Torch Flashbacks Austin Idol no-shows Gilbert Memorial, Sid news - 5 Yrs Ago
Mar 8, 2003 - 4:33:00 PM
The following is a reprint of the Torch Newsletter ETC Newswire from five years ago this week.
-Jason Powell, Torch assistant editor
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Torch Newsletter Archive
By Wade Keller, Torch editor
ETC Newswire
Originally published: Pro Wrestling Torch Weekly newsletter #481
Cover dated: February 28, 1998
Independent Wrestling Association ("Second Annual Eddie Gilbert Memorial" promoted by Ian Rotten): Feb. 21 in Louisville, Ky. at the IWA Arena (500): Promoter and owner Ian Rotten announced to the crowd at the start off the event that Austin Idol, scheduled to face Doug Gilbert in the main event, was a no-show after receiving a $500 deposit on his performance fee and a plane ticket to Louisville. Rotten said the promotion would press criminal charges.
He also said Tom Prichard, scheduled to face Sid Vicious, had injured his back while training Mark Henry in Connecticut and had been advised not to fly, and thus would miss the show. He said that unlike Idol, Prichard sent a check reimbursing the cost of his plane ticket via overnight express. He called Doug Gilbert out to "figure out what to do with the main event." Gilbert said that he had brought an opponent with him and introduced Dutch Mantel. Rotten gave a "what are you talking about" reply, saying that Mantel had been booked on the card to begin with. He said he had opponents for them if Mantel and Gilbert wanted to team up. Rotten then introduced last second replacements Terry Gordy and Dan Severn, both to big ovations.
Rotten, "Nightmare" Danny Davis (who was scheduled to face Tommy Gilbert, but couldn't due to injuries), Buddy Landel, and referee Mark Curtis all gave eulogies of Eddie Gilbert. Curtis made his return to wrestling by refereeing three matches, including the main event, after a successful battle with cancer over the last six months. He looked to have lost substantial weight, but didn't seem limited in the ring. They gave a ten-bell salute to Gilbert before the start of the show with all of the wrestlers on the card surrounding the ring.
Results: Shark Boy beat Phoenix. A pair of local lightweights who worked hard, took a lot of chances, but missed quite a few spots. Flash Flanagan beat Billy Black. Both worked babyface style. Black is out of shape, so he appeared to be limited in the highspots he could do, although he did perform a moonsault. Flanagan won with a stunner.
Suicide Kid beat American Kickboxer and Terek the Great in a three-way Tables and Ladders match. Another lightweight match with good action coupled with the obligatory amount of missed spots. Terek did a corkscrew moonsault from the turnbuckle onto both Kickboxer and Kid, who were fighting on the floor. Kickboxer went out first before Kid prevailed. Ian Rotten & Rollin' Hard beat Cash Flo' & Cpl. Robinson. Flo' was pinned so he has to leave IWA for 30 days. Basic garbage match with tons of sickening chairshots. All four bladed.
Bull Pain beat Chip Fairway to retain the IWA TV Title. Fairway, a graduate of Les Thatcher's school, does a golf gimmick and shows a lot of potential. Pain gets the most heat of any heel in the promotion. He won with a Diamond Cutter. Both wrestlers bladed. Tommy Gilbert beat Buddy Landel. Both were visibly out of shape with big gutlines, so they worked '70s style, with mostly arm and leg takedowns. Rip Rogers beat Kip Morris. Morris does the "Winner" gimmick Eddie Gilbert gave Barry Horowitz in Global. Rogers scored a pin with a foot on the ropes for leverage, but Curtis reversed the decision after the crowd told him what happened. Rogers looked the same as he did the last time he was in WCW six or seven years ago.
