Torch Flashbacks WWE WRESTLEMANIA COUNTDOWN - 1993 PPV Report (WM 9): Bret Hart vs. Yokozuna, Hulk Hogan wins WWF Title, Luger vs. Mr. Perfect
Mar 12, 2010 - 12:00:44 PM
Leading up to WrestleMania 26 on March 28 in Arizona, we will be publishing a daily WrestleMania PPV flashback report going back to 1992 at WrestleMania 8. We'll be publishing one PPV flashback report around 12:00 p.m. CST every afternoon until this year's WrestleMania.
-- Thursday, Mar. 11 - WrestleMania 8 (1992): Hogan vs. Sid, Warrior run-in
-- Friday, Mar. 12 - WrestleMania 9 (1993): Hart vs. Yokozuna, Hogan wins title
-- Saturday, Mar. 13 - WrestleMania 10 (1994):
-- Sunday, Mar. 14 - WrestleMania 11 (1995):
-- Monday, Mar. 15 - WrestleMania 12 (1996):
-- Tuesday, Mar. 16 - WrestleMania 13 (1997):
-- Wednesday, Mar. 17 - WrestleMania 14 (1998):
-- Thursday, Mar. 18 - WrestleMania 15 (1999):
-- Friday, Mar. 19 - WrestleMania 16 (2000):
-- Saturday, Mar. 20 - WrestleMania 17 (2001):
-- Sunday, Mar. 21 - WrestleMania 18 (2002):
-- Monday, Mar. 22 - WrestleMania 19 (2003):
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-- Sunday, Mar. 28 - WrestleMania 25 (2009):
-- Sunday, Mar. 28 - WrestleMania 26 Live Coverage
WrestleMania PPV Flashback Report - WM 9 (1993)
April 4, 1993
Las Vegas, Nev. at Caesar's Palace
Report by Wade Keller, PWTorch editor
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In an unprecedented turn of events, Hulk Hogan left Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas Sunday night, Apr. 4, as the WWF Champion.
Hogan teamed with Beefcake half-way through Wrestlemania and defeated Money Inc. by DQ. After he posed in the ring for over five minutes, it seemed that would be the last anyone would see of him in the ring that day.
Instead, Hogan returned to the ring just seconds after Mr. Fuji threw salt into Bret Hart's eyes. Hart, the WWF Champion going into Wrestlemania, had the sharpshooter on Yokozuna when Fuji threw the salt. Yokozuna quickly covered the blinded Hart for the pin.
When Hogan came to protest the crowning of Yokozuna as WWF Champion, Fuji challenged Hogan to an immediate match with the title on the line.
Hart, as Hogan checked on him outside the ring, waved his arms, encouraging Hogan to accept the challenge issued by Fuji. Hogan entered the ring, Yokozuna grabbed him, Fuji threw salt, Hogan ducked, and Yokozuna got salt in his eyes. A clothesline, a legdrop, and a referee's three-count later, a new WWF Champion was crowned two minutes and six seconds after the last new champion was crowned.
Hogan then posed in the ring as Wrestlemania went off the air.
Hogan leaving Wrestlemania as champion was an outcome predicted by no one leading up to Wrestlemania, and his reign may not last long, or even be officially recognized.
Vince McMahon and Randy Savage on the following day's broadcast of "Monday Night Raw" spoke about an investigation Jack Tunney was planning to conduct to see whether Hogan can legally be recognized as champion.
If Hogan is stripped of title recognition, the belt would either go back to Yokozuna, back to Hart, or be held up, with the first option being the most likely. A series of rematches with both Hogan and Hart chasing WWF Champion Yokozuna at house shows would probably be the best business move for the WWF.
Hogan, who according to several sources was the one who insisted on the instant double-title-change, might insist on retaining world champion status until he decides to leave the WWF again, perhaps this time after a retirement match.
Hogan was sporting a black eye and deteriorated physique compared to past appearances. The deteriorated physique can be easily explained, but how he got the black eye was subject of speculation, most of which attributed it to a water skiing accident.
In other key bouts at Wrestlemania, Shawn Michaels retained the Intercontinental Title against Tatanka when Tatanka won by countout. Money Inc. retained the WWF Tag Team Titles against Hogan & Beefcake when they lost by DQ. In the semi-main event, Undertaker beat Giant Gonzales by DQ.
