TV REPORTS WWC TV REPORT - Super Estrellas De La Lucha Libre 9/13: Tommy Dreamer promo for "Anniversario" show, flashback to Hernandez in 2014 match, more
Sep 16, 2015 - 10:10:01 PM
SEPTEMBER 13, 2015
-WWC Open.
-The show opened with a recap of the September 12 episode, where the challenge was made by Ray Gonzalez, Jr. to Orlando Toledo on behalf of La Revolucion for the WWC Puerto Rico Championship at "Anniversario." Orlando Toledo accepted. They also showed Mike Mendoza being attacked by Angel Fashion and Vanilla Vargas, as well as Tommy Diablo and Peter “The Bad” Romance making their Jr. Hvt. Title match official for Anniversario.
Announcer Willie Urbina said that all of these feuds will be decided in matches taking place at Anniversario - Gonzalez, Jr. will take on La Revolucion #3 for the WWC Puerto Rico Championship, Mike Mendoza will get a chance at revenge against Angel Fashion in a Lumberjack Match, Tommy Diablo will go for gold against Peter “The Bad” Romance in a lumberjack match. Urbina then ran down today's show, promoting a face-to-face interview he did with Rey Gonzalez, Sr. and matches from last year’s Anniversario. There will also be a "Wizard Analyza" segment with news and information leading to Anniversario 2015.
1 -- SLASH VENOM VS. MIKE MENDOZA - Tommy Diablo as the referee (ANNIVERSARIO 2014 match)
This match is already in progress. Now I don’t think the announcers mentioned it but my Spanish is pretty horrible so I will explain that Tommy Diablo wasn’t a special referee for the match, but had lost a Jr. Heavyweight Championship match to Angel Fashion at the time which stipulated if he lost he had to become a referee. So, he was working the match as part of that angle. Slash Venom may be more familiar to regular fans as Flash Flanagan where he was a USWA mainstay and worked some dark matches in WWE. He also worked as Kobain as part of the New Church and has been back and forth between Puerto Rico (mainly IWA) and American indies (mainly OVW) since.
They first show a downed Mendoza on the outside. Venom sets up a chair inside the ring and uses it to catapult himself to the outside on Mendoza, then brings him back in the ring for a nearfall. Venom continues to dominate the much-smaller Mendoza until getting agitated with Diablo. He shoved him, which caused Diablo to shove back. Venom took a swing and missed, then Mendoza superkicked him for a nearfall. Mendoza rallied a bit, but was once again cut off by the bigger Venom. Venom suplexed him across the middle rope, then tried to suplex him back in and was cradled by Mendoza for the three count.
WINNER: Mike Mendoza who at the time was a couple of months removed from being the Puerto Rico champion. This looked to be a match that was booked just to keep him somewhat relevant as I don’t remember Venom coming back to WWC since this match.
-Wizard Analyza says that later on in the show they would re-visit Hernandez vs. Ray Gonzalez from Anniversario 2014.
[Commercial Break]
2 -- XIX XAVANT VS. ANGEL FASHION (w/Vanilla Vargas)
This match is already in progress and the announcers are talking about Fashion's issues with Mendoza, which of course will lead into their Anniversario match. Xavant is dominating Fashion throughout this match. Much like the previous match he dominates due to being the bigger guy. Although he is the babyface in the match, his dominance almost comes across heelish, as Fashion was given several hope spots and then cut off. The match continued to play out this way until Vargas tripped up Xavant behind the referee's back and Fashion hit a spear for the win.
WINNER: Angel Fashion, in what was a really weak finish. From what I can gather the build-up to Anniversario 2015 is that Angel Fashion and Mike Mendoza are really good Jr. Heavyweights who can beat the big guys, are resilient, and will pull out all stops to win a match. Fashion often utilizes Vargas outside the ring, which he will theoretically not be able to do in a Lumberjack match.
-Willie Urbina hypes Fashion vs. Mendoza at Anniversario 2015. He says that although Xix Xavant was screwed, he will be one of the lumberjacks for Mendoza vs. Fashion, giving him a shot to screw Mendoza.
-Angel Fashion talked next. Fashion says he agreed to help Orlando Toledo screw over Mendoza for the WWC Tag Team Championship because he doesn’t respect Mike Mendoza. He calls Mendoza an idiot for wanting a Lumberjack match and calls himself the future of WWC.
-Mike Mendoza cuts a typical babyface promo about wanting revenge against Angel Fashion at Anniversario and says how Fashion will have to deal with him face-to-face at Anniversario.
