TV REPORTS CALDWELL'S TNA IMPACT RESULTS 7/3: Complete "virtual-time" coverage of TNA Title re-match, new KO champion, more
Jul 3, 2014 - 10:00:12 PM
TNA Impact Results
July 3, 2014
Taped 6/20 in Bethlehem, Pa.
Aired on Spike TV
Report by James Caldwell, PWTorch assistant editor
Impact opened with a review of recent events, including Bobby Lashley capturing the TNA World Title from Eric Young, MVP relieved of his duties as Director of Wrestling Operations, and Kurt Angle now in-charge.
In the arena, Mike Tenay introduced the show before Angle's music played to start the show. Angle entered the ring and said tomorrow is Independence Day. He hyped his booking plans for tonight, then said he has an important announcement to make. Hebner jogged down to the ring dressed in street clothes consisting of jeans, tennis shoes, and a striped shirt. Angle pulled out a referee shirt and handed it over to Hebner, reinstating him to his position.
Angle then pulled out his booking sheets. He said his first match tonight is Ethan Carter III - the man who tore his knee - against Bully Ray in a Tables match. Also, the Wolves vs. The Menagerie vs. Bro-Mans for the Tag Titles and Angelina Love vs. Gail Kim for the Knockouts Title. Plus, his main event of Bobby Lashley vs. Eric Young for the TNA Title. Angle told everyone to enjoy the entertainment made available by him.
Suddenly, Samoa Joe's music played. Joe stomped out looking "kinda angry," according to Taz on commentary. Joe sarcastically noted the righteous one, Kurt Angle, has returned to rule fairly over the kingdom. Joe said Angle is no different than his predecessors and he knows it. He wondered how long until Angle puts himself into the TNA Title situation.
Angle replied that he's not even going to entertain this conversation. Joe said Angle came into TNA on his own path, whereas he used his fists and fighting to make it here. Angle replied that Joe has had plenty of opportunities, but his problem is he comes here one night kicking ass and the next night he comes here half-assed. Joe said Angle questioning his dedication to pro wrestling is ignorant. He said while Angle was flying around the country, he was fist-fighting down the street for $40. Joe, within inches of Angle's face, told him that he is pro wrestling.
Backstage: MVP was shown arriving in the building on crutches. He appeared to be alone. Bobby Roode approached MVP, who lured him with the prospect of a fight, allowing Kenny King to attack Roode from the side. King beat down Roode, then MVP choked him with his crutch. MVP taunted Roode as Impact cut to break.
[Commercial Break at 9:12]
[Q2] Backstage: Roode had an icebag on his shoulder. Angle approached Roode to ask what happened, and Roode explained he got jumped. Angle said this sucks, but Roode said he doesn't owe him anything. He said he came back here to fight, and he wants a match tonight. Principal Angle checked on Roode's status, then said they'll go find Kenny King and MVP. And maybe someone will be sent to detention.
The Menagerie cleared Bro-Mans from the ring in the opening second as Menagerie's group were shown wearing Fourth of July-inspired get-ups. Are they heels or faces? A flag entered the camera shot as men in a variety of colors fought amongst themselves. A visual overload, but at least Menagerie's music wasn't playing on a loop. The match slowed down with Bro-Mans isolating Eddie until Davey broke up a pin.
Davey got the hot tag and KO'ed Jessie, then suplexed D.J. Zema out of the ring. Knux tried to get at Davey, but Davey knocked him to the floor. Wolves then double-teamed Jessie and Davey pinned him for the win.
WINNERS: The Wolves at 4:12 to retain the TNA Tag Titles.
Backstage: Principal Angle tried to restrain Bobby Roode as he confronted Kenny King while MVP sat in a chair. MVP made the principal's office joke, then Angle tried to book him in a match against Roode, but MVP noted he has a note from his doctor. King ran his mouth at Roode, so Angle booked them in a match instead.
Tonight: Bully vs. ECIII in a Tables match.
