Other PPVs CALDWELL'S ROH IPPV RESULTS 5/17: Complete "virtual-time" coverage of War of the Worlds - ROH Title & IWGP Title main events, new ROH tag champs, Steen vs. Nakamura, more
May 17, 2014 - 9:48:28 PM
ROH vs. New Japan iPPV Results
"War of the Worlds 2014"
May 17, 2014
New York City
Report by James Caldwell, PWTorch assistant editor
After Kevin Kelly and Steve Corino introduced the show, A.J. Styles's music opened the show. The announcers sold this not being on the format sheet. ROH/IWGP Jr. tag champions Young Bucks came through the curtain, followed by Bullet Club members Karl Anderson, Doc Gallows, and Styles to a big reaction.
In the ring, Karl Anderson announced that the Bullet Club has arrived. He hyped Styles as the greatest wrestler on God's green earth, by virtue of being IWGP World Hvt. champion. Styles, wearing a Georgia Bulldogs cap, took the mic next to a "F--- TNA" chant. Styles smirked and waited out the chant.
Styles said they are Bullet Club and they all lead. "Bullet Club" chant followed. Suddenly, Okada's music played. Out came Okada to a big reaction. "Okada, Okada" chant from the fired-up crowd. Okada and Gedo hit the ring, where Styles led a one-sided promo exchange centered on Okada wanting a title re-match.
Michael Elgin then came out ahead of his scheduled title shot against Styles tonight. Elgin called down ROH matchmaker Nigel McGuinness to make this a triple threat match. "Yes!" shouts from the crowd. Nigel emerged from the back and talked to New Japan's ringside representative about whether to make it happen. Nigel got the okay, then confirmed with the participants. Styles huddled with Bullet Club, then said they are game. Nigel made it official - Styles vs. Okada vs. Elgin for the IWGP World Hvt. Title.
Ringside, Corino and Kelly discussed why Elgin would agree to add another competitor to the title match tonight when he had Styles one-on-one for the IWGP World Title.
In-ring: For the opening match, Forever Hooligans and Takaaki Watanabe were introduced for six-man tag action. Next out was A.C.H., followed by Matt Taven and their other partner, Tommaso Ciampa.
Long feeling-out process early on as the wrestlers and fans felt out the collection of wrestlers in the match. Taven turned into a punching bag for the Hooligans and Watanabe before all six men crashed the ring. Lots of moves followed, then A.C.H. flew over the top rope with a big flip dive onto the Hooligans ringside. Back in the ring, Taven snapped Watanabe's neck with a front-face driver, Climax, for the pin and the win.
WINNERS: A.C.H., Taven, and Ciampa at 9:12. Okay opening match. So many different personalities in one match that it didn't quite gel. (**)
Last Saturday: The Decade injured Cedric Alexander after Alexander beat Roderick Strong.
In-Ring: The Decade was introduced to the ring for tag action. Representing the group tonight was B.J. Whitmer and Roderick Strong. Representing New Japan, Gedo and Jado were out next.
The heels worked on Gedo for a while before Jado hot-tagged and cleaned house. Jado put Strong in a crossface submission, but Whitmer broke it up. All four men in the ring, then Gedo took a combination of moves from The Decade. Jado snuck in a chair shot to Strong from the outside, but Strong kicked out of a pin attempt. Strong and Whitmer came back with combination offense on Gedo, then Strong nailed a Sick Kick for the pin and the win.
WINNERS: Decade at 8:34. Slow start as everyone felt out the match without a back-story, but a good finish with a flurry of offense. (**1/4)
Post-match: An injured Cedric Alexander hit the ring and took out The Decade. Alexander posed, then Jimmy Jacobs attacked him from behind. Chaos as security members hit the ring and Decade scattered around ringside. Cedric eventually gathered himself in the ring, then went after Strong, but Strong bailed to the back.
