Other PPVs RADICAN'S UWF "THUG ASSASSINS" PPV REPORT 1/22: Former champion killed off, Bestia vs. Masada, Ruckus vs. Brown
Jan 23, 2012 - 5:04:10 PM
JANUARY 22, 2012
The show started with highlights of Rasche Brown winning the Street King Title at “Street King.” They then showed Brown handing the title over to an “unknown man” one house after the show ended. We go to four hours after “Street King” and Brown was shown being assaulted by two men backstage. Brown was shot twice by one of the men. The two men ran off.
Radican’s thoughts: That was beyond ridiculous. I never thought I would actually see someone shot and killed on a wrestling show. I was literally in tears because Brown left UWF and cut a promo on the company on his Facebook page after “Street King” aired, so I guess this is his receipt.
Larry Legend introduced the show. Triple C’s came out (Gunplay, Torch, and Young Breed) accompanied by Slymm, Element, and T-Mizzle. Slymm was holding the Street King Title. The Triple C’s took turns cutting a promo. Torch introduced Slymm as a champ. Several crews were shown watching from the balcony. The announcers sold shock that Slymm was the new champion. Slymm said he’d face anyone.
Some wrestlers heckled Slymm from the balcony. Rich Ortiz and Brisco talked some junk from the balcony. The announcers wanted to know what happened to Rasche Brown. Slymm attacked a fan that was heckling him. Slymm put the boots to the fan and yelled at the audience. Slymm told Ortiz to bring it down to the ring. Slymm then hit a spinning side slam on the fan. Slymm jiggled his chest at Ortiz.
Uncle Murda then came out with Raze, Riot, Slyck Wagner Brown, and Louie Ramos. Brown got on the mic and cut a promo on Ortiz. He asked how Ortiz why he should get a title shot. Brown said they had both lost their qualifying matches in the Street King Title tournament, so to him they’re on the same level. Brown challenged him to a match to determine the top contender to the Street King Title. Ortiz got on the mic and called Brown a transvestite. Ortiz then said he was going to kick Brown’s ass.
Both men brawled on the outside to start the match. Uncle Murda’s Raze and Riot ended up attacking Brown from behind. S Dott then came out and went at it with Raze and Riot. Another large man came out. Ortiz bailed and Raze got taken out. Riot was left alone in the ring with the two large men. He got taken out with a spinning by Big Baby Daddy. The big guys are with LEP Bogus Boys.
Winner: No Contest
Ortiz was making his way to the backstage area when T-Mizzle took him out with a trashcan shot.
Julius Smokes, Shawn Credle, and Robbie Mireno reset things from ringside. They talked about the Triple C’s ending up with the UWF Championship. The announcers wondered who was behind Brown’s death. The announcers then talked about the new “thugs” in the UWF.
Big Baby Daddy was backstage with LEP Bogus Boys. S Dot was also backstage talking to his mom. LEP Bogus Boys told S Dot to get off the phone and pay attention. Another man came into the picture. LEP Bogus Boys asked him if he wanted to join the team. His name is Kage. Big Baby and S Dot ended up putting a beating on Kage.
40 Glocc, who represents California, was in a car with Sun. He told Sun he’s having some problems and he needed Sun to help him. Kage was still taking a beating backstage. S Dot and Baby took his drugs and Timberlands. LEP Bogus Boys made took the drugs and Timberlands from Baby.
Uncle Murda was backstage with Brown. He told Brown he had f----- up last year. He said he hates loser. Murda said he had to bring in new people. Riot and Raze were introduced as new members of Murda’s crew.
Billy Blue was shown on the street with Jeez. Some men came and confronted them. Famous B told Jeez last time they wrestled in a Five Way, Jeez got lucky. Jeez told him the same thing would happen. B told Jeez he’d see him in the ring. Jeez promised Blue he’d win the match.
Murda was backstage with his crew. He told Brown he needed a win in the main event tonight.
Billie Blue and Jeez came down to the ring. Blue got on the mic and said he was running this place. Jeez said he was ready to wrestle. 40 Glocc then came down to the ring with Famous B and Sun.
