THE SPECIALISTS SMACKDOWN STORYLINE TRACKER - entire April from WM28 to Extreme Rules: Sheamus-Bryan, Bryan-A.J., People Power, Legends, WM28 re-matches hype
Apr 29, 2012 - 4:06:23 PM
WWE Smackdown Storyline Tracker
By Robin Scannell, PWTorch specialist
Episodes - entire month of April from WM28 to Extreme Rules
(1) Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan / Alberto Del Rio
On the April 6 Smackdown, Daniel Bryan and A.J. went to the ring, and Bryan cut a promo saying that he was thinking about where it all went wrong. A.J. said he was a great wrestler and a great person and that she and everyone else was here to support him.
Bryan said that the fans were mocking him, not supporting him, and regardless of that, it still didn’t make it better than she cost him his World Championship. Bryan shouted about losing in 18 seconds, after beating two giants in a cage and overcoming five Superstars in the Elimination Chamber.
Bryan labeled her kiss the "kiss of death," and said that it was her fault and that she was selfish. He said she wouldn’t ruin his life like that ever again. Bryan then broke up with A.J., saying that she wouldn’t be there for his re-match with Sheamus. A.J. wanted to talk backstage, but Bryan said they were through and shouted at her to get out of the ring, and turned his back on her. A.J. then left the ring.
Later, backstage, Laurinaitis said he expected more professionalism out of Sheamus as a champion. He said that the referee would bring Sheamus and Del Rio together, face-to-face, before their match starts. Sheamus then said that from now on, the only people that’ll get their heads kicked off are the ones that truly deserve it.
Alberto Del Rio defeated Sheamus by disqualification after the referee believed Sheamus hit Del Rio with a chair. After the match, Sheamus hit the Brogue Kick on the referee. Del Rio’s victory meant that he would receive a future World Title match.
Reax: The ending was not good at all. The referee saw Del Rio on the ground, then he looked at Sheamus and back to Del Rio, who has began to sell a chair shot, then disqualified Sheamus.
On the April 10 Smackdown, "Mean" Gene Okerlund introduced Sheamus, who came to the ring and apologized to the referees for what he did. He admitted that he made a mistake and that the key was learning from your mistakes. John Laurinaitis then came to the ring and showed the video from the week before. He made Sheamus apologize, despite the fact he had just done so. Laurinaitis then put Sheamus on probation and fined him $500,000. If Sheamus touches a referee again, he will be fired. Laurinaitis then announced Sheamus and “Mean” Gene against Alberto Del Rio and Daniel Bryan.
Roddy Piper came to the ring and introduced Daniel Bryan. Bryan then came out and Piper said he was awfully excited for someone who lost in 18 seconds. Bryan then announced he would face Sheamus in a two-out-of-three falls match, and so could pin and submit Sheamus. He said that A.J. - the reason he lost - wouldn’t be there.
Piper then invited A.J. out to the ring. A.J. defended Bryan, saying he was a nice guy and that it was her fault he lost. Piper disagreed with her assessment. Bryan asked A.J. to leave the ring if she loved him, and she did. Piper then told Bryan a list of things that are ‘no’s about treating a woman. Piper said that Sheamus would win at Extreme Rules. Bryan said that his performance in the match will slap a lot of people, and so Bryan slapped Piper and left the ring, chanting, “Yes!” as he moved the ramp.
Later, backstage, “Mean” Gene had doubt over their match. Sheamus said if they survive, the first pint would be on him, and that they’ll either drink to remember or drink to forget. Okerlund and Sheamus defeated Daniel Bryan and Alberto Del Rio after all the Legends came to the ring, which distracted Bryan, allowing Sheamus to get the victory. After the match, the Legends and Sheamus attacked Ricardo Rodriguez. Then, Cole got in the ring and insulted the legends, so Pat Patterson punched him out.
On the April 20 Smackdown, Daniel Bryan came to the ring and talked about his upcoming match against Sheamus at Extreme Rules. Bryan said that he would beat Sheamus twice in their two-out-of-three falls match. A.J. came out to the ring, despite Bryan asking her to go away. A.J. said that she wanted to talk and this was the only way she could get him to talk to her. She said that they could work out their problems. Bryan said he didn’t have any problems, as he got rid of his only problem. Bryan said he wished A.J. had never been born. He said then “no,” after asking himself if there was a chance he would take her back, which caused A.J. to cry. Bryan then left the ring.