3 -- ROH TV champion JAY LETHAL (w/Truth Martini) vs. "Time Splitter" KUSHIDA -- ROH TV Title match
Nice back-and-forth to a good old fashioned singles match early on. KUSHIDA had a pinfall, but Truth Martini caused a distraction. So, referee Todd Sinclair gave Martini the boot from ringside. Ref Sinclair returned to the ring to count a nearfall for KUSHIDA on a Tiger Suplex with bridge pin. The battle then moved up-top, where Lethal shoved down KUSHIDA, but KUSHIDA delivered a corner dropkick. KUSHIDA followed with a super huracanrana, resulting in a close two count.
Lethal and KUSHIDA had a standing exchange, then KUSHIDA rocked Lethal with a forearm, only to take a spin kick from the champ. Lethal chopped KUSHIDA, then superkicked the challenger in the mouth. Lethal followed with a springboard Lethal Injection for the pin and the win.
WINNER: Lethal at 11:35 to retain the TV Title. Very nice singles match. Good chemistry between the champ and challenger. (***)
In-ring: Next up was the IWGP World Tag Title match. The Briscoes were introduced first as the challengers, then Bullet Club's Karl Anderson and Doc Gallows came out to defend the titles.
4 -- IWGP Hvt. tag champions BULLET CLUB (KARL ANDERSON & DOC GALLOWS) vs. THE BRISCOES -- IWGP World Tag Title match
Chaos early on. The action spilled to the floor, where Mark Briscoe threw Anderson onto the timekeeper's table. Back in the ring, Doc knocked down Mark and started working him over. Anderson also tagged in to (a) taunt the Briscoes and (b) deliver more offense. Mark broke free, then tagged in Jay, who traded offense with Anderson.
All four men found themselves in the ring, then Mark delivered a top-rope splash on Anderson for a close two count. Briscoes tried Doomsday on Anderson, but Doc broke it up. Doc and Anderson then nailed their Magic Killer double spinning neckbreaker finisher on Jay for the pin and the win. After the match, the Briscoes shook hands with Bullet Club. Jay reluctantly shook hands, then teased wanting another go at Doc Gallows.
WINNERS: Bullet Club at 10:30. Fine tag match. A bit abbreviated for a major tag match in ROH, though. (**1/2)
Graphic: Kevin Steen vs. Nakamura got a big pop live in the building.
In-ring: IWGP IC champion Shinsuke Nakamura was introduced for the next match. Big reaction for one of New Japan's top stars in an American ring. Kevin Steen was then introduced to a big reaction. Big-time atmosphere for this featured singles match.
5 -- IWGP IC champion SHINSUKE NAKAMURA vs. KEVIN STEEN -- non-title match
Amazing Code of Honor pre-match moment, then the bell sounded and forearms started flying. Steen then got to the heart of the matter: "What's wrong with you?!" Nakamura sold not understanding why anyone would think something is wrong with his mad-man antics, then the crowd broke into a "Nak-a-mura / Kill Steen Kill" dueling chant. Steen knocked Nakamura to the floor, where Steen went for a cannonball dive, but Nakamura did a casual walk-away that popped the crowd.
The fight continued ringside, where Nakamura missed with an apron move and Steen answered with a big powerbomb onto the edge of the ring apron. Back in the ring, Steen followed up with a snap DDT, then a cannonball splash for a two count. Steen followed with a cannonball splash in the corner, but he couldn't secure a pinfall. Nakamura answered with a corner attack before driving knees into Steen's head. Nakamura followed with a backstabber into a suplex. Nakamura tried a running knee, but Steen blocked and hit a sit-out powerbomb for a two count.
Reset at 11:00 with a dueling chant. The fight moved to the top turnbuckle, where Steen grappled Nakamura for a big top-rope suplex resulting in a two count. Nakamura suddenly nailed his Boma Ye finisher, covered, and Steen kicked out at one, popping the crowd. Nakamura freaked out, then nailed his knee finisher a second time. This was good for a three count.