Only two of the nine matches at Wrestlemania (including Hogan vs. Yokozuna) had clean pinfall finishes. Traditionally Wrestlemanias have featured clean finishes in the vast majority of its matches.
Apr. 4, the WWF held the ninth annual Wrestlemania pay-per-view event emanating from Las Vegas, Nev. at Caesar's Palace in front of 16,000. The following is a "Major Event Torch Analysis," including match-by-match descriptions and event analysis.
(1) Tatanka defeated Shawn Michaels by countout at 17:45.
Luna Vachon accompanied Michaels to ringside, making her debut. After several minutes of consistent action, Tatanka threw Michaels outside the ring. When Luna began walking to Michaels to help him, Sherri stopped her. At 8:44, Michaels took control after a kick to Tatanka's face as Tatanka dove off the top rope. At 10:10, Michaels continued his attack on Tatanka with a clothesline from the ring apron onto Tatanka outside the ring. Tatanka began his war dance comeback at 14:12 and took over offense. At 15:16, Tatanka gained a near fall after a top rope crossbody block. Tatanka catapulted Michaels into the ringpost from inside the ring and gained a near fall at 15:15. Michaels gained a surprise near fall at 16:01. At 16:25, Tatanka turned a top rope crossbody block into a powerslam for a near fall. The action spilled outside the ring as a "Sherri, Sherri" chant began. At 17:05, Michaels flew off the ring apron toward Tatanka outside the ring, but Tatanka moved and Michaels hit the metal stairs and the floor. Michaels grabbed the referee and dragged him out of the ring. Tatanka fallaway suplexed Michaels in the ring and covered him. When the referee returned to the ring, he stopped the match, Tatanka was declared the winner by countout. Weak finish, very good match. After the match, Luna beat on Sherri and Tatanka held Sherri from the ring. ***1/4
(2) Rick & Scott Steiner defeated The Headshrinkers (Samu & Fatu) when Scott pinned Fatu after a Frankensteiner at 13:20.
At 2:30, Rick and Scott came off the top rope and hit the Shrinkers with clotheslines. The Shrinkers retreated outside the ring and exchanged headbutts. Jim Ross then announced that Luna attacked Sherri at the first-aid station. The Shrinkers beat on Scott for nine minutes until a hot tag to Rick at 12:03. The Shrinkers quickly took over offense with double-teaming until Rick Steiner reversed a flying crossbody block from one of the Shrinkers' shoulders into a powerslam for a near fall. Rick tagged Scott who ended the match with a poorly executed Frankensteiner. **1/2
(3) Doink pinned Crush at 8:26.
Crush began the match by aggressively slamming Doink outside the ring and dominated the first few minutes of the match. Doink took over at 3:00, including a piledriver at 4:00. Crush took over offense at 5:02 when Doink jumped off the top rope and hit Crush's extended leg. At 6:37, Crush clamped the head vice onto Doink, but Doink quickly reached the ropes. The referee was then knocked down. At 7:46 while the referee was still knocked out, after Crush applied the head vice again, a "second Doink" came to the ring. The second Doink hit Crush with a cast. The original Doink covered Crush as the second Doink retreated under the ring. After the referee made the three count, the original Doink left the ring and returned to the locker room. A second referee ran to the ring to inform the original referee that a second Doink was now hiding under the ring, but when they checked for another Doink, there was no one under the ring. The speculation then began with the announcing crew as to whether there really was a second Doink or was it just an illusion.
(4) Razor Ramon pinned Bob Backlund at 3:43.
During the opening moments of the match, Randy Savage said Bret Hart was attacked and knocked out at the Wrestlemania brunch by Lex Luger. Then, out of no where, Ramon pinned Backlund with an inside cradle. DUD
(5) Money Inc. (Ted DiBiase & I.R.S.) defeated The MegaManiacs (Hulk Hogan & Brutus Beefcake) by DQ in 17:30.
