RADICAN'S TAKE RADICAN'S OMEGA CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING "CHAOS IN CAMERON" REVIEW 4/26 - Trevor Lee impresses against Adam Page, Hardy Boyz-Briscoes dream match main event
Jul 27, 2014 - 8:31:42 PM
By Sean Radican, Torch columnist
APRIL 26, 2014
The show started with a pair of really good promos from the Briscoes and the Hardy Boyz.
The show appears to be relatively full of fans in a high school gym. They’re actually at Union Pines High School where Matt & Jeff Hardy went to school.
Cedric Alexander got a big ovation coming out for the opening match.
They should have at least had a graphic saying that this match was for a spot in the Omega Championship Tournament Final later in the year instead of having the announcers mention it when the match started.
(1) Cedric Alexander vs. Xsiris in an Omega Championship Tournament match. The announcer said this is an Omega Championship Tournament match and they listed several wrestlers already in the tournament. The winners of two matches on this card get the final two spots in the Six Man match to crown a new Champion in OMEGA. The announcers said Alexander had more exposure across the US than Xsiris, but Xsiris has made a name for himself in the Mid-Atlantic area. Alexander controlled the action on the mat during the early going and worked over Xsiris’s arm. They went back and forth near the apron and Alexander eventually caught Xsiris with a nice dropkick off the ropes. Alexander charged Xsiris in the corner, but ended up getting crotched on the top rope before spilling to the floor. The announcers mentioned that Xsiris hasn’t been wrestling much in 2014. Xsiris held the upper hand for a long period of time and put the boots to Alexander in the corner. Alexander got a surprise rollup for a near fall, but Xsiris got up and nailed him with a leg lariat for a 2 count.
Xsiris put Alexander between the ropes and catapulted him into the ropes and Alexander spilled hard to the floor and the fans gasped. The fans tried to rally behind Alexander as struggled to be the ref’s count and he managed to barely get back into the ring in time. They went back and forth inside the ring and Xsiris caught Alexander with a neck breaker for a 2 count. Alexander tossed Xsiris to the floor, but Xsiris rolled back into the ring to avoid a dive. Alexander went right to the apron and hit a springboard clothesline. Alexander countered Xsiris and hit a Michinoku driver for a good near fall. Xsiris fired back and hit a spinning slam for a 2 count. Alexander eventually caught Xsiris with a back breaker for the win.
Winner: Cedric Alexander to advance to the Omega Championship match.
Star rating: (**3/4) – This was a good opening match. It was slow in spots and the finish looked a little clunky, but they had some good exchanges during the second half of the match.
(2) Jake Manning vs. Andrew Everett. Everett did a bunch of backflips and Manning called timeout and checked his manual. Everett fired up and ran wild on Manning with his high octane offense and the fans fired up. Manning rolled to the floor, but managed to avoid a dive from Everett. Everett caught himself on the apron, but Manning managed to hit a wheelbarrow slam into the turnbuckles to get the upper hand. The announcers did a good job of talking about Manning’s strategy to ground Everett and avoid his high-flying offense. The fans tried to rally behind Everett with Manning holding a headlock on the mat. Everett ended up ducking a clothesline and sent Manning to the floor with a dropkick to the back. Everett got a running start and hit a big dive to the floor on Manning. Everett hit a missile dropkick a short time later, but only got a 2 count. The fans fired up with Everett in control.
Manning hit a chin breaker, but Everett fired right back with a springboard kick. Everett went for a springboard moonsault, but Manning got his knees up and hit a Cactus DDT for a 2 count. Manning took his straps down and signaled that he was going to go up top. Manning took forever and Everett went around him and nailed him with a kick off the apron. Everett then hit a gorgeous shooting star press.
Winner: Andrew Everett
Star rating: (***) – This was a good match and the crowd was into Everett. Everett does some spectacular high-flying and he got to showcase his talents in this match against Manning.
Trevor Lee came out and cut a promo. He said he graduated from this place, but if he ever wanted to be anything, he had to get out of Cameron. He said he’s the PWI Ultra J Champion. He said he’s done big things because he left Cameron. The fans booed. Lee said he decided to come back and show the stupid that he’s way better than he was in high school. He said tonight he will show why he’s undefeated in OMEGA. The fans booed as Lee posed in the ring. His opponent, Adam Page, got a good reaction coming down to the ring.