WINNER: Nakamura at 12:19. Fantastic match. Just amazing. Two huge personalities in a big-time atmosphere. (***1/2)
Post-match: Nakamura headed to the back to a strong reaction, then Steen took a mic. Steen said he's going to make this short because his jaw is hurting. He said he's been in ROH for a long time and one thing people appreciate about him is he's a genuine guy. Steen said he genuinely loves this place so much. Someone shouted "F--- you" in the crowd, so Steen called him out. The rest of the crowd chanted, "A-hole" at the fan, then Steen continued.
Steen said after losing to Adam Cole last week and another big match tonight - pause to acknowledge another fan shout. Steen said that he has a beautiful family at home that he has to take care of and he thinks it's time for him to step away for a little bit. Pause for "No!" shouts from the crowd. Steen said he just wants to thank New York City for everything.
Suddenly, Silas Young's music interrupted. Young shook his head and entered the ring with a frown on his face. "F--- you, Silas" chant from the crowd. Silas growled that he wants to apologize for interrupting. He said he agrees with the fans not to leave. He said they have a World champion who looks like a lady-boy, tag champions who look like kids off a Disney show, and a TV champion who runs around with a fruit who tried recruiting him. And then there's Kevin Steen, the only other man in this locker room.
Young said he understands having a family, but Steen is acting like a p---- and thanking fans who don't care about him. Silas told Steen can go ahead and quit, then his son will grow up to be a quitter like him. Steen had enough and went after Silas, then security hit the ring to try to separate them. More brawling broke out leading to intermission. Well, not quite intermission, as Steen did a big splash to ringside, but Silas moved, so security got taken out. Silas then walked off to the back as intermission officially started.
Nigel McGuinness joined Kevin Kelly and Steve Corino on commentary for the second-half of the show.
In-ring: Michael Bennett and Maria Kanellis were introduced for the first match coming out of intermission. New Japan top star Hiroshi Tanahashi was introduced next to a strong reaction.
6 -- MICHAEL BENNETT (w/Maria Kanellis) vs. TANAHASHI
After the bell sounded, Bennett left the ring to make out with Maria, taunting Tanahashi. Bennett then taunted Tanahashi's air-guitar pose and re-entered the ring as the announcers discussed ROH fans never accepting Bennett. Maria then grabbed Tanahashi's foot to slow him down and give Bennett an opening. But, Tanahahi responded with armdrags into an air-guitar pose. Tanahashi wanted a top-rope move, but Bennett got up and superkicked Tanahashi down to the floor.
On the outside, Tanahashi and Bennett traded control bashing each other into the barricade. Bennett then hit behind Maria, Bennett pushed Maria into Tanahashi, Maria kissed Tanahashi, and Bennett clotheslined Tanahashi to the floor. "I'm the best in the world!" Bennett shouted to boos.
Back in the ring, Bennett and Tanahashi traded control. Tanahashi then teased a Texas Cloverleaf, but Maria got on the ring apron to distract. Tanahashi released the hold to confront Maria, then Bennett accidentally bumped Maria off the ring apron. Maria re-entered the ring, so Tanahashi put Maria in a Cloverleaf, popping the crowd. Bennett superkicked Tanahashi to save Maria, then Bennett and Tanahashi resumed a one-on-one battle. Tanahashi tried High Fly Flow from the top, but Bennett got his knees up in-time. Bennett followed with a spear for a two count. Bennett then applied The Vice to boos and Tanahashi rolled Bennett over for a pin, but Maria grabbed ref Todd Sinclair for a make-out. In the background, Bennett used the illegal piledriver, then Sinclair returned to the ring to count a nearfall only.
Bennett then took Tanahashi to the ring apron and teased another illegal piledriver, but Tanahashi blocked. Tanahashi then gripped Bennett for a modified Tiger Suplex onto the ring apron. Tanahashi then climbed to the top turnbuckle and delivered a big cross-body block to the outside. Back in the ring, Tanahashi delivered High Fly Flow for a clean three count. Afterward, Bennett and Maria hobbled away from ringside while the crowd chanted, "Please come back," to Tanahashi.
