TV REPORTS 5/31 WWE Raw Report: Mallory's "Virtual Time" Coverage
May 31, 2004 - 10:10:00 PM
By Mallory Mahling, Torch Team Contributor
Ongoing Review of the Show
Happy Memorial Day and welcome to tonight's ongoing coverage of Raw.
Raw is live tonight from the Bell Centre in Montreal, Canada.
With the next pay per view only two weeks away, tonight may turn into rush hour on the road to Bad Blood.
Quarter Hour 1
Tonight's edition of Raw was dedicated to the men and women of the U.S. Armed Forces who'd given their lives for our freedom. "Freedom is not free," said Vince McMahon, as he urged viewers not to forget the true meaning of Memorial Day. Taps played as graphics showed scenes of memorials around Washington, D.C.
A recap was shown of the hostilities between Triple H and Shawn Michaels that will be settled at Bad Blood in a Hell in a Cell match.
Cue the pyro and the cheering fans. Jim Ross and Jerry "The King" Lawler welcomed viewers to the show.
(1) World Tag Team Championship: La Resistance (Rob Conway & Sylvain Grenier) over Chris Benoit & Edge to become new champs. Chris Benoit received a standing ovation from the fans in his home country, as did Edge. La Resistance, the "hometown" boys, received a mixture of boos and cheers.
As the match got underway, the King was complaining about Benoit holding two titles. Benoit was showing no mercy to Conway, then Edge tagged in and got a boot in the face from Conway. Grenier joined in and Edge was getting double-teamed. For the first time EVER, a "Let's go, Sylvain" chant broke out.
Benoit tagged in and put Grenier in a Sharpshooter, but Conway interfered. Benoit drilled Conway into the mat, then went up top. Conway moved just before Benoit landed. Ouch! Benoit went for the Crossface, but Grenier's interference broke it up.
(Commercial break)
Quarter Hour 2
During the commercial break, Benoit found himself being choked, then stomped, by Grenier. Benoit reversed the circumstances, then made the hot tag to Edge. Lawler pointed out that some of the fans were booing Edge and cheering Grenier. Edge accidentally (?) speared Benoit, and Grenier pinned Edge for the win. La Resistance had become the Tag Team Champs right in their home province and they received a standing ovation from the crowd.
(Commercial break)
La Resistance was in the crowd, enjoying the reaction of the crowd.
Todd Grisham was backstage interviewing Randy Orton about his upcoming match with Shelton Benjamin. Orton wasn't happy with the match because Benjamin was not in the same league as Orton. Grisham reminded Orton that Benjamin had beaten him last week, something Orton insisted was an accident.
William Regal was chatting with Eric Bischoff. The General Manager said he wanted to take back control of his show. Then Uncle Eric thanked Regal for his work with Eugene.
Jonathan Coachman walked in and Eric ordered him to apologize to Eugene. Or else. Coach offered a half-hearted apology, which Eugene accepted. It was not good enough for Uncle Eric, who sent Coach to the ring to make a sincere public apology.
Quarter Hour 3
(Commercial break)
Coach was in the ring to make the public apology to Eugene. (Loud "A**hole chant.) Coach asked Eugene to come down to the ring, and the crowd was loving Eugene.
Coach started by admitting he'd made fun of Eugene two weeks ago. But Eugene had proven that he was the real deal, not a joke. The joke had been on Coach. Coach said he was sorry and extended his hand. Eugene looked at the outstretched hand apprehensively. Coach pointed out that Eugene had many friends, including the Rock and Chris Benoit.
Suddenly Kane's pyro exploded. Was it a set-up? Kane made a monster face and Eugene cowered in the corner. Coach said Kane was a fan of his. (He sure didn't look like one.) Kane motioned for Eugene to come closer. Eugene moved nearer, and Kane gave him a hug. The two hugged some more. The warm fuzzy moment ended when Coach attacked Eugene from behind, then Kane clotheslined Eugene, leaving him confused and in tears. Not funny!
(Commercial break)
Quarter Hour 4
Moments ago: Eugene had been double-crossed by Kane and Coach.
In Bischoff's office, Uncle Eric joined in the laughter. Regal was furious at what he'd done to his own nephew. Bischoff said that Eugene would go one-on-one with Kane tonight. Regal was livid, but was ordered not to interfere.
Victoria headed down the ramp with a klutzy mixture of marching, dancing, and bumps and grinds. Not attractive at all.
(2) Victoria pinned Jazz. Victoria had a new move that involved doing the splits. The match consisted of a lot of submission holds and stomping by Jazz. Pinning attempts by each, but Victoria got the one that counted and won the match.
(Commercial break)
The second hour started with a series of patriotic scenes in remembrance of America's fallen heroes.
Quarter Hour 5
(3) Shelton Benjamin over Randy Orton (w/Batista). Good even action. While Batista argued with the referee, Orton untied the turnbuckle cover. Benjamin was knocked to the outside. Back in the ring, the two collided, and Orton was busted open. While the ref tended to Orton, Batista slammed Benjamin into the exposed turnbuckle. Orton went for the cover, but Benjamin got a shoulder up.
(Commercial break)
During the break, Batista had slammed Benjamin into the guardrail.
Benjamin was wise to Batista's tricks and decked him. The ref caught on, as well, and ejected Batista from ringside. It had become a true one-on-one match and Orton looked shocked. Orton went for a couple of unsuccessful pinning attempts, then put Benjamin in a modified arm bar.