In the match that followed, Natalya defeated A.J. by disqualification after A.J. kept attacking her in a fit of anger. After the match, A.J. was visibly upset and slowly walked to the back.
The following week, Daniel Bryan came to the ring and spoke of getting rid of A.J. He said that his loss at WrestleMania doesn’t count, as it should go on A.J.’s record, and not his. He said that Sheamus couldn’t beat him once, let alone two-out-of-three times.
Bryan said he called the match he refereed on Raw right down the middle, and showed a video of the pinfall, where the counting was played in slow motion. Bryan then said that he had to defend himself as Sheamus couldn’t control himself after the match. He then did some question and answers; answering yes to if he would win at Extreme Rules.
Alberto Del Rio and Ricardo then came to the ring, and Del Rio was asking questions about Daniel Bryan making excuses, and the winner at Extreme Rules eventually losing to him, and Ricardo would answer “Si!” in response.
Big Show then came out and asked “Yes” or “Si” to the audience. He went on to attack Bryan, and then Del Rio, who both left the ring. Show managed to get Ricardo, and chokeslammed him.
Backstage, Matt Striker tried to speak to A.J., but she didn’t want to talk. Kaitlyn told Matt to leave her and alone and tried to talk to A.J. herself. Kaitlyn spoke negatively about Bryan, which led to A.J. slapping her, and Kaitlyn then walking away.
In the main event, Sheamus defeated Mark Henry. After the match, Daniel Bryan came out onto the stage. Sheamus then grabbed a mic and asked if Bryan was scared that he would kick his head off in 18 seconds. Sheamus said he would beat Bryan and Bryan wouldn’t be able to blame A.J. He then asked if he would kick Bryan’s ass to remain champion, and he chanted “Yes!” over and over and over, as the show went off the air.
(2) Cody Rhodes vs. Big Show
On the April 6 Smackdown, Cody Rhodes was on commentary for a match where Big Show defeated Heath Slater in around a minute. Show invited Rhodes into the ring, and Rhodes tried to enter a couple of times, but Show knocked Slater out, so Rhodes ultimately chose not to enter.
The following week, Cody Rhodes cut a promo talking about the Blast from the Past being a waste of f time, and suggested WWE turn its attention to the future. Dusty Rhodes then came out and pointed out that Rhodes poked the grizzly bear in Big Show. Cody said that his father was embarrassing him. Big Show then came out and played a “Dashing” Cody Rhodes video that was embarrassing.
On the April 20 Smackdown, Alberto Del Rio defeated Big Show after Cody Rhodes interfered while the referee was distracted. After the match, Cody attacked Show and then as Show looked set to want to fight Cody, he ran away through the crowd. Of note, it was mentioned that Del Rio is now a part of Smackdown.
In the main event, The Great Khali was set to be in the six-man tag match, when Cody Rhodes attacked Khali’s knee. As Khali was taken to the back, Big Show came out to replace him. Sheamus, Randy Orton, and Big Show defeated Daniel Bryan, Mark Henry, and Cody Rhodes, with Orton pinning Henry after a WMD and an RKO.
The following week, Big Show defeated Del Rio by disqualification after Cody Rhodes interfered. Cody Rhodes then tried to hit Show with a kendo stick and a chair, but to no avail. When he tried to use his belt, Show used it on Cody instead. It was announced that their PPV match stipulation would be determined by the roulette wheel, on the PPV pre-show. Later in the show, Great Khali defeated Cody Rhodes in two minutes.
(3) Randy Orton vs. Kane
On the April 6 Smackdown, Randy Orton defeated Kane in a no disqualification match. The following week, Randy Orton faced Mark Henry. However, during the match, Kane appeared on the big screen and said that Orton proved why he’s the viper, so he couldn’t end now when he was having so much fun. Kane said that it was fun for the whole family, as the camera then showed Orton’s father knocked out on the floor. Orton ran to the back and eventually found his father, as he checked on him, Kane hit Orton with a pole, knocking him out. Kane then said that he loves family reunions. Later, Josh Mathews reported Cowboy Bob had abdominal injuries from the assault.
The following week, in a backstage interview, Randy Orton was asked about the condition of his father. Orton said his father would eventually be fine. Orton said that Kane had tried to prove he was a monster he had been all along. At Extreme Rules, they can fight backstage, they can figh in the stands or wherever they want to, as it’s a Falls Count Anywhere match. Orton said Kane would find out exactly how sick and twisted he could be.