[Commercial Break at 9:25]
In-ring: Bobby Roode's music played to bring out Roode dressed in street clothes. Roode sold shoulder pain from the earlier beating, then Roode entered the ring for a verbal follow-up on the backstage action. Roode said he is back in TNA and he is not wasting any time, so he called out Kenny King.
[Q3] King made his way out on-stage dressed in shorts and a casual button-down shirt. King, standing next to MVP, asked Roode if this is really what he wants. Roode told him to bring it, then King and MVP started to walk down to the ring, but Angle's music interrupted. Angle forced MVP away from the stage, then Roode clotheslined King from behind. So, King is going to "fight" in casual shorts and shoes.
The "fight" moved to the production area, then into the stands, then down the stairs to the floor seats. King charged Roode for a running attack, but Roode back-dropped him over the guardrail to the ringside area. Roode then picked up a chair and tried to pop King, but King recovered and kicked the chair into Roode's face. King rolled Roode into the ring and suddenly a bell sounded because apparently a wrestling match is going to resolve this issue. The announcers were caught off-guard by a match breaking out, too.
The two men continued to have a sanctioned competition in their casual clothes as Roode sold shoulder pain. A chair was in the middle of the ring and Roode managed to bodyslam King onto the chair and the referee counted to three on a pin. King left the ring saying this isn't over as Roode held up the chair in victory.
WINNER: Roode at 1:45 of bell-to-bell. Messy presentation that made it look like anyone can be a wrestler. If wrestling is ever going to see a resurgence in the U.S., it will start with pro wrestlers being presented as superior, super-athletes (excuse the Rusev reference) who fans are privileged to see compete inside a protected wrestling ring, not a bunch of guys who look like fans out of the crowd having a phony-looking brawl attempting to "look real."
Up Next: Brittany has something to care of tonight.
[Commercial Break at 9:39]
Video Preview: TNA's latest One Night Only PPV premieres tomorrow. And, Magnus was shown as TNA champion.
Backstage: Bobby Roode talked to a roving camera about coming back to TNA to make his mark. Roode said he didn't have a match, but a Street Fight with King. So, why was there a referee, a bell, and a ring? Roode thanked Kurt Angle for giving him another chance, then vowed to make an impact.
Backstage: Austin Aries talked to Angle about being confident, not cocky, and helping bring out the greatness in others. By beating them and winning matches? Or, is that insider terminology for he's a good worker? Aries said he wants the X Division Title back so that he can then cash in for a TNA World Title shot. Angle thought it over, then booked Aries against Sanada for the X Division Title next week. Aries thanked him for the opportunity, then Angle stopped him and swung the discussion back to wins and losses, saying he would like to have that match one day to find out who the greatest wrestler is. Aries said he hopes it happens.
[Q4] In-ring: Brittany called out Madison Rayne for a discussion in the ring. Rayne stopped Brittany before she could talk, saying their whole thing has gotten out of control, but if she wants to fight, let's get a ref out here. Brit said that's not it. She said Madison was right and she was wrong.
Brit continued that she was the naive new girl who thought she could do anything and everything without consequences, but Madison tried to warn her. Madison said she tried to keep her from making all the mistakes she made. "I know, I know. I'm sorry," Brittany said. Brit continued to heavily emphasis each word as she noted she came to TNA wanting to be just like her. She said she has learned a very important lesson from all of this.
Madison thanked her for the words, then vowed to have her back from now on so that she can see her succeed. They hugged. Taz said this is nice. Tenay sat quietly, reluctant to play along taking the bait on commentary. Brit maintained the grip on their embrace, then said the real lesson she is learned is never meet your heroes. Brit clotheslined Madison hard to the mat for a heel turn. She added, "Because they always disappoint." Brit blasted Madison out of the ring, then beat her up some more ringside.
Backstage: Bully Ray spoke from the top of a flight of stairs that he will put Dixie Carter through a table one day, but tonight, ECIII goes through a table first. He said it's next.
