foot on the ropes. The ref told Richards the match wasn’t over and the fans booed. Bakabella then nailed Nova with the pay envelope from the floor and Rumblecrunch nailed him with a spear for the win.
Winners: Max Smashmaster & Flex Rumblecrunch and Blaster McMassive to advance to the 2015 KOT Quarter Final Round
Star rating: (**3/4) – This was a fun match that the Devastation Corporation controlled until the BWO made a big comeback. The fans were way into the action down the stretch, but ultimately Bakabella’s interference cost them the match.
(5) Battleborn (Kevin Condron & Lucas Calhoun & Missile Assault Man (w/The Lithuanian Snow Troll) vs. Dasher’s Dugout (Dasher Hatfield & Icarus & Mark Angelosetti w/Heidi Lovelace). Waltman left the commentary booth, so Chikarason joined Remsburg on commentary. Calhoun appears to have a Honky Tonk Man gimmick. This is the first time that Condron’s team had teamed together. Dasher’s Dugout made it to the finals last year. Calhoun got the upper hand and went to work on Icarus. Icarus fired back with a slap and Calhoun returned the favor. Both men then began exchanging slaps and Icarus followed him to the outside, but Lovelace backed him away. Angelosetti and Missile went at it. Condron fired up and went after Hatfield, but ducked him and rolled to the floor. Missile then jumped Hatfield from behind and went to work on him. The announcers said Condron was acting like a hypocrite with what he’s turned Calhoun and Missile into. Hatfield mounted a comeback and wiped out Calhoun with a dive. Missile set up for a dive, but Angelosetti wiped him out. The fans chanted back and forth about whether or not they wanted Condron after Missile turned the tables on Angelosetti. The announcers said Missile was a scary man. He teased doing his missile assault chant, but Condron cut him off from finishing it with the crowd.
Missile ended up hitting a crazy one-armed powerbomb on Angelosetti and then held his head. The announcers said Condron was deep into his head. Condron went to work on Angelosetti. Angelosetti finally cut off Condron with a back breaker, but he rolled out of the ring and Missile continued to put a beating on Angelosetti. Icarus made the save for Angelosetti. Condron backed down, but Missile got in his way. Calhoun then ran into the ring and caught Icarus with an uppercut and wiped him out with a big clothesline, but Hatfield made the save. The action broke down and Hatfield hit a big spinning slam on Missile off his shoulders. Missile fired back and Condron came off the turnbuckles, but Hatfield caught him and placed him up top. Hatfield then lifted him off the top and hit a jackhammer for a 2 count. Hatfield and Angelosetti hit a 3D on Calhoun that sent him on top of Condron, but Missile made the save. Missile hit the missile launcher on Angelosetti that sent him into Hatfield in the corner. Icarus and Missile then went back and forth. Icarus hit a pedrigree on Missile and went for the CHIKARA special, but the Troll distracted the ref. Condron then nailed Icarus with a chair to the head and rolled Missile out of the ring so he could get the pin.
Winners: Kevin Condon & Lucas Calhoun & Missile Assault Man to advance to the 2015 KOT Quarter Final Round
Star rating: (***) – This match was a little flat at times, but overall it was good. The main issue here is that this is the third match on the card to feature outside interference leading to a win.
Battle hive cut a promo backstage. Worker Ant said they aren’t just three individuals on a team, but they’re one Battle Hive. Amasis then rose up wearing antennas on his mask.
Battle Hive got a big reaction coming out for the next match. Bullet Club came out next to a big pop.
