Torch Flashbacks ECW PPV FLASHBACK - 10 yrs. ago (12-03-00): Next-to-last Original ECW PPV, Corino vs. Lynn vs. Credible, Hardcore Justice cameos, Who's in WWE in 2010?
Dec 4, 2010 - 2:42:52 PM
ECW Massacre on 34th Street PPV Flashback
December 3, 2000 - 10 years ago
Top Ten Things!
(1) Significance: The Original ECW under Paul Heyman held its next-to-last PPV.
(2) Main Event: Steve Corino beat Jerry Lynn and Justin Credible to retain the ECW Hvt. Title.
(3) Closing Image: The Sandman nailed Corino with a series of cane shots and stole the ECW Title.
(4) Best Match: Mikey Whipwreck & Tajiri beat Kid Kash & Super Crazy. (***1/4)
(5) You Know It's 2000: Political line about "hanging chads" related to the unresolved U.S. presidential race.
(6) Near Hardcore Justice Re-match: Rhino beat Spike Dudley at 34th Street; Rhino beat Dudley and Al Snow at TNA Hardcore Justice in August 2010.
(7) Wrestlers Currently In TNA: Tommy Dreamer, Rhino.
(8) Anyone Currently In WWE: Joey Matthews (Joey Mercury), Joey Styles.
(9) Cameos At TNA's Hardcore Justice PPV: The Sandman, FBI, Balls Mahoney, Simon Diamond & Swinger, Kid Kash, Nova, C.W. Anderson, Justin Credible, Spike Dudley.
(10) Women Of ECW Appearances: Dawn Marie, Francine, Elektra, Jazmine.
DECEMBER 3, 2000
A taped Steve Corino promo aired where he talked about how great it is to be a World Heavyweight Champion. He called New York the most famous wrestling city in the world. He mocked Bruno Sammartino, saying, "Man, he sucked." He referred to Bob Backlund as insane. He said he would do anything to keep the belt around his waist. Jack Victory stood behind him the whole time. When Victory walked away, Corino said he could beat Victory, too. Good promo.
Joey Styles and Joel Gertner introduced the program from mid-ring as the crowd chanted "ECW, ECW." Gertner, dressed up as an old style Ventura with the feather boa, said another perverted rhyme.
The ECW opening montage aired...
(1) Christian York & Joey Matthews beat Simon Diamond & Swinger at 5:35. Before the match Dawn Marie said she knows the fans were happy to see her. "I need a man," she said. "But one man isn't enough. I'm way too much woman for one man, so I need two." Marie offered a contract to York and Matthews, saying whoever won the match would get to sign for her services. They tried to look up her dress while pretending to read the contract. Simon & Swinger jumped Matthews to open up but soon York & Matthews gained control with the future shock (double last ride powerbomb). At 1:00 Swinger attacked York on the floor giving his team the advantage. Swinger tagged in and hit a reverse leg sweep for a two count. Simon tagged in and double teamed York for a two count, then hit his suplex series and tagged Swinger back in. They botched a double teaming, setting up a sweet reverse powerbomb for York. Matthews hot-tagged in and hit a hangman's neckbreaker. Matthews hit a suicide dive followed by a springboard plancha from York onto both Simon & Swinger. Back in, York got crotched on the top at 4:30. Simon hit a nice modified reverse DDT on Matthews. But, York turned a second rope sunset flip into a powerbomb while Matthews hit a top rope huracanrana on Swinger for the pin at 5:37. After the match, Marie walked up to York and hugged him, only to rake his eyes (barely), allowing Simon & Swinger to hit the Problem Solver. Marie then kissed Simon and left with him. Meanwhile, Gertner left the announcing table to check on York who was laid out in the corner clutching his arm. (*)
Danny Doring and Roadkill cut a promo. Doring said they weren't going to lose because they worked "too f--ing hard."
Cyrus joined Styles, sitting in Gertner's abandoned chair.