They announced Sid had also no-showed. Rotten had said before the show during his speech that Sid gave him his word he would be there. Surprise, surprise. Doug Gilbert & Dutch Mantel beat Terry Gordy & Dan Severn when Gilbert pinned Gordy. Gordy and Gilbert spent the majority of the match brawling around the arena, while Mantel took care of Severn inside the ring, taking a ton of suplexes and narrowly escaping submissions. Gilbert threw a fireball amongst the crowd that missed Gordy and hit the ring announcer.
Finally everyone returned to the ring and Gordy took a shot from Mantel's bullwhip to the throat, leading to the pin. Peggy Gilbert, Eddie's mother, raffled off a ring jacket Eddie used during his career with the money going to a scholarship in Eddie's name that will be awarded to a Lexington, Tenn. high school senior for college. Some proceeds from the show also went to the fund. The IWA will hold a Brian Pillman memorial show on Apr. 29 in Louisville. [Jeff Lowe reporting]
National Wrestling Alliance: Feb. 21 in Overbrook, N.J. at Pinehill H.S. (750): Doink the Clown beat Blackwell Brother, Tiger Khan pinned Genesis, Rik Ratchet (w/Donnie B.) fought Steve Corino to a 10 minute no contest, Jimmy Snuka beat Iron Sheik (w/Dapper Johnny Falco) when Snuka pinned Falco after a top rope splash, Misfits (Harley Lewis & Derrick Domino & Lupus) beat The Lost Boys & Slayer to capture the NWA Six-Man Tag Titles when Lupus pinned Dan Wolf, Patch pinned Twiggy Ramiereiz (w/Johnny Rodeo) after Rodeo accidentally hit Twiggy with his Rodeo Drive street sign, Ray Odyssey eliminated Rasta the VooDoo Man to win a battle royal, King Kong Bundy beat "Overweight Lover" Biggie Biggs. Upcoming dates: NWA Eddie Gilbert Memorial Feb. 28, Mar. 22 in Garfield, N.J., Mar. 27 in Mt. Holly, N.J.
Independent All-Star Wrestling: Feb. 21 in North Manchester, Ind. (250): G.Q. Master beat Robert Kane, Sgt. Lake & The Expert beat Quick Silver & The Prince of Polyester, Bobo Brazil Jr. & Flying Andy Shane beat Amish Assassin, "Machine Gun" Mike Kelly beat The Golden Lion, The High Rollers beat Cousin Bubba & Brian Costello.
Great American Wrestling Federation: Feb. 21 in Red Oak, N.C. (175): Mr. Tiny beat Jake McKenzie, Playboy beat Carolina Heartbreaker, Ken Brier beat Brian Wayne, Kane & Abel Adams beat Eddie Golden & Stan Lee, Terminator Riggs & Outlaws James & E.Z. Money beat J.D. Sullivan & Chuck Justice & Fast Track. [Dan Peris]
Casino Championship Wrestling (promoter, Jerry Lawler): Feb. 19 in Lula, Ms. at the Lady Luck Casino Pavillion (400): The Yellow Jacket (a/k/a Kevin Lawler, Brian Christopher's younger brother) fought Lance Jade to a draw, Mr. Wrestling (Carl Fergie) beat Bobby Brawnz via DQ, Bill Dundee & Brian Christopher beat Paul Diamond & Tracy Smothers (billed from ECW), Spellbinder beat King Mabel via DQ, Jerry Lawler & Psycho Sid beat Reggie B. Fine & Johnny Rotten (with Downtown Bruno as special referee). On Jacket's way to the ring for the opener, a kid held his arm and didn't let go. Jacket slapped the kid in the face and the kid held his eye the rest of the night. [Chuck Morris]
American Championship Wrestling: Feb. 21 in Salem, Va. at the All-Star Arena: Scotty Diamond beat Sgt. Allen Pain, Johnny Blast beat Jackhammer Phelps, Big Block beat Willie T. Bumps, Troy Clash beat Col. Spud Wade via DQ to retain the Universal TV Title, Mike Williams & Tornado Tammi beat Eclipso & Freddie Rich (w/Miss Kimberly) via DQ to retain the Universal Tag Titles, Jackhammer Phelps won a battle royal. Upcoming dates: Feb. 28 in Axton, Va., Mar. 7 in Floyd, Va., Mar. 14 in Salem, Va., Mar. 28 in Axton, Va. [Erin Montgomery]
War Zone Wrestling Alliance: Feb. 21 in Atlanta, Ga. (100): Dusty Dotson beat Terry Lawler via DQ, Harleywood pinned David Christopher, Power & Precision beat Beauty & the Beast, Rick Michaels fought Rukus to a DDQ, Bulldog Raines (w/The Professor) pinned Colt Rivers, Dreaded Alliance fought The Centerfolds to a DDQ. [John DeGarmo]
Southern Championship Wrestling: Feb. 17 in Greer, S.C. (100): Shane Austin beat American Skytrooper, Lance Gaylord beat Scott Sawyer, Desperado beat Billy Badd, Blackjack Dalton beat Denny Cooley.