(6) Battle Hive (Worker Ant & Fire Ant & Amasis) vs. Bullet Club (A.J. Styles & Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson in a 2015 King of Trios First Round match. Bullet Club jumped Battle Hive and the match was on! Bullet Club quickly cleared the ring and isolated Fire Ant. They set him up for a double superkick, but Worker and Amasis dragged the YB to the floor. The action was hot and heavy during the early going. Worker Ant caught Styles going for a springboard, but he slipped out of his grasp and shoved him into a double superkick from the YB. The fans fired up as Styles went to work on Fire Ant inside the ring. Styles and the YB went to work and hit a series of moves on Fire Ant capped by a big knee strike from Styles while Nick held him over his knee. The announcers said Battle Hive is representing CHIKARA against these outsiders. Amasis got into the ring and ran wild briefly until Styles wiped him out with a combination of strikes and a clothesline. Amasis then took a beating and Matt taunted his partners, which allowed Nick and A.J. to choke him. Nick got an antenna ringer on Amasis and Matt came off the top with a double stomp on the antenna and the fans booed. The fans chanted for Amasis and Bullet Club back and forth. Styles held Amasis in the corner, but Amasis got out of the way and Nick nailed him with a knee strike. Amasis then managed to roll out of the ring. Fire Ant ran into the ring and hit a double rana on the YB. Holy s—t!
Fire Ant then hit a crazy flip dive to the floor to take out The YB. The fans fired up Ant went for a hurricanrana off the top> Styles blocked it and went for a Styles clash, but Fire Ant rolled around him and hit a code red for a 2 count. Holy crap! Worker ant got into the ring and disposed of the YB. He hit a big spinning flapjack on Styles, but he managed to kick out at 2. Styles slid under Worker Ant up top. The action continued at a rapid pace and Styles powerbombed Amasis into the corner as the YB hit a double kick on Worker Ant. They went to a crazy sequence and Styles slipped going for a springboard, but nailed Worker Ant with an enzuguri. Styles set up Worker Ant for the Styles Clash, but Amasis broke it up with a spinning kick. Amasis got his knees up on more bang for your buck and went or a rollup on Matt, but he managed to kick out. Amasis went at it alone against Bullet Club. Amasis went off the ropes and ate a Pele kick and a double superkick. Bullet Club then hit the fatality on Amasis for the win. What a match!
The fans chanted “That was too sweet” after the match was over. The YB superkicked the rope that Styles slipped on after the match at the urging of the crowd.
Winners: A.J. Styles & Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson to advance to the 2015 KOT Quarter Final Round.
Star rating: (****) – This was an awesome sprint from start to finish with some crazy back and forth sequences. The crowd was red hot for the action and this delivered big time.
I like how the Harry Potter jingle plays before each team comes out. Kingston yelled at Nightmare Warriors before the opening bell.
(7) Nightmare Warriors (Frightmare & Silver Ant & CHIKARA Grand Champion Hallowicked) vs. Snake Pit (Ophidian & Eddie Kingston & Shynron) in a 2015 King of Trios First Round match. Silver Ant ended up jumping Ophidian and then sold his head like something was wrong. The announcers said Hallowicked had four successful title defenses under his belt. They said Kingston is slowly falling in line with his partners in COTI. Ophidian fired back on Frightmare, but Hallowicked cut him off. The announcers mentioned that Kingston wants to get his hands on Hallowicked. Silver Ant worked over Ophidian, who couldn’t get out of the ring during the early going. Ophidian rolled out of the ring and Shynron ran in, but Frightmare pulled the ropes on him. Ophidian got tossed back into the ring and Hallowicked continued to work him over. Ophidian tried to fire back, but Frightmare nailed him with a big dropkick in the corner. Kingston then stopped the ref from counting the pin by grabbing his arm. The fans liked that. Ophidian ended up on the floor and Shynron got cut off going for a dive by Hallowicked Kingston wiped out a pile of men with a dive over the to the floor. Shynron then hit a big dive off Hallowicked’s back to wipe out a pile of men on the floor. Shynron hit a series of crazy moves including a handspring ace crusher on Hallowicked and a one man Spanish fly on Hallowicked. He then hit a double handspring kick to wipe out Frightmare and Silver Ant. Holy crap!
