TV REPORTS PARKS' WWE SMACKDOWN REPORT 6/24: Ongoing "virtual time" coverage of the show, including Barrett vs. Jackson for the Intercontinental Championship
Jun 24, 2011 - 9:00:11 PM
WWE Smackdown review
June 24, 2011
Taped 6/21/11 in Hershey, Pa.
Aired on SYFY
By Greg Parks, PWTorch Columnist
- WWE Open.
- Smackdown Open.
- Fireworks went off and the camera panned the crowd as Josh Mathews intro’d the show. Teddy Long was the first one out, as he walked to the ring, introduced by ring announcer Tony Chimel. Ah, and we saw some white guys showing off their moves to his theme music. Good times. Long addressed the controversy from the World Title match that took place on Sunday at Capitol Punishment. He first asked Christian to come out. Christian did so, and claimed he deserved one more shot at the World Championship. Apparently, Christian’s lawyer called Long’s office this past week. Long brought the fans up to speed on what happened this past Sunday, via video. Long acknowledged that the referee made the bad call, so Long apologized to Christian and the fans, however, the referee’s decision is final. Christian was taken aback by the fact that Long apologized to the WWE Universe. Christian brought up that he pinned Orton in the tag match on Raw this week and also how Orton attacked him after their match Sunday.
Long said Christian getting a re-match depends on whether or not Christian earns a World Championship match. Christian was not happy, saying he shouldn’t have to prove himself, as the ref made a bad call. Even Teddy acknowledged it. Teddy said Christian still lost and the ref’s decision is final. That’s not a very convincing defense to Christian’s argument. Long said Christian will have to beat Kane tonight for a shot. Christian got in Long’s face and the two argued off-mic until Long’s music played. Michael Cole, of course, was disgusted by Long’s latest decision.
- Tonight, Wade Barrett gets an Intercontinental Championship rematch against Ezekiel Jackson.
[Commercial Break]
- A plug aired for Raw Roulette this Monday.
- The announcers discussed Shawn Michaels set to appear on Raw Monday.
- Cole said that, because of text voting issues, the fans missed out on Sin Cara vs. Evan Bourne, so WWE is making it up by having the two go one-on-one this coming week.
Crowd chanted for Cara at the outset, but DiBiase worked the arm. Mathews asked Booker T to grade Cara since moving to Smackdown, and Booker gave him a B+. Cara took DiBiase out, then hit a cross-body off the top onto him outside the ring. Back in the ring, a cover got two. He tried a springboard cross-body, but DiBiase dropkicked him in mid-air. Cara worked out of a rest-hold but was put on DiBiase’s shoulders. Roll-up by Cara for two. DiBiase went back on offense, trying to keep Cara grounded. Slingshot clothesline by DiBiase for a near-fall at 3:06 of the match. We got about the third “Sin Cara” chant of the match at this point, so the Hershey fans were sweet on Cara (sorry, had to). Cara began his comeback at 3:40, which included a springboard hurricanrana. The announcers were too busy arguing to acknowledge much of it. Cara jumped into DiBiase, but Junior caught him and gave him a spinebuster. Booker brought up Mil Mascaras as one of the flyers that was around during “his day.” Cara hit his spinning finisher on DiBiase to pick up the win.
WINNER: Cara, at 5:08. That was the same finisher that most people thought was botched against Chavo Guerrero. Still not sure what exactly it is. Match was okay, as Cara got to hit his spots, and I don’t think a loss for DiBiase to Cara hurts him much.
- After replays of the last match, they showed the finish of Cody Rhodes vs. Daniel Bryan from Power to the People Raw, then Bryan’s post-match attack. As a result of that situation, Rhodes and Bryan will go one-on-one, next.
[Commercial Break]
- Mathews plugged for Capitol Punishment photos.