WINNER: Tanahashi at 13:26. Intriguing match-up. Tanahashi won over a quiet crowd coming back from intermission and they told a good story centered on Bennett & Maria trying to do anything it took to get a win. (**3/4)
In-ring: Next up was the ROH Tag Title match featuring ReDRagon, who were accompanied by UFC fighter Tom Lawlor. Lawlor comically did the pre-MMA fight routine of rubbing down the faces of ReDragon and holding up a banner full of sponsorships. Before the bell sounded, Young Bucks kicked the bottom rope as Lawlor was exiting, crotching the UFC fighter.
7 -- IWGP Jr. Hvt. tag champions/ROH tag champions YOUNG BUCKS (NICK & MATT JACKSON) vs. ReDRagon (BOBBY FISH & KYLE O'REILLY w/Tom Lawlor) -- ROH Tag Title match
Big back-rakes from the Young Bucks early on, then Lawlor interfered behind the ref's back, drawing boos. ReDragon took advantage by going to work on Matt Jackson. When the Young Bucks teased a tag, Lawlor snuck around the ring to yank Nick off the ring apron. ReDragon regained control, but Matt knocked out both challengers in the corner. Matt then tagged in Nick, who cleaned house.
Nick wanted a big splash on the outside, but Fish avoided and ran Nick into the guardrail. Chaos broke out ringside, ending with Matt delivering a superkick to O'Reilly. "Superkick, superkick!" chant from the crowd. Back in the ring, Young Bucks hit a double-team combo on Fish for a nearfall. Superkicks-a-plenty, then Young Bucks forced ReDragon to deliver a Tombstone on themselves. But, ReDragon escaped a pin attempt.
Reset at 9:30. Fish took Matt to the top turnbuckle and delivered a Falcon Arrow for a close two count. ReDraogn wanted to end the match, but Nick re-entered the ring and helped Matt set up Fish for a superkick. Young Bucks wanted to end it, but ReDragon broke it up and O'Reilly put Matt in a submission. But, Nick came out of nowhere with a big flip dive to the back of O'Reilly's head to break up the submission and score only a close two count.
Young Bucks wanted More Bang for Your Buck, but O'Reilly blocked step one and caught Matt on the way down for step two in a submission. Crazy counter. No finish, then O'Reilly snapped off a mid-ring brainbuster on Matt for a very close two count. ReDragon then hit Chasing the Dragon on Matt, but he kicked out. O'Reilly immediately followed with a submission and Fish held off Nick, forcing Matt to tap out. New tag champs.
WINNERS: ReDragon via submission at 12:43 to capture the ROH Tag Titles. Amazing tag match. Great sequences and believable nearfalls. Plus, Lawlor was pretty good in his supporting role. Very natural fit in a wrestling setting. (****)
Video: Jushin Liger in animated form. Then, a highlight package containing plenty of old-school Liger clips delivered by New Japan.
In-ring: Big response for Jushin Liger, then ROH World champion Adam Cole was introduced to boos. Ring announcer Bobby Cruise handled formal ring introductions, noting a 60-minute time limit for the ROH World Title.
8 -- ROH World champion ADAM COLE vs. JUSHIN "THUNDER" LIGER -- ROH World Title match
Nice feeling-out process as Corino read off some information about Liger debuting the character in May 1989, when Cole was in his mother's womb. Liger opened up with a surfboard stretch into a Dragon Sleeper, but Cole escaped. Cole escaped a second attempt by biting the bottom rope with his teeth. Cole slipped to the floor for a breather, then Liger walked into a desperation superkick from the champion.
Back in the ring, Cole went to work on Liger. Cole tried a top-rope move, but Liger blocked and nailed a huracanrana for a two count. Liger followed with a top-rope splash for another nearfall, then a brainbuster for another close call. Cole came back with a knee attack into a figure-four leglock. Liger refused to give up, then rolled to the ropes for a break. Cole tried to pull off Liger's mask, but Liger blocked and took a superkick. Cole followed with another figure-four. This time, Liger was forced to tap out.