Before Hogan was introduced, Ross announced Hogan was in an accident the previous night and had stitches in his forehead and a black eye (sources say it was a water skiing accident, although others are skeptical, thinking he was punched). When Hogan came out, that was revealed to be the case. At 7:36, Money Inc. left the ring and headed back to the locker room, on their way to retaining the tag belts on a technicality. They retained their titles for months using that tactic in a series against The Natural Disasters. Howard Finkel announced that the referee wanted to inform Money Inc. that if they did not return to the ring, they would not only lose the match, but also the tag team titles. The crowd then began a ten count which both DiBiase and I.R.S. beat as they reentered the ring. I.R.S. then choked Hogan with the tag rope as the referee's back was turned. Then DiBiase choked Hogan over the top rope. At 10:15, DiBiase applied the Million Dollar Dream sleeper hold. A "Hogan, Hogan" chant began. Hogan began his superman comeback at 12:26, but seconds later fell limp again. I.R.S entered the ring after Beefcake threatened to enter. When the referee turned his attention to I.R.S., Beefcake ran into the ring and applied the sleeper hold on DiBiase. The referee began a ten count and reached nine before Hogan got up. Hogan and DiBiase got hot tags, resulting in Beefcake dominating offense against I.R.S. DiBiase hit Beefcake in the back with the metal briefcase as Beefcake rebounded off the ropes. At 15:00, after Money Inc. took over offense, DiBiase took off Beefcake's protective mask. I.R.S. tagged in and with a big smile on his face, began taking shots at Beefcake's face. Money Inc. began frequently tagging each other and hitting Beefcake. Beefcake, after doubleclotheslining Money Inc. put the sleeper on I.R.S. DiBiase hit Beefcake from behind, knocking Beefcake and I.R.S into the referee. Hogan got a hot tag and used Beefcake's mask on both DiBiase and I.R.S. Beefcake reentered the ring and both Hogan and Beefcake double covered I.R.S. and DiBiase. Jimmy Hart ran into the ring and tried to revive the referee, but when the referee stayed down, Hart reversed his jacket revealing referee stripes on the inside. Hart counted Money Inc.'s shoulders down. Hogan and Beefcake celebrated what they believed was their capturing of the tag team titles. However, a second referee ran to the ring and announced Money Inc. won by DQ. Hogan and Beefcake cleared the ring of Money Inc. and the referee and posed as Hogan's music played. After posing for several minutes, Hogan, Beefcake, and Hart opened Money Inc.'s briefcase and took out a brick, tax forms, and wads of cash. Hogan and Beefcake then handed 20 dollar bills to fans at ringside. Enthusiastic fans. Hogan's physique was noticeably less hulk-like than in past years.
Segment: Natalie Cole and the CEO of Caesar's Palace, Dan Reichartz, were interviewed.
(6) Lex Luger pinned Mr. Perfect at 10:54 with a backslide with Perfect's feet in his ropes.
After back and forth action, Perfect caused Luger to flee the ring at 1:55 after a power dropkick. Perfect got the crowd into the match with some awesome chops at 4:40. Savage acknowledged Perfect's back injury for the first time on WWF television, commenting on Perfect getting swung into the turnbuckles and "injuring the lower back that kept him out of wrestling for a while." At 3:50, Perfect applied a stepover toe-hold, but Luger took over offense and threw Perfect out of the ring. When Perfect returned, Luger worked over his back. Luger gained a near fall at 7:03 with his feet on the ropes. He gained another near fall at 7:05 after a powerslam. Perfect gained a near fall with a sunset flip at 7:49. Perfect gained a near fall with an inside cradle at 8:40. Luger saved himself from getting pinned by draping one of his feet on the bottom rope after a top rope dropkick by perfect. Luger then reversed a backslide attempt and gained a three count, even though Perfect's feet were clearly tied up in the ropes. Luger, due to muscularity and ring rust, seemed tight. The flow of the match was never steady, but Perfect did a good job making this more than watchable. After the match, Perfect chased Luger to the dressing room area where Michaels jumped him and beat him with a garbage can. WWF officials pulled Michaels off of Perfect. **1/4
(7) Undertaker defeated Giant Gonzales by DQ at 7:08 when Gonzales refused to remove a cloth with a "knock out solution" on it from Undertaker's face.