(3) Trevor Lee vs. Adam Page. Some fans chanted for Lee, but they were drowned out by boos. Page got a couple of quick 2 counts on Lee before grabbing an arm bar. Lee pushed Page into the corner and slapped Page across the face. Page fired back and began nailing Lee with punches. He then caught Page with a cross body off the ropes before nailing him with more punches. Page began working over Lee with some big chops against the ropes. Lee then took a huge backdrop before Page clotheslined him to the floor. Page charged at Lee on the apron, but Lee tripped him, got up on the apron, and nailed him with a punt to the head. Lee began working over Page inside the ring. The announcers said the frustrating thing about Lee is that he’s as good as he thinks he is.
Page fired back with a series of chops in the corner. Page whipped Lee into the corner and Lee jumped up and nailed him with a leaping double stomp. Wow! Lee covered Page, but only got a 2 count. Lee choked Page against the ropes and played to the fans. The fans booed Lee and Page tried to mount a comeback, but took a shot to the throat. Lee hit a big back breaker and flexed causing the fans to boo once again. Page fired back and caught Lee with a running knee to the head. Lee caught Page with a boot out of the corner and climbed the ropes, but Page caught him with a dropkick when he went for a splash that left both men down. The pace picked up and Page caught Lee with a powerslam off the ropes. He then hit a falcon arrow for a 2 count.
Page caught Lee with a leaping DDT a short time later and made the cover, but Lee got his foot on the ropes at the last second. Lee snapped the middle rope into Page’s neck a short time later. Both men went for a cross-body and Lee reversed his momentum mid-air and landed on top of Page for a 2 count. Page blocked a dead-lift German attempt, but ate a huge forearm as he came off the ropes. Page countered another jumping double stomp attempt and eventually hit a northern lights suplex with a bridge for a near fall. Page went up top, but Lee rolled to the floor and the fans booed. Page went for a pinning combination back inside the ring, but Lee reversed it and grabbed his rights for a near fall. Page went for another jumping DDT, but Lee countered it and hit the kill shot for the win.
Winner: Trevor Lee
Star rating: (***3/4) – This was a really good match and it’s easy to see why Lee is a rising name on the independent scene. I thought his heel work in this match was really good as he methodically worked over Page and kept him grounded while mixing in some spectacular moves. Lee is ridiculously athletic and his leaping double stomp is a must-see. Page held his own here as well and this was an impressive undercard match to bolster this card.
Caprice Coleman’s son came out to introduce him for his match against Ric Converse, which was cool. Coleman got a big pop coming out for the match.
(4) Caprice Coleman vs. Ric Converse in an OMEGA Championship Tournament match. The announcers mentioned that these men know every trick in the book as veterans. Coleman hit a big dropkick after both men spent the early part of the match feeling each other out for a 2 count. Alexander tried to fix his tights after offering a clean break in the corner and Converse nailed him with a running kick. Converse then began working over Coleman as the fans booed. The fans chanted “You can’t wrestle” at Converse as he tossed Coleman to the floor. Coleman fired back on the outside and lit up Converse with chops. He slipped around the ringpost when Converse whipped him and nailed him with a kick. Coleman then jumped backwards onto the second rope inside the ring and hit a moonsault to the floor and the fans fired up.
Coleman went up top, but Converse met him up top and hit him with a suplex. The fans booed with Coleman down near the ropes. Converse worked an abdominal stretch on the mat and the fans chanted for Coleman. Coleman tried to fight out of it, but Converse nailed him with a series of punches. Coleman fired back and hit a springboard cross-body for a 2 count, but Converse got up and nailed him with a huge clothesline. Converse worked over Coleman for a long period of time and the fans booed. They went to an exchange of strikes in the middle of the ring. Coleman finally nailed Converse with a spin kick as he came off the ropes. Coleman lit up Converse with strikes and hit the Dusty elbow. Coleman got the iron claw before slamming him down to the canvas for a 2 count. Converse fired back and snapped Coleman’s neck over the top rope before driving Coleman face-first into the canvas for a 2 count. Coleman surprised Converse with a jumping hurricanrana off the top and a leg lariat off the top for a near fall. Coleman grabbed a cobra clutch. The ref went to the outside and argued with Xsiris. Coleman started at Xsiris. They went back and forth and Converse hit the Richter scale. The ref came back into the ring and Coleman kicked out at the last second. Coleman got the cobra clutch and Alexander came out to stop him from breaking up the submission and Converse tapped.