Mid-American Pro Wrestling: Feb. 15 in Rockford, Ill. at the Boys & Girls Club: Danny Dominion pinned Osiris, Hurricane Smith pinned Turbo, Chad Love & Bill Wild beat The Ninja & Col. Blatnick, Adam Pierce pinned Billy Joe Eaton, Spymaster pinned Farmer Rick, Jim Brunzell beat Greg Valentine via DQ. [Steve Stone]
Southern Championship Wrestling: Feb. 14 in Anderson, S.C. (140): Jimmy Valiant gave a short interview, Johnny Dollar (John Nicholson) beat Shane Austin (Billy Stowe) via DQ, Denny Cooley beat Buddy Rose Jr. (no relation), Billy Badd (Norman Bragg) beat Deon Johnson (Derrick Greene), Jimmy Valiant beat Blackjack Dalton (Donnie Stowe) via DQ, Steve Stampede & Madd Maxx Miles beat Randy & Bill Mulky via DQ. The Mulkys were cult-figure-like jobbers in the NWA circa 1985-'87. [Dan Paris]
Music City Wrestling: Feb. 14 in Nashville, Tenn. at the Fairgrounds Arena (300): Brickhouse Brown beat Shane Eden, Nick Dinsmore beat Dutch Mantell via DQ, King Mabel fought Tommy Rich to a DCO, Colorado Kid pinned Flash Flanagan, and Doug Gilbert & Wolfie D beat The Volunteers... MCW continues to expand into an additional former USWA territory with an agreement to promote weekly Tuesday events in Louisville, Ky. at the Louisville Gardens.. MCW co-awarded the "Rookie of the Year" award to Nick Dinsmore and Shane Eden...
World Star Wrestling Federation: Feb. 13 in Hazleton, Pa. at the Legion Hall (125): Miguel Razada beat AWOL, Kale beat Hurricane Holmes, Mad Russian beat Chicago Heat, Chicago Heat & Kale beat Mad Russian & Jack Molson (w/Jimmy the Geek), Little Running beat Perfect Creation, Love Connection fought Bad Crew and the Samoan Gangstas to a no contest in a locker room clearing brawl. Return date: Feb. 27. [Lee R. Beishline]
War Zone Wrestling Alliance: Feb. 12 in Atlanta Ga. at the Masquerade (300): Dusty Dotson beat Inferno #1, Dreaded Alliance beat Billy Love & Mark Pain, Inferno #2 beat Rukus, John Phoenix beat Terry Lawler via DQ, Billy Black beat Bulldog Raines (w/The Professor).