2 - - FAMOUS B (w/40 Glocc & Sun) vs. JEEZ (w/Billie Blue)
Both men exchanged chops in the corner. Jeez fired up on B and sent him to the outside. He then nailed B with a big dive over the top rope. B fired back on Jeez once he got into the ring. B choked Jeez in the corner. The match continued to go back and forth. Jeez nailed B with a big suplex, but only got a 1 count. Jeez choked B with his shirt and continued to work him over. B fired back and went for a dive and missed. B managed to land on his feet, but Jeez took him out. They battled on the apron and Jeez countered B and nailed him with a big DDT on the apron.
They brawled on the outside again. B nailed Jeez with a big chop on the outside. He tossed Jeez back into the ring and continued to work him over. B hit a backbreaker and followed up with a short-armed clothesline for a 2 count. Both men ended up going at it on the top rope. Jeez sent B to the mat, but missed a doublestomp. B nailed Jeez with a Pele kick, but Jeez fired back with a DDT that left both men down.
Jeez covered B for a one count and went up top, but ended up missing a 450. B then went up top and hit a swanton. B then went right to the opposite corner and hit a moonsault off the second rope for a nearfall. The crowd chanted for Jeez as he tried to recover. B missed a splash in the corner. Jeez nailed him with the running knees and hit an exploder. Jeez then went up top and hit a frogsplash, but B kicked out. Jeez stalked B and waited for him to get to his feet, but Sun tripped him from the outside. B then nailed Jeez with a big dropkick. B followed up with a superkick moments later, but was slow to capitalize and cover Jeez, so he only got a 2 count.
B signaled for the end and lifted Jeez on his shoulders, but Jeez slipped out and hit a running DVD on B. Jeez then went up top and hit g’s up ho’s down for the win.
Winner: Jeez – The match started a little rough with both guys not seeming to find a flow, but once they got things in gear, the action in the ring was exciting. Both guys are good high-flyers and had some nice exchanges and counters down the stretch here.
Steve Mack ran into the ring after the match and nailed Jeez with a spear. The announcers said Jeez was having sex with Mack’s girl. Mack continued the assault on Jeez and nailed him with a big overhead suplex. Mack went to the bar after the assault to get a drink.
Torch was shown with his girl. He said he was waiting on some money. Bestia was then shown outside with Blue. He asked Bestia if he had his money. Brisco came into the picture and said Triple C’s were trying to get his money.
DJ Self was shown with Joker. He asked Joker if he needed some help. Grim Reefer came into the picture. Facade was then shown talking to Torch. He said he wanted to get with the Triple C’s. Torch’s girl was upset and he told her to hold on a second. Torch said he’d start off Facade light to prove his loyalty and if he was successful, he’d move up.
Brisco and Blue were shown talking on the street. Masada came into the picture with Brisco. Masada went face-to-face with Bestia. Brisco told Masada to calm down and told Brisco they should put up $10,000 with the winner of the match between Masada and Bestia taking the money.
Reefer was shown with Joker. He told Joker to back up. Reefer said he had money for him from Big Block. Joker said the money was all there. Joker said he was going to go check out what Florida was doing.
Brisco and Blue were talking on the street still. Brisco walked away with Masada and Blue asked him if he had his money. Bestia told Blue not to worry.
Masada came down to the ring with Brisco. The announcers plugged the free UWF mix tape that’s available for download online. Bestia then came out with Blue and his lady.
Larry Legend did the formal introductions.
2 - - MASADA (w/Briscoe) vs. Bestia (w/Billy Blue)
Masada and Bestia traded nearfalls during the early stages of the match and came to a stalemate. Bestia went for a shoulder tackle and Masada asked him “what the f--- is that?” Bestia ended up sending Masada to the outside moments later. He then hit a twisting splash to the outside. Bestia went to work on the larger Masada on the outside. He went for a springboard off the apron, but Masada tripped him and he went face-first into the apron. Masada clotheslined Bestia over the barrier before dragging him back to the ring.