-Wizard Analyza says the Ray Gonzalez, Sr. vs Hernandez match from Anniversario 2014 will air next.
[Commercial Break]
3 -- RAY GONZALEZ, SR. VS. HERNANDEZ (w/Juan Manuel Ortega) (ANNIVERSARIO 2014 match)
This match is already in progress when they air it. It should be said that I believe the original opponent for Ray Gonzalez, Sr. was supposed to be Alberto (Del Rio) Patron, but at the last minute he pulled out and took an offer with rival Puerto Rican promotion WWL. Hernandez was announced for this match a week or two before the show. The storyline was he was brought in by Ricardo Rodriguez, who originally was bringing in Patron. Unfortunately, Hernandez didn’t have the name value that you would have to figure Patron would have had in Puerto Rico.
Hernandez played the role of heel monster for Juan Manuel Ortega just dominating Gonzalez, Sr. with his power. He went outside to set up a table and then when he came back in Gonzalez, Sr. hulked up and made a comeback, which Hernandez immediately cut off. He beat on him some more and they went to commercial with the promise of more action.
-Before the commercial, a graphic hyped the Apollo vs. Chicano match at Anniversario. The graphic was followed by promos from Apollo and Havana. Apollo ridiculed Chicano for bringing his daughter to their match-up at Anniversario and Havana lambasted Chicano for putting his family in danger. Apollo replied that he basically created Chicano and he will take him out at Anniversario
Chicano spoke next as his daughter hit the mitts with a trainer in the background. Chicano brought up how Apollo screwed him out of the WWC Universal Championship. He told Apollo to bring Havana because he has an equalizer and it’s his daughter. He went back to cheering on his daughter while she continued her training.
lCommercial Break]
-The show returned with the Gonzalez, Sr. vs. Hernandez match. Gonzalez, Sr. had the match in-hand rallying against Hernandez. He threw him in the figure-four leglock, which Hernandez broke up by getting to the ropes. He and Gonazalez, Sr. struggled on the turnbuckle, which led to Hernandez hitting a top-rope splash for a nearfall. Hernandez called for the table he set up outside the ring and brought it in the corner. He went for the Border Toss, which Gonzalez, Sr. countered into the Fenix Landing for the pin.
WINNER: Ray Gonzalez, Sr. I believe the reason the post-match was cut out of this was Hernandez did put Gonzalez, Sr. through the table setting up more matches, but due to the fact that this was a year ago it served no purpose to air that, as this was just to promote this year’s show.
-Next is a graphic for Tommy Dreamer vs. Mighty Ursus in a Hardcore match at Anniversario 2015. Juan Manuel Ortega cut a promo on Dreamer, saying he understands that he is an ECW Original, but he has never faced anything like Ursus before. Ursus vowed to end his career at Anniversario.
Tommy Dreamer responded with a phone call. (No Skype video in 2015?) Dreamer accepted the challenge, then told Ursus that he will find out why he is the Innovator of Violence at Anniversario.
[Commercial Break]
-The show returned with Wizard Analyza’s segment. First, a word from Carlito Caribbean Cool. Carlito pretty much cut a promo on Gonzalez, Sr., as they are the ones with history in the upcoming Anniversario main event, even though “Mr. 450” Hammett is the WWC Universal Champion and Gonzalez, Sr. is the referee. Carlito ended the promo by telling Hammett to be ready because he is coming to take the title at Anniversario.
Next is a promo from WWC Universal Heavyweight champion “Mr. 450” Hammett. He tells Carlito not to worry about Ray Gonzalez, Sr., as he should be worried about him because he is in the WWC Universal champion. He tells Carlito to prepare himself, then grabs an apple and says that cool is being the WWC Universal champion.
Next, Wizard introduces a graphic for the Ray Gonzalez, Jr. vs. Revolucion #3 match for the WWC Puerto Rico Championship and throws it to Orlando Toledo for a promo. Toledo tells Gonzalez, Jr. how stupid he is for challenging for this match as he is not his father and his father will not be there to help him.
Ray Gonzalez, Jr. responds. He mentions the match being official and says how he is preparing himself for the match and how he will become the new champion.
Back to Wizard, who immediately laughs off the promo by Gonzalez, Jr. He then shows a graphic for the WWC Tag Team Championship match between the Sons of Samoa and defending champions La Revolucion, followed by a video package of the Sons of Samoa. After the package, Wizard offers another sales pitch for the Anniversario show. He signs off 'til next week: “We are WWC, we are wrestling.”
Contact reporter Jose Marrero at
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