Ask PWTorch ASK THE SPECIALISTS ROUNDTABLE: Which WWE star needs to be "re-packaged" for 2015?
Jan 14, 2015 - 4:12:25 PM
The "Ask the Specialists" Roundtable is the latest spin-off from the "Ask the Torch" feature. CSI led to CSI: New York and CSI: Miami, which is where you'll find the Specialists tackling a daily topic submitted by PWTorch readers to
Ask the Specialists Roundtable #71
- Question from David Carleo: If you could re-package any wrestler, who would you choose and how would you go about it? Personally, I'd take the Adam Rose character and make it so he turns into Leo Kruger when he wrestles. Adam Rose is his persona out of the ring, because the non-stop party lifestyle provides a distraction from his inner demons, allowing him to feel happy some sort of happiness. However, between the ropes, because he's removed from the Exotic Express, leaving him alone, his demons slowly take him over, where he becomes vicious and much darker, ergo, Leo Kruger.
- "Instant Reaction" Ben Tucker (@BTuckerTorch) responds: Interesting choice. Personally I would re-package Fandango and re-birth the creepy and off-the-wall Johnny Curtis character. It's odd enough to stand out, but could actually hold up a serious feud if given the chance. This gimmick made Curtis a star for the five or six people who watched NXT Redemption. Time to go back to what worked in he first place.
- "Hits & Misses" Jon Mezzera responds: I've never been comfortable with the term "re-package" because I don't always know what that means. Does it mean something like a heel turn where the wrestler is the same person? Or, does it mean putting masks on Primo & Epico and calling them Fernando & Diego? When people talked a lot last year about Sheamus needing to be re-packaged without giving specifics of what they would do different with him, I thought does that mean have him get a tan and a haircut? I would be okay with Sheamus turning heel, or if he is to stay face, I would love to see him more serious and much less goofy. But, when I hear re-packaged, I think going away and coming back as someone totally new. Glen Jacobs was Isaac Yankem, and was re-packaged as the new Diesel, then he went away again and came back with a mask and was re-packaged as Kane. Until recently, WWE ignored that Ryback was on WWE TV as Skip Sheffield. I think that type of re-packaging is stupid.
I guess to answer your question, how about re-packaging Dolph Ziggler as a babyface who actually cares about winning matches, and doesn't just talk about stealing the show and doing his best to entertain everyone. As for your example, I like it. I think the idea of a dark individual in the ring who is the exact opposite of himself when not in the ring has potential. I wouldn't have him called Adam Rose when partying and Leo Kruger when wrestling. I would stick to one name. But, I do like the idea of having him play a bit of a split personality in terms of acting very different when partying with the Exotic Express as opposed to how vicious and dark he is in the ring. It does seem like WWE is at least going in a similar direction with him.
- "Mr. PPV" Nathan Kyght responds: That's an interesting idea, David. In terms of who I'd re-package? Of all people, right now, it's Roman Reigns. They have everything they need with him - the look, a decent in-ring style, but for some reason? My goodness, the promos they saddle him with. He should come across as the coolest guy in the company. He doesn't. Fans are going to go insane for Daniel Bryan in the Royal Rumble, because he seems genuine (this isn't Reign's fault). We'll see how it goes.
- "Common Fan" Jimmy Eaton (@TheCommonFan) responds: Of all the talent, you go with Adam Rose? Wow. Kidding, thanks for the question David. I may go with someone like Cesaro. Something isn't clicking and while I'm not even sure what I'd do at the moment, something has to be done to make him stick out. He certainly deserves the chance to, so that Vince McMahon can see that he can "connect" with the fans. Even if he is Swiss.
- "Showstopper" Shawn Valentino responds: Thanks for your question, David. I like your idea about Adam Rose. I have never seen Leo Kruger, but he cannot be any worse than in his current character. I actually think there is a way of doing the glam rock party boy and make him an intriguing character. I grew up in the era of bad boy rock bands like Poison, Guns & Roses, Bon Jovi, etc., so I was hoping to see Rose play a darker, brooding character, similar to Stacee Jaxx in Rock of Ages. Instead, they have made him a cheesy party boy made uncool from the beginning by Michael Cole's dorky commentary and dancing.
Ironically, I have wanted to see WWE re-package some of their top stars like John Cena and Randy Orton for years. First of all, Cena does not need to do a heel turn, but he can be an edgier cooler character instead of the lame dweeb with horrible jokes and terrible facial expressions. I have always thought that Orton has the potential to be a much more well-rounded persona. I would like to see him portrayed as quiet lone wolf ladies man that is mysterious and is a rebellious outsider. That is an archetype in pop culture, and Orton has the elements to play it well. Instead, like most WWE characters, he lacks any type of depth. This is a tough question because I believe nearly every character in WWE needs more layers to their personality. Your question has explored more character depth than nearly any of these goofy cardboard cutouts we are presented on weekly television.
- "Mr. TV" Justin James (@Justin_M_James) responds: I’d take Dolph Ziggler, do what they did at Summerslam, but then continue on with it for a few years. Give him wins, make him credible. Change him from “stealing the show” to “winning the title." The Summerslam reaction proved that the audience hasn’t given up on Ziggler. Next bet would be Cesaro. Repeat his WrestleMania 30 momentum, but again, continue it past one night.
[ FYI: The specialists consist of a mix of current PWTorch contributors providing their opinion on today's wrestling scene and modern wrestling history questions, including Shawn Valentino, Michael Moore, Ben Tucker, Jon Mezzera, Justin James, Brian Leahy, Jimmy Eaton, Nathan Kyght, Tony Donofrio, Mike Roe, and Mike Metzger. ]
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