TV REPORTS PARKS' WWE SMACKDOWN REPORT 4/16: Ongoing "virtual time" coverage of the show, including The Hart Dynasty vs. The Straight Edge Society
Apr 16, 2010 - 9:00:23 PM
WWE Smackdown review
April 16, 2010
Taped 4/13/10 in London, England
Aired on MyNetwork TV
By Greg Parks, PWTorch Columnist
- WWE Open.
- Smackdown Open.
- In the arena, coming out first: Chris Jericho. The first thing he took issue with was Randy Orton, a Raw wrestler, facing Jack Swagger for a Smackdown Title, at Extreme Rules. He reminded fans that he has a rematch against Swagger to use, yet he can’t, because Teddy Long is an incompetent buffoon. Jericho asked him to rectify the situation by (a) resigning immediately, and (b) ensuring that, at Extreme Rules, he gets to face the winner of Orton vs. Swagger. He said he deserves something better, since he is, after all, the most valuable performer in the company. Then Edge’s music interrupted Jericho’s rant, and the Rated R Superstar came out.
Edge said he found himself agreeing with a few of Jericho’s points, namely, the fact that the World Championship needs to stay on Smackdown, and that Jericho is owed a rematch. But he did say that Jericho isn’t the guy to save the title for Smackdown. He reminded Jericho how many times he has one-upped him. Edge told Jericho to give up on the rematch, because he didn’t think Jericho could beat Orton or Swagger, whereas Edge knew he could. He said he could spear Jericho right there and prove it. As Jericho and Edge danced around each other in the ring, Teddy Long came out. Long said he didn’t appreciate Jericho hatin’ on him. For real, Teddy. Jericho responded by saying that if Long was smart, he wouldn’t have to hate on him. Long mentioned the possibility of having Jericho thrown out of the building. He then said Orton wouldn’t be number one contender if he and Edge hadn’t gotten themselves counted out last week. He said that Jericho has a rematch clause, but it’s Long who decides it, not Jericho. He said Jericho would get his championship rematch tonight. Jericho congratulated Teddy for doing the right thing, then promised to make sure Edge never got another title shot again. Long disagreed with Jericho, and said Swagger will defend the title tonight against Chris Jericho AND Edge, in a Triple-Threat Match. This was the match I predicted for the PPV…I guess they wanted to get Orton on the card and had nothing for him to do.
[Commercial Break]
- Drew McIntyre came out for his match. He got the mic and said people don’t like him. He listed off some possible reasons why, including that he’s I.C. Champion and the chosen one. He ended by saying he doesn’t like the fans either.
Kane used his strength to his advantage early on in the match. Shoulder knock-down for a two-count by Kane. Low dropkick from Kane, but his pin attempt only got him one. He missed a corner charge and McIntyre knocked him down with a big boot. Neck-breaker on the knee by the champion. Kane responded with a big boot of his own, while Matt Striker gave some background on Kane, including the black glove he wears being the only remnant of the fire that killed his parents. Remember that? Top rope clothesline from the big man. McIntyre escaped the confines of the ring before he could be chokeslammed. He then backed up the ramp to leave, but Matt Hardy stopped him and shoved him back into the ring. That was enough for a DQ.
WINNER: McIntyre, by DQ, at 3:10. Has someone throwing someone else back into the ring always been a DQ?
After the bell, Kane chokeslammed McIntyre. Then, just for fun, he did it to Hardy too.
- Long was in his office backstage when Jack Swagger walked up to him. He was predictably unhappy about being put in a Triple-Threat with his title on the line. Long said Swagger will have to deal with his rulings as long as he’s World Champion.
[Commercial Break]
- Striker plugged’s Most Historic Draft Picks of All-Time.
- Dolph Ziggler came out for a match. Like McIntyre before him, he got the mic prior to his match. Ziggler said he was forced by Teddy Long to apologize for attacking a TV announcer last week. He did it in the most unapologetic voice possible. Truth came out as his opponent and talked about how Ziggler didn’t have any heart or soul, and didn’t mean anything he said in his apology. Truth said Ziggler will found out that the truth hurts.