- Cody Rhodes came out for his match. He talked about how he loved chocolate, but called Hershey “the modern-day Sodom.” Rhodes said it was ironic that a place all about chocolate featured people with vanilla looks and expressions. Rhodes told people to place the bags over their heads (the baggers did come out with him). Daniel Bryan’s music interrupted him. Bryan had a mic and told Rhodes he was sick of it. He said he may never be on the cover of GQ, but even he knows a cup doesn’t belong on the face, but rather, in the pants. Bryan told Rhodes that looks aren’t everything. Rhodes replied that it’s something an ugly person would say. “How do you explain this?” Bryan asked, as he showed a picture of the polka-dotted Dusty Rhodes on the Titan-Tron. Bryan said Dusty isn’t the most attractive person, but he was charismatic, inspiring and genuinely a good person, all things Cody is not. Bryan said Cody’s broken nose isn’t the problem, but the problem is that Cody is bitter that he’ll never reach the fame of his father. Rhodes got mad and told the ref to ring the bell. Bryan held his own pretty well on the mic.
Couple arm-drags by Bryan, then a quick pin attempt for two. Rhodes took a break outside the ring just under a minute in, and DiBiase came down to give him some aid. The two men talked strategy as they went to break at 1:11.
[Commercial Break]
Back at 4:27 of the match. Rhodes was in control, taking the fight to Bryan at ringside. Booker said he was calling Bryan “D. Bryan” to give him a little charisma. Rhodes worked the arm of Bryan, then gave him a side Russian leg-sweep. I must’ve missed Rhodes calling DiBiase’s loss to Cara embarrassing, which is why DiBiase is back out at ringside – to redeem himself in Cody’s eyes, at least, that’s what the announcers thought. As Rhodes gave Bryan a front suplex, Cole trashed the entire state of Pennsylvania for some reason. Cody stomped Bryan near the ropes, then again worked the arm. Cole and Mathews joked about Booker getting a bag from the bag-men. Running clothesline by Bryan at 8:05, and he laid in the kicks in the corner. Pele kick by Bryan, then a hurricanrana off the top for a near-fall. I like the new additions to his arsenal. More kicks by D. Bryan, then a roll- up for two. Another attempt but Rhodes sat down and got a near-fall. The two men collided in mid-air as they both went for a cross-body.
Back to a vertical base, they traded right hands. DiBiase tried to trip up Bryan, but he dove through the ropes onto him. Bryan got caught with a springboard kick as he tried to come back into the ring. His leg was hung up on the middle rope and Rhodes took advantage. Cole and Booker talked about the “winnner’s purse” and how you get paid more if you win. That is never emphasized in storylines and kind-of came out of left field here. If that’s the story they’re going with, they need to mention it more often when screwjobs happen or DQs occur. Another springboard kick by Rhodes once Bryan got free, then the Cross-Rhodes for the win.
WINNER: Rhodes, at 11:27. About the match you’d expect between these two. Even-steven booking again though, after Bryan won on Monday.
- Kane vs. Christian is still to come tonight, with Christian needing to win to get another shot at Randy Orton.
- They showed Big Show getting slammed through the table by Mark Henry at Capitol Punishment. We’ll hear from the big man, next.
[Commercial Break]
- Johnny Curtis was backstage. He addressed the camera, saying there are lots of rumors swirling as to why he hasn’t made his debut yet. Some say he’s too young, some say he’s too inexperienced. He had bottles of ketchup, mayo and mustard sitting on a table. He picked ketchup and mayo, but told the mustard it didn’t cut it. Cole filled in the blanks for those who somehow didn’t get it.
- Zeke Jackson vs. Wade Barrett is up next.
- Matt Striker was backstage with a well-dressed Big Show. He asked Show to update his condition. “I’m fine” said Show, quietly. Show said Henry was in the wrong place at the wrong time last week when he knocked him out. Show said he asked Henry not to get in the ring. Striker said some people think Show lit a fire under Mark Henry. Then we got a hype video on Henry. Back to Striker and Show, as Striker said some feel Big Show brought this upon himself. Show just stared at Striker and said it’s good that Henry is on fire, because he’s going to need it. Then Henry attacked Show, spearing him into the curtains and metal poles that were holding up the set. Henry hilariously struggled to get to his feet and almost ate it. “Bigger ain’t always better…better is better” Henry said. Then he yelled at Nunzio to stay away from Show and to not get any help for him. I like this trash-talking version of Mark Henry. He’s good at it.
[Commercial Break]
- They showed the exterior of the Giant Center in Hershey as Mathews talked about Henry destroying the set.
