Torch Flashbacks KELLER'S WWE SURVIVOR SERIES PPV REPORT 10 YRS. AGO (11-14-99): Big Show vs. Triple H vs. The Rock, Edge & Christian & Hardys team, Chris Jericho vs. Chyna
Nov 20, 2009 - 1:11:14 PM
NOVEMBER 14, 1999
Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler introduced the program. Ross said it would be one of the most talked about WWF PPVs ever…
(1) Godfather & D-Lo Brown & The Head Bangers beat The Dudleys & The Acolytes. The Bangers dressed up as '70s pimps with huge afros. Godfather refused to offer the Dudleys 'hos before the match. To make his character seem like an even bigger idiot than usual, he yanked off Mosh's afro wig and inexplicably looked shocked that it was a wig. Bradshaw pinned Thrasher at 3:09 after a clothesline. Buh Buh pinned Mosh at 4:58 after a 3D. Bradshaw was DQ'd for hitting D-Lo and his own partner Buh Buh with a chair at 5:50. Buh Buh and Faarooq argued over who could pin D-Lo and brawled to the back to be counted out at 6:30. D-Lo pinned Buh Buh after a frog splash at 9:34. (*1/2)
(2) Kurt Angle pinned Sean Stasiak at 5:55. The crowd chanted "boring" very early in the match. Those chants quickly switched to "Let's Go Red Wings." After three minutes of amateur style action, Angle jumped out of the ring and said, "You do not boo an Olympic gold medalist." Angle scored the pin after Stasiak missed a top rope splash. (3/4*)
(3) Mark Henry & Val Venis & Gangrel & Steve Blackman beat British Bulldog & The Mean Street Posse at 9:06. By 6:00 all three Posse members had been eliminated leaving Bulldog at a 4-on-1 disadvantage. Bulldog pinned Gangrel at 6:33 after a top rope suplex. Bulldog pinned Steve Blackman at 7:20 with a fisherman's suplex. Val put Bulldog away with the Money Shot. Talk about a meaningless match. (1/2*)
(4) Fabulous Moolah & Mae Young & Tori & Ivory beat Debra & Jacqueline & Luna & Terri in a sudden death match. Lawler on Young: "She won her crown in a match with King Tut." Ross on Moolah: "When she was young she looked like Miss America." Lawler in response: "Now she looks like she's lost most of Canada and added a lot of Mexico." If not for Lawler's one-liners, Young and Moolah would have overstayed their welcome long ago. Moolah and Young double-clotheslined Ivory, then Moolah scored the pin. Debra never tagged in, but after the match she ripped Terri's top off. Smart to keep the match short. (DUD)
(5) Kane beat X-Pac via DQ at 4:12. At 3:30 Kane chokeslammed X-Pac, but Road Dogg dragged Kane out of the ring by the leg during the pin attempt. As Kane turned to Road Dogg, X-Pac gave him the X-factor for a near fall. Kane caught X-Pac coming off the top rope and set up the tombstone. Triple H interfered for the DQ. Tori came up from behind on X-Pac; he gave her a spin wheelkick and flattened her. Short, but good action. (*3/4)
Cole attempted to interview Rock, but Triple H attacked Rock. WWF officials separated them right away.
(6) Big Show beat Big Bossman & Viscera & Mideon & Prince Albert at 1:20. During Heat earlier in the night Big Show beat up his scheduled partners Kaientai and Blue Meanie. By himself he chokeslammed and pinned Mideon, Albert, and Viscera. Bossman chose to retreat and be counted out rather than face Big Show alone. Viscera took the chokeslam better than most. (1/4*)
Cole attempted to interview Steve Austin backstage, but Triple H attacked him. Austin chased after Triple H. A car then sped through a fence backstage and nailed Austin (actually a stunt double). The camera turned to show the car speeding away, then turned back to the fallen body of Austin (which was lying nowhere near where the body that was hit would have landed). Vince McMahon ran to the back to check on Austin as paramedics tended to him. Stephanie, Test, and Shane joined in yelling at the paramedics to hurry up. When Triple H, X-Pac, and Road Dogg showed up, the McMahon family yelled at them. Ross eventually came to check on Austin, too. They returned to ringside where Lawler, with the same camera angle and same hauntingly solemn tone that he had when updating Owen Hart's condition in May, ran down the situation with Austin. Despicable.
