TV REPORTS WWC TV REPORTS - Super Estrellas De La Lucha Libre 9/19 & 9/20: Hype for "Anniversario" event, Carlito vs. Sting flashback match, more
Sep 25, 2015 - 10:00:07 PM
SEPTEMBER 19, 2015
-WWC Open.
-The show opened with a promo for Anniversario 2015 with the mention that the show is being dedicated to Miguel Perez, Sr. It was reported on this website recently that WWC is openly campaigning for Miguel Perez, Sr.’s induction into the WWE Hall of Fame next year. Miguel Perez, Sr. was a major star for the Capitol Wrestling Corporation which would later become today’s WWE. I could probably write a whole column on Miguel Perez, Sr., but needless to say this is an induction that has been long overdue in my opinion.
-The show immediately went to a match already in progress with Rikochet vs. WWC Jr. Heavyweight champion Peter “The Bad” Romance. A quick note here as this Rikochet isn’t the one that many of you are familiar with who is tearing it up in NJPW, Dragon Gate, and Lucha Underground, but a small masked wrestler but sort of comes across to me as a poor imitation Rey Mysterio, Jr., who I should point out ironically enough is a former holder of this title. It still bears mentioning that as far as this division goes he is one of their top stars having held the title nine times, which ties him with Tommy Diablo and Angel Montalvo for the record. As for his opponent, Peter “The Bad” Romance, I’ve been very unimpressed with him since first seeing him in WWC. It should be stated before I go into this match that Romance who is in his second reign as WWC Jr. champion won his first Jr. Title off Rikochet, so these two men do have a history and have feuded before.
1 - WWC Jr. Hvt. champion PETER “THE BAD” ROMANCE VS. RIKOCHET - WWC Jr. Hvt. Title match
Willie Urbina and Wizard Analyza are on the call. The match is in progress with Romance getting the upper hand on Rikochet early. He then makes the classic heel mistake of playing to the crowd for a bit too long (with no reaction I might add) and gets crotched on the top rope by Rikochet, who starts his comeback with a top rope huracanrana. Romance is being battered all over the place, with Urbina really cheerleading Rikochet’s every attack with a “toma” (take that) after each Rikochet attack. He then sets up Romance for a really cool variation of the code red from the top rope for a near fall. He is really on a roll when out of nowhere Romance counters a superkick attempt into a modified fisherman’s buster for the clean pin.
WINNER: Peter “The Bad” Romance to retain the WWC Jr. Hvt. championship. I thought this was a decent open to the show and was kind of shocked, but at the same time surprised to watch Romance win the match clean.
-Wizard Analyza tells the viewers that later on in the show we will be seeing the Carlito Carribean Cool vs. Hernandez match which took place on the Anniversario 2014 tour.
[Commercial Break]
2 - CARLITO CARRIBEAN COOL VS. HERNANDEZ w/Juan Manuel Ortega (Anniversario 2014 Tour Match)
This match begins in progress and before I get into it I should note that this match took place in a baseball stadium. While I haven’t been able to confirm this yet I believe the stadium was Juan Ramón Loubriel Stadium, which is really a huge stadium to promote a show in Puerto Rico. Put it to you this way, Ring of Honor recently ran MCU Park in Brooklyn on Summerslam weekend. That field only has a capacity of 7,500 for a baseball game, as opposed to this stadium, which has a capacity of 22,000. I know it was a big weekend for WWC, but they really have no business running stadiums like this anymore as the attendance looked anemic mostly because of the choice of venue.
Hernandez, who was playing the cocky strong heel in this match, took the advantage and worked over Carlito. Carlito tried to retreat, but was unable to, as he was swarmed by the stronger Hernandez. This built to a bear hug for a near submission. Carlito fought his way out of the hold, only to be shoulder-blocked by Hernandez. Hernandez then played to the fans as he waved the Mexican flag and encouraged them to clap for him. This gave Carlito the time he needed to recover and he hit Hernandez with a superkick. Both men went down.
Both men struggled to their feet, but Carlito rallied to take the advantage, clubbing Hernandez with blows, a running knee lift, and a springboard elbow. Eventually the match spilled outside of the ring, where Carlito maintained his advantage by hitting Hernandez with a Soda crate. In case the referee missed it, he hit Hernandez with the crate again, which finally led the referee to call for the disqualification.
WINNER: Hernandez by disqualification. I know Carlito is a heel now but he was a babyface at the time of this match so I really don’t understand why the finish was booked this way. Furthermore I don’t understand why WWC elected to show this match as they should be showing Carlito getting victories over guys to hype him for his upcoming WWC Universal Title match against “Mr. 450” Hammett instead you show him losing to a guy that is not with the company anymore.
[Commercial Break]
-As the show returned from break, Willie Urbina hyped the Road to Anniversario. He also hyped the sponsors and reminded everyone that the show is being dedicated to Miguel Perez, Sr.
