Ask PWTorch FRIDAY’S ASK PWTORCH STAFF for 3/27: Who would be most hurt by losing on Sunday? Main Event Mafia reunion on Sunday? Will Lesnar ever wrestle on Raw or Smackdown? Should WWE have signed more top indy guys 3-4 years ago?
Mar 27, 2015 - 11:13:34 PM
Pro Wrestling Torch was established in 1987 by Wade Keller. One of the primary traits PWTorch has been credited with over the years is assembling the best and most diverse staff of columnists with broad knowledge, but also areas of specialty where they have a particularly strong grasp of history. Every day presents that team of writers answering your questions, some of which are fact-based and others of which are opinion-based. Either way, we've got you covered with Bruce Mitchell, Pat McNeill, Sean Radican, Greg Parks, James Caldwell, and Wade Keller. Collectively they have over 80 years working for the Torch, writing about wrestling and studying industry history and trends.
If you have a question you'd like us to respond to, send your question to I, along with the Torch staff, will address you questions in this feature and also the “Ask PWTorch: All-Star Panel” edition which is also published most days here at PWTorch.
PWTorch reader John M. asks: Sting was quick to downplay his WCW past which hints at the obvious. Why is Hunter overlooking the elephant in the room, Sting going over with help from Booker T and Kevin Nash and the reformation of the Main Event Mafia?
PWTorch columnist Sean Radican answers: I took the opposite stance in that he was refocusing the feud and taking the onus off WCW. If they went the other way, that would be horrible.
PWTorch columnist Greg Parks answers: I'm calling it right now: Main Event Mafia vs. The Authority for Feud of the Year 2015.
PWTorch editor Wade Keller answers: Yes, the obvious finish to Sunday’s big Sting-Hunter match-up! Maybe Kurt Angle can get out of his latest TNA contract and re-join WWE. Given that Michael Cole asked Ric Flair yesterday, “So what has Sting been doing the last 14 years,” I doubt that WWE is going to suddenly reunite that TNA faction and acknowledge TNA. I think odds are better of Daniel Bryan leaving WM31 as the WWE World Champion.
PWTorch reader Jeff from Michigan asks: With the emergence of Daniel Bryan, C.M. Punk, Seth Rollins, etc., and the success of NXT, should WWE have hired more independent wrestlers earlier (3-4 years ago)? Would WWE be in better shape today?
PWTorch columnist Greg Parks answers: That's difficult to say. My instinct is to say "yes," though while the top of the card may look the same because it's what Vince McMahon has historically built his company around, the roster you'd imagine would be a little deeper if nothing else. If they were all booked like Cesaro or Dolph Ziggler though, it may not matter.
PWTorch columnist Sean Radican answers: WWE has hired plenty of name independent talent and has gotten cold feet when it comes to pushing them properly because of their lack of size and/or other factors. Punk and Bryan are/were good top tier wrestlers, but in the case of Bryan, it seems like WWE is bound and determined to make sure we know he isn't "the" guy. The same went for Punk during his lengthy title reign. Another issue with guys like Punk, Bryan and others like them is that they simply don't have the look that McMahon covets to be a top guy. The way they're booked leads them to not be top money making acts in the company. Rollins seems to be the exception. He's got a little more size and is fantastic on the mic. He's gotten a really good push as a heel since The Shield broke up, but what happens when his current chapter ends is going to be key to see if he is truly a top guy for years to come. Could they have signed top independent names earlier? Yes, but I'm not so sure that would change the current outlook of the company as there's not a top tier player in the bunch right now.
PWTorch VIP MEMBER Cody B. asks: With Brock Lesnar re-signing with WWE, do you think he will ever wrestle on Raw or at least make an appearance on Smackdown?
PWTorch columnist Sean Radican answers: I don't see Lesnar wrestling on Raw and especially not on Smackdown unless something drastic happened to WWE's ratings. Lesnar needs to be protected as a special attraction and that will go away quickly if he starts popping up on Raw.
PWTorch reader Chris asks: Going over the card, who is the one guy who needs to go over in his match on Sunday. I believe it's Seth Rollins. You need that legit heel to elevate the babyfaces. John Cena had Edge and Randy Orton in his early run as the guy. Also, do we see all three members of The Shield hold gold at some point that night?
PWTorch columnist Greg Parks answers: Despite the groundswell for Lesnar retaining after re-signing with WWE, I'd argue Roman Reigns needs to win the most of anyone on the card. WWE has gone all-in on him to this point, and if they pull back now, what message is that sending? That they're having second thoughts about him as the main attraction? And with fans already leery of him, won't this confirm that he's just not "good enough" when even WWE second-guesses themselves on his push? That's all assuming he stays babyface and there's not some big swerve at the end like a heel turn by Reigns.
PWTorch editor Wade Keller answers: Seth is the type of heel who can absorb a loss and bounce back with a good angle or sniveling heel promos. Dean Ambrose isn’t in the top mix at the moment, and losing a multi-person match doesn’t reflect on his current standing. So, among ex-Shield members, Reigns losing would send the strongest signal. As for everyone on the show, I actually think if Orton lost to Seth, it would demote him more than losses by just about anyone else on the card. If Sting lost clean to Triple H, that would be the biggest surprise, but not mean much to Sting since he doesn’t necessarily plan to wrestle again. Undertaker losing could make people wonder if he’s completely lost it, yet that could be used to build up his do-or-die match next year at WM32.
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PWTorch editor Wade Keller has covered pro wrestling full time since 1987 starting with the Pro Wrestling Torch print newsletter. launched in 1999 and the PWTorch Apps launched in 2008.
He has conducted "Torch Talk" insider interviews with Hulk Hogan, The Rock, Steve Austin, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Eric Bischoff, Jesse Ventura, Lou Thesz, Jerry Lawler, Mick Foley, Jim Ross, Paul Heyman, Bruno Sammartino, Goldberg, more.
He has interviewed big-name players in person incluiding Vince McMahon (at WWE Headquarters), Dana White (in Las Vegas), Eric Bischoff (at the first Nitro at Mall of America), Brock Lesnar (after his first UFC win).
He hosted the weekly Pro Wrestling Focus radio show on KFAN in the early 1990s and hosted the Ultimate Insiders DVD series distributed in retail stories internationally in the mid-2000s including interviews filmed in Los Angeles with Vince Russo & Ed Ferrara and Matt & Jeff Hardy. He currently hosts the most listened to pro wrestling audio show in the world, (the PWTorch Livecast, top ranked in iTunes)
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