Ask PWTorch ASK THE SPECIALISTS ROUNDTABLE: What would it take for NXT to be legit third brand, and should that be the goal?
Apr 29, 2015 - 1:48:47 PM
The "Ask the Specialists" Roundtable is the latest spin-off from the "Ask the Torch" feature. CSI led to CSI: New York and CSI: Miami, which is where you'll find the Specialists tackling a regular topic submitted by PWTorch readers to
Ask the Specialists Roundtable #80
- Question from Jeff in Michigan: What can be done to make NXT a true third brand alongside Raw and Smackdown? Also, what can be kept the same to differentiate from the other two?
- "Mr. NXT" Justin James (@Justin_M_James) responds: If you truly are an NXT fan, you will be begging WWE to leave it as-is, pay the $9.99/month to watch it, and enjoy it as-is. To be a true "third brand" NXT will need TV time and maybe a touring schedule. The FSU crowd has been doing a great job at keeping the show exciting and I do not think that NXT needs to be on the road to be a third brand, though the shows taped during WrestleMania Week show that there may be enough demand to run smaller venues.
NXT's big drawback at the moment is that a lot of acts get over that wouldn't fly for WWE's current audience. The endless string of squashes that The Ascension (and now, Baron Corbin) go through are examples. FSU has rewarded acts like The Vaudevillains who are too goofy for the main roster, or Bo Dallas who took a year to complete an accidental heel turn that had to be experienced to be effective. The problem is, so much of what makes NXT a really good wrestling product will be killed by being a "third brand."
- "Common Fan" Jimmy Eaton (@TheCommonFan) responds: Thanks for the question Jeff, NXT needs to honestly keep doing what their doing now to be a third brand. They're already different with simple, compelling angles and a tight, one-hour time slot. They provide excellent matches that mean something featuring stars that the local crowd, and hopefully a larger fanbase, really connect with. So I'd say do what they're doing now and that's plenty different enough. It's more a matter of when WWE wants to put them on the road more with more commitment to production, travel costs, and additional TV time. Quite honestly, though, I believe the Network is a good home for it at the moment and can entice subscribers to join. Or, as it is for many now, the only thing keeping them signed up.
- "Hits & Misses" Jon Mezzera responds: The point of NXT is to be a developmental territory. And WWE needs a developmental territory to train young wrestlers and to help veteran wrestlers from the indies or overseas talent acclimate to the WWE style. And sometimes even a great wrestler might not acclimate right away. There were stories about Seth Rollins having issues in his early time in WWE developmental. I think Hideo Itami is benefiting from his time in NXT despite his credentials in Japan.
It is better to work out those issues on a much smaller stage than on the "main roster" on Raw, Smackdown, or on an equally large version of NXT. So, while NXT's weekly show is usually very enjoyable to watch and while they can and should do some small tours to play in front of slightly larger audiences and get away from the Full Sail bubble, I don't want to see NXT as a "true third brand alongside Raw and Smackdown."
- "Instant Reaction" Ben Tucker (@BTuckerTorch) responds: NXT becoming a third brand would be difficult without adding more recognizable Superstars. Adding one or two Randy Orton or Rusev-level characters to the roster on a weekly basis could help boost NXT's chances as a weaker third brand (almost on the same level as WWECW).
The problem is that the more NXT grows, the more likely it will become increasingly similar to the main roster product. The different roster and writing team alongside a marginally different presentation will help them, but becoming a two-hour show with pay-per-views every month will take a lot of shine off the product and put a ton of pressure on the show-runners. I'd say to keep NXT around the level it is now. After all, in the end it should still be for developing new talent.
- "Mr. ROH" Mike Metzger (@mD0uble) responds: NXT cannot be a true “third brand” in its current form because, by definition, it’s a feeder system for WWE’s main roster. There’s a remote possibility that WWE will differentiate (and thus elevate) NXT by making it the exclusive home for cruiserweights, women, and/or tag teams. While that could definitely work, I think you’ll be hard-pressed to find a wrestler in WWE’s system who would be satisfied with being merely an NXT attraction, without any hope of eventually making it to the big leagues of Raw and Smackdown.
- "Showstopper" Shawn Valentino responds: Thanks for your question, Jeff. NXT is a third brand, but it should not be on the same level as Raw and Smackdown because that totally defeats the purpose of the developmental territory. They should be differentiated because once a wrestler is ready for the main roster, he should be called up the big shows. What they should start doing differently is utilizing some of the booking methods of NXT that focus more on traditional wrestling feuds on Raw and Smackdown.
Additionally, I would like NXT wrestlers to keep an essence of the characters that got over once they are called up. Minor League Baseball is not placed on the same level as Major League Baseball, but there are elements that can be incorporated. NXT should keep its position as a training league, but they should employ some of the smart techniques they have used on NXT to the main roster.
[ FYI: The specialists consist of a mix of current PWTorch contributors providing their opinion on today's wrestling scene and modern wrestling history questions, including Shawn Valentino, Michael Moore, Ben Tucker, Jon Mezzera, Justin James, Brian Leahy, Jimmy Eaton, Nathan Kyght, Tony Donofrio, Mike Roe, and Mike Metzger. ]
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