Ziggler faked a handshake, and went on the attack. Reverse bodylam for a near-fall, but Truth came back with a clothesline. Jumping side kick from the rapper, then a high hip-toss. Lie Detector was countered as I imagined Matt Striker and Josh Mathews playing golf with each other, as Striker suggested. Ziggler applied the sleeper, bringing Truth to the mat. Eventually, the ref called for the bell, as Truth was out.
WINNER: Ziggler, at 2:08. I wonder if they changed the focus of Ziggler’s finisher to the sleeper because his and Benjamin’s finishers were so similar, and Shelton is now on Smackdown. Either way, getting the sleeper over as a serious move gets a thumbs-up from me.
[Commercial Break]
Mickie making her return to action here. Striker said Mickie’s fans are known as the “James Gang.” Layla and Vickie Guerrero came to the ring to cheer on McCool. Michelle took Mickie down, but she made the mistake of taunting her. Quick roll-up by Mickie for two, then another. Back elbow by Mickie found the mark, then she went for her tornado DDT, but McCool blocked it. She put James on the apron and pushed her head-first into the ring post. Head-scissors by McCool. She grabbed the ropes for a quick bit of leverage. Michelle basked in the cheers of her ringside supporters, which allowed Mickie to get a few blows in. Knee to the face by McCool. James came back with a hurricanrana and a clothesline. McCool tried to take a break on the outside, but James caught her and threw her gut-first into the barricade. She climbed the barricade and landed on McCool with a Thesz Press. Then one for Layla. She stared down Vickie before throwing Michelle into the ring. Neck-breaker from Mickie for only one, as Layla got on the apron to distract her. McCool’s big boot found the mark, and that was enough to turn out Mickie’s lights.
WINNER: McCool, at 4:20. Good match, but I’m surprised they didn’t give Mickie a win in her return, and a non-title match.
McCool continued her assault on James until Beth Phoenix ran out to make the save. Beth grabbed Michelle by the ankle as she tried to escape, and finally she did. Team LayCool jumped over the announcers and into the crowd as Phoenix chased her. She gave up in the crowd, and ended up standing on the barricade. Back in the ring, Beth and Mickie showed signs of respect. Didn’t this happen a few months ago, only for Beth to assault Mickie?
- Rey Mysterio and The Hart Dynasty face the Straight Edge Society, with Darren Young, later tonight.
[Commercial Break]
- They showed what happened a few weeks ago when Jack Swagger cashed in his MITB shot against Chris Jericho.
- Luke Gallows did some really bad line readings threatening Darren Young backstage. Young asked what it was like to lose to an NXT Rookie. C.M. Punk separated them and put each one of them in their place. He told them to fight out in the arena and to show the world what Straight Edge was all about.
- The Straight Edge Society made their way to the ring. They face the Hart Dynasty and Rey Mysterio next.
[Commercial Break]
The Miz was doing commentary for this match. Gallows and Smith started off the match. Powerslam for two by Smith. Some triple teaming by the faces, with Kidd and Mysterio double dropkicking the face of Gallows. He tagged his leader, C.M. Punk. More triple-teaming, this time on Punk. Punk came back and kicked away at Mysterio in the corner, using the sole of his shoe to choke Rey. Mysterio turned the tables with a head-scissors, but Punk dodged a 619. The Society re-grouped on the outside as they went to break about 5:00 in.
[Commercial Break]
Mysterio was kicking away at the legs of Young out of break. Smith tagged in and continued the face dominance. Young regained control of the match against Kidd, and tagged in Gallows. He tried to launch Kidd over the top, but Kidd landed on the apron. He tried to jump back in, but Gallows gave him a boot to the face. Back to Young, with a neck-breaker on Kidd. Kidd and Punk had another short segment until Young tagged in and missed a middle-rope leg-drop. Kidd took Punk down and mdae the hot tag to David Hart Smith. He cleaned house on the entire Society, but that cost him. Things broke down with all six men, and Punk kicked Smith in the head for a near-fall. Knee thrust by Punk, but Smith landed a drop-toe hold in the corner. 619 around the steel by Rey, then a powerslam from Smith ended things.