(2) E.Z. Money (w/Hot Commodity, Elektra) beat Balls Mahoney at 7:50. During the match, Cyrus said, "Gertner's got more pimples on his ass than all the Chad's in South Florida." Balls got in early offense and the crowd chanted along to all of his spots. Balls flew at Money, but Money ducked and Balls flipped over the top rope to the floor. Money flew over the top rope onto Balls at ringside. A minute later Balls came back and flew onto Money, DiNero, and Hot Commodity. At 3:00 Balls missed a top rope legdrop. Money followed up and scored a two count. At 5:00 Balls gave Money a superplex for a near fall. At 6:00 Balls went for a sunset flip, but Money sat down on it and scored a near fall. Money then went for a swanton bomb, but Balls moved out of the path. Balls hit a superkick and scored a two count. Balls took off his shirt (match loses a star right there) and went for a chairshot, but Hot Commodity ripped the chair out of his hand. Money got the chair, but Balls cut him off. DiNero and Hot Commodity then interfered and Money hit a top rope moonsault and scored the pin. Nova ran out and cleared the ring. All the heels lined up for his series of moves. (**)
(3) Nova beat Julio Dinero (w/EZ Money, Elektra) at 6:00. Balls chased Money around ringside. At 5:00 Nova gave the Kryptonie Krunch to Elektra when she attempted to interfere. The heels all interfered on DeNiro's behalf, but Balls returned and nailed everyone with chairs, giving Nova the easy pin after a Swanton Bomb across the ring. (**)
A Rhino promo aired where he swore and spit and slobbered and grunted and swore.
(4) Danny Doring & Roadkill beat The FBI (Little Guido & Tony Mamaluke) when Doring pinned Guido at 9:10 to capture the ECW Tag Team Titles. Mamaluke hit a tornado DDT on Roadkill at ringside that popped the crowd. FBI dropped Doring onto a chair in the middle of the ring. At 6:00 Doring and Mamaluke both made hot-tags. Roadkill gave the Barn Burner to Guido and then gave an Amish Bomb to Mamaluke. He then slidekicked Big Sal at ringside. Roadkill then springboarded off the top rope onto Big Sal at ringside. Quite the thunderous spot. Back in the ring Doring went to work on Mamaluke and dropped him off the top rope and scored a near fall. Guido hit Doring in the head with a tag title belt and Mamaluke scored a near fall afterward. Doring kicked Mamaluke off the top rope and he bumped all the way into the first row of fans. Stunning bump. Doring and Roadkill then gave Guido their Bunny Whip finisher and scored the pin. Mamaluke was helped to the back. (**3/4)
Spike Dudley mocked Rhino's promo.
(5) C.W. Anderson pinned Tommy Dreamer at 18:46. Before the match C.W. Anderson got in Dreamer's face. By 4:00 Dreamer was bleeding from the forehead after ringside brawling. They brawled into the crowd. Dreamer gave Anderson an atomic drop on a chair in mid-ring. He followed with an elbowdrop. Dreamer wrapped a towel around Anderson's neck and then rubbed his face against the top rope across two lengths, burning his face. Dreamer gave Anderson a DDT out of the corner and scored a near fall. Lou E. Dangerously came to ringside and broke a cell phone over the back of Dreamer's head. Paul Heyman ran out and gave Lou E. the same phone shock, shattered it across the back of his skull. Anderson suplexed Dreamer for a two count. Dreamer set a chair against Anderson in the corner and slidekicked into it. At 15:00 Anderson suplexed Dreamer off the top rope through a table lying flat on the mat (which means there was almost no give when he landed). Anderson finished Dreamer with the spinebuster into a table in the corner. Anderson clutched his arm and head as he returned to the back. Dreamer didn't move for a couple of minutes and signalled for help. Above average match. Very watchable, despite so many things working against it going in. (**3/4)
(6) Rhino beat Spike Dudley at 9:52. The match was mostly just stand-up brawling moving around the ringside area including Rhino dropping Spike over the steel railing and across the edge of a ringside table. At 3:00 Rhino tasted Spike's blood. Rhino then worked over Spikes bad leg. In the end, Rhino applied a chinlock with tape for extra something-or-other and knocked out Spike. After the match Rhino attacked Spike with three chairshots to the back of his head. Rhino gored a ref through a table on the corner. Below expectations. (*)
Francine offered to give Corino a pick-me-up before the match. Corino said he already took care of himself. He underplayed the line really well, which is a sharp divergence from ECW's philosophy of shove-it-down-their-throat-or-our-audience-won't-understand. Francine then went into a back room with Jack Victory instead. Justin Credible attacked Corino with a cane. Francine then left the room where she had gone with Victory a minute earlier, wiping her mouth, and said, "Sharp teeth are a bitch."