Winner: Caprice Coleman to advance to the OMEGA Championship match
Star rating: (**3/4) – The match dragged in parts when Converse was on offense, but Coleman provided some bright spots with his flashy offense throughout the match. Things got interesting down the stretch once Xsiris interfered, which made for some good drama leading into Alexander coming out to help Coleman in the end.
Thomas got on the mic before Dixon’s match with Sky. He said the ring announcer hadn’t done her job right. He said Dixon is what a real woman looks like. He called Cameron a crap hole. He looked at Sky and told Dixon to not be afraid to beat that man over there. What a lousy way to get heat on Dixon before the match.
(5) Reby Sky vs. D’arcy Dixon (w/The Tommy Thomas). Amber Gertner came into the booth to help call the match. Sky stayed a step ahead of Dixon during the early stages of the match. Dixon dragged the ref in front of her when Sky went for a charge in the corner. Sky turned her back as Dixon and the official argued and Dixon nailed Sky with a blow from behind. Sky fired back and hit a combination of kicks followed by a leg drop for a 2 count. Sky then nailed Dixon with a baseball slide through the ropes. Dixon cut her off with a knee to the gut when she went to the floor and then tossed her into the ringpost. Dixon worked over Sky on the mat and eventually grabbed a variation of cattle mutilation. Dixon had one heck of a bridge on the hold, but Sky eventually twisted herself free. Dixon worked over Sky and hit a suplex for a near fall. Sky and Dixon began trading forearms in the corner. Sky eventually ducked a charge in the corner and hit a running bulldog. Sky went to the second turnbuckle and hit a swinging DDT, but Thomas put Dixon’s boot on the bottom rope. Sky jawed with Thomas and turned around into a fisherman suplex, but Sky kicked out at the last second. Dixon argued with the ref and Sky nailed her with a kick and hit the TOF for the win.
Dixon argued with the official after the match before leaving.
Winner: Reby Sky
Star rating: (**) – The match dragged a bit at times and they had some awkward exchanges, but they also built some nice sequences into the match. Thomas was more of a detraction than an addition to the match on the outside.
Christopher Carmichael came out and cut a promo. He said he wanted to introduce the winners of the upcoming Six Man Tag match. He brought out C.W. Anderson, Caleb Konley, and Mickey Gambino. The Bravado Brothers and Hurricane Helms came out next to a good pop. Gambino got on the mic before the match began and said he could outwrestle all of his opponents despite not holding any championships. He told Helms this isn’t ten years ago. The fans chanted for Helms. Gambino said he wanted Helms to start the match. The announcers wondered if this was Gambino’s night to turn his luck around.
(6) C.W. Anderson & Caleb Konley & Mickey Gambino (w/Michael Carmichael) vs. The Bravado Brothers (Lancelot & Harlem Bravado) & Hurricane Helms in a Six Man Elimination match. Hurricane hit a choke slam to eliminate Gambino in the first minute of the match. That was funny. The Bravados and Helms began tagging in and out a short time later to work over Konley. They began targeting Konley’s arm. Harlem caught Konley with a nice dropkick off the ropes and covered him for a 2 count. Anderson caught Lancelot with a knee to the back and Konley nailed him with a knee strike for a 2 count. Anderson tagged in and began working over Lancelot. Anderson countered a sunset flip attempt from Lancelot into a cross-arm breaker, but he got the ropes. Konley nailed Lancelot with a huge slap to the face and he fired back with a flurry of strikes, but Konley picked him up and slammed him into the turnbuckles to maintain the upper hand. The fans tried to rally behind Lancelot and he cut off Anderson and tagged in Helms, who ran wild. The action broke down and Helms managed to fend off Anderson and Konley. Harlem got the tag and went after Anderson with punches in the corner, but Konley made the save. Harlem ended up hitting an exploder on Konley that sent him into Anderson in the corner. He made the cover on Anderson, but only got a 2 count.
Harlem and Konley went back and forth exchanging blows. Konley finally nailed him with a swinging neck breaker over his knee for a 2 count. The Bravados fired back and nailed Konley with a combinations of moves, but Anderson made the save. Helms got rid of Anderson and the Bravados hit the gentleman’s agreement on Konley to eliminate him. Anderson was now down to a 3 on 1 disadvantage. Anderson sent Harlem into Lancelot on the apron and then nailed him with a superkick to eliminate him. Lancelot nailed Anderson with a clothesline, but only got a 2 count. Anderson caught Lancelot with a spinebuster, but he kicked out at the last second. Anderson grabbed an arm submission, but Lancelot managed to get to the ropes. Lancelot charged Anderson in the corner, but he got out of the way and Lancelot crashed into the ringpost. Anderson then hit a superkick to pin Lancelot for the elimination.