Shynron went up top again, but Silver Ant cut him off. Frightmare hit a super hurricanrana, but Shynron popped up with a tornado ace crusher. Hallowicked broke up the pin and Hallowicked hit a big sit-out slam. Ophidian managed to make the save as the action really picked up. Kingston broke up a pin on Ophidian and hit a huge suplex on Frightmare. He hit a spinning uranagi on Silver, but he kicked out at 2. Kingston followed up with a huge rolling elbow on Silver Ant and sold his arm. Frightmare nailed Kingston with a dropkick to his injured shoulder. The announcers noted that Frightmare was using his partner’s moves. They went to a big sequence that ended with Silver Ant wiping out Ophidian with a sick kick and everyone was down. Holy crap! Silver Ant got a choke on Shynron. He then let it go and sent Shynron into a big kick from Hallowicked and a spear from Frightmare, but he kicked out at the last second. Kingston finally ended up in the ring with Hallowicked, but Frightmare attacked him. Hallowicked and Frightmare hit the headless horseman on Kingston. Silver Ant then applied an arm bar after Kingston kicked out of a frog splash, but Ophidian broke it up. Frightmare took a combination of moves capped by a standing SSP from Shynron, but Hallowicked and Silver Ant made the save. This is nuts! Kingston went for a backfist on Hallowicked, but he countered it into a crucifix bomb for a 2 count. Frightmare then hit kneecolepsy for a 2 count. Kingston sold his shoulder, but refused to go down. Kingston nailed Frightmare with a huge backfist to the future, But Hallowicked wiped him out from behind.
The action continued to go back and forth. Ophidian went at it alone with Hallowicked inside the ring after some chaotic action on the floor. Ophidian hit a big double knee strike on Frightmare on the apron. Shynron missed a 450 off the second and Hallowicked finished him off with a new modified brainbuster for the win.
After the match, Hallowicked and Frightmare embraced on their knees. They invited Silver Ant to join them and he sold having something inside his head that made him join the group hug. They tore off Silver Ant’s mask to reveal a new mask that had red in the pattern to match Frightmare and Hallowicked. One fan shouted, “This isn’t you!”
Winners: Hallowicked & Frightmare & Silver Ant to advance to the 2015 KOT Quarter Final Round.
Star rating: (***1/2) – This was almost too chaotic at times, but they had some good storytelling with Kingston wanting a piece of Hallowicked, but being denied a chance to get his hands on them. They also told the story of Nightmare Warriors gelling as a unit.
Team AAA got a huge pop coming out for the main event. Aerostar blew flames as he made his way down to the ring and then again on the turnbuckles. The fans started a big lucha chant before the match started. Quackenbush and Chikarason were on commentary for the main event.
(8) The Gentleman’s Club (Chuck Taylor & Drew Gulak & Swamp Monster) vs. Team AAA (Drago & Fenix & Aerostar) in a 2015 King of Trios First Round match. Gulak kicked things off against Fenix. Gulak and Fenix went back and forth on the mat during the early going. Fenix did a nice counter and got the seatbelt on Gulak. Chikarason mentioned that every time they see wrestlers from Mexico, they’re skilled on the ground. Fenix and Gulak came to a stalemate and shook hands as the fans applauded. Taylor and Aerostar then tagged into the match. Aerostar flipped all around the ring and the fans applauded. Aerostar did some crazy step-up moves on the ropes and hit a hurricanrana. He then faked out Taylor on a dive and the fans fired up. Drago and Gulak went at it, but Taylor ran in and jumped Drago. The action went to hyper speed and Drago faked a dive and the fans loved it. Fenix and Swamp Monster went at it next. Fenix said he smelled and Monster took him down with a head scissor takedown a short time later. Taylor tagged in and continued to work over Fenix. The Gentleman’s Club tagged in and out to continue to wear down Fenix. Gulak got a crossbow on Fenix before dumping him on his face. Taylor applied a Regal stretch on Fenix before biting his back. Quackenbush reminded the viewers at home that it isn’t legal to bit your opponent.