Southern Championship Wrestling: Feb. 10 in Greer, S.C. (75): Billy Badd beat The American Stormtrooper, S.W. Steele beat Shane Austin, Blackjack Dalton beat Lance Gaylord, Cruiser & Norton Lewis beat The Desperado & Johnny Dollar. [Dan Paris]
Global Wrestling Alliance: Feb. 8 in Huntington, Ind. (190): "Buzzsaw" Brian Ireland beat Calavera Cortez, Alexis Machine (w/Bobby Baker) beat Suicido, Mr. Main Event (w/Bobby Baker) beat Devon Daniels, "Canadian Sensation" Larry Destiny beat "Too Hot" T. Voeltz, Super Ninja III beat Eddie "The Jock" Kaufmann, Elvis Elliot beat Dexter Dementia (w/The Postmaster), "Beautiful" Brian Fury beat "Beach Boy" Johnny Rayz, Kasey Thunder beat G. Moe. Upcoming dates: Mar. 7 in Cleveland, Ohio (Chanel H.S.), Apr. 4 Cleveland, Ohio (Independence H.S.).
National Wrestling Alliance: Feb. 7 in Stratford, N.J. at the H.S. (600): Overweight Lover pinned Lupus, Ray Odyssey beat Rik Ratchet (w/Donnie B.) via DQ, Great Caruso pinned Metal Maniac, Reckless Youth pinned Lance Diamond, Patch beat "Ragin' Bull" Manny Fernandez (w/The Master) via DQ, Dave Keller pinned Evil Twin, The Misfits beat Devon Storm & Twiggy Rameirez (when Twiggy turned on Devon and hit him with a chair and Lester Muhommed made the save), Cactus Jack fought Doug Gilbert to a no contest.
Jersey All-Pro Wrestling: Feb. 6 in Bayonne, N.J. at Charity Hall: Ace Darling beat Rik Ratchet via DQ, Hass Brothers beat Flash Wheeler & Nick Burk, Reckless Youth pinned Don Montoya, Sickness beat Blood Angels to win the JAPW Tag Titles, Devon Storm fought Patch to a draw, Kane D fought Lostboy Wolf to a DCO, Nation of Immigration beat Kid America & Mr. P.R. when P.R. turned on Kid America to join the NOI, Gino Caruso pinned Metal Maniac, 911 fought Magic to a DDQ when Siberian Tiger and Flyboy Rocco Roc interfered, Super Nova pinned Siberian Tiger, Cybersex Billy Reil pinned Tred Acid, Jay Lover pinned Homicide. [Frank Iadevaia]
Notebook: The main event result from the Feb. 12 SCW show actually took place Feb. 13 in Sanford, N.C. on the OPW event...
The cover photo credit on last week's TORCH of Louie Spicolli belongs to Leonard Brand...
Gary Dean Mabe, who wrestled as "Handsome" Bill Armstrong for New Dimension Pro Wrestling in North Carolina, fled from police last week when there was a warrant for his arrest. He was accused of raping his 12 year old daughter. He fled in a New Dimension Pro Wrestling 1997 Chevy van, but was arrested in Florida after he and his girlfriend ran out of money...
PWTorch editor Wade Keller has covered pro wrestling full time since 1987 starting with the Pro Wrestling Torch print newsletter. launched in 1999 and the PWTorch Apps launched in 2008.
He has conducted "Torch Talk" insider interviews with Hulk Hogan, The Rock, Steve Austin, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Eric Bischoff, Jesse Ventura, Lou Thesz, Jerry Lawler, Mick Foley, Jim Ross, Paul Heyman, Bruno Sammartino, Goldberg, more.
He has interviewed big-name players in person incluiding Vince McMahon (at WWE Headquarters), Dana White (in Las Vegas), Eric Bischoff (at the first Nitro at Mall of America), Brock Lesnar (after his first UFC win).
He hosted the weekly Pro Wrestling Focus radio show on KFAN in the early 1990s and hosted the Ultimate Insiders DVD series distributed in retail stories internationally in the mid-2000s including interviews filmed in Los Angeles with Vince Russo & Ed Ferrara and Matt & Jeff Hardy. He currently hosts the most listened to pro wrestling audio show in the world, (the PWTorch Livecast, top ranked in iTunes)
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