Anderson applied the Anderson clutch on Helms after cutting him off quickly. Helms escaped, but ate a big punch from Anderson. Helms hit a choke slam, but Carmichael got on the apron and Helms went after him. He turned around into a superkick from Anderson, but managed to kick out at the last second. Helms blocked another superkick from Anderson, but missed a clothesline and ate another superkick that was good for the win.
The fans chanted for Helms once he recovered.
Winners: C.W. Anderson & Caleb Konley & Mickey Gambino
Star rating: (***1/4) – This was a good elimination match. There were some good exchanges between the Bravados and Konley during the first part of the match. It was surprising to see the Bravados go down so easily to Anderson once they had a 3 on 1 advantage on him with Helms. Helms and Anderson had some good exchanges down the stretch and this match did a good job of building up Anderson as a big time threat in the OMEGA Championship Six Man match later this year.
The Briscoes Brothers came out to “Give me back my bullets” while Helms was still in the ring. The fans chanted “Man up.” Jay got on the mic and told Helms it looked like he had a hard time getting out of the ring. Jay offered to help him out and they put the boots to Helms. The Bravados ran down to help Helms, but the Briscoes cut them off. The announcers referred to the Briscoes as the invaders from Sandy Fork, Delaware. The Briscoes cleared the ring, but the Hardy Boyz music played and Matt and Jeff ran into the ring and the Briscoes bailed. They got a big pop coming out to make the save.
(7) The Briscoes (Jay & Mark Briscoe) vs. The Hardy Boyz (Matt & Jeff Hardy). The fans chanted for the Hardy Boyz before the ring announcer did the formal introductions. Matt and Jay went back and forth as the fans screamed during the early going. Matt finally decked Jay with a big clothesline after blocking an arm drag. Jeff tagged in, but Jay scrambled to the corner and tagged in Mark. Mark and Jeff had a fast-paced exchange that ended with Mark nailing Jeff with a big kick to the head. Jeff fired back and nailed Mark with a kick and pounded his head into the top turnbuckle in the corner. Jeff nailed Mark with a series of his enigmatic tae kwon do strikes to get the upper hand. Matt and Jeff began tagging in and out to work over Mark. Jay nailed Jeff with a cheap shot from the apron and eventually the Briscoes nailed Jeff with a tandem clothesline. Jay and Matt ended up brawling on the outside before separating.
Jay and Mark began tagging in and out to work over Jeff. The fans chanted for Jeff as he continued to take a beating from the Briscoes. Jeff took a beating for a long period of time. The fans once again tried to rally behind Jeff as the hometown crowd was rabid behind the Hardy Boyz. Mark went for a senton off the top, but Hardy got out of the way. Matt finally got the hot tag and ran wild on Mark. Jay try to run into the ring, but Matt caught the Briscoes with tandem clothesline/bulldog combination. Matt then hit a big side effect on Mark for a 2 count. The action broke down and Jeff and Matt hit a TOF on Mark. Jeff hit a slingshot splash on Jay, but Mark kicked out of Matt’s pin at the last second. Matt missed a moonsault onto Mark and both men were down. Jay fired back on Jeff on the outside. Several refs came out and checked on Jeff after Jay decked him on the floor. Helms came out to check on Jeff as well. Jay tagged himself into the ring and stalked Matt, who realized he was alone in the ring now. Jay put the boots to Matt in the corner. Jay choked Matt on the ropes as the announcers talked about how Hardy had been wearing Jay’s belt in other arenas.
The Briscoes tagged in and out to work over Matt. Hardy ended up sending Jay to the outside, but Mark hit him with a series of double chops. Mark then went up top, but Matt cut him off. Matt hit a superplex and the fans applauded, but Jay broke up the pin by landing on the ref. Jay stalked Matt with the ref down and began nailing him with punches. Mark joined in and put the boots to Matt. The Briscoes brought a chair into the ring and Mark nailed Matt with a big chairs shot to the back. Matt took a series of chair shots to the gut and Jay choked him with a chair. Jay taunted the fans and they booed. The Briscoes put Matt’s neck inside a chair and Briscoe flipped off the fans. Matt tossed the chair off his head, but Jay nailed him with a couple of shots to the gut with a chair. Willow the Wisp suddenly ran down to the ring and teed off on the Briscoes with his umbrella. Willow tossed the ref into the ring as the fans fired up. Willow left the ringside area and Matt nailed Jay with a TOF, but he kicked out at the last second. The fans were on their feet as Matt sold frustration. Jay hit a pair of low blows on Matt and Mark nailed him with a flying knee. Mark then covered Matt, but he kicked out at the last second.