WINNERS: The Hart Dynasty & Mysterio, at 13:18. Good contest that allowed the Harts and Young to get some big-match experience.
- Chris Jericho was talking to his NXT Rookie Wade Barrett backstage. Jericho said he hopes that someday, Barrett will get the same opportunity he’s getting tonight. Jericho said lucky number seven (as in title reigns) would be coming to him this evening.
[Commercial Break]
Sounds like a new theme song from the Dudebusters. Not as good as their first, but better than their second. As soon as the match began, Shad Gaspard walked to the ring. He was trash talking JTG from ringside, pacing back and forth. Croft got a few near falls, but the focus was clearly on Shad at ringside. JTG came back with a twisting neck-breaker. His comeback was in full effect, and he didn’t seem to be thrown by Shad at ringside. Croft with a neck-breaker for two. JTG rolled the dice, then hit Croft with his finisher for the win.
WINNER: JTG, at 3:13. Not much to the match; just a back-drop for the post-match happenings.
JTG was immediately attacked by Shad with a hard clothesline. The beat-down continued, with Shad yelling that JTG “ain’t nothin’ without me.” JTG made a comeback however, and dropkicked Shad out of the ring. The two stared at each other with angry faces to end the segment.
- Edge was casually talking to Josh Mathews backstage, mentioning how he could relate to Jack Swagger. He said Swagger is in a tough spot with this Triple-Threat, and that he would leave the arena as World Champion.
[Commercial Break]
- The Raw Rebound aired, focusing on Randy Orton vs. Batista.
- Striker thanked Saliva for “Time To Shine,” the official theme song for Extreme Rules.
- Speaking of Extreme Rules, the announcers previewed the card as it stands today.
- Jack Swagger came to the ring for the Championship Triple-Threat match. It’s next.
[Commercial Break]
Formal ring introductions were done by Tony Chimel. Swagger and Jericho double-teamed Edge to start, but that partnership did not last long. Edge threw Swagger over the top rope, but Jericho assailed Edge from behind. As Edge regained control, Swagger tripped him up from outside. Jericho and Swagger set up for a double-team, but they both ended up going over the top rope trying to attack Edge. He landed a double baseball-slide on the two men. Edge tossed Jericho into the barricade, then focused in on Swagger. However, Edge and Swagger ended up double-teaming Jericho. Triple-Threats make strange bedfellows….match went to break more than four minutes in.
[Commercial Break]
Swagger was on offense against Edge out of break, working the arm. He even had time to knock Jericho off the apron and back to the floor. Vader Bomb connected for a near-fall. He continued pounding away with forearms on Edge. Edge tried to turn the tide, but Jericho attacked him. Things turned up a notch with all three men back in the ring. Double clothesline off the second rope by Edge. Swagger got sent into the announce table, and Edge rolled Jericho up for two. Another near-fall for Edge. Bulldog attempt by Jericho was avoided by Edge, who then set up for the Spear. Jericho countered for a roll-up into a Walls of Jericho. Swagger tried to interfere, but Jericho applied the move to him. DDT by Edge on Jericho. Swagger Bomb, but Edge countered that into a DDT, then got ready to Spear the champion. Jericho cut him off in the middle of his run and made a cover for two. Oklahoma Roll for a very near-fall by Swagger. Codebreaker connected on Swagger, but all three men were down. Edge speared Jericho and went for a pin, but Swagger pulled Edge off and made the pin himself. Striker, in celebration, almost had the throaty sound of Buffalo Sabres announcer Rick Jeanneret.
WINNER: Swagger, at 15:58.
Swagger tried to send a message to Orton by giving a Swagger Bomb to Edge. They showed a replay of the finish. After that, Jericho attacked Edge, stomping on his Achilles. He wrapped Edge’s legs around the ring post and used the stairs to try to exacerbate the injury. A satisfied Jericho was shown walking to the back to close the show.
Greg Parks has been covering WWE Smackdown for since January of 2007. Comments, questions and feedback are welcome, and can be sent to
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