- As Zeke Jackson came to the ring to defend his newly-won championship, Wade Barrett attacked him in the aisle. He sent Jackson spine-first into the ring post. The men finally went into the ring as ref Scott Armstrong tried to separate Barrett from Jackson. Armstrong told Barrett he wasn’t going to ring the bell ‘til Zeke was on his feet. Jackson assured the ref he could go.
Neck-breaker by Barrett for only two. Less than a minute in and Jackson was getting some offense. Cole relayed the message that we’d hear from Randy Orton at the conclusion of this match. Jackson elbowed out of a side headlock, but Barrett gave Jackson a side slam, chastising Booker for calling it a sidewalk slam on Monday. Barrett was getting annoyed at the near-falls he was registering. A missed punch by Barrett and Jackson floored Barrett with a Rock Bottom. Booker said Barrett got “basted” by that move. As in, you “baste” a turkey. Big clothesline in the corner, but Barrett rolled to ringside. Jackson ran after him, only to get booted down by Barrett. Barrett lined Jackson up for the finish, but Jackson countered out of the Wasteland and put Barrett in the Torture Rack. Barrett submitted.
WINNER: Jackson, via submission, at 4:33. Barrett’s stock has really dropped, losing two televised matches in one week to the still-green Jackson.
- Jack Korpela was in the locker room with Orton. Korpela asked Orton what he thought of Christian getting another shot to challenge Orton for the title. Orton said he’s a pretty serious guy, but the Christian situation is getting laughable. He said the closest Christian will get to touching the title is when he nails him over the head with it…again.
[Commercial Break]
- Barrett was walking backstage, holding his side. He came upon Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel, both of whom were mock clapping him for having such a great week. Slater said Barrett made such a great decision saying he didn’t need them. Barrett said he’s already forgotten about the IC Title and he’s on to bigger and better things. Gabriel said they’re about to do something Barrett couldn’t: win a rematch. Barrett should’ve thrown it in their face that they lost to the Usos last week.
- The Usos were on the stage doing some chanting and dancing. Then they came to the ring for their match. Mathews said it was “Haka,” a Polynesian War Dance. He said the University of Hawaii football team does the same dance, and that the Usos attended that school.
Another new theme for Slater and Gabriel. Northern Lights Suplex by Jey for two. He went to the top after fighting off Slate,r but Gabriel knocked him to ringside. Slater then tagged in and dove onto Jey. Back in the ring, Slater got a two-count at 1:22 of the match. Slater clotheslined Jey down and tagged Gabriel. Single-leg take-down by Gabriel, then he went to an arm-bar. Gabriel went for a springboard, but Jey caught him and gave him a Samoan drop, all in one motion. Slater and Jimmy both tagged in at 3:23. Bubba Bomb by Jimmy, followed by a corner splash. Running rear attack in the corner by Jimmy got two. Gabriel broke it up, so Jimmy got rid of him and Jey was sent out by Slater. Superkick on Slater by Jimmy. He went for a top rope splash, but Slater got his knees up. He then rolled Jimmy up for the win.
WINNERS: Slater and Gabriel, at 4:29. The Usos are still green, but they’ve got potential.
- Christian faces Kane tonight, and if Christian wins, he gets another shot at Randy Orton for the title.
[Commercial Break]
- Another plug for HBK’s upcoming appearance on Raw.
- Yoshi Tatsu was already in the ring for his match with Jinder Mahal. Mahal was accompanied by Great Khali. Before the bell ran, Mahal pie-faced Tatsu and Tatsu came at Mahal with chops, but Mahal soon took over with a suplex. Khali just stood in the ring, then chopped Tatsu in the brain. Full-nelson slam by Mahal, then Khali tossed Tatsu to ringside like he was taking out the garbage. Mahal asked for a mic and Khali retrieved one for him. Mahal said this was one example of what power and privilege can do for you. He said this will continue to happen until his potential and superiority is recognized. He said he never had to strive to be the best, since he was born the best. Mahal said for Khali, no more dancing, no more kissing fat, American women. He said Khali has had a re-birth and his only mission now is to serve. He said nothing can stop the Eastern winds from blowing through the entire WWE Universe. They replayed the attack on Tatsu.
- Next, Christian vs. Kane.