Benjamin struggled to his feet and began to punch Orton. Benjamin's momentum continued to build. A power slam and a cover, but Orton kicked out. Orton went up top, still bleeding badly, and came off with a crossbody, but Benjamin countered it with a near fall. A series of near falls by each, then Orton slid out of the ring and headed to the back. Benjamin followed him up the ramp, but Orton was ready with a sucker punch. Back in the ring, Shelton surprised Orton and pinned him for the win. Benjamin won the opportunity to face Orton for the Intercontinental Title at Bad Blood.
Quarter Hour 6
(Commercial break)
J.R. and the King hyped the Diva Contest. Only eight days left to enter, reminded J.R. Backstage Todd Grisham asked Stacy what she thought about the contest. She said even her sister was going to enter. (Wouldn't that be conflict of interest if she were to win?) Then she shooed him out of her photo shoot.
It was all about the Game and came out to play in a suit. He told the crowd that Shawn Michaels was not at tonight's show. Bischoff had banned him from the arena. Triple H said their storied rivalry would be over at Bad Blood.
A series of highlights from past Hell in a Cell matches was set to music.
Triple H ended the segment by growling, "Shawn Michaels, see you in hell."
(Commercial break)
Quarter Hour 7
Bischoff was on the phone when Johnny Nitro walked in. Eric told him to go get Eugene.
(4) Matt Hardy (w/Lita) vs. Garrison Cade. Sloppy work by Cade, although he was getting the upper hand. Hardy managed to toss Cade to the outside, then came after him with a crossbody off the top. Twist of Fate and a cover by Hardy and Matt got the win. He was celebrated with Lita.
(Incidentally, no mention was made of Kane's Big Question, which had been featured in the preview at today.)
Smackdown Rebound: The number one contender for the Heavyweight Championship at the Great American Bash will be Bradshaw, who will take a week to come up with the stipulation for the match. He's gonna win, blah, blah, blah. Sable will return this week just in time for the bikini contest and the Undertaker and Booker T will go one-on-one on Thursday night.
Nitro escorted Eugene into Bischoff's office and Eric asked to speak with his nephew alone. Uncle Eric confessed that he knew what was going to happen earlier with Kane. Uncle E called it "tough love." He told Eugene he didn't belong on Raw, but offered him a chance to prove him wrong. He wished Eugene luck and asked for a hug. Eugene reluctantly gave him one. Bischoff patted his back, seemingly with mixed emotions.
(Commercial break)
A montage of military scenes aired.
Highlights of the recent Raw shows Ireland and England were shown.
Quarter Hour 8
Trish Stratus and Tattoo Tomko came out for their own version of the Highlight Reel. Trish cleared her throat then insulted the French-speaking crowd by saying she had a "frog" in her throat. Since Chris Jericho was indisposed, she said she would host the Highlight Reel tonight. She sent a get well message to her Christian at home. She had a film clip to show on the StratusTron 5000, which was the beat-down of Jericho at the hands of Tomko. Then Trish pretended to call 911 to report a robbery--she and Tomko had just stolen the show.
Whoops, Jericho was there after all. He took down Tomko, then put Trish in the Walls. Tomko kicked him to break the hold, then picked Jericho up and dropped him onto a metal chair from a height of several feet. Once again, Jericho was left laying.
Kane was backstage looking mean. Very mean.
(Commercial break)
(5) Eugene over Kane via DQ. Kane started out by offering Eugene another hug, but Eugene didn't want to get near him. Eugene with a take down and near fall on Kane, which infuriated Kane. Eugene tried a sunset flip, but it didn't work. Eugene went up top, but Kane caught him with a clothesline. Kane with several attempted covers, but Eugene kept getting a shoulder up. "Let's go, Eugene," chanted the crowd.
Quarter Hour 9
An embarrassed Kane began to dominate the match. Side headlock by Eugene on Kane. Then Kane wrapped an elbow around Eugene's neck. Suddenly Eugene had had enough and a look of determination crossed his face. He was transformed. Kane went outside for a chair, but it was Eugene who DDT'ed Kane on the chair. Eugene won by disqualification.
Kane intimidated the referee and then began to pummel Eugene. Kane picked up the steel chair as the bell rang for him to stop. He was about to pile drive Eugene onto it.
Benoit's music hit and the champ came to Eugene's rescue. Benoit wrestled Kane to the mat and tried to put him in the Crippler Crossface. Kane got away and fled the ring, as Benoit helped Eugene to his feet. Benoit raised Eugene's arm in victory, but Eugene hugged Benoit and raised his arm instead in gratitude as the show came to an end.
You are encouraged to send in your comments on tonight's show to "torchreax" ( Please include your name, hometown, rating from 1 to 10, the best and worst matches, and your thoughts on the program.
I love feedback and you can reach me at See you back here in The Lounge on Saturday.
PWTorch editor Wade Keller has covered pro wrestling full time since 1987 starting with the Pro Wrestling Torch print newsletter. launched in 1999 and the PWTorch Apps launched in 2008.
He has conducted "Torch Talk" insider interviews with Hulk Hogan, The Rock, Steve Austin, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Eric Bischoff, Jesse Ventura, Lou Thesz, Jerry Lawler, Mick Foley, Jim Ross, Paul Heyman, Bruno Sammartino, Goldberg, more.
He has interviewed big-name players in person incluiding Vince McMahon (at WWE Headquarters), Dana White (in Las Vegas), Eric Bischoff (at the first Nitro at Mall of America), Brock Lesnar (after his first UFC win).
He hosted the weekly Pro Wrestling Focus radio show on KFAN in the early 1990s and hosted the Ultimate Insiders DVD series distributed in retail stories internationally in the mid-2000s including interviews filmed in Los Angeles with Vince Russo & Ed Ferrara and Matt & Jeff Hardy. He currently hosts the most listened to pro wrestling audio show in the world, (the PWTorch Livecast, top ranked in iTunes)
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