[Commercial Break at 9:52]
Backstage: MVP was standing next to Bobby Lashley, whose face was blocked out by a light shining down on the duo for an interview. MVP hyped Lashley, then asked how many times Kurt Angle is going to feed Eric Young to the lion. The camera zoomed in on MVP, who told EY not to hold them responsible for what happens in the ring.
In-ring: Ethan Carter III was introduced first for the next match. As ECIII walked to the ring, the announcers flashed back to Slammiversary when ECIII beat Bully Ray in a Texas Death Match thanks to interference. Bully was then introduced for his re-match against Carter.
[Q5 -- second hour]
3 -- BULLY RAY vs. ETHAN CARTER III -- Tables match
Bully roughed up and dominated ECIII early on, with Carter getting in zero offense. Bully then went under the ring to retrieve a table, but Carter cut him off and went on the offensive. Carter had Bully in a corner mount for ten punches, but Bully blocked and set up for a powerbomb, but Rockstar Spud hit the ring in his Jonny Fairplay Outfit of the Week and low-blowed Ray.
Carter and Spud beat up Ray, then "Gore, Gore" suddenly sounded over the p.a. system. A returning Rhino charged the ring and cornered Spud as if he were to going to save Bully, but then he turned and gored Ray. Rhino's big initial impression with giant bug-eyes and an excited look on his face as he raised his arms in the air. Then, Bully went through a table to take another loss to ECIII. Spud, Carter, and Rhino stood tall in the ring.
WINNER: ECIII at 6:58.
Backstage: Eric Young was lacking confidence in anticipation of facing Bobby Lashley for the TNA Title. Bobby Roode tried to give EY a pick-me-up pep talk before the title re-match.
[Commercial Break at 10:11]
[Q6] Moments Ago: ECIII beat Bully Ray with help from a returning Rhino.
Backstage: Rhino said sometimes he does thinks just because he wants to. ECIII and Rockstar Spud marched off, saying this interview is over.
Video Package: Samuel Shaw's journey from stalking Christy Hemme to being committed to a mental institution after losing to Mr. Anderson to Gunner visiting him to try to fix his issues.
Earlier Today: Gunner brought Sam Shaw back into the fold. Gunner told Shaw that he has to start with apologies and getting back to normal in the locker room. Suddenly, Mr. Anderson came walking down the hallway. Gunner tried to calm down Anderson and give him a chance. He asked for one good reason why he should give Shaw another chance. Gunner gave Anderson a military story to try to convince Anderson to give him a chance. Anderson said if Shaw has changed, then he won't have a problem talking to a friend of his.
Anderson knocked on a side door and everyone greeted Christy Hemme. Christy sold freaking out over Shaw's presence, but they calmed her down. Anderson reintroduced Shaw to Christy, then Shaw was given a chance to talk. Shaw said he knows he did some terrible things to Christy and he's been in a institution trying to deal with problems from his childhood. He claimed to be a different person and asked Christy to forgive him. "I sincerely apologize," he said. "I'm really, really sorry." Shaw walked out of the room, leaving Christy a little stunned. Gunner walked out, then Anderson sold not being convinced. Christy remained unsure.
Backstage: The Beautiful People were shown talking up referee Brian Stiffler. Angelina Love and Velvet Sky said they need their man ready tonight, then Stiffler noted he manned-up and demanded to Earl Hebner that he have the KO Title match tonight. And Earl gave him the okay. The BP said they got this in the bag.
[Commercial Break at 10:24]
Impact plug: The Destination X Impact will take place on July 31.
Backstage: Kurt Angle pulled Stiffler from the KO Title match, saying he's not going to look like a rookie at this. He put Brian Hebner in the referee spot.
Backstage: Knux told The Menagerie that they start winning matches to get their money. The Freak and Crazy Steve didn't seem to get the message.
In-ring: Gail Kim was introduced for the KO Title match before TNA replayed events from Slammiversary when Brian Stiffler aided the BP in another victory. The Beautiful People were out next and Brian Hebner tried to lay down the law.