[Commercial Break]
This match is starting at 9:33 EST, and I don’t see it going nearly a half-hour. Kane threw Christian into the corner and laid in some back elbows. Kane whipped Christian chest-first into the buckle. Christian ducked under Kane and gave him an uppercut. Kane responded with one of his own. Christian choked Kane over the top rope, then did a reversal of that, bending Kane’s neck over the top. Dropkick off the top rope for a one-count. Christian choked Kane in the corner, and he broke at 4 ½. Reverse chin-lock by Christian on Kane, but he didn’t seem to have it fully locked in. Christian low-bridged a charging Kane, then went right out after him. He rammed Kane back-first into the barricade. He scampered back into the ring, appearing to hope for a count-out win. Kane made it back in before ten, but Christian landed a diving headbutt off the top. Only a two-count. They went to break at 4:49 of the contest.
[Commercial Break]
Sidewalk slam for two by Kane out of break. Christian dove at Kane from the second rope, but Kane caught him and slammed him. Low dropkick for two. Tilt-a-whirl slam for two by the Big Red Monster. Springboard sunset flip failed, but Kane missed a corner charge and Christian connected on the flip kick. He went to the top, but Kane grabbed him by the throat. Tornado DDT by Christian for two at 10:46. You could hear Christian sucking wind as he tried to get to his feet in the corner. He went for a spear, but Kane booted him down. It only got a two count. Kane went to the top, but Christian pulled him off by the arm. That got a two-count. Christian complained about the count there, but went to the top. He came down and right into an upper cut by Kane. Only a two count. Kane then went to the top himself and clotheslined Christian down. He set up for the chokeslam, but Makr Henry ran out. He attacked Kane, giving him a big splash. The ref called for the bell.
WINNER: Kane, via DQ, at 13:14.
Christian got in Henry’s face for costing him a shot at the title, but the two teamed up to throw Kane out of the ring. Teddy Long came out and said Christian lost again. But this time, it wasn’t Christian’s fault. He gave Christian a chance to redeem himself if he can win a tag team match, where he teams up with Henry to face Kane and Randy Orton. Should’ve made him go one-on-one with Henry. Orton entered the arena. Match is next.
[Commercial Break]
Match started upon return from break, at 9:51 EST. Orton tried to get a quick pin on Christian, to no avail. Booker and Mathews praised Long for his fairness in this matter. Cole, of course, disagreed. By making this match, Long is just opening himself up to more complaints by Christian, for instance, what if Henry gets pinned? Christian can say he never lost the match, but his partner did. Crowd chanted “RKO” as Christian and Henry tagged in and out to work over Orton. Inside cradle by Orton for two. Henry tossed Orton around like a rag-doll. Butt splash by Henry missed, as Orton rolled out of the way. Both men tried to get up at 2:51, and Kane did get the hot tag. He and Henry collided, with Kane getting the better of it. To the top, Kane nailed Henry with a flying clothesline. That only got two at 3:33 of the match. Kane picked Henry up, but fell back due to Henry’s weight. Tag to Christian and again I can hear that heavy breathing from someone. Kidney shots by Christian in the corner and again, he pushed the count to 4 ½. After softening up the big man, Christian tagged Henry in to do more damage. Overhand forearms by Henry to the chest of Kane. Henry ran into a chokeslam out of nowhere and both men fell to the mat at 6:12. Cole noted that Big Show has been taken to a local medical establishment due to the attack by Henry earlier in the show. Orton tagged in, but Christian didn’t, and Orton cleaned house on Christian anyway. RKO on Christian, but World’s Strongest Slam by Henry and Christian has another shot.
WINNERS: Henry and Christian, at 7:37.
Cole talked of Christian sacrificing himself so Henry, the legal man, would have time to recover. They replayed the finish and Christian took the title, trash talking a fallen Orton while holding it as the show came to a close.
What do you think? If you saw this show, we invite you to send your thoughts. Send your name, hometown, a 0-10 score rating the quality of the show, your picks for best and worst segments, and then a brief paragraph of thoughts on the show that we can publish in the Reader Reax segment later tonight or tomorrow. Send to
Greg Parks has been covering WWE Smackdown for since January of 2007. His audio show, “Gonzo and The Greg,” is available for download on the Torch VIP page. Give it a listen! Comments, questions and feedback are welcome, and can be sent to
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