Masada worked a head crank on the mat while Brisco looked on. Masada hit a running forearm in the corner followed by a running boot for a 2 count. Bestia tripped Bestia and hit a double leg drop to his crotch. Bestia missed a kick, but went right into a standing moonsault that connected for a 2 count. Masada went for a suplex, but Bestia landed on his feet and took him out with a spinning heel kick. He followed up with a leg lariat for a 2 count.
Bestia went for a 450 and missed. He landed on his feet, but Masada nailed him with a clothesline followed by a brainbuster, but Bestia kicked out at the last second. The announcers said Bestia couldn’t afford to lose. Masada connected with a backbreaker for a 2 count. He followed up with a powerbomb, but Bestia kicked out at the last second. Masada jawed with the ref while Bestia went to the outside. Masada tried to drag Bestia back into the ring, but he nailed him with a trashcan lid. Masada blocked a second shot from the lid and lifted Bestia up onto his shoulders. Bestia tried to counter and eventually hit an inverted hurricanrana on the lid. Both men were down, but Bestia managed to roll over and cover Masada for the win.
Winner: Bestia – This was a good back and forth match telling the classic story of a big man vs. a small man. Masada unloaded on Bestia with a lot of power offense, but Bestia wouldn’t stay down and used his high-flying to make several comebacks during the match. The crowd was into some of the action, but they’ve been mostly dead during the show so far.
Blue and Brisco jawed at ringside after the match. Their girls then started jawing with each other.
Joker was outside with another guy that asked him about why the money he got earlier was short. Joker said he’d handle it.
Ruckus was shown in a car with reefer, who had a roll of cash. Ruckus said they had to send a message to someone and get their money back. Ruckus and reefer got out of the car. They were confronted by Joker, who asked them about the money.
Slyck Wagner brown came down to the ring with Uncle Murda and his lady. Ruckus was already in the ring. Smokes went crazy about Murda’s girl.
Larry Legend did the formal ring introductions for the match. Ruckus was introduced first representing Atlanta. Slyck Wagner Brown was then introduced representing East New York.
3 - - RUCKUS (w/Uncle Murda & Murder 1) vs. SLYCK WAGNER BROWN
Both men began jawing and brawled into the corner. Brown shoved Ruckus and he went flying across the ring to the other corner. Ruckus fired back and took down Brown with a headscissors. Brown got right up and charged at Ruckus, but Ruckus held down the ropes and he fell to the outside. Ruckus went for a dive, but Brown nailed him with a kick. Brown nailed Ruckus with a water bottle and tossed him into a barrier. Brown charged at Ruckus, but he got out of the way and Brown went into the barrier. Ruckus set up a chair on Brown and nailed him with a handspring splash on the outside. Ruckus covered Brown for a 2 count.
Brown fired back and tossed Ruckus into the guardrail. He then hit a sling shot that drove Ruckus’s throat into the underside of the barrier for a 2 count. The announcers began jawing as Ruckus and Brown exchanged slaps. Ruckus went for a springboard, but Brown caught him and hit a neckbreaker for a 2 count.
Brown put Ruckus on the top rope and nailed him with a punch. Ruckus shoved Brown to the mat and nailed him with a tornado DDT moments later. Ruckus followed up with a rolling kick. He then hit the razzle dazzle in the corner. Ruckus went for another handspring move, but Brown obliterated him with a clothesline for a nearfall. Brown took his time and dragged Ruckus to his feet. Ruckus countered it into a front chancery, but Brown shoved him off and nailed him with a jumping leg drop for a 2 count. Brown went up top and went for a moonsault, but Ruckus rolled out of the way. Ruckus then went up top and hit a moonsault legdrop for a nearfall.
Murder 1 tossed him chairs into the ring. Ruckus hit a rolling rocker dropper on Brown. He then dropkicked a chair into Brown, who was set up in the corner. Murder 1 tossed a trashcan into the ring and Ruckus set it up on top of Brown. He then put a chair over the trashcan and nailed Brown with a coast-to-coast dropkick. Louie Ramos ran in and nailed Ruckus with a DVD. Murder 1 ran into the ring and went at it with Ramos. Ramos nailed Murder 1 with the world’s strongest slam, but missed a legdrop. Murder 1 then hit an ace crusher on Ramos and tossed him to the outside.