Undertaker opened with some punches upward to Gonzales's face. Gonzales then grabbed Undertaker's throat and shoved him back into the opposite corner. He lifted Undertaker and then hit him with a low-blow. Undertaker quickly came back and regained offense with blows to Gonzales's arm. Gonzales applied a reverse chinlock which took Undertaker down to his knees and eventually onto the mat. Paul Bearer held up the urn, which helped Undertaker reach his feet and elbow his way out of the chinlock. Gonzales threw Undertaker out of the ring and followed him. After swinging Undertaker into the stairs, Gonzales reentered the ring. Undertaker returned to the ring and began to gain offense with blows to Gonzales's body. Harvey Whippleman tried to interfere, but Undertaker lifted him by the neck. Gonzales then used a cloth soaked with chloroform supplied by Whippleman on Undertaker's face causing the DQ. Undertaker lain in the ring after the match and was helped from the ring by WWF ring attendants, including Rene Goulet in a toga. As the attendants tried to get Undertaker out of the ring, Undertaker grabbed a referee and jerked him around in mid-air with one arm. Undertaker was carried from the ring on a stretcher. Gonzales strutted around the ring confidently. Seconds later, Undertaker's chimes began to ring and he reentered the ring and attacked Gonzales, staggering him with one clothesline and knocking him down with a third. When Gonzales hit the mat for the first time, the fans popped, albeit briefly. Paul Bearer held Undertaker back as Gonzales and Whippleman returned to the locker rooms. The entire scenario and match was better than probably most expected. Not a disaster, and that is a surprise. 1/2*
Segment: Gene Okerlund interviewed Hulk Hogan, who issued a formal challenge to the winner of the World Title match.
(8) Yokozuna pinned Bret Hart at 8:54 to capture the WWF Title.
Hart began with a dropkick and blows to Yokozuna's head, which Yokozuna shook off easily. Hart tried to mat wrestle him, but Yokozuna checked him out of the ring. Yokozuna took over on offense. At 5:05, Hart made a comeback by lifting his foot to the face of a charging Yokozuna. Hart gained a near fall at 5:21 after a modified flying bulldog. Yokozuna quickly took over offense again with a kick and a nerve hold. Yokozuna missed a splash into the corner at 6:50. Hart hit Yokozuna with a more traditional bulldog for another near fall. After a second rope knee drop, Yokozuna kicked out of a pin attempt. At 8:14, Hart applied the sharpshooter, but Mr. Fuji then tossed salt into Hart's eyes. Hart collapsed and Yokozuna covered him, hooked his leg, and gained the three count to win the title. Hogan immediately showed up to protest the decision. Fuji then challenged Hogan to a title match immediately. When Hart, still struggling to see, told Hogan to accept the offer, Hogan did. **1/2
(9) Hulk Hogan pinned Yokozuna at 0:20 to capture the WWF Title in an impromptu title match.
Hogan entered the ring, Yokozuna held Hogan as Fuji threw salt, but Hogan ducked and the salt hit Yokozuna. A clothesline and legdrop later, the referee counted to three and a new champion was crowned. Hogan posed in the ring as Howard Finkle announced Hogan as the new champion and as the fans celebrated an unexpected turn of events. Ross stressed during Hogan's posing that Hart consented to Hogan accepting the challenge, as to avoid Hart fans from being upset with Hogan ending up with the belt.
PWTorch editor Wade Keller has covered pro wrestling full time since 1987 starting with the Pro Wrestling Torch print newsletter. launched in 1999 and the PWTorch Apps launched in 2008.
He has conducted "Torch Talk" insider interviews with Hulk Hogan, The Rock, Steve Austin, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Eric Bischoff, Jesse Ventura, Lou Thesz, Jerry Lawler, Mick Foley, Jim Ross, Paul Heyman, Bruno Sammartino, Goldberg, more.
He has interviewed big-name players in person incluiding Vince McMahon (at WWE Headquarters), Dana White (in Las Vegas), Eric Bischoff (at the first Nitro at Mall of America), Brock Lesnar (after his first UFC win).
He hosted the weekly Pro Wrestling Focus radio show on KFAN in the early 1990s and hosted the Ultimate Insiders DVD series distributed in retail stories internationally in the mid-2000s including interviews filmed in Los Angeles with Vince Russo & Ed Ferrara and Matt & Jeff Hardy. He currently hosts the most listened to pro wrestling audio show in the world, (the PWTorch Livecast, top ranked in iTunes)
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