The Briscoes continued to put a beating on Matt. Helms came out with Jeff, who looked groggy trying to make his way down to the ring. Jeff got back on the apron and signaled that he wanted the tag. The fans fired up and the hard camera was shaking. Jeff got the hot tag from Matt and nailed Jay with a flying forearm. Jeff hit the whisper in the win on Jay, but Mark broke up the pin. Mark went after Jeff and Jay nailed him with a frog splash, but Matt kicked out at the last second. The Briscoes sold frustration before going back after Jeff. Jeff ducked a double clothesline attempt from the Briscoes and nailed them with a jumping double clothesline off the ropes. Matt got the tag and The Hardy Boyz hit poetry in motion on Jay. Matt hit Jay with the TOF. Hardy then went up top and hit the swanton bomb, but Mark broke up the pin with the fans in a frenzy. Mark nailed Jeff with a huge dropkick through the ropes. Jay held Matt in place for the froggy bow from Mark. Jay then covered Matt, but he kicked out at the last second. The Briscoes set up Matt for a doomsday device, but he ducked Mark’s clothesline and rolled up Jay for the win.
Matt asked for the music to be cut. The fans chanted “That was awesome.” Matt put over Jeff for coming to the show the day before a PPV. He also put over the Briscoes. He thanked several people before thanking the fans. Jeff got on the mic and said he wanted to end the night on a good note. He told a knock knock joke that was actually pretty darn funny to close the show out.
Winners: Matt & Jeff Hardy
Star rating: (****) – This was an excellent match. The fans were really into the action from start to finish. It was a fun callback to see Willow the Wisp run out to help Matt when things were looking bad after Jeff got hurt. These four guys flat out worked hard to deliver a big time match, although there were a few too many near falls. Overall, this match delivered big time.
Overall thoughts: (7.0) – This was a good show from OMEGA Championship wrestling. I hadn’t seen one of their shows since the promotion was re-launched last year, but I enjoyed this show and the simple stories told in the ring with fans that were more than willing to cheer the heels and boo the faces.
There is some really good talent coming up that wrestles in the North Carolina area and they were showcased on this show. Cedric Alexander had a solid opening match against Xsiris and earned himself a spot in the Six Man OMEGA Championship match to crown a champion for the promotion later this year. Andrew Everett was also impressive and had a good match against Jake Manning on the undercard. I came away most impressed with Trevor Lee. He had a really good match against Page and showed that he could work heel, despite having eye-popping athletic ability. If you don’t know what I mean just watch out for his leaping double stomp.
The second half of the show was very good. The Six Man Elimination Tag Team match was good and showcased C.W. Anderson as a threat in the upcoming Six Man OMEGA Championship match. The eliminations of the Bravado Brothers came very quickly once it came down to Anderson going at it alone against the Bravados & Helms, but there was a good closing exchange with Helms.
Of course the reason most people are going to want to get this show is for the Briscoes vs. The Hardy Boyz. They put on a really good match with some smoke and mirrors to build the heat down the stretch, but it worked. The fans were rabid for the Hardy Boyz overcoming the odds after Jeff got hurt. All four men worked awfully hard and took some big risks during the match that ultimately ended after several near falls with a satisfying conclusion to send the fans home happy. This match is definitely worth going out of your way to see.
Overall, this was a solid card with a lot of good matches up and down the card that built to an excellent main event. They should have hyped up the upcoming 6 Man Omega Championship match a little more given that the final two slots in the match were filled on this show with the match listed on the match graphic. I’m looking forward to seeing more from OMEGA Championship Wrestling in the future.
You can purchase OMEGA Championship Wrestling “Chaos in Cameron” on DVD by clicking HERE or by visiting Highspots.com. Highspots also carries this show on MP4.
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PWTorch editor Wade Keller has covered pro wrestling full time since 1987 starting with the Pro Wrestling Torch print newsletter. PWTorch.com launched in 1999 and the PWTorch Apps launched in 2008.
He has conducted "Torch Talk" insider interviews with Hulk Hogan, The Rock, Steve Austin, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Eric Bischoff, Jesse Ventura, Lou Thesz, Jerry Lawler, Mick Foley, Jim Ross, Paul Heyman, Bruno Sammartino, Goldberg, more.
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