Post-match: Cole approached center-ring to stare down Liger, who was tended to by referees. Liger then limped across the ring to greet Cole, who held up his title belt in Liger's face. Cole smirked and bailed from the ring, insulting Liger. Cole left and Liger's music played on the way out. The crowd stood and applauded Liger.
WINNER: Cole via submission at 13:20 to retain the ROH Title. Good, solid title match reinforcing Cole's top heel persona and spotlighting Liger. (**3/4)
Announcers: Kelly, Corino, and Nigel discussed the IWGP World Hvt. Title main event coming up next to finish out the show.
In-ring: Michael Elgin was introduced first for the title match. Money dropped from the ceiling to bring out "Rainmaker" Kazuchika Okada, along with Gedo, to a strong reaction. A.J. Styles was introduced next to defend the IWGP World Hvt. Title. Bobby Cruise handled formal ring introductions, with Okada treated like a big star by the crowd.
9 -- IWGP World Hvt. champion A.J. STYLES vs. KAZUCHIKA OKADA (w/Gedo) vs. MICHAEL ELGIN -- three-way match for the IWGP World Hvt. Title
Okada dropkicked Styles out of the ring early on, then Okada and Elgin squared off. Styles re-entered and tried to discard Okada, but Okada remained on the ring apron. Styles then took him out with a back-flip smash to the back of Okada's head. Okada and Styles resumed their battle moments later after knocking Elgin to the outside. No fall during this sequence.
Elgin tried to re-enter via the top turnbuckle, but Okada blocked him. Styles got involved, but Elgin knocked him down and delivered a double shoulder tackle to both Styles and Okada. Elgin then scooped up both Okada and Styles for a double overhead suplex, drawing applause from the crowd. Elgin followed with a German Suplex with a bridge pin for a two count.
Moments later, Elgin sold a knee injury on a Tombstone to Okada. Elgin then got up and Styles immediately seized him with the Calfkiller. Elgin refused to give up, then Okada kicked Styles to break up the hold. Okada followed with a sidewinder DDT for a two count. Okada nailed a top-rope elbow on Styles, then called for the Rainmaker, but Elgin back-slide pinned him for a two count. All three men down.
Reset at 14:30 with Elgin limping to his feet. Big sequence with Styles nearly pinning Elgin with a springboard splash out of nowhere. Styles and Okada then battled, with Styles nailing a Pele Kick into the Clash, but Okada kicked free. Okada then caught Styles with a Tombstone. He called for the Rainmaker again, but Elgin blocked again. Elgin chopped Okada down to the mat, but Okada kicked out of a pin.
Elgin limped to his feet and called for a Bucklebomb, delivered it, and tried a sit-out bomb, but Okada blocked. Elgin then ran the ropes and ran right into a dropkick from Okada. Okada delivered the Rainmaker to Elgin, but Styles delivered a flying forearm to Okada, taking Okada out of the ring. Styles then took advantage of Okada's work with a Clash to Elgin for the pin and the win.
WINNER: Styles at 17:18 to retain the IWGP World Title. Nice main event. About what you expected with Styles pinning Elgin since Okada has a one-on-one title shot in Japan later this month. (***1/4)
Post-match: ROH champion Adam Cole hit the ring. Cole KO'ed Styles and Okada with the ROH Title belt, then declared himself the best in the world. The announcers said Cole wanted the main event spotlight here as the crowd went quiet. Kevin Kelly signed off as Cole remained standing tall in the ring.
Before the iPPV signed off, ROH cut to a video feature on ... Christopher Daniels. Daniels said he's coming home to ROH. He was joined by another individual off-camera, likely Kazarian, and Daniels said he's coming back to ROH at Best in the World, which is ROH's first live cable PPV on June 22.
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