Ask PWTorch WEDNESDAY’S ASK PWTORCH STAFF for 11/26: Which WWE wrestler would you repackage? Why did Ambrose’s Dirty Deeds move change? Is Sami Zayn overplaying underdog fighting from behind schtick? Are ads on WWE Network a mistake?
Nov 26, 2014 - 12:54:24 PM
Pro Wrestling Torch was established in 1987 by Wade Keller. One of the primary traits PWTorch has been credited with over the years is assembling the best and most diverse staff of columnists with broad knowledge, but also areas of specialty where they have a particularly strong grasp of history. Every day presents that team of writers answering your questions, some of which are fact-based and others of which are opinion-based. Either way, we've got you covered with Bruce Mitchell, Pat McNeill, Sean Radican, Greg Parks, James Caldwell, and Wade Keller. Collectively they have over 80 years working for the Torch, writing about wrestling and studying industry history and trends.
If you have a question you'd like us to respond to, send your question to I, along with the Torch staff, will address you questions in this feature and also the “Ask PWTorch: All-Star Panel” edition which is also published most days here at PWTorch.
PWTorch reader David C. asks: If you could repackage any wrestler, who would you choose and how would you go about it? Personally, I'd take the Adam Rose character and make it so he turns into Leo Kruger when he wrestles. Adam Rose is his persona out of the ring, because the non-stop party lifestyle provides a distraction from his inner demons, allowing him to feel some sort of happiness. However, between the ropes, because he's removed from the Exotic Express, leaving him alone, his demons slowly take him over, where he becomes vicious and much darker, ergo, Leo Kruger.
PWTorch columnist Greg Parks answers: I think Kofi Kingston is in desperate need of a change of character. Hopefully he gets it with the New Day group.
PWTorch assistant editor James Caldwell answers: I would pick two candidates - Cesaro and Sheamus. Both have tremendous upside as tough, rugged fighters, but WWE has depended too much on stereotypes and common knowledge about both men's international backgrounds. Sheamus's character is a one-dimensional Irish brawler who (unsuccessfully) tries to crack jokes and Cesaro has gone through numerous looks tapping into his Swiss/European background. Neither has connected at a main event level.
This applies to almost everyone on the roster, but WWE needs to get deeper into the characters. What is Sheamus's motivation? What makes Cesaro tick? WWE needs to bond these characters to the audience beyond their surface-level characteristics, along the lines of what you suggested about Adam Rose getting deeper into the character's background. WWE seems hesitant to do so because they want the product to translate to all audiences - casual, curious, uninformed, U.S., international, hardcore - but I think they underestimate the audience's ability to connect with characters that are deeper and more nuanced, rather than cartoony, one-dimensional characters.
PWTorch reader David B. asks: I have been watching a lot of Sami Zayn matches recently, from ROH, NXT, etc... One thing I noticed is that for as great a worker as, he is Sami seems to constantly go to the storyline of being hurt and "gutting it out.” We have seen it already countless times in NXT and it was a constant thread in ROH. Is this crutch of his limiting Sami? Keep up the great work, guys.
PWTorch columnist Sean Radican answers: I don't think the ability to sell a beating and get sympathy is a crutch. It's a time-tested method to get sympathy from the widest possible audience as a babyface. It worked for Shawn Michaels, and Seth Rollins showed the same traits as well when he was in ROH. Heck, look at Dolph Ziggler's amazing selling at Survivor Series and hopefully that match helps him go a long way. I think Zayn's ability to sell will help him, but there's a fine line there. He can't always lose matches using that tool and maintain interest in his character.
PWTorch assistant editor James Caldwell answers: It's kind of who Sami Zayn/El Generico is. On the independents, his character was essentially a generic wrestler over-achieving. Obviously, he's not a generic wrestler, as he one's of the best wrestlers on WWE's roster, but the character was a classic underdog, setting up the underdog story of "gutting it out." Translate that to WWE, where they view pretty much everyone who's "under-sized" as an underdog who has to fight from underneath, get "injured" because he's under-sized and more susceptible to punishment from opponents, and "gut out" matches. The formula is a bit tired, but I wouldn't say it's limiting Zayn, as he executes the formula really well. It's just kind of who he is and what kind of match he will typically have in his career.
PWTorch reader Gary H. asks: Love the app, guys. Maybe someone can shed some light on this one. The question is twofold. First, why did Dean Ambrose change his finisher to the double arm DDT? Second, why are the announcers still referring to it as “Dirty Deeds.” It obviously changed and I think that annoys me more than anything else. I might be expecting to much from the current announce team.
PWTorch columnist Pat McNeill answers: (1) Dean Ambrose changed his finisher because there are too many other wrestlers using the headlock driver, and the Double Arm DDT (popularized by Kobashi and Cactus Jack) was wide open. (2) Vince McMahon and Kevin Dunn are huge AC/DC fans, so WWE is keeping the name. Given how awful WWE is at naming big moves, "Dirty Deeds" works for me. I doubt Cole & the gang care one way or the other.
PWTorch reader Michael S. asks: Do you agree that the timing of the WWE announcement about adding advertisements to the WWE Network was ill advised. You would think that at a time where they are trying to build their base numbers, this would be a big negative. I will think twice when my six months are over? Do you agree?
PWTorch audio host Travis Bryant answers: I don't the timing of the ad announcement was ill advised. This is 2014, I expect faceless, multinational corporations to figure out a way to advertise to us in our dreams. When you play “Angry Birds,” there are ads on the silly game. That is life as we know it now. You are probably in a minority that cares as much as you do. Most folks don't even notice ads, which is the point in a way.
(Send your question for PWTorch editor Wade Keller and the PWTorch staff exclusively to for consideration! You can hear expanded conversation on the above topics from Wade Keller by becoming a VIP member and gaining access to the daily Wade Keller Hotline, posted every day for VIP members for over 1,000 days straight. Sign up at
PWTorch editor Wade Keller has covered pro wrestling full time since 1987 starting with the Pro Wrestling Torch print newsletter. launched in 1999 and the PWTorch Apps launched in 2008.
He has conducted "Torch Talk" insider interviews with Hulk Hogan, The Rock, Steve Austin, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Eric Bischoff, Jesse Ventura, Lou Thesz, Jerry Lawler, Mick Foley, Jim Ross, Paul Heyman, Bruno Sammartino, Goldberg, more.
He has interviewed big-name players in person incluiding Vince McMahon (at WWE Headquarters), Dana White (in Las Vegas), Eric Bischoff (at the first Nitro at Mall of America), Brock Lesnar (after his first UFC win).
He hosted the weekly Pro Wrestling Focus radio show on KFAN in the early 1990s and hosted the Ultimate Insiders DVD series distributed in retail stories internationally in the mid-2000s including interviews filmed in Los Angeles with Vince Russo & Ed Ferrara and Matt & Jeff Hardy. He currently hosts the most listened to pro wrestling audio show in the world, (the PWTorch Livecast, top ranked in iTunes)
PWTorch offers a VIP membership for $10 a month (or less with an annual sub). It includes nearly 25 years worth of archives from our coverage of pro wrestling dating back to PWTorch Newsletters from the late-'80s filled with insider secrets from every era that are available to VIPers in digital PDF format and Keller's radio show from the early 1990s.
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