Hits & Misses HITS & MISSES - ROH TV on HDNet 12/6: Final Battle hype, Generico squash, Open Workout, Steen promo, women's video package
Dec 9, 2010 - 2:22:41 PM
-- 12/6 ROH TV Hits & Misses
Eddie Edwards vs. Colt Cabana (ROH TV Title): A strong outing for both wrestlers and I liked the announcement that TV Title matches will have a 15-minute time limit from now on. There should be some consistency to that and 15 minutes is a good time for TV Title matches. As for the match, Cabana and Edwards were both on top of their game. This was a fun match and a great way to kick off the show. I believe Cabana would also make for a great TV champion following Edwards. I miss the 10-Minute Hunt matches, but that worked a lot better when Edwards was a heel.
Kevin Steen promo: Steen continues to be one of ROH's best acts, both in and out of the ring. I still don't see Steen losing the match against El Generico at Final Battle and this should be the big blow-off to what I consider the Feud of the Year in all of pro wrestling.
Sara Del Ray/Daizee Haze video package: This is how women's wrestling should be promoted! There was no verbal mention of Awesome Kong being involved in the match for Final Battle, but the graphic was shown. Del Rey and Haze are both great in the ring and their tag match at Final Battle is one of the matches I'm really looking forward to seeing. Also added to this match (after air time) was Serena Deeb (Serena, formerly of WWE and C.M. Punk's Straight Edge Society). This package helped to put over the feud and made you want to see the match, which is something that WWE and TNA should pay attention to.
El Generico vs. Bobby Shields: A nice squash win for Generico leading into Final Battle. This helped to make Generico look strong and even his post-match attack was well-done. Steen's promos have helped build up the match while Generico has done a great job with his actions taking the match to a "must see" level.
Kings of Wrestling Open Training: This was a good comedy segment that had a purpose (another memo to WWE and TNA). While funny, it helped sell the KOW & Shane Hagadorn vs. Briscoes match at Final Battle. Chris Hero was great on "commentary" and Claudio Castagnoli was equally funny as the ref. It's obvious that Hagadorn is the "weak link" of the six wrestlers in this match, so why not exploit it from both sides and have a little fun with it? Overall, a nice touch in the build for this match-up in a few weeks.
Davey Richards vs. Erick Stevens: Very nice work from both wrestlers and a strong win for Richards. I wouldn't call this a squash match because Stevens got a fair amount of offense in, but Richards definitely looked strong coming out of this match. Credit should be given to Stevens for this also. Stevens is an under-utilized wrestler that I'm typically impressed with when he gets time to work a match. As a friend noted to me, Richards is so smooth in the ring that almost all of his matches are good, but these two wrestlers's styles really meshed for a good TV match.
None: This was very enjoyable from start to finish. Every segment made sense and was instrumental in the build towards Final Battle. This wasn't even the official lead-in show to the PPV, but it could have served that purpose. I left out the Roderick Strong/Truth Martini segment and the Christopher Daniels package because I didn't think either one was impactful enough to be a "hit" and they weren't bad to be a "miss." However, another match added to Final Battle is Daniels vs. Homicide, which should be another great match. Final Battle is shaping up to potentially be the best PPV of the year in pro wrestling. That's just my opinion, but the card is stacked from top to bottom. I'm eagerly looking forward to next week's show leading into Final Battle.
Tony Donofrio is a Specialist for the Torch covering WWE PPVs monthly, the weekly ROH TV on HDNet, and contributes to the Torch Roundtable Reviews on a weekly basis. You can contact Tony at PWTorchTD@gmail.com or follow him on Twitter at http://twitter.com/TonyDonofrio..
[Torch art credit Marco D'Alfonso (c) PWTorch.com]
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