Brown went up top and nailed Ruckus with a missile dropkick, but Ruckus fired up and charged at Brown. Ruckus went for a discus lariat, but Brown caught him and hit a sit out slam for the win.
Winner: Slyck Wagner Brown – This was an entertaining match. Ruckus is a lot of fun to watch in the ring. He’s capable of pulling off some spectacular maneuvers. Ruckus also showed some good fire down the stretch after Ramos and Brown went at it in the ring. This was a good way to continue the rivalry between the Atlanta and East New York crews.
Ramos and Murder 1 brawled out of the building and down the streets. They showed some odd-looking footage of Ramos and Murder 1 brawling in some kind of alley. Ramos and Murder 1 collapsed after Murder 1 hit Ramos with a can of paint.
Overall thoughts: I couldn’t believe the PPV actually featured someone getting shot and killed. I think when it comes to wrestling, there’s really no point of having any in-ring action if people are going to get killed on the show. I laughed until I cried because Rasche Brown quit UWF and posted a long and angry message about his feelings on the promotion after winning the UWF Championship at the last PPV. I guess he was literally killed off from ever competing in UWF again. It was ridiculous.
The first part of the show went by like a blur and it was hard to keep track of what the heck was going on. The UWF Championship was simply handed over to Slymm, who wasn’t on the last set of tapings. It was hard to make sense of things, as several new faces appeared.
The show finally settled down a little and there was some good in-ring action. Jeez vs. Famous B had a simple setup and after a slow start, they finished strong. The other two matches on the card delivered some solid action.
The Masada vs. Bestia angle was a little hard to comprehend, as Billy Blue and Brisco didn’t deliver their lines clearly to set up the angle for the match as Bestia and Masada went face-to-face on the street. The match itself was entertaining. Bestia plays the underdog roll well and the announcers said he needed to win in order to satisfy Blue and get him some money. They mentioned something about $10,000 being on the line in the match, but it wasn’t really touched on during the match.
The Brown vs. Ruckus main event was the best match of the night with Uncle Murda wanting a win out of Ruckus. They played up the Atlanta vs. East New York feud well here. The in-ring action was never boring and Ruckus is another really good high flyer, who played well off of the much larger Brown. They continued to the Murder 1 vs. Ramos angle as well during the match and it fit in with the storyline.
Overall, UWF has a really unique concept and when feuds are set up clearly, it is an entertaining show that’s fun to follow. Most of the in-ring action was very good on this show, although the matches weren’t overly long and usually lasted 10-15 minutes.
If UWF could cut out some of the ridiculous elements of the storylines and not try to throw so many angles out there in the span of an hour, the company would have a well-rounded product. The show finished strong outside of the Ramos-Murder 1 brawl in the alley with the strange camera shots. It seemed like there was just too much going on during the first half of this show and the “killing” of Rasche Brown was too much.
PWTorch editor Wade Keller has covered pro wrestling full time since 1987 starting with the Pro Wrestling Torch print newsletter. PWTorch.com launched in 1999 and the PWTorch Apps launched in 2008.
He has conducted "Torch Talk" insider interviews with Hulk Hogan, The Rock, Steve Austin, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Eric Bischoff, Jesse Ventura, Lou Thesz, Jerry Lawler, Mick Foley, Jim Ross, Paul Heyman, Bruno Sammartino, Goldberg, more.
He has interviewed big-name players in person incluiding Vince McMahon (at WWE Headquarters), Dana White (in Las Vegas), Eric Bischoff (at the first Nitro at Mall of America), Brock Lesnar (after his first UFC win).
He hosted the weekly Pro Wrestling Focus radio show on KFAN in the early 1990s and hosted the Ultimate Insiders DVD series distributed in retail stories internationally in the mid-2000s including interviews filmed in Los Angeles with Vince Russo & Ed Ferrara and Matt & Jeff Hardy. He currently hosts the most listened to pro wrestling audio show in the world, (the PWTorch Livecast, top ranked in iTunes)
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