Urbina gave the viewers a bit of a run down of the Anniversario 2015 matches, starting with the Angel Fashion vs. Mike Mendoza match. They showed the closing moments of a match Fashion had against Chicky Starr in which Orlando Toledo interfered and helped Fashion get the win. (I’m kind of confused why Fashion needs help to beat an old manager.) Apparently this led to Fashion returning the favor that led to La Revolucion regaining the WWC Tag Team Titles over Mike Mendoza and Ray Gonzalez, Jr.
Next was a look at Toledo asking Fashion for help and how interference led to the title change. It would have been nice if WWC showed the Fashion vs. Chicky Starr match to better explain the title change instead of showing it a week later, but in the words of Taz, “I digress." They cap off the recap with the locker room beat down that Fashion and valet Vanilla Vargas gave Mendoza when he went to attack them.
This of course led to an Angel Fashion promo. Typical heel promo - he screwed Mendoza because he could and that Mendoza will not have a future in wrestling after Anniversario. Mendoza responded with a promo of his own saying how Angel Fashion pretends that he wants Mike Mendoza in a Lumberjack Match but he really doesn’t, as he fears a one-on-one encounter. He says he doesn’t back down from anyone and will bring it at Anniversario.
-Willie Urbina is back and shows a graphic highlighting another Anniversario 2015 match. They highlighted the feud between Apollo and Chicano. The package starts off with Apollo in a match against Joe Bravo, where Chicano tried to assist Apollo but wound up costing him the match. This led Apollo to turn heel and retaliate later on that same night by coming down to the ring as an emergency referee in a WWC Universal Title Triple Threat match between Carlito, Chicano, and defending champion “Mr. 450” Hammett. This is where he screwed Chicano out of regaining the title.
Next, Apollo spoke. Talking with his wife, Havana, Apollo talked about how much he enjoyed screwing Chicano out of the title and how at Anniversario it does in fact get worse as he will defeat him. Havana chimed in for Chicano to tell his daughter to mind her business and stay out of this as this does not concern her.
Chicano responded with a promo of his own how he was a second away from regaining the title until Apollo screwed him. He mocked Apollo telling him how at Anniversario he will feel the fury of the lion and tells him he will slay the lion at Anniversario.
[Commercial Break]
-Back from commercial, there was more hype for WWC Anniversario. Willie Urbina spotlighted the Sons of Samoa vs. La Revolucion WWC Tag Team Championship match at Anniversario. A video package played, which included Chicky Starr making a call to the Sons of Samoa (although at the time we weren’t supposed to know that). Next was a look at the Chicky Starr vs. Orlando Toledo match in which La Revolucion interfered causing Starr to make the challenge for the title match for his team. This led to a promo from Orlando Toledo, who told Starr how stupid he is for always getting beat up by his guys. He promised that the titles will stay with the champions.
Chicky Starr responded in a promo how Toledo and his guys will get what is coming to him as the Sons of Samoa are more than a match and he will be at ringside to cancel out the interference of Toledo.
-A graphic is shown for Mighty Ursus vs. Tommy Dreamer. The camerca cuts to Ursus and Juan Manuel Ortega talking about how Tommy Dreamer has never faced anything in his career like Ursus. The same Tommy Dreamer phone promo from last week played where Dreamer accepts the challenge of Ursus.
[Commercial Break]
-Willie Urbina is back to hype the main event of Anniversario 2015 - Carlito Carribean Cool vs. WWC Universal Champion “Mr. 450” Hammet with Ray Gonzalez, Sr. as the special referee. A video package plays showing Hammett initially winning the title and Carlito disrespecting both him and Chicano leading to a triple threat match between them (the same match that Apollo interfered in), where Hammett retained but was viciously attacked afterwards by Carlito busting him open.
Carlitp spoke next. He called Hammett an undeserving champion and says that he is the future WWC Universal champion. Hammett responded in a promo of his own, which started with him watching a match between Carlito and Shelton Benjamin on the WWE Network. He says how at Anniversario this is going to be over, how Carlito is living in his world, and he is the best wrestler in the world and will retain the championship.
This was a decent hype job but I think more attention should’ve been given to the fact that Ray Gonzalez, Sr. is the special referee and does have a long history with Carlito Carribean Cool. Anyway, the show comes to an end with Willie Urbina signing off “We are WWC, We are Wrestling."
SEPTEMBER 20, 2015
WWC Open.
-Willie Urbina opens up by welcoming the viewers to the show, mentions Anniversario being dedicated to Miguel Perez, Sr., and talks about a battle between legends on this show, as well as the Wizard Analyza in his segment.