On the April 27 Smackdown, Michael Cole interviewed Randy Orton in the ring, and mentioned the rule that if a Superstar touches an announcer, he will be suspended. Orton said that when he’s pushed, he doesn’t always act rationally.
In an interview, Cole asked Orton about going into a match with Kane, who was a reborn monster because of Orton’s failures at WrestleMania. Orton said he would go above and beyond scoring a pinfall at Extreme Rules. Orton said there’s nothing stopping him from making Kane suffer.
Jinder Mahal then came out and cut a promo in his native language and then said that when Orton and Kane take one another out, a new breed of Superstar would emerge. Orton asked if he was an announcer. When Mahal said no, Orton RKO’d him.
(4) Teddy Long vs. John Laurinaitis / People Power / Antonia Cesaro’s Debut
On the April 6 Smackdown, John Laurinaitis and David Otunga were in the ring and invited out Teddy Long. Teddy told Laurinaitis to go to hell and then he thanked the fans. Laurinaitis then offered Teddy a job, as whoever is the Smackdown GM controls his grandchildren’s college fund. First, Laurinaitis made Teddy admit he was the better man, which he reluctantly did. Laurinaitis then said he hadn’t decided what Teddy’s job would be.
Reax: What a convoluted and contrived reason. I would have thought they could have at least said, “Didn’t your lawyer look over the terms of the match, just because you don’t have the GM position anymore, doesn’t mean you don’t have a contract to fulfill with the WWE?” It would at least make sense, as Laurinaitis has a lawyer!
Laurinaitis then announced a handicap match between Mark Henry and David Otunga against R-Truth, in addition to Randy Orton vs. Kane in a no disqualification match. Henry and Otunga defeated Truth in a short match. Otunga got the pinfall after Henry did all the work.
On the April 20 Smackdown, John Laurinaitis continued to put down Teddy Long by making him dress and act as a Beefeater. Later, William Regal joked around with Long, who couldn't move or talk. Then, Aksana (still accompanied by the sax music) accompanied her friend Antonio Cesaro to a meeting with Laurinaitis. Cesaro, a rugby player who wants to be a WWE Superstar, said that he thought Aksana’s boyfriend (Long) had a more important job than he seemed to have. Aksana knocked on the office door Teddy was guarding, and Laurinaitis came out and invited both of them into his office. Laurinaitis then made a comment about Antonio to Teddy.
The following week, Eve suggested to John Laurinaitis that everyone should wear name tags, and Laurinaitis agreed. Teddy Long then walked up and asked what his job was. Laurinaitis said he was his employee. Then, he told Teddy to answer to Eve, who told him to wear a name tag.
Later, backstage, Teddy was dressed as a maid and was wearing a name badge. Aksana walked in and Teddy thanked her for supporting him, but she said that she didn’t realize that he was old enough to have grandchildren. Laurinaitis then walked in with Eve and told Aksana that she would be the ring announcer in Antonio Cesaro’s try-out match. Eve then told Teddy to be on commentary at the “Teddy Table," and Laurinaitis said that Teddy could only speak when he told him what to say. He then gave Teddy a “People Power” t-shirt to wear.
In the match that followed, Antonio Cesaro defeated Tyson Kidd in a short squash match.
(5) Divas Title Picture
On the April 6 Smackdown, backstage, Laurinaitis praised Brie Bella for choosing his team at WrestleMania, and then booked Nikki against Beth Phoenix in a match, while giving Brie the night off.
Nikki Bella defeated Beth Phoenix after Kelly Kelly’s presence at ringside distracted Beth.
On the April 27 Smackdown, the new Divas Champion Nikki Bella defeated Alicia Fox via Twin Magic.
(6) Damien Sandow’s pre-tape promos
On the April 6 Smackdown, Damien Sandow spoke about entertainment being at an all-time low. He said that historically, a civilization can be judged by how the people choose to entertain themselves, and that ours reflects laziness, mediocrity, and compliancy. Sandow vowed to save us from our ignorance.
The following week, Damien Sandow cut a pre-tape promo about sophistication and insulting social media. On the April 20 Smackdown, Damien Sandow cut a promo talking about ignorance. Sandow talked about a new era of enlightenment. Then, on April 27, Damien Sandow cut another promo about salvation being one week away and the soon-approaching age of enlightenment.