(7) Chyna pinned Chris Jericho at 13:44 to retain the WWF IC Title. Chyna and Kitty "stomped" away at Jericho at the start of the match, but Mae Young was more convincing with her offense. Outside the ring, Jericho quickly took over offense on Chyna. He choked her with a table. Jericho threw some punches early in the match that looked almost as weak as the early stomps by the women. Chyna took over at 2:00 and whipped Jericho into the corner. For no reason, he did the Flair flip into the corner and hung himself upside down. The Flair flip has never made sense unless the whip into the corner is really strong. This whip was less strong than average, so the flip looked excessively choreographed and, frankly, silly. At 4:00 Jericho threw Chyna on the announcing table and hit her with a plastic bottle of water. Jericho ripped apart the black ringside barrier and whipped her into the exposed framework. Jericho returned to the ring by dropkicking Chyna off the top rope. At 7:30 Jericho hit a horrible looking springboard splash on Chyna's back. Jericho forced a kiss on Kitty at ringside, then stomped away at Chyna. At 9:45 Chyna kicked out after a Jericho powerbomb. At 10:40 Chyna hit a springboard elbow into the corner and a DDT for a convincing near fall. When Chyna shoved the ref out of frustration, Jericho nailed her in the face with the belt. Chyna kicked out, but the kick out was so weak it lacked credibility. Chyna surprised Jericho with a Pedigree for another two count. The crowd popped for each wrestler's near falls, but this crowd was especially into Jericho. Jericho put Chyna in the Walls of Jericho. Chyna dramatically reached the ropes to break the hold. Jericho threw a tantrum. Jericho set up Chyna for a top rope suplex, but Chyna low-blowed him and then gave him a top rope Pedigree for the pin. The finisher was sloppy, but was ambitious nonetheless. The match was unnecessarily sloppy at times and showed too much light, but for the most part was well constructed. Lawler asked if they were going to air Jericho's sex change operation live. (**1/4)
Backstage Triple H, X-Pac, and Road Dogg told Shane they set up Austin, but they didn't do the hit and run. Triple H then asked Shane if the match was now one-on-one. Shane yelled for him to get out of the room. Triple H said, "Easy stress-boy."
(8) Too Cool & The Hollys beat Edge & Christian & The Hardys (w/Terri) at 14:25. Hardcore rolled-up Edge at 6:05 after some chaos in the ring. Scotty Too Hotty then pinned Matt Hardy at 6:20. At 10:09 Jeff Hardy pinned Scotty with a 450 splash. Lawler began giving Ross a really hard time for not being by Austin's side at the hospital. Ross was convincing in his anger toward Lawler's riding of him. At 11:32 Grand Master Sexy pinned Matt Hardy. Christian surprised Grand Master with a reverse DDT for the pin at 11:48. The Hollys doubled on Christian for a couple of minutes leading to the pin. Someone tell Larry King this proves the good guys don't always win. Nice spotfest. (***)
Shane McMahon said there would be a triple threat match, but it wouldn't involve Steve Austin.
(9) The New Age Outlaws beat Mankind & Al Snow to retain the WWF Tag Team Titles when Gunn pinned Mankind at 14:00. Ross almost lost it as Lawler continued giving him a hard time about not being with his friend Austin at the hospital (Lawler: "You have a funny way of showing your friendship." Ross: "I wish I had gone to the hospital now so I could be away from you.") At 13:00 Mankind put the Mandible Claw on Gunn. Snow then hit Gunn with Head. Mankind covered Gunn, but he kicked out. The Outlaws came back with a spike piledriver on Mankind for the win. Okay, but pretty flat match. (*3/4)
(10) Big Show beat Triple H and The Rock at 16:18 to capture the WWF Title. Rock and Triple H came to the ring first, not knowing who their other opponent would be. When Big Show came to the ring, they double-teamed him at the start. When Big Show was about to chokeslam Triple H, Rock intervened and hit Big Show from behind. At 3:30 Rock gave Big Show the People's Elbow (it didn't look strong), but Hunter stopped the ref's count. At 5:00 all three brawled down the aisle. Rock slammed Hunter through a table. At 10:00 Rock and Triple H teamed up to suplex Big Show onto the Spanish announcing table, completely flattening it. At 12:00 Rock and Triple H returned to the ring. Rock blocked a Pedigree and returned with a Rock Bottom. The ref was down, so Shane McMahon ran to the ring, but Hunter kicked out. Rock gave Triple H another Rock Bottom, but Big Show finally rose and interrupted the count. Triple H was going to use the belt, but Shane took it from him. Triple H gave Shane the Pedigree. Rock surprised Triple H with a DDT. Big Show flattened both Rock and Triple H. Gunn, Road Dogg, and X-Pac attacked Big Show. Vince sternly walked to the ring. He hit Triple H with the belt. Big Show chokeslammed him and Vince counted to three. (****)
PWTorch editor Wade Keller has covered pro wrestling full time since 1987 starting with the Pro Wrestling Torch print newsletter. launched in 1999 and the PWTorch Apps launched in 2008.
He has conducted "Torch Talk" insider interviews with Hulk Hogan, The Rock, Steve Austin, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Eric Bischoff, Jesse Ventura, Lou Thesz, Jerry Lawler, Mick Foley, Jim Ross, Paul Heyman, Bruno Sammartino, Goldberg, more.
He has interviewed big-name players in person incluiding Vince McMahon (at WWE Headquarters), Dana White (in Las Vegas), Eric Bischoff (at the first Nitro at Mall of America), Brock Lesnar (after his first UFC win).
He hosted the weekly Pro Wrestling Focus radio show on KFAN in the early 1990s and hosted the Ultimate Insiders DVD series distributed in retail stories internationally in the mid-2000s including interviews filmed in Los Angeles with Vince Russo & Ed Ferrara and Matt & Jeff Hardy. He currently hosts the most listened to pro wrestling audio show in the world, (the PWTorch Livecast, top ranked in iTunes)
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