Fenix finally fired back and tagged in Aerostar, who hit a springboard right into a shoulder tackle from Taylor. Aerostar went for a shoulder tackle several times and bounced off Taylor. Taylor finally decked him with a shoulder tackle and tagged in Swamp Monster. Quackenbush mentioned that the members of Team AAA often are facing each other and were chosen to team in this tournament. Gulak applied a Gonzo surfboard on Aerostar before dumping him down to the mat. Taylor went for a moonsault, but Aerostar got out of the way. Fenix got the hot tag, but he got cut off by Gulak on the apron. Taylor then nailed him with a superkick. Fenix mounted a comeback and hit a double spring missile dropkick. The action broke down and Fenix wiped out Taylor with a kick. Gulak got isolated and took a series of high-flying moves, but Taylor saved the pin. Fenix hit a handspring ace crusher on Taylor. The Colonel came down to the ring and distracted Fenix on the apron. The announcers marveled that he wasn’t in his wheel chair like usual. Swamp Monster hit a Ki-crusher on Fenix, but he kicked out at 2. Gulak and Taylor tossed Swamp Monster to the floor and the announcers questioned that because he was doing well. Aerostar wiped out Gulak and Swamp Monster with a crazy springboard corkscrew splash. Fenix then hit an insane dive to wipe out a pile of men on the floor and the fans went nuts. Taylor then wiped out everyone with a big flip dive to the outside. Orange Cassidy ran down to the ring and spit in Drago’s face, but Drago fired back with Green Mist and he collapsed off the apron. Dragon and Gulak went at it in the middle of the ring. Drago hit a springboard into a pinning combination on Gulak to get the win.
Team AAA got a big ovation after the match.
Gavin Loudspeaker then told the fans he would see them tomorrow at night 2 of KOT.
Winners: Fenix & Drago & Aerostar to advance to the KOT 2015 Quarter Final Round.
Star rating: (***1/2) – This was a very good main event. It dragged a bit with the long control period from The Gentleman’s Club, but the second half of the match finished with some great high-flying from Team AAA. They managed to fend off loads of outside interference before getting the win. Aerostar’s twisting splash to the floor was amazing as well. I’m looking forward to seeing more of Team AAA.
Overall thoughts: (7.0) – This was an enjoyable card from start to finish. I love seeing CHIKARA draw well with a jam packed crowd in Easton, Pa. for KOT weekend. The fans were hot for most of the action and provided a good atmosphere all night. Although there were several good matches on the card, The Bullet Club-Battle Hive match was by far the best match on the show.
I really enjoy the tradition of Sean Waltman coming into KOT each year to call some matches. Waltman called the first half of this card and genuinely sounded like he was enjoying himself. It was especially fun to see a confrontation between Waltman and Sabar teased after the opening match.
The first half of the show was solid, but the second half of the show is where things picked up. As I mentioned before, The Bullet Club-Battle Hive match was fantastic. Both teams delivered some tremendous back and forth action, especially leading into the finish with Bullet Club hitting the fatality on Amasis to pick up the win.
The Nightmare Warriors vs. Snake Pit match was nicely done as well with some good storytelling with Kingston wanting a piece of CHIKARA Grand Champion Hallowicked, but not being able to get to him during the match. It was also interesting to see Silver Ant gelling with Frightmare and Hallowicked during the match, despite his attempts to resist it.
The main event was very good as well. The match dragged a bit with The Gentleman’s Club in control for a long period of time. Things really picked up once Team AAA mounted their comeback and hit some unique high-flying offense. I was really impressed by Aerostar here and can’t wait to see more of him.
I really enjoy King of Trios every year. In the past, the first night hasn’t been very good, but this card ended up coming together quite nicely and was solid from start to finish. Personally, I have a bit of catching up to do on CHIKARA in 2015, but I thought the announcers did a nice job of explaining things throughout the night, so it wasn’t too hard for me to jump in and watch this show. I’ve never been let down by a King of Trios tournament and I anticipate this year will be no different given the start. Thumbs up.
You can purchase CHIKARA’s “King of Trios 2015: Night 1” on VOD/MP4 for one price by clicking HERE or by visiting CHIKARAPro.com. CHIKARA is currently offering a package for all three nights of King of Trios 2015 on their website right now. This show will also be available on DVD/Blu-ray at SmartMarkVideo.com in the future. For more information on CHIKARA, visit CHIKARAPro.com.
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