Reax: There’s only one problem with the Sandow social media pre-tape, literally a few seconds before he started speaking, his Twitter handle was up on the screen. It’s so careless. If a Twitter account compromises the character, it’s simple, you don’t show the person's handle. Overall, Sandow looks to be a smart heel, and should be an interesting character when he debuts next week.
(7) Ryback’s Debut
On the April 6 Smackdown, Barry Stevens cut a promo, before being interrupted by Ryback, who squashed him. Lower card wrestlers were watching and laughing while watching on a monitor backstage. The following week, Benny Camer cut a promo in the ring, but was interrupted by Ryback, who squashed him. Backstage, various Legends watched on and laughed. The week after, Heath Slater and Drew McIntyre watched the monitor as Ryback squashed Danny Lerman, who tried cutting a promo before being interrupted by Ryback. Then, on April 27, The Usos watched Ryback defeat Jacob Kaye.
(8) Darren Young & Titus O’Neil’s Debut
On the April 20 Smackdown, Darren Young and Titus O’Neil messed around with Teddy Long for not hiring them when he was in charge. The debuting tag team of Darren Young and Titus O’Neil defeated The Usos in a tag team match.
The following week, backstage, Darren Young and Titus O’Neal teased Yoshi Tastu and asked who his partner was. Ezekiel Jackson then walked up and said that he was Tatsu’s partner. Young and O’Neil then started chanting about Zeke, and walked away. Young and O’Neil defeated Tatsu and Zeke in a short tag team match.
Other Stories
- On the April 10 Smackdown, Heath Slated told Tyson Kidd that Jimmy Hart would manage them, and Hart appeared with his megaphone. Mick Foley was on commentary for the match that followed. The Usos defeated Heath Slater and Tyson Kidd. Hart was annoying and distracting throughout the match, causing Foley to use Socko on him, distracting Slater, allowing The Usos to take advantage and win.
- On the April 10 Smackdown, The Great Khali, Alicia Fox, and Natalya defeated Drew McIntyre and the Bella Twins after McIntyre walked out and Fox pinned one of the twins. Mae Young then came out and kissed Khali.
- On the April 10 Smackdown, Hunico (with Camacho) defeated “Hacksaw” Jim Duggan in a minute via disqualification after Sgt. Slaughter helped Duggan use his 2x4.
- On the April 20 Smackdown, Brodus Clay introduced Hornswoggle as his “little brother” and they danced to the ring. Clay (with Hornswoggle) defeated Hunico (with Camacho) in a short match. After the match, Hornswoggle hit the Tadpole Splash on Hunico.
- On the April 27 Smackdown, backstage, AW set a deadline of Monday on his offer to represent Primo, Epico, and Rosa Mendes. Ryback then walked up, and as he walked away, AW shouted after him, offering his services.
Current Feuds Active this Week (# weeks)
Teddy Long vs. John Laurinaitis (10)
Big Show vs. Cody Rhodes (10)
Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan (10) / Alberto Del Rio (4)
Randy Orton vs. Kane (9)
Email any comments to or follow me on Twitter @robinocracy for my thoughts on Extreme Rules and Raw.
PWTorch editor Wade Keller has covered pro wrestling full time since 1987 starting with the Pro Wrestling Torch print newsletter. launched in 1999 and the PWTorch Apps launched in 2008.
He has conducted "Torch Talk" insider interviews with Hulk Hogan, The Rock, Steve Austin, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Eric Bischoff, Jesse Ventura, Lou Thesz, Jerry Lawler, Mick Foley, Jim Ross, Paul Heyman, Bruno Sammartino, Goldberg, more.
He has interviewed big-name players in person incluiding Vince McMahon (at WWE Headquarters), Dana White (in Las Vegas), Eric Bischoff (at the first Nitro at Mall of America), Brock Lesnar (after his first UFC win).
He hosted the weekly Pro Wrestling Focus radio show on KFAN in the early 1990s and hosted the Ultimate Insiders DVD series distributed in retail stories internationally in the mid-2000s including interviews filmed in Los Angeles with Vince Russo & Ed Ferrara and Matt & Jeff Hardy. He currently hosts the most listened to pro wrestling audio show in the world, (the PWTorch Livecast, top ranked in iTunes)
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