4 -- KO champion ANGELINA LOVE (w/Velvet Sky) vs. GAIL KIM -- Knockouts Title match
Once the bell sounded, Angelina tried to work on Brian, but Gail blasted Angelina to put a stop to her ways. The match quickly moved to the floor, where Velvet provided a distraction to give Angelina the advantage. Hebner eventually had enough of Velvet and kicked her out from ringside.
The match continued with Angelina and Gail exchanging pin attempts, then Angelina blocked Eat Defeat, but Gail came back with a second attempt and connected flush. Angelina tipped over, then Gail pinned her for the win.
WINNER: Gail at 6:02 to capture the KO Title. Solid, competitive match that also served to give the heels their comeuppance after months of build-up.
Video Review: Bobby Lashley captured the TNA Title from Eric Young two weeks ago after the referee was pulled out of the ring on EY's pinfall on Lashley.
Backstage: Lashley and EY were shown walking down the hallway in separate camera shots ahead of their title match.
[Commercial Break at 10:39]
Backstage: Kurt Angle was interviewed about how things are going tonight. Angle said all titles will be on the line next week, except for the TNA Title, as he has a 20-man battle royal planned. Are there any other tag teams currently on the roster for the Wolves to defend against after their latest thrown-together title defense this week?
[Q8] In-ring: Eric Young was introduced first for the TNA Title main event. Bobby Lashley came out with MVP, then Bobby Roode's music played. Roode headed to ringside to neutralize MVP heading to break.
[Commercial Break at 10:47]
5 -- TNA World Hvt. champion BOBBY LASHLEY vs. ERIC YOUNG -- TNA World Title match
Roode and MVP interfered from the outside in the opening minute, so ref Earl Hebner booted both men from ringside. MVP angrily hobbled away from ringside on crutches before the match resumed with Lashley dominating EY. Young rolled to the outside selling an ankle injury three minutes in, giving Lashley an opening to punish Young even more.
Back in the ring, Lashley slapped on a mat submission trying to force Young to tap out, but Young kept on fighting. Young broke free, then tried to take it up top, but Lashley cut him off. They battled on the top turnbuckle, EY won the exchange, and he wanted a piledriver, but the ankle was too hurt. Lashley slipped out, then dropped Young with a dominator. He followed with a spear/tackle for the pin and the win.
Post-match, Lashley stood tall before TNA replayed EY's "out" injuring his ankle mid-way through the match. Taz asked who can compete against The Destroyer, the World champ Lashley? Tenay called him one-of-a-kind and still TNA champion as Impact signed off.
WINNER: Lashley at 6:55 to retain the TNA Title. TNA is trying to build up Lashley as a Brock Lesnar equivalent, but he's got to show more personality or have an actual managerial mouthpiece like Paul Heyman to build him up to make a difference for TNA.
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PWTorch editor Wade Keller has covered pro wrestling full time since 1987 starting with the Pro Wrestling Torch print newsletter. launched in 1999 and the PWTorch Apps launched in 2008.
He has conducted "Torch Talk" insider interviews with Hulk Hogan, The Rock, Steve Austin, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Eric Bischoff, Jesse Ventura, Lou Thesz, Jerry Lawler, Mick Foley, Jim Ross, Paul Heyman, Bruno Sammartino, Goldberg, more.
He has interviewed big-name players in person incluiding Vince McMahon (at WWE Headquarters), Dana White (in Las Vegas), Eric Bischoff (at the first Nitro at Mall of America), Brock Lesnar (after his first UFC win).
He hosted the weekly Pro Wrestling Focus radio show on KFAN in the early 1990s and hosted the Ultimate Insiders DVD series distributed in retail stories internationally in the mid-2000s including interviews filmed in Los Angeles with Vince Russo & Ed Ferrara and Matt & Jeff Hardy. He currently hosts the most listened to pro wrestling audio show in the world, (the PWTorch Livecast, top ranked in iTunes)
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