(7) Mikey Whipwreck & Tajiri beat Kid Kash & Super Crazy when Tajiri pinned Crazy at 18:30. Tajiri put Crazy in a sharpshooter with his neck draped over the bottom rope; Mikey then guillotine legdropped Crazy. In the most convoluted spot ever, Mikey and Minister held three chairs around Crazy's head and Tajiri slidekicked into them. A minute later Crazy came back with a springboard moonsault at ringside onto both Mikey and Tajiri. Kash followed with another dive, using the ref as a launching pad. They hit several spots with chairs as weapons. The match slowed down at 12:00 when Crazy and Tajiri squared off one-on-one, but it still was very watchable. Tajiri applied the Tarantula at 14:30. Kash dropkicked Tajiri to break the hold. In a variation, Tajiri went to spray mist at Kash, but Kash ducked, but so did Mikey, and the mist hit Crazy. Usually when someone ducks, the mist hits the partner, but in this case it still hit an opponent. Cyrus summed it up, "That works." At 16:30 Kash gave Mikey a huracanrana off the top rope onto a table on the floor. The crowd chanted, "Holy sh--." Tajiri nailed Crazy with two roundkicks and a sitting dropkick, then set three chairs on Crazy's chest. He then placed a table over Crazy and leaped onto it, breaking the table and crushing Crazy's chest, and scored the pin. Innovative finish. My expectations were high, and this match didn't meet them, but it was still good. (***1/4)
A Jazmine-Blue Meanie skit aired that suggested she gave him a blowjob. He was strolling around looking for hookers. He found Jazmine St. Clair on a street corner and picked her up.
(8) Steve Corino beat Jerry Lynn and Justin Credible to retain the ECW Hvt. Title at 22:49. All three circled each other when the bell rang to start the match. Lynn bashed Justin and Corino with a cane. When Cyrus said Lynn was probably ahead on points, Styles said, "Who gives a rat's ass about points?" At 6:00 Justin got on the house mic and mouthed off to both Lynn and Corino. It was an XFL moment, bringing trash talking among players into our living rooms. At 8:30 all three men were knocked out on the mat and the ref began to count them down. Lynn gave Corino a tornado DDT for a two count. Lynn reversed Justin's cradle piledriver attempt and hit one of his own for a near fall. Lynn kicked a chair into Corino's face, then piledrove Corino onto the chair. Lynn showboated, which gave Francine a chance to grind against Lynn from behind and show some skin. Lynn fell victim to her allure, giving Justin a chance to get him from behind. Justin, though, swung at Lynn, and Lynn ducked, so Justin hit Francine. Justin then gave Lynn his That's Incredible finisher and pinned Lynn at 11:40.
Corino and Justin brawled at ringside, toward the back entryway. Justin hit Corino with a cola to the forehead. He then rammed him into the fenced opening tunnel. The match really slowed to a crawl for a few minutes. Justin bled from the forehead; Corino, amazingly, wasn't bleeding by this point. They brawled up to the balcony at 18:00. Justin nailed Corino with a cane. Corino dangled from the railing and then dropped to the floor below. Justin stood with his arms in the air, then began making his way back to the ring. The crowd stood in silence, waiting to see a wrestler somewhere. Eventually they returned to the ring and Corino was finally bleeding. Corino managed to fight back and pinned Justin at 22:49 after whipping him into a ladder in the corner. (**3/4)
Sandman came out (fans were chanting for him from the start of the match) and nailed Corino with a series of cane shots. He took the belt and said over the house mic he was stealing it. He drank a beer as the show ended.
PWTorch editor Wade Keller has covered pro wrestling full time since 1987 starting with the Pro Wrestling Torch print newsletter. launched in 1999 and the PWTorch Apps launched in 2008.
He has conducted "Torch Talk" insider interviews with Hulk Hogan, The Rock, Steve Austin, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Eric Bischoff, Jesse Ventura, Lou Thesz, Jerry Lawler, Mick Foley, Jim Ross, Paul Heyman, Bruno Sammartino, Goldberg, more.
He has interviewed big-name players in person incluiding Vince McMahon (at WWE Headquarters), Dana White (in Las Vegas), Eric Bischoff (at the first Nitro at Mall of America), Brock Lesnar (after his first UFC win).
He hosted the weekly Pro Wrestling Focus radio show on KFAN in the early 1990s and hosted the Ultimate Insiders DVD series distributed in retail stories internationally in the mid-2000s including interviews filmed in Los Angeles with Vince Russo & Ed Ferrara and Matt & Jeff Hardy. He currently hosts the most listened to pro wrestling audio show in the world, (the PWTorch Livecast, top ranked in iTunes)
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