-The show immediately goes to a match in progress between Bronco #1 and Chicano that took place during the Summer Madness 2013 tour. I’d like to go into this match, but I’m not going to because not only did this match start in progress, but they did not even show who won the match. That's unfortunate because Bronco #1 is one of the classic heels in Puerto Rico and even at his age can still put on a decent match. Also, Chicano is one of WWC’s top babyface acts and is in a feature match at Anniversario. My only guess as to why this was done was that Bronco probably won the match but if that was the case, than why did you bother showing this match at all?
-In the middle of this match, Wizard Analyza sent the show to commercial and said they will show the match between Carlito Carribean Cool and Sting from the Anniversario 2013 show.
[Commercial Break]
-WWC returned with a cut-in to the Stairway to Hell match from Guilty as Charged 1999. As with the previous match, this started in progress and they did not show the conclusion. And, for good reason, as Tommy Dreamer, who WWC is hyping for Anniversario, lost this match. As with the Chicano match I really don’t understand why WWC chose to show this match as there are other matches that WWC has access to that show these guys winning.
-In the middle of this match, they cut to a graphic hyping the Sons of Samoa vs. WWC Tag Team champions La Revolucion at Anniversario, which immediately led to an Orlando Toledo promo. Nothing special as this looks to be the same exact promo played on the Saturday show. The Saturday promo in which Chicky Starr responded was also shown. Needless to say both men believe their teams will prevail.
-Wizard Analyza hyped Carlito vs. Sting on the other side of the break.
[Commercial Break]
1 - CARLITO CARRIBEAN COOL VS. STING (Anniversario 2013 match)
The match begins in progress as Carlito is doing his best Larry Zbyszko impression by stalling on the outside every time Sting looks to get the advantage. This goes on for a while until both men finally start exchanging holds in the middle of the ring, which led Sting getting a near-submission win on Carlito with the Scorpion Deathlock until Carlito broke the hold by getting to the ropes.
-Willie Urbina interrupted the match by going to commercial and then showing a graphic for an upcoming Anniversario 2015 Tour match between Chicano and WWC Universal Champion “Mr. 450” Hammett. A Chicano promo played. Chicano said he hopes this battle will be the final battle between him and Hammett, who he says is a tremendous wrestler and they have electrified Puerto Rico with their battles. He says he is not over-looking his match later that weekend with Apollo but is looking forward to their final battle. “Mr. 450” Hammett is shown. He mentions that he and Chicano have battled in all kinds of matches, but that he also looks forward to their final battle. He vows to defeat Chicano and move onto Carlito Carribean Cool.
[Commercial Break]
-Back from commercial and thanks to the magic of editing, much of Sting vs. Carlito has been cut out. They immediately cut to a spot where Sting and Carlito collided mid-ring, leaving Carlito to fall and Sting to bounce off the ropes before collapsing head-first into Carlito's lower region. Both men struggle to their feet with Carlito starting to fire away on Sting, which leads to Sting hulking up. Sting starts to rally, but is cut off with an eye poke by Carlito, who then tries to get some momentum going by going for the Stinger Splash and missing.
This led to Sting hitting the Scorpion Death Drop for a nearfall. Sting goes for the Stinger Splash, but hits the referee instead when Carlito pulls the ref in between them. With Carlito and the referee down, Sting tries to revive the referee while Carlito goes for his trademark apple, which he successfully spits in Sting's eyes. He appears to have the match won until Ray Fenix (an alias Ray Gonzalez, Sr. was using when he was forced to retire by Carlito in WWC) interfered and hit the backstabber on Carlito. Sting then got to his feet and hit the Scorpion Death Drop again for the win.
WINNER: Sting. I get the reason why they showed this match as it would’ve aired the same day as Night of Champions. However, this show did not feature a single match where a wrestler on the Anniversario card won.
-Willie Urbina returned to tell the audience that on the Anniversario tour, there will be Carlito Carribean Cool vs. Apollo, which makes no sense because both are heels right now.
- Backstage, Apollo is shown kissing Havana. He says that Ponce is his house, he is the best, and he will beat Carlito. Carlito responds with a promo of his own, saying he may be smaller than Apollo, but he is much smarter than Apollo and will prevail.
[Commercial Break]
-Wizard Analyza segment back from commercial. This was almost an exact replay of the "Road to WWC" segment they showed on the Saturday show. They showed the same video package of the Chicano vs. Apollo feud along with the same promos by Chicano and Apollo. Wizard then threw it to the same package of highlights and promos of the Carlito vs. Hammett feud from Saturday.
-The show closed with something different - a promo from Ray Gonzalez, Sr. He talked up his involvement at Anniversario and vows to be professional. He said the WWC Universal Title is the greatest championship in Puerto Rico and the Caribbean (I thought it was supposed to be the greatest championship of the universe?). He promised the public that they will in fact get a winner as he will call it right down the middle.
-Wizard Analyza closes the show by saying “We are WWC, we are wrestling."
Contact reporter Jose Marrero at
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